,;'y.' 4 THE OREGON "DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENINQ. aM ARCH 10. 1908. f',"1, , ; ..'''' ..., ! Town Topics j TONIGUrS AMUSEMENTS. HelIIg .... "Merchant of Vwlot ..Moving jriciur Th Three or ur A Kovai tuftve- Ho ,. "Our New Uiri" Anita, tne Binging uin taker Empire urana Lyrl Star Ths contract for tha erection of ths .Oregon building at tha Alaska-Pacifl-Yukon exposition was awarded to Phil a Dunnavast & Co. of Seattle' yester day by tba Oregon commission. uun tiavant & Co. submitted a bid of . I8, which waa tha lowest aum named by any of the blddera. A wide differ ence in tba contractors' estimates waa developed when the blda were opened, one contractor submitting a bid . of lfll,000. The contract atlpulatea that the structure tnuat be completed within four months. Commissioners W. H. Wehrung. W. T. Wright, J. O. Booth. K. W. Rowe and M. D. Wisdom were present at the meeting when tha con tract was leu Larnta E. Haave la plaintiff In a 110,00ft. damage suit for personal In juries, begun In the circuit court yes terday against the Portland Gas com pany. He la a machinist, and formerly was employed at the defendant's gas plant. He says that on October 21. 107, he entered a pit In which there Is a steam pump to do some work, and that when he turned a faucet to drain away some water, there was an explosion. Hot steam filled the pit, he says, and he was badly burned before he could .Ml VIA ha A nAAr VIA I 1. ... that til. yr machinery waa defective. Tomorrow evening there will be a mass meeting of the cltlsens of Pied mont under the auspices of the local Improvement club, which will be ad dressed by W. Wynn Johnson upon the topic of "Municipal Art." The Pied mont Improvement club, of which Qeorge P. Lent Is president, haa been Instrumental in starting a number of notable campaigns for the clvlo bet terment of piedmont, one of the most aristocratic suburbs of the city. The meeting tomorrow night will be held at the Piedmont Presbyterian church. The wreck near Pendleton March 4 on the O. R. A N. was due to high speed on a curve, the railroad oom mis sion decided after a hearing yesterday afternbon and the train crew Is to be dismissed from the service of the com pany. While the members of the crew and especially the engineer, testified that the train waa running not to exceed 20 miles an hour, the commis sioners thought different from the evidence produced and decided accordingly. Articles lost and found on streetcars March 7 and 8: Ten Umbrellas, 1 satchel, S suitcases, 4 packages. 1 roll of sheet music, 2 pair shoes, 1 auger. 1 roll of nowspapers, 1 hand bag, 1 pair gloves, 1 shawl. 1 lunch pall. 1 small Box, 1 package of note books, 1 glove, 1 testament, 1 rocket book, 1 muslo rack, 1 key, 1 knife. Iron rods and bolts. Call at the lost article room of the O. W. P. station, corner First and Alder. Complaint was received by the coun cil committee on licenses yesterday In regard to vendors standing about the streets. The matter was referred to the chief of police with instructions to arrest all vendors who do not keep mov ing. The law prohibits the vendors from staying in one place and they will be arrested If they are caught stand ing on street corners Ellen Ingman has begun suit for di vorce in the circuit court from Olaf Ingman. whom she married In Milwau kee, Wisconsin, In 1898. She alleges that he deserted her one year ago, after they had lived nine years together. Evangelist Allen Wilson, -at First Christian Church, Park and Columbia, tonight Subject, "Behold Thy Moth er!" Male cnorus, of 24 voices, of Grace church will give musical pro gram. Central W. C. T. V. will hold its monthly business meeting March 11. Miss Harriet Moorehouse will speak on "Thrift Teaching. i ne meeting will be held at 2:30 p. m. In room 606 Good- nough building. The office of the city engineer waa closed this afternoon from 1 o clock until 3 because of the funeral of Mrs. Peter Taylor mother of City Engineer Taylor. "Golden Grain Granules' is used by 60.000 people in the northwest It is the pure cereal coffee. It tastes like coffee. It cures Insomnia -nd nervousness. '"; ' i f ' ., & v 'i ; di b ; JI Trie rreit pUniit, who will play with iitlG.SlEK Tuesday. March 17 t the DEILIG THEATRE is tne greatest pianist vi mc younger generation, ms marvel ous trcnius as an interpreter of piano music, "and not,' as one critic puts it, "merely a speaking tube." is largely responsible for the fame he has achieved. Bauer uses the Mason ft Hamlin piano, being his choice over all others on account of its exceptional tone qualities. Sherman, Clay & Co. are sole representatives for the Mason & Hamlin in this territory. BAUER-KREISLER Seat sale opens Saturday, March 14. FIRE ESCAPES FOR ALL SCHOOLS a School Board Will Provide Extra Precautions to Prevent Disaster. northwest corner Fourth and Washing ton, In the new Rothchlld bldg., end will be pleased to see his many friends and patrons. E. W. Moore, expert photographer, Elks' building, Seventh and Stark sta W. A. Wise and associates, painless dentists. Third and Washington. Dr. K. C. Brown. Eye-Ear. Martjuam. Berger, signs, show cards. 284 TamhtlL D. Chambers, optician. 12 Seventh. Journal want ada. lo a word. PAY HIGH COMPLIMENT 10 MAM SEARS it i in w mni HUM Among other precautions to be taken by the Portland school board to pre vent an occurrence like the Colllnwood disaster, fire escapes will be put, on the east side hlah school building.. This huilrilhr , la over three stories hftth. having more than 800 pupils and has been without fire escapes for more than a year ever since it has been in use. It was also discovered during the dls- ousslon yesterday afternoon at the meetine of the school board that the specifications for school bnildlngs In roriianu au noi inciuua urn hence the east side high school and other new schools have no fire es oaues. It was also voted to rea u I re the prln clpals In every publlo school in the city to hold a fire drill at leeet once eaeh week. Uoon tha DrlnclDal's failure so to da he will be liable to a fine of $6. The principal must report each fire drill to the superintendent' One of the moat Important steps tsken was to direct Architect Jonea to remodel the west side high sohool to conform to the suggestions made by the tire department. Fire Chief Campbell was asked for a report and sent Battal ion Chief Young to Investigate. The following la Mr. Young's report, as ap proved by the chief: "Rearrange aeats In the assembly hall and gallery to comply with the theatre ordinance and make the aisles straight , . "Remodel the fire-escspe windows In the gallery. "Remove obstructions to fire escapee from gallery (blackboards). "Place slcns on all doors through which fire escapes may be reached. 'Tlace automatic door-catchers on the doors to hold them open. "Install two four-Inch standplpes in main hall with hose gate and hoee at each floor (hose gates to be approved by the fire department). "Remove asnes rrom tne uascmem and provide metal ash barrels. "Make small extensions to the fire escapes. "Hlace slgrs at all push buttons for fire alarm purposes and have one fire ax placed on each floor. "Extend the fire alarms to the fourth floor and sound the fire alarm dally. "Overhaul all windows. "Cold-air shaft to furnace to be changed to the nbrth or south side of the building ana De Duut oi metai. "Floor joists under the main hall should be metal lath and plastered; In case of fire the wooden Joists would burn rapidly. "Remove the fence on the south side of Fourteenth street. "Place shutter or damper In hot-air register to prevent passage of fire." The most Important among these recommendations In the opinion of the board, is that regarding the removal of debris from the busement together with plastering the floor Joists under the first floor, especially those over the furnace. Metal laths will be used for this purpose for the first floor must be especially strong. SEE 110 OBJECTION TO The Journal Library Voting Coupon THIS COUPON IS COOP FOR 5 VOTES IN THE JOURJSAL LIBRARY GOMEST Cut out the coupon, fill in name of, organization or society you wish to vote for and deposit in the ballot box at , HOLZMAN'S JEWELRY STORE, 149 Third St. WHITE FRONT DRUG STORE, 133 Qrand Ave. WATTS-MATTHIEU DRUG STORE, 275 Russell St. Kime of Organization..., Name of Voter Addresa- Old or new subscribers to the Daily and Sunday Journal, paying In advance, will be entitled under thia offer to special votes as fol lows: One year ($7.50), 750 votes; six months ($3.75), 300 votes; three months ($1.95), 125 votes; one month (65c), 40 votes. LIBRARY VOTING CONTEST A 1800 library given away absolutely free. volumes and handsome golden oak cases will be given to the lodge. An elegant library of 100 is. school. church, club or society In Portland securing the largest number of votea. Every merchant listed below will give with each 10-cent purchase one vote. At the close of the contest the lodge, school, church, club or society receiv ing the largest number of votes will be awarded the library complete, with cases. Current accounts wnen promptly paia are entitled to votea. Tne library on exhibition in the Fifth street window of The journal office, corner Flftn and Yamhill streets. Ballot boxes are located at Holsman s jewelry store, 149 Third street: White Front drug store, lit Orand avenue; Watts-Matthleu drug atore. 175 Russell street, where all votes should be deposited. Trade 1th the following merchants and get busy with the votes: w W. X. MlUUIi tJ CO., dry goods. clothing and shoes. 1(0 to 184 East Mor rison street CITY own G CRUSHER Members of G. A. E. Lodge at Lima, Peru, Eulogize Retiring Commander. We sponge and press your clothes and shine your snoes, an ror si per month v Mam 614. A-4314. Wagons run everyWuWe. Unique Tailoring Co., 301 Stark. Stationery store a' 149 Mor.tson treot. near Third street, with a full line of stationery and blank books. avls & K-liDurn. rnont a-iou. Rate war. San Francisco 15 Includ ing berth and meals. Finest passenger ship on the Facmc coast. Frank Boi lam, agent, 128 Third street flteamer Jesse Rarktna, for Camas. Washougai ana way innaings, aauy ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. Woodward Panclng academy tonigTit Class lesson, ZBc. private leesons aauy, Socials, Tues., inurs. ana eaiura&y. Automobiles of all kinds, new and jt w.MH fnw A 1 a TTanpv Front ana .Burnsiae. Anna Oil Co. sell safety coal on and fine gasoline. i-none isast tbs; JJ-100T Woman's Exchange. 1S3 Tenth street lunch 11:30 to 2; business men's lunch. Harry R. Eaton, formerly proprietor af tha cafe, room 10. Chamber of Com merop bldg, has purchased the saloon, Why pay 10, 15, 20 or 25 cents for a cake of "toilet" soap when, for five cents, you can buy a cake of Ivory Soap which is bigger and bet ter in every way. How much bigger? Two or three times as bier. How . much better? Well, there is only one way to find out buy a cake and see for yourselfl Ivory Soap. 99 4Moo Per CekU Pure. Major Alfred Bears Is In receipt of the quarterly report of Abraham Lin coln post, Or. A. R. of Lima, Peru, for the quarter ending December SI. For the past three years Major Sears has been the commander of the post his term of office having Just expired. In the report Major Sears Is spoken of very highly and his record In the army Is detailed. It Is set out that the retiring commander was field offi cer In the First regiment of New York engineers. Abraham Lincoln post was organized at Lima, Peru, In 1890, and is made up of American cltlsens who are resident In that vicinity and who are qualified to hold membership In the O. A. R. Major Sears Joined the post while resident In Peru, where he was engaged In civil engineering and irrigation projects for more than six years. In announcing the retirement of Major Sears as commander the report pays high compliment to his adminis tration of the office, he having kept In ciose toucn witn tne post since ins re turn to Oregon. EACH MUST DECIDE WHICH IS RIGHT WAY Business Men Confer With Committee Regarding Municipal Plant Members of the special committee ap pointed to Investigate the merits of the municipal rock crusher met yesterday afternoon and listened to a discussion of the question by Whitney L. Boise, Dr. L M. Davis, Chris Mlnslnger and Dan Kern. An ordinance appropriating $25, 000 for the purchase of crushers and equipment Is before the council but Us passage is considered uniiKeiy. Dr. Davis and Mr. Boise contended yes terday that the city could crush rock oheaper than It could purchase It. They stated that they were satisfied as to this after a thorough Investigation of the subject covering a period of more than a year. Mr. Korn and Mr. Mlnslnger were equally positive that the city could purchase the rock cheaper than It could crush It. There are several problems to be con sidered in solving the matter. Including 3. HOX.HCAIT, jeweler, 14 1 Third street. Main 8186. O. SC. aTOFSJTHATXJV photographer. 1654 Third street Pacific 1720. XADSEmi.T TBAJTSrSlB k STOB- AOB CO., office and warehouse 111-113 North Sixth street Main 1685, A-1686. HJ . X. BAZaTAJkM CO- sporting goods. 122 Orand avenue. East 338. UIIBTT COAX ft I CI CO- office 212 Pine street Home A-3136. Main 1662. TTJXCAJT COAX CO- of floe 323 Burn side street. Main 3776, A-2776. BXTtCH ft OBTXB-, merchant tailors, 825 Stark street. Pacific 200. OBZaOBT BXWS CO- cigars and news. 147 Sixth street W. B. ILirr, plumbing and gas fit ting. (07 Williams avenue. East 432S. WKITB nOVT SIVa STOBB, 138 Orand avenue. A. B. WIUITT, grocer, 128 Orand avenue. B-1261, East 283. THB MOBBX. BABBEB OF, finest shop In the city, 81 Sixth street. HASOKXO TEMFX.B OBOCZBT, 380 Yamhill, corner Park. Main 6521, A-37S7. . 1 'J3rca HCHEtFURNISHERS CXXOAOO KABXXT, meats, 187 Third street. Main 413. KOBBISOBT XX.XCTBICAX, CO- 2(1 East Morrison street East 3128. B-1626. WATTS-KATTBIXSTJ OO- druggists, 276 Kussell street East 662. yard East Klgntb and Main streets, jsast 315. AUCB BUTEB, fine millinery, 463 Washington street. Dl. B. B. WBIOBT. dentist. 242H Washington, corner Seventh. Main 2118. CZBTTBAX. BCAB3CBT, meats and fish. 130 Grand avenue. B-1386. East 413. BUTTXB-BTT BBBAJD OO- corner Second and Columbia streets; retail 14( Third street. TATX.OB ft STAJTTOW, plumbing and gas fitting, 808 Pine street. MOOBB BBOS- east side news deal ers and confectionery, Williams avenue and Russell street. East 4702. B. A. XolDiKS, bicycles and sport ing goods, Williams avenue and Knott street. East 2482. Mmm WW fiOYS' SUITS Our Special Leader the difficulty of securing a rood aualitv of rock, transporting It to 'the crushers, later transporting ft to the various 38 V A large congregation waa present at the first evening of the evangelistic services conducted by Rev. Clarence True Wilson at Centenary Methodist Episcopal church on the east side. A large chorus choir lead in the singing, Mr., and Mrs. Edward Drake In charge. Mrs. K. A. Bamford also sang. Dr. Wilson took for hi lt first John 6 and 16: "If any man see his brother sinning a sin not unto death he shall ask and Ood will give him life for them that sin not unto death." There Is .a Bin unto death not concern ing this, do I say that he should make request? All unrighteousness is sin and there Is a sin not unto death. He said we must distinguish between Sin and vice, evil or crime. Vice is an ethical term and is used by those who consider public morals. Evil is a gen eric term for all those condltl onn thai shock the sentiment of mankind. Crime is a civil word to designate offences against the laws of the state, but sin has its relation to Ood. and Is the trans gression of his law and love. If there were no Ood there could be no sin In the Christian science. Borne have lnaulred. "Is sin a reality!" We repfy that ail realities may be distributed In three categories, substances, attributes and relations. Now, sin Is not a substance, nor an attribute, but It Is real as a relation. being the act of the creature by which he takes himself out of the moral orbit and ceases to revolve around Ood, the center of the moral universe, and makes everything revolve around self. sut sin may be foralvan. that m be forgiven In answer to prayer. We may be led to repentance and conver sion through other people's prayer and faith unless we have committed the sin unto death, and this Is the same sin as that referred to by Christ as the un pardonable sin. Blasphemy is the cul mination of the holy spirit' ministry and the reason that It is unpardonable is that, the holy spirit is the supremo manifest -station of Ood to this world, and the channel of his communicated blessings. To cut ourselves off from this stream is to miss the pardoa. which it brings. Dr. Wilson's subject tonla-ht will bo. "aaivatioa. From SUk". , " J parts of the city where it is to be used and the cost Involved in the work. Sev eral quarries near the city are said to produce an excellent quality of stone. One of these Is at St. Helens another owned by Mr. Kern at Fisher's Land ing and still another at the county reck quarry at Kelly Butte. If the city decides to enter the rork crushing business, efforts will be made to secure bunkers along the river nnd to make arrangements with the Port land Railway Light & Power eomnnnv iv iruiiBpun me proauct aoout tne city. WOULD GRANT ROAD RIGHT TP CROSS LINE Council Committee Kecom mends Privilege Asked for by Mt. Hood Company. Members of the council committee on Judiciary and elections recommended for passage yesterday afternoon an ordinance granting the Mount Hood Railway & Power company the right to cross the Bull Run pipe line with its tracks at two points east of the eltv. The members of the committee before voting on the measure satisfied them selves that the ordinance would In no wise infringe upon the city's rights and it win prooaoiy $1.00 A Week Will Do $1.00 DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE Sold on Easy Payments And You Use the Goods While Paying for Them Waltham or Elgin Watches in n Guar teed 20-Year Case From $8 up STANDARD JEWELRY STORE 189 Third Street, Bet. Yamhill and Taylor Boy's All-Wool Suits, two pairs knicker pants, fancy cheviot and tweeds, well tailored and trimmed, ages up to 15 years $5 JO "Displayed in Vestibule Window" TEETH Save Money Come and have free elimination. WE EXTRACT TEETH FREB: Blip VER FILLINGS. IIBo UP; GOLD FILL INGS, 78c UP; BET OF TEETH, 14.00: SPLENDID SET. $8.00; GOLD CROWNS, $2.50 TO $5.00. All work guaranteed for ten rears. Lady attendant always present. All work done absolutely without pain by specialists of from II to zo years' ex perlence. Boston Dentists Mom Fhone A-8030. rhone Mala B030. 991 H Morrison 8t, Opp. Portofflce. unnimiTii HEILIG THSATXB 14th and Washington Phones Main 1 and A-11IJ. : The Eminent Tragedian and Actor I . CKAB.T.TB B. XJUTTOSS Tonight and Tomorrow Afternoon r" "TTEB MXHCXAsTT OT VUMIUW ' Last Time Tomorrow Night "Ajrrosnr aid ouo?atu" Evenings, $1.50 to 26ctrMat., $1 to tBa. Mayor Schmjtz Goes Free "He murdered Mrs. Riley and he shot down William Brown. He laid tribute on the fallen and the rluss .that's trodden down. He used blackmail for a weapon and he i i - i " never misaeu uimo "The facts you lay before me do not constitute a crime." "Widows were his victims, and he robbed them right and lert. Till Of every earth possession they com pletely were bereu; No thought he had of sorrow nor re nnt for olace or time " "Just the same, my mournful brother, such In law Is not a crime. "His character is crimson and his deeds as dark as night,. To pillage and to plunder seems to be ins neart s aeiigm; With bands of thieves and robbers he continually does chime " "This Is quite inconsequential and In law Is not a crime." The court admits, however, that the Union Is the best equipped, laundry on the coast. union laundry Tels. A-1233, Main 898. 2d & Columbia A YOUNG MAN WANTED WITH A thousand dollars; guaranteed a salary of $100 a month, to work In the city; 7 per cent on Investment, gilt edge se curity; must speak German and some experience in business. H-216, Journal.. THINK VETERANS HAVE BEEN SLIGHTED be Dassed at tnmnr. rows council meeting, The ordinance gives the company the rights it sought from the members of tne water Doara, wno carried the mat ter into the courts for fear the com pany would Jeopardise the cltv-a m rights. The , company promised that It wouia in no way attempt to injure the city or impede work on the water sys- Good News for the Hungry. Hereafter the prices at Morris' restau rant will be: For two eggs with coffee, bread, butter and potatoes, 15c; sirloin steak with coffee, bread, butter and uuuuucB, pimiu lieas, witn OOffea. 1. M kill... n J . . . 'i- . r rl u i rnu, uuwci auu uuiacuci, Jan. Other restaurant 'lllff shlln labor. 229 Washington street, between dishes in DrODortlon. Onlv on Washington street em ploy In tim Watch Repairing EVERT JOB GUARANTEED Mayor Lane and his administration was censured for discrimination against veterans of the Spanish-American war at a meeting of Scout Young Camp No. 2, held last night In the Ablngton building. The grievance of the asso ciation is the alleged discrimination of Mayor Lane against Spanish-American veterans in the municipal service. Tho following resolutions were adopted: "Whereas, a thorough Investigation from this camp Into the treatment ac corded the Spanish-American war veterans by Mayor Lane and the present city administration, we are of the opin ion that the said administration is un fair toward this organization. There fore, be it resolved, that Scout Young Camp No. 2, U. S. W. V.. emphatically condemns Mayor Lane and the present administration for their conduct preju dicial to the members of this organisation." CULPRITS AT EUGENE GET JAIL SENTENCES Eugene. Or.. March 10 In the circuit court yesterday Allen Dow of Coburg jleaded guilty to the charge of selling lauor In violation of the local ODtion law ana Juage nvna sentences aim to SO days In the county jail. Clyde Woolwlne, who had pleaded guilty to a statutory crime, was sen tenced to six month la the county JaU. Generate Health Germs by eating Union Meat Co. meat which is Oregon grown, inspected before slaugh ter and after slaughter, by U. S. Government of ficials who are educated for this one task, and are competent to recognize unwholesome conditions not apparent to you, or the ordinary butcher. Order of your dealer their fresh meats, also "Columbia" brand . Hams, Bacon and Lard the purest pork prod ucts. For Booklet address Union Moat Co. Portland, Ore. Pioneer Packers of the Pacific Diamond House Paint GUARANTEED I gallon lota, SI. 40 per gaL 1 gallon lota, SI. 50 Pr gL Manufactured by PORTLAND SASH & DOOR CO. 830 rront St Portland, Or. KITS EVENTS. NICKELODION 130 Sixth Stroet The Blind Boy and The Will Changed The INlckelodlon 140 Qrand Avenue This Week: PASSION PLAT SBAT SALES TODAY ; Helllg Theatre Ne Friday The Famous LyrlO Soprano '' Madame Lillian , s BLAUVLLT Assisted by Mr. Albert Rosenthal Cellist Miss Edith Kellogg. Pianist. Prices. IJ.00, $1.60. 11.00. MARQ1MM GRAND All This Week MOTIOIS PICTURHO 2 to lO P. M. Continuous Performance Positively at Every Performance International Craze "flerry Widows" Beautiful Japanese Spectacle . "The Butterflies" D Emnery's Great Dram "Two Orphans' 1 10C ANY SBAT 10C LADIES FREE Admission and Instruction exposition im TOINIUMT Sessions 9:30 to 12; 1 to 6; 7 to 10:15. WBTBI TO BUTE. Visit Little Hungary NOW THE FAD Something New A Secluded Retreat Aoslro - Hungarian Reslaorant 47 Taylor 8t Bet. Second and Third. GENUINE ROCK SPRINGS COAL SOLE AQEXTTS. INDEPENDENT COAL AND ICE CO. 3S3 STABK BTKEET. Opposite City Library. Both Phones. BAKER THEATRE Phon- GEO. Ll BAIOTR nn M.n.M- Tonight All Week Matinee Saturday- First Time Here at Popular Prices, Rachel Crother's Great New York Success "THE TBSEl (1 Ttm n A play of unusual beauty and Interest." One of the big ones, for which the Baker is noted. Evenings, 25c, J 6c, 60o; matinee 16k EMPIRE Theatre DfiiAMAN. Muunr. Matinees Wednesday) lit y.na MILTON W. All this week. Haturrinv -A atit. mi A Romance oi Old Mexico with Musical Interpolations. By Clarence BennettT Author of "The Holy City." A magnificent production ThrflHn plot, iJ'rom Lew Wallace's story. "The fair God." Nights 16c. 18c, tie, loZ Matinees lOo, 20c . T " Ifert Attraction m la sTew Tortr. THE GRAND Vaudeville de Lox For the Entire Week of Mareh . OIBUSLB'I SOOAJTO POET OXBCT7S. rsatorlng "Tom Woridii Chreatest fcTTAErmsI T&ZO, .V" Phenomenal Bliur Ao, ' F. F. Montressa'a Great Motion Plo tures. Showing "Cupid'g Pranks." TEA N Moneyback says : when- you buy Schilling's Best, your ; grocer ' returns your money if you. don't like BBPTOB' ever Of iH rtrietlet parnuatoily csnd la s tew says witfcoet urgicii operation or dcttntira from buiaeM. No pj mill b accept' aotll um ptiieot It coapletajy atUaM, Fidelity Rupture Cure 814 wetland, Emr, POTXAlTPt O. ONLY IN UTS AND T H E ACODINT INSUHANOt BEST O. . K. WTBTnie 0 WeUe Tar (ro Bld. WcWoot Oil DlccWnn Tour grocer rttturna your money If yon luakea Khoee, . watenmutf t...li don't like Schilling's Beat; we pay him. Xte Wot gbiae-Atv U Ptalers. THE STAR - 513? JS For the Entire Week of March 8. , A Comedy Drams, in Four Acts. M.f.lii?. pLodlice(J bT toc company Matinees: Sundaysj... Tuesdays,. Thurs. days nd Saturdays at t.ao W. in.. prices loo sad tOc-IBhrwy sYenfng at 8:16 p. m.. prices Ho. JBo and 5o. Seats may be reserved by either phone. LYRIC THEATRE Both Flonesi sCala 4es Borne, A-1039. CommenclngMonday, March $. . Ths Allea Stock Company Presents ' A i nree-Act Farce. i; x a Matlneel Tuesday -Thursday, galur flay and Sunday. Prices 10o and ton. Every svening at l.lHv Prices 10c, 2e end loov , Boxes (Oe. Office open 1 a nvto 19 p. m. - Motion Picture Thcr.tr. WE KENT -LATEST FEATURK I it' 1.000 feet Reels, Including Boas l.,' '. r i i m r;: