I. t v., , ::i , ; ' THE OREGON .'. DAILY JOURNAL',; PORTLAND, FRIDAY"?;' EVENINQ, , MARCH j 20,r: 1008. V ; V r'y.B: : v.V ,vy fl'V-H ; v;-, 17 roil SALE REAL ESTATE n 1 - . - - - - -- - - - - ' Fine property for- balk in ' Rood market town on Southern pa- cine; good schools and churches! one ..acre planted to all kinds of fruit 1 . story, 8-room hou on aolld found. , linn with porches,'-closets and psntryi alto two-story blaek-smllh sud wagon nop ana jarg narn. trice, st.ivv, , tag with bath room J graded atreeta. in neuwooa. , - otnur, vo w ave. . FOIl 8 ALE FARMS ,a-aWai-Wsw sWbj-- 1 . ,V ; , FARMS. . ... ; 126-acf' farm, beat iT Yamhill county) large hous and tarn, R, F. D, telephone; could b cut up and sold at proiii, -, -,. . i. ' 640 acre wheat land, taatarn Wash ington, all in cropi owner non-resident and. anxious to sell. . ,' , . 280 acreg near Condon at ne prtce good water,: fruit, 140 acre la crop.. . -. . ' . H. M. BARRETT. V ', i tot Couch bide . . k. Lands under tti Furnish A Co project, Umatilla comity. Or. Gallon Columbia Land Co.;" 603 Marguam bldg,.-Portland. HcodRrcr Snap -u; ,. 14,500 Buy a id arrea riverfront fruit farm; good house, inta of fruit, fine wa ter aupply: aa Waal location; the owner will sacrifice. -Address George D. Cul tortvon A. Co, leading . land agents, Hood River, Or. tioi-k&tEAi u AW bEsfcRt.cUtMS .. - LOCATED. All level, food, valier land. For pam phlet wrU to , v " .. pacific lan co . ' ' Lakevlew. Or. ' is ARliA 6M I5T3f ALLMfctot" PLAM; - - 1.5o; 1 100, 1100 per year t per cent; U ml lea east of Portland on Baaallne (lark Boll; spring, creek, eehooL 1211 WlnouH ave., phone Voodlawn 114. pimA? J-AnMIK6! FhUlt "AKB v grating landa. and government .mud .In Lake county, Oregon. Circular free. ireuaei h patne. iatteview, Oregon. AcrEAgB Oti EAfey fjiR"Mir Bmall tract a, one acre or lea with city water, and clone to carllne, a mokt desirable Ideation for a home: caah nay. , menta lea than 1100; balance by the . montn; no ooiirr piace ror your aavinga .Ilartman St Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. -' ' ,Arm Wk1 bALW "bY tivNiiR If V taken noon I will aell my farm, con sisting or i acres, gomi nuniin, on ,-Halem far Una, for $1,000, Including a fine team and wagon, HO cow and farm impiemen.a. Apply l norld su rul ton. phone Main 21! SR. X' Ac'RiiS (?UtlVATSn. n6?Bi!!. earn ano orcnard, on a gooa road, Shk 'tntlea southeast Of Mllwaukle; go-xj soil; price, 13.490, Including crop now If amen. m. i-oieman, MiiwauKie, ur. ACRE& NEAR DALLAS. 5T5 count v road, nart m cultivation, fair oauaingf; oniy no per acre. j. w. Uitherford. Commercial blk. WRM8 FHOM t TO 800 ACRES tfEAR Vancouver, wash., Improved or unlm Proved. Kinney & fltampher, 631-32 jiimwr r.acnwnge oiog, S Acres of the Famous llood River apple land will make you In- aepenaent; a rew more, or tneee at isov; 130 cash and $10 pr month. Go and aee them at our expenae. MOOD RIVER-OREGON INP. CO. , Z2i Lumber b'xchangn bldg. Phon Main 6645. T00 . land, U0 acres, house, barn and or chards, In Linn county; good term. Room 1 Washington bldg. Phone Main 1741. Grain and fruit ranches at all rice a. -"OR 1 SALfi! 408-ACRE RANCH NEAR Mfll City, with some improvements, mostly red and vellow fir timber, one inlhs from river; price til per acre; no. agent uock nn a, miu t'lty. or. i. O. ELROD. 519-SiO COjlBEtX1 BLbO, , V, .4HUV WAV for wheat Hindu TIMBER timber run ?i k . v - see me and Ulk timber. I have j a. relinaulshments and millions : Come location f lAnalarf all nvar wul.rn flnrnn. 1 . . v-1 , ' I atlafactlon guaranteed or money back, my motto. GEO W. DOUGLASS. 118 Worcester bldg. ' " ' RELINQUISHMENTS, i 3,600.000 nr, V mite from the Ne- naiem river. 4.000.000 fir and cedar near White Salmon river. Will be sold cheap it taken at once. , W. J. Cook, 602 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 4977 INTERESTED IN OREGON AND. CAL Ifornta land grant , timber claims? Call or address . JR. O. Downey, 669 E. BtarK! location ree fin, HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day, week and month; special ratea to business houses. 6th and Hawthorns. HORSES, HARNESS. WAGONS bought, sold. axcDangea ana rentes. 211 Washington st. FOR SALE--LIVESTOCK FOR SALE CHEAP ONE DOZEN BIN. - aria comb thoroughbred Buff Orping ton pullet;. Bowles. Northern Hill Sta- lon, PC ,onin cur. JJW5 CHUlCJa JlSKBttJT COW, i'KyBH, one registered Jersey bull. 137 .E. ein mi., n., cor, naiwey OR SALE 2 COWS, ONE FRESH ; . aoon M. A. xoJtom, R. D. No. 7. phone JTRESH COWS FOR gXLE"AT8l a. Maa llaon St. FOR SALE A GOOD 1 JERSEY " COy; ; reasonaoie. r-. juurnm. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS YORK BAND INSTRUMENT AND MTJ' sic house; repairing. 217 Stark. LAND SCRIPWANTED AND FOR . :. sale, ; . . ALL KINDS, INCLUDING APPROVED forest reserve scrip for surveyed. Un- Jurveyed timber and prairie government and. H. M. Hamilton. "The Portland." GOVERNMENT SCRIP, ALL TCINdS. for surveyed or unsurveyed lands. lowest prices, Moulton ft Bcobey, atter neys, 604 Columbia bldg., Portland, Or. I FOR SAXE-aUSCELLANEOVS , f Owfn to' thi ra'ntd' growth of' our business we have been compelled to en large our store, . but although the car penters and painters are at work we are selling more goods and cheaper than before. We are agents tow for' the cel ebrated Wedgewood Ranges, fuel savers and Perfect Bakers, cheap, because it is best The Dollar, 231 1st : Furniture of 8 fvvrjr (Hind luiiuuf uw kiiu iwu tt, , . W wanf your trada. t I I SALE-CHEAP. LEAVING ' THi citv: have fine, complete Edison mov ing picture outfit wicludlng electric and gas oumii Klin nni Niiurn iusip, rv, Room 14 Palmer house 850 Alder. " gan berry plants. Tel, East -6898, -A. J. Garnett, 636 coiumpia isiougn roan. TYPEWRITERS SECOND-HAND AND fantnrv rahllllt tSt.un. 147 Stark at OVE DOCTOR .WK REPAIR. PUT In colls or exchange, bay or sell stoves " -1 18 1st The Dollar. Main 6174. PEOPLE'S -'" 'DRN1TX)RB' "' " HOUSE I buy: and ella verythlng.iA Pricea Hght ti8 Vt Front st phone Main 4290, HYDRAULIC ClDER PRESS; CEMENf hollow- block and. brick machine, 66i Marshall st SINGLE COMB BLACG T eggg f rom prfre winnera, II.. Rarrarl Plvmouth grade, 31 per IS. 11. ionanue. orient at-, bet. Portland B'l'vd and Holman. jpELL CHdAf," WHEELER ft WltSoM sewing machine, 9xjl rug, household roods, books, etc. 284 Clay at. - FOR 6ALE ONE SET X10 VOLUMES . Century- Encyclopedia and - Atlas. 4 morocco bindlngr good condition i-price 127.50. ju. o. jiammon, ia a. water. at FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HUN BOOST HUIE. JAPANESH OOODB, matting, Chlnawaxe, alike, tea. rattan chair sxlej prices low. 169-171 Id st. KRowNLicoiiiJa nO k a V TZa iWS stock; egKa 11.26 per setting; fa per t)0N'T NKtJtrKC'YoUH KOtJEtl. ' Oll dur roanure from Pmlth a talry. at iuu. i:nns uesne, l.enm, ur. once, rnone Mam tan. ; FOH BAUl;WOriUFP 6RFlNOf6M cockerela, 1168 each., W. Hi, earring' ton. Mount Tabor. Or. V$& flALaTftONO. WtJLL.R6oTiiU lognnbrry plants, E. 41st and Stan ley I w, car. m, M. sneiiey. LAVTON ' COPU.HA0E CO. ALL kinds of barrels and bottlea bought and sold 4 M. Frnt. Phone Main 1147. IcDwiW fnT. CEALer " JM : SackS 6I Albina ave. SEW CARPET AND RUC LOOM. S2I3 1 two rood milch co wa. 150. . 11(1, E, paimon at. . ' - FOR SALE AND EXdlANGE TRADE IT FOR WHEAT FARMS. IT pays 10 per cent Interest net H-620 Hnrhett hldr. - loR ' HxVa 6h' TRAti3-6ti6cEtt atore In choice location: a bargain; what have youT Phone Tajor 11. 10 ' ACUER mm?. UOUL bUlU ereek, aome cleared, balanoe easy; trade cot tag a and lot Phone eveninjia, Wnodlawn SI. Lot' In" IRVINUTON EXCHANOB ' nrtft hAvv horeea. Phone evenings, WnnHlnwn 111 . If toU WAKt 16 Wit. SELL, Or trade real estate aee Stevenson 4k Taylor, 111 Buchanan blag. - -vVlLL'EXClUNGa i ACREa Gtt Johnson creek, near carllne, for Long Beach - or Seaside improved property. V-l.' Journal. - 1 land, partly Improved; wHl take houae and lot or sea on easy terms, its rx Soth st Tabor lit. UK HAVE A LARGS LIST OF FARMS and timber claims to trade for stores or city r roperty. Long st Chambcrltn, 611-411 Bwetlwnd bldg. PERSONAL t ry-ajn-rx ii njir-u-i,iri rt -i. r J Kidney-Cure Tea W. J. VAN DAMME. ' 111 Morrison street near bridge, neat to Paps Cof fee House. NSW TESTIMONIAL. To Whom It May Concern: After suffering for the fast 25 years with kidney rouoie. and a pending more than tl.000 on doctors and medicine, 1 got no better. Theae different doctors that taVe been treating me have called my disease Rheumatism. Chronlo Ap pendicitis, Fibrous Tumors and Heart Trouble. 1 called on Van Damme and ob tained front htm a bottle ot Ma "Kidney Cure Tea." about als weeka ago, and have alnce uaed four other bottlea,- making five In alt nd today 1 consider myself a new person. For any fur ther testimonials call at my home and 1 will gladly furniah them. MRS. K. L. FITZGERALD, 186 Bandy Road, Portland, Or., Feb. 20, 10. Put up In 0o and fl.10 bottlea. Women'e and children' diseases treated excluilvely by graduate and licensed women phyalclana on.y, Nerv ous and chronio dlaeaaea a specialty. Maternity caaea given apeciu atten tion. Up-to-date maternity hospital in connection. No charge for consultation. Address all correspondence to r TUB LANE INSTITUTE, . Rooms I to 14 Grand Theatre bldg, 362 V. Washington, corner Park. Phonea .nfnln 1028 and A-6607. Appoint- in i made by pnone. WK CURE AIl"Jlseasa of men. women and chil dren .acute or chronic; dlaeaaea of the 'a'. throat brain, lungs, heart ""IT kidneys, liver, bladder, stomach and t!l .ki '7.. ....i. 0ni,ra in.llltloa '.T"'- .. V- """:"r-"L 111. oigesiion ana conanpaiion permauoiiiiy ?Ure,t All private anfl wasting diseases promptly cured and their effecta per manently removed from the system. We guarantee all our cures. Consulta tion free and strictly confidential. Columbia Sanitarium, offices 16-35, en trance room 22, Raleigh bldg-, 6th and Washington sts., Portland, Oregon. iCXbiES. li'.boo reward we posi- Ergo-Kolo "Monthly" Compound. Safe ly relieves eome of the longest moat obstinate abnormal caaes In 1 to 6 days; no barm, pain . or interference with work. Mall 81.60. Double atrongth 81.00. Buy-of druggist or write ur. eoutnington Hcmeay vi. Dept 17. Kan- aas City, Ho. MADAM A. A. LUCKEY. Gives electrlo baths and vibratory treat ment; also scientific and electric mas sage: special treatment for paralysis. Speclflo female remedy for all irregu larities. Graduate Swedish operator in attendance. 3Q9ft 4th st. .Main MIL ,, MME." VASHTI, AND ASSISTANT. Miss Hasel Dean, graduate maaseuae of New York City, gives vapor and sponge bath and message treatments; expert manicure and chiropody work; nil itlnnui nt tha aculri end face Cured. Suites 1 nnd 3, 191H Alder st. cor. 5th. 1 '. . 1 ' ' Cbronic Diseases Of men and women cured by modern Physio-Therapy; electricity for disease of the prostate. Dr. W. L Howard. 804-6-6 Rothchild bldg.. 4th and Wash. Br. T. J. Pierce AJl diseases and weaknesses of men cured quicker : and cheaper than any where else. Call or write. 181V4 lt nt., cor. Yamhill, .' . Dr, PMUp T.Bali Paralysis,, goitre. rneimatUm, nervoua chronio, spinal and female diseases. 603 FIFTH STREET. COR. SHERMAN. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NOV T els, etc.: German. English, French. Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all kinds. Bchmaie co.. sz tat a- DON'T RE DULL ANU INACTIVE; Bexlne Pills cure all weakness; 11 a box, 6 for 36; full cuartntee. Address or call the 3. A. Clemenson Drug Ca h'nli'taAvd OF MARRIAGEABLE AGE. either sex, desiring acqualntanaa, send lOe for atrcular. Portland Introducing Bureau, room a. mitt 1st st,, city. UAt, lAIUWn.1 .. .RAAUW nWfV A.-. A ance young wiaow iaay xor company; lady with lttWe girl preferred. Address DR. SANDERSON CO:, SAVIN AND cotton . Root Pills, sure remedy- for delayed periods. 32 per box or 3 boxes a. lit. nerce. lam ii t. RISELdA -- SHAMPOOS, FACIAL massage and magnetic treatments, 190V4 8d 6t. Room 19. WANTED-l'O CORRESPOND WITH laay; nintrimoniai objeot, F. W. if., 3 82 H E. -Madison. THE 8NOWDEN " BATHS, 146tt 6 Til st ; vapor and sponge baths, vlbrato.-y massage.. Rooms t4 and 6. MADAME VASHaT. "MASSAGE AND baths,' maniourlng and 21 Mi Alder st Room 1. chiropody. MISS ETHEL . WARD. MANICURING , and-ohlropody; face, scglp, corps, and ingrowing nails treated. 201H 3d St. JkRfl. oRROCK, MASSEUSE, CA-INlit - bath, aalt clow, cream massage; ref erences. 161H Park. Main 8401. A-1734. TURKISH : BATHS, 300 OREGONIAN bldg.; ladies,.days, geaUemeo nights. Matn Hf8. ; - ' hO. bin. OhoOnq. Importer-cni: nes root medicines; seiis Cntnesetea, certain euro for all diseases. 193 3d at. YOUNGi" - REFINED GENTLEMAN, atranaer. would like to meet some re. fined ladles. X-8, Journal. - - - .- - - BRUIN ;. DETECTIVE SERVICE CO, '40 Hamilton bid?. M. 4941 A-2545. LORN A DALE. MANICURIST SHAM poolng. etc. One call means another. Room 16 Mllner bldg.. 850 Morrlsoc. DRS. ATWOOD, PRIVATE HOSPITAL. Home for unfortnnate girls; good car . confinement. 809 AUky blue JPERfiOXAL MISS QIRSON GIVES BCALP TREAT . mentj ,. dandruff. , Morrison, room 61. i . FKUKiNa i NATIONAL" IIKHUS' ANl MANICURIN(1AD SCALP TREAT. ment, Morrison st Rooms. I and 4. Hours 10 to 8. ' v BAlTTof figs fr' aLU W'.maLW . diseases. 416 B. Bel mont East 4014. 10LU." WrINKLEsT'kUpe'RflOoU 4 hair, removed. Mrs. Hilt 110 Fleldner. SXNt Infr.raclal massage. 110 Burnstde st CURING tlemen. S6r ladies ' anH gentlemen 14m Morrison, room 1. badia 'granK manicuring and facial maaeage, , Hoom 8. 146 H th. FaCiaL ' and sCALp rmsaAUS; . l...l si aa. a a . ' manlcurtng- t'-l4. tH Morrison. kRB. ' d.' CORNELiua, ' flf HtlfOAX medium. Belllng-Hlrsch bldg. A-1410. MAHHAGU. VAPOR AND TUB bathb; iaiy attendants. U0V 4th, cor, wssn ATTORIfETS GILLIAM A QILLIAM. ATTORNET8 at law, TIP C of C bldg. Main 4101. Interstate adjustment CO.. laW J A Km lAia U 69 4V M CUA A VV-i collections. 414 Buchanan bldg. M. (110 A.' It TANNElt 'AT'fV; 4uk COMMftft-" eltl blockf Id and Wash. Main 1444. C H.lOQOTT AND 1L J. BIGGER, attorneys, rooms 4-8- Mulkey t)ldg. IOULTQN A BCpBEYTATTpRNEYB. U4 Loiumuia bldg. Main i&o; a-i 50. ART EXPERT MOULDINO AND BTATU ary work, plaster casts and oma- menta. Antique. Grecian, Roman and Florentine. G. Adaml Co.. 14 Columbia. HAND CARVlNtJ f AuGtlTl DriALbHTN" antique furniture repairing, ezswasn. ABSTRACTS LAWYERS' ABSTRACT TRU8T Ca M. 660. A-4221. Portland Trust Co. bldg. BUTCilKRS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. DEKUM. 111-111 ISt 8TH carrlea a full and complete assort- ment at lowest market prices. a BIRKENWAL.D 4k COn 04-3v6 EV- erett St.. isrgest butcher supply nousev BATHS TURKISH AND RUSSIAN. 11. 20T ID. Main 484. Other baths with pool, sac. bODLr TURKlbil BATHS, iMPE- rlal hotel, open Pay ana "g"t- BLANK-BOOK- MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS K1LHAM, 109-111 XO at Branx dooks n.anuiaciureo; agia. for Jones' Improved Loosa-Leaf ledg ers; see the new Eureka leaf, the best on the market . CIUROPOUISTS CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. 1J0 Fleldner Diag. CARPET CLCANINO JOYCE BH08.. PROPRIETORS OF THE Klectrlo Cleaning works; carpets cleaned and laid, both dry and com pressed air cleaning; carpet renttlng our specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main 1471 and a-mil. aio urani si. tiANl'X'ARY CARPET CLEANING. BUC- tlon and oompressed ' air. carpeta Cleaned on floor. Main 6634 and 3200. CHIROPRACTORS DR. G. & BRIET LING GRADUATE P. B. C 4)00- Marovuam bldg. A-1421. DR. L M GORDON. CRADUATB P. B. C 104 6 Oreg. bldg. Phone A-I161. COLLECTIONS. WE GIVE YOUR ACCOUNTS SUCH Deraonal attention as they demand. R. C. Chlsm. 607 Qouch bldg. A-11U. COAL AND WOOD SLABWOOD, GREEN AND DRY. I TO good nr cordwooa jo.ou, in quan- tlos. Union Fuel Co., foot of Mont some gomery st. Phones Main bo, A-a4 V UUU UAICCI", AHA XJS4. OUAAl, block and cordwood; any length: best ouallty; quick service. Steel Bridge T . .11)1.-1-1' , VT Till V C, D Fuel Co. Phones E-414. C-1773 FIRST-CLASS DRY CORDWOOD. 16.60; sawed 6Uo extra, cnurcmey tiros.. IS tit and Marshall. M. ai, A-8931. PACIFIC 2974. HOME A-8843 DRY slab wood. 84; heavy Inside wood, $4.60; block wood, 15; green slab wood. 83, Promptly delivered Call Main 6963 Foot of Curry Bt WESTERN FEED ft FUEL CO. Houae and blacksmith coals, coke. charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 101. TELEPHONE EAST 7, ! F. B. JONES ft CO Wood and coal. 181 East Water at SUNSET COAL CO., BEST LIGNITE coal In city, 37 per ton. Alder. Main 66t. YAMASHITA WOOD CO. CHEAP wood. E. 6th and Main. East 818. CHEAPEST FUEL STANDARD WOOD CO.. 347 E. BtarK. East, Z31B, B-1S96. UoAL AKD wOoi-BUNNt,SIDE AND vicinity. B 1067, Prompt delivery. FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONE Oregon Fuel Fue Co.. 884 Alder. DRY FIR CORDWOOD, SAWED. 16.00 load. Hegners woon co. Main t. MOUNT HOOD FUEL CO.. 350 WATER at; prompt delivery. Phone Main 8270. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS 3- 3. RANKIN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Jobbing and remodeling a specialty. 287 Front st Phones Main 6623; Wood- lawn, 991. E. MELTON OFFICE, STORE FIX- ..Na-,l 4nKklnw 67 let st Phone Main 8190. CONTRACTORS AND DESIGNERS F. E. KING. CONTRACTOR, DESIGN- er and builder. 866 E. 7th st N, Phono East 675. .CLEANING AND DYEING SUNNY8IDF. STEAM CLEANING AND Dyo Works, cleaning, pressing, repair ing and dyeing. Work called for and delivered. Tabor 1Q&7. 2Q5 34tn pt. THE" PHILADELPHIA DYEING AND Cleaning Works. L. A. Jones, prop. Free call and delivery. 80H Grand ave. Phone B-1885. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED. 11 per month, unique Tailoring Co, ;p9 Stark et H. W. TURNER. DYER CARPETS dyed a specialty. 606 Jefferson st Main 261 3. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL W. M. MILLER, V.S.. VETERINARIAN, 26 N- 8th st Office 327 Flanders, r-none Main Tl, DR. C. E. BROWN'S DOG AND HORSE hospital. 108 N. 6th f Phones Main bb; A-4vt residence, facino 840. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITALi 289 Gllsan t. Phone Main 1484. DRESS3IAKING DRESSMAKING AT HOME OR BY . the day.; Miss Cblaholm. Th Beaver. Phone Main 6771. AXITTciNDS OF FINE AND PLAIN - sewing, also embroidery done by the pisiera or tne uooq unepnero DRESSMAKING WAISTS 75a ... TJP: skirts 33 UD. -- Paciflo,,. 15. 202J- td, corner Taylor. - '' . 'DANCING WALTZ, nwo-ktep . -three-step" - and . stage dancing; lessons 16c; 7 ladle and gentlemen teachers. Prof. WaL Wil son's school, office and Kail 1),-Selling-Hlrsch bldg., $86 Wash.vbet W. Park and 10th;-also dancing taught by mall. PKOai', R1NGLER DANCING ACADEM V; a, select school; class or private lea ions dally. 888H K. Morrison, phone. M'MINN'S DANCING ACADEMY, MUL ' key cldg., 2d and Morrison su, CLAIRVOYANTS I AND PALMISTS r,lJpROFEB80RfiH The Benson bldg., ith and Morrison sts. CI'AlRVOyANT! TRANCE MEDIUM, PALMIST AND OCCULT M If 8T id . WILL GIVE HIS .FULL LIFE U READINGS FOR 60a AND $1.00. ALBu your poroticope typewritten. ALL FOR THIS PRK'R - v , V AS I'ROOF or Mi wonderrui power, ne will tell your full iumi, address, occu pation and the objoct tf your visit ab solutely, jree or enarae. it ugi correcu Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; ADVIHER OK Btifi I NEKM. AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE: whom you will marry, how to control the -one you love., oven thotiglr -miles awsy; reunites tne eeparaea; gives crec powers o sunirui mnmrm, uu ference how cloee or how faf away you ran always obtain vour desired results. Tells you lust bow, where and. when to Invest your money- to obtain best pos sible results.. If you. are alck, jnelan- choly.' flisnearienea or aiscouragoo, tsu NOT GIVE UP JN DESPAIR; come and receive Spiritual advice that will help vou to receive HEALTH. WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. . Remember the name and low fee. PROFESSOR SHELDON. - The Benson bldg., cor. 6th and Mor. ats. TED CLIARVOYAN I 1VVA Ara voi thinking of consulting a clairvoyant? Than why not oonault the best? Are you In douut troubled, sick, or dlscouragedt ' Then call on Vreeman. Your life revealed from Infancy to old 'ittn rs-T.T.a VmiB FtlLL, NAME. im where you lite, etc. In fact he telle you whom and when you will marry, with full name and date, and Is the only medium In Owgon who does thl, crectly .:. 25c Today and Tomorrow 25c ' Special Advice on Dusiness, msrnege, changes, positions, sales, etc., etc. Sat isfaction guaranteed, or not a enny ac cepted. Call today. Tomorrow never comes. . . tif ti Honrs 9 t . PROF. JAMES HENRY 2Sc .25c'" 25c European Clairvoyant. Trance Beer, Psychlo and Occult Teacher. Ger man, French and English. Prof. Henry's revelationa will aston ish you. In order to make himself popular with the public and owing to the financial conditions of the present day, Prof. Henry will give COMPLETE SPKCIAI readings for the small con sideration of 16a thla week only. Ad vice on love, courtship, marriage, busi ness, mining, speculation, lawsulta and real estate matter. 341 1-2 Morrison St Cor. 7th. opposite Tull A Glbbs. Bring mis n. FREE FOR ONE WEEK MORE. BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVB ABSQLUTELY FREE , One of ray CONSULTATION READING?. Always Consult the Best PROFESSOR KHIMO. Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant of the see: adviser on buslneaa and all affairs of life: tells your full name and what you called for, whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though miles away; re tinites the separated; glvea secret pow ers, to control; does all others advertise to do. Houre 10 to 8.. dally and Sunday. 7 Office, Noa. t and 4, Grand theatre bldg., 8S2ji Wash, near Park at Phone Main 1267. ' MRS." STEVENS. 15 YEARS PORT- land s leading palmist ana clairvoy ant; for a reliable reading on paat, pres ent and future, call on this girted seer ess. 343H Yamniu St., corner in. Wanda, the greaTes Mar V14I of the twentieth century, corner 6th and Madison. MISS MAY ANDREWS GIVES GOOD card readings. 26c. 825 Main. Main 764il. DOQ KENNELS. LEITROM KENNELS. 45TH AND DI vision sts. Tabor 125. Dogs boarded EDUCATIONAL SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY academy. Portland, Ur. Write for cat alogue. . ARITH. WRITING. BOOKKEEPING. Individual Instruction. 36 mo. 226 6th, ENGRAVERS DESIflNERS AND PHOTO ENGRA V era. Nelas A Connaway. 109 2d. M. 7319. Ea1PLO,YMENT agencies C. R, Hansen, Jr. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Men, 16 N Id. Main 1629. Women, 142 M Wash st Main I69S. Help supplied free to employers. fSIJARANTEE EMPLOYMENT CO. LOGGERS ft MILLMEN Headquarter. 1 N. 2d. Phone M 8007 at our expense. C. H. MUKKAr, Mgr. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 206H Morrison st.... Phone P Phone Paciflo 119 24 st Phone Pacific 1300 OLD AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT ft Real Estate Agency. Timber land a specialty. 29 y, N. 3rd st. Pacific 792. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 61 6tb st. Contractors, electrlo supplies, motors and dynamos; we Install plants. PACIFIC SLECTR1C ENGINEERING Co. Motors for sale or rent; wiring id supplies. .13 2d st. and GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY AND MARINE; ELEO trio equipments; launches, accessories; wholesale and retail: engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 16 Morrison. SMALLEY MARINE MOTORS. TWO and throe part combination take the lead. J. E. Wolff, agent, care Phoenix Iron Works. Stationery and marine gaso- Une enginea; we manufacture them; get our prices. Fairbanks. Morse ft Co. GENERAL REPAIRING YOUR OFFICE FURNITURE cleaned, repaired and polished every month for 11. Phone Pacific 190. THE HUMMER BICYCLE, ELECTRIC. al and giaolin repairing and sun drles; key-nttlng. 816 Stark. M. 7068. HACKS AND LIVEIILES. 1905 STABLES, HACKS. LIVERY, boarding and cole; furniture moving; 122 Union ave.: East 8582; night phone vw! Main 8044. A. Hessian. Prop. HOTELS HOTEL PORTLAND, plan only. 13. 16 day, EUROPEAN HOTEL OREGON,. EUROPEAN PCaT? HOTEL IMPERIAL! EUR 81 andUpT PERKINS, EUROPEAN. It AND (j& BELVEDERE." European; 4th and Airier, B E LLEVl'E. EUR 4 TH AND SALMON. HUMAN HAIR GOODS. HAIR ROOTED. CURLE0, CRIMPED ; and waved to stay, and made up, J. X Borg, 438 E. 9th. Eat 11H. INSURANCE JARMcL WOODACO ALL KINDS OF Insurance, surety bonds. McKay bldg. ISAAC' L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE? 844 Sherlock bldg. ""-. ;:. ; .-. l JEWELERS ... r ., WOLF, 665 WASH, FINE SPECTA- cies Due cigin witcnw .a. nepairing. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MASTICK A CO, FRONT ' . ana win sts, learner ana sains -or, every description for all Durnosea:, aola and. lap cutler; Xludlaga, -..... . . v 'IRST -NATIONAL BANK. Portland. CAPITAL AND UNITED UTATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. QREOON , s, r , ' .. 4 Northwest Comer Third and ak Street a. v . Tn,...i. a Mankina- RuainesL7, IntAKTfl ihsITED Available In AH Cltlee of the Vnlted Btaus and Europe, Hongkong and Manila. , Collections '' i "i 'i i ; made on Favorable Term. ',, President....... cl ' AINS WORTH I Caahler... R. W. BCHMEER ;Vlce-prealdent.....RrLKA BARNES Assistant Caahler. ..... ..W. A. HOLT Aaslstsnt Cashier... .........A. M. WRIGHT T ADD 4k TILTON, BANKERS PorUfnd. Oregon. Established 1I5. I ' . ' W. M, LADD.' - CM. LADD. J. W. LADD. , U Tmnsact a denernl Banking Business., SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Bavlnga books Issued on savings deposits, - Interest paid on time deposit. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA -Established 1164. Head Office. Ban FrindKk : Capital paid up. .... .14.000.000 Surplue and undivided pronts--110.163.H73 - General Banking. and Eichange Business Tranaacted. Interest on Time -'.Xtopftvlta..., BA VINOS XJEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened of 119 and up- ward. Portland Branch- Chamber ef Commerce i Building. WM. " R. MACREA.. Manager I J. T. BURTCHAELL. . . Ass t Mansger H' ERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK J. FRANK WATSON... President K. W. IIOYT ..Cashier S. C, CATCHING...... Transacts a General Banking Business. Available to AU Parts of the BONDS AND MORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber ot ' UnnlMn.1 TmtnmA mnA TOWNING-HOPKINS i COMPANY U STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold'for Cash an4 on Margin. Private Wires Rooms' iOl to 10 Couch Bldg. Phoneet M-131; A-117. GRAND CENTRAL LEAVING! PORTLAND. Southern Roseburg Passenger 1.16 a. m. Cottage Grove Passenger.. 4:16 p. in. California Expresa ........ 7:46 p. m. ban. Francisco Express . . .11:00 night WEST SIDE. Corvallls Passenger 7:00 a, m. Sheridan Passenger 4:10 p. m. Forest Orove Passenger ...11:00 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger .., 6:40 p. m. Portland to Dallas ... I'ortlund to Dallas o...i..n ,.K..-kan t -.ii,i during morning and afternoon. Last p. m. Northern Pacific. Tacoma A 8eatt1e Exp. ... 8:30 a. m. North Coaat ft Chicago, LIm 1:00 p. m. Overland Express ...11:46 p. tn. Oregon Railroad A Pendleton Pasaenger 7:15 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special . 1:10 a. m. Spokane Flyer 1:16 P. ni. Kan. City & Chi Exp 6:00 p. m. Astoria & Columbia River. Astoria ft Seaside Express. 8:00 a. m. II Astoria & Port. Passenger..lt:lB p. m. Astoria Express 6:00 p. m. Portland Express 10:00 p. m. Canadian Pacific Railway Co C. P. R. Short Line, via Spo 8:15 p. m. Via Seat., Vic ft Vane. .... 1:00 p. m. Vlu Sumaa 11:46 p. ni. Portland Ryv Light A Power Co. Cars Leave Ticket Office and Waiting- Room. First ana Aiuer sircvia, FOR OREOON CITT: 4:00, 6:10 a. m., and every 10 min utea (on the hour and half-hour), to and Including 9:00 p. m., then 10, 11; last car, 12, midnight. Gresham. Boring, Eagle Creek, Esta cada, Caxadero, Fairvlew and Trout dale 7:16. 9:15, 11:16 a. m.; 1:15, 8:46. 6:15, 7:25 p. m. Oregon Electric T.avlnr Portland Salem and Int points... 6:16 a. tn. 8:26 a. m. Salem and Int. points Salem. Tualatin. Wilson vllle, W. Woodburn, Ltd.. 9:06 a. m. Salem and Int. points 11:06 a, m. Salem and Int points 2:39 p. m. Salem. Tualatin Wilson- vllle. W. Woodburn. Ltd. 3:15 p. m. Salem and Int polnta . . . .tOJ?.m. MONEY TO LOAN REMEMBER, IF YOU WORK, WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY. SALARY LOANS UPON PLAIN NO fEa "A BSOLUTELY NO SBCU KIT ' Y. OUR RATES ARE THE LOWEST. WHAT MORE CAN YOU ABUT STATE SECURITY CO.. 704 DEKUM UL.LMJ. For all aalarled people. Com and get It; cheapest rate, smallest paymeniain city; for any one that want to make a loan privately and desires to b treated nonoraoiy in; ib m f""- 612. fifth floor, Dekum HU 1 X U Cxi 1 LOANS MADE ON ALL STOCKS AND w-Aa. it a ctj.t fantithrn Pacino. Union Pacific and 50 other good sold on lnstajimenta; wn .V't you hav and wlah to buy. -U or bor row on; prompt, renaoi "cl Rankin. Monadnock bldg.. San Francisco. SALARY AND MORTGAGE LOANS TO nlture, warehouse receipts, horses, ln"r ance policies and H kinds of securities. New Era Loan ft Mortgage Co, 106 m.i In flan amn nvfll M 1 1 1 1 1 J II uiauwai - Ahlngtgn bldg, MdNEY ADVANCED 8ALAR1ED PEO- ple and other upon meir own -''--mhout security; cheapest ratea, est pavments; office In 68 principal vnuruif monav by getting our term flrt rTolman. 223 Abingtonjjldg, idONEY to Loan for b''1Ujn,?, purposes; can om royaiu Inatallmenta. Call for particulars. Co lumbia Life ft Trust Co., 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. TO LOAN LARUE A. NO amounts on good real estate Bety at low rate of Interest C. F. P'LU?I ft Co., room 14 Mulkey biag.. noruiei corner na ana rnornami IlOO.OOO TO LOAN IN SUMS OF H.0U0 . or more. 6 to 7 per cent on Improved realty. M. O. Griffin. 266 Stark; LOANS TVm ucit. ESTATE. CHAT- tela or personal security. W. A. Hath- swsv 10 Wsih naton mag. l acum iq. SALARY LOANS STRICTLY CONFl detitial; easy to get and easy to pay. T. A. Newton. 611 HuchHiian dip. DWELLING HOUSE MORTGAGES .wanted. 1200 up; no delay. W. S. Ward. 210 AUsky bldg. HAVE lli.400 TO LOAN . u.n real estate, in umounia ,3uu ui. aa--. Jou rnaL , rjttri FIRST OK 6M.uni) 1, - (v,.- ...I aalata ancurltles discounted. H E. Noble. Commercial blk ,M MEDIATE LOANS $5 TO 35.000, all securities. K. 1. iiae ryu , room 6. Washington bldg. Main 4866. MONEY TO LOAN, LAKO-'l WANS A peclalty. building loans; lowe"4jat; fire Insurance, w. u. ttecn. u rm,,...K. SALARY LOANS-LOWEST RATE A'fH Employes' Loan co- in "T"v""- Loan for the asking salary or h.,A.I Th. t-niin Co.. 410 Dekun :, mm y?ANS OALL SECURITIES. 8. W. King. yan. fB- ","; XiONlSV TO LpA,;ON ALL . K1NIM or security, w. won, IN SUMS OF 12,000 TO 120,000-H W. Goddard. 110 2d st : MUSICAL SV,iVwr!TnRv!pUW PRO- Aj.i.AA r.rii . ni. feasor otaKar ;sevci, iioa acher. -l0. a.14 Pine. Pac. 1989. VV.'totK1" 1 dtksp KIND INSTRU "matt. I. Selbevirng. 204 Tourney hid 2d end Taylor. ' " br.m vttSLTN. TROMBONE AND -lortn.t Prof. Smith. 293 12th. M, 4708, A-8360. -,,," , VtANDOLW. GUITAR. BANJO. J. PAR keT suite 42 Mil ner bldg, a50HMoir. Louis a. cReitz. teacher of ViOJln, 111 snerrnn, ror, jiv. MINLS AND INVESTMENTS. WILL SELL AT. A SACRIFICE, , 1.000 hare of the Champion Group Mtn Inw comoany's stock; must sell on ac count of leaving city; make cash offer. M-2. Journal. ' MONUMENTS NEU ft K1NGSLET. 868 1ST.,' PORT- land s leading, marnie ana granne waa KOTARYc PURUO a F. PFLU titlV NOTARY PUBLIC, commissioner of ' deeds. ' Deutscfiea I notarial. R, J Muikej bldf-.JladMor. BANKS. '""V- Oregon. SURPLUS, 11,600,000. -TNO fNTEREST PAID ON ACCOUNTS. Portland, .Oregon K. I PUKMAW vrr..a-n, GEORGE W. HOYT. . . . .Ass t Caahler Second Aaaiaiani ,ni-r. Drsftg and Letters of Credit Issued. World. Collections a Specialty. INVESTMENTS. Commerce Building. Pnhlln ftorVtc f?Of1KratlOn POndf. Established 1112 BROKERS. STATION TIMB CARD. rclc. ARRIVINO portlaisd. Oregon Expreaa .I:5" m" Cottage Grove Passenger ,,11:30 a. in. Roseburg Passenger .? " m" PorUaDtT Express 11:16 p. m, WEST SIDE. Corvallls Pasaenger ..... :! Pi tn. Sheridan Puasenger 10:10 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger... 1:00 a. m. Forest Grove Paasenger ... S:60 P. m. Jefferson Street Depot. .. 7:40 a, m. II Dallas to Portland 10:15 a. rrt. .. 4:16 n. m. Dallas to Portland 6:60 p. in. p.iriani at t:ia a. m.. hourly trains train leaves depot for Oswego at 11.30 ' North Coast Limited 7:00 a, m. Portland Expreaa 4:15 p. m. Overland Kxprena 8:15 Pt m. Navigation Company Rnnkana Fiver 8:00 S rrt. Chi.. Kan. City A Port Exp. 9:45 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special... 8:60 p. re. Portland Passenger 6:16 p. m. C. P. R. Short Line, via Bpo. 8:00 a. m. Via Van.. Vic. and Seattle .8:16 p. m. Via Sumaa and Seattle.... 7:00 a, tn. irnR V A NCOTIVER. Ticket office and waiting-room. Sec ond and Washington atreeta. A. M 6:16. 6;60. 7:25, 8:00, t:15, 9:10, 10:10. 11:60 1 M. 12:80, 1:10, 1:60, J:0. 1H0, 3:60. 4:30. 6:10, 5:60, 6:80, 7:06, 7:40, 8:16, 9:26, 10:Sl. li:46. On third Monday tn every month laat car leaves at 7:06 p. m. 'Dally ex. Bun. Pally ex. Mon. Railway Company. Arnvmi roniinu. Salem and Int. polnta 8:35 a. m. Salem and Int points 10:11 a. tn. Salem, Tualatin, Wllson- vllle, W. Woodburn. Ltd.. 11:16 a. m. Salem and Int points 1:26 p. ni. Salem and Int. polnta 4:60 p. xn. Salem, Tualatin, Wilaon- vllle, W. Woodburn, Ltd. 6:10 p. m. Salem and Int. polnta 7:63 p. m. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dlt CLARA MACFARLaANEsI'EC'IAL 1st gynecology and obstetrics, 811-14 Swetland bldg. Main 6566; A-1966; res. Pacific 867. DR. L1LLEBELLB PATTERSON. SPE elaliBt on nervous, acute and chronio dlseasea. 217 Fenton bldg. Pacifio 1190. bk. B, & NORTHRUP, 416-16-17 DE kum bldg, 3d and Washington sta. Phone Main 849. Examination free. PAINTING AND, PAPERLNG PAINTING, PAPERING, KALSOMiN tng. W. M. Johnson, 429 6th t Msln 8676. FOR BEST WORK. PRICES RIGHT, call P. A. Doane. E. 1096. 104 Union ave. PLATING AND OXIDIZINQ REFINTSHINjl, FIXTURES. PORT land Plating Co, 301 E. Wash. B.1383. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS DUFUR A DUFUB, 611 CORBETT bldg. Phone A-6386; largest and moat complete stenographlo office In west PLUMBERS DONNERBERG ft RADEMACHER, 303 Burnslde st Phone Main 2319. PRINTING MODERN PRINTERY MOVED TO 148 6th st. opp. Meier A Frank'. OGiLBEb BROS, PRINTERS CARDS, billhead, etc Main 1868. HtH let. PATENT ATTORNEYS PROTECT YOUR IDEA WE CAN patent .It Moulton A Scobey, attor neya, 604 Columbia bldg, Portland. Or. J. J. H1RSHHEIMER. Mhb WASH. ST. patent and pension attorney. PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS. A. J. MAT- ter. 618 Commonwealth bldg. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS F&.ACHr4t'lC THpTonii-R Paint Co. Window glass and glazing. 13a 1st, Phone 1384. REAL ESTATE J. M. Pitleng-er & Co., SC3 Riwscll st. Phone E. 4649. Fire Insurance, loans, real estate. J. W. OG1LBEE, REAL ESTATE AND loans; cutub. 1SS3. 146 let room 11. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, GUTTERING. RE - pairing and general jobbing. J. Ioall, 211 Jefferson st Pacific 1414. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO ALL OFFICE STATIONERY, P. D. C Co, 131 Stark. Tel. 1407. STREET PAVING WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street Davln.T, sidewalks and crosa- ins. -314 Lumber Exchange. THE BARBER ASPHALTPAVING CO. of Portland. Office 666 Worceater blk. 6JGN AND SHOW- CARDS FOSTER ft KLEISER. SIGNS, THE largeat sign makers tn the northwest. 6th and Everett sta. Phone Prlv, Ex. 66. Home A-1166. - - JAYNES, JOHNSON C6, SIGNS and cards of all kinds .made to order, 811H 4th et Phone Paciflo- gS5V t . "SIGNS -THAT "ATTRACT" POR'i? land Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Pacific 1696. Showcases and fixtures SHOWCASES , OF, EVERY DESCRIP tion; bank, bar and Store fixture mm w timer, tne tiiiui Jgrg. uo. THE JAMES L MARSHALL MFG. CO . showoasea, cabinets, tor and office fixtures, .i9 Couch st Paciflo Tav R, H. BIRD3ALL. DESIGNER: AGT. hC Winter Lumber Ca. T Hamilton bldi CLEAN TUWELS DAILY COMB. Laundry' & Towel- Supply Co, Sth and Covcli at, i'lion 410,, , orusn. soap, ti per month. Portland t. , :.' TOWEL SUPPLY , . ; v SAFES DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Large stock; lockouts rpni' 1. JnH". metal furnltiir J. E. IvK n-i S I - STORAGE WAREHOUSE SPACE FOR RENT. ON track; goods stored. Western ttrae ft Trsnsrr Co.. 821 Hawthorne ave. i.rm-iT 1 -iT-raa -n - -.a TIUNhFEH . AND HAULING C. O. P. TRANSFER ft STORAGW CO. . Office 88 let St.. betwen Stark anil Osk sts.; phone 6P4V Piano and fur niture moved and packed for ahtpping; cominodLoua brlak warehouse-wltn arate iron rooms. Front and t liiy. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. ' General tranafer and storage; safes, plaso and furniture, etc, moved, packet and shipped. 309 Oak at, bet ween Front. and 1st Phone Main 547. A-1147. ROSE CITY TRANS. CO. . ALL OR ders given prompt attention. K. 2169; . rea. K. 1371. J.-C. Flndley, manager. OREGON TRANSFER COJ 134 N. 6TiL -Main 69. Heavy hauling and storage, Independi-Tnt baggTgiS Amf rInsT ferCo Storage 824 Stark. Main 407. ; TITEWIUTERS ALL MAKES. RENTED. REPAIRED, kold. P IX C. Co, 231 Stark. Tel. 14W7. 3 UPHOIaSTERINQ AND REPAIRING BIJOU UPHOLSTERY. 127 1 ITH. BEAT and hall cuHhlons. Steamboat work -a specialty. Cabin uphnlatery. Main 619. VHOL!HALE JOBBERS M. A. GUNBT ft CO, DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. . fcVERDINO ft FARRELL. PhoDUCtf v' and commlaslon marchsnts, 140 Front st, Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. , Oregon furniture manlVa.- ' turkig Ca Manufacturere of' furni ture fer the trade. Portland, Or. -WA DHAMS 4k CO., WUOLSESALE GKO- oera, manufacturers and commlssloa : merchants. 4th and Oak si. LEWIS-STEaN'GER BARBERS' SUPPLY CO., osroera" vuppllea, barberr furni ture. Darners' chairs. 10th snd Morrison. THE" ORATON ft KNlGll MFd." Cti , oag tanners, isatner belting manuiac- Tnrers. roruana, ur,, ot 1st St. BATES-WIGHT CO- CALENDARS, A- J vertlsing novelties. 160 th st WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASS- i ware, fraet. Hegel a co.. Portland. , ALLEM ft LEWIS dRoCJERTES. T TRANSPORTATION COOS BAY LINE The steamship BREAKWATER leave Portland Wednesday s g p. mu from Oak street dock, for Vortn Bend. Ma end, ataxaaa Freight re- field aad Cooa Bay polats. r lived till 4 p. ro. on day of Bailing. ' aasenger fare, first class, 110;- second class, )7, Including berth and meals. ' Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washington atreeta. or Oak atreet dock. Columbia River Scenery uuvwiTua 1 aa ax m . Dally service between Portland' and The Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portland at I a. nt arriving abont I. p. m., carrying freight and passenger. Splendid accommodations for euiflt ana nvestocs, .... npek foot of Alder st, Portland foot of Court at, Tb Dalle. Phone Mai 914. PorUand. VOBTX PACmO STBAKSXZF OO.V BTXAKBXZPa Roanoke and Geo. W.Elder Sail for Eureka. Ban Francisco and Lo Angeles direct rny Thursday at 8 p. m. Tlckat offio 118 Third .near Alder. EASTER JEWELRY. ;V Amethyst and Pearls Conspicuous in the Designs of the Season. Easter jewelry include such thing a brooches, conslstlngof a plain gold bar, in the center of which la a dove or a bell studded with pearl. A lover knot, also set with pearl, or a wish- bone, are other designs used to embel- " llsh this plain gold bar. .; For those whose taste run to flow era the enameler ha wrought trinket '.' expressive of Easter greetings. 4 7 Ona design in this class Is a violet enameled . in the natural color. Nestling In the . center is a round pearl, while a baroque -pearl Is set on th bar close to th vlo- ' let. The curved stem of - the - violet rorma part of the bar of th pin. . . An enameled sprig of clover With four leaves may either be fastened on a crescent of gold or surrounded by a gold curve In imitation of the natural stem. The poppy also is a flower sug gesting the advent-of spring which the jewelry designer has - reproduced ..In brooches. ...... La Valliere chains' are mad with heart-shaped amethysts a th pendant: The amethyst may be plain or a con- ' ventlonallsed or . art nouyeau design of . curves, most of which are aetv.wlth pearls. Instead of amethyst many wo-nen wear as a pendant their -birth stone for January a garnet: February, an amethyst; March, a bloodstone, etc. -,.! The favorite symbol of Easter Jew- -elry Is of course th cross. Those set with pearl seem to be most la-demand. , - A pretty combination 1 a cross set al- ' ternately with amethysts and pearlav ' ' Eastern lily hatpin are both timely ' and smart. They are made . In ailver ' and gold, wllh a baroque pearl in the center. Collar aupporter coma, set in amethysts, turquoises and pearls. - There are many spoons symbolic of the season. The handle of on spoon shows an Easter Illy, another a cross with rays radiating from It. Still an. other spoon design consists of a little chicken depicted in the act of emerg ing from Its egg. . For the boy or girl ther are napkin rings; also bearing a representation r,f the Easter chickens. For th baby there are sterling silver bib holders. " The de signs In Bcarfpins include th Easter Illy, the fleur de Ha, the crescent and the wishbone, all being set with pearl, amethysts or diamond. , s ! AS SHE IS AVRIT. ' Foreign Students Have Hard Time Mastering English Liuignage. 4 From the News of the Young Men's Christian Association. ' -There is a group of very enthusiast lo foreign younjr men Studying English in the Toledo Y. M. C. A. - Not long since each one In the class wa asked a short essay on th ''Benefit of Eng lish to Foreigner.",,; Her ar five of their letters; , .-i-'Vijn tn.i.ti (1) "Once upon a time the nations were not mixt o much aa they ara now. - In no other - country- ' are n.t gathered so much nation as In the United States , of - America. I want i t learn the English langwagebecatis it will be too useful ta me. When I know this language 1 can find good work ttr myself, because here In America thci -t are many laborers of my nation who do not know the English-language, anl I will help them ' when they need in find work or to aend money at their country v The teach asked to stoa and write any mor on this ubject" (2) ! kam hlr lorn English. I rl l from Ameryka on-ship. I uek bl lorn I llek lid pensel. -v Ort you rych. No oy am poor." r;-r v-', . . - i (S) "When" I will talk goog Eng!fV I will n In th nicest meat market eml vill get good vages, and if I dont vM to be in bueiness 1 vm grt sm go"-l position from the clti." '.4) "I am, very glatt that I 1 op to the young men's chrlsu in n . tfon and I hope all scoJihu inm t month and well b tuneful I vey 1 sory thnt-.f cant i t niv becows 1 didn't learn mn-i 11 weks but wen will li-i--' months l ti"i'i that I ; wriht eoh..'kiv.'' 6 t'1 .' 1 for mi' I !'!' rn 1 , ; i " ' .-. i t ; mot i' to Jf to1 :.,.., J -