The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 01, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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it- 'v.
- - - . , Tals Xasve of 1
The Sandfly Journal
5 Sections 56 Pcges
r The Weather -Rain; fresh south
erly breeze. , ' - t . .
vol. iv; no. ai
PRICE -Vive cent:
fHesrtt Hews by Vemgmt Lreeed Wire.)
Waihingtoa, Feb. 29. That the
accident to the turrets of 'the bat
tleshlps Georgia and Missouri in
which many men In the nary lost
their Hres was due largely to defec
tive powder loaded with foreign sub
stances which interfered with its
proper explosion, was the startling
testimony given the senate commit
tee on naval affairs by Lieutenant
Commander Carl Vogelgesang, com
mander of the president's yacht May
flower, during the Inquiry today.
Commander Vogelgesang testified
that the powder in the magailnes of,
the Georgia after the explosion was
found to contain oily waste, old
hinges,' matches and bits of wood.
He declared that these substances
might easily account for the "flare
back" when the breech of the gun
was opened after the gan'was fired,
which killed a majority of the crew.
Senator Hale, chairman of the
committee, Senators Tillman and
Perkins, all sought to obtain fur
ther Information on this subject but
were unsuccessful. "
The commander champed his atti
tude entirely when he noted the" im
pression his statement had: made on
members of the committed and In
sisted that he bad no Idea when or
where the powder was purchased,
what officers had passed upon- it or
from whom It was purchased. He
declared finally, . that Lieutenant
Commands .. Sims,, .naval, .secretary:
to the president, knew all about the
matter and was prepared to. testify
at' - length concerning the condition
of the powder.' ' " ;
Aside from this bit of testimony,
the' committee failed to establish
any facts which tend. to substantiate
the charges made by Henry Reuter
dahl In his criticisms in a. magazine.
In fact," the Witnesses suggested by
8. 8. McClure were decidedly hazy
as to any definite defect In the con
struction -of United States battle
ships i anl aside from charges of a
general character . had Jlttle to say.
; Lieutenant Commander Sims will
be put through a severe cross-examination
by the. members of the com
mittee Monday, when "he-Is called.
Sims objected to being put on the
stand this afternoon. He said that
be had a very long statement to
make, covering; 12 years, and did
not wish tou be interrupted.
' rearing to . place temptation In .. the
path of official of the war department,
the bout today declined to give per
mlsslon for the department to purchase
Ingredients for powder without inviting
proposals. . - '
Republicans Afraid Princi
ples May Be Stultified
r Lemon for .Hughes.
.. (Special Dispatch te The Journal.)
JBugena, Or., Feb. 29. A mass conven
tion Of Lan Republicans was held at
Eugene today at which resolutions were,
adopted favoring the organising of Re
publican clubs in every precinct Jn the
county against Statement No. 1. That
?art of the resolutions touching upon
ho matter read: '
"Inasmuch aa the -direct primary law
does not require nor advise legislative
candidates to. subscribe to. Statement
Mo 1, we recommend that candidates
do not sign any statement which might
principles by voting, for anyone not a
Fuoiican. i-
he committee .reported a resolution
TK. AnmmlttM .rim
indorsing Hughes for the presidency,
but U was voted down, two to one.
. f for Persian plot
".X. . ; As, - '. . . i " ti':
'r" '' - '! V-
i:V.,:'(BBH:Tws,taei Wire.) ' i.
,..4 - m. Washington! D. Ci Feb.- t9.-aeneral
(" ,- Kahn, the , Persian minister, said to-
! Si" day that the attempt to assassinate of
ficials In Teheran toaay did not indi-
.' rate to blatalnd a general uprising, but
that it was simply the work of an-
ft '
Chairman Hull, in charge if the army
appropriation bill, carrylngttnore than
186,000,000; and which pasted before ad
journment, said that by advertising .the
entire world knew of our ordnance. Not
another nation did such a thing, he"
added. Representative Mann, Repub
llcanof Illinois, on the ground that to.
pursue any other 'method would, throw
the department opejn. to charges of graft,
objected to the permission desired, and
the prosoped change In present methods
was knocked out. Replying to a sugges
tion that he write to Secretary of war
Tart about the matter,-Mann-replied by
saying that next year he would address
Taft in the white, house.
. Officers Questioned.
Red-hot criticism of Improper con
struction of American battleships
marked today's session of the senate
naval" investigation committee. Three
naval officers criticised certain details
of naval construction. One blames the
Missouri's IS dead due to Improper con
struction. Lieutenant Commander Vogelgesang
denounced the existing .ammunition
hoists, and both he and Captain Bradley
Fluke charged the navy department with
not encouraging outside inventors.
Lieutenant Commander 71111, on duty
with the general board, in holding that
the armor belt would be practically in
efficient In action, disclosed the .fact
that American warships, start on trial
trips with a much' lighter load than
later required,' in order to meet extraor
dinary. speed1 requirements, never after
ward equalling the record.
' Senator Tillman' -of South Carolina
with characteristic Impetuosity called It
"cheating." ;
Senator Burrows of Michigan- an
nounced bis intention of pursuing the
subject further with a view of fixing
responsibility. . .
. Lieutenant Commander Blmms, 1 in
spector of ordnance, ' naval aide to the
president, "got in bad" with the, com
mittee. He announced that he did not
want to :begin his testimony today be
cause he had a very long statement to
make. w
"I don't want to be interrupted until
I get through with it either," he boldly
explained. "I have been accused of all
sorts of things,'.' he added. "I started
to stir up this row 10 or 12 years ago."
Who Started Bowf -.
. "O-ho! You! started to stir up a row,
did your interrupted Chairman Hale.
'I mean that as long ago as that I
started to criticise our warships, in
comparison with those of foreign coun
tries, and I want to show this commit
tee what, reports I have written. i
Chairman Hale informed him that be
would be examined Monday on present
conditions and that he would not be in
terrupted. Commander Vogelgesang said that if
the two-stage ammunition hoist, later
adopted, had been in use on the Mis
souri, 16 lives would have been saved;
that no sich accident as that could oc-.
our on foreign ships, and that "It was
God's mercy that the vessel was not
blown out of the .water."' :
-He said that the handling-room
should be made safe.
"That is beyond the rang of human
endeavor," said Admiral Capps.
"But it la not beyond the rang - of
human endeavor to put a bulkhead be
tween tne turret . and the men handling
the ammunition,", -retorted the ready
Admiral Capps denied that outside in
ventors and designers were not prop
erty incDurtiea, ,
aptaln Bradley Flake strongly
mended the abandonment of
the ommenaea ine aoanaonment o
straignt ammunition hoist
iMon hoist. . . .
It waa brought out that Captain Fiske
was a particlnsnt In the battle of Ma
"oh. that was no battle. That was
murder on our part!" said Senator Till
man. That may have been thought after
wards, but it was not before, sir," was
the stern reply.'
(United PrM Leased Wire.)
Louisville, Feb. 9. The trifling fact
that he Ds now occupying a cell as an
accomplice in the murder of - f ormur
Governor Oqebel until his re-trial, la
fkt considered sufficient reason bv
Caleb Powers for keeping out of poli
tics. Powers wants to go to congress
from the Eleventh Kentucky district.
Republican friends of the prisoner
(United Prea LtiMd Wire.)
London, Feb. 29. If Bandit Ralsull is
so much offended with the suggestion
or his appearance in a London muslo
hall, Manager Trussell dt the, Hippo
drome, who has gone tar Morocco to get
him, . niay have as' unpleasant an expe
rience as Katd : MAoleat; 1 H ; 1 i . ,
The flrt reports of several weeks ago
stated that IlAlsuli would accept " an
engagement. , - This was premature, it
seems. The news reached - the bandit,
however, and as soon - as ' one of hia
deputise j could get into Tangier from
the - great chief s mountain stronghold
out eatne a scorching repudiation. Not
oniy waa tne aiory untrue, it was ce-
Fulton Refuses to
Discuss F. J. Heney
4 Washington, Feb. . 19. Senator
Fulton when questioned today re
garding his probable action against
Francis J. -Heney "refused to discuss
the matter. The report was current
that Fulton was looking up Heney's
record and, was going to use the San
Francisco prosecution of "higher
ups" as an evidence of Heney's Tin
dlctlveness. The senator would not confirm
or deny the report.
XeTt Englanders at Boston
Cannot See Any, Candidate
but Nebraska Commoner:
(United Press Letaed Win.)
Boston, Feb. 19. "I do not think
Johnson has a chance)"- said Senator
Gore, the blind statesman from Okla
homa, this : evening at Faneull ball,
where the Bryan clans of all New Eng
land had gathered to launch . the Ne
braskan's candidacy In the east
Similar sentiments were expressed by
a majority of others present. Bryan's
was the only name heard.
A proposition to change the name , of
tne new England .Democratic progress
lve leaguo to tne Kew England Bryan
league was defeated. The state branch
of the organization, - however, was
formed with George Fred Williams,
oryan s closest aanerem in tms section,
as -president, called Itself the Massa
chusetts Bryan league. The league
voted to Instruct all delegates to the
Denver Democratic convention, , for
Bryan. ; . , ,
(United Preas Leased Wire.)
Washington, Feb. 29.-The initial
step in a sweeping congressional inves
tigation of all ; government depart
ments in Washington City was taken by
tho house tdday. By practically a
unanimous vote it adopted a report
presented by Representative Hughes
of West Virginia and vitalized , hereto
fore purely ornamental' committees of
that .body gave them necessary em
ployes and authorised them to insti
tute economies and reforms in the de
partments with the object of abolishing
useless; officers. ,.
wers somewhat surprised today when
they received letters from Powers ask
ing, support for the congressional nomi
nation. His letter begins:
It is practically certain I will be a
w??i' man vhl pardon r aa
quitted, or getting out on bond and,
therefore, in a position to represent tha
Eleventh district, should it be the will
of i .? Pwple- thero to have me so hon
ored. ' .
ctared,- but It drove , Ralsull . into a ter-
Tt FUSS"-; XPJ" U sn ariSto
crat. a lord of the desert, rmagine him
f nCin?nd8p;r,n .,or thB amusement
RWt,.r0wd of ' rtou. tshop-keeping ,ueh too much"
wh'!?i,iwUTb 'i1 M"occo tomorrow.
When he left London iet meant to ro
straight to 'the bandit's lair HeJhad
letter, of introduction f rom ail tfceAn
clpal "offlclala and trades people of Mo-,
rocoo, with; a native interpreter er
gaged and with almost unlimited powers
to indue, the ohlef tain to com. back
with him. , ; .! .
. All the same, many of f russell'a
friends will, be more than happy if the
venturesome amusement' magnate gets
back alive.
Wife Declares He Tried to
Kill Herself and Parents
After Ending Life of
Brother Courage Failed
Before Committing Deed.
Assassin Admitted Inten-
tion to Spouse WhileTry
ing to Gain Pity Woman
Sorry She Was Forced to
Reyeal Husband's Crime.
(Hearst New bf Lenfest Leaaed Wire.)
Portsmouth, N. H.. Feb. 2 9. That
Paul E.Roy Intended to murder his-
wlfe, the beautiful Olacia Calla. her
mother, Mrs. Grace E, Kelley and her
foster father John D. Kelley, after he
killed his brother-in-law, George Car
kins, in the palatial home of the Callas
in Newlngton on the night of .January
2, Is now the belief of the authorities
and all of those directly connected in
the ease. Glacla Calla and her mother,
Mrs, Kelley, win both be the most dam
aging witnesses against Roy If he is
brought to trial, lils own admissions
to them sines the killing Of Carklns
are the most damaging evidence the
yrunvuvLuu linn 1 ' -
That Roy admitted to Miss Calla and
Mr. and Mrs. Ketteyr nf tr ' the JtiUing
of , Carklns, that he intended to kill
tnem is tne assertion ot ttotb Miss Cal
la nd Mrs. Kelley. Both of these wo
men have confided all these facts to
the county solicitor who la carefully
keeping them secret until 'after be gets
Roy Into that county where the prose
cution will be vigorously pushed to a
"Paul Roy intended to murder the
whole of us, and he told ua so, said
Miss Calla today. "After he killed
Bonny I fled from the houaa going to
my mother's to spread the alarm. He
pursued me, firmly determined to kill
me and my father and mother, He
found us all in the Kelley bouse.
Wept Wlta Cowardly rity.
"When he overtook-ua in the door
yard of my mother's home ho was tren
ded with rage. He grappled with me
and forced me to tell the story Which I
did. During the long chase from my
house to my mother's, however, and the
time when he was appealing to me to
tell the suicide story, his anger cooled
and ha wept and cried while possessed
of a cowardly pity.
"Pltty me! Flty met My poor mother
nearly died that night. She sat ea the
floor of the pantry that night and held
George's head in her lap and moaned
.half the night.
snoruy arier in. aociur diq onnsa
my mother upstairs and pursuaded her
to go to bed, 1 also went to my room
and retired. During the early part of
the morning Paul came Into my room
but I immediately got up and left the
room. I tolm him that I could never
live with him again because he had
killed my brother. He cried like a child.
I left the room and slept with, my
mother. Paul followed us about con
stantly and said he rould kill us if we
told the story.
"After the funeral of Sonny we dis
covered that Paul had my revolver ful
ly loaded and was carrying it In his
pocket My mother took it out of his
coat pocket when he was not around,
and placed It in a glove bpx and left it
secreted until she gave it to Sheriff
Col lis. Paul had frequently threat
ened to shoot us if we betrayed our
"The awful secret weighted me down
and I could not keep my mind from con
stantly telling me that Paul had killed
my brother. All the love I had for Paul
was killed bv the tragedy. I have never
said I would drag him to the gallows.,
but I must perform my duty, and I
want him prosecuted and punished for
this awful crime.
"Upon the advice of physicians, my
mother and I went to New York so that
my mother could procure special treat
ment for nervousness. Paul sought us
out there and made damaging admis
sions to both my mother and myself..
"The secret, weighed upon me so ter
ribly that I became depressed and so
licited advice from a New York attor
ney. The attorney strongly advised
that I return tq Portsmouth apd conr
suit the authorities. We did so arid you
know the rest I oannot talk any more
about this case, in faot the authorities
do not wish me to talk about the case
any more and I am determined not to do
so; but you may rest assured that Paul
Roy firmly intended killing all of us on
the night that George was shot though
fortunately ior the rest of us his anger
cooled before he executed hla purpose
and he could not afterward muster up
courage to do so."
(United Preps Leeeed Wire.)
Washington, D. C, Feb. 29. e
e It waa announced today at th. '
navy department that the navy e
e has how secured, with the excep- )
e tion 0M6O, the enlistment of all
e of the 89,000 men to whom it la e
entitled by law. Thts js an
oeptlonal record for the bureau 4
e Of Commander William R, Shoe-
e maker, who has .charge of th.. e)
e - enlistments for the navy. ; e
Navy, Knocking Artist
Caught Between Cross
fire of Criticism Finds Pa
tience Needs an Armor
Belt '
Proposes to Return to Wash
ington and Tell What a
Tin-Tubby Affair a Uni
ted States Battleship Re
ally Is.
(Hearst News by Longest Leased Wire.)
Callao, Feb. 29 Correspondent Reu
terdahl, who left the fleet here, will
go to San Diego on a supply ship and
thence to Washington to make reply to
those who criticised his criticisms. Reu
terdahl declared the navy was ineffi
cient badly managed, and far below the
standard the people of the United States
believed It bad attained. He said he
had seen four target practices of the
United States navy and does not cars
to go. to Magdalena bay, but will return
to the firing line at Washington to meet
and answer his critics.
This morning the fleet sailed after
Its stay in Callao ana Uma, The hos
pitality extended to the sailors In Callao
and Lima rivalled that vouchsafed In
Bio - ae Janeiro.
Admiral Evans, It is reported, Is still
111 but his physicians say he is in no
Immediate danger. Rheumatism, with
out complications, la his affliction and
th. . grizzled veteran of two wars Is
hardly able to be around. Th. admiral
suffers excruciating pains. This even
ing aboard thai admiral s flagship, the
Connecticut, Ji. -ald to th. correspond
ents:. - - , .
"You may tell th. people of th.
United States that the fleet will arrive
in Magdalena bay on. day ahead of its
schedule time and 100 Per cent greater
in its .ff Idienoy - than when it left
Hampton Roads. It la ready to follow
orders at on. hour's notice. : Th. trip
around th. oontin.nt has been no more
difficult than the navigation of . Hell
Qate. Our men hay. turned the trick
without a halt, aa was to have been
expected. We will cut out the target
oractlc. within thre. weeks after our
arrival in Magdalena bay and do the
flower parade up the. coast without
springing an engine or crippling a
Washina-ton. Feb. 19 No nna onn.
nected with the navy denartment would
admit any reason for th. retirement of
Henry K.uterdam . with the American
battleship fleet under th. command of
Rear Admiral Evans, while the- fleet
was at Callao. Secretary Metealf de
clared that he had no knowledge that
he bad left the fleet. All that be knew
about th. matter, he said, waa what he
naa ma in the newspapers.
Washina-ton. Fab. 29 T!nnati.l rUnoral
A. V. Oottschalk, at Mexico City, has
written to the state department infor
mation confirming the recent story that
Mexico proposes to build a monumental
city of Joy and honor to the sailors of
Rear Admiral EvaneJ fleet at Magdal
ena bay. In hla report Mr. Oottschalk
points- out that when Mexico makes
(Continued on Page Fifteen.)
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Chicago, Feb. t. Threats of death
against Rev. Provoska Neuitl of the
Bohemian Benedlotlne fathers, by mem
bers of the "Blaok Hand" society, fol
lowing closely upon the heels of the
antl-ol.rical raoyem.nt and - th. threat
againsi in. lives or several Chicago
priests caused th. priest today to aeek
the protection of tne polioe. '
The threatening letter, demanding
11,000, was received by the priest two
days ago and after a consultation With
a number of prlesta and hie attorney
fCsitsd Prase Leased Wire.)
Albuauerque, , N. M., Feb. 1 9. Pal
Garrett, the man who killed "Bljly the
Kid" in pistol duel at S3- Paso several
yearn ago,1 and' who ha a testation all
over the 'west tor hia ability to ahoot
atratht,5wae;a.ho'- and killed today at
t Cfucea In a gun fight.
Garrett was a close personal friend
of President Roosevelt-and. once held a
Paso," lntrnal avenue oolleotor at
At EI Pass" riA laawhau in Texas
Pat Garrett Wa celebrated as a-dare-Aevll
who .exemplified! , the California ,
iuihhiiiiiw 1 jjntm j,wiiMiiij.iiiji!in''vw."yyriw
si - ' "
t '
Ben Seillns, Elected Permanent
Chairman. "
Thomas Alva Edison Will
Be Able to Leave Hospital
(United Press Leased Wtre.l
New Tor. Feb. S9. With the fever
wlilch it was feared would bring on
complications entirely tone. Thomas
Aiva poison, ut inventor. la tonight
well on th. way to recovery. It la ex
pected that the electrical wisard will
be able to leave the hospital In a few
day a." - ', .- ,
' (United Prees Leased Wire.) .
.Fort Worth,, Tex . Feb. 29. Police
here claim Fort Worth hdlds the ' nerv
iest burglar in the world. H. paid, a
visit tonight to the 'horn, of Mr. and
Mrs. L. F. Nice and in a display .of
pure , gall scared Mrs. Nice into hys
terica. Without even taking the, troubl. to
take off his shoes, the thief, on gaining
admittance to their bedroom, laid down
upon th. bed beside Mrs. Nice as he
felt under he"r pillow for money Or
Jewels. Evidently' the rascal believed
that she might imagine the figure on
the bed was her husband, Ntes wok.
however, and h entertained no such de
lusion. He, grabbed the intruder and
this awakened Mrs. Nice. She at once
began screaming and Nice forgot th.
burglar in attending to her. A pocket
book containing 9300 "was under the
pillow but in his hurried departure the
iniei missaa u. ,
' (United Press Leeeed' Wire.) -
New York. Feb. 29. Suffering from a
slight attack, or tne grip, i nomas For
tune Ryan is confined to his home to
nirht. Tho financier, however, ex
pects to be able to get outdoors within
a lew aays.
he decided to place the matter In, th.
nanas or in. ponce, rne --leticr was
turned over to Lieutenant O'Hara of tlis
pollc. department, - -i
Father Neusil received two threat
ening letters.
"I was bothered a great deal during
th. services Sunday," said the priest,
"by receiving the most threatening loi
ters. All of them contained demands
for money. I burned them up after I
read them and took no stepa to try to
learn the Identity of the writers, I am
inclined to agree with the pollc. that
the author is a member of the Black
Hand society "
creed he could "look every " .man
straight in th. aye and4U. him to go
te h More than-one "bad man' sof
the southwest rgot the- drop" on Pat,
who had a way of challenging hia man
to snoot, tnen caimiy .taking hia enemy's
weapon away and beating him- with it.
. "Billy the Kid." a Mexican hBlfhr.i,l
desperado, who terrorised the southwest
for years, boldly entered El ,paso one
nlgbt and was a guest at The home of
his sweetheart when Uarrett heard of
nia wnereaoouts. - oarrett forced his
way mt -m. aesperaao's room,-pistols
In hand, and in the duel "T?m hl
bltxth. dust whlcb is stating it a la
Texas, , - '- -
Ill TO
Republicans Turri ;Dov
Beach's Plank Denouncir.
People's Right to Rule.
Th. wheels of th. Hodson-Ee
Bailey machine were blocked yester
afternoon in Selllng-Hlrsch hall w!
the Republican county .mass , cbnw
tlon turned down the machine progra;
refused to elect Its' slated 'candidate f
chairman, . FrankvF.?.Ftreeman,'put I
Selling, a Statement No. man, In t
presiding - place- by " a ' uhanlmoue v
and .repudiated-S.. C BeaChirplank
the platform attacking Statement :.
substituting therefore a recommen,
tlon -for -a Republican rt voters' choi
pledge. ':. t ,.
Incidentally 'the Hodson comb!nn!
tipped Its hand on the aenatorial ka
confirming the stories printed In '
J9urnai of a plot in .course of Uv ,
tlon -to, overthrow the primary law" u
take the senatorial elections back t, -the
floor of the legislature undor r
old-time conditions. This came dm r
th. course of Senator Hodson's li; -,
sioned argument against Statement .
1 .when in answer to a question put 1.
by A, W. Orton he declared that Blur
be be ejected to the ' legislature ;
brought face to face with ; the pro
sitlon Of voting for a Democratic in.
M. 3.;; Griff in? Retired From C!
After s ni-AdTised . Attack" tn l
lnee for United States senator he v
vote for "soma good man who w.
good Republican, but he had, no
who' It would be. It would not n
aarily te the choice Of the Repubi
voters.ot the state,:'. he said. .
' ' reaoe iteasnre Adopted. '
To make the. sting the. more In"
It remained for a former Demote -man
who had. labored in the eia
Washington to elect G rover Clev
in 1892, and Who was a Palmar
Buckner elector In 1S96, to, evol v a
compromise plank upon which the
vention could fl6at out into clear v
away from the howling winds-of ,
tory which bad been raised by f
Beach's attack on Statement No. 1.
The convention brought , back
times from the first tap of the
through the election of M. G. Grlfj iu
temporary chairman,-his retiremonc
cause of hie ill advised attack on ,
primary law in his address to th)
vention, the ovation given Ben Jei
when he was proposed for perni.n
chairman and the, consequent Icn ,
tended wrangle over the adopt.,-.
the platform. Oratory (Of the til l ;
food, old-fashioned v whoop-".-
spreaa-eagie addresses -abound i
out of It all the convention
smiling gamIJi.Jut..,.uUarlnrf
its breath,,, -;,...-',
-Neither, side 'sot what ; ft -vunt .
for. -e-'i M. Idleman and the cr
committee wera forced . tn .!. v s
plank -Inthe--latform,nrecon)i
a Republican voter's choice ui. ,
legislative candidate. nil t., ,
sorNBallejr-Beach 1 machine was f
off from the wide -nn ri,
which it wa steering, us plans i .,.
and th. combination later bomui i
pledging1 recommendation at n.
vention. ' Altogether it was uns
tory. .; .,-,. t, .
Belling Mominated Ovsr rre:i
George - W. StaDleton
convention while tho predentin U .
mtttee finished its report at t' -Ine.of
the afternoon session, lit ,
tended that the primary law
party power to hod conventiot i;
Suggest t tickets for the coiihi i,
of the voters of the party. - in.
that next yearjthls pln would
riea oui. ran MUimeton t.i..
little additional diversion by t r
icvuBing w. m uaivani or si'-:..
proxies or Ueorge u linker u
H.C Yenney and then the work o.
manent erganlsation was taken v
lowing the. report Of. the er i
committee. Vt -.: t :s f:-
: the committee Oh permflnnnt c
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