; THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, T THURSDAY, ' EVENING, MARCH 12, '' 190ft. ; 13 roil SALE REAL 1ST AID pwxioo LOTS -11T8 TO ll0, KABY taime. fin location; water mulns laid; Wo4ltoci(.r. Jehnaoo 4 Btout. lit ri(7TnouM rouses. NfiwYWoD-' .' vi."h ML Draper at Co.. I4ltt ' Washington at., room I nl 1 cor. 7 th ."Ifl " specialty of eelling oye la (ha r. purnsid district CTft. Dcanell & Co. Real Estate, Room It. 6l taiH 1- VOL) WAN Yii LilY. sltLL Oil exchahre Property, rant a house, have business to sell, or a bill to collect, L. Hickman, 1041 .Van Houlan - IUIHIIMIUH station. ACRkAUK, ON BALEM CAR LINK. NO . 'jj'thar .ut than l,ent. better o(l, at iaf tha price. The Ald-t tract. I i4Ck"..nmh Of Motsger station. F. C. Alrtrlch, Beaverlon. R g.'n. No 1. BTkGAlNl KBOil" OWNER-NEW' ' K roow houae with kaO, hot and sold .yatar. electric fixtures. E. -4lth at g'j'larpentar. CIS 2 Clackairia ava tt. t can aava you snoney. K. N. AlOOfcHN RKJM COTTAGE, CORNEll! 60x100; I2.6W), term. U'. Woodstvck vwr, IQ4 tth and TUbeta. . POn SALE FARMS FOR BALK NEW 7 ROOM HOUSE with modern conveniences; fin loca tlon, Improved at.; erica 92,750; 1750 caah, balanc oaay. Owner. 1120 E-Lla- MoDEHN -ROOM ' HOTBE, 14.600; niodtrn "-room houae, Y3.660; amall Jaymrnt. HO monthl Owner, phoo Kant (71. ,3.400 FIVE KOOM MODERN BUN galow; 1800 down, 120 monthly: I clock south Hawthorn. E. 44th, Dr. larllng. A NoW ILivoflM bungalow., half acre. Price 1 2,000. R. K. Allen, Wood- triers aUtlon. Phono Bcott 2271, lOli BALE MODERN 4-RoOM HOUSE on corner, quarter block. In eaay I .ewaisinjr aiaianc ana mie ear aervir. T n K. Itth at.: cement alriewallr. l 7&0. inanity hd K. Htti at. Phone Bell. !)Z. it BALE CHEAP SK V KN-ftOOtt totodern bouae. with lot. cement bnaa- Itient, wood lift, Improved atreat, piped lor B-ba. newly ppered and tinted; terma. Bee owner, 141 Bell wood at. t'pper Aituna. CHOltfi LOY,' E6xi66; ' lib fMf from carllne; 1600, caah or terma Kor irtleulara write Bo 386, Arleta, Or. K)H BALE 11 800, A 4-IU)OM JlOL'fiK and lot ono block from Union ave. 961 parfleld ave.. cor. of Preaoott at rhona vvoofliwwn 149 tWNt;il, IK VOL! ARK AM HIT IOCS TO own a home come and are me; amall iinyment flown; ay terma J-ltsi. j nn mat K"kW, MODERN -HO()k RKS1DKNCH, Turnace, nreplace, laundry; cement baaament and floor; by owner. 226 Bhaver. Pbone Woodlawn H. At a bar- aln If taken before March 16. BEST IN THE VICINITY OF PORT- lana; tracta, 1 cere to 10 acrea, on lectrlo line. 1300. $260 and 17l per acre; eaay terma; will at-11 40 acre tTact, alreudv platted, at 1200' per a ore; II bargain. Room 4, 14?H 2d at i)R BALK OR TRAIE 6 ACRES, ON EeU carta carllne, 26 mlnutea from let and Alder; 2-room houao and laraa aprtn; U clenr; will exchange for Im proved cltr property; price, $2,600. Room tl Commercial bldg. Voti BALK NTZJE NEW 6-ROOM 0"o1--taae, concrete baBement. nlco almdn treea; eaay terma Inquire owner, 434 Marguerite ave. iCST FROM THE EAST; CAN PLACE aome good bargalna In real eatate and bualneaa chancea. Teff t-Courtola Co., tip Commercial Mdg. ilAVE RUYERS FOR HOME GOOD bargalna In tracts and auburban homea. Uli CVmmerclal bldg. kL'CHTEL 4 KERNS MAKE A SPE- clalty of east aide realty, rentaia. loana. ete il K. Mfrtaon at. ' BACRIFicE ACCOUNT SICKNESS. 10 acrea five blocka from carllne; 6o fare. High state cultivation; 600 bear ing; fruit treea; one acre bcrrlea; good water, piped over entire tract for lrrl- fatlon. Oood five-room house, barn and wo chicken houaea. 1 10,500; tcrma. A. P. Draper & Co., 343 H Washington at. Room 6. 100 arret Jolnlnir city llmlta of a rood town with, two good echoole, on I. P. R. R, 16 Biliea Portland anil . U mlloa of fialeia, IVa mllea Ualetn car line: n aplendld tuVllo road; rich aoiu level and all In cultivation; 0 acrea al rwady availed In oata and ought to " 6 buahela to the arrei 1 acrea aeed-d In wheat and tha teat In hay ana clover. You reap where othira have aown. Weil fenced and croae fenced; no bulldlnga, food building alt aad good well. loa 7.100.. Home teme. Worth, II 000, 10 tPKK CENT INVESTMENT. It would b hard to ftntl a aaner. aafar, better Inveatment than th'a: acrea, level, dark, rich aoll. 1 mile rood town on b. p. ft. k, ana m miie carune and nation, it mnea . - room honaa. not our arnod: 2 hot) Kuna and large atoreraowu all in cultivation; to aorea hopa, reat grain, potatoee, ato. thla farm la leased to good tenant lor 1400 caah per year and he la making money. Price 14.000; iiO" " ance yen re 4) per cent. acrea, a mwee uckid iwuo J. R. R. between Woodburn and Mount Angel; 60 acrea In cultivation; aome timber; reat elashed and In paaa tura: 1 iirl nf nroliard. i-mom hOUBO, good barn, two well, good cellar, aprlng and running water; aoll black ana rich: telephone In houee; near goou acnooi and churchee. one of which la a Scandi navian church: a aplendld end product- Ive rami. Prlua ft.v; .uu caan, uai anco to ault. ..... . 1 acrea, new houae, line largo barn. 1U mllea Woodburn and aame dlatanra another good town on 8. P. R. R.; good orchard aad all klada berriea: oornera on two good publlo roadaf all in cultiva tion and dark .rich aoll; a aplendld home. M00: H caah. balance 6 yeara. 10 acrea H mile Br1n, P. W. P. cara, J, room bouae. woodahed, barn, etc.; 10 acrea cleared and exceedingly rich; It mllea city; no weate land: aome timber. A bargain at $1,160. Terma 10 acrea mllea out; good houae. well and moatly cleared and In cultiva tion; one mile 6c carllne. Cheap at $1,600. Qoort -terma. HAROROVK BROS., IISH th at N., cor. th and OMaan, or Arleta, Or. Ttionea Main 4161. Tabor 1022. TIMBER ' U0ME8TKAD RELINQUISHMENT . Columbia county, about 1.260.0OO gooi timber: giMwl aoll, no rock. Lannlng, e i i nn m per or t om m e rcx M mile from railroad. Room 1, 127 E. 1 eta at., near Morrlaon. Call oven Inga. ' - HORSES, VEHICLES. HARXESS IIOR8ES AND BUOOIEg rOR RENT ' by day, week and month; epeulal rataa to bualneaa houaaa. 6th and Hawthorn. Kaat Tt. VOH BALE i HEAD DRAtrr HORSKH. Inoulre at Jackaon a barn, 01 jeraey. ai., et. jonna, or,- WANTEI KOR CASH 1,200 POUND ' good gentle horae. Call 207 B tan ton. FOR SALE LIVT:STOCK TOR 8ALB l HEAD OP WORK CAT- tle. por Information addreaa B. T. FMmlnton, Portland. Or., general deliv ery. To be aeen at the Fir Tree, Roae t-iry rara. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS YORK BAND INSTRUMENT AND MU ale houae; repairing. 127 H Stark. LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALE. ALL KINDS. INCLUDING APPROVED forcat reaerve ecrlp for aurveyed. no aurveyed timber and prairie government taiiix. ft. on . (IB III II t Ull. I liw uniianM. OXAernmenT bCRiP, ALL inNT)C for aurveyed or unaurveyed landa, loweat price. Moulton ac Scobey, attor neys, 604 Columbia bldg., Portland, Or. IDEAL PLACE FEW WILL COM PARE WITH IT. 10 acrea. altuatedalong the banka of the Willamette river; boat landing on place, only 14 mllea from good town; the land la all level, good rich aoll, apc rlnlly adapted for peachea; nnjy few plaoea In the Willamette valley can produce the dellcloua fruit: there are 6 acme' of peachea In full bearing, 300 treea t year old, 60 bearing cherrlea, few pear treea. plenty of gra;ea. logan berries, atrawberrlca, gooaebcrrlca and curranta; the fact la that- thla place Will produce anything adapted to thla climate, and the great advantage thla place haa you can have everything on the Portland market dally, without any great expense on account of the boat aervlee; tha :mprovernf nta consist of a good room houae, r.arn xxo, mug house, large woodshed, roothouse, good well at tho door; this place produced laat season over 11.100 worth of fruit with an outlay of 138 for hired help: the expense to aee thla place la 11 for round trip on tha boat. Price, 17,500; favorable terma can be had. OTTO HARKSON. 11m 1st at FUR SALE MISCELLANEOUS COAL THAT DOES NOT CLINKER OR leave soot; cheapeat coal on the mar ket, quality conaldered; guaranteed full weight, prompt delivery. Beaver 11111 coai. rnone Main db.h. TYPEWRITERS SECOND-HAND AND factory, rebuilt, 136 up. 147 Stark at PERSONAL , Kidney-Cure Tea W. J. VAN DAMME. 118 Morrlaon atreat, near bridge, next to Papa Cot--fee Houae. NEW TESTIMONIAL. To Whom It May Concern: After Buffering for tha .- past 25 year with kidney trouoie. and apendlng mora -than 11,000 on doctora and medicine, I got no better. - . Thee different d o o t o r a that tave been Ilea ting me ! have . called my dlaeaa Rheumatism. Chronic Ap pendicitis, Fibrous Tumor and Heart Trouble. 1 called on Van Damme and ob , talned from him a bottle of his "iildney Cure Tea." about six weeka ago, and hava alnce used four other bottles, making five in all. and today 1 consider myself a new person. For any fur ther testimonials call at my horae and X will gladly 'furnlah them. MRS. E. 1 FITZGERALD, 116 Bandy Road, Portland, Or, Feb. 20, 108. Put up In 60c and $1.10 bottles. Women'a and children's diseases sated excluitvelr by graduate and licensed women pnyslclans on'.y. Nerv ous and chronic, dlseasua a specialty. Maternity cases given speclil atten tion. l'p-to-dute maternity hospital In connection. No charge for consultation. Addresa all rorreapondence to THE LANE INSTITUTE. Rooma 6 to 14 Urand Theatre bldg., 162 Washington, corner Park. Phonea Main 2926 and A-6607. Appolnt- mnn's mailt by phone. BATHS BODLEY'8 TURKISH BATHS. IMPfl- rlal hotel, open day and night ALL KINDS OFAtlOSoTaiABSAaflS: $1. tT Id. near Taylor. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS CLAIRVOVANTS AND PALMMT CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OriH 8 JClectrto Cleaning woras; carpen cleaned and laid, both dry ana com nrasaed air cleaning: carpet renttlngou: specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main 1671 and A-zI. ! urans at. BAWilARY CARPET CLEANINO. 8UC- tlon and compressed air, carptta cleaned on floor. Main 6614 and 1200. CARPENTERS AND DUILDERS J. J. RANKIN CONTRACTOR AND. BUILDER. . Jobbing and remodeling a specialty, 217 Front at. Phones Main 1623; Wood- lnwn, 991. ' K. MKLTON OFFICE, STORE FIX tures: general Jobbing. II 1st at. Phone Main 1190. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY AND PEDICURINO Mrs, M. D. Hill. 110 Field iner bldg. COLLECTIONS. WE GIVE YOUR ACCOUNTS SUCH personal attention as they demand. R. C. Chlsm. 107 Couch bldg. A-ltll. IN THE MIDST OF JAHOAINW there are atlll bargalna. Bee us and be convinced. We can "enow" you whether you are from Missouri or not thot we sell lowest. Remmber we will buy what you have to offer. Phone Pa cific. 793. Wcatern Salvage Co.. Wash ington nnd 20th sts. STOVE DOCTOR WE REPAIR. PUT In colls or exchange. atovee tit let The lllar. PEOPLE'S eell Main 6374 HoTJsk FURNITURE buys and eells everything. Prices right 21114 Front at Phone Main 4290. HYDRAULIC CIDER PRE88; CEMENT hollow block and brick machine. Marshall at. 654 BARGAIN. New, thoroughly modern, 7-room tiome, near Hawthorne ave.; 13,000, terma. A.S. Draper & Co.. HS Wasli Ington at. Room 6. HOOD RIVER. 100 acres choice uncleared land; deep shot soil In low foothills. 1 tables from town; best Inveatment In Hood River at $100 per acre. MACRAE ft ANGUS, 432 Chamber of Commerce. SPLENDID tl-ACRE FARM WITH 100 bearing cherry, apple, prune, pear and plum trees; 7 acres of hops and 1 hi erea or loganberries: o chicKens. z milch cows, so hogs, 3 stands of beca. 1200-lb. horse, 4 years old. wagon, har ness, new buggy and all kinds of farm Implements and tools; good 6-room house, nicely furnished, with well on back porch. Thla place la 32 miles from Portland, 1 mile from achool and m miles to Dundee. Everything com plete, $4,260; $2,600 caah, balance on time. Mual act immediately. Thla la good buy. Oregorv -MaeOregor. 824- 8Z6 Mohawk bldg.. Id andMorrlaon. SINGLE COMB Bl.ACO MINORCA 8, eggs from prize winners, $1.60 per Bet ting. Barred Plymouth Rocks, high trade, $1 per 16. H. Donahue, Orient St.. vet. Portland B'l'vd and Holman. We bell uoods at the lowest living prlcea; new and old; largaat and cleanest stock to select from; every thing on one bill end prompt delivery. Stoves and gas appliances; coll put In fas rangea, connected. The Dollar, 212 at. Main 6374; A-2127. $ $ I $ We Want Your Trade. $ I I I DEALER Columbia Sanitarium Dlaeaaea of man. women and children successfully treated and cured. Spe cialties: aye, ear, noae and throat. All private and wasting dlsaaaea promptly cured and tneir erreeia permanently removed from the ayatem. Also rhou matlam, goitre. Indigestion and consll- ratlon. "We guarantee all our curea." 'atlents auccesafully treated by mall. Write fo- symptom blank. OftJcaa 16-35. entrance room 22, Raleigh bljg., th and Waahlngton sts., Portland, Or. Telephone tuna. CLEANING AND DYEING Bl'NNYSIDK STEAM CLEANING AND Dye Works, cleaning, pressing, repair ing and dyeing. Work called for and delivered. Tabor 1067. 20& F- 14th st. PROF. SfflELBON :. THE WORLD'S GREATEST- LIFE REAMR -, AND SPIRIT MEDIUM- BY WATER, BY LAND, BY RAIL lyance do thay coma to sea the wonderful dempii. Why not? A he alta before jron at tha tabla and reada every Incident In rpr Ufa. -J By every conceivable conveyer airauons oi tne great nneiaon. It t 1 1 m i V. u ...... ..11 ' v . . " jui. " j fi,ui it, II H 1 ill 111, CHun C " r ... ' , " - it . H llundreas have availed themselves of proiesaor eneiuon e suir uuitu. P"rortha benefit of those who wish to be helped (this also Include urlaltT eekers and skeptics) he will for the i.ext 7 day make hi celebrated '$M9 reading ror SO Cents audi $1 He guaranteea to tell your nams. the object of your call and oxacl 'ly what ' you want to know, or be will make NO CIIAROE, NO CHARGE, NO CHARUK. ory or occult science n a man or rroi. snwnnaa ted to place his services at the disposal or tna puo- CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED. $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Cix, jot Stark st H. W. TURNER. DYER CARPETS dyed a specialty. vb Main 2611. Jefferaon st THE PHILADELPHIA DYEING AND ('leaning Works. L. A. Jones, prop. Free call and delivery. 80Vi Grand ave., p 1 1 o n e H IMS, CHIROPRACTORS Never before In the hlatory nrnfiiilnnal atsnillnr nonsented lie for such a nominal consideration Heallxing that this city has been overrun with pretendera, and that many of its cltlxens are anxious to viau a genuine . clairvoyant. Prof. Sheldon haa decided to place hla conaultatlon fee within reach 1 of all. PrgjV'Bheldon la Permanently Located. , ,'- ' Absolutely Reliable. Learn - What Is Before You Catties', tl.ooo reward we posi- tlvely guarantee Dr. Houthlngton'a Ergo-Kolo "Monthly"' Compound. Safe ly rellevea aome of the longeat. most obstinate abnormal caaea In I to 6 days; no harm, pain or Interference with work. Mall $1.60. Double strength $3.00. Buy of druggist or write Dr. Bouthlngton Remedy Co, Dept 17. Kan aaa City. Mo. ' Chronic Diseases Of men and women cured by modern Phyalo-Therapy; electricity for dlaeaaea of the proatete. Dr. W. I. Howard. 301-8-6 Rothchlld bKg., 4th and Wash. DR. P. O. 8. BR1ETLING GRADUATE I S. C 900 Marquam bldg. A-Klll. I DR.. L M (iORDoN, GRADUATE P. 8. ('.. 104 6 Oreg. bldg. Phone A-1I6I CONTRACTORS AND DESIGNERS V. K. KING. CONTRACTOR, - DESIGN er and builder. E. 7th sL N. Phono East $75. COAL AND WOOD EDWIN FRY. 635 Alblna ave. IN SACKS. CO. ALL Snaps In acreage, i ACREi pla I- ed In lots with 2 corners, t blocka from Swift a townsltu for a few daya. Coll at 714 Chamber of Commerce 66x10a"' LOT AND HOUSE 24x26 2 etorlea; will sell cheap; will take $1, 000, $300 down and rest monthly pay ments Look this up; It Is a snap. Lo cation E. 33d at. Address H-204, Journal. A VERT NICE 3-ACRE FRUIT FARM; 214 trees of various kinds, all bear ing, youngest being 8 yeara; with good 6-room houae; 2tt mllea from Portland; about t blocka from achool and stores; barn and chicken-house; water 10 feet from back door. Price. 52,000 cash. This la an Ideal country home and a good buy. GREGORY MacGREGOR. 824-325 Mohawk bldg, 3d and Morrlaon. $15 PER ACRE 640 ACRES AT Roosevelt. Wash., on the Columbia river, an Ideal farm, three sections ad- iofnlng this were sold this week for 50,000, or $26 per ace; nearly double the amount naked for thla section. A Honttln syndicate Is going to establish an Irrigation system at Roosevelt, Wash. This pleco is going to make a fortune to the one buying it at thla price. For qulck salo, 1-3 cash, balance time at 6 per cent. We have great snaps In farm lands In different parts of Oregon and Wash ington. When people nre anxious to sell Is the time to buy. J. W. OURRAN. 225 Falling bldg. LAYTON COOPERAGE kinds of barrels and bottles bought and sold. 43 N. Front. Phone Main 3147. DON'T NEGLEC'T YOUR ROSES. Oil der manure from Smith's Dairy, at once. Phone Main 6683. AHU Ladies; aBK your druggist for Chichester Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 25 yeara known aa best, aafeat Always reliable. Take no other. Chl cheatera Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. Dr. T. J. Pierce All diseases and weaknesses of men cured quicker snd cheaper than any where else. Call or write. 181 H 1st st. corner InmhIII. SLABWOOD, QREEN AND DRY, $3 TO $4, good fir cordwood $6.60, In quan tities. Union Fuel Co, foot of Mont- gomery st. Phones Main 6766, A-3864. WOOD GREEN AND DRY BLAB; block and cordwood; any length: best quality; quick service. Steel Bridge Fuel Co. Phones E-424, C-1773. FIRST-CLASS DRY CORDWOOD, $6.60; sawed 60c extra. Churchley Bros, 13th and Marshall. M. 931, A-1931. TWO GO)D cheap. Rose Washington st. GAS City Art LIGHTS. Store, 462 WE BUY MORE FURr NITURE BECAUSE WE PAY MORE. MAIN 6655 A - 4 1 2 L JEWEL GAS RANGE. $9; DRESSERS, $7.60; K. tables, 11; mantel beds, $5.50; $46 davenport for $17; onk exten sion table. $7.76; cook stoves, $6; and other bargalna; your credit la good. Anstey Bros.. 325 1st st- 5 Acres of the Famous Hood river apple land will make you In dependent; a few more of these at $200: $30 cash and $10 per month. Go and aee them at our exponas. HOOD RIVER-OREOON IND. CO. 225 Lumber Exchange bldg. phone Main f4 EGGS FOR HATCHING BUFF I.KG horn eggs for hutching: Indian Run ner ducks, Barred Rock hatching hens. Grebo Poultry Co., Grfcsham, Or, Route 1, box 74. Tor sale $5,000 worth new slot machines for penny arcade use; will sell at a bargain. Address Arcade, I rare Journal. I Dr. Philip T. Ball Paralysis, goitre, rheumatism, nervous. l chronic, spinal and female dlaeaaea. 808 FIFTH STREET. COR. SHERMAN. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, IOV els. etc.; German. English, French. Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign book a of all kind a. i Schmale Co, 229 let at I IF iOU WANT ('OA L THAT HAS NO j cllnkera or soot, guaranteed full j weight, la the chenppst on the market, I quality considered, phone for Beaver i Hnl coal. Main ffi2.V DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Sexlne I'llls cure all weakness: $1 box, 6 for $5; full guarantee. Address or call the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co. PERSONS OK MARRIAGEABLE AGE, either sex, dealrlng iiequalntunce, send 10c for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau, room 8. 181Vi 1st St.. city. PACIFIC 7974. HOME A-1842 DRY slab wood, 14; heavy Inside wood. 14.60; block wood. $5; green slab wood. $1. tly Call Main 6963 Foot of Curry St WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO. House and blacksmith coal a, coke, charcoal, klndllrg. Phone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F. R. JONES ft CO, Wood and coal. 181 East Water st OTL" coal In city, $7 per ton. Room 18 SUNSET COAL CO, BEST Alder. Main 663 LIGNITE 253 WOOD, POSTS AND ROUGH LUMBER. R. E. Beegle, 3d ave. and Foster road. Lenta. YAM ASHITA WOOD CO. CHEAP wood. E. 6th and Main. East 8 18 CHEAPEST FUEL STANDARD WOOD Co, 347 E. Stark. East 2316. B-1696. COAL AND WOOD STJNNYSIDE AND vicinity, E 2067. Prompt delivery. Business chance, Journeys, speculation, loclal and domestic condition, fall-:, ures, successes. Ill-health, evil Influences, love, marriage, divorce, lawsuit and', all human affairs advised upon with unerring accuracy. The wlee use every means to compasa victory, thousands have been helped. If yon are In trouble of any kind, unhappy, not satisfied In life, hava domestic. . love or bualnesa troublea, you will be told how to overcome them all. "O TE OF LITTLE FAITH." This too materlailatio generation, steeped In luxury and blaae from a surfeit . of pleaaures, la blind to tha greatest opportunities through unbelief In tha higher sources of knowledge and spiritual guidance, uch as have in past age shaped tho destinies of the greatest Individuals and nations. . Human lire is made up or a multiplicity or inieresia, nu evrr nnn anon there comes a time In every mortal when In bltterneaa of spirit they have cried! WOULD THAT I HAD WARNING ERK THIS CAMtB TO "Aob. I tia.tltt ARE NONE SPARED THESE TRIALS of patience, though aome. by a greater mental endowment and higher gifts, avoid for a time the pitfalls into whlcH . those leaa favored fall. In the person of Prof. Bhaldon remarkable and extraordinary gifts were eas ily manifested to himself in perplexing and astounding waya. Finally, recognis ing the power conferred upon him, hla aim haa been to refine, develop and uplift . to that degree of aclentiflc accuracy that Ita beneflu may devolve to hi fellow creatures. " :. These wnnderfnl and Inscrutable Institutions brought Into subjective control are now at the service of the humble or the great, without distinction or reserva tion. The marvelous tests he performs prove the magnitude of hla atrange and wonderful powera. He atands at the hend of his profession and does not wish to be measured by any other standard than his own. He brings personal Indorsement from great people from nearly all civilised porta of the earth. Hla experience and knowledge of life la broad, deep jrnd profcund, and when united with hla moat marvelous powers of medlnmshlp It mekea of him all that he claims to ba, , KL.L. A1H.UIUM3 ana t,irni nnAutas, "THE PEER OF ALl ONE PAIR OF CHINESE PHEASANTS, rooster and C hens, Silver Hpangleil Hamburg. 4 hens. Bantams. 9.13 Brooklyn at, cor. 33d. take Richmond ca r. 180 w7lEELKR4r WILSON SEWING in ai hi se $30; nearly new Smyrna rug. sofa pillows, cooking utensils, 2! books, history of nations. 284 Clay st. CHEAP - MACHINIST'S GENTLEMAN WISHES ACWUAINT ance young widow lady for compHny; lady with little girl preferred. Address box 61, city. FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONE Oregon Fuel Co.. 334 Alder. DRY FIR CORDWOOD, SAWED, load. Seghers Wood Co. Main $8.00 6369. MOUNT HOOD FUEL CO, .160 WATER at.: prompt delivery. Phone Main 8270. STUPENDOUS REVELATIONS ACCOMPLISHED ONLY BY THE GENUINE , OCCULT SCIENTIST. Known from ocean to ocean, gulf to gulf, the marvel of two hemispheres. Many seek the advice of their confidential friends, follow their advice and reap unfortunate loaaea. In ancient daya rulers of kingdoms dispatched for their, advisers, their prophets, to know the work before them, to guide them In their movementa, whether to prepare for war or to make pence. Haa thla power van ished from humanity? No. It still exists as In ancient times, but possessed by few. ARE WE NOT IN A WORLD OF ADVANCEMENT? Has not every other mental science advanced also, and why not thla glftv which the One above bestowa upon him whom He deelres? There ar many so called clairvoyants, mediums, psychologists, etc, but there must be soma real. , Nothing real, nothing to defraud. BEWARE OF THE PARTIALLY DEVELOPED PSYCHIC f "It you are unable to know the pretender from the fully developed medium, you should learn that aeeret from Prof. Sheldon at once. It la a waste of both time and money to counsel with the pretender or partially developed medium; their advice will misguide you, and you often depend upon them to asslat you in time of trouble, only to find your condition becomea more complicated In. stead of better. ' . . Always consult the fully developed medium. The time Is not In tha far future when partially developed mediums will be driven from all cities, and none but the fittest remain. Farms $150 DOWN. BALANCE LIKE RENT, eoav 6-room cottage. 1 block from car. Montavllla. $1,200. Phone Main 6727, A SNAP. New, modern 7-room house; two atory; cement walk; $3,200;. Maryland ave. and Jessup at, north Alblna. Owner. Union 4603. 40-acre farm, 20 acres cleared, small orchard, new house and barn nearly fin ished, $3,000. 34 acres, new 6-room house, new barn; 13 mllea from city, good roads; $2,000. 14 acres, orchard, house and barn; IS miles from city. 130,-acre farm, 60 acres in cultivation, with large orchurd. 20 acres cordwood timber. W If you do not aee here what you are looking ror, can at our office. We have a number of farms near tho city. THE RODLUN REALTY CO, Phone 4462. 14 Hamilton Bldg. $1,850 NEW 4 -ROOM COTTAGE. with closets, bath room, pantry, two porches and basement; lot 40x120; 4Vi blocks west of Nashville station, on Mount Scott carllne;. can be inspected ; iiA 3 Unr. w""h money to quit. Tho Spantun BRAND NEW HOUSE, 6 LARGE Co, 270 Stark st. rooms, basement, gaa, electric lights, 13.250 774 E. Yamhill st, cor. 244h. CORNER S. it. 5 largo refer- 1095 Holgate, FOR PALE, course in the I. C ence books go with city. FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS LAUNCH about 86 feet long, 9-foot beam, elec tric lighted, gas searchlight; 20-horso-power Fairbanks-Morse gaa engine; all modern equipped for 25 pasaengers. In quire of C. R. Kepple at Lad (Is boat house, Rivera, Or.- FOR SALE IRON BEDS. COUCH. stove, chairs, Morris chair, dining ta ble, chiffonier. 807 E. 12th st. FOREIGNERS WISHING TO LEARN English language, class now being W. M. MILLER. V.S tfnnn.n.I . . . I . . 'JOT V ,. , 1.111 lll.u I Q. XT C , U t imiut'ii. ALiuit oat juiiiiiiii, iuiB Brown. DOG AND nORSE HOSPITAL MISS ETHEL WARD'S MANICURING andchlropody ; face, scalp, corns and Ingrowing nails treated. 201 '4 3d st. MRS. OBROCK. MASSEUSE. CABINET bath, salt glow, cream massage; ref erences. 282 Park. Main 2403. A-2714. DR. SANDERSON CO, SAVIN AND Cotton Root I'llls, sure remedy for delayed periods. 12 per box or 3 boxes 16. Dr. Pierce. 181'4 1st St. FRANCO'S COM- LAD1ESI DR. LA i cents, druggists or mal'l regulator; 26 booklet free. Dr. La Franco. Philadelphia. Pa. 44 ACRES IN WASHINGTON COUNTY all clear; richest kind of land, well watered; within 9 mllea of Portland; within half mile of present railroad sta tion and the new Hlllsboro electric runs alongside. Trice $6,600, one-third down, balance long time. We know for a fact that this Is a great monsy maker; the present owner has made blOcK rrom canine. n. aa ana am; uart st, half cash; Just the place for a home. Hartmnn & Thompson, Cham ber or commerce. RAlIDE BUNGALOW8. HOUSES, designed, built, repaired. See Johnson, 904 Mohawk bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A 83x109 lot, 12 foot alley; at Peninsula sta tion, St. Johna line; cheap, easy term. K-Z4A, journal. &ARGAIN IN NEW 6-ROOM, MOD- ern houae in Sunnyslde. Call 1209 E, Vamhlll st. SMALL HOUSE: $420. E. Bnmford, Ivan- LOT 60x100. $200 cash down, hoe. W. W. car. JOO'DOWN. BALANCE EASY TERMS. buys new 6-room cottage, thoroughly modern. A. . uraper uo., ita a Washington st. Room 6. , THREE HOUSES, 6, 7 AND 10 ROOMS, for sale cheap; eaay terma If aold at once, pnone Heuwoon 1W4A owner. .'A BARGAIN NEW 7-ROOM MOD- ern house, full lot. cheap; eaay terms; Vernon. Phone Woodlawn 917. FOR SALE FARMS raRgaum in fruit land. 22 acres near Vancouver on best county road, and in best fruit section; surrounded by..fine .orchards, about 200 icords of wood; will sell half or entire piece; must nave money, no am hhk Ang $20 an acre less than adjoining land viold for. L-116, Journal. 28 1-8 ACRB'it .JOINING CITY LIMITS Of ButtevJilV, Or, good school, 24 miles Portland on Willamette river, IVt miles Portland-Salem carllne, on public road, large barn, fenced, 17 acrea in cul tivation; E acres' timber., reat pasture; .price $28, half cosh, balance to ault. Address owner, B. S. Qulnn, Aurora, R. F.-D. No, 3. " 46 ACRES RICH LEVEL LAND, 8 OF which beaverdam, 7 acres young hop .. vard. runnlno- atirlng water all year. -rnll ; to railroad station, church -a,nT school; once 4.7tu. Aaoress owner. i O P. Qllbertson. Bn rlow, Or, jTO. ELROD FOR. W'HEAT RANCHES. 619-620 Corbett bid. A SNAP. 800 acres of good land, 5 miles from Oregon City. 16 acres under plow, 25 acrea slashed; good water, well and spring and Abernathy creek on place; 100 a good timber, other stumpnge paid for sawmill, shingle mill: all buildings- price $8,000; or will sell land for $6,600; no agents, see owner on place, or addreaa H. Bigelow, Oregon City, Or. HOMESTEAD AND DESERT CLAIMS LOCATED. AH level, good, valley land. For pam phleta write to PACIFIC LAND CO.. Lakevlew. Or. NEW FURNITURE OF MODERN 8IX room house for sale at bargain; leav ing city; houae for rent. Inquire 672 Belmont at. TURKISH BATHS, 300 OREGONIAN bldg.; ladles days, gentlemen nights. Main 1938. BUN SOON HUIE, JAPANESE GOODS, matting. Chlnaware, silks, tea. rattan chair sbIc; prices low. 169-171 2d st. STXRAWEl NATIONAL REGISTER. Red Cross Pharmacy, 93 6th st. $15 FOR A PATENT ON YOUR IN vention. A. J. Matter, patent attor nev, 51 X Commonwealth bldg. DR. B1NG CHOONO, IMPORTER CH1 nese root medicines; sella Chinese tea, certain cure for all diseases. 192 2d at BRUIN v DETECTIVE SKRVICE CO. 40 Hamilton bldg. M. 4943; A-2545. VETERINARIAN. 26 N 8th at Office $27 Flandera. Phone Main 7846. DR. C. E. BROWN'S DOG AND HORSE hospital. 106 N. 6th st. Phones Main 40S6; A-4086; residence. Pacific 340. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL 29 Gllsan st. Phone Main 1484. DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING WAISTS 75c UP; skirts $2 up. Pacific 1186. 202 2d, corner Taylor. DOG KENNELS. LEITROM KENNELS. CHA8. R. CAM plon. Prop, 45th and Division -eta. Phone Tabor 125. Dogs of all kinds boarded. Dogs for sale, pointers, settera and collies. Bull terrier pups 6 mos. old. SPECIAL NOTICE Ladles and gentlemen can visit Prof. Sheldon without fear of having their confidence betrayed. He has thousands of written testimonials from leading clt lxens of the Unltod States, but he never publishes a name of any of his patrons, as he considers his business a sacred trust. If you doubt his ability, call and he will give you positive evidence In your own case. Unlike the fortune-toller and pretender, he asks no fee In advance, and absolutely refusea to accept any remuneration for hla 'readings If perfect satisfaction is not given. Ha la ever ready to help those with capital to find a aafe and good-paying Investment; this he can do, and asks no fee until the Inveatment pays handsome profit 1 " i , ge of the Future Is Power for the Present LOGANBERRY PLANTS. 1VANHOE sta. W. W. car. Mr. Schelly. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE JUST COMPLETED, A NICE G-ROOM cottage, lot 50x100, valued' at 11,000; will sell on your own terms, or take span of horses, harness and wagon: also 4 or 5 good cows. You can get n bargain here, aa the owner is going to leave the city. George w. Turner, iUiYt Washington St., room 4. G R I S E L D A SHAMPOOING, MA.S sage and magnetic treatments. Room 19, 190 Vt 3d st. AROC, PALMIST AND CARL) READER, readings 25c. 202 Second, corner Taylor. LORNA DALE. MANICURIST SHAM poolng, etc. One call means another. Room 15. Mllner bldg, 360Vi Morrlsor. TRADE IT FOR 619-520 Corbett A WHEAT bldg. RANCH. FOR SALE OR TRADE GROCERY store In choice location; a bnrgaln; what have you? Phone Tabor 21 FOR EXCHANGE A FINE 6-ACRE tract for an automobile; 4-cylinder runabout; must be In good condition; full details rtrst letter. Aooresa c, Room 813 Commercial bldg. STEAMER PEARL, IN FIRST-CLASS shape, one of the best two-men boats. Price $1,500. P. O. box 184, Hood River, or. THREE BARGAINS TRACT CLOSE to Vancouver with house and good im provements, cash or Instilments, $1,500. Hon se and 8 acres good land, 2 miles from Vancouver ferry, close to school, church and atore, $1,280. Also good country store proposition. Merrlfleld Investment Co., Vancouver, Wash. FARM, OF 80 ACRES- WITH HOUSE and bnrn, good soil, well water for nouse ana lot, not too far out. 714 Chamber of Commerce. I HAVE INCOME REAL ESTATE TO exchange for telephone bonds In largo and- small amounts. This is an nrsi class property and will be exchanged at cash-value ror tne ponas at par. a. j Richardson. 204 Rothohild bldg. 670 ACRES BEST STOCK FARM IN Willamette valley; Will exchange for city property. Inquire 287 Williams ave SIX-DRAWER NATIONAL REGISTER. Red Cross Pharmacy. 93 6th st. Lands under the Furnish & Coe project, Umatilla county, Or. Call on Columbia Land Co, 608 Marquam bldg, Portland. 825 ACRE FARM YAMHILL COUNTY, fine Improvements. See me. H. M. Barrett, 208 Couch bldg. SPLENDID BUY IN LARGE TRACT unimproved farmtne- land: chance to double your money; rail and river transportation. H. M. Barrett, 208 Couch bldg. TLMRER TIMBER FOR SALE, . Come aee trie and talk timber. T hava locations, relinquishment and million of feet located all over western Oregon; satisfaction guaranteed or money back, my motto." - GEO W. DUUULABB, . 318 Worcester bldg. For Sale Timber claim. 1.000.000 feet- muat bo aold immediately. L-21J, Jour pat - '"'-' ' , A . PERSONAL MANICURING AND SCALP TREAT nient. 86H4 Morrison st, rooms 3 and 4. Hours 10 to 8 SURE CURE FOR HEADACHE; 1N close (1Q) ten cents and write X. Y. Z, New Era Or. MISS GIBSON GIVES SCALP TREAT ment: dandruff. 268 Va Morrlaon, room 62. lONAL HERBS AND am 98x. PERKINS NA Kretol are aol 4th at Phone Tltk ' Sn'OWDEN BATHS, 145 V, ' 6Tll Bt; vapor and aponge baths, vibratiory massage. Rooms 24 and 25. Til d hy A. R Bloomer, 190 Mi BEE THE "EIGHTH WONDER OF the World." free. 403 Oregonlan bldg. baLm! Of figs for all female diseases. 'tt6 E. Belmont East 4CS4. HOLES, WrINKLes, superfluous hair removed. Mrs, H11U 380 Fleldrer. LADIeH' BARBfltt SHOP-MANICUR- ing. facial massage. 310 Bunnslde t. MASSAGE TUB BATHS ROOM 16. 851H Morrison, formerly 224H Wsah. MANICURING FOR LADIES AND gentlemen. $43 tt Morrison, room S. DRS. ATWOOD, PRIVATE HOSPITAL Home for unfortunate girls; good care at confinement 808 Ailaay biag. SADIA GRANT. MANICURING AND facial massage. Room 6. 145H FACIAL AND SCALP MASSAGE; mnnlcuring. 12-14. 268', Morrison. MISS MARCELLA LE ROY, 291 AL- der st, room 4, scientific massage. CLEVER, HONEST PRIVATE DETEC tlve. wants cases. Box L-186. Journal. ATTORNEYS DANCING WALTZ, "two-step," "three-step" and stage dancing; lessons 25c; 7 ladles and gentlemen teachers. Prof. Wal. Wil son's achool, office and hall 12. Selllng Hirsch bldg, 886 tt Wash. bet. W. Park and loth; also aancing taught by man. PROF. R1NGLER DANCING ACADEMY, a select school: class or private lee- sons dally. 188 tt E. Morrison. Pnone. CONCERNING BUSINESS AFFAIRS. He gives dates, facts and figures, reliable and Important advice and Infor mation on all matters of Interest In business transactions, lawsuits, contested wills, life insurance, damage suits, divorces, deeds, mortgages, claims, collec tions, speculations, adventures, stocks, and all financial difficulties. Truly pre dicts the success or failure of new Inventions, patents, pending pension claims, etc.; tells whether wou will receive fair dealings with partners. If yon care to know what business you shall follow to be auccessful, where you shall go and whom to avoid; If you Intend to make any changes or to start a business, buy or sell property, or In fact take any Important step, don't fall to consult Prof. Sheldon. HIS ADVICE MAY BE THE MEANS OF SAVING YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS AND A GREAT DEAL OF TROUBLE. By consulting him you will learn how to preserve health, retain youth and restore lost vitality." . M'MINN'S DANCING ACADEMY. MUL- key bldg, 2d and Morrison sts. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES WE8TERN ELECTRIC WORKS. 61 6th at Contractors, electric supplies, motors and dynamos; we Install plants. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING Co. Motors for sale or rent; wiring and supplies. 13 2d st. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS "TRUTHFUL IN HIS PREDICTIONS. RELIABLE IN HIS ADVICE," No matter what troublea you may have with yourself or others, come and he will guide you. He advlaea, you with certainty by a higher than human power. HE IS RECOGNIZED BT THE PRESS 2 And scientists generally as the foremost medium In this country. HI past record and strictly honorable dealings are sufficient guarantee for bis future work,' and have wen him the good will of the presa and people. - , , HONEST. FEARLESS AND CAPABLE. He Is the foremost medium of the day. He fully understand the re sponsible position he is placed In by the remarkable gift he Is endowed -with, and he will try his best to help those who need help, and advise thoe who need advice, and do all In his power to show all honest toilers plainly and in forcible language now to gain happiness and prosperity. -' HIS REVELATIONS ARB MOST WONDERFUL. And acknowledged to be of the highest order, not made to satisfy Idle curiosity, ' but Intended to give those who seek the truth a permanent benefit. He doe not cater to the superstitious or the ignorant, credulous people. If you are In doubt that .he can and will perform all he claims, feel yourself Invited to call, and he will give you a more substantial proof of hla marvelous power than you have before received from mortal. GILLIAM ft GILLIAM. ATTORNEYS at law. 720 C. of C. bldg. Main 6101. INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT CO, LAW collections. 414 Buchanan bldg. M. 8130 A. H. TANNER, ATTY, 609 COMMER cltl block. 2d and Wash. Main 1448. C. 11. PIGGOTT AND H. J. BIGGER, attorneys, rooma 4-6-6. Mulkey bldg: MOULTON ft SCOBEY. ATTORNEYS, 604 Columbia bldg. Main 1650; A-1650. ART EXPERT MOULDING AND STATU. ery work, plaster casta and . orna ments. Antique, Grecian, Roman "and Florentine. G. Adami co, X4 Columbia. HAND CARVING TAUGHT1, DEALER IN antique furniture re-pairing. 538 wash. AUTOMOBILES OREGON MOTOR CAR CO, AUTOMO- unea anu Ksrnge; auaoiuieiy uroprooi building. 10th and Stark. Phone A-4650. ABSTRACTS LAWYERS ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. an. dou. jrortiana Trust co. oiog. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS 4 K1LHAM, 108-111 ID st Blank book manufactured; aarta. for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledg ers; see tha new Eureka leaf, the beat on the market. - PROF. JAMES BENRY 25c 25c 25c European Clairvoyant Trance Seer, Piychio and Occult Teacherl Ger man, French and English. Prof. Henry'a revelations will aston ish you. In order to make himself popular with the public and owing to the financial conditions of tho present day. Prof. Henry will give COMPLETE SPECIAL readings for the small con sideration of 25c this week only. Ad vice on love, courtship, marriage, busi ness, mining, speculation, lawsuits and real estate matters. YOUR WISH AND OBJECT IN LIFE CAN BE ATTAINED. A SECRET TOU SHOULD KNOW. , THE POWER OF CONTROL. LOVE OR COURTSHIP. If affairs of the heart or emotions of love Interest you, he gives the exact and truthful revelations of all love affairs, settles lovers' quarrels, enable you to win the eateem and affection of anyone you desire, causes speedy and happy marriages, tell If the one you love Is true; also date of marriage; restore lost affection, peace and confidence to lovers and discordant fnmillea; give you the full secret how to control, fascinate and charm the one you love; also those, you meet, and how to make a person at a distance think of you. 341 1-2 Monism Cor. 7th, opposite Tull & Gibbs. this ad. Bring FREE ONLY TO KNOW IS THE GREAT DESIRE. THAT KNOWLEDGE PSYCHIC POWER GIVES LOW FEE. BOTCHERS SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. DEKUM. 131-133 ISt.STM carries a full and complete assort m ent at lowest market prices. - 8. BIRKENWALD A CO, 104-801 Ev erett Bt largest putcber supply bouse. FOR ONE WEEK MOR25. BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE One of my CONSULTATION READINGS. Always Consult the Beat PROFESSOR KHIMO. Greatest living astral dead-tranca clalr voyant of the age; adviser on bualnesa and all affair of Ufa; tell your full nam and what you called for whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though mllea away; re unite th eeoarated: gtvea secret pow er to control; doe all other advertise to do. Hour 10 to . dally and Sunday. Office. No and , urana ineatre bldg, 851 tt Wash, near Park at, Phon Main 1247. MISS MAY ANDREWS GIVES GOOD card readings, 25c 82S Main. Main 7548. , MME. MARSH FIELD. TRANCE BUS I NESS MEDIUM AND LIFE READER. Special messages. 268 tt Morrlaon at. ELLEN LYNOLT. CARD READING 6a 408 H Wash, at Phono M. tlli. SO Cents lo $1.00 All TMs Week - . : 1 1 ' T i . '' ! ! i ' P. 8, NO PERSON WILL BE ENTITLED TO MORE THAN ONE READ ING AT THIS REDUCED FEE , 4 A WORD TO THE WISE..-- - f 'l You pay too much for advice when you pay too Uttla for It, - Any kdvlc you may receive that Is unable to serve your purpose cost too mucheven, if it costs nothing at all. There Is no sense in buying, or being given, some thing that Is of no use to you. A broken-down horse won't take you- very far, and It Is only waste of time and money to visit a partially developed clairvoyant or so-called fortune teller, even though they are cheap or fr. - READINGS BY MAIL. ' . To out-of-town people ONLY. Send date of birth. Enclose $1.00. ' ; Ak six Questions, NOTE. Weak and partially developed mediums will find it to their advantage to take development with Profeaor Sheldon. He can complete your develop ment, lending you the strength necessary. Failure unknown to, film, , s HOURS U A, It TO I P. M. (SUNDAY ALL DAT.) ' : DON'T MISTAKE THE. NAME OR NUMBER. " THE BENSON BLDG., CORNER FIFTH AND MORRISON ST:4. SATISFACTION POSITIVELY GUARANTEED OR "NO PAY,