V. '; t THE OREGON I SUNDAY- JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINQ; MARCH 8. 1903. V ' FOB SALE FARM3 , "iV Farms -V -. 108 acre Joining -olty limit of rood town with two good chool. on B. P. H. R., It mile Portland and II mllea of Salem, ltt mil 8alem car- una; on apiendld tubllo road: "on aou, level anl all i .,inMntii 40 tcrM al v I!?' dd in oat and ought to mak U Clltainaklai a h -i 11 rtl IMiUBU r 111 frh . 4VV. . haw BinA ftlOVAf. i Vou rep wbrj others hav towrv WU mcwi ana cro- ii.uj w 7 rood building alt and pood well, rrw i,swu. nom term, jvorm j w"" , , 10 PER CENT INVESTMENT" n It would b hard to And a aanor. safer, better Investment than this: 60 ore. Uvel, dark, rich aoll. 1 mil good town on a P. R7H. and mil Salem oarlln and atatlon, 14 mile Balem i room home, not very good; 3 nop "'in and lrg atorerooms ail In cultivation; 10 acrea hop, ret grain, potato. tc, Thla farm 1 leased to good tenant for 1400 eaah per. year and h la making money. Prlc 14.000; $1,100 ash, bal ance 5 year 6 per cent 0 acres, 4 mllea McKe atattoa on B. P. p.. R. between Woodburn and Mount Antral; B0 ocrea In cultivation; oma timber; rest; alaahed and In pas ture; 4 acrea of orchard, l-room house, good barn, two well, good cellar, spring and running water; aoll black and rich: telephone In ioue: near aood school and churches, on of which la a Scandi navian church; a apiendld and product ive farm. Prlc 1 5,60 0; 13.600 caah, bal ance, to. suit . II acrea. new house, fin large baro. 1H -write We4bMrn m dlatano another good town on 8. P. K. R.; good orchard and all kind berrleej corner on two good public roada; all In cultiva tion and dark rich oil; plendld horn. 6,000: caah. balano6 years, 10 acre hi mil Boring, O. W. P. ears, S-room bouse,. woodshed1, barn. etc.; 10 acrea cleared and exceeainpny rich: 11 mllea city; no want land; aom timber. A bargain ai j.zou. ierm. ' in .. c mtlaa nut! rood hOUBa. XVell and moatly cleared and In cultlva- t on: one mile 6o canine, cneap a 11.600. Good term. HAROROV BROS.. U$tt fth at N.. oor. th and GlUan. or Ariel. Or. Phone Main 4181. Tabor 10. vittua VTiR KAI.K. I have a number of good farma in western Oregon at prlcea and term welch will meet witn your approval. TIMBER. . . . T h a faw to1 arovernment claim also several good rellnqulahmenta, that will cruise ,ooo,ooo root. An you in tareated In railroad land? If o com and ee ma. I have 11 claim atlll opsn for filing. I hava over 1,000 city proprtl for ale. Would be pleased to pay your expenses to xamlna them, HPTST-TAT.. A placer mine In Joaephln county. If you are Interested In this kind of a proposition, call and sea me. I will pay your expenses to lnvesnjwo. GEO HQ IS W. DOUGLASS. 118 Worcester Bldg. FOIl SALE LIVESTOCK MILCH COWS. FRESH: . TWO FINE young wauiona. -is ciay at u. . Evans. . . I aoOB. jERfeEV CoWA froft BX1.11 (4 B. Burnsld. or phone East 6216. Is.stf'dOW' i4OR -BAlii CHEAP Mleli Elliott 1 raU east of Mount Tabor Wservolr. SiiESH ; (wd " Por sALii; . good Jersej-a 70 Hrrold tax Sell wood car. ' ' Jersey cow for sale. us. hvL- llvan. a MonUvllla, 1 block aouth of convent - ' .MUSICAL IKSTRUBIENTa DO YOU INTEND BUTINO A PIANO In the near future? If o drop u a card asking for our catalogue or high- frad piano. Dept p., P. a box. 18, ortland. ... IVers k WNd UMlQHf - PiAM3; rine condition; 17r terms or'casn. tld TQumy Mlg; phone Facltio ztf. VORK BAND INSTRUMENT AN'D MU alo house; repairing. 117 Stark. FOR SALE MlSCIILLAIflfoi'8 Farm Bargains Orchard. 10 acres, full bearing. olo to Vancouver: good lmprovementa. In flrst-clasa condition; II, BOO. 13 acrea, 21 mllea from Vancouver. 2 miles from railroad. M mile from sawmill; first-class aoll; no stumps; 11.200. 160-acro fnrm 20 mllea from Van couver. 6 miles from railroad; 660 fruit trees, small building-; 11.600. 20 acres, close to Troutdale; mau house and barn: 10 acres clear: 12.100. We bave farms all over to sell. Call and kpc our list ' Anderson & Waxbom 11 Worcester bldg. 1.60 PER ACRE; 14 ACRES; ALL cleared. About one mile east of city limits. Near 'Mount Hood railroad. 60 xlOO on Hibbard t, for $273. Aylsworth V Epton, phone Tabor 670. BARGAIN 80 ACRES, CLaCKaMAS county, on O. W. P. line. Inquire blacksmith. 124 N. fth, near QUsan. TIMBER TIMBER rOR SALE. - Come aee me and talk timber. I have locations, relinqulshmenta and million f feet located all over western Oregon; eatlsfactton guaranteed or money buck, my motto. GEO W. DOUGLASS. SIS Worcester picis; 1-18 H. P. DONKET ENGINE; GUAR anteed In running order; cheap. 1 16 H. P. Weber gas engine. 160. 30 Stevens roller and flouring nifchines, compute; reasonabla tirlcea. S amuttara. aood aa new. 4 lour packer. 600 tona machin ery, practically new, Including shafting, puneys, boxes, gear, aneaves, eproca eta, etc., In all alsea, at very low prices. It aaanrt4 titnlra rhean. ft miles re laying falls. r 160 tons, contractors' rails. 100 ton black and galvanised wire, in all sixes,- cheap. 1,000.000 feet pipe, ralvanlsed and black, practically new. and at very low prices; alio 6.000 feet converse pipe, loo tona ruling, an Isea, at half prices. Wrlta for prices or further Information on any thin g. Goods guaranteed a advertised. All goods delivered free to docks and de pots. M. Bard t Son, 1th, Gllsan and noyr at. NEW PURNITUREOr 2 NICE HOUSE keeping rooms, cheap; nice yard. cneap rent, close in. b Taylor. W. M. TAYLOR. ', Furniture, stoves, orockery and glass ware. 106-108 Grand ave. E. 422. B-1422. Damascus Creamery Butter East 1062. B-1410. 806 Hawthorn. Kr saLe-1go6D R6LL TOP DesS and offlo chair. 424 Lumber Ex change; for sale-beSt PAYING HISTOR tcal museum in the United States; llfe-slxed groups, relic and antlquea from all over the world, etc.; worth 816.000; will sell for $6,000. Address E-284 Journal. FOR SALE TWO GOOD GASOLINE launches; also 16 hors power en- glne. Phone East 1741. LOGANBERRY PLANTS AND "OLD Trusty" Incubator and brooders. cheap. McCoy, 164 N. 26th at Phone Pacific 2226. FOR SALE FINE SOLITAIRE DIA- monds. sat for ladv. cheao. Journal. FOR SALE with house, cheap. E-242, GASOLINE LAUNCH, . 147 L Welther. N. 13th st. Phone Main 3924 FOR SALE A PA 1 R OF GENTLE little Koats, at 861 Maryland ave. Take R. 8. car. y POn SALE MISCELLANEOUS SKATING RINK FOR SALE HALF interest in a rink . doing good Dual' pess. Addrcs E-170,' Journal, Wlllf Id "SfTSAllEft tfoTfT- touring car. guaranteed In flrst-clasa omuiiiuii, an ior nan n cosu u dress E-288, Journsl. ' COmTCB ANt BAft'TLteTT' peAU aciona for sale at $l'J per M, by E. 1L Rhodes, Albany. Or. Wft Hale EidHt M6rsep6we!r r airDanas-siora gasoline angino, mouniea on trucKs, in good repair, nn , ,v.f i nawinorne av. COAL THAT DOES N6f CLlNtfER OR ; leave soot; cheapest coal on the mar ket,' quality considered; guaranteed full weight, prompt delivery. Beaver Hill coat, rnone Main 6I2S. Two 0UOT5 gas ARc LldilTti cheap. Rose City Art Stora, 461 washing-ton st. HOTEL RANGES, SHOW CASES, ARC- vio soaa louniain, steel gooas rurni ture at a pargain. 1ST Front st EGGS ROSE COMB REDS. NONE petier, ii.fto per is. a. r. Kelly, ivtn nn noigaie wis. PATENT FOR SALE EITHER OUT riant or on royalty: will sure be i moneymaker. Call at 421 Vi E. Fin at, or aggress ivin, journal. " WE BUY MORfi FURNITURE BECAUSE WE PAY MOREL . MAIN 6666 A-4lll FOR SALE FINE COMPLETE ED Ison Motion Dlctur outfit 3.000 feet nim,tc. zs 3 Burnsus. TEN POPULAR SONGS OR INSTRU mental Dleces. our own selection, for 11. postpaid. . luy a Music House, 12( Fifth at. . r TYPEWRITERS SECOND-HAND AND factory, repuut. $35 up. lit Stark st, IN THE MJDST Of, riAKUAlNS there sre atlll harcalna. Sea us and oe convincea. we can "ahow you whether' you are from Missouri or not thet we sell loweat Remember wa will by what you have to offer. Phone Ta clflo T8. Western Salvage Co. Wash-Ins-ton and 20th ats. STOVK DOCTOR WE REPAIR. PUT In coll or exchange, buy or sell stoves 232 1st The Dollar. Main 6374. FURNITURE PiopLks b HOUSM right 11 1 H Front st Phone Main 42DO. HYDRAULIC CIDER PRESS; CEMENT hollow block and brick machine. 664 Marshall at d6n-t neglect your r6ses. OR- der manure from Bmlth Dairy, at once. Phone Main 6688. SINGLE COMB BLOCK M1NORCA8. egga rrom prize winners, $1.50 per set tin. Barred Plymouth Rocks, hlarh (trade, 31 per 16. H. Donahue, Orient at. pet, fortianq Hl'va and Holman. FOR SALE $5,000 , WORTH NEW alot machines for nennv arcade use: will sell at a bargain. Address Arcade, care Journal. FINE FURNITURE FOR SALE AT A bar tain. 320 aolden oak library table. $12: $160 a-olden onk dining aet $110; one Iron bed, $8; ruga rockers, bedroom furniture, stoves and kitchen furnish ing" chean. D. D. Davenport. Phone Woodlown 1182. Special Notice 1.600 pair new rinses, all else nd shapes. 4c to 10c pair. Come early and take your pick. Ol. BAHUB BOMB, 8th and Gllsan Sts. BUFF ORPINGTON EGGES FOR hatchlni. by settings or by 100. from thoroughbreds and nrlce wlnnlnc stock. Settings, $1.60, $7 hundred. Call 46th and re. Main at a. CalL and see the prices of our timber claims (no railroad land); one claim has 6,000.000. Price $2,200. Anderson & Waxbom 311 Worcester bldg To BUY OR 8ELL TIMBER LANDS .e A E. M.itthewa St Co., 203-10 Couch bldg. Reliable timber estlqiatora .n.iihMl mi nnv time. TtMIlKR RELIN nulahments bought. Guarante Co., 7. N. 2d at Phone Main um FOR SALE I. S. C. DRAFTING course. $16. You can learn at home without any other help: Interesting and easy. A. J. Matter, 618 Commonwealth bldg. , THOROUGHBRED RHODE ISLAND red and white leghorna eairs for set ting; also one 240 size Incubator and brooders. First house aouth achool Lents; Mount Scott car. VERY FINE C. G. CONN ALTO 8AX aphone for sale. Main 8080. 610 Clay. WE SELL GOODS AT THE LOWEST Uvln? prlcea: new and old: laraeat and cleanest atock to select from; very thing on on bill and prompt delivery. Stove and gaa appllancea; coll put in gaa ranges, connected. The Dollar, 221 st. main ii7t; A-ZJZ7. $ $ $ We Want Your Trade. $ 1 $ $ $95 MAHOGANY UPRIGHT FOLDING bed, $28; steel range, $18.60; side board, $; Inn bed. $1.75; gas range, $7.60; rosewood piano, $50. And your credit Is good. Anstey Bros., 826 1st LA YTON COOPERAGE CO. ALL kinds of barrels and bottles bought and sold. 43 N Front. Phone Main 8f47. A GOOD SEWING MACHINE sale, for r $10, fryT" at 289 Porter st "FOR EDWIN FRY. DEALER IN SACKS. 635 Alblna sve. GOOD FURNITURE OF 7 ROOMS FOR $225; house for rent; good nelghbor hood; close In; on carllne. 626 Kearney. FOB SALE AND EXCHANGE 200-ACRE TRACT FINE ORCHARD land, near Medford. to exchange for Portland Income property. MacRa a Angua, 411 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE AND EI CHANGE EXCHANGE BRICK . HOTEL. ' VAL- ley town, for farm or busineaa In Oregon; Income town property, for farm cr buclnea: 840-acre farm, east ern Oregon, for city or valley property or business; 640-aor farm eastern Washington, near good city for city property or business; Moaler apple land at low prlc for city property; Several flrst-clasa propertlea for ' telephone bond. A. X Richardson, 204 Rothcblld bldg. TJKiMpr6v'e1 AcIIBage' on ELIW- trlo line; exchange for city property. Alexander, 804 Ankeny, near 6th. WILL TRADE FIRST-CLASS TALK Ing machine for good bicycle Port- land Phonograph Agency, 360 Alder. WANTED TOEXCHANGE MY PORT land residence for email stock ranoh near Vancouver; 20 acres or more. K. 226. FOR BALK OR TRADE GROCER V tore In choice location; a bargain; what hiv youT Phone Tshor 21. EA8TERN OREGON WHEAT LANDB. exchange for Portland property; aub- urbon acreage. Armstrong, 233 Wor- festr bldg. A COMPETENT PIANO TEACHER wishes to exchange lesnnna for dress- making, prions Main 6980 WE BUY. SELL AND EXCHANGE; what have youT Star Real Estate Co., 170 3d at, cor. Yamhill. HOUSE" AND LOTS T6 EXCHANGE" for rooming-house or farm. H-1,6 Journal. PCR SALK 6R EXCHANGE-fliiiAlf- tlful, sightly, at Newport. -244, Journal, owper, . " TELEPHONE BONDS. Parties holding Omaha, Tacoma, or Portland Homi Telephone bonds in amounts of 82.000 and more, that would exchange for good real estate, address K-lbO. journal, giving nauio aim iui- dresa. ROOMING HOUSE OF ROOMS FOR sale, or would trade, wnat nave you 7 391 Yamhiu. PEHSONAL Kictaey-CureTea W. J. VAN DAMME. 185 Morrlaon etreet, near bridge, next to Pap Cof . fea House. NEW TESTIMONIAL. To Whom It Msy Concern: After Buffering for the past 26 years with kidney trouuie, and apendlng morj than $1,000 on doctor and medicine, I got no better. These different doctor that have been treating m have called my dlsess Rheumatism, Chronic- Ap pendicitis, Fibrous Tumor and Heart Trouble. 1 called on Van Damme and ob tained from him a bottle of his "ikldney Cur Tea' about six weeks ago, and have since used four other bottles, making five In all. and today 1 consider myself a new peraon. For any fur- ther testimonials call at my home and 1 will gladly furnish them. MRS, E. L. FITZGERALD, 886 Sandy Road. Portland. Or., Feb. 20. 1908. Put up In SOo and $1.10 bottles. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY REAL ESTATB AND TIMBER DEALERS ' ALPHABETiCAI.LT ARRANGED FOR TUB CONVENIENCE OF JOURNAL READERS Wise real eitate men and The Journal are inseparable, becaust their announcements and result are inseparable. Watch the. real estate ads and act quickly to secure the bargains. ' OWNER OF 200 ACRES MEDFORD col land will take income fort- land property In exchange. McRae & Angus. 433 Chamber of Commerce HoUsS aNd LOT 6 Mount scoff carllne, $1,200 mortgnge on same, will take $300 for equity, or take lot In ex change. Alexander, 304 Ankeny st, near 6th. TW6 FlNK house-Lots In wbSf Seattle. Wash.: fine view or sound and mountains; will trade for piano or anything reasonable. Call 1S9H 4th st TO EXCHANGE. BY" OWNER. VA cant lota, acreage or realdence in sub urbs n district for six or seven-room house near Hawthorne ave., bet 80th and 48th. E-252, Journal. 320 Acres TTnimnmviul frpn of I mm mbranee. eastern Oregon, for what you have to orrer. H-iiP. journal WOULD EXCllANdE LOT, WELL LO- cated, and some cash, ior a smait business. 961 E. 24th st, N.; Alberta car. 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. SUNNY i1a: s-mlnuta car aervlce: take lot and aome cash as first payment H. M. Barrett, 208 Couch bldg. HAVE GOOD CITY PROPERTY AND I good money-making country stores, to eaohange for good farms, and good arm ror city property. r. rmii, liU Morrison at. 400-ACRP STOCK RANCH TO TRADE for city property; close to railroad. Price 13.000. Alexander, 304 Ankeny, near 6th. R66MiNO-HOL4SK.S, ALL SIZES, ALL prices; exchange, wnai nave your Alexander, . 304 Ankeny, near 6th. HOUSE 10 ROOMS. 2-STORY GOOD location, exchange ror rarm Willam ette vallev. Alexander, 804 Ankeny. SALOON B6N TON, 6TH ST.; aLs6 one on 8d, trade for farm. 804 Ankeny. M Alexander, Women'a 4nd chtldren'a diseaae treated exclusively by graduate and lloenaed women pnyalclana on'.y. Nerv oua and chronic diseases a specialty. Maternity cases given apeotil atten tion. Up-to-date maternity hospital In connection. No charge for consultation. Address all correspondence to THE LANE INSTITUTE, Rooms 6 to 14 Grand Theatre bldg, 862 H Washington, corner Park. Phonea Main 3928 and A-6607. Appoint- man- made by phone. NAME. ADDRESS. TELEPHONE. Adatr. 8. D 116 Fen ton Bldg , , Pacini Abraham Whit i-f Lab be Bldg ,,.,A-ll41 M-lilt Angeles Exchange 818 Commonwealth Bldg.. . ..M-4JII Anderson, John ,$U Worcester Bldg. ..... ,.,...,M-liH Baker. A. A Barrett, Harry M Hunker, u. jr. (tinnton) 111 Ablngton Bid...... ...,M-$l$r A-TTST 70s touch mag. ... , ...,t-3ii r. lunnioni . , sis LMinmr o vom. ...... - t Butterwqrth A SUepbenaon Co, Inc. . Acheson Bldg M.M-fltl -Hit Bosorth-Wllla Co $1$ Lumbar Exchange... ...........li-llll Clark. O. K. snd Cook. J. W 638 Chamber of Com.. ....M-I48T A-1161 Cook A Co., B. 8 zs Alder , M-ltl A-1911 Chapln A Hertow ttS Chamber of Com..,. ........ M-1661 Cronslev Co, The 708-9 Corbett Bldg..... ....M-7861 A-6713 tooo nros.. Cclumfcia Sanitarium Diseases of men, women and children aucceasfully treated and cured. Spe cialties: eye, ear, noae and throat All private and wasting diseases promptly cured and their effects permanently removed from the aystem. Also rheu matism, goitre. Indigestion and consti pation. "We guarantee all our cures." Patients successfully treated by mall. Write fo aymptom blank. Offices 16-86. entrance room 22, Raleigh bldg, 6th and Washington sis., Portland, Or. telephone r. bit A p. bfcirjdiH'Okb. NaTURO- pathlst I treat and cure all chronlo and nerve diseases, dyspepsia, paraly sis, nervous debility, .rheumatism, loco motor ataxia, lumbago, stomach, liver, heart lung, bowel, bladder and kidney troubles, through the natural proccaaea; no drugs; consultation free. Hours, S to 12 a. m. and 3 to6 p. m. Phones Msln 6268; res. Pac. 609. 605 Dekum bldg. LADIES, $1,000 REWARD WE PUSl tively guarantee Dr. Houthlngton' Ergo-Kolo "Monthly" Compound. Safe ly reltevea aome of the longest, most obstinate abnormal casea In 8 to 6 day a; no harm, pain or Interference with work. Mall $1.60. Double atrengtn 12 on liuv nf druea-lst or write Dr. Southlngton Remedy Co, Dept 17. Kan sas City. Mo. WANTED HORSE AND BUGGY IN exchange ror carpenter work or paint my. r-m, journal. FOR EXCHANGE HOTEL, 16 ROOMS, dining-room and kitchen; confection ery with pool tnble; trade for cottage or acreage. Addresa 288 N. 16th st Phone Pacific 64. FURNITURE AND LEASE OF 20 rodm house for sale or exchange for ruy property; a pargain. can bod Alder LOCAtl6NS MADE ON GOVERNMENT" timber claim. Guarante Co., T N. ia at. Phone Mam suof. TIMBER RELINQUI8HM.J sale. Inaulre room 212, Ablngton bldg. - HOKSES, VEHICLES. HARNESS PAIR. QF BAY HOBBEB, WEIGH-,404 pounds; also pair of blacks, weigh 1,160 pounds each; 1 pair of bay mares, we I ah 1,060 pounds each; 1 pair of geld ings, weigh 1.000 each: l6 head of sound well city broken delivery horses that work all week, can only be seen Sun day; 1 head of saddle horses; a fw cheap farm mares; all kind iof rubber x -.i. i- miB'aiaa: an unui ui SJVddle and lngl nd doubl harneaa. ITW U. rent or exchange anything la our lin. Kea uront lust off Washington st. aNAP3150 BUYS A COMPLETE rig; handsome bay mare, welgha 1 nun nntmda. well broken and Bound every way; gentle to ride; nice rubber- tire runaoout mau uminvom. v . uuii dav. 26 N. 15th at. BARGAIN 175 BUYS A PAIR OF mare au I table for ranch: good work ers: also new farm wagon and harneaa at i80. ' Call 16 N. 16th at FOR SALE OR RENT 1 FARM, 1 bakery. 1 Democrat 6 delivery and 2 furniture wagon; 1 S-ated hack; 3 sets surrey harneaa, 2 single harness, and a few head of horses. 420 Haw thorne ave. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day, week and month; special rates to busines houses. 6th and Hawthorn. East 71. Y6tf CAN BUtf HARNE8S CHEAPER Keller Harness Co.. 49 N. 6th t R SALE 8 HEAD DRAFT HORSES. 1 Inquire at Jackson' barn, 101 Jersey t, St John, or. FOR SALE HORSE. TOP BUGGY AND back. Address box 71. Lents, Or. Twd Y6UNG DRVlNG HORSES; 1,900 pounds; call East 1572, or come to 608 E. Oak st i" KlARESl ItN FOAL, 1.600 AND 1.600, 6 and o years oia. ireoaqmo juru-., 489 Overton at, between 13th and 14th. FOR SALE CHEAP SIX-YEAR-OLD mare, weight 1,000 lbs.; broke to sad dle and harness. 1136 B. 16th N., near Alberta. . ' . . FOR sA-K-HORBffl AND 'wjLgO. oheap. Phone Wtoodlawn 684. 751 Oantenbeln v., between Freemont nd iicacn PCS SALE DELiVERY liORSE. wagon and harness. 476 XL 11th, cor- ner Division ana uin, fOR BALE SADDLs) PONY. PRETTT and gentle; cheap. Phone Tabor 19. BlR( AIN FINE P AlR RO ADS-rfiRS,' .. Ma r11 imtnir1 flr1 a j TOUUlt IVIIW4W, w v vns v aw a w9f weight ,1,200; also buggy, surrey and narness, or oxcui lvr rm phone Tabor 984. 6N-'c lp Md 066D b-UVERf horses, on good farm mar; horae, harness and buggy, $135. Light expree wagon. Standard Wood Co, tablea, 147 B. Stark st WILL SELL CHEAP ON ACCOUNT of leaving, two new block booka. H-172, journal. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR new motor boat. Boatbullder. Phone K. ZZ72; 890 E. balmon. 6 HOLE STEEL RANGE, GOOD AS new, used only a few montns, $16. Monday and Tuesday. 489 Tenlna ave, Sellwood. CANARIES FOR SALE NIGHT SING era; right time for breeding; 16 fe malea. Paolflfe 48. 430 Salmon. FOR SALE NEW EDISON PHONO graph and record: a bargain; one trunk. Call today, 251 6th. Pacific 2654. LEAVING TOWN HAVE A -FEV pieces of weathered oak to sell; also fcnJ spring,- tnattre, tain aa hew. A-5884. JEWKL GAS RANGE. $9; DRESSERST $7.60; K. tables, $1; mantel beds, $5.60; $46 davenport for $17; oak exten sion table, $7.76; cook atoves, $6; and other bargains: your credit 1 good. Anstey Bros., 316 1st t. FOR SALE FOX TERRIER PUPS. Call 618 Cottage Place, Lower Albino. Incubator and brooder for sals cheap. 787 Macadam at Main 6857. RHODE ISLAND RED EGGS $1 PER setting; also cockerels adam. 770 Mac- FOR SALE. Thr dozen choloe young Plymouth rock and one doxen white leghorn lav ing hens. G. T. Parry, Wichita station on O. W. P. carllne, ROLL fT5P jDESlc AND" SWING chair. Call 811 Marauam bldg. COUCH, UPHOLSTERED IN G06D shape, $1.60; a good bargain. Call 90 jnmn ave., jnonaay. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 160 acre good land near Klamath Falls and government ditch; worthy Investi gation. Rpeer ft Co, 1000H Belmont LOT ADJOININO MONTA VILLA will exchange for tailor-made clothe. E-232, Journal 220 ACRES Tn SOUTH DAKOTA with house, barn, etc. (rented), to exchange for Oregon property. 294 3d st, Portland. IF YOU WANT TO TRADE OR SELL your property, see us. We can dis pose of It for you. Wa have aome of the best trade In the city. Long & Chamberlln, 611-611 Swetland bldg. Sft A PR ITS rTff CTSTu! 57TTT MAAf. w v- & - a i. l. Vvy ! . ' w - r house and barn; crek running throurh bldj.. Morrison arr Sd its., Portland. mi fjitivv. wun (ona orcnara aDOUl 11 wr, , tumu- i PERSOXAIj Spring Millinery Millinery, expert work of all kinds; remodeling old hats a specialty; Mrs. Clayton, formerly In Market block, now at 270 4th, near Jefferson, prices Just half of what the stores charge. Spring hats In stock. FINE" BABY Fl)R ADOPTION. PHONE Tabor C02. FOUIUNE TELLING BY STARS AND planets Your past, present, future, luckv. unlucky days, what you are best adapted for, to be successful, love, mar- rluce, on receipt or. a z-ceni stamp, name. Year, date of birth, married or single, will mall you a test reading, neat ly typewritten. Robert Xavler, Dep't 63, Baltimore. Md. PERSONAL-WEAK MEN. NEW 1N ventlon Instantly restores sexual health and ntrength. Easily adjusted Immediate effpet no drugs absolutely no danger. Your physician will Indorse It. Full Information sent in plain, sealed envelope on request. Write to day. The Gottschall Co, (Dept. 109) 94 Mohawk st, Buffalo, N. Y. Cbrcnlc Diseases Of men and women cured by modern Physio-Therapy; electricity for dlaeasee of the prostate. Dr. W. L Howard. 304-6-6 Rothchlld blug, 4th and Wash. Dr., T.J. Pierce All diseases snd weaknesses of men cured quicker snd cheaper than any--.hero else. Call or write. 18m 1st st, corner Yamhill. v ou tiros iz Bwenanfl Miag. ....... ....... .M-i is Columbia Trust Co. (Wlberg Heights) 714 Conch Bldg , ...M-8M1 A-1916 coast ties iiy co Conklln Broa.. Dunn-Lawrenc Co. Brapcr Co.. Arthur 8 an Land Imp. Colonisation Co. Espe-Meln Realty Co... Kills York & Co 22fc Morrison , ....M-1668 A-416 302 Rotchchild Bldg..., T-60tB-U.lt .148 Alder .,..M-I1 A-Mlt 843U Washington A-141 M-II79 631 Chamber of Com ... ..... A M-1376 ,818 Commrdl Bldg......... .".TTujin ' 264 Morrison . . . .M-4771 A-1376 . 121 V4 Morrison. . . . . 130 Fifth ;kSH Washington 110 Second , Po. 16U A-4011 ,.M A-I1SI A a. A. ..... J m Sa-. Fuchs, F Frary ft Belt OoldeohmMt's Agency. Ooddard. R W Holbrook Co, F. B. (Itvlngton Parkl.l Worcester Bldg , M-51S Hotchklas. C R 8C3 Chamber Com ,...A-tA M-106S Henry A Son. C. K 150 Stirk M-2661 A-5134 Holmes A Menefee flrvlngton) 89 Third M-60 Hawthorno Realty Co 1021 Hawthorn Ave, oor 14th. Tabor 111 Investment Co. (B. Qusrkenbush) . .. 144 8trk Irvlngton Investment Co 331 Chsmber of Com... International Investment Co 106-10-11 MacleAy Bldg Jackson Deerlng. .. Jacoba-Stlne Co . 146 Stark. , a tt ...... av. riu ii . (Bell Crest Berkeley. Dover) M-171 A-t3Tt Mt317T .. M-6116 A-4651 ..! ....M-6861 A-2311 , M-48ST A 4 M-101 AU574 Ktlllngsworth, W. M til Chamber of Com.... Knapp A Mackev T Chamber of Commere Keasey A Co, D. E. (Height property) Of tic on Heights.. Lamont A Harris 801-4 Swetland Bldg M-1039 McCusker, Thomaa ". 108 Couch Bldg , M-ttlt Mall A Von Borstal 104 Second A A M-1436 Moore .Investment Co SllH Washington A A M-1707 Mathewa A Co, A, E 109-10 Couch Bldg ., M-6121 MoreHouse-Welst Co 420 Lumber Exchange M-8114 A-604t MoCallum A Gregg 123 Chamber of Com M-7024 Oregon Real FsUt Co, Th 88H Third uionneit. j. r. zio star Palmer, IL P 201 Rothchlld Bldg....,, ....M-I66l Parkhurst A. L. (Parkhurat Add n). 426 Lumber Exchange A-8011 Parrlah. Wstklns A Co 250 Alder , M-1644 Portland Business Agenoy 148 Fifth M-179t Portland Real Estate Agenoy 281 Stark A-6148 Parrtat Co. C. I 111 Marquam Bldg M. tilt: A. 4886 Porter A French j807 Commercial Blk. ....A and M-182I Ralaton. I O. (OS MarkaL M TIKSflnittb PnrtlnnflHel.hta Paa. 1161 niinnramn, a. j , Radium Realty Co .M-lT6t ....... .. A-Ztll M-4fl tni nati tri Jk , ! "i nuinrniHj niuKi 161 RuaaelL Alblna.. iiti C-I3S9 Steele A Co, S. N Stvensaon A Co, F. . Schalk. George D Sharker & Co, John P Schaefer, George J . . . . Spier, J. E. 119 Second M A A M-26K6 251 H Weshlngton A A M-308S 164 Stark M-191 A-2S1 Sixth and Washington M-656 A-163T 117 Chamber of Com M-5816 A-15S1 (Coos Bar next) .iiQi, cj iutii unnin AT.n.niKni Q, ....... ngoui n d Spanton Co, The 270 Stark M-182S Stevenson & Taylor .311 Buchanan Bldg M-1191) Stewsrt Waldo, F t 211 Commercial Bldg..., .vf-1606 Sphinx Agency SOS Cbamher of Com.. ,M-SJ Star Real Estate Co 170 Third M-2171 Turner. George W 303 Washington .. Thompson & 8wan (Vancouver. Wn.)... 306 Swetland Bldg.. Thompson A Ogden 84 8 Mississippi Ave. . . ........ .Pao. 1567 M-S039 ..i Woodlswn 103 Ii,ll6li'L' O A t) L U UIilUk'liT I'Hill acter: Incorporated; 12th year; 4.000 members: paper sealed; aena iuc. Love, box 1600. Denver, uoioraoo. WELL-TO-DO STOCkMAN. 46, WOULD marry. L. box 35, uorr. League, io ledo. Ohio. GET MARRIED; SEND 25 CENTS FOR a big list of names, either sex; indies free. C. M. Fowler, 312 3d st, Portland. UR3. c: CORNELIUS, SPIRITUAL medium. Selllng-Hlrsch hldpr. A-3i!0. $16 FOR A PATENT ON YOUR IN vnntion. A. J. Matter, patent attor- ney, 618 Commonwealth bldg. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP P8YCHOMET rlst spiritual Uf reader; publlo olr cl for spiritual information; spiritual healing and development; Tuesday and Friday, 8 p. m, 25c. 802 Aiiaky vaara oidi partly mder eultivatroti, most of the balance easllv cleared; will trad foT house and lot, not over $3,500, not out too far. Address 350 Montgomery. Phone 2700. TO TRADES LOT IN LOS ANGELES for lot In Portland; value $700. F. C. 643 Flavel a v.. Sellwood. $35 E6HJITY IN SUBURBAN LOTT would take aewlng machine, phono- sin"i or part cssn. n-ZBj, journal. 1XR BALE OR WILL TRADE FOR lmnroverl rltv nrnn.,t fin AA best land In Willamette valley, all under mo iuuw, ,w rnnen rrom good town, 98 mllea from Portland Yi i m, journal AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE OR EX- change for real estate, latest model; 85-H. P. touring car. excellent condition. Must dispose of it Car can be seen at Oregon Garage, 10th and Stark. A NICE H6M 6N H"AVVti!6Rtta iota GAS RANGE, ALMOST NEW. COOKER cnier, oven and broiler, cheap, $6.60. on union ave. NEW CARPEf. 36o A IfAiftD; HALF woo ingrain; gooa pattern; worth 65o yaru, vju es union ave,. Monaay. StEEL raNge, EARLY MEAL, FIRST class condition, $17; also fin tool cnest 4. 108 union ave BOOKCASE. AND WRITING" " DESK" combined: big bargain, $14; alio $16 trung ror is. iob union av. TWO DOZEN GOLD MOULD REC- oras, 3. 73 E. 85th at LAJXD SCRIP -WANTED AND FOR -;wVt- :; SALE. - ALL KINDS. INCLUDINO APPROVED forest reserve scrip for surveyed, un. urveyed timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. "Th PoitlanA" GOVERNMENT SCRiP ALL , KINDS; for surveyed, or unsurveyd landa, lowest price. MouUonA Beobey, attor neys, (64 Columbia bldg- Portland, Or. THOROUGHBRED R. fj., RHODE ISL and Red and barred . Plymouth rock agga for hatching, $1 per setting of 13 great laying atraln. 634 Wygant st. Phone Wood lawn 629. FOR SAL E INCUbA TOR AND brooder, cheap; also full blooded eockerela. t04 Howe at. Woodlawn. canary" BiAbfl, binders'' And' fhs: maies, eria or -plain yellow. s Mill st, phone M, 1178. EGOS FOR . HATCHING BUFF LEG horn egg for hatching; Indian Run ner ducks, Barred Rock natchlng hens. Grebe Poultry Go,. Greaham, Or, Route 1, box 74. RHODE ISLAND BEDS; EGGS FOR hatching -si per aetunc: z cockerels and aome pullets to spare; one Indian Gam cockerel. 1184 Kankakee at, one block aat of Union ave. H. Welsen- baum av. for vaoant lots, baianos A 4-room cottage for a small farm. zss Worcester bida A-1215. St6ck OF GROCERIES ANfa feTTn.T)- lng for small house and lot or Hood River land. Phone Pacific 969. -ALF- iNTtoBfet IN LIVERS, FfcED and sales stable; living rooms: salary $60 goes with Interest; well located: close In, west gld. Price. $1,660; will take part trad. Alexander, 304 An keny. near flth. TADi1T, FOR A WHEAT RANCit 619-620 Corbett bldg. and in business ueslrea acquaintance of a respectable young lady, object mat rimony. M-iH4, journal PIANO TUNINO George Anderson, expert, til Tourny bldg; phone Paclflo 244. Wanted acquaintance of mid- dle-aged lady, owning own home In the country, by man of some means; object, matrimony. Address H-296, Journal. J IF YOU WANT A NICE COMFORTA- r.le room call at the Grand, 387 Yam hill; strictly flrt-Hr,ss. Ladies, Attention One of the local offices of Woman's Mutual Benefit company, the Balm of Fig remedy "for all female diseases." Sold and professionally Instructed by Dr. Ina M. NewcOmb, 308 Fleldner bldg, 10th and Washington. Main 7721. .eNtXemaN. strANger, w6uLB like to make acquaintance of lady or widow. Address, H-256. Journal. GRi&ELDA, SHAMPOOING. MASSAGE and magnetic treatments. 190 H 3d St.. room 1 9. THE SNOWDEN BATHS. 145H 6TH st.; vapor and sponge baths, vibratory massage. Rooms 24 and 25. LADIES! ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Chlchesters Plus, the Diamond Brand. For 25 years known as best safest Alwsys reliable. Take no other. Chi Chester Diamond Brand Pill are sold by druggists everywhere. Wilbur. R. M Word. T. M Wells A Cd J. L Downey A Co King A Gillmor Roarers, D. C Smith, I H Wolcott O. P A A M-1BR ..... JL- 4 M-'ROl 110 Second , 230 Stark .306 Chamber of Com ....A-2361 M-4614 ST. JOHNS. 108 Jersey ... Jersey 108H Jersey .., Burlington . . . . , 401 8. Jersey . . . . .'. . ...... , la.. .......... Jwv l". .....Union 406 1 E-6116 Dr. Mary Kramer Cures blood diseases; confinement specialty. 861 Mississippi ave. East 6643. Free examinations; patient at nom -. Dr. PMlip T. Ball Paralysis, goitre, rlieumatlam. nervous, chronic, spinal and female diseases. 603 FIFTH STREET. COR. SHERMAN. PORTLAND MATRIMONIAL CLUB solicits bualnesa from reliable people oniy; nne local list; strictly confiden tial. Mra. II. C. Wilbur, 406 3d at, near Harrison. "S" car. NOV- UI,U1A1, WVS U. iMM. J . 4M. . els. eta: German, English. French. Spanish.. Swedish end .Italian diction aries; roreian dooks or an Kind Schmale Co, 229 1st st YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE gives electrical, alcoholic, magnetlo and genul:.e tub baths. 41 Raleigh bldg. SEE THE "EIGHTH WONDER OF th World." free. 408 OTegonian bldg. $ V7 if. '" H Lens IncWb A6r. "65- gg. A-t oonoiuon; juat right for he- l- . 1 n . a 5111US1, wu uau ur uxj tiocjL, crito ournaL for SaLE wiiitH' ipjfttMoVJtri nut- uuca,riB auu .ill lur nsicning. eo commercial st. xaae ti. a. car. FOIl SALE SPEED LAUNCH good oondltlonao, miles per hour. 194, Journal. m- UK bALhr KK.LiAia XNbTANTAN- eoua hot water heater, with vent and Dip, ussd on year. Prlc $8, . 271 Chapman st. , EGGS FOR HATCHING; THOROUGH brd barred Plymouth Hock. $1 Bet ting. 610 Cleveland v, cornr Fall ing; U -car. - I.- , O. E. FUEMTME STORE C. A. WILLEY and W. MOSHER, Proprietors. New and Second-Hand Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Bedding, Hardware? Tinware, Crockery, Trunks and Valises. 88-90 UNION AVENUE Phone East 4625. Home Flione B-1791. Portland, Or., March 7, 1903., Mr. C. S. Jackson, Publisher Journal Dear Sir: We inserted a 15-cent ad in your paper last Tuesday, advertising a range for sale, and within an hour after the paper was out had sold the range, and the next day had a number of people looking for ranges in the store and sold tw& others on the strength of the ad. We get re sults of this kind right along from our Journal ads.. Yours truly, O. K. FURNITURE COMPANY. v C H .Willey, Manager. IF YOU WANT COAL THAT HAS NO clinkers or soot, cuaranteed full weight, la the cheapest on the market quality conaldered, phone for Beaver iinl coal. Main 6636. 60 MAGAZINES. FREE SAMPLE copiea sent to any address: will send your nam to 60 publisher for 35c Magazine Co., desk A, 618 Common wealth bldg. LADIES! DR. LA FRANCO'S COM- cents, druggists or man; booklet free. Dr. La Franco. Philadelphia. Pa. DON'T BE DU1.L AND INACTIVE: Sexlne Pills cure all weakness: 81 a. box, 6 for $6; fuU guarantee. Addreas or call the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co. PERSONS OF MARRIAGEABLE AGE, eithor sex, desiring acquaintance, send lOo for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau, room 3. 181 H 1st t, city. GENTLEMAN WISHES ACQUAIN tance young widow lady for company; lady with little girl preferred. Address box 61. city. DR. SANDERSON CO., SAVIN AND Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy' for delayed periods. $2 per box or 3 boxes $fi. Dr. Pierce, 181H lt st MRS. OBROCK. MASSEUsa, CABlNKT bath, aait glow, cream massage; ref erence. 283H Park. Main 8403. A-2734. ATTORNET8 GILLIAM A GILLIAM. ATTORNEYS at law, 730 C. of C. bldg. Main 5101. INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT CO.. LAW collection. 414 Buchanan bldg. M 8130 A. H. TANNER. ATTY.. 609 COMMKR cltlblork. 2d and Wash. Main 1446. C H. P1GGOTT AND H. J. BIGGER, attorneys, rooms 4-5-6. Mulkey bide MQULTQN & SCOBEY. ATTORNEYS, 604 Columbia bldg. Main I860; A-1B30. cmrtopRACTORa DR. G a BRIETLING GRADUATE! P. S. C, 900 Marquam bids. A-1413. DR. L. M GORDON. CRADUATB P. 8j C 204 6 Orcg. bldg. Phone A-1663. CARPET CXEAXINQ ART EXPERT MOULDING AND STATU sry work, plaster casts and orna ment a. Antique, Grecian, Roman and Florentine. O. Adamt Co.. I4 Columbia. HAND CARVING TAUGHT, DEALER IN antique furniture repainn. wasa AUTOMOBILES SINGLE CYLINDER CADILLAC RUN about, '06; first-class condition, $375. Single cylinder Olds' runabout. '06; ha run leas than 800 miles; $450. Rambler touring car; thoroughly overhauled and In gopd order; $600. Tonrlat four-cvllnder. five-nassenger slightly used, excellent condition; $2,000. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., 10th and Stark Sts. JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OF TH9 Electric Cleaning works; carpets cleaned and laid, both drr amit Mm. pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our opeclaity; work guaranteed. P4jonMa4a "u A-iu. nv urani no SANITARY CARPET CLEANING. SUCV tlon nd compressed air, carpet cleaned on floor. Main 6634 and 8300. coal And wood Beaver HM Ccal Cheapest coal on th market, qualtty considered; no clinker or soot; guaran teed fuU weight, prompt delivery. Phone Main 662u. a SLABVVOOD, GREEN AND DRY, $$ TtJ 34. good fir cordwood $5.60. In quan tities. Union Fuel Co- foot of Mont. gomery st. Phonea Main 6768, A-3864. nnimnM miitiib f'lR CO.. AUTOMO' biles and garage: absolutely fireproof building, loth ana utsra. rnom -wv. ABSTRACTS T.iWVFnS' APSTRACT TRUST CO. M. 860. A-42Z2. Portland Trust i;o. oia. TURKISH BATHS, SOO OREGONIaN bldg.; ladle day a, gentlemen night. Mam bR, BlN3 CH60N6. iMPbRf er cWH neae root medicines; sell Chinese tea. certain cure lur an uiHease. jya za St. AROC, PALMIST AND CARDREADER. readings 25c. Second, corner Tnylor. BLANK-BOOK LKERS HOWE, DAVIS & K1LHAM. 108-111 2U st Blank books manufactured; agts. for Jones' lrnDrovoi Doose-Leaf ledg ers; see the new Eureka leaf, tha best on the market. BATHS BODLEY'B TURKISH BATHS. IMPE- rlal hotel, open day and nlgnt ALL KINDS OF BATH, 26c; MASSAGE, $1. 2u7 3d. near Taylor LORNA DALE. MANICURIST SHAM. Doolne. etc. One call moans anothnr Room 15. Milner bldg.. 350 Mr Morrlsoc. bHft ATWOOD. PRIVATE HOSPITAL. .Home for unfortunate girls; good car at confinement 306 Allaky bldg. PERKINS NATIONAL HERBS AND 4t Kretol are sold "y A. B, Bloomer. 190 h t Phon Main 3683. . , MANICURING AND BCALP TREAT- ment. SbiV: Morrison St., room I nd 4. Honrs io 10 a. . - T MISS GIBSON GIVES SCALP TREAT- tuent; aanuruir. zssvt Morrison, room 62. ', LE ROY. 291H ALDER ST., Scientific massage and man- MISS room 4. Icuflna. RALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases, szs m. neimont. East 4034. M6LE3. WRINKLES, SUPERFLUOUS nair removea. Mrs. tini, 330 Fleldner. MASSAGE. VAPOR AND TIB'sATHS; lady attendants. 110 H 4th cor. Wash. LADIES' BARBER SHOP MANlcUH- ing, facial massag-o, 810 Burnslde st. MASSAGE TtJB BATHS ROOM 16. 351 Mi Morrison, formerly 224 H Wash. MANICURING FOR LADIES AND gentlemen. 43Mi Morrison, room 2. CLEVER. HONEST. PRIVATE DETEC tlve. wants case. Box L-166. Journal. BUTCHEKS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. DEKUM. 131-133 1SI ST.. carries a full and complete assort ment at lowest mitiket prices. a BIRKENWAl.li A- I'O.. 3!M-3i' KV erett St., largest butcher supply house. CONTRACTORS AND DESIGNERS F. HL KING. CONTRACTOR, DE81GN er and builder. 866 E. 7th st N. Phono East 675. " WOOD GREEN AND DRY SLABi block and cordwood; any length; beat quality;, quick service. Steel Brldg Fuel Co. Phonea E-424. C-1T73. FIRST-CLASS DRY CORDWOOD, $i.60 per cord; sawed 60o extra. Church ley Bros., 13th and Marshall. Mala 631 and A -3 931, - , PACIFIC 274. HOME" A-884a bRf . . 8rlttbwWJ01, .4 :. ,hevy Inside wood. $4.60; block wood. $5; green slab wood, $s. mi n r ! n. ... j 1 1 .. . 1 . S4. K Foot of Curry Bt WESTERN FEED FUEL fid. " House and blacksmith charcoal, kindling. Phon Main 10 eoalL, Mk, 1. 'i'l-LfHONE EAST 7. F. B. JONES A COL Wood and coal. 1H1 East Wster a . SUNSET COAL CO.. BEST LIGNITiS coal in city, $7 per too. Room 18. 363 AldT. Main 6637. , WOOD, POSTS AND ROTjGrt LAMBERT R. E. Beegle, 3d ave. and Foster road. Lents. YAMA8HITA WOOD 1 CCv-IcJIEA? wood. E. 6th and Main. East 818. CHEAPEST FUEL -STANDARD WOOD Co.. 847 E. Stark. East 3316. B-1636. COAL AND WOOD SUNN tSlDB AND vicmuy, c zubi. frompt delivery. FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHON U Oregon Ftiel Co.. 834 Alder. nvM'? DRY Fill CORDWOOD. SAWED. $ii.i0 load. Segher Wood Co. Main 83 51. MOUNT HOOD FUEL, CO 350 WAT F. U st.; prompt delivery. Phone-Main 8270. CO-LBCnOKEL CARJJE Ji TERS AND BUILDERS J. J. RANKIN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Jobbing and remodeling a specialty. 287 Front st. Phones Main 6523; Wood- lawn. 981. MELTON OFFICE, STORE FIX tures; general Jobbing. 67 1st at Phone Main 3190. CLEANING AND DYEING. GET YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED, dyed ana pressea. x-niiaaeipnia, - uye ino- and Cleaning: works. 80 A Grand ave. fnone b-ibi ave. rimiw p-aqu. . CLOTHES CLEANED"" AND . pREsSi-Dl $1 per month. Uulqu Tailoring Co. 0 Stark st . . . . H. VV. TURNER DYER H CARPETS" ev jsneraon t SADIA GRANT. MANICURING AND facial massage. Room 8, 146H 6th. Racial ."Anb I siLP " mas9agJ; manicuring. 13-14, 26$, MorrUotv dved a specialty. Main 2613. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Air. J v. nw. 331 Fleldner bldg. WE E GIVE TOUR ACCOUNTS SUCH personal attention a-L.. 1 R. C Chlsm, 60T CQUCh bldg. A-8 2 13. DRESSMAKIXO MADAM DUPRE PARISIAN ROBE3, exclusive design; nlgh-clsaa patron age solicited; evening and fancy gown a peclalty. 860 Clay st no algn;; phon Main 6758. ' ALL .KINDS OF PLAIN "'fcl WlTTTT nirv-waaat suns a specialty. Ml Chlsholm, phone M-1163. miss a , a. . oppermaN. Vo L j T . .m,d..t0 Jr': U work guarantsoi, itbht Morrison. ' l)RfccisAlNG--VV A I a T 8 : io ITT aklrta $3 un. Paclflo 1688. corner Taylor, So;'H i DOO AND HOUSE JIOfjl'ir.lL W. M. MILLER. V,S . VETKHlNAi; l -UN 8tU st Offic i21 , Phon Main 746. - - nrt"cV' K BnSWN'rJ 'Lt!ti A "vm '. hospital. 106 N. 6th e. I - 4086; A-4086; rcldn-. !';- f m cTrnkTy a vt?.rina".-y i . J 89 Gila-u St. I 1 it,,.