THE OREGON DAILY-JOURNAU PORTLAND.- FRIDAY EVENINO. FEBRUARY SI, 1804. 'S j ToWn Topics j TONIGHT'S Aik'SEMENTS. Brown' V' fleHlg . . ...... '. . i i ."Buster .Marquam umnd rarsiiai . Eaker . . . , .."In tko, Bishop's Carriage Empire ........... . . . . "Dora Thorne" KUrand ..................... Vaudeville 4 . Star Jrand ..,,,,.,...,....... vauoevms -.yrto .. . T'he Nnney Hanks ..The Jung 01 wwroyi f. 1 The Third Oregon infantry. Battery Vj A of the Oregon, artillery and the boa . pltaj corps wlU hava charge of tha miU , itary ball and formal opening of tha raw armory ballroom tomorrow night, i , Extensive alterations hava bwn miM wr at tha armory, and tha new officers ... Quarters and tha assembly hall, finished fin maplo with exposed beama aet with hundreds of electric lights will present ; an attractive appearance. All parte or the armory will be open for Inspection. Arrangements have been made tp ao - commodate 1,200 people. The regimen tal band and orchestra will play. The . committee In charge la oomposed of Major Frank B. Baker and Lieutenants if T -r.,.. 1.1 Vnllnrtlr. T. T. ? Randall and C. C. MeCornacki Those ;. wishing-to secure tickets may Hpply to - anv member of the Third regiment, bat- tery or hospital corpa , Becauae . the Warren Conatnictlon company ralaed Ha previous bid for : the laying of a bltullthlo pavement on Stark street from Seventh to Burnslde about $1,300, the atreet committee of , the city executive nesra reierrea me matter back to tha city council. This is the third time the pavement has . been bM for bv the Warren Construe ' tlon company and each bid haa been higher than the . preceding one. Inas i much aa the Warren company is the ' only one engaged in the business of laying bltullthlo paving, tha council will probably recommend that a different kind of pavement be put down. The reason given by the company for in creasing its bid la that the city en gineer's estimate Was too low. Leon P. Simons, an oiler employed in the Clark & Wilson lumber mill at Linn ton, was almost Instantly killed yester day afternoon by being caught In the shafting. At the time the accident oc curred Simons waa engaged Jn Oiling the machinery. He was in the act of crawl ing over the main shaft when his cloth- lug In some manner was caught by the rapidly revolving machinery. His body was dashed with great violence against the ceiling timbers, causing almost in stant death. Coroner Finley was noti fied and took charge of the body. Simons was 20 years old. He leaves a young wife who la prostrated by the untimely death of her husband. At 1:30 o'clock this morning, Patrol man Parker waa Informed that some one had lust broken into tha saloon of John son Wubbenhorst, 288 Burnslde street. Upon making an Investigation the offi cer found the back door of the place open. Further search revealed the form of a man concealed beneath some blank ets In a rear room. The man was taken to the police station where he gave the name of John McNuttson. A charge of burglary waa preferred against him, Nothina- had been stolen from the sa loon. It is presumed that the thief was discovered before be had an opportunity to make a search for valuables. MM TOE INDEPENDENT BARBER SHOP The place where you are not t--grafted'";':, "" HAIR CUTTING Finest 11-chair shop in the city Only best of skilled barbers employed 91 SIXTHS! Just south of ' Welh-Fargo Building United sa tea district court this morn ing against Eugene L. Hopkins, of Klamath county, charging him with fencing publlo lands contrary to govern ment regulations, rne iana in question la in Kiumatn county. Tha sermon by Rabbi Jonah B. Wise at Temple Beth Israel Friday night will be on "Lincoln and Washington." Mrs. H. D. Oue. the well known contralto. who ( vlnltlnr here, will slna-. The service commences at S o'clock. Strang ers welcome. Councilman A. N. Wills haa been wearing a smile on hla face all week that no one could explain. The reason was discovered today when a notice was filed in the city health office that a aon had reen born to Mr. and Mrs. wills last Sunday. f Evangelist Allen Wilson of Indian apolis will begin a special series of re vival services next Sunday morning at the First Christian church, Park and Columbia streets. He is one of the strongest evangelists In the Christian church. He held a meeting of over 600 accessions in Dayton, Ohio. He has several other meetings to hla credit of meetings with single churches running Into the hundreds. Dr. Wilson is an old college chum of Pastor Muckley. The church is in better condition for a meeting than at any time during the last four years. Herman Burkhart, who waa found guilty In tha police court some time ago of the charge of resisting an officer, waa today fined 126 for the offense by Judge Cameron. His attorney gave no tice of appeal from the judgment oi tne court. '. ( -v a, .' : i' . v vVh. - v..-. v , ' r,. w .,-..'', . ' ?aiiir f fa's km sm k iht ffloiuse That sells regularly at $4, $4.50, $5 and $5.50 put in the SALE AT THIS LOW PRICE P, L. Austin waa today fined 160 in the police court after being found guilty of practicing dentistry without a regls- tlrate. The charge against the state board of dental examiners. tered certificate. The charge aga Austin was made by a representative of The fact that the city hall will be closed tomorrow because of Washing' ton's birthday Is the cause of much re iolclna- among city employes. The of fices will be closed throughout the day. ' Joseph Nalbach has begun suit against the Paclflo Hardware & 8teel company for $20,000 damages for the loss of his right eye and three fractures In his arm, these Injuries being received in an accident on July 17, 1S08. He al leges that while he. was engaged in hnmtlnr scran iron with a crane a rachet railed to work and the handle of the crane flew up and hit him. Me holfia the company responsible for th defect in the machinery. The Portland Shoe Repair company, 269 Yamhill street between Third and Fourth streets. Phone Main 7656. Tour shoes repaired while you wait. Best oak soles, 76 cents. Bauer & Stopper. The ladles of the M. E. church will serve an old-fashioned colonial dinner Saturday evening from 4:30 to 10:30 o'clock In tne Marquam building, corner of Sixth and Morrison streets. "Golden Grain Granules" la used by SO, 000 people in the northwest It la the pure cereal coffee. It tastes like coffee. It cures Insomnia nd nervousness. Eight hundred pairs to choose from SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOWS-we closed out seven hundred shirts in this sale last week we expect to close these out this week. This advertisement contains no exaggerations BEN SELLING LEADING CLOTHIER 7T F. W. Baltes and Company invito your inquiries for PRINTING Mali 16ft Home A 1165 First and Oak ! Phanea J ax varus Ta. DEILIG THCATRC Hth amd Wasfclna-tua Tonoxr at ana cctoc Popular Pries . Mat Tomorrow n Last Time Tomorrow Night The MnAlcal Comedy Evening,-n -to i&e; Mat. 7o'TiSe.' MILITARY ACADEMY a PORTLAND ORE:, r A Boarfltna anil rw School (or Young Man and DOTU. Prenaratlon for not. leges. U. S. Military and nerai credited Berkeley, Cornell. Am herst and all State Ual. Tersttles and Agricultural Colleges. Manual train Ing. Business course. SEAT SALE OPENS TODAY nam tnitu . PADERlLWSkl Recital Next Monday . Prices, t t.50 t tl gfl M g' ; ; Marquam Qrand Portland's ramoua Theatra , , t Phono Main , Tonight, Saturday Matinee and Night. Last Three Performances "aMJturAX." , . , . n (In Kugllsh) v . A Perfect Company A Superb Produo tlon. Curtain at f:4l. Evenings, 25 60c. TJc, 11, U.I0. Matinee, lie, tOc, 7c7 . ' MARQUAM GRAND Portland's Famous Theatre. Maln.l. One week, beginning 8undy Matlnaa CLAY CLEMENT Presenting The New Dominion, Tha' Bells, London Assurance. Prtces 2bo to l. seats now aelllng. Aeaasaiea AO- 1 nurrn vnr. to BUnford. OAULK lUtAlKL yeai Is he HHpeJ haa had II ra expert en oe In Comfortable quar axperiene In Port land. tars. Best environments. Make reservations For illustrated catalog nd other literature araee J. Vf. BILL, ILL D.. aMaotsal and Vroprtetok Phonod Main a a -it la ll'A I n . wn ' -" " .i. OAlni uen. uanager. Aiiw,.e.k' Bker 8to Co. in a splendid production of the celebrated modern play " .TB BIBMOP B OAUZAOB." First time In stock In Portland; ; strange, fascinating play. Dramatl satlon by Channlng Polltclc. Matinee Saturday. Prlcea o,- tie. - ICvenlngs :Bc, &c, 60c. Hert Week "QKApgTAJtK." ' ' EMPIRE Theatre J5Sm MILTON W. tiEAMAN, Manager. Tonight and All This Week, Matinee Wednesday and Saturday, tha Favorite of All Love Playa. 1 ; "SOmA THOaUra," By Bertha M. Clay. Strong Company, Beautiful Scenery, a Great Success Evarvwhitra Nights, 16c, 26c, 16c, 60c. Mata lOo. lOo nt week "A Battle for Life." THP KTAO Fhonesi Vow. A-149S - haa Ium ha mitimi nf I " " ""- w ' m,x Old. la. Sm funeral directors to make chargea for & rrencn stock Co. Presents all Incldentale connected with a fu- I ar. josepn urron Trotter's oreat neral The Edward Hoimaa UnderUk- piory or western Lire, ing company, the leading funeral dU I "TH XUTCr OF TXB OOWXOTa" rectors or Portland, nave aeparteo rrora in tour acta. that custom. Wben casket is furnished Matinees Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays by us wo make no extra chargea for and Saturdays at 2:10. Prices '19 and embalming, hearse to cemetery, outside 20 centa. Every evening at 1:11. Prices ' box or any services inai may oe re- i, xo ana id cents. A New Departure The cost of Interments has been greatly reduced by the Uolman under taking company. Heretorore it o quired of us, except clothing, oemetery ana carnages, mus crieccing a saving of 116 to its on each funeral. HE EDWARD H0LMAN UNDERTAKING CO. tSO TXZXB ST. COB. BAXJCOlff. LYRIC THEATRQ An attractive book of the official classification and rules of exhibits for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition to be held In Seattle June l to ucioDer id 109, has been Issued by the manage ment Everv denartment under which exhibits will be classified Is carefully and fully aet rortn wun ine ruies gov erning each class. Applications for the book may be sent to I. A. Nadeau, director-general, or Henry E. Dosch, director of exhibits. Joseph Henrotte has begun suit In the circuit court for divorce from Emma Henrotte, complaining that she went to Alaska In 1S98 and nas only written two letters, in one of which she ad vised him to secure a divorce. He haa decided that this is good advice. He savs she has been guilty of lndlscre tlons and unlady-llke conduct, besides giving him the go-by. They were mar- riea in iana. SW IjBMI mgnt Durgiars lorceu an entrance I Into tHe clothing store of H. Goodman & Son, 247 Front street, by breaking the glass in the rront floor, me casn drawer was rifled and ita contents, 14.86, taken. Nothing else about the store was disturbed, the burglars de parting without leaving anything that would serve as a clue to their identity. The burglary was reported to the police. Articles found on the streetcars Feb ruary 18 and 19: Three pscketbooks. two Da Irs of rubbers, Tour packages, two lunch boxes, one heavy coat one- rtalr s-loves, one glove, one music book. one pair spectacles. Call at the Lost Article room of the O. W. P. R. R. sta tion, corner rirat and Alder. H. A. Cllne pleaded not guilty to the charge of selling liquor to a minor be fore Judge Cieland yesterday afternoon and his trial haa been fixed for March 6. United States District Attorney W. C. Bristol filed a bill of complaint in tle The French Bakery company, Jcnn Barrere, has filed articles of In- by J. Belgbeder, formed Joseph Chllottl and corporation. QUO. The capital stock Is $14,- We sponge and press your clothes and shine your shoes, all for $1 per month. Maiu 614, A-4214. Wagona run everywhere. Unique Tailoring Co., SOI Stark. Alex Pantages, the vaudeville mag nate, owner of a string of vaudeville houses, is In Portland after an absence of two years, and is at the Portland hotel. Steamer Jesse Harktns, for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. Acme Oil Co. sell safety coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone East 719; B-1007. San Francisco, Coos bay steamer I tickets. Frank Bollaro. agt, 128 3rd st , i i Woman's Exchange, ill! Tenth street lunch 11:10 to 2; business men's lunch. DOLLAK'S WORTH OF CENTS NIGHT'S KEWARD The police have received reports of two' small burglaries committed last night and in both cases the thieves reaped but small reward for their la bors. The confectionery store conducted by John Graham at the corner of Delay and Russell streets was broken into and robbed of $1 in pennies and a box of cigars. Burglars paid a visit to the store of L., Jagger, Kane & Co. last night. They broke open the desk in the office, but so far as is known nothing of value was taken. Entrance was effected by prying the lock off the street door. A 6:50 Clock for $4.90 . aractiAX TOKosavow Fine Mantel Clock, Gong Strike, Just me rning ror tne Home. Absolutely Guaranteed to Keep Good Time or Money Refunded. C. W. OOODMAN nnux. Bll Morrison grt. Bet. Front and First. QBNUINE ROCK SPRINGS COAL SOX.S AOZsTTS. INDEPENDENT COAL 4ND ICE CO. 8S3 STABX BTaUBST. Opposite City Library. Both Phonea. SPECIAL IFFEB TO THE LADIES On Saturday we will sell all tha LAT- 13I MUSIC at 15c Per Copy And many other lata pieces at 5s and 10 Per copy. Open until 10 o'clock. A fine assortment of violins at half trice. Come and examine our goods, f prices don't suit don't buy. D. Anderson Music Co. Ml Diamond Roof Stains AZJU IZCAOCS MADS FROM CRKOSOTB Gal. Lots 75c Per Gal. Portland Sash & Door Co. Both Ffcone i Main 4683; KOm A-1038. Week Commencing Monday. Feb. 17. The Allen Stock Co. Presents The Roaring Farce, C , TMX VA1TOT KAJTZS." ' , Matinees Tuesday. Thursday ' flaHir. day and Sunday. Prtces lOo and 20a, Kvery evening at 1:16. Prlcea 10c. XOo and lOo. Boxes 60c Office open 10 a. ra. to 10 p. m, THE GRAND Vaudeville de Luxe Entire week of February 17, another wonderful bill headed bv I IM SOTAZ. KT7SICAX. BtAW AXXAST8 r ive in numoer. uon t miss them. SACK. KOSTOH AHD M0LXJB. IV. TszaxA . -,; In their novelty creation ' r ! "The Meaaenf e Boy and tha Human. And lots of other bin; acts. ' i Time and prlcea remain tha same. Motion Picture Theatres WB RENT LATEST FEATURE FILMS 1,000 feet Reels, Including Song Slides. . $5.00 to $7.50 Weekly Newman Motion Picture Co. S9S Burnslde St. near Fifth. NICKELODION 136 Sixth Street MONTE CRIST0 Bast Side Nlckelodlon 148 Qrand Avenue Excursion to Moon. Arrival at Moon -STORE CLOSES ON SATURDAYS AT SIX O'CLOCK and Oreron Cohn Broe., 108 First street accounts Notice. Title bought W. A. wise and associates, nalnleu aenusiB, j nira ana wasningion. SATURDAY SPECIALS Of importance to thrifty Saturday shoppers are the attractive bargain itema which we quote for tornorrow'a selling these being subject to delivery at our earliest convenience and for which mail, telephone or c. 0. d. orders will not be accepted Tit" A TP ITnrtH.. jfantfat mmjswa . a bzs uorDeii nuuaing. , Highest cash for Qoddard, 110 Second. Title Guarantee. Berger, signs, show cards. 284 YamhilL Drs. Locke and (Juliette, Corbett bldg. rfc B. p. Brown. Eye-Ear. Marquam. D. Chambers, optician. 12 Seventh. Journal want ada. la a word. There is no odor in Ivory Soap; no "free" alkali to irritate your skin or injure your qlojhes; no chemicals; no coloring matter; nothing but soap; soap that is almost absolutely pure. . Equally available for bath, toilet and fine laundry purposes. , Ivory Soap 99 lSo Per Cent. Pare. L. H. ADAMS ON GOOD TERMS WITH B0UENE Portland fir TTh '19 Tn fh VMIfAv of the Journal In last Tuesday's Jour nal, I note that you have used my name In connection with a number of others. as being unfriendly !to Statement No. 1 by reason of an alleged falling out with Senator Bourne. ' To begin with, T have made no an nouncement of opposition to Statement ' Ho. 1, but had I done so. it would hava j been from no such reasons as your re porter ascribes. I m friendly to Sen- I ator Bourne. Have no reason to be ' otherwise, and many reasons why I ! should be friendly to him. The conclusion drawn from my failure 1 to see Senator Bdurne while passing 1 through Washington on a business trip ! was very far fetched. I arrived In i Washington late in .the evening, and was due at Richmond the next day. I en- I deavored to reach Senator Bourne by . phone, but was unable to do so, and as ' I was obliged to lea ve the next moraine. , I naturally failed to! see him. On reach- ing noma i received a letter rrom him ' exDressins- recrret that I had failed to notify him in advance, s that he could have made it a point, to meet me. I As to the policy of the gentlemen with I Whom vour renorter "a-rnuned" m in - the story, I have nothing to say. They have the same right to their opinion on matters political that I have to mine, but I do not feel that my name ahould be dragged into a controversy, in which I am not interested, amd for which I am la no way responsible. Tl H. . ADAMS. 1 ( Soccer Football Feb. 22. golden oak CROCKLRY DLPT. ROCKERS for $2.95 A comfortable and attractive arm pattern that has saddle seat and embossed, back panel, prominent pans Deing in quar ter-sawed oak. This is one of our newest rocker desitrns sells regularly for $5.25 anti to morrow we offer fifty of these at the above special. SPECIALS fm BASKEOML ft til Tomorrow in the Basement Crockery De partment another sale that will prove at tractive to thrifty shoppers in which we offer two high-grade -Tumbler at a special price that suggests the opportunity for com pleting or adding to your stock. Thin-blown Tumblers in fluted pattern with dainty etched design regular 25c values special, each 13 Cut-glass Tumblers extra heavy, best quality glass regular 40c values special, each 19 No delivery will be made of these specials. Grand Masquerade Oakas Rink TOMORROW MGDT Six ETJSOAJTT MUTES , OAKS XTEST UEWTES. I Table Oil Cloth in fancy figures and marble effects 1 feet wide tomorrow in the Drapery Dept. special, per yard 15 10c per dozen and 15c per dozen values in brass Moulding Hooks, for picture hangingtomorrow in the Drapery De partment special, per dozen , . .5 Scotch vs. English International asso ttion football at i League baseball grounds. Twenty-fourth and Vaughn, aturday afternoon. SClcg-off 'at fito. Manufactures' 1 1 CURTAIN POLES COMPLETE Arabian Sash Samples WITH TRIMMINGS, Special 25c 1 1 Curtains of Upholstery and Drapery Materials 2i inches square suitable for furniture coverings pillow tops and b"acks regular values from $1.50 to $4.00 per yaf d-rspe-ciih each ......... .25f Your choice of 1-inch "or 1-inch mahogany or oak Pole -5 feet long with brass pole ends, brackets and 10 rings. Tomorrow in the Drapery Department sixth floor. , iTCMCMSffll L,j .J COMPLETEflOU5B-FURniSHER5 with double hem and taped Battenburg edge, also hemmed at top for rodsize 3 feet wide by 3 feet 6 inches long, for lower sash only. These regular, $1Q ' values, complete with brass rod and brackets-especial,' pair $Qf TO-NIQHT , O SXATXS ' v-'i W 'I f EXPOSITION RIM armnroxAs ts. t. ac a a. Game Called .9 P. M. Skating Before and After Oams, oooo anrsxo. Paateat gam aver originated. H Admission 15a. Admission and Skates 85c waceaB to snrn. W-la-ai'SslsSSlalia)ail.aMlsa. aa,. APTER THE SHOW OR ANT T1MH DURING TUB DAT Visit Uttie Hungary J.... zzr&z VIS!4 VSJ -?"HHNRY RESTAURANT ' 47 Taylor St, Bet Second and Third. The Beat-Plaoa la Town w Ml ,t i Nominal Prloa. , , . , vxT va xODAxT EAT TOtTRluiTNCH TOMORROW SlH3L . nuron oiroKi. corner "arK.: Send Me Your Vrhitintr i ., - - lM make a ' specialty of Letterheads, liiil heads. Notebeads, Statements. E a v e lopes,. Cards and other fine commercial work. . J have cus tomers all over tne Northwest. bwju I deliver a satlafactor quality of work al a satlHfactorr pries. Oeorga W, Dtxon. Canby, Oregon. -a aa a I ' llYetfcot Gil n-'rr Makes Cboes Waterproof rrrr- ' X.ethT Wot Bhiae A n J i C.NLY t ii n f T IN U?t AND acqint r.' C. K. V' Admission 26 cents.