The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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..Vk'i i.'.V,''V'ic .;. T", w.j- ;-w .'.i' .t't.''.. .' y.i V'"' "THE
, ...
Organization ' Throughout
State Will Fight All Un
, pledged Legislators.
f '
Jhrouhout Oregon the cranr.s ar.
coming to the support of the fllrsct
prlmsr law and of Statement No.
Meetings are being held continually In
different parta of the state, at wnicn
the law Is being indorsed and more
than that the members of the organlsa.
tlon era nledeinr themselves not to
support for the legislature any candl
date who does not subscribe to State
ment No. 1 when he makes his an
nouncement as a candidate lor nomina
tion and election.
During the recent past granges In
Multnomah county and throughout the
vauey have neia enuiusiasuo nioeungs,
at which the Issues of the campaign
have been dJscussed. The attack being
made upon the primary law and the
Srlnclple of popular election of United
tates senators by the old-line poli
ticians of the state has been given fult
and free consideration, as a result or
this discussion the granges have In each
Instance formulated resolutions Indorsing-
the law and fitatement No. 1 In
stronr terms, and at the same time
DlediTnr the individual members and
Ij me unuea support ox ins oraanisanunB
7ft for 'those candidates who make their
M appeals to the people on Statement No.
the united support of the organisations
for those c
appeals to t
1 platforms
The most recent action In this direc
tion was taken at Dufur at a special
meeting of Ramsey Park grange; No.
81, which indorsed the previous action
of Blue Mountain grange. The resolu
tion of the Ramsey Park grange, which
was adopted unanimously, and also the
resolutions of the Blue Mountain grange
are as follows:
"Resolved, That the action of Ram
sey Park grange on this matter, be fur
nished to the Dufur Dispatch, The
Dalles Chronicle and e leading Port
land papers. The resolutions follow:
"Wfiereas, The order of Patrons of
Husbandry has always Indorsed the
principles of electing United States sen
ators by the direct vote of the people;
therefore, be It
"Resolved, Fty Blue Mountain grange,
and we mutually pledge each other that
we will not vote for any candidate for
the legislature who will not publicly
pledge himself to vote for the people's
choice for United States senator, first,
last and all the time; and be It further
"Resolved, That we mutually pledge
each other to use all honorable means
to defeat any and all candidates for the'
legislature who refuse to publicly pledge
themselves to this proposition or In
any manner equivocating by giving a
meaningless pledge which can be con
strued differently from the broad and
simple pledge of supporting the people's
choice for United States senator, first,
last and all the time; and be It further
"Resolved, That we recommend to
our brother patrons over the state that
they unite with us In carrying this prin
ciple, laid down In the primary election
law. Into practical effect, to the end that
this cherished principle of electing
United State- senators by a direct vote
of the people, which our order has advo
cated from its foundation, may to all
Intents and purposes be attained."
'"V.V ;rvV,..u-?
WM slj!
9, f a a
I ttufldlng Permits.
D. W. Walker, erect dwelllnar. East
Fiftieth hfctween Belmont and East Tay
lor. $ J, 000; George W. Claggett, erect
dwelling. Twenty-first, corner Laurel,
(2.200; Mrs. Marv II. Thomas, erect
.dwelling. East Rtirnslrtn between East
Twenty-second and East Twenty-fourth,
13.250; Mrs. Edith Alderman. erect
dwelling. East Morrison between East
Thirty-fourth and East Thlrtv-flfth,
12,200; Fred Wilde, erect two dwellings.
East Tenth, between Hawthorne and
East Clay. $1,600 each; R. C. Brooks,
erect dwelling. Villa avenue between
Smith and Wilbur, 11,800; C. O. Nor
rack. erect two dwellings, Kllllngs-
wortn between Denver and Concord,
12,000 each: A. J. Lee. erect dwelling.
East Nineteenth, between Wygant and
Alberto, li.000.
Umatilla County Voters May
Difff-r From State Sena
tor's Statement 1 Views.
Cluett and Star
Shirts .
A phenomenal showing of the most
beautiful 'new patterns, perfectly
made, new fabrics from Scotch and
English mills
Priced From
$1.50 to $3.50
Other new Spring things Dent's,
Fownes and Adler's Gloves; Finest
Neckwear, Hosiery and Underwear
Umatilla county politics have not yet
begun to warm up, according to State
Senator W. O. Cole and Judge James A.
Fee pf Pendleton, both of whom are in
4LPortland on business. Both predict
i I That Pendleton, which is the vote cen
ter or the county, will return antl
Statement No. 1 majorities should that
question be made an Issue there, though
neither are saying that C. A. Barrett,
candidate for the legislature on
Statement No. 1 platform, will be de
At the present time T. J. Mahoney
of lone, Merrow county, is out after
the position of Joint representative
xrom umaiuia ana Morrow counties on
an anti-statement platform. Barrett Is
running In Umatilla county for repre
sentatlve from that county on a State
ment No. 1 platform and L. L. Mann, a
well-known wheat-grower living near
Pendleton, is about to announce his can
dldacy on an anti-statement platform.
These three men Just fill the ticket
In that county and should no other
come out for the primaries there will
be no contest over their election,
Should another candidate put in an ap
pearance it would of course compli
cate matters for one or the other of
the Umatilla candidates.
"From what I hear about the streets
of Pendleton." said Senator Cole in
discussing the outlook, "I believe the
county will support candidates taking
the Kepumican voters- choice in prefer
ence to straight statement No. l men.
As it now stands, Mr. Barrett stands In
no danger but should Claud Steen, a
member of the house at the last sea
sion, come out on a modified statement
platform it would worry Barrett to beat
him out. Steen has not made up his
Wife Admits She Tried to
Deceive Husband With
Borrowed Infant.
mind vet whether he will run.
Judge Fee holds about the same ideas
of the situation, but he qualifies his re
marks by the statement that "You can't
tell what will happen until after the
vot nir is over.
Both men will return to their homes
this ovening.
William J. Bryan will attend the Ne-
hraska Democra
Omaha this week.
slate convention at
Financial confidence Is based
on individual confidence
Steady nerves and a clear brain
There's a Reason"
MrB. Emma Warren, answering the
complaint of her husband for divorce,
admits that during his absence from
the city she secured a baby from the
baby home and on his " return repre-
fented to him that a son hsd ben born
o him. But Mrs. Warren denies that
this deception was Intended to annoy
him. She says she thought it would
make him haDDV. but she evidently did
not count on his discovering ner leger
Mrs. Warren explains that ner action
was "for the sole purpose of pleasing
him. as he had often expressed a desire
for a child, and the defendant believed
that the presence of the'chtld at their
home would have a tendency to keep
him at home and make -him more happy
and contented."
Other charges made against her by
her husband, tending to show cruelty,
the wife denies. She says that when
she learned that the baby did not please
him she at once returned it to the home.
Alleging that her husband deserted
her four months after they were mar
ried, Ethelyn Bennett has begun suit
for divorce from Alva W. Bennett,
They were married In San Diego, Cal
ifornia, in July. 1906.' and the wife says
her husband left her in November of
the same year. She asks permission to
resume ner maiden name oi Ktneiyn
Another suit for divorce on the
ground of desertion has been begun by
Carrie Morgan against Thomas W. Mor
gan. They were married tn Tacoma,
Washington, In 1901 and she says her
nusDana leu ner in iU4.
phur fumes to a greater extent than
ever. This machinery will be Installed
In a short time, which will do away
with occurrences such as happened last
Read Sharkey's Saturday ad.
(Continued from page One)
fIG Ell
Sulphur Fumes Leak Into
Gas Mains and Make
Thousands Cough.
Sulphur laden gas escaping Into Hie
storage tank for less than 16 minutes
shortly bsfore o'clock last night
caused an Immense amount of diseom
fort all over the city. The accident oc
curred Just at the hour when the con
sumption of gas was greatest. Lamps
were Deing iigntea au over tne city ana
hundreds of xas ranees were beinir
used in preparing tne evening meal.
The nauseating fumes reached the
thickly populated district a little after
6 o'clock, and for two hours sras con
Burners were forced to either leave their
houses ror tne streets, or throw ur all
me winaows ana open tne ooors to per
mit the foul odors to escape into the
open. The condition was much worst
in the center or the city, the immire
gas having for the most part been con
sumed before any of It reached the
"While the DUtiflers were . blnv
changed at the central plant last Bight,"
said Suoerintendeht Pnoat. of tha ru
company, "a quantity of lmpurlfled gas
BQV)VV1 W S3 V CjMaj Ua, J, tl
mietaka was discovered In leas than It
minutes and corrected. .The company
has ordered new maohinerr. and a.DnU-
ances, which will do away with tha sul-
were divided, as is customary. Into sev
eral lines of children. One line, as
Dcr usual directions, was marched to
ward a side door from whence stairs
or fire-escape lead to the street. Other
lines marched to other exits.
When the line that was directed to- '
ward the side entrance reached the
doorway the doors were found to bo
securely locked and no one seemed to
know who had the key. Had a fire been
in progress there would have been a
panic. As it was the children grew j
noticeably nervuua during the delay
which lasted many minutes and they '
were finally marched back to their '
Parents of Portland will probably I
Insist that all schoolhouses of this city :
must be rigidly inspected and some 1
system adopted by which doors 'o
schools shall remain unbarred during
school' hours and that they open out-
war a.
Uoes to Affylnm.
(Special DUpitch to Tbt Journal.)
Astoria, Or.. March 6. William Kar
vonen, a native of Russia, aged 36
years, Was examined by the sanity
board today and committed to the in
sane asylum.
Very few piano owners realise the
necessity of having their piano care
fully tuned, adjusted and Inspected
regularly. This is especially true with
the high-grade Instruments, which are
delicately adjusted.
It is absolutely necessary to keep the
Ditch of the instrument true. A Dlano
may sound In fairly good tune and still
be a fourth to a half tone above or
below the pitch or tension it is built to
sustain. In such cases the piano can
not produoe the quality or amount of
tone Intended.
Net enlv should ttabe nroDerlv tuned.
but the action should also be carefully
Inspected and. If .necessary, adjusted.
There la also danaer of the hammers
and felt cushions becoming moth-rid
den. Quite a number of Instruments
have been greatly damaged by "this
little Insect
Bv havin the niano carefully and
regularly inspected, this latter evil can
be overcome.
A piano -should be tuned, adjusted
and Inspected not-less than twiee a
ear, and then only by men who are
nown to be experts In their line.
Many a fine piano has been ruined
by an unskilled or Inexperienced tuner:
There are unscrupulous Individuals
posing as so-called "tuners," who often
represent themselves in the employ of
a reputable bouse, it is much prefer
able to have your piano looked after
by a responsible concern.
The Tuning and Repairing Depart
ment is featured by fillers Piano House.
A full-fledared factory la conducted by
the Ellers people (the only one In the
west, Biqu a, auurq vi aKiueu wofi-
man are : employed tinder tha direct
supervision of an expert of wide repu-
tation. - .
Arrangements can be made wltn tne
House of Ellers to have slanoa tuned.
adjusted and Inspected at regular Inter
vals at nominal yearly cnarge.
Phone (Private Exchanare 2S. Home
Phone A-1360). or drop postal to Ellers
Piano House. t6I Washlnaton1- street.
and your order will receive prompt and
careful, attention. Remember that all
Eiierauners are auDolied with Identi
fication cards. Insist on seeing it ,
Offerings of Great Merit Will Be Found in
Every Section of This Great Store
Tomorrow's great sale offers exceptional buying opportunities. Place your ex-
rMwntinnc hlfrti anrl vnn mau hp enrp thpv Will KI1 hp rpalirprl fnr Fnrlav'e
bargains are above the average merit
Women's and Children's Ready-to-Wear
Garments at Bargain Friday Prices
Th Bargain Friday Salea at Roberts Broa. store continue to grow in volume and popularity every week. Tomorrow's offerings In th
Suit Room will be unusually attractive, made so by many special purchases. The garments offered are of the most fashionable styles, material
and workmanship the very best The following prices are far below real values:
Women's Short Uoats, Regular 7.50
Values, Q5.DO
Walking Skirts, $4.50 to 5.90
Values, 82.85
At this price we offer choice of a half dozen styles in Fashionable Walk
ing Skirts; they are made ot excellent quality materials ranama weaves,
rheviot. genres, etc.. in neat array mixtures: they are well made and fin
ished throughout, trimmed in pleated, gored and strap effects, tf0 pC
values from $4.50 to $5.90, on sale Bargain Friday at $LOJ
Lawn Waists, $1.50 Grade at 08c
White Lawn Waists in a half flozen pretty new styles, trimmed with
daintv embroidery and lace, made with latest style sleeves, excellent
wearing quality, waists that if bought in the regular way would QQ
retail at $1.25 to $1.50, all sires, on sale tomorrow, Bargain Friday iOL
Women's Stylish Short Coats in covert and gray mixtures, in box and
semi-fitted styles, made with regular coat collar, pockets and neat cuffs,
man-tailored and perfectly finished; regular $7.50 values, on fi fTtk
sale Bargain Friday at O J.Olf
Children's Dresses, $1.25 Values, 85o
On Special Sale and display tomorrow, a full line of Children's Wash
Dresses, made of chambray, gingham and percale of good dependable
nualitv: thev come in checks, olaids and solid colon: all new. neat
styles in al) sizes; our best $1.25 line, on sale
Bargain Friday at
Buy Your Shoes and Oxfords in This
Sale Prices Are All in Your Favor
Have you Been our Morrison-Street Window Display of New
Spring and Summer Shoes and Oxfords? Through very special ar
rangements with the best shoe manufacturers in the country we are
enabled to offer many unmatchable values. A glance in our window
will give you a sort of general idea of the smart styles that will be
worn this spring and summer by correct dressers. Take a look in our
window tomorrow and note particularly the low prices:
Women's Oxfords, in kid and
patent leather, spring styles,
all sixes $2.50 values J QQ
Women's Oxfords, in kid and
patent leather, spring styles,
all sizes $2.25 values J'J
Women's Oxfords, in tan and
black, vici kid, spring styles, all
sues $5.00 values f JQ
Boys Satin Calf
Made to stand hard wear, sizes
from 1 to 5J4, good heavy soles,
regular $1.75 grade, on sale
Bargain Friday $1 39
Women's Shoes in spring styles,
all sizes, best leath- djl 77
ers $2.50 values )ll I
Women's Shoes in spring styles,
all sizes, best leath- d1 QQ
ers $3.00 values
Women's Shoes in spring styles,
all sizes, best leath- C9 91
ers $3.50 values yL.LHt
Boys' Box Calf
through with
counters, all
13J4; regular
Made solid all
good soles and
sizes from 9 to
$1.50 values'-
Bargain Friday at
Deep Reductions in
The Men's Section
For Friday's Bargain Solo
Especially great bargains for tomorrow's sale. Men's $1.00
Shirts 7df 75c Underwear 55 25c Handkerchiefs 10 25c Half
Hose 19. Compare these prices and qualities with any others in
the city, and youlf buy here.. Briefly, the prices tell the whole story:
Men's Sateen Shirts
Regular $1.00 Values at TO A special showing of Men's Sateen
Shirts, made with soft button down collars and two-button sleeves;
they are cut full size and fit perfectly, and cOme in a good shade of
fray, all sizes trom to 1; our regular i.wu values iQn
pecial Bargain Friday, each I 5C
Men's Underwear
Regular 75c Values, Garment 55 Ajgreat offering of Men's Me
rino Shirts and Drawers; they are maae with ribbed bottom and
cuffs, neck and front are bound with tape. The drawers have sus
pender straps, ribbed anklets and good pearl buttons. They are reg
ular spring weight, in natural gray, all sizes; regular 75c CC
values Special Bargain Friday ; DDC
Men's Handkerchiefs
25c Values Priced at tBf A special offering of Men's Plain White
Silk Handkerchiefs, finished with neat hemstitched edge; full 1Q
regular size, extra good values at 25c, on sale Bargain Friday 1C
Men's Half Hose
Regular 25c Values 10A full line of Men's Cashmere Half Hose.
They are made seamless and come in natural gray, with white heel
and toe, and dark gray with light gray heel and toe. Extra goodl Q
values at 25c a pair, on sale Bargain Friday at IVC
Again, Tomorrow, Another Bargain
Friday Sale in the
Domestic Section
If the crowds which were in attendance at our last Bargain
Friday Sale are any criterion, this is the main FRIDAY BARGAIN
EVENT IN THE CITY. Tomorrow you may profit immensely by
being here, as the offerings consist of enormous purchases of spring
merchandise for both the home and the person 18c Zephyr Ging
hams go at zy2t 10c Outing Flannel will be It 18c Curtain
Madras reduced to lOf 40c Tray Cloths priced at 25 and $1.50
Lace Curtains on sale at 91.15. THESE ARE SAVINGS WELL
Zephyr Ginghams
Best 18c Quality 12 Hundreds of yards 'of new Zephyr Ging
hams placed on sale tomorrow for the first time; they come in a
complete assortment of the latest shades in plain colors, pink and
blue; also black and white checks in all sizes; our regular 18c 19'
grade, reduced for one day only Bargain Friday at IwC
Outing Flannel
Best 10c Grade T4 A special bargain sale of Outing Flannel Rem
nants in lengths from 3 to 15 yards each; they come in medium and
light colors, mostly in pinks, blues and grays, in neat stripes and
checks, the kinds we have always sold at 10c a yard, on sale 7
tomorrow Bargain Friday at . t , I C
Linen Tray Cloths
Best 40c Grade 25f--A special sale tomorrow. All Linen Damask
Tray Cloths, 18 by 27 inches; they come in a number of pretty styles,
some are hemstitched, some are finished with plain hem, and others
with pretty openwork centers; all are 40c values, on sale for
one day only Bargain Friday at JC
A Special Bargain Friday Sale of
Lace Curtains 31
Our Best $1.50 Grade at 01.15
Tomorrow we place on sale a limited number of White Scotcn'Lace
Curtains at a wonderfully low price. They are full 50 inches wide
and 3 yards long; they are well made with perfectly finished edges!
a large assortment of neat designs to choose from; our "best d C
$1.50 values, on sale, while they last Bargain Friday at ..,$lXO
Our Friday Sale of Art Goods Is an
Economy Event
See that you secure your share of the savings. This will be a
splendid chance to supply your spring sewing wants, for tomorrow
you may procure the very best grades of all aorta of notions at tha
littlest prices of the year: . .
$1.00 Hand Bags 29c
A fine assortment of Women's Leather Handbags, in black only.
They come in plain and fancy leather, small shapes and neat OQw
designs; best $1 values; your choice Bargain Friday ..&7C
50c Silk Belts 19o v-C;l
A full line of Women's Silk Belts in black and colors, fashioned with
neat black and gilt buckles, extra fine stitching, fully worth ; 10
50c Special Bargain Friday AJC
Scarfs and Squares 39o , ; ; ,
A full assortment of Scarfs and Squares, made of good quality linen;
they come in embroidered spachtel and plain effects, latest and ;QQ.
prettiest designs; regular'50c values Bargain Friday .;;.., 0C
Friday's Special Offerings in
Mnslin Underwear, Aproms and
The offerings on this, day at Roberta Bros.' store have become
will he no exception see that you aecure your share of the exceptional
both women and children nave oeen especially unaerpneea.
Children's Rompers 33o
A full line of Children's Rompers made of extra heavy dark blue ging
ham They come in all sizes from 2 to 8 years, are well made "QQ
and finished throughout; reg. 50c values Special Bargain Friday . OOC
Gingham Aprons 20o
A' full line of Gingham Aprons, made of extra heavy material in blue
and white checks. They are made to fasten around the, waist, are full
length, and have plain shoulder straps; these excellent .aprons are i
Bargain Friday
length ana nave ptam snvmuci jui uims mvcuwh ipruu ic
inches long and 56 inches wide; regular 50c values ? 9Q
Bargain Friday v J7L
famous all over Portland and vicinity. Tomorrow's Bargain Friday Sale
values offered in our great Muslin Underwear Section. Garment for
Camhrio Skirts 8 9o
A choice line of fine Cambric Skirts trimmed with deep embroidery
flounces and finished with lawn dust ruffle;, also a Jine trimmd with
rows of lace Inserting and finished with lace edge; regular $1.50 Oa
values-Bargain Friday ..;.......,..; tftfMtt,QjC
, Xluslin Drawers 43o
A fine line of ;high-grade. Cambric -Drawer, -made umbrella Kyle an 4
trimmed with deep, lawn hemstitched fldaioce, finished with n-at
broidery, ruffle. They, are extra large sis?, well made and well " .
finish A r0ilae 7 vatnAsi 2- .. ...
fw viua-wun rwuay