i THE 1 OREGON t)AILY JOURNAL. 7 PORTLAND, : TUESDAY EVENINO, MARCH 10, : '1003. ? vv-: BAXKS. -1I13T NATIONAL BANK, Portland. Oregon. Sy, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. 1. 600.000. f .J: - . . 1 NOlNTEREST PAID ON ACCOUNTS. 1 1NU oTATES NA'i'lONALi BaNkOT HaND CTftEQONT u Transact a General Banking Bualneaa DRAFT ISSUED Available ta All mi., nf ih. ti.itad States aad Europe, Hoigkong and Manila. collection l,.Jr,iVOrftbl, 'SWmwniiTH . cashier a W. 8CHMBER .Vica.Waaldiat. . 'jR. LKA BARNEtf Aaalalant Cashier. . . . . . .4 W. A. HOLT 7 A.alatant Caahler A. M. WRIGHT Y AUD .li-TOJN. UAWJOWia Portland. V , Jt.WA1:f,IT1 m I w u l inn 11 ill LAUU. J. W. LALUA - Tr.na.ot V GeneraT Banking Bualneaa SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. riavlnga book laaued on aavlnadeposl t. Interest paid on tlma depoalta 1-iinl HANK US' CALisv-imA Eatst-ilener: l4. .uead Uilice. ban Franolaoo, Capital paid , up. '.... 44.uo0.IW 1 tJurpius and undivided pronis llO.m.Sl u.nal uiuikinc and Exchange Buainesa Uranaacted. Inttrtii on Tim Mepoalu., SAVING Uk.PAJlTMk.NT Accounts may be opened or 10 and up- , wird. 1'oruUiid Branch Chamber 01 Commerce Building. VM. R. MACKH.A Manager J. i. BUitmuitu.. . . abb t Manager ... . .,,...i.i iiMWPQrfljnil. tJr.aon. Hi mn am MCD0 ILI10IH in HUdllilll FROWST COJIST frosty dock yesterday and In lured h! I m., French bar Pisrr Loti. ' for left knea ao badlv that ha had to ba I Oueenato wn or Falmouth for orders, taken to Ih, hnanltal. , I Arrived At 9:40 and left UD at 10:10 D. won oi) me uamniDlt nrer jeuji m., iiHinr nwnuK iron iu rui 111 De in nrosress in a aav or iwo ana way porta.' and It will be crowded more than aver Yokohama, March' I Arrived. Brit- berora Two large and two email bargea I iih steamer . Bessie Dollar, from port of rock will be , tiled every day, or land. . - ri v' .. . ' ' "' nearly 6.000 tone... 8a a Franclsoo, March 10. Arrived a if 1 ' in a. m., aonooner Monterey in if o stAV.'S'-mnm wvn a . -r I turn NiviHtar. from Portland. ' vj.ivij. x-vria ox.nv. - r ---,-- u.'i --.,,.,,,-... ,H. JIHIVI Is nl V. at A w. waits swan ve bar at 8 a. m., amooth; wind southeast. CM Vflliiin Foils in Pim iMt'tnt on Front Street Entcrtalng 3J mlleaj weather cloudy. - . bJlip erl)Cna railS in U)m- Tomorrow Klaht. Tile Aatoru Today High w The weekly concert at the Seamen'a Institute, Front and Klandera atreeta, will be riven tomorrow evening at e o'clock under the direction of W. O Hodedon. The followlna. among other will take part In the program, which pany With Strange Craft in Storm. IVEJiEUS ESCAPES ter. (:S0 a. m.. 7 reet; i:zo p. m., e.i reeu Low water. 0:10 a. m., 1.7 feetj 1:10 p. m., . eeu ' t 1. "" 1 1 . 7. '. Delegates From Gcrrgig. " Speetel Pia catch te The Joe rial.) win conaiei 01 vocaj aoioa ana quariei.. ,., . 4 Th. m.t Mra. Clyde Altch. Mlaa Brown, Claire QervaU, Or, March lt.--Th meet iBiNK WATSON... President . wuiuiA.,, vice-Prealdeat - 1 " : j-,..l.a I lk'l IHIlk JU Ul I V T .Aaa'l Caanier M IV Mill .--.... Iranaacta General B-umlng Bualneea. Uratta and letter of Credit laaued. aoomvw Available to All Parte ot the World. Collections a Bpeclaity. v' BONDS AND IKVESTMKNTS. iWlTal. V'lUf AUVU aWllH CJ WI1. I " ' , - a a-J.iT , war W I 1.. V.l . kes. ' flat M W A rtdkrts rtrtfl A Tnrvr iriTTiiT) ton 'P" y. " i "uu- XJVvJtl. Am AIIAIOU n, xccompaniat. xtaipn iioyw elect delegate to tha Republican con- Iferencb to be held at Salem, March 14, elected Jacob Blngraan, 1 H. Potfjade, Sam K. . Brown and Ud xnipula aa del egatea. . MARnaC nUTEtXIGBUCB. Phllui Port fTnahlet tit TTn11 Car aseerajajr hiri mi so jumrak goes and Veebi Are Forced to HanaJel, San Franclsoo t March 14 Breakwater, coos Hay Marcn id lOBJUS BROT1UCHS. Chamber of Commerce Building. Municipal, Railroad and Public Service Corporation Bonda, Remain In Fort for Months Benr- Ing aa Floating Warehonaeg. Hue H. Klmore. Tillamook. .. .March IS Hone City, San Francisco March 16 Alliance. Coos bay March IT O W Elder. San Pedro March 17 Senator. San Francisco March 17 14 , V WN !Na-iiUPiUN3 COMPANY KatabUshed 1 ilHOK-KRa. 1 BTOCIUJ, BONUS, OKA IN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin, i-rlvate Wlrea. Rooms 301 to 804 Couch Bldg. Phonea: Mj8;A-127. GllAND CENTRAL STATION TWIM CARD. lioanoke. San Pedro and way.. March Arabia, orient '. April 1 Nlcomedla, orient May 1 Aleala. orient June I Numantla. orient July 1 Bagmlar Uaara to Depart, LAV1N POKT1-ANU ' lrnh,iirr Pusenirer . . Cottaae Grove Paaaenger. .4:16. p. m. cailfornla liUpreaa , 7;4 p. m. baa yranciaco JkJtpreea. .. .1J.0U ulghc Wisax BLUE. Corvallla Paaaenger 7:00 a. m. tiherlaan Paaaenger 4:10 p. m. Forest Grove paaaenger... 11:00 a. m. Forest Urove Passenger... 6:40 p. ux. bouthern raciflc 1:16 a. m. Ait HI VINO PORTLANU Oregon Express 7:tl a. m. Cottage Grova Paaaenger. .11 : a. to. Koeeburg i'assenger 4:i0 p. m. Por liana iLxpreea 11:16 p. m. W KST 6 IDS. Corvallla Passenger 0:11 p. m. Sheridan i'aaavnger 10:10 a. m. oreat Urove Paaaenger .. :00 a. u, Foreat Grove Paaaenger... JtfiO p. tu. When battling with a raging storm one night about 10 daya ago, tba Brit lah ship Verbena fell In company with a atrange craft about 60 mlleajDff the ft i.mht. .It... mnA t A mlT ,A hjl ,,K... .... k. Su H. Elmore, Tillamook March It northward. Captain Lee aaya he would Rrkw.t4,. wv-nci.-o Moh. 11 have put It down ror the Flying uutcn- Roanoke. San Pedro and way.. March II man but for the fact that he la not a I Roue City. San Franclaco March 13 Alliance, cooa iiay niarca 13 Numantla. orient .March ARrtl M ej 11 ( Jefferson Street Depot. believer of old aea yarns or auper- .tltlf.n. Tn. M.nl tv T .fha I trn.nl I . . lonmruinlon 1. .till a mvittrv. I HanaleL San Franclactf .. The atranger appeared about o cioca 1 ueo. w. ciuer, pan rnuro ....maroii u and remained within sight until about Senator, Ban Francisco March SO midnight. In the dark the outlines only Nlcomedla. orient May were distinguishable and inatead of the Alesia, orient ...June t red and green lights only a white light I Teasela la )rett, CGeeVo Che Wan-Siram BaiUUe -, . CHINESE keat aad Kark 1 DOCTOR .March 17 Uad I. tket etady dtaesMred eed la glvtag Sua erarie pie eaMwial raateeiaa, 0 micutT. rorsowi 01 paufl" trTi ) Miicy t, roisoNi 01 pauen whto si cvtii ViTHoof orwATiov o without tag Afo ot a xaira. Portland to 'Dallaa 7:40 a. m. pallaa to Portland, 10:11 a. m. Portland to Uallaa 4:1 p. m. lauaa 10 i'pruand 6:60 p. m. - Oswego-Portland suburban Leaving Portland at 6:w a, hourly trains during wornuig and arternooo. Last train leaves depot ror Oawego at ll:e J.niP:.,.i-Wl. ih. Jnmiti22 NlcJholaa, Am. SO. AStorU Sereev DeWHtr. Mver KMaef peculiar maneuverlnga of the diminutive B(rUll Am. ah Ooble Treebhef stan tet M.nhoSk. reiale Wees- Be naraateee Leaf. TBroet, te eare . Catarrh. AatkB. EkraaraMasJ . .1' ocean -er-VhrI'lrvtJl!l fie6 Heury Vlllard. AmV In ... .'.V.'st! Johns n rtlvate THeteava, rybody on the Vervena for they I Pnrti..i i.k, c I 01 every ooay on ine vervena lor AmM: Am. .w. Portland Lbr. Co. inuiiaivu v 1 1. wwmm i Qryievala Br. aa. Arctic Stream, Br. bs. aacalna without aim. T . . i 1 LI.: LJLI III. n . . .... ......... ULr.IIIU At timea ana would coma quit near ,h r.mnb.1) Am. aeh. A.tn. Ocean 10 Ocean lo Northern l'aclflc Tacoma and Seattle Zxp... t:J0 a-m. Xortfl Coast A Chicago Lim. SlOO p. m. overland topreaa 11:46 p. m. NorU Coaat Limited Portland lux press . . , Overland in press . . , 7:00 a. ra, 4:11 p. nu 1:14 p. m. Oregon Railroad Navigation Company. Pendleton Paaaenger ...... 7:16 a. m. ClUcago-PorUand Special.. : JO a. m. Upokana Flyer :1 p. m- Kan. City aV Chi. Exp.... 4:00 p. m. Spokane Flyer 1:00 a. m. Chi, Kan, City A Port. Exp. 1:11 1 n. Chicago-Portland Special . 1:60 p. m. Portland Paaaenger ...... 6:16 p, m. Linn ton .Stream . .Irving Martina .Columbia No. 1 Oreenwloh . E. W. Mills 1 ....Mill street Banfleld's Coal bunkers Astoria ' Astoria & Columbia River. Astoria and Seaside Exp... 1:00 a, m. Astoria ICxpreea 4:00 p. m. Astoria A Port. Passenger. 11:16 p. m. Portland Kxpress 10:00 p. ta. Canadian Paclflo Railway Co. C. P. R. Short Una, vUSpok.l:lt p. m. C. P. R. Short Una, via Spot 1:00 a m. Via Seat, Via Vancouver. 1:00 p. m. Via pumas 11:46 p. m Via Van.. Vic. and SeatUa. Via Sunias and Seattle ... U6 p. m. Tarn. Portland Ry, Light at Power Co. Cars Leave Ticket Off tea and Waiting fioom. First and Alder atreeta, TFOR OREGON CITY: , 4:00, :0 a, a, and every 10 mln Vtea (on the hour and half-hour), to and including :00 p. m, then 10, 11, last car, 12, midnight Greaham, Boring, laglo Creek. Esta eada. Caaadero, Falrview and Trput dali 7:16, 0:16, 11:16. a. m.; 1:16, 1:48. 4:16. 7:16 p. m. FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket office and waiting-room. Seo ond and Waahlngton atreeta A. M. 4:16. 4:60, 7:36. 4:00. 1:15, :10, 10:30. 11:10, 11:60. P. M. 11:30. 1:10, 1:60. 1:30, 3:1. 3:60, 4:30. 6:10, 6:60. 6:80, 7:06, 7:40 4:16, :26, 10:16, 11:46. On third Monday In every month last car leaves at :oo n. 1 Dal the windjammer and then again shoot jordanhlU Br sh'.T on to wmdwara or wwira m 11 in Admiral de Cornuller. Fr. bk search of something. She finally atood r-s x.rn,.n ri .h out to aea and disappeared. Several at- Alice Marie. Fr. bk! tempts were made to steer tne ver- Andre Theodore, Fr. bk bena near enough to make out the nam UulM Oommes, Fr. bk. of the craft but every effort failed. Tricolor Nor aa A wouta navi ncjiavqa um viiufc I T-frmha. lev bk. .......... , tug boat had wa not been so far f rom I Colonna. Nor bk shore," said Captain Lee In relating tho collunna, Br. bk Inrlil.nt! "hut under the circumstances I n . .1. ...1. t -wi. 1 . . 0IVUII1UK V'WBUV, 01. lUip ASlUm I am unable to .account for the atrange Alice MacDonald1. Am. soh Astorl benayior or tns crart one waa very w, P Jewett Am. ach Ooble ......Astoria Stream Llnnton Astoria Stream Stream Stream .Flour Mills Couch street Stream Stream Astoria Aatorla 1. .A Ins worth ..Oak atreet Martin's Bn Bouts to Load Xiamber. A SURE CANCER CURE last aeeMveg lYea ISktM, Oataa lafe, tars aad talWYle. tr too ari ArrncTiD. oornr dkiat. dilati abi darobboui. ff reel raaaet esU. errite fee araapUei Meat UK etrcaiar. laeioae e eeata la eta CONSULTATION FREE small and far out In weather such as Lai-aJeniore. Br. eh we had that nlarht. I tr.r rii.iii. vr hi. The Verbena arrived In the harbor flAmmAratarl. Nor. mm veBterday afternoon In company with gtrathblane. Br. as the German bark Nereus and In tow of I Marechal Davont, Fr. bk tne steamer uraianama. diiv is """IMOller, FT bK.. from Callao. Peru, in ballast and under I m..i. n. Kb charter to the Portland Flouring Mills Numantla, Qer. aa nmn.nv tn crrv wheat to EurODO. I . , 1 1 . am Th. XJ.F.i.a t nr I. In Kail.., .nH nnn.p . . . . n . .. ... i,ravn 01 j nun, or. us. 'Cnarter to tne r-ortiana riourina aim Verbena, Br. bk company to carry wheat to Europe. Sbe LeyUnd Bros., Br. sh ih in rrom vaiparaiao, ii-r run ai 1 M. Tumey, Am. ech 1 au aaya. for a wm ino "'" Ron City, Am. SS jammera were in company un "" Breakwater, Am. as. moutn or tne river, tne weatner being Roanoke, Am. ss. too aiormy to mane 11 aaviaaoie 10 siuiiu In . close. tUM C, SIX WO CWMZiS. UUtlClMt SO. 141 tlaaa. . Oraaeav rissae MeattaS 1i Vaaask tint St., Oae. atealsea. rnuiu, . Dairy ex. Sun. ally ex. Moo. Ore eon Electric Railway Company. EFFECTIVE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16. H08. T ..win. Ttarfl.nd. For Salem and int. sta'tna. t:00 a. m. For Salem and Int ata'tna. 11:00 a. m. For Balem and lnt sta'tna, 1:00 p. m. For Balem and Int. sta'tna. 6:00 p. m. Arriving Portland. From Salem and lnt ata'tn.I0:40 a. m. From Salem and lnt statn. 1:40 p. m. From Salem and Int sta'tn. 4:40 p. m. From Salem and int sta'tn. 7:40 p. m. rut-w in s.n auao aallAT tTuKIl TOO AX. " . . I Albvn. KUsa bk. CsJlaa 1-1,1. 1. 1. ...n. ih.i 1 h.u turn lib. Cabtaln Lee of the Verbena declares . M CnmbelL Am ach. Raann . Vr -i". v . . . . . - IT . ' I II . ... Bff tW Utt A. M. Ul I. . wma, reru, one 01 tne mo raouern gt Helens. Am. sh San Francisco m?t for chronic dlseaae and after tak- clUea In the world. Callao la the port Northland, Am. ss San Francisco lnt their medicine f6r two months I to Lima and the two clUea are con- K,ng Cyrus Am. sch Redondo n,ve been Velleved from all pain, after nected by Interurban e ectrio lines of MelvUle Dollar. Am. sa..San Francisco irfr1nar for aavaral veara and not find- t h . ti.ru tjkaar Anslrii?inn l hAia 1 m. I a v. w- 1 : . w z - tv., w.v. . - ircno, aiu. wn. neaonoo nr ri.r rrom oiner remMiisi. 1 can 1 IF VOU ARB ; A iiim Even;If Others(Have Failed to Ctir You Do you feel that-your manly strength' ia slipping TXt Leading Bpeolallst awa 1 - Art you una, iiarruua, iraiiui nu siwiur,,,. nave cams ana acnes in aiiiereni varta vi nm .1 body. your aleen . disturbed weak back.-' headache. . 4.innH,l,liAV.' tn.l.nnhnil.. n.lnlt.tlnn At . I h. ii.A rt . I unable to concentrate your thoughta poor memory. easily fatigued, specks before th eyes, aversion ta society, lack of ambition. .will power depleted. Jt I ... I 1 ...! I..... .iMIll.flAM ,U Ci uywnmt T . 1.1 tvv.v, wvr i.ijvui,iuiv . v. v.. v., feless and worn out. primarily' Induced in many. cases through anuses, excesses, overwork, stci 11 so, thsn I warn you. Do not delay longer., , The" mat hoda I Revised -twenty years ago for treat ing men s diseases proved a radical eiep in roeai' cal science. Those methods 1 have enabled me t4 cure dlaeaaes that were formerly - regarded as in- amrahla. In worklna but nr ffllthoda. I held the theory that "WEAKJf ES3" for lnaunca waa not a' constitutional or functional ailment but a pros tatic affection.- and therefora- merely local, t rea soned that Its constitutional affects were simply ths results of a tremendous waste ef energy due tn inflammation ef the prostata gland: that this being. true, a local treatment could alone effect a cure. -Thereupon I devlaed tha treatment I employ taday with such marked success. Indeed. I . have never known this treatment to fall, to affect s com plete and permanent cur In a comparatively , short tlma ..,,.-..;.,.'-.. . Mr Fee for n iDl In AnyUncom- plJcatti Cs Pay Me When Cured No Tlan Need Be Weak provementa have been brought about In RVallt, Am. ss... JEWELERS J. WOLF, 666 WASH, finis eri.iA rles 60c, Elgin watches 36. Repairing. LEATHER AND FINDINGS rZuiTtiwa r.L m ARTirfit a &o FRONT and Oak ata. leather and aklns of every description ror an purpose. - and tap cutters; imama. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO ALL OFFICE STATIONERY, P. L. u. uo., 231 Btarx, Tel. hut. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS MUSICAL EMIL THIKLHORN. PUPIL OF PRO feaaor Otakar Sevcik. vloUn and viola teacher. A-4lu. sae rmn. c iltiSIC STORE, BAND t JN8TRU menta."" L. Selbeellng. 104. Tourney bldg- zd- and Taylor. . ' MANDOLIN, GUITAR, BANJO. J.PAK- ker. suite i, wunar uiug., plANOTVIOLlN. MANDOLIN. BANJO. . rf Smith, itt flth M. 4708. A-8J40. f nma a. r.RElTii TEACHER otf violin. Ill Sherman, cor. 1st Pac. 180. HiGH-GRADS VIOLINS , FOR SALE, (old . anJ new); repairing. 188 8 an Rafael. ' MONUMENTS JiIEU A KINGSLEf. 168 1ST, PORT land's leading marble and granite wka NOTARY PUBLIC C. F. PFLUGER, NOTARx PUBUU, .. eommlasioner of deeda Deutscnes notartst H. I Muikey bldg.. Id and Mor. - OSTEOPATHIC POTSICIAJfS PR. CLARA MACFARLANE, SPECIAL Ist gynecology and obstetrics, 311-14 Bwetland bldg. Main 6666; A-1864; res. pacific 387. tIt LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, SPE- clalist on nervous, aoute and chronle flieeasea. 217 Fenton bldg. Pacific 1190. ;., R, B- N6RTHRUP, 415-16-17 DE kum bldg., 3d and Waahlngton ata 1, Phone Main 848. Examination free. ; PLUSIBERS f onVerbero &"r!TSem"ache303 I Burnslde St. Phone Main 1818. PLATING AND OXIDIZING REFINTSH1N?, FIXTURES. PORT land Plating Co.. 301 E. Wash. E.1283 FOSTER A KLEI8ER. SIGNS, THE laraeat sls-n makers in the northwest. 6th and Everett ata Phone Prlv. Ex. 66. Home A-1166. JATNES, JOHNSON S CO., SIGNS and cards of all kinda made to order. 211H 4th st. Phone Pacific 835. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" PORT land Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Pacific 1664. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIP tlon; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. showcasea. cablneta store and office fixturea. 888 Couch st Paclflo 1181. R. H. BIRDSALL. DESIGNER; AGT. M. winter Lumber Co.. 7 Hamilton bldg. STORAGE WAREHOUSE SPACE FOR RENT, ON traca: roods stored, western Btorasa A Tranefer Co.. 821 Hawthorne ava STREET PAYING WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street pavlnx sidewalks and croas- Ings. 814 Lumber Exchange. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. or Portland. Office 866 worceater blk. SAFES DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Lars-e llnea carried. Dock-outs oDenad. Jacks, Jails, metal furniture. Both phones. J. E. Davis. St 3d. very recent veara. The parks about the Albert Meyer, Am. sch.. San Francisco .San Francisco city are said to be among the finest In the world. In direct contraat to Lima la Val paraiso, Chile, according to Captain Muller of the Nereua Valparaiso is still topsy-turvy ss a consequence of the earthquake and It will be years before order Is finally restored. It took the Nereus five months to get rid of her cargo of general mercnandlao brought there from Europe and the rules of the port had been fixed ao that It waa Impossible to collect demurrage. Ships Serve As Warehonsea "They are utterly helpless In handling freight down in Valparaiso as compared with other ports, ' said captain Muner, "and many steamers have been held there three or four months waiting for chance to get rid of their freight Without wharvea or freight sheds Im porters hold the vessels for warehouses until they are able to dlapose of their aoods. And tne shipowners have no recourse." The Nereus Is anchored In the stream and the Verbena Is at anchor off St Johns." MAKES GOOD TIME. ttpewritiSrs ALL MAKES, RENTED, REPAIRED sold. P D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB. brush, aoao. 81 per month. Portland Laundry A Towel Supply Co.. 8th and Couch ata Phone 410. Harriman Liner Rose City Develops Speed on Way North. The Harriman liner Rose City, Cap tain Kldston, arrived here at 6 o'clock last night after a remarkably quick run from San Francisco. She brought a fairly good number of passengers, but a rather light freight. The Rose City lert ner aan rrancisco dock at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon and encountered ths finest of weather all alone the coast She reached Ains- worth dock at 5 o'clock last night, com peting the voyage in &z hours rrom ork to (look. She surpasses anything ever attempted In tha way of speed be tween the two porta For a number of hours the steamer reeled off 16 knots an hour. Flrat Officer Rankin succeeds First Officer Reese, who resigned on the steamer's last visit here. The steamer Roanoke of ths North Pacific Steamship oompany's line reached her Portland wharf at an early hour thla morning on schedule. 8he brought a large list of passengera and a lot of freight , Churchill, Am. ach Keelung Kelburn. Br. bk Mollllonea Johan Poulaen, Am. sch... San Francisco Ba Boato With Causa, aaa Oenerai. Eugen Rergallne, Fr. bk. Antwerp Cornll Bart. Fr. bk. Antwerp Ernest Legouve, Ft. bk Antwerp Aberfoyle, Br. ah. Antwerp Edmund Rostsd. Fr. bk London Emanuele Accama It bk Hamburg Asgard, Nor. ship.... Antwerp Bldart Fr. bk Antwerp Aiocri nicaraers, uer. ea. . . . . . Antwer Clan Graham. Br. sh. Cardl: Eugenie Fatitrel. Fr. bk. ......Antwerp Vincennea. Br. sh. Antwern Gael. Fr. bk London Goal Ships a Xonta Ancalosl Br. sh Newcastle, A Mlndoro. Am. sch. .Newcastle. N. 8. w. Agnes Oswald, Br. sh.... Newcastle, A. tiatumet. tsr. ss ...Newcastle, Tramp Steam ex Bn Bouts. Btrathflltan. Br. as.... Vancouver. B. C Aker, Nor. as..., San Pedro Minerva, Nor. ss Panama Etrathcyle. British ss....8an Francisco Needles, Br. aa Magdalena Bay Ba Boats la Ballast to Xioaa (train, Phl. B . U.HH V.l WVJ V.IIIC4, OF. .U. ...... .UIIUUAM Alsterksmp, Ger. sh Caleta Coloaa (Jlan Buchanan- Br. ah..-. .Banta Rosalia Charlea Gounod, Br. bk. .Ban Franclsoo Cambusdoon, Br. sh Calota Calosa Earl or uunsmora Br. sh Callao Bonchamo. Fr. bk. San Francisco Celtlcburn. Br. bk. Santa Rosalia River Falloch, Br. ah. Talcahuano Jacobsen. Fr. bk. San Francisco Dynamone. Br. ah San Franclaco Manx King, Br. ah Taltral Urania, Nor. bk Valparaiso Port Crawford. Br. ah Callao Howard D. Troop, Br. bk. ...San Pedro Oil Steamers Ba Boats. Geo. Loomla Am. aa . .Ran Franelaea Catania, Am. sa San Francisco MARINE NOTES BACK FROM THE SOUTH. PRINTING MODERN PRINTER Y MOVED TO - 148 6th St. opp. Meier A Frank s. &G1LBEE BROS-. PRINTERS CARDS, billheads, etc Main lt. 146H st PAINTING AND PAPERING PAiNTING? PAPERljJai KALSO3 ing. W. M. Johnson. 429 4th st Main 8676. FOR BEST WORK. PRICES RIGHT, call P. A. Doane. E. 1096. 104 Union ave. TRANSFER AND HAULING C. O. P. TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. Office 88 1st St.. between Stark unit Oak sts.: phone 696. Pianos and fur niture moved and packed for shipping; commodlolia brick warehouse with sep- araie iron roomn. rront ana Clay. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER m General transfer and storage; safea pianos and furniture, etc., 'moved,, packed and shipped. 809 Oak st, between Front and 1st Phone Main 647, A-2247 Captain Hosford Return an Expert on Oil Fired and Glass Boat. Captain O. W. Hosford, one of the popular river steamboat owners In Port land, returned this morning from an extended visit in California. He reports havinsr had a splendid outing, while at same time he devoted considerable Astoria, March 10. Arrived down at :ib ana sailed at :15 a. m.. steamer Asuncion, ror wan Franclaco. 8an Francisco. March 10. Sailed. cnooner, j. m. weatnerwax, ror CO' lumbla river. Astoria, March 9. Sailed at 4:26 p. ROSE CITY TRANS. CO. ALL OR ders given prompt attention. E. 2169; re-, m. 10 11. i. r inoiey. manager. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 134 N. ?TH7 Main ea. Heavy naming and storage. . o tvnp.PKMniTMT Rir.r.Ar.i' ji. ti!i ier vo. otoraye ata atarK. Main 407 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS PUUR DUFXJR, 613 CORBETT bldg. Phone A-6836; largest and most complete stenographic office In west . PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS 'rK. BEACH A CO- THE PIONEER -" ..r"-1" Co. Window glass and glaaing. i' 136 1st Phone 1384. PATENT ATTORNEYS PROTECT YOUR IDEA WE CAN patent It , . Moulton & Scobey, attor- eys, tf4 Columbia bldg.. Pprtfand. Or. J. J. HlKKHHEIMEB, 827 Vi WASH. BT" patent and pension attorney. PATENTSCOPYRIGHTS. A, J. MAT. ' - s y w umniimuwCbMin D lug. W M. JOHNSON. TRANSFER AND KXT press. 28 Union ave. Ea. 4441. B-1001. , WHOLESALE JOBBERS M. A. GUNST & CO.. DISTRIBUTORS OF. FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND, OREGON. EVERDING & FARRELL, PRODUCE and commission merchants, 140 Front st, woruana, or. none main 17. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turlng Co. Manufacturers of furni ture for .the trade. Portland, Or. WA DHAMS A CO., WHOLSESA LB GRO- cera, manufacturers and commission merchants. 4th and Oak sts. the time To the study of fuel oil and Its usage on river steamers. Among otheplaces taken In by the Willamette navigator were the Catallna islands, where boats nave glass bottoms so the traveler can keep tab on what Is going on beneath. - Captain Hosford became deeply Infatuated with these craft because the transparent bottom to a great extent overcomes the danger of running aground, and his friends say ho is already figuring on Introducing the scheme on the river for the benefit of navigators who lose their bearings. Captain Hosford confirms ths report that one of the shell divers was caught by an Immense monster of the deep and nearly drowned before rescued by him self and other tourists who happened to be near. , TRANSPORTATION COOS BAY LINE, The steamship BREAKWATER leave Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m- from Oak street dock, for Zforth Bend, Marsh, field and Coos Bay points. Erelarht re ceived till 4 p. m. on day of Bailing. Passenger fare, first class, $10: second class, 37, Including berth and meals. Inquire city ticket office, Third and Washington streets, or Oak street dock. Columbia ' River Scenery . BBOVXiATOB XiXXTB BTBAKBBS. Dally service between Portland and The Dalles, sxcept Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 a m. arriving about I &. m carrying freight and paaaengera plendid accommodations for outfits and livestock. Deck foot or Alder st, Portland; foot of Court st. Ths Dallssi Phone Maia si 4. fOTtiana. highly recommend their medicines to all persons suffering from chronic troubla Write to me ror rurtner inrormation. (Signed) MRS. AND MR. RODDY. Post master, Wlnant, Or. Xh TBS A J-. TOBst, nrPTXirATioif aj OKZwxira oo- TOKS, Post Graduatea Canton Medical CaUieae. China. Soeclallata In acute and chronic diseases of all kinds Call or write for symptoms blank, enclosing 2o stamp for return Address 124 H First st, cor. Salmon, Portland, or. Every Voraan . liuuerteUd and aboold kaow BO-aima woDeemi MAIYEl whirling; Spray ie aew vat syftjfa. Afn, est-vast ceiiTsiilNi, I " MilMi . If be eaaaoi snreiy ta MAVB1 aouept ae ethar, but acaa auuaB far lllua-rmtvd book m1. Tt fall partlealMa aad lireetleM In- Ttiutu, mi iwia. imanvai. aa a. aad st.. ai tnmi far gale hy Bkidiaera Drug Os.. Weedaid. Clarke Ce. aad Iaae-Deia Drag 0. 1 S I tone. 1 CO-, Old Zoned!. jfewbrsv m siwowa to faia. Wi 1 tract e! Osbess aad Cop-ib. la I OAP8ULE8. 1 Te . fain aadiarOTw care let aaanSBaa.sia,WB . e dmj It t-ke. soata.isat 4e earry. iliu wars saosasafai ate, rrloall, a Rowe A Martina 861 Wash ing ion at, Portland. Or. : or by mall from The Tarrant Co., 44 Hudson st. New York, , ilmself of my services. It has been and is my lire s wora to aia ar men. alleviate their sufferings and restore them to health and vigor, therefor placed .the charge for my services within the easy reach man. no matter what 'hie circumstances. To PROVE faith. I WILL M tnt.tm.nt fnr nthar diseases peculiar to mn are also along orlainat lines, and are equally successful. Hence, I reiterate that no man need be wr.iir and ait. f Nil M Sneclal Treatment Is an open door 'to manly vigor and all the pleasures that belong to perfect . health. Any maa ma avail himself of my services. It has been and Is my life's, work to aid af flicted I have nr .nv WAIT FOR 'MY FEB UNTIL YOU ARE CURED. No man could be fairer than that I . take all the risk. You take none whatever. You hav svery- thlng to gain and ebeolutelynothing to lose. Delay Is Dangerous Men whose vitality Is exhausted, those who hav mini prlvat dlseaae or weaxneaa lurking in tneir system, ana wno are prematurely oio, wnua bum young In yeara broken down wrecks of what thsy ought to be, and wrib want to b strong and to feel as vigorous: as they did before they wasted their strength, to enjoy life again, to win back the vim, vigor and vitality lost, snouia consurt wun me neror 11 is too iaie. My Direct-Method Treatment Offers a Positive CURE for Every Alllnr Man I Cure " Weakness" . "Weakneaa" la not a nervous disorder, demandlnr a. tonic system of treat ment but Is merely a symptom of chronic inflammation or congestion In the prostate gland. This condition exists as a result of early dissipation or some improperly treated contracted disorder, and require carefully directed . , n . i 1 ...i .. , . 1 local meaauraa oniy. dj ui j own vrifinai mniiuu, miv iiu.ii . i.nu ia quickly restored to its normal stata which rssults in full and complete re turn of strength and vigor. My cures are permanent because the condition respcnslble for the functional disorder Is entirely removed, and I am con vinced mat oy no treatment outer man my own careiuuy airectea local measures la a radical cur ef thla aliment possible Contracted Disorders The serious results that may follow neglect of contracted diseases could be scarcely exaggerated Safety demands an absolutely thorough cure In the least possible time. 1 nave treated more eases or contracted disorders tnan any other physician upon the Pacific coast My cures are thorough and are accomplished in less time than other forms of treatment require in produc ing even doubtful results. I employ remedies of my .own devising, and my treatment is equally eiiective in ootn recent ana enronio casea I also permanently cur SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON, STRICTURE, PUMVU-D BlWlAliUPI A.iM JaXuU HU1A, AlliUMHia Consultation and Diagnosis Free I do not charge for advice, examination or diagnosis. If you call for a pri 'vat talk with me you will not be urged to begin treatment. If you cannot call, writ for Diagnosis Chart My offloes are open all day from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. and Sundays from 10 to 1 only. The DR. TAYLOR Co. M4H XOBBZSOar BTBSBT, OOBBSB SBOOBB, roBTan, obzckib REFUSE BROWN LICENSE. REAL ESTATE J. ft Pltteneer & Co.. 163 Russell at Phone E. 4449. Fir Insurance, loans, real estate, 1 - J. V. OGILBEE, REAL ESTATE 'AND (osne: rstah- 1883.1 148H l6t room 11 Roofing. TIN ROOFING, GUTTERING. Re pairing and general Jobbing. X' loslL fit Jerrrson t Pacific 14 1 1 . ' I TfTtOOF LEAKS OR "NEEDS tu.Li.uns. csU E. 4S68, Woodlawn.311. LlWllj-BXHUlSn BAKObtliD BUl'l'l.I vVrMait.f Ih.t hi. kli I Co., barbers' supplies, barbers' furnl- 5,c, at r1ue,t h Keen Sailor Boarding House Commission era Again Opposo New House. The state aallor boardlnr-hous com mission turned down the application of W, Brown, for a license' to conduct a sailor boarding-house In Portland. The application went before the board yes terday afternoon and this morning the 1 applicant was informed by Secretary BOBXB FACOTO STBAXSmZP CO. 8TBAt8BXffa Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka, San Franclsoo and Los Angelea direct every Thursday at I p. m. Ticket office 181 Third .near Alder. THE: GRATON A KNIGHT MFG. CO. oak tanners, leather belting tnaaufao- turera. rortiand, ur.. 61 1st st BATES-WIGHT CO- .CALENDARS, AJ vertlslng novelties. 160 4tb st ALLEN -A LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchant.. Front and . D.vlfl WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND OLAS8- wnre rrnei. wegele Co.. Portland. tl9 Review: Our son, Lynn. i0T.outhrP,.pM,mo e-nt Marcola. writes that he lost about $40 worth f,ri3th -when th Marcola hotel v.!2 iMonw? '"SfW :- " h didn't i?IJliyleB.tnan.th oIa m" he's in blamed bad shape to stand, a ales of cola, wecther. v , Tl :."leV Brown says he does not know wh-r he w-.. kumeu uown, since tn letter gives no reason, but he Intends asking th board, believing that they should show e waa oeror tn board yes terday afternoon and answered ques- I 7 , occupation sine nis ar rival iu -uriiana aooui 30 years ago, SLIPS ON FROSTY DOCK. - , Second Officer of Schooner John A. Campbell Injnred. r (Special DUpatcfe to The JoaraaL) ' Astoria, March 10. Carl Anderson. second officer of th schooner John A. Campbell, which is loading lumbar at th. TflfiffU. Pain, mill 4lln-l a av PHWifA (flate- ft Back Pains Mean Danger Thev are a warnlns of kidney trouble, nervous debility, loco motor ataxia and lumbago. When you feel a pain in your back something Is wrong, and you had better cure it at once, Electro-Vigor will do this while you -sleep. Put It on when you fro to bed and your pain is gone n the morning. You feel it pour ing glowing heat into your back and can notice improvement after one night's use. In a few weeks the trouble is gone forever. It saves you future misery and doctor- bills, and costs less than a course of drugging. After the use of Electro-Vigor I no longer suffer from pains In my back and kidneys, my food digests properly and all the symptoms of weakness and vari cocele avre curea. Joseph, Or. CHAS. PICKARD. THIS IS FREE . Writl 'P my 100-pags Illus trated book, which tells all about my treatment and methoda This book is written in plain language and explains many things you ought to. know. I'll send lt closely sealed, free. If you will mall me this coupon. S. A. HALL, Ift. D. 1314 Second Ara, Seattle, waib-T 1308 rllLmor St- San rraaelsoo. Pleas send me. postpaid, your in. -vv-pae illustrated books, ! , 3-10-8 . ... ,,;! .?'. Nam lrWa. 8 V s MEN! Read This Notice Consultation fTce---AIX CURES GUARANTEED No Pay Unless Cured Our fee $5 to $30 Medicines $1.50 to $6 a Course BBBTOtn BBBZTT, IAVT TTTAIJTT AJTD UL . WBAXBBSSBS Or BCBB. If you hav violated th laws of health and are conscious of a stant drain which Is undermining yoar system, oome to us before you be come a nervous aad phraloal wreck. If you are weak, gloomy and despond ent, hav had bad dreams, depressed, lack ambition and energy. Unable to concentrate your thoughta lack vim and vitality, corns to us at once. Our treatment will ton up your nervous system and overcome all weakneases, and positively restore you to strength and health. BLOOD POXSOV. ITIjCBBaV BOB-BS, bTWOX Sir LUSI Cured to stay cured. Our treatment Is selentiflo and rational and - will eliminate every vestag of poison fro at year system, if you have sores, pimple, deep ulcerations, falling hair, sores la to mouth aad throat, call at onoa. TABXOOSB - YBZBB Unless the disease Is cured, It soon results . In some form of wasting weakness. Our treatment brings certain and speedy relief to the sufferer. If there is a soreness or swelllag of the veins, due to lack ef p ropes elroalstlon, you have Tarioose Veins, and should attend to its treatment at onca Our treatment drives away th stagnant Wood, relieves and at one the soreness, and restores th portions to aormal health and strength. OBSTBT70TIOBB ' Are usually acoompenled . by some other trouble, such as an inflamma tion or Kidney or Bladder troubla Our treatment for obatructlona la n.lnleaa. and la a true sneclflo. autcklv rnmovlnar the trnnhl. .. -.ii .. other forms of weakness that may aocompany it Do not . suffer longer, but oome in ana let. us assure you or a safe speedy and permanent cur. 81 TIAM OT nUTIAFS. If you cannot call. Writs for Information, XOT7BS to S, 7 to SO dallyi Baadays, t to 19. . MEDICAL AND SURQICAL OOBBBB SBOOBB ABB TABZX aTTBBBTS, OBTtBB, OBBOOaT. ST. LOUIS DISPENSARY Address I 4 Scd! rs SihtaMPpsln GapsuTes A POSITIVE CURE for Inflasimatloa orOatarrti at th Blaaderaad DlnMasd BiJ. . an. MO OVai 10 AT. Cnna 4nlcklr and Bermaaeatlr the worat easae of leper-he I aa 31m, ae aiatter o( ko-v,l, Job f staadln s A k s e 1 a 4 el yv D.raiw Beta ev araaaists. y aUlMStiSN, 0W . ; WiMA Braaglssi, '; 3wi -r J gf TZFs POD UOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson' Compound Bavin ana motion ttoot ruia The best i and only reliable remedy for. DELATED PER IODS. Cura tha moat nh.tln. at cases In 8 to 10 daya .Price $8 -per bos or three boxes $6.00. Sold by , drurrlsta- avarrarliM.. - Anree. r J r c -PiCB,.181 First st, Portland, Ob , A -: ;