4 THE OREGON v DAILY JOURNAL , 3PORTLA?fP, ' TUESDAYS EVENING, MARCH 10, 1008. ' 18 : Tomorrow, . jfmr ' "' L'-' ' ' " ' I ' .. i, 1 . ' 11 1 1 " ' " ' " WI1 $1.25 $3.50 $1.75 $1.25 $1.75 $3.50 $3.00 1-dasp Cape Gloves, "Dent's" styles, tans; QP i cnecial for tomorrow. VMV 1 0 Extra Special Kerns ALL NEW SPRING GOODS AND EVERY PAIR FITTED AND WARRANTED SEE MORRISON STREET WINDOW ' Another one of our unequaled and unparalleled surprise bargains -A ' few thousand pairs in the sale Extra salespeople have been provided for your scrviccTcn values of renowned merit Plan to come to the store as earlyTs possible Wey describe below the money-saving oppor tunities for tomorrow: d0 A A 8-button length Military Gauntlet Gloves, three large pearl bat- dJO Q .9.1.UU ton: chamois, white and natural; reg. $3 vals., on sale, special . gif 12-hutton lensrth heavy "Dent's" styles; regular Cane Gloves. CO ftO $3.50, --special.. $LVO One' and two-clasp Mocha Gloves, in gray, tans, mode, green 1 OQ and red; best reg. i.3 vai., on sue ai special iuw ju, ymn jrer Mocha Stiff Gauntlet Glove, in gray and tans; regular $1.25 value, QC Special, pair ValL Mocha and Cape Stiff Gauntlet Glove, gray and tans; regular 09 $1.75, special :vfInW 8-button length Military Gauntlets, three large pearl buttons; CO 10 "cape" tans; the best regular $3.50 values, on sale, special, pair.?)!? 10-button length, with gusset top; in tans and browns; the best QO regular $3 values, on sale at this special low price, the pair.Ple70 I6-button length Kid Gloves, black, frl AT white, tan, brown; regular $3.50, special . f 1 large pearl button Chamois Glove, white and natural; regular $l.i5, special. 53.50 ;i.25 95c Wednesday's Renvcirkable Glove jSajfj Wlifiif The Meier & Frank Store's Lace and Embroidery notices always attract attention This fact is demon strated by the response of the hundreds who avail themselves of our aleg--Tomorrow will aee a repe tition of the enthusiasm In center aisle we offer 1 0,000 Yds. Edging & Insertion 20c Values Mm ' , 10,000 yards of imitation Clunjr Edging and Insertion, white, from 1 to 3 inches, suitable for waist and dress trim- . Q ming; reg. values to 20c, on sale at special price, yard.. vC 1 5c and 23c Values at 1 Oc, 1 5c Nottingham Lace Bands in Cluny designs, white and ecru. 1 54 to 4 inches wide; regular 15c values, special, the yard JO Regular 22c values, on sale at this special price, the yard lof The Meier & Frank lr Store announces an other one of those t- tractive bargains in lawn flouncing at prices ' almost one quarter the ' real value A special purchase by our lace buyer The - material -has just arrived and is on sale tomorrow in the center aisle Firs Fir. Lawn Flouncing 85cVa&35c 1 ,1 500 yards Lawn Flouncing and Bands, 3 to 14 inches. OC regular values to 85c, on tale st this special price, yd. A JC S2.00 VALUES ON SALE AT $1;33 ir . i i ii 11 " : 45-inch white, cream and ecru figured and dotted Nets, very tnr waist nH the new net hats: resrular t1 - 90 values to $2.00: on sale at this special price, each. fnfnts Worth $2.00, Special Tomorrow at 69c Each Sweaters I THE PURCHASE OP A GREAT SAMPLE LINE , vfi' l?nrhihinff Deoartment we will place on sale Baby Sweaters, all finest quality of pure worsted, in colors of blue, pink, white, baby blue, green, in plain and fancy colors; most of them button on the shoulders; sies for babies up to 2 years; values up to $2. Special, ea 69f S2.50 EMBROIDERY at $1.19 A new lot of 200 yards Swiss Allover Embroidery for lingerie waists, in, Eng lish eyelet and blind effects; regular val ues to S2.50: on sale at this special low price, , per yard $1.19 New arrivals in Spring Laces, Bands and Allovers and Edges; white, ecru, Paris Japanese work, two-toned ' ef fects. New blue and brown; all widths and prices, yd; from f 1.00 to f 8.00 .White, cream and ecru baby Irish Ve niie, filet bands, IH to 4 ins.; in demand for waists and gown trimming; prices: Regular values to 8Se, for T Regular values to $135, for..... 8T Regular values to $2.00, for fl.39 Linen Section Vals. Towels, Table Linens, Napkins 12c $1.25 Sour regular 12c grade, for this sale, special, each.. I Bjg value in bleached Turkish Bath Towels; 7 Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, full 72 inches wide, six new floral patterns to se- QQ lect from; our best $1.25 grade, for this sale, the yard s C A Bleached Satin Damask Table Napkins, 24x24 4IwU inch size, all new patterns; the regular d0 CC $4.50 grade, for. this sale, special, at, the dozen..... PJUJ THE BEST BOOKS AT THE LOWEST PRICES Usual 12Mc 'Kerchiefs 5c Ea, 2,500 dozen ladies' Crossbar Handkerchiefs, $4 -inch C hemstitch; regular 124c values, on sale at, special, ea. vC Women's Hose, 50c Kind 39c 65c Hose for 39c 3,000 pairs ladies' fine silk lisle and lac Lisle Hose", full fashioned, fast black and stainless; OA sizes 8'A to 10; regular 65c quality; on sale at, pair. a7C One. year's subscription to our "American Boys" Maga zine free with every purchase from our Boys' Clothing Department of $5 or over. A splendid publication for boys 40c Dresden Ribbon 27c Yd. r 5,000 yards fancy all silk Dresden Ribbon for hair bows and sashes, 5 inches wide; comes in all colors; best 07 regular 40c values, on sale at this special price, yd. 20c 'Kerchiefs at Half Price An exceptional value in 1,000 dozen's ladies' all pure linen Initial Handkerchiefs, tf-inch hemstitch, with em- 1A. broidered wreath; regular 20c values, on sale at, ea..lUC Elastic Pelts, 65c Quality 43c 360 ladies' Elastic Belts in plain and studded elas- VJJV. m faaw sr - tic; colors and black, all sizes; regular 65c value Women sNeckvvY, 25cICind 12c Today in the Neckwear Section we offer 500 dozen ladies' lawn embroidered Turnover Collars, the best regular lO,, 25c values, on sale at this special low price, each...,..l&V 40c Swiss Ribbed Vests 26c 2,000 ladies' Swiss Ribbed Cotton Vests, low neck and sleeveless, fancy lace yoke, in several pretty designs; Ofi the reg. 40c garment, on sale at low price, garment. XUt DIABOLO AT SPECIAL PRICES: 15c, 35c, SOc Learn to play the latest craze, combining pleasure, skill and exercise. Can be played indoors or outdoors. We also have better ones from $2.00 to $7.50. See them demonstrated on Third Floor, in the Toy Department Take elevator. . . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmimt II Phone Us Your Orders Prompt, Careful Attention March Sale of Groceries Best at the Lowest Prices Both Phones: Private Ex change 4 or Home A8101 GREAT GROCERY SALE 2-lb. can Chop Teck on sale. 15 Electro Silicon, at, the box..lO Gal. can Log Cabin Maple. f 125 j4-gaL can Log Cabin Maple 68 Pint can Log Cabin Molasses. 20 3 packages, Malta Vita for..25 6 packages Korn Kinks for..25 3 cans Carnation Cream for.. 25 NOTE OUR LOW PRICES 3 Old Dutch Cleanser for...25 2 1-lb. cans A." & L. Oysters. .25 M. & F. Co. Mocha and Java Cof fee on sale at special price... 23e 17 lbs, Granulated Sugar.. f 1.00 Victor Baking Powder, one-pound cans, on sale at, special, can..S5 Victor Flour, none better. f 1.35 THE VERY BEST GOODS Victor Baking Powder, half-pound cans, on sale at, special, can..20 1- lb. can Sultan Pineapple, sliced, at this special price, the can.. 10 2- lb. can Sultan Pineapple, sliced, at the low price of 3 cans for 50f Half-lb. can Minced Clams.. 11 A. B. C. Paste, per package. 20 OUR SERVICE IS PROMPT 1-lb. package Baker's Unsweet ened Chocolate, on sale at, lb.45 Climax Egg Noodles, per pkg.lOf Climax Macaroni, package... 10 2 cans A. & L. Peas, special. .25 2 cans Alpha Corn, fancy Maine, on sale at this special price., 25 Keller's Dundee Marmalade. 30 WE HAVE BOTH PHONES 2 cans Griffon Tomatoes, solid pack, on sale at this low price 25 2 cans Stag Peaches, Pears or Apricots, special at 20f Lea St Perrin's Sauce, on sale at these low prices, 25c, 45c and 85 Heinz Catsup on sale for 20 2 1-lb. cans Shrimps, special 25f THE BEST DELIVERY 1 jar home-made Marmalade .20 Durkee's Salad Dressing, on sale it these prices, 10c, 25c and 45e Royal Salad Dressing 25c and 48 Oranges, navel, 'the dozen... 10 Maraschino Cherries, quarts. 7&4 3 cans Gold Dust Tomatoes. .25 3 cans Export Corn, special..25 GREAT GROCERY SALE l-pint can Ripe. Olives, can.. 20 Half-lb. can Huyler's Cocoa. 80 Half-lb. can Baker's Cocoa.. 25 3 cans Sunset Mackerel for.. 50 3 cans Smith's Kippered Herring on sale at this special price.. 50f 1-lb. jar Sliced Bacon for.. 80 1-lb. jar Sliced Beef for 25 , MMMMiiSSSSSMMSMSSlSlSSSlSlSiSliitiM ? m . 1 . j . 1 - . . .... - t m 1 ' ' m t S-P ' ' h S S 1 FOOD LAWS ' FIEGLECTED W. Bailey, state- dairy and food ' ommlMloner, 1 under th flr ot the Wamh&nta' Association. . He i being charged with non-enforcement of the laws d with neglee. or ni omoiai ou tlet. It is aio rWnted from cerUin quarters of soma authority that he is Piles Quickly Cured at Home Instant Relief, Permanent Cure , Trial Package Mailed Free to -v All in Plain Wrapper. , Pile is a fearful dieaer bat easy to i; cure It you go at It right ": An operation with the knife -Is dan Serous, cruel, humiliating- and unneces aarr. - There is Junt one other sure way to i be cured painless, E&f e and in the prl- vacy of your own home It is Pyramid , Pile Cure. . . We mall a trial package free to all who write. , , It will -give yoq instant .rllef, ehow ."you the harmless, painless nature of , this great remedy and start you well -on.!ns -.'war' --toward a perfect cure. i s Then yoai !an get a full-slsed box ' 1? ny"dnS1t for 60 cents, and , often one box cures;- - Insist on having what you call for. . If the druggist tries v to sell vou - K"wS5iSf iLunV.M good- itceSS i he makes mora money on the substl . -tute. " .. - - . .v ; ues repldly .unUl it 4 complete and oer- laanen v . . " .,. . Tou can go. right ahead with your work and be easy and comfortable all the 'time. It Is well worth tnrlnr. v ,-. Just send your name and " Pyramid Irug Ok, S3 pyramid Runn ing, Marshall. Mich., and receive free - by return mail the trial package In a t)aln wrapper. ' . . ...-. Thousands have been cured in . this eny, painleseand inexpensive:' way, in No knife and its torture. - r: ' Va doctor and his bills. All drugsisU, 60 , cents. Writ to- C '-.y ror rree package. , Irregular in his system of conducting his office and usurps the functions of the courts In dealing with such cases as he does prosecute. Mr. Bailey, In answer to most of these charges, pleads that he has net been given sufficient money by the state to carry out the provisions of the law and that for these reasons and for the fur ther reason of great press of business, he is unable to enforce the statutes gov erning his office as vigorously as he could it be were better provided with funds. The chief contention has arisen over the enforcement of a law passed by the last session of the legislature wnich requires tnat the state dairy and food commissioner shall make monthly reports of the business done by his of fice, particularly in regard to the ex amination of foods, the analysis of for mulas and their publication for the guidance of the merchants of the state. This law was enacted In order that the commissioner would discover all viola tions of the state pure food law and make public Impure foods, preparations or receipts for the guidance of those merchants who have to handle them. It it were enforced it would set out in each monthly report all violations of the law in such a manner that the aemere would be protected against the han dling of illegal goods, medicines or compQunda. ' neglects His Keports. After the' passage of the law the commissioner's office made no report and after a long delay and much effort to sec ore the publication of the reports as provided by law the matter was taken up by the merchants and the of fice was censured for its non-fulfillment of its duty. Following this, how ever. Mr. Bailey Issued reports for June, July and August of last year. Tha reports were unsatisfactory and again . the . attention of the commis sioner was called to the fact. He was invited to appear before a meeting of the Mercnanta association ana mere explained that he - had failed to make the reports because of press of other business. - J He also explained that he had not been given money by the state to print the monthly reports. It wu then auerasted to him bv the directors of the association- that the or ganization would print the reports for the information of the members of the association If Mr. Bailey would pre pare the reports.- Thla same question was also taKan up- witn me governor oy the association and is now the subject of discusison between Governor Cham berlain and .Mr. Bailey. . Xo&ey rrom rines. It la cnninndod rtf vnrlmis merchants that if Mr. Bailey -would enforce the state pure food law In Oregon he would secure ample fines for the violation of uie iaw to publish his monthly reports, "hi" was -the manner. It is argued, in " law. expected tne runos ror the publication of the reports to be raised. ...-; . . It is contended that in Portland alone STeat many manufacturing nstitutions which ars -now violating JtrFVPJ00 fcw of tha ate. It is cited that one firm in PnMi..j . -a verUalng to sell pura maple syrup for UNUSUALLY TALL PERSONS HERE FOR SHORT VISITS There seems to be an "epidemic" of tall persons In Portland today. One of them' Is Q. E. Morley of New York, who sells fire hydrants and other fire-fighting apparatus. Mr. Morley Is one of the highest traveling men In the country. Re Is at the Oregon. Mr. Morley Is seven feet In height if he is a foot. Wherever he goes he has difficulty in finding a bed long enough for him to sleep in. Pullman berths are altogether too short, so Mr. Morley travels only during the daytime. There was a tall man at the Perkins today and the big fellows became so numerous late this afternoon that the crowds that loaf about cigar stores and other places of rest noticed them par ticularly. Other people on the streets today also had their attention called to the unusual number of tall men, most of whom were unusually tall. And In addition to the tall men there was a tall woman, one of the tallest that has ever visited Portland, at one of the first-class hotels. about 60 cents a gallon, when in fact It Is impossible to produce maple syrup for less than about 80 cents. The syrup sold therefore by the firm is a mixture and therefore contrary1 to the pure food It Is also pointed out that one pack ing company in the city Is now selling what it represents to be pure leaf lard In quantities that equal about ten times the output of the plant for that product Druggists In the city are preparing DreDaratlons which belle the labels and are therefor contrary to the law. Al- togetner mere is a vast numoer or thinars now on the market In Portland and throughout the state which are sold in violation or me pure 1000, law, so it Is claimed. Acts as Jvflgs est Jury. In addition it Is said that Commis sioner Bailey has a system of short circuiting cases brought by him against those who are violating the law. Un der the law when tke pure food statute la violated the commissioner is required to bring the offender into court where the case Is determined and if the de fendant la guilty a fine la Imposed by the court. It Is contended that Mr. Bailey in several instances has brought men or firms before him for selling compounds-contrary to law and upon their admission of the charge against them has fined them himself, without taking the case through the courts. An effort is now being made by the merchants to persuade Mr. Bailey to make the monthly reports upon illegal foods and drugs In order that the pro tection of the commissioner's office may be given to those men who have to han dle the merchandise. AIIIIA AND SA6AN SAIL TOMORRDVJ Madame Gould and Prince Engage Passage on Liner for United States. (United Prase teased Wire ) Paris, March 10. Madams Anna Gould, former wife of Bonl de Castel lans, will sail for New Tork city tomor row on the Kron Prins Wllhelm. A passenger on the same boat will be the Prince de Sagan, asknowledged suitor for Madam Gould's hand, and, accord ing to rumor, already her husband. Passage for both was engaged today by Prince de Sagan. Last night detec tives who-; had been watching all the steamship lines were suddenly with drawn. Paris Is puirled. It was believed that Count Bonl would attempt to restrain his former wife from leaving the c6un try with her two sons. It was certain that Boni's detectives were watching tne uouia noma, The fact that Boni suddenly dronoed out of the incident has strengthened the belief hers that de Sagan and the former countess are already married, and -that they will take the de Castel lans children with them to New York I with the permission of the French gov I ernment. SMITH'S DAILY ROUND-UP noHTnro tks sm xmtrT. asxrao by ntAxx x soiztx icbay oo. , sas axszb, Bet. rnun szooiro VOL. 1. NO. M. PORTLAND, OR. MARCH 10, 1J0S. PRICE, YOUR PATRONAGE. A full carload for today of Oregon Pig Pork, dressed yesterday in our own city abattoir a luxury you can appreciate and a luxury you can buy at most inexpensive prices. Absolutely fresh Oregon Pig Pork you get it at Smith's, not at the .other markets. v ; Sausage, fresh every hoar, no adul terations, no preservatives Smith, s Sausage Delicious Roasts of Pig Pork, sweet ana run of flavor........ .;..if Center Cuts of Shoulder Roast Pork ; and Shoulder Pork Chops... 12 Jf Pigs' Feet ..... ..... . ..;(,......5 Pigs' Hocks ....... .......:.....8s Pigs', Heads ............ .'..;'., Loin Roasts of Pork and toin Pork tnops . .. ............ t .... 6f Spare Ribs ; . i . .. j Legs of Pork 1254$ Pork Rib Rossts and Pork Rib Chops ......... ... . . . . . . . ...15 Sweet Pickle Pork .12X4 Leaf Lard v. ..V..v.12) Smith's Sugar Cured and Extra Light Breakfast Bacon .MBf Smith's pure and fresh kettle . ren dered Lard, from selected Oregon .Pork, 5-lb. pail.';.;. ....... ...60 Smith's Sugar Cared Heavy Break- last Bacon .J,... 12ff - , beep. 1 - .:"rs:x Small Porterhouse and T"-Bone Steaks .. ..V, 12 Round Steak ,.,.. 1 Tenderloin Steak ,. . . 12W Other Cuts of Beef, 3c to.....l2 ALL CUTS OF VEAL AND ALL .- CUTS OF MUTTON -i f Chinook Salmon': ...t.lS4 Halibut. 3 lbs. for.. ...... .i.r.2K . . . Smelt When. you. are looking- for Smith's see 'that you' get In the right place, with Smith's name and "Fighting the Beef Trust" over the door.. There, are markets right up against us on both sides of us. but they are not ours and they do not carry Smith's fresh meats. v -.,.:-;v---,i i----4. 1 aaa a a aaaaaa aaaaaa a a a a 4 1 'VVTtVVVVVVVVVVVvVVVVVV' If Vnrs rnfnmn1ifA r3TT777l to Purchase See MARX & BLOCO, 74 Third Street Despite the almost daily announcement from , one jeweler or another having auction sales, re moval sales and closing-out sales, : claiming to sell diamonds for less.than others, we defy com petition. We are headquarters for diamonds at LOWEST PRICES in this city, underselling all. To convince your selftakea diamond from our store and one from the others costing the same price take both, to an uninterested party to see which is the best value. We know none can meet our prices, and. want you to know it also. few '. k"". -fJ.: -,f ' .. 5 y-f Cash or Credit, Prices Are the Same -. vOiTITTTT iMJVlvllU- .'i '-'IT ' ; "i'"" . " : " '-.Yi' .ii ".:f" "'-':.' " 1 V ;. ,". -; .- 1 -s , Largest Diamond Dealers in Oregon , ; 74 THIRD, VeXT .TO WESTERN UNION