i - r THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY tMORNINO. MARCH . IP. 1908. , h fp Dainty Noolrwoar 35o.-35b Kinds To r A great, special ; cldan-up 'sale pf about , COddozVn daint)r. Vasi . Stock v Collars and Turnovers,; in a full assortment pi the season's - styles;:; It's the-., greatest All Silk Ribbons Best 25b Grade 15o 5,000 yards of new, fancy all-silk Ribbons,' full 4 inches wide, extra heavy qual ity; comes in all wanted shades for spring; it's a special purchase, bought by our ribbon buyer in New' York at about half price; he wishes 1 you to share j 'in the saving tomorrow. Best 25c ribbon on sale at. V. ,V. .'. . . V; IDC money-saving Wving .opportunity mNeckwear,' we nave evcroiicrca; wc regu fand '35c vilaes Specially : priced for 'this , 'sale t.'..;.ii.' v I L ' ' .'; ; ' . s . ...... , ". -TV... . .v..: : ', L 1. OKa 1I VIl. "J Art Goods & Gloyes ; For tomorrow, and Tuesday we have arranged tha follow- In special values In Art Goods and Gloves; ; ' ', 1 LINEN SCARFS' 994 A. A" A special showing of Pure'Lmen Ilerhadt'ched Scarfs,' 18x54 inches; regular 83c Scarfs.' Special Monday and 'fCQm Tuesday. . ; , . . . . . . . . . . . . v. . U5JC ' HEMSTITCHED SCARFS 35 1 ' A fine line of plaia hemstitched Scarfs -and 'Sauares; they come 32 inches square and 1.8x54-inch. Special Mon- OP " day and . Tuesday.' ................... . v . .aWC. - v KAYSER'S SILK CLOVES f 1.50 " ' t ... x . , , , , .'. A special showing. of Kayser's Silk Cloves, made of heavy 3uality silk, in black, white and all " the desirable shades, ouble tipped; they are. the genuine Kayser make. ; d1 CA Specially priced Monday and Tuesday..,..., Special Underprioingr in Muslin Underwear and Aprons SKIRT CHEMISE 95 A fine line of Skirt Chemise, made of excellent grade cambric, trimmed with em- broidery insetting and fin ished with neat embroidery ' edge; another line has fine lace and embroidery insert- if 8$ finished- with lace. All these dainty garments have lawn ruffles at the bottom of . the skirts finished with rows of fine tucks; regular $1.25 values. Special Mon day and QC Tuesday WC MUSLIN DRAWERS 08 A fine line, of extra good quality Cambric Drawers, umbrella style, trimmed with deep embroidery flounce. Another style trimmed with rows of fine lace inserting and rows of baby .ibbon, fin ished with lace edge. Kjc tra special Monday QQ and Tuesday JOC FANCY APRONS AT ONE THIRD OFF . An extraordinary showing of Fancy Aprons, made of fine lawn, batiste, organdie and cambric, all daintily trim med with fine embroidery, laces and ribbons. These dainty little aprons Include our entire line of fancy ap rons and are to be sacrificed Monday and Tuesday at A THIRD OFF CORSET COVERS 59 A special sale ' of Corset Covers, made of high grade. Nainsook and daintily trim med with embroidery, bead ing, inserting, lace and rib bon. They are all well made and ate extra good bargains at this4ow price: retrular 85c values. Monday and CQ Tuesday JVC MUSLIN GOWNS fl.59 A fine line of dainty lingerie Gowns, made slip -over style, with long or short sleeves, trimmed with wide embroidery yoke, cuffs trim med to match. Another style has heavy embroidery front and yoke, with lace trimmed sleeves: also a line of.'sauare necked frowns in the extra sizes, trimmed with fine embroidery and ribbon; regular $2 values. Special Monday and fl1 CO Tuesday. Our advertisfno- is renresentative of muchirnore than it specifically heralds. We do not make a great outcry about every bargain that : awaits our customers, in fact very1 many values of great merit are never given 'public notice. ' Where we mention one, two or three items in any line we have ten, twenty or a hundred Others that afford shoppers similar and equally good ad vantages. This weekly page of store news is an index to the best merchandise in the mar ket, a review of current fashions, and an inerrant reporter of the minimum prices for which merchandise of a higb' class can be obtained. We Have Ma;de This Store a, Place Where Shoppers Delight to Gome Alacrity, courtesy and absolute truthfulness are strictly required of our salespeople. The whole tone of the place is such as to inspire confidence. Every effort is made to seek out things that will interest the buying public, and to display them attractively. Our show win dows present a great panorama of up-to-date merchandise. Customers find it easy to make their wav to anv part of this great store and to find any line of goods which they desire to inspect. Especially attractive are the values offered at this time, of which today's store news gives you many musirauons. J A Splendid Assortment Correot Cream Fabrics FOR SPRING AND SUMMER We are now showing a complete stock of new Cream Col ored Fabrics for spring and summer, all fashionable weaves in dependable qualities axe represented. We call your par ticular attention to the .following kinds, which 'we know to be unmatchable values: 38-inch French Crepe Albatross... 38-inch French Serges.'. 38-inch All Wool Henriettas. ... . 38-inch Imported ' English Batiste 38-inch All Wool Taffeta.. 46-inch Egyptian Crepe . . . .... 46-inch English i Nuns' Veiling. . 44-inch Ocean Serges. . ........ 44-inch French Batiste........... 46-inch English Secilletta Assortment 81.25 vd. Splendid Values in Exclusive Weaves Your Choice at 50eYd. Your Choice at 75eYd. 48-inch Cream Colored Ocean Serges with black, blue and brown, pin stripes and checks ; very neat designs, it nl an did weight, will wash like linen, made of the finest selected yarn, unmatchable value at this price. 50-inch Storm Serges 50-inch Striped Herringbone 50-inch Self-Checked Serges 46-inch Chiffon Panama 48-inch French Serges 46-inch Novelty Basket Weaves CREAM COLOREDBROADCLOTHS THREE QUAL ITIES UNDERPRICED ? . French Broad- French Broad- French Broad cloths, $3 -quality cloths, $2.50 , cloths, $2 at $2.50 quafity at fZ.OO ity at $tf qual . fi.50 Great Snrincr Show- "KTm T iPlw4-A Z A Wonderful Assort- Arabian Bobbinct Curtains 3 yards by 45 inches, with 3-inch heavy Cluny lace edge and dT CA insertion, priced at, pair ' sPUtOU White Bobbinet Curtains 3 yards by 45 inches, fin ished with 3-inch Cluny lace edge, priced QQ White Bobbinet Curtains 3 yards long and 45 inches wide, 3-inch Cluny lace edge and insertion, dr yc priced at, pair vuiO White Madras Lace Curtains 3 yards long and 52 inches wide, plain and figured centers with fry TA neat borders, pair t3UU ment to Choose From V Some of the daintiest, newest Lace Curtains you ever saw await you here at temptingly little prices. Those of you who are planning housecleaning and are in need of Lace Curtains should attend this sale tomorrow. Prudent folks will find many economical chances. The values are unusual, the styles are new in fact, they are the most wanted kinds. Here are the prices: White Scotch Lace Curtains 3 yards long, 60 inches wide, d all new patterns specially low priced at, pair )lOt) White Scotch Lace Curtains 3 yards long and 50 inches wide, neat new designs specially low priced at, pair j)lf O White Madras Lace Curtains 3 yards long and 50 inches AA wide, plain centers and small neat figures, at, pair 4)rUU Two-Toned Madras Lace Curtains 3 yards by 54 inches,. i A A neat small figured designs, priced at, pair sj)4UU Arabian Bobbinet Curtains 3 yards long and 45 inches OJ" wide, finished with Cluny lace edge, priced at, pair vmOD ! Arabian Bobbinct Curtains 3 yards long and 45 mches wide, finished with Cluny lace edge and insertion, pair... Arabian Bobbinet Curtains 3 yards long and 45 inches A A wide, finished with 2-in. Cluny lace edge and insertion, pair )0UU Arabian Madras Lace Curtains 3 yards long and 50 inches wide, small figured centers with nar- &y A A row border, pair syiaraUU Corded Arabian Scotch Lace Curtains 3 yards long and 50 inches wide, plain centers with neat J"A borders, pair )0U Arabian Cable Net Curtains 3y3 yards long and 50 inches wide, full assortment of pretty bor- C( ders, pair 9tXOU Arabian Cable Net Curtains 3 yards long and 50 mches wide, finished with beautiful bor ders, pair $4.25 $3.90 A Complete Display of Spring Embroideries ? v if The. new Embroid eries are here from St. OalL What a bright, : crisp, ' re freshing; array! Lav ish variety, from the modest edging to the most elabo rate skirt-width em broidery, yet each design has been carefully s 1 1 e cted from many dozens. Interesting -: merely as a beauty show doubly fascinating to all women who are planning lin gerie and white dresses as well as children's garments. A full range of prices to choose from. Here are two exceptional values for Monday and Tuesday: ALLOVER EMBROIDER IES 39 About 1,000 yards of 21-inch Allover Embroideries, made of fine Swiss and Nainsook; they come in the newest pat terns, large and small effects, in both blend and openwork; values in the lot ud to $1.50 yard. Priced for this Qft sale at jJC See Our Third Street Window Display. It Will Give Yoa aa Idea of the Patterns. FLOUNCINO EMBROID ERIES 57 About 3,000 yards of 27-inch Flouncing Embrodieries, in the latest St. Gall patterns, dainty and bold floral ef fects, etc. We call your special attention to the splen did workmanship and per fect finish of these embroid eries; values in the lot from $1.25 to $2 a yard. CTT Priced for this sale at.IC A Great Sale of Dressmaker's Findings Prices Lower Than Ever Before The dressmakers of this town know where their dollars do fullest duty one of the reasons for our greatly increasing No tion business. The values in this sale have been made greater than ever before. It will pay you splendidly to an ticipate all future wants, for the season to come and buy in lib eral quantities at these ex traordinary low prices: Guaranteed Machine Thread. Special 6 for 25e Basting Thread, best on the market. 2 for 5e Good quality Safety Pins, assorted, 2 for.' 5f Protected Coil Safety Pins, all sizes 5 Good quality Dress Fasteners, 6 cards for 25 De Long's Dress Fasteners, all sizes, per card 7$ Best grade Binding Ribbon, 9-yard piece 15 Good quality Brass Pins, assorted. 6 papers for ,...25 Best quality American-made Pins, per card 6 Guaranteed Shears and Scissors, in all sizes, best of steel, prices ranging 25, 50, 75, $1.00... .91.25 Dress Shields at the ridiculously low price, 6 pairs 5 Naiad, Nainsook covered Shields, Nos. 2, 3, 4 25 Naiad, lace edge Shields, Nos. 2, 3, 4 25 Omo Dress Shields, No. 2 20, No. 3 25, No. 4 30 Omo Zouave Adjustable Shield for 50 Kfeinert's Muslin, Covered Shields, per pair 25 Adjustable Muslin Covered Shields. Nos 23, 4 ,.25 Women's Shoes, Best $3.50 Grade $S88 TOMORROW ONLY AT THIS PRICE 1TT A special sale tomorrow, in troducing several new styles for spring, 1908. Women's perfect fitting Shoes, the very latest styles, made of excellent materials; the new short vamp and forepart ef fect that is so much in de mand just now. The leathers are fine vici kid and patent kid; medium, light and heavy soles; all sizes, and widths; regular $3.50 values. " On sale tomorrow QQ only at 4&.00) Boys' $2.50 Kid and Calf Shoes, priced $1 Hft tomorrow at.v P1J Boys $2.00 Kid and Calf Shoes, priced tomorrow t QQ at ...i $1.03 Boys' $1.50 Kid and Calf Shoes, priced tomorrow Q9C . offend- New Silks FOR SPRING AND SUMMER We've been working and planning, figuring and calculat ing, in an effort to lower the prices on thoroughly depend able silks.. The result of our efforts shows in the following items. We've gathered largely of the most exquisite silks for spring and summer. Youll like them when you see them, and the prices are temptingly moderate. SATIN FOULARDS AT 75 23-inoh double weight Satin Foulards, in a full assortment of dots, rings, scrolls, etc.; comes in colors, brown, green, tan, blue and black, fine soft finish, correct spring 7Cj weight; extra good value at this price, per yard....... I DC CHENEY BROS.' NEW FOULARDS AT f 1.00 : ., Just received a special shipment of Cheney Bros', shower proof Foulard Silks, in an unlimited assortment of neat, new designs, dots, rings and dainty little patterns, colors brown, green, blue and black, beautiful soft finished fab- f AA rics of unequaled quality at this price $1UU . ROYAL WASH TAFFETA 69 A YARD A great special offering of genuine Royal Wash Taffeta, one of the most durable silks made, warranted not to cut, break, slip or split, will laundry as well as linen, comes in all the best colors; especially priced for this sale at UC SWISS TAFFETAS, 75c AND 85c GRADES, 65 19-inch Pure Silk Taffeta, beautiful Swiss finish, high luster, comes in every wanted shade in all the best colors, every yard fully guaranteed; regular 75c and 85c grades. CC, On sale tomorrow at UuC Special Offering in the Men's Section MEN'S UNDERWEAR, 50c VALUES, 35 Special sale Men's Jersey Ribbed Cotton Shirts and Drawers, in regular spring weight, made form fitting with French elastic neck; the best wearing 50c garment in the market; comes in brown and ecru Special sale price Monday OC and Tuesday ; OOC MEN'S SHIRTS, $1.00 VALUES, TO Special sale of Afen's Soisette Shirts, made with soft button-down collar and two button sleeves, cut full size, su perior make and fit; come in cream, tan and white; our 30 regular' $1.00 value. Special Monday and Tuesday....! 7C MEN'S SUSPENDERS. 50c VALUES, 29 A special sale of Men's Lisle Suspenders, made with cast-off leather ends, guaranteed not to break, nickel trimmed, a new assortment nf patterns; regular 50c values. r Special 'OQ, sale price Monday and Tuesday '. .....,MfC MEN'S SOX, 15c VALUES, 12 Special sale Men's Seamless Cotton Sox, with fine ribbed tops, come in brown mixed, gray mixed and green mixed, extra good quality; regular 15c'value. Special sale lOl price Monday and Tuesday ....v ..A62C FOUR GREAT VALUES IN Knit Underwear and Hosiery f&SZr The business of this popular section grows and grows, because more women are daily realizing the savings advantages offered. Here are four specials of more than usual importance: WbMEN'S PANTS 35c VALUES 15c An extraordinary sale of women's fine Cot ton Pants, made of very best bleached cot ton, knee length ; they are made with French waistbandand are perfect fitting; best spring, weight. Our regular 35c grade, specially priced for' Monday and 1 Cr Tuesday: . :. . . . . . ..... IDC CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR 35c VALUES' 15c A . special showing of children's spring ' weight Underwear, made of fine white cot ton; vests and pants come in all sizes; the "vests ar? made nigh neck -arid long sleeves; A pants are knee; length. t Rejglar ,35c j " ,.( , values, Monday and .Tuesday. . . .;. ,V I DV . CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS . ; 20c VALUES 11c A special showing of children's fast black cotton Stockings, regular spring weight, with ribs lxl-inch and 2xl-inch: they are I made from the very best grade cotton. Reg ular zuc value, extra special raonaay 11 and Tuesday 1 1 v WOMEN'S STOCKINGS : ' ' 25c VALUES 13c -Special .sale of women's fine seamless Stock ings, made from the best maco cottony in the new shade of tan, correct spring weight, full-fashioned leg; regular 25c values; some thing new. Extra special Monday ; -and Tuesday. i. .'t... ...... ... . . . . i.IOv sra m the suit koom Youll be especially pleased with our showing tomorrow so many new and beautiful modes will be dis played. This season there is such a variety of styles and smart effects, giving greater scope for original ideas. Realizing the fact that the well-dressed woman of today appreciates styles, that are not the styles of every, other store, we are showing many exclusive models embodying the most approved features. Here are a few prices: CHILDREN'S COATS A fine showing of new Spring Coats for girls, from 6 to 14 years. They are made of good quality covert, worsted, plaids, broadcloth and cheviots. Prices ranging from $1.95 up to $7.50. ' CHILDREN'S DRESSES A full line of new Spring Dresses for girls, 1 to 5 and 6 to 14 years ; they 'are made of good quality white lawn, striped, plaid and plain color gingham and percale; pretty styles and popular prices, 60c up to $4.50. WHITE LAWN WAISTS A fine line of new White Lawn Waists ; five very attractive styles to, choose from; they are made of fine sheer lawn, in plain i ;j x.: I tailored effect and are embroidery trimmed. Extra spe Tuesdayij Extra special. values Monday and ; p 1 t P y ' . ' . V fr I Ju3 ' HEATHERBLOOM PETTICOATS - A fine line of Heatherbloom ' Petticoats, made of genuine heatherbloom, with "IS- inch flounce finished with shirring,:, ruffle and underlay. All genuine Heatherbloom Petticoats are labeled. Regular. $3.00 values, special Monday and , ; ff'-CJ Tuesday .;,.,,DD NEW SPRINGSUITS i!-11 V, We are now showing a complete line " of the new Spring Suits, in Panamas,! Serges, Silk and Wash Goods Prettier styles and oetter vaiu.es tnan ever before offered. Fine worsted and Panama Suits at P nn $12.50, $15.00, 917.50, $Z0.UU ; , NET AND 1ACE; WAISTS V A special offering of $et anJ Lace '..Waists in thre beautiful styls, -..this season's latest effecU, , in white, creajft and ecru. 0 Special Monday and Tuesday. V, 40 " - t