The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 19, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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. ..j l 'juifsaass:
".7: : :
Members Adopt Resolutions Fledging Themselves Not
' " toToto for Candidates Who Oppose People's Right
' ;; ; to Rule Put Seal of Approval on Recall.
fitatement Ne. 1 waa Indorsed by the
quarterly meeting of Multnomah eou.ity
district Pomona grange held In Evening
Star hall on tho Section I.ino road yo
terday. In the reolutloi which waa
adopted pledging the member" of the
grange to Ststrment Nn. 1 ami the prin
ciple of tlx primary law it w net out
that the membere should not aupport
for the legislature any oandldke who
- fid not subscribe to thf statement.
Resolutions asking for the raspare of a
"water rode Mil wore a!ao ndopted.
R. W. GUI of Clackamas county
brought up the subject of Statement
No. 1, which waa discussed generally.
While few of the membere Of 4ha
IsMo to the prlncl
(ruin were antaconl
pie or Statement rr. I. some opposea
the reeolutlon n I he ground that It
being a political maaur ahould not
: b considered by the organisation. The
reeolutlon, however, waa adopted by a
: large vote. It reada aa follows:
7 Approve Direct Xlecuon.
."Whereas. The grange, together with
a majority of the people In the atate.
have for years advocated the election
or unuea. eiaies Hiuuiri uj m i
vote of the people.
"Whereas, There la upon the aUtutea
at the present time a pledge referred
to alt .candidates for the legislature,
known aa Statement No. I. which If
atgned will cauae all auch member
elected to the legialature to vote for
the people's choice for United States
senator. '
"Whereaa, There Is an evident move
roent upon the part of certain political
forcea In the atate to place Statement
No. 1 in dlerejxite aud defeat US ob
ject a.
" veil h Multnomah County Po
monit grange In aeaalon aaaembled. That
we atand firmly In accord with the pur
pose and usage of Statement No. 1 and
that we recommend to all membere of
the grange to aupport no canaiaate ror
the legislature. Irrespective oi m
who will not algn Btateiaent No. 1 to
the end that the aucceaaful election of
United Statea senators by the people
may become permanent.
Want Xfeir water Code.
John IL Lewla. atate engineer, waa
nrenent at the meeting and made an
e.rne.t nee. for the enactment Of ft
water code In order that the water
rlghta of the atate could be euocesefuUy
anrt aulcklv adjudicates. ir wwii
Nursing Mothcri koAv.
Orerbardcned Women
In 11 stations of life, whoa tlgor and
vitality may hart been undermined and
broken down by over work, exactlof
social da ties, the too frequent bearing of
children, or other causes, will And In Dr
Pierce's Favorite PreeciipUon the most
potent. Invigorating restorative strength.
fiver ever devised for their special bene
fit. NuralitfmothmwlhUIod It special
ly valuable IK. sustaining XIr 'trentU
and promotlngtn faundaat nxprUhment
lor the child. fcxpfcUnlotasrs too
will And It a prtcleWiePtrpWire the
system tor oaoyt coming and reiMtfcinc
toe ordeal comDarativelv DalnleaaT It
ran do no harm In any fMe, or Condition
aiV u. voui. weak women, whel
suffer from frequent headaches, back
ache, dragglng-down distress low 'down
In the abdomen, or from painful or Irreg
ular monthly periods, gnawing or dis
tressed sensation In stomach, dirty or
faint spells, sea Imaginary specks or spots
floating before eyes, have disagreeable,
pelvlo catarrhal drain, prolapsus, ante
version or retro-version or other displace
ments of womanly organs from weakness
of parts will, whether they experience
many or only a lew oi ine aoovo symp
daily. They know that w buy of the maker who make the best goods: and that when We announce A GREAT GENERAL SALE IS ON
it Is absolutely an event of auch money-savinf importance as must not be overlooked if one U to make every dollar do . ita utmost.
who hate
Spring; aulta.
not vet tried McAIIen ft McDonnell's? Now la the time to get acquainted. A more attractive collection of fresh new shirtwaists,
ita, gloves, "Merry Widow" veils, hosiery, corsets, petticoats, underwear for both men and women,- men'a aocks, ties, etc, to Bay
of all other lines similarly reduced exuld not . be found at , these prices if you were to . scour all Oregon. '
toma, And relief and a permanent cure by
This world-famed specific for woman's
airly persistently
lerce i i avorite tTeacripiion.
vslng and
VT. pi
weaknesses and peculiar ailments Is a
d that the atatutes at the preaent I pure glyceric extract of the choicest na-
lima were defective and gave no secure
rlghta to the uaera of water In Irrigated
Hi.irin. After a alscussion or ine
subject a resolution waa preaentea.oy
t n r.. niaclna- the arenas on record
aa favorlna- the enactment of a water
code and anklng inai mo a'-"s
throughout the atate determine the at
titude of prospective membere of the
legislature with regard to till enact
ment of water leglsla
of the dis
live, medicinal roots without a drop of
alcohol In Its make-up. All iw ingredi
ents printed In plain Knglifh on Its bottled
wrapper ana attested unaer oatn. ur.
Pierce thus invites the fullest Investlga
tlon of his f Tmula knowing that It will
be found to contain only the best agents
known to the most advanced medical
science of all the different schools of prac
tice for the cure or woman a peculiar
weaknesses and aliments.
If you want to know more about the
Luster and Color of living
Game Fish Retained
in Fossil.
(Special Diipitca to The Joonul.)
;i Helena, Mont, March 11. Dr. Charlea
Jtelnlg of Helenav baa come into posse s-
' (Ion of one of the most curious fossil
Specimens ever unearthed In Montana,
it la a pet rifled trout, which W. T. Dell,
. an English engineer now In charge of
the coke ovens at Lombard, dug out
. ef a. loose granite formation In ' the
Huntley reservation, near Billings. The
Specimen was ' round imbedded In the
granite at a depth of SO feet, and was
partly broken by the laborers,, who were
engaged In digging a welL
' Many fish foaralls have been found Jn
this section, but never one In which the
luster and color Of the living creature
nave been preeerveo. Tne specimen
which baa come Into the hands of Dr.
Relnlar not only retains Ita physical
, contour, but its surface shows all of
the iridescent colors or a live trout.
The example of petrification thua dla-
rtlayed may be .new to scientists, for
t la am established theory of fossllisa
tion that the decomposition of the per
ishable psrts of the creature fossilised
la followed by the substitution in na
ture at om rock or crystalline de
posit which" takea the form but does
not maintain the ' color or . anatomical
details. of akin or bone.
The fossil unearthed by Engineer
- Dall is minus head and tail, showing
about two.thlWa of the total length
i and girth of trout that -was about a
foot long. The pick or shovel of the
excavator broke this into three parts,
which flt together, exactly. The fine
. are Intact and the process of petrifac
tion of tho interior shows the distinct
difference between bones, flesh, en
trails and the contents of the stomach.
The flesh of the fish has been trans
formed into a lustrous pearl-like sub
stance an hard as marble and radiant
, aa with the color of a true pearl. The
texture of the akin is marveloualy re-
, tained, although U is hard aa. flint, and
tne siaea or tne nan, amooin as poi
; iahed arate. . dlsnlay the changeful
- iridescence peculiar to the trout of
this region.
tlon. The resolu
tion wss adopted.
The next quarterly meeting of the
.... ......... 7.111 ha hM with Plea
Valley grange. Byoamore Station. Wed-1 composition and professional endorse
nesday, June 17. ' j mentof the "Favorite Prescription "send
Dr. K. v. nerc
frtt booklet treatr
accept as a substl
known composition
unknown oompxwi-
Delegates to ine mwm "ran.- w. pogtM csnl request U
afSffw5 l th qUarUr" Hoi -fford to
tute for this remedy of known oompotitim
a secret nostrum
Hon. Dont do it.
Steamer Sue II. Elmore,
Only Vessel Out in Gale,
Arrives Uninjured.
(8pecUl Dlspstch to Ts Journal.)
Bay City, Or., March 19. Much dam
age has been csused to county roads
and bridges in this section by the. wind
snd rain storm which began early last
Friday morning and continued without
Russian Ruler. Convinced
That Members of Corps
Have Lost Nerve.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
St. Petersburg. Msrch II Convinced
intermission until Sunday evening. The that Russia's diplomats have lost their
rainrau during tne tnree oaya waa tne nerve as a result of their country's
heaviest ever Known here ana tne wa
ters of the mountain streame broke all
previous records.
Tho terrific gale which had been blow
ing from the southwest changed to
northwest Sunday evening and although
little- rain has fallen alnce then the
temperature has been down close to the
freezing point and there have been sev
eral heavy showers of hail.
The atage and mail routea In this vi
cinity nave been seriously nsnaioappea,
but are gradually getting back
normal condition.
The steamer Hue H. Elmore, which
reached Bay City from Portland last
Thuradaya morning, was the only ves
sel of any Importance in the bay dur-
nc the height or the atorm and es
caped without snffealng any damage.
Elgin, Or., March 19. Elgin has been
without water, light and power for a
few day a. The - high water of Indian
creek caused a break in the pipe line
which furntahed the city water, and the
power for the lighting plant, also power
for the mills in this vicinity. It la ex
pected that the break will be repaired
n a short time.
Tomorrow, Friday, will positively be
the last day for discount on east aide
gaa bills. Portland Oas company.
." , ,
; ' (Spedsl Dispatch to The Journal.)
" Monroe, . Or., March 19. Mrs. Ella
Hcrron. a delegate from Oak laf camp
No,' 2768, Royal Neighbors of America,
of this place, to the state camp Just
i held at .Hood River, Oregon, has ro-
Mra. Herron. while at the latter place,
was elected a delegate to the supreme
camp of the order which meets in Chi
cago some time in May. tins speaas in
glowing terms of the Hood Hiver coun
try and its , people. The two delegates
rmm IMnrn a ffnf nari1irrj1 M atlvA T .
the new supreme oracle, that is to be
elected at tins session or tne neaa camp,
inaepenaenc xeiepnone aien.
(United Press teased Wire.)
Columbus, Ohio. March 19. The Ohio
Independent Telephone association, one
of the strongest organizations or its
Kino in the country, neio its annual con
vention today at the Hotel Hartman.
President Frank X Beam of Mount Ver
non occupied the chair and delegates
were in attendance from every section
of : tho state. Reports were presented
showing that the association has had
a remarkable growth since its organi
sation three years ago. It now includes
nearly 800 exchangeu, with a total of
SOi.OOO subscribers. ,
(Special DUpatch to The Journal.)
Salem, Or.. March 19. An order re
ceived by the local postofflce from
Washington, has .made it possible that
within a few daya a Having of 4 hours
will be made In the delivery of mall In
the rural district. Heretofore mall hns
been arriving on the 1 1 o'clock Southern
Pacific train In tlie morning, but alnco
the installation of the Oregon Electrlr
line, an effort la being marie to have the
Portland A Overland mall brought to
this city on the first electric rar
ins: here at 8 o'clock in the
TbS order from Washington causes the
rurai carriers to leave at 8:45 o clock in
the morning. Instead of 7:45 as hereto
fore, so that when the mall arrives on
the electric train It can be delivered the
same any. . , i . ,
Depot sit . Pilot Rock.
(Hpectal Dispatch to The Journal.)
Pilot Rock. Or.. March 19. The n n
& N. company is making all arrange
ments to build a denot at thl nlar. at
once, and a crew of carpenters are al
ready here for that purpose. The build
Inr will be a one storv frame atmc.
ture. and it : will be . ready for na h
June l. The O. R. W. has just built
a branch line in from Pendleton tn
Pilot Rock,
i in m ,
Banquet to New Chief Justice.
f United Press Leased Wire )
St. John. NI B..' March 19.. Elaborate
arrangements have been made by the
barristers of New Brunswick for the
complimentary Dtinouet to be given at
the TJnion club tonight in honor of Hon,
F. E. Barker, the new chief justice.
Covers will be laid for more than 100
guests, among whom will be the lieutenant-governor
and the members, of
tne supreme court.
(okomo Woman
Gives A Fortune
J Receives Hundreds of Requests Daily
. In the past few years Mrs. Cora B.
; Miller has spent $125,000,00 tn giving
medical treatment to afflicted women.
Some time ago we announced in the
, twlumna pf thla paper that she ' would
send free treatment to
- who suffered from female d !...
' piles. F';
More than a million women 'have ac
cepted this generous offer, and as Mra
Mliler is still receiving requests from
tiiouswnds of women from all parts of
tne world, who have 'not yet used the
ri'ineuy, " unm uwriaea to continue the
. vffer for while lunger at'least
' "t'hla is the simple, mild and harmless
lr'j'ii! swun- ini nas cured no many
woim ft In : the privacy of their own
iiu'sraftcr dociurs and other remedies
taiiod. . t i .'-., .(-. ;!',, ,;...;
a is' e.pecfaTiy prepfired -for "the
'.:$. and peraaeent curs i of iucor-
rhoea, or whitish discharges, ulcera
tion, displacement or falling of the
womo, profuse, scanty or painful perl
oas. uterine or ovarian tumors or
growths: also pains in the -head, back
uuw, oeannr a own reelings,
servousness, creeping feeling up the
spinie. melancholy, desire to cry, hot
Hashes, weakness and piles from any
in . ; maiier oi now long stand
reVri?,on',! iit. unable to find
relief, who WUI write Mra Millar nnw
S.: .Vwl11 receive by mall free
or charge, a SO cent box; of thla sinmle
iZ f1n,y'..,a"0 with aSnt
su?r trttlon4fhow,n women
t hiTind JiT ithy n easily eure
MUUer , t-uUdlufc-KolmorJanC J" ,
recent .troubles at home and abroad, the
csar has determined on a complete re
organization ot the service.
Grand Duke ' Vladimir hss been
charged with the conduct of the shakeup
and the selection of a younger and more
aggressive corps which can play the
diplomatic game with the traditional
skill of the Muscovite, despite- the lets
In addition to' a boat of leaser lights,
the following men hitherto classed aa
leaaers in Russian diplomacy are said
io oe BiBiea ror retirement: M. lsvol
sky, minister for foreign sffalrs; M.
Zlnovieff, ambassador to Turkey; M.
Nelldoff, ambassador to France; Count
Oaten-Saken. ambassador To Oermanv:
Count Casslnl, ambassador to Spain and
former, ambassador to the United
The shakeup Is understood to have
been precipitated by Austria-Hungary's
successiui negotiation at Constantin
ople of terms for linking the Turkish
ana Austrian rauway systems.
Candidate Roster Shows
There Will Be Hot Times
in the Old County.
(Special Dispatch to Th Jooraal.)
Dallas, Or.. March 19. Both the Re
publicans and the Democrats have about
completed their party tickets In .Polk
county. Warm contests are In - prog
ress for nomination at the prlmsrles for
several of the offices.
For representative, C. L. Hawley of
Bethel is the Republican adpirant with
no opposition within the party for the
nomination. He Is silent regarding
statement No. 1.
W. D. Henry of Spring Valley will
ne tne Democratic nomineo and wril
atand unqualifiedly for Statement No. J.
For county judge. O. O. Holman of
Bridgeport and Ed F, Coad, present in
cumbent, are after the Republican nomination.
J. K. Sibley of Dallas, formerly
county judge, and J. O. Van Orsdel, also
or u&tias, are contesting ror the Demo
cratic nomination.
For county clerk, E. M. Smith, pres I
ent incumbent, ia after a third ferm.l
ana win oe oooosea in the crlmariea by
S. H. Portwood of Monmouth, both Re
publicans. 1
Fred Crowley, a young school teacher
of. Falls City, and A. NT Robinson, city
recorder or independence, are tne Demo
cratio candidates for this office. -
hot anenn, j. m. urant, present
Democratic incumbent, will probably
have no opposition, as he is satisfactory
to .both parties.
For commissioner, William Riddell,
Republican, will try for reelection and
win uiceiy nave no opposition either at
the primaries or at the election in June.
These dainty waists are both embroidered and
trim tailored models, long and snort sleeves,
some open in front, some in the back, in a
great variet of pretty styles;, regular $2.50
values; special for Friday and Saturday f 1.19
Waists of extra, good quality, in alt styles,
as given above; special ...,....5'T
Linen tailored and. daintily embroidered
waists, with clusters of fine tucks, others with
square yoke effect, open both front and back:
regular $1.75 and $1.50 values; special ,...3f
Our regular new $3.50 "Merry Widow" Veils,
full length, excellent quality; special.,.! 1.95
Our $1.50 harness stitched kid gloves in all the
new tan shades.- For Friday and Saturday
only, per pair DSf
Two-button Glace Gloves, in all new Spring shades to match the
suits; Mocha gloves in gray, brown and black; $1.50 vals; spc1..95e
12-button Glace Gloves in new tans and blacks splendid $2.38 values;
16-button Silk Gloves with double tips, in black, white, cardinal, light
blue, navy, brown, champagne, etc.; all on sale Friday and "Saturday
for only fl.29
Tremendous reductions on our great variety of newest styles in
browns, blue, tan, gray; mingles, stripes and checks; stylish and well
made; jacket nicely lined; a selection .here will save you from $5 to $15
Regular $1.50jrarnients underskirts with deep ruffles of lace, groups
of tucks and drop ruffle, full, embroidered skirts; slipover gowns,
plain with beading, cut with square or V-shaped yokes; others with
ribbon, lace and insertion trimming;-all for Friday and Saturday
special .' 97s)
One of the biggest bargains In the
store; good value as to material,
daintily trimmed with lace and in
sertion and groups , of fine hem
stitched tucks; full width. Two-day
special '. 574
Underskirts of superior material,
beautifully trimmed With insertion,
lace ahd tucKa on a aeep nounce;
11 Y JrVy AM
lar IS. 00 values. Friday and Sat-
Corner Third and Morrison Streets
Slipover gowns, both "plain with beading And embroidered; regular
$2.00 values; special Friday and Saturday fl.59
CORSET COVERS 37c and 63c
Good serviceable corset covert, trimmed with
torchon lace and insertion, genuine 50c values;
Friday and Saturday , 3 T
Sheer torchon lace trimmed corset covets, bead-
lug ana nooon, w values, riaiy ana Satur
day only ,1, 63f
Style 196. Long. back, and sloping hips effect,
witn nose supporters, regular $ values; spe
cial oniy .............wof
Style 158. . Moderately light in weight; ' very
comfortable; best for the stout woman; per
spiration proof. Regular $2.50 values, special
price .........,.f 1.95
Style 184. Moderately high in the bust; perfectly comfortable,
especially for those inclined to a ahort waist; with hose supporters.
Regular $3.00 varies; apecial .!f2.45
4 HOSIERY 10c to 47c
Children's Hose, fine and heavv ribbed, all aizes. for bnvs anrl m'rta
in black only; special, pair ..; ...,10t
Ladies' Hose in black and fancy colors, extra values,' special 10
Plain black Hosq for ladies, embroidered and with fancy stripes,
white feet, regular 35c values; special, pair 28
New Spring style in checks, oolka dots, lace and emhrnMerv .11 ,t.
ors and fancy effects in plajds and stripes, 85c vals; extra spc'1..47st
MEN'S UNDERWEAR 29c and 47c
Cotton ribbed, in pink, gray, blue; good 65c vals.; sp'I, each piece, 47s)
Excellent value in blue: drawers with double seat. anlenHifl (nr
50c quality; special, each piece 29
MEN'S TIES 19c AND 35c
Four-ln-Hand Tlea In stripes, checks
and plain colors blue, lavender, etc.;
ISo grade, special 194
Newest, Nobbiest Style Ties In Per
sian patterns, browns, blues, grays.
lavender, black, red, green plain .
colors and checks; our best iOc and
.70 grades; special 354
Light and dark colors, golf neeliiee stvlei. Noa. Hvi f 17-
r 1 (v 1 ei c 1- .vBuisi
A Few Things Well
Worth Seeins: in
rrri O" a rn 11
For assessor, Carl 8. Graves. Dreaent
Republican incumbent, is a candidate
for renomination. with no opposition. He
will be opposed in the June election by
F. E. Myer, Democrat, former assessor.
For school superintendent. H. C.
Seymour, present incumbent, will have
no opposition for the Republican nomi
nation. There are as yet no Demo
cratic aspirants for this of$ce.
For surveyor, B. F. Beesley of Falls
City is after the Democratic nomina
tion. Ross Winslow, present Republi
can Incumbent, has not as. yet declared
his intention to make a contest for the
R. I' Chapman, present county coro
ner, will likely have no opposition for
the place.
H. Holman and D. P. Stouffer. both
of Dallas, are after the. Republican
nomination for treasurer. Ed C. Dunn
will likely be the Democratic nominee.
' Registration so rar amounts to about
1.300 voters. Of these 700 are Republi
cans and 500 Democrats. The remainder
are divided among; the Socialists. Pro-
hlbltlonlsts and Independents.
(trnlfed Press teased Wire.)
Ran " . JTrajinlnpo. March 1 B MVintM
reports received at, tne headquarters of
the various Jabor unions and turned in
to the central board Indicate a steady
Improvement In the laborcondltlona all
over the state. areat many men. have
V&Gf.-t th pastvmonth
As you cross the O. R. & N. tracks
you will obtain a magnificent view,
on a clear day, of the towering peaks
that are regarded as the sentinels of
the northwest, snow-capped all the
time, the pride of Portland.
As you approach Wiberg Lane you
will see,' spread out before you. the
beginning of ROSE CITY PARK.
The home of M. M. Clapshaw is the
first residence. These are followed
quickly by
At the top of the terrace at the left,
just before climbing the hill, perched
on the crest of a' beautiful, green
slope, you will observe the tasty little
building known as the
Notice the fine little park which is
being cleared, planted to grass and
laid out along modern lines for the
pleasure and recreation of the people,
especially the children, who live in
ROSE CITY PARK. .This, in fact, is
The first street, that "catches your eye
on the top of the hill, from the street
car, is a broad, well improved, wind
ing driveway. This imposing street
is two miles long and is called
Follow The Alameda to the east and
turn south 6n Coleman ' avenue and
you will come to the inspiring loca
tion that has been selected and is
being speedily improved by the
Every person who thinks of his future'puts his sur
plus earnings of today where they will earn a compe
tence; the only question is, "Where shall you invest?"
Naturally, you want to be sure of your money's
safety, and see to ifthat it is placed where it can earn
the most. If you will call at our office, or write, we
will give you guaranteed proofs that
is the best investment possible for your surplus today.
We virl show you gold taken from our holdings, show
you test reports, and acquaint you with every fact of
this Oregon bonanza.
The opportunity is yours today. '
Attend to this at once.
Western Exploration and Dredging Co.
been emtli
and the nun) a ,7
Vunemployed is stet&i-
Just by way of diversion, allow your
self to stroll north on Coleman ave
nue for a quarter of a mile and you
will soon find yourself in the midst of
a part of ROSE CITY PARK that is
as nature left it, almost a
Far to the west, following The Ala-
med. you will emerge upon a tongue
.of land that actually looks down upon
the broadest and most excellent view
of the entire city of, .roses,:
Colonist Rates from all jiarts of the United Statea and Canada to all
parts of Oregon and the Northwest will be again put into effect by
(Lines In Oregon.)
MARCH 1, 1908
1 1
and will continue daily through,
out. March and April. ;
Fre-m theprlhelpal elttes of
tne Middle west the rates wm
be aa follows:
12? suNsrr Sn X
VeV 77 X
KANSAS CITY ....... .30.00
ST. PAUL ......
. - Corresponding; rates from aU other eastern points. Stopovers at pleas- '
Ore at all points. In Oregon. ., i
X ,; The Colonist Rate is the greatest of all homebuitders. Oregon 1 '
lias unnmitea Resources ana neeas more people who desire homes '
and larger opportunities.-
J- Orefcon psopls'oaa aeoompllsh splendid results by beraldlnir this- X'j-
portunlty. to all the world. Send Oregon literature giving good, reliable I
inrormanon-Hiuou uie sai iw sua wiae. tau on ine aDove railroads '
for It If. necessary.
- Fares! Can Be Prepaid t
Her at home If desired. - Any agent Is authorised to acoept the required X
deposit and telegraph ticket Jto any point. . Call on uy Oi R. & N. or 'X -B.
V. agent, or address , ; - t X-
, J j ? , WM. McMUR.RJVY. f ,
.4. WW. V..Ui