The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 19, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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: ." ;--r
Haytian resident Asked to
,f Explain'Why Ho Ordered ,
XlS Arrest of Consuls.
' .. (Dalt4 FrM Imh4 WlrO
. Port Aa Princ, March. . Prwident
Uinta Is to b called on by tho dtplo
nutlo corpa for an explanation of an
order positively known to . have been
tlven Uit Monday for tho oliur. on
that 'night of every diplomatic and con
sular agent on the Island.
Why the order -war not executed hae
not been explained. The Inault Juat
brought to light, coupled with the en
ttre attitude of the present administra
tion, threaten to cause , the president
more trouble than was given blm by the
revolutionist. A formal demand for
an Biology will be presented and - If
?uick action is not oDtainea , marines
rom all the -foreign warships now In
the harbor may be landed. There I
still much ' feeling among the blacks
against all foreigners, and white people
in tne street are recipients oi-.eviry
insult that the blacks can administer
wit hour nr.rlnltatln an onen' clash.. '
The Heythta government today Is
bringing a number of fresh troops Into
the city and strengthening all coast
garrisons. ." ' 1
(Boaetal Dispatch to The JoaraaL).
Olympla. . Wash., March 1 Notice
has been served on the state land com
missloner that the Pacific Power
Hallway company will petition the su
perior court for. the condemnation and
appropriation of the waters of the mid
dle fork of the Toutle river in Cowllta
county. The company was Incorporated
In November by Portland and Illinois
men for the avowed purpose of building
n electrlo railway from Vancouver via
Kalama and Kelso to castieroca ana
from Castlerock to Spirit lake and Into
the St Helena mining district. It de
sire to appropriate the water for power
purposes. The Weyerhaeuser syndicate
is also interested in tne river ana is
mad a party to the action.
Car Service, Over Madison
, Bridge Temporarily Sus
i pended.
Until further notice, on account of
the repairs being made to the Madison
Street bridge, passengers on the Bell
wood, Mount Scott and Hawthorne ave
nue lines will transfer to and from the
Portland Railway cars at Grand and
Hawthorne avenues. Leaving time from
Grand avenue will be eight minutes
later than the time given in time card
from First and Alder streets.
Passengers for Oregon City. Cassdero
lines and the Oaks will take cars at
East Morrison and Water streets; The
leaving time at East Morrison and
Water streets will be the same as is
now shown In time card leaving Port
land from First nnd Alder streets.
An extra service, marked "O. W. P.
Transfer Car." in addition to the Wa
verly. Woodotock and Brooklyn cars,
will be maintained by the Portland
Railway division over the Morrison
street bridge to Grand and Hawthorne
avenujs, In order to take cace of the
passengers on tho Sell wood. Mount Scott
and Hawthorn avenue lines.
Oregon City, Caztfdero and the Oaks
cars can be reached by taking any car
crossing Morrison street bridge.
fUnlted Pr-a Leased Wlre.l
AuHtln. Tex., March 19. A race war
that. threatens serious consequences is
Imminent at Haskell, county seat of
Haskell county, according to a telegram
int received bv Governor Campbell
from the mayor of that town. The
miivnr stated that a mob of white men
had formed to drive the negroes out of
the county and that a conflict was about
to occur. He urged that rangers be
aent immediately to prevent violence.
The aovernor Immediately Issued orders
directing detachments of rangers to pro
ceed to the scene or troume at once.
Ladles' Wlg-nt Tonlg-ht.
Cart direct from Water and Morrison
tree til to the Oaks rink every 10 mln
utes. Special number of couples skates
will do tno reature rnis is me mgKeui
and best night at the Oaks rink. Now
Is the time to learn to skate.
(TTnlLd Prem Leaac Wire.)
Washington, March ID. Commander
Voaela-esanK of the Mayflower, on
which Mrs. Roosevelt and party are
tnaKina: an exienueu cruiic, nam ropuiica
the arrival of the yacht at New Orleans.
sUifliitenant-Commander Snowden Is ex
pected to take charge of the Mayflower
on ner return iny uuwn vnv moiooipii.
river. Vogelgesang will report imme
diately for duty, at the Puget sound
navy yard. -
Tomorrow, Friday, will positively be
the last day 'for discount on east aide
gas bills. Portland Gas company.
8peelal Dlapatch to Tbe foarnal.)
Pendleton, Or., March 19: Tho First
tank of Pilot Rock will be opened about
tlon. The officers of the company are:-
jresiaeni, jjuugmn ecus, vice-yrcBiaeni,
X N. Burgess; cashier, George G. Schle-
el. The director are DougJBelts, Herb
oylen, George Carnes, C. W. Matthews
' and ti. L.' Mann.
Robert Dollar, owner of the Dollar
Steamship line, la at the Hotel Portland,
aocompanled by his wife. 4 Mr. Dollar
has been in Seattle and is how on hi
way to his home in San Francisco,
if. K. B. Demlng. a canning -. factory
owner of Belllngham, Is at the Oregon.
- C. F. Gilbert, proprietor of the Mount
Hood hotel. Is at the Perkins. ; Mr. Gil
bert has purchased an automobile, which
Is to be used In carrying visitors to
view Mount Hood scenery.
- Frank A. Day, an attornev of Duluth.
Minnesota, Is at the Hotel Portland.
Frank A. Day of Minnesota is manager
Of Governor Johnson's campaign for
president, nut too Mr. uay in foruana
1 MA V. a Ana ' -
UVh Hl .
ii E Building Permits. i
-.'t:itti merman, erect dwelling. ' Wasco.
V between East Twenty-first and East
..Twenty-secona, is.uuw; m. M.eun,
' East Twenty-ninth, $1,800; W. J. Hw
; kins, excavation. Second and Main, $2,
000; Otto W. Nelson, ereqt five dwell
; lngs, East Clay, between East Ninth and
East Tentn, $1,600 each; F. M. Eyers,
, rect dwelluig. East Thirty-fourth, be
, tween East Market and Stephens, $2,
00; F.-G. Oppenlander, erect dwelling,
. East Sherman, between Marguerite and
t feast Thirty-seventh. $2,000: Miss M. B.
If "rands, erect dwelling, Clinton, .be
tween East Fourteenth, and .East Flf
jteenth, $1,800. . - a .w-t
To Stndy 'ln Oiill. (. ' y
v' - (Kueeltl DUlvaicn , ie Tne 4ourBai. .--U
.."Montevideo. March r 19- The covernii
' delcsratlon to study Chilean, methods, as
: r
Duttcrick '
for1 r.
K April V
1 Largest
of Striped
to $1,25
l0;000; yards Sviss, Nainsook arid Cambric Edges,
Bounces Iriseftiohs and ; Cbnet Cover Eiribroideries,
5 to 22 Inches wide, largei assortment, values
to $1.25 yard; Friday sale
I TJntrimmed mJ
Straw, W&d
Friday Marks the Start of a Great, Timely
Value - Giving Lvent in. the Way of
A Great Easter Glove Sale
We have never published more sensational glove news than this. First and foremost
let us tell you that there is not a thing wrong with a single pair of these gloves. They
are all new and absolutely perfect. The skins are the best the soft elastic kind. Very
unusual "Trefousse" Gloves at sale prices. Extra clerks, extra wrappers, extra counters
and extra delivery wagons to serve you. Friday
The Biggest Glove Bargain Ever Offered in Portland
Lace Sale 98c VaI e $5
A great general Lace Sale, including white, cream,
, 1 1 :
ecru and Black Nets and Allovers, Edges, Insertions,
Appliques, Galloons, etc., in Venise, Baby Irish, Cluny,
Real Princess, Filet and Net effects. Reg.
sold at $2 to $5 yard. Friday Bargain Day
Kid Gloves
Tan, brown, slate, navy,
green, beaver, pearl, ox
blood, mode, black, white.
Also 1-clasp Cape Gloves,
Dent style, and 1 - clasp
Mocha Gloves. All sizes.
Regular $1.50 Gloves
Selling in this sale
Kid Gloves
Tan, brown, black, white,
slate, oxblood, gray and
Genuine first quality
Trefousse Glove s the
kind you always pay reg
ular price for. AH sizes.
Regular $4.00 & $4.50
Selling in this sale at
Pique and Over
seam Kid Glov's
Tan, brown, slate, navy,
green, beaver, pearl, ox
blood, mode, plum, black,
white, cream.
Also 2-clasp Mocha Glove
in gray, tan and brown. All
sizes. ;
Regular $1.75 and $2.00
Selling in this sale at
Trefousse Kid Gloves
2 and 3-clasp overseam "Trefousse" Kid
Gloves; also 2-clasp Pique Kid Gloves in
all shades and sizes.
Regular $2.25 to dj- fkQ
$2.75 Values at . . kpi.XO
LOT 5 '
16-Button Cape Gloves
16-button length heavy Cape Gloves,
Dent style, every pair full 16-button length
and cut with wide tops; all sizes; tan and
brown. ,v'.
Regular $4,00
Values for ... .
fGreat Special Sale of
Carmen Bracelets
Prices way. below their regular value.
Made of finest filled gold, guaranteed to
wear for years Five different patterns
secured at a special reduction in the New
York market, hence this special offer.
Regular $5.00 Bracelet, $2.98
Extension '"Carmen" Bracelet, beautifully , fin
ished, will lit any arm; never sold for QQ
less than $5.00. Friday ..$ O
Regular $6.50 Bracelet, $3.98
Extension . "Carmen" Bracelet, handsomely
chased, with signet top, engraved tree;. flo QO
guaranteed for 10 years $0JO
Regular $7.50 Bracelet, $4.38
Handsome engraved signet extension "Carmen"
Bracelets, fully guaranteed, beautiful d4 QO
top for engraving
Regular $8.50 Bracelet, $4.78
Exquisite "Carmen" Extension Bracelet, with
handsome signet -top and locket for two pic
tures, guaranteed 14 karat filled gold, d J 70
all engraved .,. ...... yft O
Regular $10.00 Bracelet, $5.48
Finest Extension "Carmen" Bracelet, handsome
ly engraved signet top, guaranteed to
wear for;10 years...,.,
$5.48 j
Room- Size Rugs $20.95
Regular $28.50 Velvet Rugs, and Tapes
Brussels Rugs, size 9x12 feet, all new pat
I terns, handsome: oriental, : con-. d) A; AC
1 ventional and floral designs I . .&uj0 Jp
$35.00 Tailor-Made Suits $24.75
Reg. $7.50 Exru Net Waists $3.89
For Friday Bargain Day, 63 highest class
Ladies Tailor-made Suits, of plain and
fancy materials, in the newest coat styles,
lined with silk. The skirts are made in
the most approved plaited and flare styles.
Selling regularly up to fi y a Tf
$35.00. Friday sale, only J
F$r Friday Bargain Day, Ladies' Waists of fine
quality net, in the pop
ular shade of ecru
made over silk. The
front and back are
made with rows of
Cluny lace insertion
and trimmed with silk.
New elbow sleeves
with lace cuffs. Sell
ing regularly at $7.50,
Friday, sale
Heatherbloom Petticoats
Regular $3.00 Values lor Only $1.97
The greatest Petticoat bargain ever offered, for
Friday Bargain Day280 finest quality Black
Heatherbloom Petticoats, strictly tailor-made,
with extra full circular flounce with seven sec-
tions and shirring. Selling regularly (l A7
at $3.00, Friday Bargain Day..... 4)1.31
Reg. 35c, 50c Moreen at 18c
While it lasts Friday, 1,250 yards of Moreen, suitable for petticoats.
drop skirts and coat lining. In royal blue, red, mode, tan, 'light
a. T .... tfk sr . mr a
piue, ycuow, prown. in ever soiq ror less tnan goc to ouc A 4
yard. Friday Bargain Day IqC
Reg. 25c Facone Organdie 15c
Facone Organdie white grounds with self satin stripes and printed
colored flowers, figures and dots. A summer fabric of ex- y
ceptional beauty. Reg. 25c values, for Friday Bargain Day I
8,000 yards Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Edges and Insertions,
H to 7 inches wide, new embroidered patterns-in variety.
Values to 50c yard, Fri4ay Bargam Day.
i . . . . . i ,
35c-65c Collarfr Cuft Sets 28c
100 dozen Swiss Scalloped and Hemstitched Collar and. Cuff Sets,
beautiful patterns and several .varieties. Values to 65c
Friday Bargain Day
aa several .varieties, values to oac r
.. :. -............v........ .v,:.ZUC
White Skirts, $3.39
Fine WhitSkirts.vwit'h i -extra? full' deep
flounces trimmed with, dainty ' lace in
sertion and lace edging; values
to $5,'for.i,.
White Skirts, $1.10
."" 4'." . .,' '" . , ; ." ' 1 ' " ,
White ( Cambric Skirts, with hemstitched,-
embroidery or lace insertion, trim
med flounces, full width, dust 1ft
ruffle; values to $1.5. at. .... y A. A v
Reg. $1.00 Chiffon Veils 65
150 Chiffon Veils, yards long, in all the popular mi--'? '
hemstitched border. Regular $1.00 values, FridTlSt' ' i
Day .........
' Blo do Janeiro . ..