THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, " PORTLAND, MONDAY JEVENlNO,":- FEBRUARY 24, 1008. N Ittvn Topics f , TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS. Helllg Paderewskl Marquam "Tha New Dominion" Baker "araustarg K Kmnlri "A Rattle for Life' . urana , vnuoevim 1 Lyric "CamlHe" Btar "Adrift In the World" , The recent agitation for replacing the Madiaon atreet bridge and fleata plana ,wllj bo tha principal j top lea of dlscus alon at the' United East Bide clubs to morrow evenlna-. Tha action of the count jr court In taking atapa to strength en tha vioiinn fctrupture haa awakened the" southeastern cluba to tha fact that the Madiaon bridge la no longer saie. Tha wove made laat week by the East Side Bualneaa Men'a club In offering an award for tha moat artlatlo arch to be erected by an eaat aide improvement , aeeoclatlon haa put a atlmulua on the plana for beautifying the eaat aide dur In tha roae carnival. Speakers 'or the united oluba meeting tomorrow night are announced as Mayor Lane. Governor " Chamberlain and varloua membera or the executive board. The Alumni association of the Monta vllla achool will hold lta flrat regular meeting at the achoolhouae thla evening. A ahort program will be given, af ter which refreshments will be served and a general good time enjoyed by all present. The association la plan ning for a number of Intereating eventa during the year, and It la deal red that aU graduatea of the Monta villa achool be present to assist In making plana for future eventa. The following of ficers were elected last June: Presi dent, E. O. Kling; vice-president. Kmlly Johnaon; aecretary. Minnie But ler; treasurer, Nora Iambert; program committee, Ada Rider. A meeting of the Sell wood board of trade will take place thla evening In Btrahlman's hall Eaat Thirteenth street and Spokane' avenue. The sewer ques tion will be the main subject for con sideration, and It la contemplated that some definite action will be taken to night. All property ownera In Sellwood are respectively asked to oe present Should the plana proposed by City En- f lneer Taylor be adopted, which provide or two systems, one to be drained Into a septic tank and the otner into me river, believed by the engineer to be the only practicable method, It will mean an expense to the property ownera of near ly $75,000. Mrs. Allle Roblncon. wife of W. W. Robinson, died last night at 6:30 p. m. " of pneumonia. Her illness whs very Drier, having taken to ner reu oaiuraay morning with what was believed then to be only a severe cold. Mrs. Robinson was the daughter of Mrs. Eliza Loeb. of this city. She leaves three sisters and a brother, as follows: Dr. Sanford Loeb, Mrs. N. O. Kaufman, Helllngham, Washington; Mra. L. L. Blumenthal, TonopHh, Nevada, and Miss Rebecca Loeb of Portland. Mrs. Robinson leaves a wide circle of friends who will deeply mourn her loss. Ing. The meeting habeea widely ad vertised and It la expected thai one or the biggest meetings ever held by tn organisation will t the result, lh meeting will take place In the new f lr men'f hall on Alblna avenue, near KJ1 lings worth avenue. " The Eoworth league tI Portland churcheg will meet at the . Bunnyald Methodlet church tonight at t o'clock for the purpoae of organising an aaao clatlon that will have for lta .object : the distribution of flowera to the sick in the homes and hospitals of Portland during the days of .the roae carnival next Juno. The Idea waa flrat sug gested by the 8unnyalde Epworth league and a call for thla meeting Immediately tuned. Tonlarht clana will be formu- latA tnr a. avatamatla collection, ana dlatributlon of the flowera A wood wagon and a Jeffersonstreet car collided at Fifth and Alder atreeta hi. munin. with no other result than to smash in one of the windows In the front vestibule. The vehicles came to- a Hiiaah si m ? ether in ine rog. ana mt ailing glass attracted a large crowd of men, women and boys on their way to work. No one waa Injured. At the annual meeting of the Swlaa Aid society, now having enrelled In lta membership more than 280 members. the following orncers were ei;iou. President, C. Blrcher; vice-president, Peter Moor; aecretary, A. C. Bigger; treaaurer, Ad Vullleumler; trustees, JJl rlch Michel, Peter Roth and Charles Ur fer. A large number of girls enjoyed an unusually good program at the T. 'W. C. A. on Sunday afternoon. Those who took part were Miss Bablne Dent, Miss Hasel Babbldge, Mlaa Wllberta Bab bldge and Mra. 8. N. Btoner. An Inter esting talk was given by E. B. J. Mc Allister .. At the meeting of the Wlnslow Meade circle No. 7. Ladles of the O. A. R.. tomorrow night, there will be a roll call of members, who are expected to re spond with a brief talk or anecdote con cerning wasmngion. AH-day meeting of the Oregon Holl- neaa aaaoclatlon Tuesday, February 26. at Trinity M. E. church, East Tenth and Grant atreets. Evening service will be a farewell to Rev. Lewia I. Hadley. Two candldatea are taking the city civil service examination for cement testera today. Secretary Mcintosh of the commission Is conducting the test. Stationery store a. I4 Mo-ieon atreet, near Third atreet, with a full line of stationery and blank books. Davis & Kllburn. Phone A-ltll. O. M. Scott, chairman of the library committee appointed by the East Side Improvement association, has called a meeting of the committee for this even ing to be held In the quarters of the East Side club. Hotel Sargent. Haw thorne and Grand avenues. It Is be lieved now that the remainder of the aum required to pay for the building recently occupied at East itloventh and East Alder streets caii now be'raised, as the recent financial unpleasantness has blown over and there Is more money In eight again. About fl.500 la yet to be pledged. An especially attractive aeries of talks will be given at the Toung Women's Christian association for four consecutive Wednesday noons, begin ning- February 26. The talks are 15 minutes long, from 12.35 to 12:60, and are called the "Why I Believe Series." Pr. Benjamin Tount of the Taylor Btreet Methodist Episcopal church, a most forceful speaker, will give the se ries, which Is already attracting much attention from the business women. Open to all women. Wednesday noon the topic is "Why I Believe in God." Steamer Jesae Harklna. for Camaa, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington atreet dock at p. m. Acme OH Co. sell safety coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone East 789; B-1007. San Francisco, Coos bay steamer tlcketa. Frank Bollam. agt. 128 Ird at. Woman's Exchange, 112 Tenth street, lunch 11:30 to 2; business men's lunch. Notice. Title and bought. Conn Bros., 180 Oregon First street. accounts W. A. Wise and associates, painless dentists. Third and Washington. Highest cash for Title Guarantee. Goddard, 110 Second. ( Dr. A. F. Knoder, dentist, removed to 828 Corbett building. Berger, signs, show carda. JM Tamhni. D. Chambers, optician, 129 Seventh. Journal want Ada. lo a word. Articles found on the streetcars Feb ruary 21, 22 and 23: Three suitcases, oni stove back, one srhool book, two handbags, four purses. 12 umbrellas, one pair eye-glasses, two lunch boxes, one sack bread, two nair gloves, one lsdles' hood, one blow pot, one clork, one fur collar, two overcoats. . one finger ring, one basket, one Jumper, two rolls paper, one box cigars, one key. one music stand, one Elks' visiting card, one glove, beads, one sample case. Call at the lost articles room of the O. W. P. rail road station, corner First and Alder. D. A. Pattulo and John Bain of the Municipal association, occupied the pul- ?lt of theGrace Methodist church yes erday morning. "Christian Fellow ship" was the subject upon which both men spoke. The proposed amendment to the constitution which provides for home rule of the cities was pointed out by the speakers to be a proposal made by me liquor aeaicr s association 10 ne feat the objects of the local option measure. Mr. Bain said the measure waa a dangerous one and should be re jected by the voters. Rev. Lewis I. Hadley, who has been side for the past two years, closed his work there yesterday. Mr. Maaiey goes to Los Angeles, where he will accept a chair In the Pacific Bible college, and also fill the pulpit of Whlttler church. During Mr. Hadley's pastorate the work of the church has greatly Increased and enlarged. Kev. Li. w ells or Berkeley. California, succeeds Rev. Ml". Hadley. The former win not arrive until July. Rev. Marlon George will flu the pulpit In the meanwhile. "The Bible, What It Is, and How to TTse It," by Evangelist Allen Wilson, First Christian church. Park and Colum bia, tonight A discussion of Statement No. 1 and the other features of the direct primary law also the initiative and referendum haa been made the special order of business of the meeting of the North Al blna Improvement association this even- Cymru, Cymro a' Chymraeg. SELECT PLANS FOE NEW WATER OFFICE At its next meeting, March 12, the water board will select plans for the proposed two-story brick building at the corner or Kant Heventh and East Alder streets, which Is to become the east side orrice of the city water depart ment. The construction of this build ing has not been officially authorised, but It is understood that the water board will take auch action at the March 12 meeting. The water board acquired a 601100 foot lot at East Alder and East Seventh streets about one year ago, with the un derstanding that a suitable building would be put up on It to become the permanent east aide headquarters of the water department. COAL BUBBLE puNcr 1MB Newspaper Yarif" About Great Boon to the People at $7.00 Per Ton a Hoax 100 Tons of the Same Grade of Coal Can Be Had Here at $5.00 Per Ton Ajcmxaczsm. An evening paperpublished in Portland and not on Fifth street, haseen using considerable of its "valuable space?" and the combined gray matter of the editorial and reportorial staff to foster upon the public an article termed as coal for the seemingly attractive price of $7.00 per ton. We have on hand 100 tons of coal, same grade as that advertised in the paper referred to, at $5.00 per ton, in lots of one ton or more. When a newspaper enters into the coal business it should use display advertising the same as it sells to dealers and no take an unfair advantage by running its ads in the form of news articles and editorials. As an incentive to stimulate business we would suggest that the manager of the coal company in the S wetland building and the evening paper in question agree to furnish the necessary amount of draft with each ton of coal, otherwise you will meet with the same amount of success as though you tried to burn a lot of garbage in the furnace, and you would get about the same amount of heat. Good goods are always the cheapest. BUY ROCK SPRINGS COAL It Is the cheapest on the market. THGATRU I4ta aa Waabiagtoa Tjate JBTealnrtaj a'cioek. DEILIG ' This XVf PADEREWSCil Carrlagea at la o'clock. - Marquam Qrand Portland's Famoua Theatre Main I Xmsl CLAY CISKBsTT COWVAjTT. Tonight and Tuesday Night. "TllB NEW DOMINION." , Wednesday and Thursday. , .'. "THIS HELLS." .' ' Friday and Saturday, ' "LONDON ASSURANCE.' Eve.. 25c, 60c, 76o, $1; mat. 26c. 60c, fie. week of March 1, faul Oil more. BAKER THEATRE Phones Main I A-6JS0 GEO. I BAKER, Gen. Manager. , All this Week The Baker Stock Co. In "OBAVSTABaT " ' Dramatised from the popular novel bjr George Barr McOutch eon. -First time in Portland. A beautiful production; agumented cast; elaborate costumes and acenery. Evening prices 1 lie, 86c, 60c; matlneea, 16c, 26c; matt nee Saturday. . Heat Week "Zasa." EMPIRE Theatre MILTON W. SEAMAN, Manager. Tonight, All Week. Matinees Wedae. day and laturdajr. Miss Ethel Tucker In the Thrilling Melodrama, "TKB 1ATTLB Or 171." ' -A tain of California In the day of gold, a man's false love and a woman's ' vengeance. ' Night prices 16c, 25c, 26c, B0e; mat inees, lOr, 20r. Heat Week "sTo Mother so Onlde Xe. , TOE GRAND Vaudeville de Luxe Time and prices remain the sara. v Tor the Bntlre Week of Tebraarr 14. UILHOV. MAYNE8 & MONTGOMERY, In Their Nautical Burletta, Entitled HTXB GOOD BKir sTAJTCT T.Trm," RAMZA AND ARNO, ' Oreat Comedy Acrobatic Act. ;' . And a Host of Other Big Ones. THE STAR h0Mt LIBERTY Main 1662 COAL & ICE COMPANY 312 PINE STREET A 3136 Skating: in the Moonlight. Moonlight skating, that pretty effect that pleased thousands under similar circumstances during the last summer again inaugurated at the Oaks rink for all this week. Admission free to ladles afternoon and evening. Now Is the tlmo and the Oaks the place to learn to skate. Music every afternoon and eve ning. Instructions free to beginners Cars direct to Oaks rink every 10 minutes. NEED OF J PARK SUPE UTEU T rark Board Declares It Is Time City Properties Were Beautified. You can get along without Ivory Soap; of course you can. But why should you? . It is one of the things that help to make life easier and pleasanter. Its cost is trifling, and its uses are so varied that it has a place of honor in.the homes of pillions. Bath toilet fine i laundry. Ivory Soap 99 M Per Gent. Pure. PADEREWSKI PROGRAM TONIGHT AT HEILIG The following program will be given by the world's greatest pianist, Pader ewskl. at the Heillg theatre, Fourteenth and Washington streets, this evening at 8:15 o'clock: Variations and Fugue, Op. 23. (first time) Paderewskl Sonata, Op. 2T, No. 1, E-flat. .Beethoven (a) "Auf dem Wasser zu Slngen".. (b) "Soiree de Vienne," A major (c) "Brlking" SchUbert-LUit (a) Nocturne. F-sharp major. Op. 16 (b) Etudes Nos. 10 and 6, Op. 10... (c) Sherzo, B-flat minor Chopin Chant d'Amour Stojowskt Rhapsodic Hongrolse, No. 13 Liszt FIFTY-THREE MILK STONES FOR BOURNE Senator Jonathan Bourne celebrated, his fifty-third birthday. Mr. Bourne was born February 23, 1866, at New Bedford, Massachusetts. He attended Harvard and finished his Junior year. After a trip around the world he settled in Fortland, May. 1878. and read law. and was admitted to the Oregon bar In 1881. tie next became Interested In mines, was a member of the Oregon les lslature, waa a delegate to the Repub lican national convention, and waa elect ed to the "Jnlted States senate to suc ceed Fred W. Mulkey, March 4, 1907. PIANIST GIVES TO BUILDING FUND A committee of Polish citizens called on Mr. Paderewskl at his private, car yesterday and were entertained by the pianist and his wife who gave a sub stantial contribution toward building the Polish Catholic church in this city. At the regular meeting of .the parish a card of thanks was voted to Mr. and Mrs. Paderewskl, wishing them success on their Journy. TRACTIOi MAN WILL HELP EUGENE GROW Eugene, Or., Feb. 24. J. O. Storey of Portland, president of the Portland, Eu gene & Eastern Railway company, which operates the electric street rail way line in Eugene and the Une .teing built from this city to Sprlngfteid and on up the McKenzle valley, has Jtisf purchased a 381-acre tract adjoining Eu geaie on the southwest and will build there, probably during the coming sum mer, the finest residence in this pnrt oT the state. He will divide a portion of' the tract into lots or acreage tracts end place them on the market. Mr. Storev announces that the streetcar line may be extended to the tract during the present year. To the Editor of The Journal It Is due to the people of I'ortiana ana to the park board as well that some state ment be made of the board s position with reference to the management of the parks of the city. In the view of the board the time haa come for a change in the city's park policy. Heretofore, for some years at least, the attention of the board has chiefly been given to the preservation and improvement of the parks already made. City park receiving ane gienioi r.Ui.t r.t tHa no r niiH pvoense. This nar rower conception of the province of the park board Is fittingly expressed in the name given, by the city charter to the one executive officer provided for tne parks, that of park keeper. Purk keep ing la at present the chief business of the board and its employes. But the time has come when the al ready great enlargement and compart ing of the city and Its continued rapid growth call for a larger view of th etty's park interests. It Is lime that park-keeping and park-extension not less than park-keeping should occupy the thought and attention of the board. We do not need to wait until funds are available from a bond Issue for the pur chase of new parks and boulevards be-hoe-in Vi njnrU The oppor tunity and demand for It are already here. The city now has numerous and val uable properties. In most cases wholly unimproved, ready to be made Into parks. On the west side there Is the Macleay park of 76 acres lying north of cltv park; Pennoyer park of five acres lying on the heights south of the city; and Fulton park of 30 acres on the Sla vln road. On the east side on the ex- trama nnrthnrn hordftr of the citV Is Co lumbia park, a tract of 30 acres of woodland and meadow; the Alblna park at the corner of Beech and Mallory, u double block with a clump of large firs on the north end; Holladay Park in Hol laday addition of four blocks undivided, covered with a second growth of fir. Be sides these, there are other smaller pieces on both sides of the Willamette which have come to the city by-dedica tion, gift or purchase. Here are widely scattered properties, valuable and favor ably located; waiting to be made Into parks which shall not only be Individ ually attractive and beautiful, orna ments to their several neighborhoods, but which shall form an organic part Of the park: system of the whole city. Then, too. even if bonds for carrying out the Olmstead System should not become available for several years, the city Is stlU not without means of 'mak ing progress In the working out of this system. The charter provides for an i annual levy wnicn at tne present as sessed valuation would. If granted to the full by the council, amount to J100.000. This will Increase with the Increase of the city's wealth. Judiciously expended, this annual aDDronriatlon. in addition to caring lor tne present parks and for the gradual improvement of others, would enable the board now and then to pur chase a desirable piece of land, such for example as the proposed park on the DRUMMER RAINS CURSES ON HEAD OF WORLD'S GREATEST PIANIST The traveling man had remained up late Saturday night Naturally, and as usual, he slept late Sunday morning. It Is one of the privileges of the road to sleep late, some mornings. At home the traveler has children. But when the old man Is at home the youngsters have been taught to be aulet on Sunday morning. There is no prac ticing on tne piano, no romping or laughter until the old man gets up. When he awoke In his room on the second floor of the Hotel Portland yes terday morning the traveling man knew It was Sunday. If he had been asleep a hundred years he felt that he could have told that It was Sunday owing to that certain stillness, that peculiar something which is in the atmosphere, everywhere, on a Sunday morning. And as Is usual on a Sunday, some one could be heard practicing on a piano not far away. 1 The pianist run the minor scales. He ran up and down the keys of the piano time and again with a certain monotone that grated on the nerves of the trav eler. "Why In the world do people living In hotels allow their children to practice on Sunday morning when some people wish to sleep?" mused the drummer. Then the salesman turned over and tried to go back to slumberland. But It was of no use. The person practicing was persever ing. Notes came from the piano faster than rain dripping from a leaking roof. At times the instrument fairly hummed It almost seemed to speak. Some one was evidently having a good time. The traveler got up and dressed. All the time he was thinking 111 thoughts of that child who had interferred with his Sunday sleep. Before he left his room he made a discovery It was Paderwskl who had been practicing. riverfront at Sellwood, to add to the general system; or to open up some shorter branch of the system of park ways such as would make existing outlylnK parks more easily accessible, as, for example, the opening of a way through or around Macleay park or rrom Tie head of the park blocks to the Pen noyer nark on the helehts. All this calls, In the estimation of the board, for skilled superintendence, for a superintendent not only of thorou preparatory training; in the various sc jerts required for his office, but of a wide experience in park work, sup plemented by actual observation of the great parks and park systems of this country and of Europe; for a man hav lng actual, If not a real genius for parks, at least a strong feeling for park improvement ana park development. Such a man. sooner or later. Portland must have If Its park system is to keep pace with the city s growth in other re spects, if that system Is to be a worthy expression or tne city s taste ana lib erallty and of this generation's fore thought for the next. The park board thinks that the time for such a man is already here, and for this reason has asked the council to make the necessary appropriation ror nis compensation. ION LEWIS, DR. DAVID RAFFERTT. I. LANO. J. R. WILSON, HARRY LANE, Chairman, Itching, torturing skin eruptions, dls figure, annoy, drive one wild. Doan's Ointment brings quick relief and last ing cures. Fifty cents at any drug store. IF VOU PAY MORE Than we charge for repairing you PAY TOO MUCH. If you PAY LESS you don't get your work done right We do our watch, clock and Jewelry repair ing as well as It can be done and our prices are very low. Try us. GOODMAN'S Tiwsuw, an MOSBuoxr. F. W. Baltes and Company invite your inquiries for PRINTING Phones Main 165 Home A 116ft First and Oak L AT THE THEATRES -4 The antiseptic qualities of Mexican Mustang Liniment slew, A-1494 Old, M. M For the entire week of February IS. THfe, R. K. FRENCH STOCK CO. - " Offers the Great Comedy Drama, . "ADBJPT IS TIB WOILO." In Four Acts First Time Ik Pnrtlend. I Matinees Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday ' and Saturday at - 30 p. m., prices lOo and 20c. Every evening at 8:15 sharp,' prlcea 16c, 25c and 2rc. Seats may be -reserved by either phone. LYRIC THBATRB Beth Proaesi Main 4685; Horn A-lOOf. Week commencing Monday, Feb. it. The Allen Stock Company Presents Dumas' Masterpiece, "CAULLB." Matinees Tuesday, Thursday, Satur day and Sunday. Prices 10c and' lOe. Every evening at 8:15. Prlcea 10a 20o and 30c. Boxes 50c. Office open 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Motion Picture Theatres WB RENT LATEST FEATURE! FILMS) 1,000 feet Reela, Including Song Slldeev $5.60 to $7.50 Weekly Newman Motion Picture Co. 293 Burnslde St.. near Fifth. ' NICKELODION 130 Sixth PAST X Gabriel GrnI: Home lor Holidays PiJtT ZZ Dear Boys: Home for Holidays East Side Nickelodion 143 Qrand Avenue Excursion to Moon. Arrival at Moon insure lta being the best tor use in all cases of Burns, Scalds, Cuts and all Open Sores. It expels aU dangerous and foreign matter be fore beginning to heal the wound. Inflamma tion is kept down and the injured parts rendered painless. It soothes and relieves promptly and positively. Insist on getting what you ask for substitutes disappoint. Moonlight Skating Admission Tree to Ziadlea TONIGHT And All This Week. OAKS RIWK OAuroxurxA botbul Por isle by all Drnggiata jjc., 50c. aad $i. per bottl. "Graustark" at the Baker. Miss Izetta Jewel- as the roval Prin cess Yetlve of the European principal ity oi uraustara, Konert unmans ,-md Donald Bowles as the two adventur 1' 1. JAV GENUINE ROCK SPRINGS COAL 80&B AOBWTS. INDEPENDENT COAL AND ICE CO. 363 BTAJtK BTBEBT. Opposite City Library. Both Phones. Ion." This southern story will be re peated tonight ana tomorrow. Wednes day and Thursday nights the play will be "The Bells," made famous by Sir Henry Irving, and Friday and Saturday nights, with a matinee Saturday, "Lon don ABsmanre" will be given. Seats for all week are on sale at the Marquam box orrice. wzxr nr max nuurozsoo btov at HOTEL NAVERRE 44 Sd St, Cor. Stersnson, Beex . Market. Rooms single and en suite with or without baths. Prices. $1.00 a dav up. Telephone, hot and cold watery elevator aervlce all night Mrs. H. Hyer, Prop. (Formerly Geary and .Mason Bta) Empire Matinee Wednesday. Miss Ethel Tucker, the star of "The Battle of Life company, which Is ap pearing at the Kmplre all this week Is an actress of much power and abil ity and In the emotional role of the Mexican Klrl. Dolores, has a Dart well suited to her clever ability. "The , Bat tle of Life" Is a melodrama founded on the Brete Hart tales of early llfo In California during the days of the great gold' fever. There will be mat inees Wednesday and Saturday. ous Americans, and all the other mem bera of the Baker Stock company in clever roles are giving a splendid pro duction 'of George Barr McCutcheon's "Graustark" this week at the BaJier. AU this week, matinee Saturday. "The New Dominion." , Clay Clement returned to Portland yesterday, appearing at the Marquam in I New Vaudeville Today. Today the Grand opens a new vaude ville program, headed by that amusing trio Ullroy, Haynes and Montgomery, In the nautical musical comedy "The Good Ship Nancy Lee." This Is the headline act. which Is supported by many others, such aa Raima and Arno, the special added attraction, who come from Europe wltn an original novelty. Donnelly and Rotall have bits from grand and comic opera. "Adrift in the World." Something new In melodrama has beon found at last in "Adrift in the World." the latest attraction at the Star theatre. The French stock com pany presented "Adrift in the World" yesterday for the first time In this section of the country and the drama met with instant favor from the two large audiences. Verna Felton aa ,4Camille.f Portland will have an opportunity to see the --oungest "Camllle" who haa ever appeared on the American stage tonight, and indications point to a tre mendous successjboth for Miss Felton and the entire Alien stock company. For a long time she haa been ambitious to play the part, and the raanaaement diamond Roof Stains A&X. SXASB8 MADE FROM CREOSOTU 5 Gal. Lots 75c Per QIe Portland Sash & Door Co. 330 FKOZTT ST. TCBTUaH, OB. Schwab Printing Co BEST WORK. ItAtOrtJtlB rTC 347 STAR.K STREXTj Mattresses and Upholstering Made Over and Made to Order. Carpels Sewed and Laid. Phone Mala IJ74, MASSBT HABSET. 809 Tonrth Street has spared nothing to give her every accessory to make a hit ,. TO CtTRS A COLO XS 01TX SAT 'V -k Take LAX ATI VB BROUO Quinine , Tablets. Druegtat rrfune money If ft falls 4o eore. B. W. aaOVX'S signature 1 aa eah beav 39o Webloot Oil Blaclticrf Makes Shoes Waterproof Preserves leather Wot a Bhine At all Sealers. ONLY THE BEST IN LITE ANIX : -ACCIDINT INSURANCE C JBL WTST03T i 80S Well Targe Bid. to szxna. ri"r' AFTER THE SHOW OR ANT TIME DURING THE DAT Visit Little Hungary V Somethtaf Xfew-A Beolnded Xetreat. Jtow xxa ras.v -AUSTRO-HUNGARY RESTAURANT 847 Taylor Bt, Bet Saeoad and Third. The Best Place la Town to k.nt t Nominal Price. v. TIT VI fOOAX r a m "TOUR i-UNCif rminv now I. A I AT KBUSB'S BXSTAVn e Lunch Vaily u i . IMiner S:S0 to s Dally. 85c: Sunday o . 3(3 Morrison Street, jtor ..-.r fiu. -j ; v: .'i ,. Ij- 7,;i,T. ' ., y-S;S .-T . :u?::2-?'--:.'(:-'- I H '? ' '' "' . . s. V .--.,"'T "i