THE - OREGON' DAILY 4 JOURNAU PORTLAND. -WEDNESDAY EVENING, - MARCH- I, 10031 Parents of Children Storm Morgue Build ing and Almost Overpower the Police. Doors Opened Inward as in Iroquois , Theatre, Chicago Janitor's Statement. WITNESS GHIIR ROSE STEIFJ ID NK IN II ""t L III UHUUIII SEEK' RETURN OF inO AMERICA IT IS TRUE Miss SnurrcH's Attorney Tries Hard to $ave Her Prom Sharp' Point. vre t rsd a ths Bono how J la the Slssb, The saying that humors accumulated in the winter will break out In the print ! m true as the excellent adage Believed Assassin's Sweet heart Has Divulged the Late Afternoon Dispatches. i ((Jetted ITew Leaaea Wire.) Cleveland. March 4. Made with grief a mob of relatives of the victims of the North Colllnwood echool Are of thla morning If storming the Lake Shore morgue, where 146 children's bodies are - lying. It Is feared that the grief- Stricken people will break down the doors Of the building and take the re frains out by force. The Colllnwood police when they found they were un able to cope with the situation, sent an appeal to the chief at Cleveland for aid. At 1:15 o'clock this afternoon 141 lit tle bodies had been recovered ' and many more could be seen In the ruins of the echool. It Is believed that the total number of dead wUl exceed the coro ner's estimate of 170. Great crowds of weeping parents and relatives bgan to gather about the morrue as eoon as the first body was carried Inside. When they learned that : they would be excluded for the present tne grier-stnoaen people oecaine an angry mob. The police were threatened with violence and threats made to break down the doors. The Colllnwood chief mads a desperate attempt to control the situation, but was finally forced to send to Cleveland.. A local squad was rushed to tbo scene, but danger of a disturb ance la not past. Anna Morgan, assistant principal, was In the office on the second floor when the alarm rang. Shetald: i "I ran into the hall. The children were marching In order and the teach ers were beside them. They thought It a fire drill. The vantuurJ reached tne nrst floor and saw the flumes. They screamed, broke ranks and ran forward to tne door. The door would not open and all rushed toward the roar door. The door opening Inward, the cm prevented Its opening. Some were crushed to death and some suffocated Three of the four children of Janitor Frits Herter are dead. He Is almos erased with horror. He said: "1 was sweeping the basement and saw the smoke. Then I pulled the fire alarm and ran to the front and rear doors to opeiv them. I can t remember what happened. I saw the children fall noma to the resr and some to the front door. I saw my Helen, aged It, among them. I tried to pull her out. but the names drove me duck, i naa to leave the girl to die." faruai list or dead: WUl Westbsrth. 7 years; Edna Thel ner. 13 years: Hugh Mcllrath. 10 yearn Bernard Schubert, 9 years; Eddie kehle, 11; Thomas Thompson. 8; Harry Sang- erson, 11; Anna Koth, lz; Kddla Koa took, 11; Mary Kldgeway, 10; Martha Herter, 10; Walter Herter, 12; Helen Herter, I; Gertrude Davis. 11; Kmlle Rostock. 8: Katherlne Weller. a teach er; Harry Slngleman, 10; Lucy Single- man. 8; Mable Slgler, 10; Iwn Hush, 12; Irene Davis, 14; Angellne Zupan, 11; Edward Meyer, 6: Frank Wledman. 6; John Wledman, id: Lillian Ron took, 6; two girls named Bushman; two boys nMned Kelly; two girls named Wood myer, and a boy named Schaefer. Mlas Bessie Spurrell spent sn unwlll ngand uncomfortable half hour on the witness stand In the county court yes terday sfternoon. She had been cited to answer queatlons concerning what he had done with 11,260 which aha re ceived from her fattier, William rl SDuriell. her mother having made affl davit that she was left destitute by the act of the daughter in persuading the msDand anu ramer, nerore nis ueatn, o sell his farm and give the proceeds to her. Miss Spurrell's attorney endeavored to save hla client from the witness stand ordeal by tiling on affidavit to I. a (tial tit.. ..nolira . . a rv. it n A (, and haa possession of all that she has ,h sssassln who was killed while try not spent. Finally she was required to I Ing to murder Chief of Police ShlDov. Ambassador White at Paris )hmL""t br,d ln to on' wm ,hw Will JUake Formal De mand for Extradition. T (United Tress Leased Wire.) WftKtn-4An ...V. A nr . . . lNameS Of 31en WllO Plot- Jy cabled Ambassador .... . ... I a -ni.lllit n K v I X y. I 1st BAAIiaaJ .. j- ' . 1 U - . I ak .1.-1 . ess ewwavvu ux iiiurueriiiK x funrsrn m unrii siimi.isiisui.ijr v. i ii vn sk uiainnmi At ChlCajTO. Carklna at Newlngton, New Hampshire, district, and regard Hood's as a Ufs ' i itvi VTsaag uj Liu y mi iiv nisi wita liiania . s-ia Tif s..r n xr r sister. The woman declares aha knt eymour' lna- -. i . . I I threatened her with daih it u rl Onri's: anrAltnnri 1 lfl of hie erinm : 1 " -" " I It Is understood Uhat Roy wUl stand I In usual liquid form or In chocolated Xt Is Usually Tras that the best mad 1 lclne for these humors and all blood lm niirttt.. mnA run Anmrn nnitltlAna v1 V system Is Hoofs Sarsaparllla. Take Portland and flrillfnninnh this great medlolne this spring, and be-1 r ... gin Uklng It today. UUSUICSS 'JJien, BICK 01 Blood lirinr ''I hav taken Hood's King Eule, Determined to Brcakvthe Hodson-Bailey-Bcach Combine. (Palled Press Leased Wire.) BENJAMIN FRANKLIN COMES TO r PORTLAND TO ENJOY BRIEF REST B(ea Franklin Is at the Oregon hotel. Ben aellg silk. He knows nothing about electricity. Ho lives In -Oakland, Cali fornia. . Ben, the traveler, is quite a philosopher, however. At the Hotel Portland there la a telegram tor Hen Franklin. But Bea Franklin wasn't the only man in town today bearing the name of some blstorlo notable. Just for instance, An drew Jackson, accompanied by his fam ily, la at the Imperial. Andrew Is a member of the lightship crew off the Columbia river. For weeks he haa one of the lonesomest jobs ln the world. Then ha haa a few weeks' shore leave. Now and then be comes to Portland to see what la going on ln the world. ' Nathaniel Bacon (no relation to Na thaniel Bacon who started a reform movement ln Virginia In 1670, because he thought the government under Gov ernor Berkeley was not being conducted as It should be) of St. Louis la at the Oregon. Right under Bacon's name on the register Is the signature of I) J. Fry of Salem. And the next one regis tered Is O. P. Rose of Denver. Several other rather unusual rlames were on the hotel registers today. R. Crofoot of Kelso, Washington, Is at the Imperial. 8. E. Coon of Newman, Cali fornia Is a guest at the Perkins; W. P. Rye of New York is at the same place. L. B. LaFollette of Prinevtlle, a dis tant relative of the senator from Wis consin, a presidential possibility, Is an other Perkins guest. take the stand, but she freuuently I ... ., v. ... ... . ' flared out In resentment over ques- u " " "rguy. tlona that were usldvl concerning liow she had snent the nionev It develooed that her mother lived apart from her father during the latter months or his lire, lie sent ror ilessie. nd she went to live with him on the farm, in Clarke county, Washington. . . i . 1. 1 . it . . . ono careu 1 VI It I III uinu u. urnui. j i ttvnttrAJ . . 7. " - : month or so before he died he sold the TV',. '"7 . ..." """""u nice. The Conference Police Schuettler. five She was given the "third degrde." and It Is believed divulged the names of I the conspirators who plotted against the Chief. The nnlloa rfu. in iivl K . 1. - . W ... ... . I wiiciuar Liirv learnaa tnvin rrnrn the girl. Definite plans to rid Chicago of DUHBAR RECORDS CAKETURNS DOWN WILL BE PROBED U'REN'S SHE pla and Indorsed the check to his rhif Hhi". daughter. Sh Hays he told her to use i,nbeini attended the money as she liked, and she says i7.,nVhi? S that all of It is now spent, except about .iZL,L (United Press Leased Wire.) Business men of Portland and of efforts of the Hodson-Balley-Beach combina tion to gain control of ths politics ot the county for the use and maniDulatlon of ' ths Interests of' ths- machine, ars planning to put an Independent stats and county ticket In the field after the pri maries, should It come In nana rhnr (Sa Hodaon element Is successful In the prl- ill April. Already the movement has rained much headway and nlans are belnv formulated contingent upon ths suo- I MAas mm .11.. i . . . . 1 . W. a TJ'Ren of Oregon City, who has CTKuvV '"","' wi" 2D ? Salem. Or.. March 4. The suit of the come out ss a candidate for the United for ths primary battle. I1VV. I She said she invested 1700 of the .l?.an? Tr",, aLv2: ni l 6een lual,y collected by Frank Dun- form ln opposition to H. M money witn oo or her own in uuying t( Md Immigration Inwctor SeVT?.ar' Tn,en "ecretary of state, was con- to quit the battle a& a real estate, nut he later sold the nlace V.' u imiuiii.nua xumt-iur Ee- inaa i n.Ha n. n.i.1. fiftft Thnt fnnr month. n . rapnic. I ""-T 1 .'T.. .1.- made SUCh 0. prOpOS dLn -Ka -ilfa.-SJS COMRADES ASK CHIEF ! S'kt MB S Judge Webster did not permit the witness to be questioned concerning the charnes of undulv Influencing her father to give her the money, the in quiry being confined to what ln law la termed th discovery or tne property. The intention of Infirmity of Spurrell s mind and Improper Influence raised ln a ault ngalnat Miss B purr ell o recover tho 11,260. This suit Admin lstrator Olson of tho Spurrell estate is threatening to bring, alleging that the money from the sale of the farm be- onged to the estate, and that she houlu account to her mother for It CAUGHT THIEF IN ACT J)f nifiG CLOTHES Captain 1l. B. Haxen, who resldss at 110 Gibbs street, engaged ln a personal encounter with a clothesline thief ln his back yard shortly after 7 o'clock last ; evening, and although the thief escaped he probably carries a mark to remind 1 him of his nocturnal visit. Captain . JlaaeaAlsoovered iha thtef ln .the art of Uklng iethes from the line, and promptly knocked him down.- The thief ' was ague, nowever, ana oeiore a seconu blow could be landed the man Jumped ' to his xeet ana maae nis escape. In reporting the matter to the police the captain gave a description of the thief, and added the Information that If caught the man would be found to bear a mark on ths left cheek where the blow that knocked him down hod landed. HUGE TIMBER TRACT LEASED FOR PASTURE (Special Dispatch to. Tit Journal.) ' Klamath Falls, Or.. March 4. J. F. Kimball, timber cruiser for the Wever. haeqser Lumber company ln this region, lias just closed a deal with J. D. Elder of Lake county for the leasing of 63,400 acres of timbered erazlno- lands. This is the largest tract ever leased to one man in tms section. Mr. jider win pay 4 cents per acre the first year with the privilege of extension for another year at 4 cents. He owns 27,000 bead of sheep that are now on the desert. He expects to drive them to this Immense range aoout April I. t i ii mm in A healthv man la a klnr in his own right; an unhealthy man Is an unhappy slave. Burdock Blood Bitters builds up souna neaitn Keeps you well. VEHICLE TAX WILL REDUCE REVENUES Deputies ln the city auditor's office have figured out that the new vehicle tax ordinance will be the means of los ing about 12,500 a year to the city In the way of revenue. Last year the tax gathered from vehicles assessed for revenue amounted to tl 3.300 and accortl- Ijg.lo figures .compiled on aa. available data It has been estimated the receipts this year will be about 110,880. In connection with the vehicle tax ordinance there Is another ordinance somewhat similar which provides an in come to the city of about $20,000 a year. This is the measure tax lna vari ous occupations such as hawkers, ped dlers and other occupations. CENTENARY CHURCH READY FOR LEXT March is the month when a new pair of waterproof shoes may I be the very thing to 7; save, you from' the doctor.; ,; ;A pound of preven tion is worth a ton of medicine. CLOTHING CO CttsKiihnProp' . . 166-163 THIRD ST. The Centenary Methodist Episcopal church Is preparing to observe the Len ten season, beginning next Sunday. Dr. Wilson has aeeured Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Drake to conduct the music. They Will organise a chorus choir and secure special soloists for each evening. A series of five cottage prayer meet ings will be held-Friday evening In dlf rerent centers oi tne east slue. residences have been districted REVOLT IN SLATE ON EAST SIDE Machine politicians are not to have It all their own way on the east side of the river, according to the story which drifts over from that section. The east side has several candidates for office, among them being Waldemar Seton, candidate for district attorney, A. G. Rushlight for assessor, F. L. Ol son for justice of the peace, Charles Mautz for constable and, according to rumor. Dan Kellaher for the state sen ate. These men, according to the story. have banded together as a nucleus of opposition to the Hodson-Balley-Beach leaders and Intend to make a strenu ous fight ncalnst the slate that is be ing prepared by that combination. Willie us yet there has not been much talk of other candidates for the legis lature than those running under the Hodson banner, It Is certain that can didates will come out to seek nomina tion of the Republican party. Out of these ;t is expected that uhlted opposi tion will come to the machine candi dates who are already lined up on the slate. The east side registration Is larger man that or the west slue and expe rience has taught that the east side vote is harder to corral and handle that that of the west side. That dis trict therefore is the controlling factor lu the ooming election, both at the primaries and at the June election, and any opposition which can make head way there will be a serious menace to any measure or man up for the suf frage ef the prott- of the cothity. The small group of opponents to the machine is looked upon with, some ap- firehenslon therefore by tile Hodson eaderjg, extra clans are being form ulated to overcome the adverse pull. PRISONER PULLS GUN ON OFFICERS Oscar Johnson, who was arrested at fhlrd and Ash streets this afternoon by Mayor Busso, As 'nitre Arhnettlpr flva police Inspectors, Corporation Counsel state to recover fees alleged to have States senate on a Statement No. ljilat- Husinafce men of the cltr, many of Cake wants I o .r. noaaon, or ueacn candidate and elusion that It would not l.a tar the sttlon to Mr. best interests of Multnomah county to however, has da- send the machine slate to the leglsla- scheme and ac- lur next January. These men are not IT. in favor of a return to the Old-time inmrm nniTMi tiVitttit nvr i;hn.;Vn .U ';,T.. . xesieraay afternoon Mr. U'Ren ad- P"imcoj conaiuons sna do not want. to ADUU 1 nil TAl JJJlUli attorney aot rui n 1tter to Mr- Calt ln which fee tne united Btstes senatorial battle ihl?LEnttu!mn Mentions that he had read Mr. Utohck. onto the floor, of tha join A committee from the Rnnnlah-Amr. lean War Veterans association, com posed of Comrades Salisbury, McCord, Lynch, Turner and Dietrich, called to see Chief Urltxmacher yeeterday after noon ana inquired as to the treatment, standing, etc., of the 15 veterans of the Spanish-American war who are mem bers of Portland's police department. After being assured by the chief that their comrades In arms were given every reasonable consideration and were the especial oblects of rare bv the head of the department. Inquiry was made as to why ex-I'ollce Captain Bruin was transferred from the detective bureau to the command of the second night re lief. This question Chief Urltxmacher refused to answer ln detail, but said that the change was made for the good of the service, and that he regarded the Incident as department business only. A. J. Salisbury acted as spokesman for the committee. tliH r... ,.r,lu nt ti.u n,,,,i,-- muiiiioiiea mat ne naa react Mr. un.a. vmu mo uuur ui ma joint t on Into Mtirt . and m- r4twral5 Frt'" P" with a good deal of In- assembly. M u used to be under tho ln nrov?nsM i,e c"ne(1 th memory Mr. of machine dominion ln the state. feeJrwViiw-n ft? that ; back. to a conversation held some Tired of Machine. .f State Benson testified iyeen them that u wKf i''kSh Tne "Uustlon has been ct ndum that 12.084 commie- Mcees. nf W. 2 n ' S,' nere ln ritand and it has t ued ln one year, for which vY,? h L? L m.ent No- 1 t0 dl ctdol by a nucleus of the bust !Cted fees and Chief Clerk dldafjss voie oeiween two or more can- tereats of the city to make a from men slons were Iks the state col lee Koser testified that all fees collected were turned over to Dunbar. Tired of Machine. The situation has been canvassed has been do- ness In- diddles. Msrwia oi ins city to maae a unttea Mr. U'Ren then amies that It wnnl.1 t. -,.r" t nwwp-onn,. be better tr anm. .trnV. Wr,..iA kI Dt'cn siaio wnen u comes up ror con P ?'r" ome trnf man could be Nideration at the Drlmarlea. if It la lm. FIRE HORSES RUN INTO WINDOW TANE An accident that almost resulted fa tally occurred yesterday afternoon when the three big horses attached to engine No. 1 dashed at full speed Into the plate glass window of the store of Michel & Stiller, at Fourth and Alder streets, i lie team was being driven at a gallop ln response to an alarm of fire, and ln turning the corner the hind wneeia oi the engine caught In the rails of the car track. The engine "skidded" so as to swing the team half way about. mo jr mrowing tne driver, John Lenox, from his seat. The anaed at which the team was going forced the horses across the sidewalk and Into the store front. Two of the horses were cut by the broken glass, but not seri ously Injured. Lenox was considerably jmreu uy nis ian rrom tne driver s scat, but was not Incapacitated for duty. U'REN WILL TALK ON STATEMENT NO. 1 W. 8. U'Ren will be the rhlef atten tion at the meeting of the South Port land Republican club to be held tomor row night ln Jones' hall. Front and Gibbs streets. Mr. U'Ren haa chal lenged all comers to debate Statement No. 1 with him, but so far no one has arisen to accept the challenge. The committee ln charge of the meet ing jias arranged a splendid program, foe the evening and It Is expected that a larg crowd will be ln attendance to hear the debate. i 1 1 , i . m ill 1 1 1 1 r writ. ,r. a,... 1 1 n i bankers io F1CE mmmm wmrn IlLIf UIIHUULUI New Informations against J. Thorburn Ross, T. T. Burkhart. John E. Aitchlson and Oeorge H. Hill ln the Title Guaran tee ft Trust cases will be filed before the' day Is over ln the circuit court. The informations will be to the same effect as the ones to which demurrers were sustained by Judge Cleland yes terday and will only differ ln those re spects where necessary to make the phraseology comply with the sugges tions given by Judge Cleland In the course oi nis decision. Deputy District Attorney Bert Haney, who was present when the demurrers were passed on yesterday, prepared the new informations, and it is believed that these will stand the test, unless some new flaws are found by the at torneys for the defendants. The defendants will be arraigned on the new informations ln a few days and the battle of legal talent will be on again. ROADS COME BACK FOR PARTING WORD BOXCAR THIEVES BOUND OVER Victor Hollander. Itlrhnril Ttans-h and R. H. Baugh. the boxcar thieves arrest- day by Detectives Kay and were arraigned ln the police ed yeater Smith, x u uu nim rtou Butuia una hi in mini n(,,lr, .hi- . , - fna' tdar7e,dIltoCapU3!n otlTo?- Fy "ing'h", Jud'g'e flrs8ttCe1took Phim ainKcustond.vthwh Cameron bound them over to the he was belnir searched at the station. He was quickly overpowered and af terward told the officers they had not acieu any 100 quicxiy, ror he bad de cided to use his weapons. Two revolvers were found ln John son's possession. Only one was loaded. It was while Detectives Coleman and Price and Officer Golts were taking the empty eun from Johnson'n hln nnrlrot The that ne attempted to pull the loaded AU una on mem rrom an inside pocket of YOUTHFUL BURGLAR PLANS ROBBERY between the river and Kunt Thirteen th his coat. Johnson is susDected of v. street will meet at the homo of Kd- eral robberies carried out on the east land C. Clement, 42 East Sixth stroet; i 8lde recently. an on me norm siae oi tne guich are to meet at the home of J. A. wuost, 614 Broadway; those who live on tho south of Stark street are to meet at the home of Br. Jaspar L. Hewitt, 665 East Wash ington street; those who live between East Ankeny and East Stark above ' East Thirteenth will assemble at the I, Sheriff Stevens and Deputy Sheriff home of Dr. T. C. Humphrey, 603 Eaft ! Leonard last night captured a 14-year-Ankeny; and those who live north of ! 'd burglar who has confessed to steal East Ankeny are to meet at the home of 1 inS J25.30 from the grocery store of V A Uomfn.,1 OAA T, .. . T I J 1 . . I llQ.ln. V.i.vIm - 1 C. . -u vi vi, V CM! UUIUS1UB L TCP I . - . -J nauuen; Rl OlUHftri B B I tt 1 1 (I H I Different leaders hnve been selected to ! and admits that he had planned to rob twnuuvi iiivmv uerviuea ana me work yun eiuun. vviin a portion Or will be organised for the awakening to ! the money he secured from the store he naa purcnasea two revolvers, and these, jwith the remainder of the money, he action or tne grand jury. Ball was rixed at tne sum of 11,000 each, ln de fault of which the prisoners were trans ferred to the custody of the sheriff. ROSEBURG'S COUNCIL BOOSTS VIGOROUSLY (Special PIrpatrb to The Journal.) Rosebure. Or.. March 4. The rlt-w eViuncil has Issued a call for a special election April 2 to vote on a bond issue ror street improvements and the erec tion of a new bridge over Deer rreelr The city council is a very busy body mcne umvb mm is puning rorth tinnnl mous efforts toward such citv lmnrnv ment as will nut Rosebure on a narttv in all respects with other cities of Its size in tne state. (Special Dlapatcb to Tbe Journal.) Olympla, Wash.. March 4. Tbe rail roads valuation hearings have been again resumed by the railroad commis sion, although It had been supposed tha series of last week would be final. Ths O. R. & N. is desirous of presenting tes timony concerning some features of its engineering cost and upon the valuation of Its equipment. The Tacoma & Eastern, whlrh )ia1 signified' a willingness l- abide by the testimony of the other railroad wit nesses as to its right-of-way valuation, has requested an opportunity to present in unu v v meiiuv. It Is understood the Northern Parlftn and Great Northern have submitted all their testimony. The commission will present Its final evidence ln the form of a taDie wnicn win De used as a basis for segregating the values of the roads lor state ana interstate purposes. C03IMISSI0N HEARING COAST LUMBER CASES be reached not later than March 16 As a second proposition Mr. U'Ren suggests that Mr. Cake and himself each choose two advocates of Statement No. 1, the four to select a fifth man and these five shall select some good man to make the race for senator. To all of this Mr. Cake' has said "nay nay." He says that the letter of Mr. L'Ren came as a surprise. He points out that he entered the race for the nomination more than a month ago, af ter due and carerul deliberation. There fore, he says, he must respectfully de cline Mr. U Ken's proposition. Mr. Cake says he has the greatest re spect ror tne gentlemen mentioned uy Mr. U'Ren, some of them being his personal friends. All would do honor to the position of United States sena tor and to the state should they be elected to the office. He sees no reason for his retirement, saying that the field la open and that they all can enter the race should they desire. Mr. Cake further says that he would give any or them" his hearty support ln June and afterwards should thev enter the primary contest and secure tne .Republican nomination and the June election. Mr. Cake ends his state ment with the announcement that ha la ln tho field to stay until after the primaries of April 17, and that he shall not step out or the race but shall con duct his campaign vigorously. LINDSAY CASHIER OF BAKER CITY BANK (Special Dlapatcb to Tbe Jonrsal.) Baker City. March 4. At a meetlne- of the directors of the Citizens' National bank last evening N. U. Carpenter, cash ier ana director, resigned and Guy L. Lindsay was elected as his successor, both as cashier 'and director. The change wag brought atootlt by Mr. Lind say and Mr. F. P. Bodlnson buying Mr. carpenters stock. Mr. Lindsay has The business Interests aenerallr are ln favor of the direct primary law and do not deslrs to see any combination made at the legislature which will tend to embarrass tbe law or make it abort ive. They are not of necessity back ers of Statement No. 1, although It la believed that the majority of them fa vor the statement. Their fight then will be agalnBt the gobbling up of tho county politics by the revived leaders of the old regime to the exclusion of tho people of the county and the disregard on ee of their will It la a matter of mystery who will make up the personnel of the business men's ticket should it be put Into tho field. Those who are back of the plan say that no one has been picked out to make tho races and that no one will be brought out until after the pri maries IrT April. At that time, however, if the machine element secures the upper hand tho business men will come Into the frey with a list of well known and promi nent business men who will, If elected, make the Multnomah delegation tho strongest delegation In the legislature ln ability as well as ln numbers. ANARCHISTS CAUGHT TO BE SENT BACK HOI ue conducted in the church every night iioxi wr, excepi Daiuraay. jjr.(WUBon win preach on such topics buried ln a vacant lot, where thej v were as: "Sin; What Is the Unpardonable i recovered by the officers. The boy la Sin?' "Salvation: How Mv w i.',.. .small for his aire and nlitnlno ont.-tr,n. It?" "What Is a Chanee of HmrH" to the store bv crawli "Can Mortality Save?'' "Must We Heap ' that was supposed to be too small for What We Sow?" "When Is the Judg- anything except a cat. The boy has ment Day?" "Heaven; Shall We Know been turned over to the Juvenile court niacn uuier inerei Am i mv Tirntn- er's Keeper?" "Is Eternal Punishment Endless?0 ' Sunday at 10:30 Dr. Wilson win iii. cuss "Why Christ Did Not Call the An gels." and at 7:80 "The Two Greatest Evils In Portland." DR. DRAKE WOULD GO TO THE STATE SENATE Dr. Emmett C Drake has made un his mind to become a candidate foi the Re publican nomination for the state sen ate and- will file his declaration of in tention, with the county clerk some time during tbe present week. Dr. Drake. Died ire himself take the side of and state against the corporate inter ests ot the state and of Portland In oar tlcular. Ho will enter the race pledged to vote for the Reoubllcan Choice for United States senator. mu wiii ue ueuiL who uy juage uanten beln. present week. ti?nnn .? iT- it is Understood.' will eaulrert fnr fV?3'0 should he be elected to fnq ,dtfw fv''v the people of the county wuf b. J ,,lprtf net the coroorsKe inter- W1U be occupied within DETENTION HOME NEARLY COMPLETED The new detention home, practically complete, will be formally accepted by the county commissioners within a few days. In the) inspection by the com missioners yesterday they found the work ln satisfactory shape and ex pressed surprise at the roominess of the Institution. . The contract price of ? nn,lld,n.8 La a ,,tu ln excess of $12,000. and about 3,000 more will be g and interior fit that the building a month. In Semi-Tropic Itosebarg. (Special Dlapatcb to Tha Jnurnnl.) Roseburg, Or.. March 4. Monday night's snow was the first at this place this winter and there was hardlv enough tnen to call It snow. The ground was barely covered, and this all disappeared before 9 a. m. Roseburg AArta a a ........ .4 . .. ... . . u ivunnr inuii ever or their aemt-iruuio winter cumaie. Gold Watch Awaits Owner. a gold watch awaits the holder of ticket No. 7, Issued by the young ladies or tne congregation of St. Stanislaus at their leap year entertainment recently SfrYn? ,n the Zeller-Miieller hall, corner " nvriiuB anu misseii street. The holder of ticket No. 7 can get the watch by calling on Rev. Charles Se- luuiiy, oav vvimams avenue. OFFICE CUT-UP TAKES TURN AT PHILOSOPHY BRYAN'S ILLNESS IS PRONOUNCEJ) TRIVIAL Lincoln. Neb.. March 4. The fllnpaa w- J- Bryan la pronounced trivial. He will address the state convention tomorrow. The report of the platform committee to be nnnnnl .ft., a conference will reflect Bryan's views. TOSMECHI CAUGHT WITH THE GOODS nf M..J?o8mecn1' laborer living at 903 Michigan avenue, was arraigned ln i! I,117 Sov!Tt thl morning on a w. .b naving Btoien a quantity Of goods fpom the tent of John limited, near Greely station on th. . iH carline. He was arrested by Detectives Jones and Tichenor and the sten prop erty was found in his possession. At the request of the defendant hearing of the charge was postponed until tombr-roWs 4 Some people make appoint- ments when they know thev will 4 be late. Trains never make ap- 4p polntments, but they are often behind time Just the same. . ' Northern Pacific No. I, due st 7 o'clock, arrived 25 minutes 4 late. Southern Pacific No. 16, due at 7:56, arrived on time. 4 Southern Pacific No. 18, due at 4 11:30. arrived on time. 4 O. R. &. N. No. 3, due at 8 o'clock, arrived 15 minutes late. Q. R..A N. No. 5. due at 9:45. 4 arrived oh time. Astoria & Columbia No. 21, t due at 12:15, arrived on time as usuaL "x (United Preaa Lented Wire.) , Washington, March' 4. Argu ments began today before the In terstate commerce commission ln the Pacific lumber cases. A large delegation of Pacific coast lum bermen are present. Ths immigration service will be on the lookout for annrrhlata anit If la believed a few of them might be cap tured here and deported. Chief Immi gration InSDector J. H. Harbour nt thla city says lie has Information causing him to believe there Is a small colony ef red flag wa vets In this city. ' InsDOCtora ronnartfiH with lh. In.l department will be instructed in neSnrt been for several yearn cashier of the nything bearing anarchlstio earmarks wnii me intention or naving the sus picions traced to the bottom. Similar steps are to be taken along the ATlantlo coast, where Immigrants of anarchlstio tendencies drift ln with the hordes of bread seek era from southern Europe and the Interior of Russia. Inspector Bsrbour has received au thority to engage four additional watch men and one more stenographer foe tho local force. The work continually Increasing and the present staff has been found Inadequate properly to carry out the provisions of the servlre. Larger quarters have also been need ed for a long time, and Inspector Bar bour was made happy yesterday when he received permission to use another roofn adjoining his old offices In tho custom house building. The service now occupies three rooms. PORTLAND PLAYERS AGAINST SAILORS Santa Barbara, Cal., March 4. Man ager waiter jucureaie, Kd Kennedy Henry Pernoll, Bassey and Pearl Casey of the Portland baseball team arrived here this morning. The others are ex pected from the east in a few days. The players here, with a numhnr local men, will form a team to play the nine from the United States cruiser Ten nessee, champion of the Pacific fleet, this 'afternoon. Pernoll will Viito.h tnr the McCredie bunch and Blahos will be ln the box for the sailors. McKEE DIVORCE CASE IS HEARD AT PARIS rirBt national nank at tmmpter, was born near La Grande, and has been one of the leadinar business men of eastern Oregon. Mr. Bodlnson of the firm of Grace & Bodlnson, will also take an active part ln the bank upon his return from the east. H has lived In Baker City for a number of years, has been a success ful business man, and has many friends who wlah him well In his new business. Mr. Carpenter has been offered a much more lucrative tiosltlon and atorlr in a Portland bank. SUPERVISORS' PART IN BAY CITIES DEAL (United Press Leased Wire.) San Francisco. March 4. The ret. tlon of the part that the board of super visors took ln attempting to swing the ojr iuoa watri uni, presumaoiy to the mutual advantage of themselves and William Tevls, occupied the en tiro morning in junge uooungs court, the session Doing given over to tne Bulletin iiDei cases. ANARCHISTS THREATEN TO DYNAMITE TOWN New Consul. (United Prraa Ieaaeit WIm Washington. Marrh 1 rPA... Roosevelt today nominated Chester May- iu vi numrnm consul at Vladivostok. (United Press Leased Wire.) Goshen, Ind., March 4. A letter signed "Anarchist," threatening to blow up Wawaka, a small towr. of 100 Inhab itants, located near uosnen, if $760 Is not delivered at a certain place at a certain time, has been received by Wa waka officials. The letter has been forwarded tn thm DOStofflco department at Wahlntnn A vigilance committee will watch every train that stops at Wawaka for at least three weeks. r -! - A Tk. Tl. . . a. a, in. iuo iiiirt JUCAeO divorce trial opened today. Mrs. McKee's attorney, Mailre iiarboux, ln his opening statement, accused McKee of deceiving her. He alleged McKee threatened his wife with a pistol. He said m.. spent weeks ln. the house dressed only In his pajamas. He also charged that McKee tried to against hist wife. purchase testimony NISLEY WITHDRAWS HIS RESIGNATION . William O. TJisley has reconsidered his resignation from the position of su perintendent of the detention home of me juvenne court ana will accept a sal ary vi iuu. a raise or xiit a mnnti. - vri-i 'ii " i..r ."V ............ im, mcy win icuBive iza a rrxnn t n aa ueiuro. Seamen's Concerfionifcht. A good Droeram has been nmnoran for the concert which will be given at the Seamen's Institute. and Flanders streets. thla -.vonin There being a large number of vessels ln the harbor a good attendance of sea men is expected. The puhlto is invited to the concert as usual. Shoving the Queer. (United Preas Leased Wire.) Montevideo, March 4. -The govern ment ha collected more than 1300.000 counterfeit money. CONGRESS WILL PAY FOR COAST DEFENSE (United Preas Leased Wire.) Washington, March 4. Representative Kahn of San Francisco predicted today nisi uuiikicbb win appropriate mony for the torpedo boat planter. In addi tion to tne one authorized two boats are to bs used in mining the harbors and bays along the Pacific coast and ln Instructing troops how to mine harbora LIEUTENANT MILLER OUSTED FROM ARMY (United Press Leased Wire.) Washington, March 4. The president today approved the sentence of dismis sal from the army lnethe case of First Lieutenant Herbert G. Miller, Fourth artillery, convicted at San Francisco by a general court-martial on charges in volving duplication of accounts and ob taining money under false pretenses. PERSIAN ANARCHISTS ARRESTED IN SHRINE Berlin. March 4. Four men. thnue-ht ' to' have thrown the bomb at the ahah of Fersla, have been arrested. They were dragged from the shrrne of Abdul Attm, a refuge never before violated, The mollaha' protests were unheeded. A Reliable Remedy for the Whiskey and Beer Habit Very few men become drunkards bo cause they like liquor. It Is frequently the moderate drinker, who before ho realises his condition has become drunkard. The nervous system, having become accustomed to stimulants, la unable to do the same amount or nmi. Jty of work without liquor, hence tho victim drinks more and more. This la a state of disease and should be treated by Orrlne. It destroys the desire foe liquor, so that the drink Is not missed. There Is no loss of time or detention from work when It Is used. orrlne Is prepared in two forms? wn 1, the secret remedy, which can be used ln food or drink without the knowlarf of the patient; No. 2, for those who laice tne remedy of their own free will. Both forms are guaranteed. A regis tered guarantee ln every box. Treatise on how to cure drunknnnaaa free on request. The Orrlne Co., Wash-' Ington, D. C. The price of either form is i a box, making the cost of the" complete cure less than one tenth what ' it Is usually charged at sanitariums, with a guarantee that the expense will be nothing unless a cure is gained. Mall orders filled in plain sealed pack age on receipt of price. Orrlne Is for sale by Clarke-Woodward Drug Co., and nearly all druggists in Portland. COFFEE Don't J) u y coffee not packed in airtight pack ages: don't buy coffee yithout the name of the roaster. V Tour grocecreturna your money tf yoq ; don't like Schilling's best; wo pay him, ' i r.