53 THE OREGON' DAILY JOURNAL? PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, iARCll ti, 1008. Francisco t Office Oregon Journal V 1206 CaU Bldv v ' Teltpboae Kearney tlW. " UVTTT9IWXsTTtl Aim aTQaU ' SSCEXVXXk, Oregonians when la 8an Frsnotsee esj bave their1 mill aaat to w l b Journal ffioe. ARTHUR U FISH. Rrpreeatatlva (NEW TODAY Northrop Acres dose in West Side . ' im.1. KMiitlfnl tract la located be tween Salem electrlo and Fulton street car lines. for Home Ibw location ! The property lies beautifully, with good views. Pries Only $600 Each Buy Now ! you can mora than double your money la the nest year. - : Times on rour cabx. rn at tha offlea and have a frea au tomobtla rlda and aaa Usia cboloa prop- M. E. LEE ' KOOat 411 COXSSTT BxVTJCK u Con eta and Morrison 81. Kaia MM ladd's; AddiUon Inside high-grade property, ce ment walks, wide parkings, ASPHALT STREETS Sewer, water and gas in alleys. Connection now laid to every lot 1A building restriction guarantees desirable houses. Special inducements to builders. Full warranty deed Cdmplete abstract. (2bk for descriptive pamphlet T. W. TQKGLER, AGENT Eherlock'.fcldg., Third and Oak Virginia Place . XO-ACKB XOMXS Three carllnes to serve this tract; fine soil; soma In clover, some rich bottom land, some 'wood; excellent for anything that grows In Oregon; large nursery chose near by property for Its propagating grounds, some have run ning water through year; 12 miles from Portland; tw stations on Southern Pay clflo at this tract; good school; 10 to 1160 per acre; ravorDia terms. Portland Investors Co. 80S ITAU RUST, BOOK IS. Only $12,000 Southeast corner Third and Montaom- err. 100 feet on Third. 1 ne Dest pi 100 feet on Third. The best prop- osltlon. on the market today; most da- treble apartment house or site; elosa In; wUl pay 20 ra Funllr hotel per cent on investment. v Ee A McGRATH 111 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS. 'Attistip Hair' Dressing; wa do and jO-LUOUV teach beauty parlor work, all branches. Frakes, 409 Washington. Tlnrfni We have it, 6O0 per rolL Menion-Henlev Company. 267 Tamhlll. Phone Main 1788. "nnontv Parlnra Shampooing, isvuuvj manicuring, mas- . pares, etc. Mrs. Bonney, 719 S wetland Fire Insurance IU SSTjSKS P. Sharkey about it. Phones A2BJ7; JvTstn 110. 6th at. oor. Washington. Btationeryivi-w tor-u 149 Morrison st,, near Third. Stationery and blank books. Davis A KUburn. oTTTI Plant vour Sweet Peas and i3 IjcLUS early garden seeds now. Our 3901 annual and Seed Planters' Guide free. Portland Seed Co., 180-186 Front Wnnrl 6.000 cords first class 4-foot IflUUU fjr -KooO, 15 per cord delivered. Phone Main 4415. Eagle Creek Fuel company, 408 Corbett bldg WinoaO'Malley and Neuberger, 127 I tlllcS Wash. Choice wines, liquors and cigars. Look for our cut-rate sale. ; AH choice oranqs or izno cignn. Wliitfi Rewind Machines tS;. 120 Washington St., corner 11th. Special 1 paie or usea macnines una WnAfl And coaL Star Wood an (VVOOU coal Co. 148 Ird. M. 6011 DIRECTORY OFFICE BUILDINGS vmnwrf rT TC Tlfrr!nn nA Etta. WORCESTER BLDG., 8d. Oak and Plna, HAMILTON BLDG, 181 M BL Jtobert 11. Btrong, Mgr.. fiv oroen. Columbia bldg.. wash, and park ROTHCHILD BLDG.. 287 -Wash. Meienberg, zis KOtncnua. 911 manny. TILFORD BLDG, Morrison and 10th. A. P. Armstrong, stn 2 loor. jnain mi, COUCH BLDG.. 109 4th-st R. W. Lewis. 808 Couch Bldg. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS i Hava your abstracts mad by tha Se nrltv Abstract & Trust Co.. 7 C of C ; E- B. Holmes and wife to J. L. Petty, lots 11 and 32. block 45, ' Peninsular addition No. 4 . 120 J. E. Dugan and wife to John M. Pitteneer, lot 9, block 4, "Albina addition 1,000 George Q. Weldin and wife to J. P. Menefee, lot 2 and east of lot 4. block 16. John Ir vlnBS First addition ........ 1,200 United States National bank to , . Maud W. Woolfolk, lot II, block 4 16, southern Portland ........ 100, W. Fl .Hughey to Ooeanna Baker, lots 10 and 11, block 1, Red- llohton , 2,000 Moore Investment company to 1 . ' R. J. MoGuare. loU U and 12, I block 16, Vernor ISO; Oceanna Baker to R. W. Fisher, set M of lota 6 and , block 289,, Eaat JPortland j . . . . . ... . 4.600 John M. Plttenger and wife to J. E. Dugan, lots t and 12, Ar - leta Park ......... ........ rjae Pet er Barney and wife to Ulna Pichel. lota and 14, black 1, Bedllchton .......i. ......... l.oe ,..n. B. Volheim and wife to : Dwight Misner, lot T.' block. Uf Snnnyslde ......... ......... , 2.100 J. F. Nowlln and wife to A. D. 1 Knutson, lot C. block 47i, Vernon 1,900 II. W. Prettyman st at executor , Ttmh A. fraak . land In block '$. Jiounf Tabor Central Park T 4,100 J. M. W aggoner and wire to p. J. Ivoss, tracts 19 and 20. Tylor M.tMiivis!on of section 2. town. f .) n 1 south, nnrt z aaat aon li--',-;t 10 acre X200 San REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS .- Hymen Israel and wife to- Bam and Jessie Dabruts. 60X70 feet . in .block 68,, carutners , aoai- ' tldk ...... Alex Cochran and wlfa to George. F. Heath, lota 16. block 4. West Piedmont George F. Heath to W. fl. Con-, ear, lot 1. block 4. Weat Pied mont , ............. James W. Cook and Wife to An drew Nelaon, lot 10. block 4, Cook'a aacond addition to Al btna .111 (00 IT! Tha Hawthorne Estate to W. 3. Cederson and wife, aaat half of lots 6 and f, block 117. Hawthorne Park addition George Good et al, referees (case In which Mas Smith la plain tiff ve. Louisa Logus at al. de fendants) to Oambrlnua Brew ing company, same as above 1,850 described . . , 41,000 Moore Realty company to Jennie Buss, lot 11, block 1, Lorrln- wu .......... John A. Bell to Edward Nlmo, lot 11. block I. Blckford Psrk4 Jacob Trued and wife to Thomas Vlggera, lota It and 22, block a, ltiverdale Edith B. Richards to Kettle B. Emlg, lot 4. block 1, Park ad dition to Alblna N. L. Galloway to O. E. Leet, lota I and 4, block 7. Colum- 1 bla Heights 100 ISO 210 210 2B0 Willis Kramer and wife to Frauk A. and Anna B. Gregory, lota B and 6, block 1. 'Columbia Helghta 100 O. E. Leet and . wife to Lulu Kramer, lota I and 4, block 7. Columbia Height 100 Carl Benson and wife to Jessa A. . Cannon, lot 12, block 2, Tabaaoo addition 1,400 Point View Real Estate company to Lena Chowning, lots 21 and 14. block 21. Point View HO Title Guarantee ft Trust company to iaeu uoyt. lots ana 4. block 10. Berkeley 100 Thomas Burrows and wife to May M. Moylan, lot T, block 1, Stewart Park 400 University Land company to unanea u. chandler, lota li, and 17. block lit University Park .. (00 United States National bank to Arthur Anderson, lota T and 1.. block 4L8uIllvana addition .. 1.100 E. L Wonacott and wife to H. H. Wright, lota 1. 4. . 6, ll. 22, 2! and 21. block 2, LaDene Park 2.000 . L. Wonaoott and wife to H. H. Wright et al. lots 7 and S, block 2, La Dene Park 1,000 Paclflo Title Trust Co.. the leading abstractors, 204-e-t-T Failing bldg. WEATHEB REPORT An immense high pressure area ex tends from the north Pactflo states southeastward to Kansas and thence northeastward to the great lakes. The crest of this high pressure area Is cen tral over Kansas. The barometer is relatively low over the Canadian north west. Rain has fallen over a strip or territory beginning In northeastern Texaa end Oklahoma and xtendlnir northeastward through the Ohio valley to the New England states, except over the northern portion of this area the rain has turned to snow and the fall has been Quite heavy In a few lncalltlos. It la much warmer in eastern Montana, North Dakota acd the Canadian north west, and slightly cooler in Washington and British Columbia. The temperatures In tbe Atlantic states are from t to li degrees above normal, but on the Pa cific slope It Is generally cooler than usual The Indications are for fair weather in this district tonight an Tuesdsy, with light frost tonight in western Ore gon and western Washington and with freeslng temperatures tonight east of the Cascade mountains. Boston. Mass. .....46 86 .04 Chicago, I1L 40 22 .0 Cincinnati. Ohio ...42 30 .86 Denver, Colo 42 14 .0 Kansas City, Mo.... 88 22 .0 Los Angeles, CaL '..70 44 .0 New Orleans, La. ..80 64 .0 New York, N. T....44 8 .84 Omaha. Neb ..24 20 .0 Philadelphia. Pa. ..B0 88 .84 Phoenix Arir. 68 42 .0 Pittsburg, Pa. 46 80 .58 Portland. Or 64 S3 .0 St. Louis, Mo 40 28 .IS St. Paul, Minn 10 0 .0 Salt Lake, Utah 38 16 .0 San Francisco. Cal.62 46 .0 Seattle. Wash. B2 14 .0 Washington. D. C. .66 40 .04 MARRIAGE LICENSES F. B. Mills. S-okana. Washington. 17: Zora H. Hereford. 5. D. W. Patton. 606 East Ash street, 11; Jessie L. Dickenson. 18. H. Ij. Pratt. McMinnviiie. Oregon, iz: Josephine M. Shannon. 18. - Weddina- Carda W. O. Smith A Co- Washington bids corner 4th and Wash ington sta. . Waddlnr cards the best 100 for 11. Alvin 8. Hawk, it xa st Tonaeth eV Co.. florists, for flowers "ol all kinds 121 1th st Clarke Broa. Florists Fins flowers and, floral designs 219 Morrison st Full dress suits for rent, all sUea. Unique Tailoring Co.. 109 Stark at Max M. Smith, florist 150 6th st, opp. Meier at Frank's. Main 7216. BIRTHS CREEVE January 6, to. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Creeve, 681 Multnomah, a son. STRAUSS February 21, to Mr. and Mrs; W. C Strauss, Oregon Yacht club, a daughter. NEWELL yMarch 4, to Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Newell 247 Halsey, a daughter. M'CURDY March I. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. McCurdy, 188 Broadway, a daughter. LANGE February II, to Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Lange, 186 Banoroft a son. JOHNSON February 17. to Mr. and Mrs. P. J, Johnson, 107 Hubbard, a son. BCHUMAKER February 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schumaker. 428 Center, a daughter. DEATHS JOHNSON March 6. Helm a Johnson, 401 East Forty-fourth, aged 12; ty phoid fever. . . . CUTHBBRT March 6, W. J. Cuthbert, 427 Fourteenth, age 64; pneumonia, AHERN March 6, Mary Ann Ahern. 207 North Eighteenth, aged (1; pul monary tuberculosis. MEYER March 6, Julius D. Meyer, 652 Washington, age 65; angina pertorls. BROWN March 4, Anna K. Brown, 89- . .til. trn 99. AOlflmDSia. ROGERS Maroh-6, Owen Rogers, Good Samaritan hospyjiL age 0; obstruo- NEFF March'7, E. E. Neff, 422 Colum bia, age 77; apoplexy. FUNERAL NOTICES TAYLOR The fuheral services of Sarah 6, wife of Peter Taylor, will be held at the Fonrth Presbyterian church, cor ... rint anil Gibbs streets on Tues day. March 10, at 2 p. m. Interment Rivervlew cemetery. . UNDERTAKERS DUNNING, IjTENTEB GILBAUGH, unuertaaeiw ,nu oiiiua,n. . wwoiu in every detAiL Seventh and Plna. Main 410. Lady oislstsirt j. P FIN LEY & SONS, ID AND MADI son sts. Of flea of county coroner. Phone Main . ' .TOCK,. FUNERAL DI rector. K. 11th . and Umatilla. SeU- wood 71. ZELLER-BYRNES CO, FUNERAL DI- rectora, embalmers, Z7i ituaseii, isaat 1086. Lady assistant EDWARD. HOLMAN. UNDERTAKER. 120 2d st ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO.. EM- balmlng: lody sss't 409 Alder. M. 4133. CEMETERIES ROSE) CITY SINGLE GRAVES, $14; family lota, 126 to $75. Superintend- J c,emetery, Corner of Fremont at and Cully road. Phone Tabor 206. For full information apply to Frank Schle gel. ($1 Worcester bjk. Phone A-2S2. BUSINESS NOTICES ?" EXCAVATING CKUENT AND CON orete work of all kinds; prtcea rea sonable: work guaranteeo; smu jos preferred. . McNeil ft Carter, lie 7tn. Main DT1I. after fn.ni. InVENT16N8 fldLft 6N commission: 09 Covenant Contract company, til Flledner bMg. Main 281. HENRlciaSW CO.. JBWELERflC opticians, 164 Washington st L. C and MEETING NOTICES HARMONY LODGE, NO. 12. A. F. A. M. atatea com muni nation this (Monday) evening at 7:20 o'clock. Work in the -M. m. aegree. umoiai visit of the grand lecturer, itors are cordially Invited. B U NTM M IM W flWSB Wl J IBB. w. m. lJQ uw, pery. IS. W. A. KVhJHGRttBN CAMP. S.444. meets Wednesday evening. AUsky hldf .Id end Mnrrlnon ta. M. VV. A. OHIiOON GFIAPB CAMP NO. 1.171. Mondaya 17tb and Marshall Vlnltora Icome NOTICES SUMMONS. In the circuit nourt at tha arat at Oregon, for the countr of Multnomah. Christiana LIUlaon. plaintiff, va Philip W. Lilllson. defendant. To Phllln W. LllJIiion, defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby re quired to aDDear and answer the com plaint filed against yon In the above en titled action, within six weeks of the aate or the first- publication of this summons, to-wlt. on or before the 1th day of April, 1901. and If you fall ao to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff win uise juagment against you Dy de fault and apply to the court for a de cree of divorce on the grounds of non eupport, desertion and habitual drunk enness, aa well ss costs of suit and rea sonable attorneys' fees. This cummons Is published by order of the above entitled court, dated Feb ruary 11. 1108. Date of first publication. February 14 1808. Dato of last publication. April , 1108. HESSE & BECKETT. Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the annual stockholders' meeting of the Mountain Treasure Mining company will be held at roam 4 16-4 IT Common wealth building. Portland. Oreron. at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of March 10, 1908, for the purpose of electing of a board of directors and the transaction of such Other business as shall coma before the meeting. i-aiea mis a aay or February, isqs. GEORGE I. BROOKS. Secretary. NOTICE I H ilcE I HKREBV NOTIKV ALT. parties not to credit mv wife. Emilia Klldahi, for any goods or property that she may get In my name, as I will not be responsible for any debts she may make or cause to be made, as she will not allow me to come home and support the family as I ourht to and want to. , , ANDREW KILDAHU SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- ceived at the office of Newell A Gos- sett. room 38, Washington building, Portland, Oregon, until 10 a. m., March 16. 1908. for the erection of elsht sta- ' bles 20x120 feet on the arounds of the (""n,.ry. ?!ub- Th rlsht to reject aay I and nil bids reserved. I BEAVER HILL COAL IS THE CHEAP guaranteed full wefght: no clinkers or soot, prompt delivery. Phone Main 16lf. COLE A COLE HAVE REMOVED TO 780 Chamber of Commerce bldg, LOST AND POUND FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renoVifed and returned same day. 228 Front st Main 474. A-1JT4. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Metzger, proprietor. VotfNb-LAST MONTH A BlcTCLH in front Lumber Exchange bldg. Ap ply neaa janitor. LOST DOUBLE BET BUGGY HAR- ness in sack between 4 and 7 p. m. on Macadam road. 25 reward. Return to 206 Salmon st. LOST IRISH BETTER ' D06 NAME" and address on collar. Phone Tabor 18; reward. ' FOUND A PLACE TO TRADE REAL estate, or most any old thing, includ ing u vest ocx. mining snares, Donds, eta It will nay you to call on the Star Real estate Co., I70H Id st LOST FRIDAY. FOX TERRIER, white with black spot on left side; soars on right side; prominent ears. Re turn t27 Kearney, rnone Main 6466. Reward. MALE AND FEMALE HELP WILL EXCHANGE DRAMATIC IN struotion for services of musicians. Call afternoons, Burkhardt hall, Union ave. ana E. iiurnsiae. OREGON HEADQUARTERS. International Correspondence Schools. Soranton. Pa., are now located at 416 Washington st, between 11th and' 12th. SOLICITORS TO SELL TIOKETS FOR Denent inquire Burkhara ball. 187H B. Burnslde st HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED." Drake. 205 H Wash., Pac. 1870. A-1670, HELP WANTED MALE WANTED SALESMEN; MANY MAKE 1109 to 1160 per month; some avea more; stock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orchards; cash ad vanced weekly; choice of territory. Ad dress wasnington Nursery uo. Top pen I sh, Watjilngton. MEN TO GET THEIR SUITS FROM Charley Lee, 91 N. 3d st; perfect fit pjuaranteeq; bji wora rirat-cyaea. CAL WINE DEPOT, HEADQUARTERS cooka and helpers. 148 4th st for WB GIVE SPECIAL RATES FOR room and board by week or month. union notel. 81 N. 6th St We secure positions for MEM-" pers; special membership 22. Y. M. C.A. UNION HOTEL SELLS MEAL TlCK ets at 16 2-8o per meal. Try them, worth double. 81 N. 6th st UNION HOTEL, 81 N. 6th ST, SERVE a rich man's meal at a poor man's price; pnly Qc. MEI41 fO LEARrf PLUMBWO, ELEC trtclty, plastering, bricklaying, draft ing and plan reading; day and night; no books; positions secured; free catalogue. Coyne National Trade Schools, 230 and Z40 Btn St.. Kan Francisco, Cal. TRY THE UNION HOTEL FOR TOUR meals. Sunday xhlcken dinner only BOc, worth 60c. ' BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COL lege certificate for sale; all the books for bookkeeping free of charge. B-292, journal. Wanted 100 men; dr. ketchum will cure promptly all your private fnd sexual diseases: graduate; advice fee. 17014 3d st. Main 7154. THE EASY SYSTEM commercial card writing for ladles and men. 211 4th at WARTBD PARTNER WITH SMALL amount of-money for motion Picture traveling show. Call 298 Burnslde st. WANTED GOOD SOLICITORS. SUN- nyslde Steam Cleaning & Dye Works, 205 E. 84th st. WANTED KAILBACH. THE TAILOR and clothes cleaner, wants the people of East Portland to patronle him and call 677 Milwaukee Barber Smith's old stand. WANTED MEN TO SELL NURSERY -stock. ' J100 a month easily made; many make $200; experience unneces sary. IH Hi. 4MB Bt, A MAN TO TAKE INTEREST IN A light manufacturing business; will pay $25 weekly. $160 cash required. Room 24 250 tt Id st SALESMAN WANTED SPECIALTY man for- general avnd trunk store trade; side line man answer. Lever Bucklo Co., Richmond. Va. $16 FOR A PATENT ON YOUR IN vention. , A. J. Matter, patent-attor ney, 618 Commonwealth Diqg. CAPABLE YOUNG MAN NOT AFRAID to talk can make small ' fortune on $100 Investment, JJesk p,lll -Commonwealth bldg. " WANTED ENERGETIC MAN WITH $250 for small manufacturing busi ness; no competition; splendid pros pects. Particulars room (07 Goodnougn HELP WANTED-Sf ALB WANTED -TARD; FOREMAN; MUST a rustier. m-. journal. HELP WANTEDFEMALE THB MEIER A FRANK CO. Want millinery trimmers, makers and salesladies: also salesladies for laces, trimmings, neckwear, art needlework and rluuon departments. Apply before 10 a. in. GIRLS. AND MOTHERS. TOO BRING mat picture you wanieo ro irumi i Hose City Art store, 442 Washing ton at, comer 11th. We frame nice poet cards. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUBEWORK. Apply 1091 -Franklin St., Willamette Helrhts. Phone Main 1999. east side female employment Office. 122U Orsnd ave. East I96S. Wanted experienced girl for upstairs' work: good waxes. 111 ft. 22d st . H6usKkEEPER 1 Wanted. widoW preferred;, good home on a farm; three children. Address H-l 96, Journal WANTED REFINED, CAPABLE, MA tnra woman: we teach you salesman ship and five you permanent employ- ment Addresa, E-218, Journal: GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL housework; must be neat; 116. rnone Rast toil. ill FOR A PATENT ON YOUR IN ventlon. A. J. Matter, patent attor ney, 611 Commonwealth bldg. WANTED ACTIVE LADY UNDER IS as partner In amaU manufacturing business; can average over 1100 monthly-, duties easily learned; must Invest 1260; fullest Investigation invited. Par ticulars room 607. Goodnouah bldg. Want young lady ad solicitor; big commission; somethln Desk C, Kit Commonwealth bl 5t WANTED GlRL companion for lady; small family; wages 126 per montn. 276 Burnstde. SlRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK In small family: wages 116 and a good home. Inquire at 178 W. 14th st SITUATIONS WANTED MALE MAN WANTS SITUATION CAN DO gardening, lawn work, or odd lobs of any kind. Address E-258, Journal. Wanted position on farm; can milk and do general farm work. IX- 290, Journal. m"achinist wants situation Married and must have work; willing to take anything. E-I40, Journal. a business college graduate wishes office work or collecting with chance of advancement E-240. Journal. YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE TO DO janitor work between 6 and 9 at night, or will run elevator. H-190, Journal. CARPENTER; ENERGETIC, ROUGH carpenter, wants work. Kelley, phone raeinc iit6. EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR WANTS position; knows city welL E-268, Journal. COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER WISHES position city or country; have had 4 years" experience as cashier and book keeper in office; alao In store and lum ber office; reference. h-i, journal. AN AI.L-AROUND ENGINEER. ELEO- trlctan and machinist, wants steady position to operate. Install or. repair any kind of steam or electrlo plant in mine, camp or town; license; long, ex perienced and temperate. Address L. J. Dow. Station 13, Portland, YOUNG MAN OF 18 -WANTS WORK of any kind; handy - around house wages reasonable. J-18, Journal. YOUNG MAN WISHES POSItlON AS elevator boy; fully competent to man age any passenger elevator; absolutely reliable: references; arrange salary to suit Inquire Hotel Scott, 7th and An keny sts. 4 AS PHOTOGRAPH FINISHER AND desk room msn; experienced. Address Allies. 209 Market at Phone Pacific 2606. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER. EXCEL- lent fitter, fine designer wishes en gagement this month. Paclfio 2735, 262 14th st. ENGINEER WOULD LIKE POSITION on logging road; familiar with Shea or Baldwin engine. n-z7t journal. A YOUNG MAN OF GOOD HABITS would like lob In small restaurant as assistant waiter; no experience, but will work for board to learn. Dale Hugh bank. 110 N. 2d at, city. Phone Pa cific 1068. 225 TO ANY PERSON WHO WILL procure ror me a gooa joo as waicn man. H-182, Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. NURSES, CHAMBERMAIDS. WAIT- reeses. eooks. hotel help rurnisned on short notice. 122 Va Grand ave. East 1066. WANTED A POSITION REAL estate office by lady; has bad some experience. J-186, Journal. TWo Women Want post1on" as" oook and waitress. 47 is. 9th st. A GERMAN GIRLWISHES HOUSB wark. Verv handy at sewing. 831 tt N. 16th. corner Raleigh st. WaNted Lodge hall to take oars or. ADDiy at cio jo. litn, or phone Sellwood 64. Janitor. Hardworking german woman with thorough knowledge of house work wanta day work, washing. Ironing or cleaning. Phone Paclfio 2024, room 6. Wanted curtains to laundry at home, carefully dona up on stretch era, will call for and return: 40o per pair. Phone Bell wood 1007. Era. Word. CAPABLE" WOMAN ' WISHES POSI tion as housekeeper: first-class cook; city refsrenoes as to charaoier and abil ity. Phone Main 1487. ' FiRSf-CLASS DRKSS'M'AltER, Skltl? waists a specialty, win go out ny me day. Room 15. Phone Main 437. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY DAY. 115 Moyrls st. Sta. B.. cor. Alblna ft woman wants Work as book- keener or stenographer. H-Isa, jour- nal. WOMAN WANTS TO KEEP HOUSE for widower. East 1066. SEWING AT HOME OR BY THB DAY. Main 4162 421 Main st YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE POSI tlun as chambermaid owaltresa Call Main 6202. PLEASE TAKE IT OUT SATURDAY, MARCH 7 Central, please give me Main 7173. Hello, Journal. Please put this ad in The Sun day Journal and during the following week: "Fur nished 6-room modern house, $25. Phone East 675." SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 8 Central, Main 7173. Hello, Journal. "For pity's sake, take that ad out of ' the paper. I couW do nothing all morning hat answer - the phone about that furnished house." - MORAL: If you want the quickest results for the least rnoney, just" put your ad in The Journal, the people's . popular paper, and there you are. - . i ; SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A TOUNO SCOTCH LADY WITH child Is months old wants plaoe as housekeeper or - to take care of small rooming house. Apply 11 Bharmaa st. Mrs." Weinman. WOULD LIKE TO KEEP HOUSE FOR man and child, or chamber, work In small place. 117 N. 12th st. EXPERIENCED NURSE WANTS work by day or week. Phone East by day r U ome C- CTliN'ir 1110, or 1021. COMPETENTvVOMAN WITHBEST 011 reference will take charge. 01 rooming-house In respectable neighbor hood. Phone Main 4810. COMPETENT NURSE WITH REFER- ences would like engagement by day or week. Phone East 1020. GERMAN GIRL WOULD LIKE ' TO wait on lunch counter or some other 111(1 Vi. IlfllI KVIf J .V. - VVt ,VHI III.H MIDDLE-AG1 ED WOMAit. PRACflCAE nurse: maternity esse nrererreoi: ears or invalid or ohiid. rnone 411", GIRL WANTS BtJSHELING OR HELP- er in clothing store. H-I88. journal WANTED AGENTS AGENTS vTEDCAli VoO BBIA. foods T If so we need you: complete fit free: cash weekly. Writ for choloe of territory. Capital City Nujs sery company, eaiem. or. AGENTS EVERYWHERE TO HANDLE our soap; removes grease spots. or particulars address Idea Ldvertlaing, 210 Epler block, Seattle. .WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COT- taaea. flats, stores, offices, rooming- houses, sto. Landlords will do well io call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Ex. Tt. a fl. Cor. Id and Oak. WANTED WAREHOUSE ABOUT (Ox 100: one or two stories. TeL A or Msln 1475. ' WANTED FINANCIAL Wanted Tha following loans: 11.000. 14,100, 21,100 and 1600; all scoured br first mortgage oa good real estate; If you have money to loan see us. HENKLB A HARRISON. 117 Ablngten Bldg. WILL BUY ACCOUNTS OF TITLE Guarantee ft Trust and Oregon Sav ings ft Trust bank. T. J. Byrnes, 246 Morrison st, room 12 WANTED TO BORROW 9.000 ON first class security y: will pay I per cent J. Landigan, 184 Sherman. CASH FOR TELEPHONE BONDS, ORE gon Trust Title Guarantee, Merchants accounts. H. W. Goddard, 110 2d st. 700 Loan, WaNTed from prIVatE party; good real estate security; building purposes. J-175, Journal WANTED REAL ESTATE Wanted To buy for cash good Income city property. What can yau offer ns now 7 HENKLE ft HARRISON. 217 Ablngton bldg. WANT 6 TO 9 ROOM HOUSE, ON east or west side; easy term a P-152, Journal, r 5 OR 10 ACRES. SOME FRUIT. WtTH in 10 miles and ons mile of transpor tation; must be reasonable and good solL Description and price first letter. F-112. Journal. WANTED TO RENT A FARM OR ranch or will work same for wagea. 3. H. Lawrence, Portland. Or. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS A Private Party . WIH pay a better price for your Second-hand furniture. I want lota of It and of all kinds. East 6099. WB BUY AND SELL EVERYTHlkG on earth: household foods. The Dol lar. 232 1st Msln 6874. A-2S27. CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 8AV- Bge ft Pennell. 845-847 1st. Pac 360. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE; prompt attention alwnya given. E. 1067. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE AND clothing wanted best prices paid. Fox ft Godwt-in, 81 N 3d: Main 2111. If you wish to exchange or sell your furniture for cash, phone East 6104. 168 Hawthorna BEST LOGGER SHOES MADE TO order. Union made snoes In stock, Ernest Claus. 352 tt Gllsan. WE PATopTrTce8'f6r FURNITURE And anything you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO, Main 6665. A-4111. If you want the highest cash price for your second-hand furniture, see J. Leah Furniture Co., 194 Grand. WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT BEA ver Hill coal Is the best on the mar ket for the money; guaranteed full weight; no clinkers or soot; prompt delivery. Phone Main 6625. WANTED A SECOND-HAND UNDER wood No. 5. Address 153 13th st, stating price. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING $1.60 WEEK UP LARGE. CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, laun dry and bath. 184 Sherman st, south, Portland. $1.25 WEEK UP CLEAN FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms, bath. laundry, furnace beat yard. 203 tt ntanton st. ij car. LARGE LIGHT HoUSEkMplNG rooms, nicely furnished: runnina: wa- tef.'602tt Alder. THE "BEAVER. 12TH AND MARSHALL newlv furnished, modern conveniences: $2.60 per week up. Take 8 or 16th at cars, get off at Marshall. No dogs. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 112 per month; gas range, all conveniences. 230 tt. phone, bath. Mussel 1 st. TWO SUITE8 OF H6UEkEEPiN(3 rooms. nicely furnished. 160 N. 10th st Phone Main 4519. jNICE FURNISHED r6om3; ALSO housekeeping rooms. 870 12th st, wr mumjremiiry, main ,304 SUITE COMPLETELY FTrRjf7flfTrv 115: ras. bath, furnace heat nraikinir distance. 145 N. 16th. Main 6178 I UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 18 per month, including water. east side, close In. Inquire 80S E. 10th. $1 WEEK WELL" FURNISHED sleeping and housekeeDlnar rooma: part of cottage, 2 rooms, $11 month. Apply 264 N. 26th. 21d-st cars to 26th turn south half block. SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. central, reasonable. No. 29 9th st N. Pfions 1085. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE GRAND, 45 tt N JD ST ROOMS for gentlemen, 31.25 per week and up. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR REJwT THE GRAND MODERN. NEWLY furnished throughout! 1 blocks from Portland hotel. 887 Yamhill. Main 4766, Y.AUdkt S'ltONT ROOM NICELY FUR nished, hot and cold water, phone, bath. 280 4th st, city. Paclflo 684 ill YAMHILL, OPPOSITEPORT- land hotel, light, nloaly furnished rooms, 11.60 per ween up, transient. TUB KAliY-FURNlaHED ' ftdOUS; 11.60 per wees ana ui v,lm FOR RENT HOUSES . . LARGEST LIST OF HOUSES AND flats In city. Arthur L. Draper A Co, 141)4 Washington at, room , cor. 7th. ' VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE and pianos moveo. siorea or aatppea. Phnne Main 1418. VHEN YOU MOVfl tTj ALWAYS nv4 www iurour Buy at no-rent prices: tha savings Will exceed cost of moving. We own ourvbwn building: occupy one nair, coueri rent on naiancs. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO. Grand ave. and K. Stark. Phone E. 2919, B6UBfl AND BARN; RENT 111. Oil HndntT ave. inauire 11 fark st FORRENT HOUSBOF 9IIOOMS, No. II N. 6th at. near Burnslde; within city. MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE. APPLY 134 Porter st 8-r66m HoUffl. "LARdB BAssi ment: key at O' Nell's grocrrr. corner Hood and Grant sta CLEAR J-R6om" COTTAGE; 'flAfl; full basement; 115. Four-room new. lower flat. 116. Keys 164 N. 26th: 22d- atreet .cars to 26th, turn south half block. FOR RENT 100x110 WITH 10-ROOM house. Price. 220 only. Slbray ft Hart, 614 Dawson st; phone Wood lawn 1114. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, E. 26TH and Ellsworth sts. Call Main 6302. FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE, EAST side, on Grand ave. J. S. -Fobs, 40S Hawthorne ave. FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT COMPLETELY FUR- nlshed. to' adults only: this includes everything complete as we used It; pi ano and sewing machine, gas and steel ranges, furnace, hot and cold water, up stairs, for several months, 946. 252 Washington St. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, GAS. NICELY iurni3ned, z; 4-rooni new lower riat, 120: I rooms, part of cottage. Ill month. Apply 164 N. 26th; 28d-st cars to 26th. turn south half block. -ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHED, modern. 3 large rooms and hall, pan try, den first floor. 3 bedrooms, bath upstairs. 155 Lincoln. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR sale, reasonable, inquire 664 4tn st. EODKRN 6-ROOM FLAT TO RENT; central location; and new furniture for rale. Inquire between 1 and t p. nv, box 3d st., fiat c URNlTURE F"5R SALE, CHEAP. Apply 171 Sher- and house for rent man at FOR RENT FLATS FOR RENT UPPER FLAT, 626 JEF- lerson; s-rooms, moaern. cheap. Phone Msln 4159. 10 8-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT. close In. 632 7th st. Phone E. 1657. ROOMS AND BOARD BIJOU UPHOLSTERY. 12T 11TH. SEAT and hall cushlona Steamboat work a specialty. Cabin upholstery. Main 8196 ROOM WITH BOARD- IN PRIVATE family; large, new rooms and first class board. 26 E. 7th st East 2900. 181 N. 1 6 TH PLEASANT ROOMS FOR two, modern conveniences; table board, home cooking. Pacific 2917. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR one or two; board optional; modern conveniences; new bouse; private fam 11 y. 770 Johnapn. ... FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FIRST - CLASS OUTSIDE OFFICE rooms for rent fn new building; steam heat, electrlo and gas light with lanl. tor service. N. K. cor. 3d end Madison. OFFICES TO RENT IN THE WOR cester and Hamilton bldgs. at mod erate rata Apply to Robert Strong. 710 Corbett bldg. FINE OFFICES AND DESKROOM. Ill" Bwetlana bldg.. 6th and Washington. OFFICES AND STORES IN PHOENIX bldg., southwent corner 6th and Oak. FOR RENT FARMS 220 ACRES NEAR GRESHAM. CHEAP rent; part rent in work. Phone Tabor B70. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS HALL AND BALLROOM. NEW WITH modern conveniences. Phone Main 1869. BUSINESS CHANCES BIG BARGAIN IN GENERAL STORE and buildings with 2 lots; more land if desired; In well-to-do part of the country; no agents: will sell direct; reason for selling, ill health. Address N. N. Kambo, Brush Prairie, R. F. D, Washington. $2250 Part Cash A beautiful lawn and 6-room modern house, 30x40; full concrete basement; a barn 14x20, with buggy shed; rose bushes, etc.; 76 fruit trees, 1 years; good garden; a 60-foot well with 10 feet of water and windmill; half acre of land between 2 carllnes. Price $2,160; one half cash.- Call Star Real Estate Co, nOttldst WE HAVE 8 FIRST CLASS ROOMING houses to sell or trade for Improved farms or suburban property. Will take or pay the difference. Star Real Estate Co, 170 ft aa su WB EXCHANGE PROPERTY FOR parties with or without money. Includ ing farms, acreage, houses and lots, milling stock, horses, cows, eto. Give us a caU. Star Real Estate Co, 170 tt 8d st, corner Yamnm FOR SALE A CREAMERY OF 15 cows, wltn gooa reinu iraae ror out t4r and cream In Portland. Inquire at 569 Hoyt st. WHITE STEAMER FOR SALE BIG touring car, guaranteed in first-class condition; sell for half, It cost Ad dress E-298, Journal. FOR SALE-r-HOME BAKERY, GAS oven, horse and delivery wagon. Phone WOQdlawn isiB 80-ROOilf HOUSE AND 1-YEAR lease; house always full; must sell right away. Call at 228 Washington st, between 1st and 2d. 'GREATEST CHANCE ON EARTH TO save money; buy Beaver Hill coal; cheapest coal on the market, quality considered; guaranteed full weight; no clinkers or soot Phone Main 6625. OLD ESTABLISHED GROCERY AND meat marKet; clean, fresh stock, run ning 3 wagons, rent $30, long lease. In voice or lump, $3,200; terms. Q. Yates, 737 chsmner or commerce. A PARTNER WANTED AT 837 BURN side st. for saloon business; 'good lo cality, long lease, on corner; rent cheap. Apply at premises; owner only. GIVE ME YOUR BEST OFFER ON 6,000 Morning mining stock. J-187, Journal. WANTED A PARTNER TO PUR chase a half interest In a livery, boarding and sale stable, doing a good business and have lease; a salary of $60 per month and half profits go with half interest; will take city property or accounts in any at the suspended banks. Call 36 N. 15thBt A FINE LEVEL 5 ACRE TRACT OF j lana, gooa sou, on uarr roaa, x miie east and 1 mile north from the end of Montavllla carllne; will trade for 4m- ? roved city property,, give- or take dlf erence. Star Real Estate Co, l;70tt 3d. WANTED ENERGETIC MAN WITH $260 for- small manufacturing bust ness; no competition; splendid pros pects. Particulars room 107 Goodnougn bldg.. , v ; , , JPUSLNESS CHANCES iTpER ClENT"y-r':"", '24 PER UENT We are selling ths stock of tha Morn. tng-Msmmoth Concentrating 'company of Metallne. This company has the con tract to mill ores of the Mammoth and ' Morning mines; 14 per cent dividends is guaranteed annually on- this stock for three year and It Is then redeem sble at par value. Price 11 per share. THE Y. L. KEADY INVESTMENT CQ 117-139 Chamber of Commerce. I860 BUYS 17-ROOM HOUSE, Cl6SSJ lljjjy, nn ,1ou ae Dement, MY UP-tO-DATE CORNER " ClOAR and confectionery ' store, excellent trade, long lease; will sell at ft bar- galp. AddreiaN. 100. Journal v ll.M bxOCH I OrFRkaiCdUOOERlKfl, " In very desirable location; cash trade over $60 per day; must sell quick; make v me an offer; owner. H-210. Journal. '. for BALE A- C6Mt-UxtA J6B ' . printing plant not far from Portland; I new Chandler and Prloe cresses: iv. - rytblng praotlcally new; owner hag other, business; prloe reasonable. Ad- areas fnnier,' oars or journal. FURNITURE OB" IO-RO6M H6USB OI? , 6th st.. dose In, rent $351; price $275. Inquire 17 4th st. $467 BUYS GOOD FURNITURE 6f lS 9Mfmm. MAN nhIw IEAi 1 .. . t w,i, ivut uuij f.v, iwHQj nouse makes $70 clear. Inquire 17 4th st. 26-ROOM TRANSIENT . HOTlfiB Tf heart of eity; good lease; price $1,150. half cash. Call 87 4th st. SALOON IN HEART OF CIT DOIno' good business: this means all. nlr.. tures, license, and 8-year lease; sfok- 11 nas causes saie. inquire 17 4th st $460 BUYS 11 ROOMS. RENT $80; lease worth 1700: half down bal- ance $26 per month. SeeiE. H. Dement 242 Madison. - WANtedA busIWesS mAWwitha ''JT hun,r dollars, for manager. !-, journal. FOR.. SALE REST AURA NT FUR nismngs, cheap. Phone Paclfio 2476, or inquire A. McGulra 121 U Water at. CAPABLE OFFICE MAM WITH $i,tl60 interest in corporation doln wu or ovQ reai estate can nuy naif gooar le- inmate buainess; salarv 11 50 to start nd half the profits. H-280. Journal 400 ONE HALF INTEREST BUTClT er shop, on Williams ave.: beat of trade. Denlson ft Waggener, 107 tt Id. Lt'NCH SS6UNTER DOtNO 6665 business, want eartner: nrlca tmn You can work an take In caah until satisfied with business. Alexander, 204 Ankcny. near 6th. SMALL BUSINESS. ONLY 1100 H.W- quired, See Alexander, 104 Ankeny, near 6th. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE The Star ftcal Estate Co. Investments and financial scents. A specialty of rents collected and estates looked after. Attorney-at-Iaw. notarv publlo, bad debts collected, farms, tim ber, rooming houses, business chances, etc, bought and sold. All property listed under contract with this firm will be advertised, thereby insuring a peedy sale without extra cost to owner, i will pay you to see us. 170tt 2d st. northeast corner 3d and Yamhill. GOOD INVESTMENT FOR Y6tJR money A 9-room house In aood loca tion, arranged for two families; must be sold at once. Call at 701 Bast Yam- hUl. IF THERE IS SOMETHING TCu want in tha way of business or real estate, but haven't the money to invest and you own anything on God's green earth that you are willing to trade for It Just call and see us about Jt. Wa will help you out. Star Real Estate Co.. 170tt 3d st. BEST BUY IN ST. JOHNS Il.!o0 will buy I jots, 60x100, Just I blocks from Cedar Park station; terms. Apply 267 Ross, cor. Multnomah. E. Portland 9 ACRES. At Oak Grove, 1 block from the car line; very fine soil; some swall land; no rook; adjoining land selling for $1,000 per acre. We offer this tract as a whole or will sell half for 1400 per acre. DENISON & WAGGENER, 107H 8d st GOING TO BUILD A COTTAGE? EES me. I can save you money. B. N. Bates, carpenter, 661 Clackamas ave, Sellwood. PORTLAND ft SEATTLE R. R. DEPOT or Maogly Junction property; 8 lota on Improved st, ana 4 lots with fine orchard and moaern e-room house; will sell the 12 lots or any part cheap for rash or two thirds down. Phone Scott 6717; owner. CHEAP LAND ON RAILROAD, ISC' round trip- 80 acres, tt mile west of Haly on O. W. P.; will sell in 10-acre plats, $25 to $40 per acre; rough land but good soli, suitable for chloken and fruit raising. Davis. 823, Ablngton bldg. THREE NEW MODERN HOUSES, LO cated on Maorum ave, near boulevardj get off St Johns car at Northern Hill. Inquire for Combs. MODERN 6 ROOM COTTAGBTCORNER, 60x100; $2,600, terms, WTWoodstock ear. 604 26th and Tlbbets. FOR SALE NEW 7 ROOM HOUSE with modern conveniences; fine loca tion, improved st; prloe $2,750; $760 cash, balance easy. Owner, 1120 E. Lln- coln st. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSB, $4.606t modern 6-room house, $1,600; small payment, $30 monthly. Owner, phone East. 675. $2,41)0 FIVE 6 ROOM MODERN BUlJ galows; $300 down, 320 monthly; I blocks south Hawthorne. B. 44th, Dr. Darling. A NEW 6-xtOOM BUNGALOW. HA acre. Price 12.000. R. E Allen. Woo mere station. Phone Scott 2275. FOR SALE MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE on corner, quarter block, in easy walking distance and fine car service, on E. 18th st; cement sidewalk, 12,750. Inquire 690 E. 9th st. Phone Sell. 992. FOR SALE CHEAP SEVEN-ROOM modern house, with lot, cement base ment, wood lift Improved street, piped for gas, newly fiapered and tinted; terms. See owner, 841 Sellwood at. Upper Alblna. A CORNER LOT FOR SALE CHEAP 1450; one block from A r leta oarllne. Owner, I. Kaufman, 54 8rd, near Pine. W6RTH $1,650, MUST SELL; $1,166 takes It this week good 6-rbom house, nearly new; fuxl lot, best loca tion. See it and you will buy; furni ture at half Its real Value If desired." Exceptional bargain for investment or home. 914 N. Fillmore st, St. Johns, . or address box 698. St Johns, Or. CHOICE LOT; 60x100; ltO FEET? from carllne; $500, cash or terms. For particulars write Box 865, Arleta, Or. . FOR SALE $1,300, A 4 -ROOM HOUSE" and lot one block from Union ave. 961 Garfield ave, cor. of prescott st Phone wooamwn its. OWNER, IF YOU ARB AMBITIOUS TO own a home come and see me; smalt payment down; easy terms. J-181, journal. NEW MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. close to car, full lot $500 down, bal ance as rent: don't fall to see this. J. W. Rutherford. Commercial blk. - NEW. M&DERN 8-ROOM RESjJ6flNm furnace, orenlace. laundry: cement . basement .and floor; by 'owner.-; 226 Shaver. -Phone Wdodlawn 84. At a bar gain If taken before March 15. BEST IN THB VICINITY OF PORT land; tracts, 1 acre to 10 acres, on lectric line, $300, $250 and $176 per acre; easx terms; will sell 40 acre tract, already platted,, at $200 per acre; -a bargain. Room 34. 142 H 2d st ; SEASIDE BUNGALOWS. HOUSES designed, built, repaired. See Johnson. 804 Mohawk bldg. ' v.c BUCHTEL ft KERNS MAKE A 8PE- cialty of east side realty, rentals, : loans, etc. 262 E Morrison st - ' 8-ROOM HOUSE ; QUARTER BLOCK; 2 blocks Stephens school, 1 block car ) line; - $6,000, $3,000 down, terms. O. Yates. 787 Chamber of Commerce. Owner Going Away 7-room ' modern house, cement base ment, electrlo lights; everything first class; must sell on . account -of sick i ness. 830 Tabor ava, Woodstock car line; owner. FOR SALE COTTAGE, t ROOMS,' new, modern, fruit trees, corner lot, street Improved,., scenic location. TeL Ma'.n or A-147& v ,.'-; ,v