The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 24, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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; ' ...
Powder Stolen From Con
struction Camp Cash
Tills Broken Open in Two
Saloons Money and Jew
els Stolen.
Poor tfotlier-in-Law Also Held Up to Scorn in Divorce
Proceedings Wife Accuses Spouse of At
tempting to Disfigure Her Face,
The theft of a Urge quantity of
giant powder from a camp of the
Warren Construction company on the
Barnes road la being made a matter of
peclal and particular Investigation by
the police department. It la hoped
that the thieves may be caught or the
explosive recovered and thus forestall
any contemplated train robbery or aafe
cracking operation that may hare been
the Incentive of the persons responsible
lor the theft
The theft was committed some time
Saturday night, the thieves breaking
open a cabin where the powder was
stored. All of the powder In the cabin
waa taken, investigation mini uy in
police discloses nothing mat wouiu
serve to Indicate the Identity of the
thieve All officers In the city have
been Instructed to keep a sharp look-
- out for any trace of the robbers or the
explosive stolen by them.
Bxrrglars Bob a Saloon.
U E. Bailey, proprietor of the Badger
salooa, 274 Davis street, reports to the
police that burclars entered his place
of buslneas some time Saturday night
and stole several articles of jewelry
that had been left In the drawer of
the cash register. No money had been
left In the place. The only other arti
cles of value taken were two bottles
of whiskey. The thieves gained en
trance to the saloon by cutting off
- the padlock with which the front door
was secured. ...
The residence ef T. A. Baker. 110
Petrolt street, was visited by burglars
last Friday night during the temporary
Absence of the members of the family.
After forcing open one of the kitchen
window the burglars entered the house
nd ransacked every room on both
floors. When the members of the
family returned they found that the
bureau drawers In the bedrooms had
been emptied of their contents, clothes
closets had been searched and even the
beds had been upset In the search for
valuables. Several articles of small
value were taken, but nothing of any1
great value rewarded tho search of the
housebreakers. The burglary was re
ported to the police.
Emptied tho Caen. Drawer.
By prying off the lock of the frontl
door burglars effected an entrance to
the saloon of A. Anderlln, 96 Second
street, Saturday night. The cash
drawer behind the bar was forced open
and Its contents, about $10, were trans
ferred to the pockets of the thieves.
. The burglary waa not discovered until
noon yesterday when the proprietor
' visited the saloon for the purpose of
transacting some private business. The
matter was reported to the police, and
detectlvea have been detailed to make
an Investigation.
While Peter Mitchell, proprietor of a
. i saloon and restaurant at 29 North Sixth
- -.. street, was cleaning up his clace of
business early Saturday morning two
.. ; strangers walked in, opened the cash
register, grabbed what money it con
tafned and ran out of the place before
Mitchell could enter an errectual pro
. test In reporting the theft to the
' police Mitchell said the money drawer
;. contained 116.35 and the thieves got
an or it, Mitcneit was awe to give a
. fairly good description of the thieves
ana tne ponce are now conducting a
searcn ror tne men.
East Bids Burglars.
Burglars forced an entrance to the
grocery store of A. Brown. 81 Grand
.venue. Saturday night and stole sev-
, i oral pennies that had been left In the
cash drawer and a box of cigars.
A bottle of whiskey waa the only
" reward secured by burglars who en
tered the Tannhauser saloon. 421 Wash
ington street, Saturday night. The
thieves opened the cash register, but
found It empty. Entrance to the saloon
was effected by breaking the look of
me iron i ooor.
A set of stock and dies was stolen
from the residence of Oscar Boden. 275
Hawthorne avenue, by unknown thieves
last nirht. The theft was reported to
the police.
A. Jaynes reports to the police that
a number of tools used In, street con
struction have been stolen from the
basement of the building at Twe'nty
ixth and Weidler streets. The theft
was committed some time between
Saturday night and this morning.
(United Preai Leued Wire.)
Bremerton, Feb. 24. The sister
cruisers, Colorado and Pennsylvania,
: two of Uncle Sam's latest and most for
midable fighting machines of their
class, arrived at Bremerton yesterday
for an overhauling, and within a short
time the remaining eight vessels of the
war fleet which has been engaged In
target practice at Magdalena bay will
reach the navy yard. The Colorado Is
to be equipped with a new main gun
battery. She will also be provided with
new set of condenser tubes, the latest
fire control system and numerous other
smaller imirovementg. Repairs on the
Pennsylvania will not be so extensive.
That her " huahand threatened to
shoot her nose off. cut up her clothes
and otherwise disfigure her so she
would not be attractive to other men;
that he was a dreamer, and that he
had an icebox in his office where he
kept liquors, and that he was drunk a
great deal, are some of the charges
Het forth by Mrs. Hnttle .'. Carmack,
who Is suing Wlllar.l 1,. earmark for a
divorce and 10 a mrmth alimony, and
which case is belt.g heard hy Judge
Bronaugh In the rlrmlt court today.
Carmaolc Is connected with the Dia
mond Ice compnny. The couple were
married In 1905. Last August Mrs.
earmark filed the compUlm against her
In his croas-romnlalnt. Mr. Carmack
denies the charges, and says further
that his wife Is under the influence of
her mother, who professoa spiritualism
and clalrvoyancy, and that because of
ine interference of the mother-in-law he
had requested her to leave his home.
And as a result Mr. Carmack alleges
that the plaintiff's mother and her
daughter concocted the scheme to bring
suit for divorce.
Moth.r-ln-Law Bay Jlay.
Mrs. C. E. tjlbson, the mother-in-law
In question, was a witness this morn
ing and testified that she had heard
Carmack threaten to shoot the nose off
of her daughter. Mra. Gibson denied
that she was a clairvoyant, but ad
mitted that she had the gift of looking
Into the future.
"Can you look Into the future at any
time?" asked James Qleason, attorney
for the defendant, of the witness.
"Most any time," she replied.
"Well," said the attorney, "how Is
this case going to come out?"
"I answer not," said Mra. Gibson.
"But can't you give us an Idea as to
the outcome of your daughter's di
vorce?" Mr. Oleason asked her again.
"I answer not," waa the witness' re
ply. Mrs. Carmack, the plaintiff, was
called first this morning and related the
details of her marriage to Mr. Carmack
and of their relations during the sev
eral years of their married life. She
said that she had been married once
before and that her first husband had
obtained a divorce from her.
Bad Designs on Hose.
Mrs. Carmack said that while they
were living at Woodstock, a suburb,
ner nusuiwui i-nine iiuino niu,v..
and that on one occasion he threatened
to shoot her nose off and disfigure her
so ahe would not be attractive to other
men. She also told of another Incident
when the husband had drawn a re
volver and threatened, to kill her or
some one.
The plaintiff said her husband nad a
Mh thinner and that he called her all
sorts of disreputable names when he
became, aggravated. Once she met him
down town and he sneered at. the con
dition of her clothes, said her hair was
mussed anil accused her of having been
running around with men. She was al
ways afraid of her husband, she said,
when he was drinking.
Mra. Carmack said her husband was
a dreamer. He was Insanely Jealous of
her. she said, and hail tormented her to
such an extent that her health has been
Impaired and she has become exceeding
ly nervous. At niRht he used to awaken
suddenly and toll her of having had ter
rible dreams about her, of finding her
with other men and of having killed the
men to protect her.
Mrs. B. I Howe. Mrl. Carmack's
sister-in-law, and II. C. Carmack. the
defendant's father, were the other wit
nesses examined this morning.
The case will probably continue all of
Petitioners Submit Argu
ment Against More Jfoney
for University Arraign
High Salaried Educators'
Advanced Ideas.
(United press LesMd Wire.)
Salem, Feb. 24. Extravagance and
misrepresentations are charges against
the State university in argument
against the raising of the annual ap
propriation from $47,600 to $123,000,
filed with the secretary of state this
The following statement suggests
motives stronger than "extravagance":
The enrollment has Increased but 23
per cent, while Increased appropriations
of 100 per cent Is requested; that ta
bles submitted by alumni are "pre
tended" and false; that where the stu
dents at the university cost the state
$lt0 per year, the common schools re
ceive but $H per pupil. The argument
states "The university has shown bad
faith In pushing this bill: university
professors with large salaries have ex
travagant lueas."
Corvallis Feels Stimulus of
' Industry to Be Cen
tered There,
Corvallis is to have a new fruit and
vegetable canning factory of large ca
pacity. Since this became a certainty
a new Impetus has been given to Cor
vallis real estate. W. H. Millhollers
of Corvallis said '3a :
"Through the Commercial club of
Corvallis J. W. Searls. western man
ager for the Hastings Industrial com
pany, with headquarters at Spokane,
Washington, has floated and sold the
stock necessary to buy ground, build
the plant and equip It with the latest
Improved canning machinery. Every
thing about this plant will be modern:
It will be the most complete fruit and
vegetable kitchen west of the Kocky
mountains. The Hastings Industrial
pomnanv will build all buildings neces
sary for the canning plant, also ice
nlnnt . . n .1 n 1 11 ,utnirlM OOllI S t fi P-
age plants and will handle all kinds
of separators for the farmers.
This one enterprise in vervains ia
doing more to stimulate tne rruu ana
vegetable business than any one enter
prise that has come to Corvallla in
years. Land Is being rlanted and tracts
sold for fruit and vegetable produc
tion There will be at least 75 acres
planted to tomatoes alone around Cor
vallis. which In return will put Into
circulation in round numoera sdoui
IE AAA Da m liMn, VtllTVVTllrln anilPMh
all varieties of cherries and other fruits
will be canned, which will give employ
ment in th fartorv to about 75 women
and girls and from 10 to 15 men and
boys, and employment to five times
that many on the small truck and fruit
gardens, mis xaciory win m run un
business principles by business men.
It will put mora money Into circulation
than any other enterprise ever started
in and around Corvallis. Everyone
here is boosting for the cannery."
State Association Says Move
Would Increase Quantity
Not Quality of Votes.
(United Tress Leased Wire.)
Salem, Or., Feb. Zi . The Oregon
Ptate association against woman suf
frage has filed an argument against
the measure In which they claim, gen
erally that it wojld Impose a burden
on women, who do not want It, and
because it would result in an Increased
quantity and not "quality" of votes.
The organliatlon Is composed entire
ly of women.
Berlin, Feb. 24 The board of In
struction of this city has ordered the
Introduction of the study of the Knc
lish language In the commercial schools.
(United Prem Iaied Wire.)
New xork. Feb. 24. Charles W.
Morse, former ice king and multi
millionaire, today made formal demand
In Justice Dowllng's court, through his
attorneys, to examine the minutes of
the grand Jurv which returned two in
dictments charging him with larceny.
The request was taken under advise
ment. Morse will be called tomorrow
to plead to a perjury charge on which
he Is also Indicted.
Huge Dam Will Be Con
structed Above Five
Mile Rapids.
It Is proposed to utilize the waters
of the Bnake river above Five, Ml
rapids for the purpose of produc?ng
water power and irrigating a vasi
acreage In Walla Walla. Franklin and
Benton counuea, euiam n
a kin intrnHnnnd hv Congressman Wes-
lev I, Jones has passen me lower nuun
VeratuMeA Doctor to Brink Postum.
An old, faithful nurse and an experi
enced doctor, are a pretty strong com
, Mnatlon In favor of Postum, instead of
. CotTee.
The doctor said:
' , 1 began to drink Postum five years
!,.0,Lth dvlce of an old nurse.
wjJJlnir n wually busy winter,
iW.SB-fe' S? ni overwork, I be
VJUn Insomnia, In a month
beginning Postum, ln place of
, altogether . InsteSd of coffee ' even'"
'fcedtime with a soda cracker or some.
' Other taaty biscuit. f Bom
' Having a little tendency to Diabetes
II vse a small quantity of saccharine In
stead of sugar, to sweeten with. I may
i add that today tea or coffee are never
: present la our bouse and very many
' !atienta, on my Advice, have adopted
. I'ostum as their regular bevsrasre.
"III conclusion, I can assure any one
mat, rerreaning, nounsning and
-merve-strengthenlng - beverage, there ia
riothtng equal to Postum." "There's a
Iteaaon, t Name gjven by postum CO
battle Vreek Mich. Read Tae Boid
granting authority to the Benton Water
company 10 put in um,
and locks, at Five Mile rapids
Home opposition tc the project has
been made by private Interests In the
vicinity of the rapids, but communities
ln the seml-arld region are enthusiastic,
ally advocating the dam and locks. It
Is said the construction and operation
of the canal would be under direct
aupervlslon of the secretary of war
and that it would be a benefit Instead
of an injury to navigation of the Snake
river. The Pasco Commercial club Is
taking the lead in urging tne consiruo
In a statement issued to the public
the Pasco organisation says the dam
and locks would be built by private
enterprise and would not cost the gen
eral government a aoiiar; mm win
posed location Is the only place within
100 miles where a dam sufficiently
high to develop a great amount of
power for Irrigation, manufacturing
ana electrical purposes can be con
structed without backing the water
over existing railroads and other valu
able vested Interests; navigation of the
Snake river will be improved ror a
number of miles; power developed
(estimated at from 20,000 to 30,000
horsepower, according to height of
dam) will furnish a means of reclaim
ing by irrigation over 100,000 acres of
arid land in Walla Walla, Franklin and
Benton counties; villages and cities will
have light, warmth and power for elec
tric roads and manufacturing purposes
where now sage brush is the only fuel;
factories near the dam will prepare
the crude products of the uplands' for
transportation to the markets of the
world and furnish employment for
Cures Leprosy.'
Honolulu, Feb. 24. Dr. Wallach has
succeeded ln curing 12 cases of leprosy
and announces that In a short time he
will make public the method of his
eures, till now kept to himself.
New Caea in Court.
tt,W;i.i?peno?r ha broupht suit ln
for labor performed. An
of m Ji1"1 tbi" morning is that
&.SL2v'SPBM! L s-alnat, F.. O.
. M aaa "u "v4"" B
Do Yoa Deliberately Torture Yourself
Alive by Neglecting Your Stomach?
Three Men Killed by Otis and
City of Mexico Is
(United Press Ussed Wire.)
City of Mexico, Feb. 24. Three men
employed In taking sulphur from the
crater of the old volcano Popocatepetl
were overcome by the volcanic gas
and have perished. Companions who
attempted to rescue them were driven
out by the gases which are now arising
In greater volume than ever before
known. Intense heat exists In and
around the crater and subterranean
rumblings are heard.
The Penon springs. Just outside thM
city, which are supposed to be heated
by the volcanic fires, are now boiling.
Many believe that the old volcano Is
awakening from Its sleep of centuries
and some fears exist.
Popocatapetl overlooks this city and
the entire valley of Mexico. Violent
activity auch as that of Vesuvius would
mean widespread destruction.
There Is a legendary prediction that
El Penon, which Is described as a small
sunken volcano, will throw out floods
of boiling water and destroy this city.
(Continued from Page One.)
Free for the Asking.
A great outcry has arisen during the
last few years against scientists who
torture dumb animals alive ln the Inter
ests of science. How many people are
there, nowever, who needlessly torture
themselves iy causing their stomachs to
overworn. Dyspepsia, indigestion, heart
burn, sleeplessness, loss of vim and en
ergy are tne Inevitable result.
Are you one of these?
Why not give your stomach a restT
Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets will re
lieve your stomach of all Its work and
do It for you. They are compounded of
the very elements and do the work
which the stomach performs when in
normal health, aseptic pepsin, malt
diastase and like Ingredients.
Dr. Kichardson ln writing a thesis on
treatment of dyspepsia and Indigestion,
closes his remarks by saying: "Kor
those suffering from acid dyspepsia,
shown by sour, watery risings, or for
flatulent dyspepsia shown by gas on
stomach, causing heart trouble and dif
ficult breathing, as well as for all other
forms of stomach trouble, the safest
treatment is to take one or two of Stu
art's Dyspepsia Tablets after each meal.
I advise them because they contain no
harmful drugs, but are composed of
valuable digestives, which act promptly
utoon the food eaten. 1 never knew a
bench In the park I felt something cold
behind my ear. l put up my hand and
felt a revolver. Then some one told
me to keep my mouth shut and hand
over my money and Jewelry. I thought
at first It was one of the boys trying
to scare me, but when he came around
In front of me and pointed his revolver
1 saw I had been mistaken. I was not
"In half a second I had my mind
working. He naked me if I had any
Jewelry and I said that I had, but I pre
tended to have an awfully hard time to
take off my gloves. The holdup man
leaned over to help pull them off, and
as he did I raised up from the seat and
kicked him right in the stomach as hard
as I could. He dropped his gun and
went away like a barrel rolling down
"It was a great game. We had lots of
fun, only It broke my heart to see Fred
get caught. I was with a girl at the
avoy theatre one night when a man
came to me and said he wanted to speak
to me a minute. I went outside the
theatre and he told me I had to go to
the police station. Then for two hours
they 'sweated' me. telling me everything
Harold and I had done and trying to
make me own up. Finally I saw the
game was un and that Harold was
caught and had blown everything, so
there was no use to lie about It.
"It never seemed to me that I was
doing wrong; the game was so easy, so
exciting and so funny when Harold got
the fellows real scared. But when your
sweetheart gets caught It's not so funnv.
They kept me ln Jail all of one night last
week, and now I have to call up the po
lice station every day, so I don't know
what they intend doing with me."
True has confessed to having robbed
nine men ln Tacoma and three ln Se-
dase of indigestion or even chronic dys
pepsia which Stuart's Tablets would
'not reach."
to cure dyspepsia and Indigestion can I f.1.'6, while Irons has also made a par
haye no effect whatever ln actively dl- a confession Both will be arraigned
gestlng the food, and to call any ca-! before a superior court Judge upon high
thartlc medicine a cure for Indigestion wy robbery charges early next week.
Is a misnomer. Father Shocked.
Every druggist in tne Lnltea states True's father, who Is a mechanic of
and Canada sells Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets, and they are not only the saf
est and most successful but the most
scientific of any treatment for Indi
gestion and stomach troubles.
Price 60o a box at all druggists.
Free sample on application to F. A.
Stuart Co., 160 Stuart Bldg., Marshall,
Not in a Milk Trust
Malted Milk
The rifinil and genuine
Avoid cheap sabatitates
At your Soda Fountain
A glass of Horlick's Malted
Milk hot makes a delicious and
refreshing lunch on a cold day.
Ask for Horlick's
At All brwegfeta
Stirring the powder in hot water
makes a nourishing, digestible food
drink, better than tea or coffee no
cooking. A cupful hot on retir
ing induces restful sleep.
comfortable means, Is making every
possible effort to save his son from the
penitentiary. Although the boy stated
to the police that he was 17 years old.
the father says Harold Is only 16. The
boy la large for his age and extremely
The operations of True and his sweet
heart were faultless from the stand
point of an expert ln Crime, and the girl
and boy knew no such thing as fear.
With the proceeds of a holdup Jingling
In their pockets they would hurry to the
skating rink or theatre and there enjoy
themselves with the same youthful
abandon as did the scores of children of
it-mii mmr rT iiisw i nr r- innnn nmiinnriii
WHEN you go to a theatre you must take
the good with the bad you have no choice.
With an Edison Phonograph you can make
your own programme select only the music,
songs and sketches that you want to hear, have
as many encores as you please, as long a pro
gramme as you please and intermissions when
you have a mind to take them you have
the best talent at your instant command.
There is a dealer near 7011 who will show you the new Edison
model with the big horn, or we will mail descriptive catalogue.
March Records Out Tomorrow
OF what use would it be to produce a Phonograph as perfect as the Edison if there
were no Records good enough for it? We make not only the Edison Phonograph
ourselves, but we also make the Edison Records, perfectly adapted to the Edison
Phonograph. The combination gives the greatest amount of entertainment that you can.
pet bvinvestine in any one single instrument. Hear these new Records today:
O . . rm m T 11 II . V I
Seven ptevr itecora djt nany uraaer
the Famous Scotch Comedian
" When Harry Lauder, who has long been famous in
England for his delightful rendition of quaint Scotch
aongs, was induced by the offer of a very large salary
to appear at a New York theatre, we took advantage
of the opportunity to obtain records of his best songs.
The following are now on sale at all Edison stores.
They are brimful of jovial humor and sung as no one
else can sing them.
H17S Rob Roy MacUatMh. 19176 We Parted On the Snete.
19174 Bhet My Daisy. 19177 The Sanest the Pemfly.
19178 Tobermory. 19l7i I Love a Uu
19179 Stop Tar TfckJin'. Jock.
Fhre New Grand Opera Records
770 Cavalry Charre Bdlsoa MHltacy
9771 WBeatnSprlsttaeBrlntthe Rosea, Jeasto Dear
Maseel Rosses
9771 Sahara Colli- Barle.
977S Her Bright SmU Hamrts K Btfil
CVToUn. Flats aad Hers). Edison Venetian Trie
9774 Golden Sens Ploreoos Hlnkle
977J Upper Tea and lower Fhre Favor 4 Meeksr
977( "Mootbarrl' James Brockmaa
9777 The Teddy Bear PWajlo . . Bdtoon flympbony Orehestra
977B When Yoa Love Her end Sbe Loves Toe Byron O. Harlan
9779 Sheriff's Sale of a Stranded Cireru . . . Spenoar 4k Olrard
9710 I'm Afrmid to Come Home la th Dark . . . BISyMncray
97B1 Thm Marrlasvof Flsro Overture . . Bdans Concert Bead
970 The Heart Tea Lost in atarynmd TevUFtadin Tennessee
Frederic: Rose
9TSJ To the Work Bdtoon adzed Quartette
97MNotfcn'Bver"Worr!eeMe Arthar CoOlne
97SS "Smile, SaaneJBcaileM and "Kiss. KJss. Kiss"
S (BeOS Solo) Albert Bender
97M BrroneDcr Harry Anthony
97S7 Mnnsjre Dream Ada Jones A Len Spencer
978S IMarohedArottndAraia Edward Meeker
97S9 The Merry Widow Selection Edison Symphony Orchestra
9790 Flanas-sn's EL Patrick' Day Steve Porter
9791 The Sword of Banker HOI . . . Edison Male Quartette
9791 She Fonot to Brinr Him Back Ada Jones
9793 Down the Field March Edison Military Band
Ask your dealer or write to us for Tn Pkokogiam,
describing each Record in detail; the StrmJUOuiTAL
Catalog rr Ustine the new March Records, and the
Comin Cataloocx, listing all Edison Records now ia r
shonM write at once to
B. eo Flstt mlei, ("Let Us Panae, O My Brothers"). Sanaone a
DaUla." Saioeoaaoa. Stros in Italian
B- 81 NonoonosdlbelsiiolDostTbovasowThat Sweet Land")
"Wmooo." Thomas. Sana; In Italian
B. 62 Rondo vom Goldenen Kalb. CSons of the Golden C1T0.
"Faat"Gmnod.Sansn German By UOBERTBLASS.Hass.
B.63 Unarnrtlvalarritna.On Her Dark Eye There Stood the
Furtive Tear"). f,L'Eltaerd'Amore." Donteetti. Sana in Italian
B. 4 Caneone del Torrero. ("Sons' of the Toreador"), '"Carmen."
Bixet. Suns in Italian . By G. CAMPANARL. BAarroma.
BUSINESS MEN. write for ow booklet " From Brain to Type."
which teas how the Edison Business Phonograph eaves your
time and enersy and Increases your working capacity.
WE DESIRE GOOD, LIVE DEALERS to aeO Edison Phonoanaottt
every town where we are not now well represented, ueaiera
existence. Records in all foreign Ungnag es
National Phonograph Company, 75 Lakeside Avenue. Orange. N.J.
their own age whose most serious crimes
consisted of telling a fib or playlnf
truant from school. The police have
not yet notified Potter of his daughter's
role as "Queen of the Highwaymen" ln
a startling; melodrama of real life in
which she played her part to perfection.
Becoming Famous the Country
Over for the Cure of
Stomach Troubles.
Don't buy coffee out of
a bin; buy it packed in close
Tour gTocer returns your money It you
pax, Jjdnv, J, ,):-
The Prosene Prescription advertised
ln these columns so often is now becoming-
famous the country over for
the cure of Stomach Troubles.
It Is as follows; Compound Tincture
of Cinchona, one ounce; Prosene Com
pound, one ounce, and Sherry Wine,
nan a pini, mixea log-emer ana taken
ln teaspoonful doses before meals and
at bedtime ln water.
The Prosene Compound in this pre
scription is a compound of high diges
tive power, put up In Concentrated
form. It supplies the stomach with
gastric Juice, enabling the weak and
tired stomach to digest the food that
enters them. Prosene Compound is put
up only by the Cooper Pharntacat Com
pany, cnlcago, In one ounce bottles. It
can be taken alone ln three to five-drop
dcrses ln a little water, but preferably
ln tne aoove mixture.
All trains came ln as promptlj
today as a boy who goes home
when there Is to be ice cream
for dinner.
Northern Pacific No. J, due at
7 o'clock, arrived on time.
Southern Paclflo No. 18,
at 7:66, arrived on time.
Southern Pacific No. 18.
at 11:80, arrived on time.'
O. R. & N. No. 3, due at 8
o'clock, arrived on time.
O. R. & N. No. 6, due at 9AS.
arrived on time.
Astoria & Columbia No. 21,
due at 12:16, arrived on time.
If you are troubled with indigestion.
tlyepepsta, sour stomacn, loss or api
tita, have your aruggist mix the Pro-
aene PrescriDtlon for yon. or buV the
Ingredients and mix them yourself.
The case of the state of Oregon
against the Pacific States Telephono
& Telegraph company ln which tho
company attacks the constitutionality
of the lnltiative.and referendum, which
was to have come up in the circuit
court February 28, has been postponed
for a hearing until March 9. The date
was put off by the consent of at
torneys for both sides. Several law
yers are to come to Portland from Sa-i
Francisco to present the case of the
telephone company.
Pendleton Bar Honors Fee.
(special Dbpttcb to Tb. Journal ) "
Pendleton, Or., Feo. 24. Judge James
A. Fee has been elected president of
the Pendleton Bar association, at 'a
meeting called for the purpose of -taking
action relative to to new; federal
MtBasTM3tMltffiMaBaEBttsMMagMBB I
it not a difficult matter when you
A combination of most durable Var
nish and Stains for Interior Wool
Work. Floors. Furniture, etc.
Fisher, Thorsen & Co.
H ' n naiiill i, taiiiissrl Wj fftoiuimiimm
None Better to Be Had at Any Price
cER $7.00 Per Ton ?
Special Price to Suburban Districts
East 7 181 EAST WATER ST. B-1771
court district. During the meeting
Judge II. J., Bean, president of the as
sociation since it was formed, tendered
his resignation and Judge Fee was im
mediately, elected to X1U the vacancy
Many ills come from Impure bloorf
Can't have pure blood with faulty dt
Sestlon, laxy liver and sluggish bowlei
urdock , Blood Bitters atrefiarthen?
stomach, bowel and liver, and purlfieJ