'i i THE OREGON -DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINO. FEBRUARY 121. 1003. 13 TAGS FOR ALL Terrible Lienor Craving How OiTin Destroys All Desire for WMskojr Md Deer. , . V 0 1 m rhanffftiirs Will ffavo to Tell How They Do It' V -; !; and Why. -' ' AU automoblla owner will havs to appear at the city hall and register be- . ton tha automobile board of registry " boforo March 10. The annual feo Is 1 ' for ownera and ft for chauffeur Badgoa hava been ordered and will la . furnished thoae who register as soon m , they pass tha examination raoujlby , . tha board. Here are some of the necea t - ' aarr quallf Icatlons required before a '' permit to run au automobile in Portland! The operator mini nv mo n" u ' of both arms, must ba more than J ' yearn of aga. must have good eyesight and if a wearer of glasses they must be securely fastened to tha head by pec , uu-.io frame; good hearing;, free from ppllt-pey or heart disease, must not be ' - an fieesslve user of alcohol or drugs, and .last but not least must not ba of . reckless nature or subject to fainting 1 m . All applicants must be abla to show to the commissioners that they possess - " skill in navigating a buis wagon, and "' be able to explain Its mechanism from '' the sparker to the gasoline feed. No one shall b allowed to drive a car fast- er than 10 miles an hour within the city nor mora than six miles In rounding a .... comer. ' whin a chauffeur seniles for a 11 ' rensa ha la limited to a particular type of car, or else to all kinds. If ha ap plies for a permit to drive a gasoline ' wagon na is rurmsnno. wun m. uaugs with a blue background and white nura 1 bers on which are the words, "licensed chauffeur." If he la a driver of an elec - trio machine he is given a oaage wun a -red background and white numbers; one who drives a steamer or gasoline . machine receives a badge with a choco . late background and white numbers; to drivers of steamers a white badge with V black numbers Is given. To a man who wanta a permit to drive any kind of a car a nirkie plated oaage wun Diara numbers Is given bearing tha words "general licensed chauffeur." ' Any person found violating tha rules and regulations or tne ordinance win ds liable to a fine of ISO. or a jail sen- tence of 10 days. In return the autolsts are protected by the law which provides a fine of 1100 or a tall aentence of 60 . days for any persoir found tampering with or injuring the machine or a li . censed owner or chauffeur. Members of the commission are R. D. ' Inman. Dr. C. B. Brown and R. O. Mc ; Fherson. Mr. Inman Is In California at present, but Is extweted to return soon. . , when the examinations for auto drivers will begin. AH persons desiring to register wfll he requited to do so at tha city audi " tor's office In the city hall before March 18. after which date tha examinations - will ba started. The terrible craving for liquor Is a svmr-tom of disease and to overoom It the disease Itself should be treated In a scientmo way. wnen ona nas nsea whiskey, beor or other stimulants for a long time, tne nerve ecus nave De come accustomed to the effects of tha stimulants and demand liquor tn order to perform their duties. If tha verve cells are properly treated tha craving for liquor will ba destroyed. It Is In this way that Orrlne cures al coholism, by supplying to tha nerve cells the strength needed, thus destroy- ng the desire for liquor. It eradicates every particle of the terrible llquor- cravlng. Imparts new strength and vigor to tha whole system, and restores the general health. Treatise on "Drunken ness." free on request. The Orrina Co., i Washington, D. C . ' So auccessful has Orrina been that In i every box Is. a registered guarantee which entltlea you to a refund of your money If Orrina fails to effect a cure. Never before was a treatment for the liquor habit sold In this way. A guar antee Jlke this shows the fulth of the discoverer of Orrlne and the agents who handle It, tha leading druggists every where. Orrlne Is In two forms. No. 1, which can be given secretly In food or drink; No. 2, in pill form for those who desire I to be cured. Either form costs fl per box, and both are sold under the liberal ?uarantee that your money will ba ro unded If Orrina falls to cure. Orrlne Is for sale by Clarke-Woodward Drug Co. and nearly all druggists. Itching, bleeding, protruding or blind piles yield to Doan'S Ointment. Chronlo esses soon relieved, finally cured. Drug gists all sell It PADEREWSKI BROUGHT ; I FAME TO IIADLEY Beats are now selling at box office the- Helllg theatre. Fourteenth and Washington streets, for tha coming con cert of tha world's greatest pianist, Paderewski. This celebrated artist will ba heard In a grand concert recital at i the above theatre next Monday evening, February X4; - paderewsai nas lesnriea to nis regard . for America" and American music ny es tablishing a fund, the Interest of which every three years Is given as prixea for compost tiona ov American composers. After his American tour of 1895-1891 he set aside tha sum of $10,000 in per- . petual trust. Three triennial or I res were to be 'given to composers of American birth: First. ISO0 for the best orchestral work In symphony formj second, f300 for the best composition for solo Instrument with orchestra, and third f 200 for the best chamber music work. It la a notable fact that this fund served first to bring before the notice of musicians Henry Hadley. who today Is probably the most talented of the younger American composers. mm "Buster Brown," Mr. Outcault'a ear- toon comedy, opened at the Helllg last night and pleased a great many per sons. Notwithstanding this fact the per formance really baa some merits. It has cribbed a song or two and a scene or two from soma of the successes of the past few seasons In the east, not ably a chorus from tha "Follies of 1907," and It has Incorporated some pigs that are delightfully entertaining because in SDite of ' the circumstance that they are hoary and have both feet in tne grave, there are still a great Many Portland DeoDle who evidently heard them last night for tha first time. Besides this It possesses curious feat ures for the delectation af those who are Interested in the human voice. There are just 10 "speaking" parts, and if your eyeo? were shut for the life of you you couldn't make out the axes of the various persons speaking. Buster and Grandma are apparently the same age. oo are rap and Jack wynn, and Rockv and Mamma and Oladva and Sir ltonaia. a Diind man would swear the composite age of the company somewhere in tha shady section forties. Grandma's voice is particularly note worthy. It is without doubt, the loud est ever heard on a local stage. It re ally has to be dealt with by physics. And the quantity, secured by multiply ing the mass by its momentum under even average velocity, must be aston ishing. When Grandma really gets to going fast it would take a mathematical genius to work out the equation. Buster has something Interesting In the voice line himself. Ho sounds Ilka some one perhaps it's 6am Bernard? There are several good vaudeville turns the company Is evidently com posed or vaudeville specialists, 6. W. Biott oemg RDout as vaudeviuesque a comedian as will be seen anywhere. He and Aiietta Bridgerord do a well practiced dance. As for the chorus., it knows Its own aenciencies ana aoesn t naunt them in the face of the public. It knows that it drills pretty well, and therefore It dr.ils a lot. Also it knows that It can t sing at all, and we wish that everv other chorus, similarly situated, would get tnrougn tne songs as quickly as; this one does. It takes just about two minutes to finish a musical number. I Tne gins aon t waste anv time over tnem. I I I- I i I PADEREWSKI'S CHOICE OF PIANO IS "THE WEBER" i I i Y(Q)iS(Q)itflttI(Q) . ' , . ' . J j , . No piano hat of late received such notable succession of emphatic indorsements as has the Weber. Artists of world-wide renown have stamped it with the seal of theii approval, and the -ntire musical world has definitely recognized the premier position among pianos which the Weber now occupies. The fact that Paderewski has decided to use the Weber Piano exclusively on his present concert tour is conclusive. It is the final word for who is there better qualified to judge than Paderewski the world's greatest tone artist today? The Weber Piano and the Weber Pianola Piano are sold ex clusively by ind Sir i ar that J ny wiiJf The House of Highest Quality Biggest Busiest and Best plemoroli&bilitr 353 Washington St., Cor. Park Paderewski will give a Recital at the Heilig Theatre Next Monday Evening. Arrange to get your tickets at once -- MUSEMENTvS & "Buster Brown" Tonight. Tha attraction at the Helllg theatre, Fourteenth and Washington streets, to night and tomorrow night at 8:15 o'clock wiu Da tne musical cartoon play, "Bus ter Brown." This merry comedy will be an excellent play to see if you are troubled with "the blues." as It Is laugh from start to finish with any number or catcny songs sung by bevey of pretty girls. Special prices prevau. Popular Price Matinee at Helllg. A popular-price matinee will be given at the Helllg theatre tomorrow after noon at 2:15 o'clock. The musical play, "Buster Brown," will be the attraction. ' Take tha children, they will enjoy It. "Parsifal" Tomorrow. ; While there is yet time do not miss seeing "Parsifal," the great dramatic version of Wagner's grand opera, at the Marquam. The engagement of this beau tiful story closes with the performance tomorrow evening. There will be a matinee tomorrow and the advance sale for the last t.ree performances has been heavy. do not coma as often as theatre goers might wish. The role of Nance Olden, the girl thief who reforms arid leads better life Is beautifully portrayed by miss jewel. "GrausUrk" Next Week. Another, big new production is sched uled for the Baker next week. This is George Barr McCutcheon's "Graustark," which will open Hunday matinee with Izetta Jewel in the regal role of the Princess Yetlve. The play Is along the Is filled with thrilling and romantic scenes and situations. "Dora Thome" Matinee Tomorrow. Bertha M. Clay's famousclav. "Dora Thome," continues to draw large aud iences to the Empire, and ' it is one of I those rare plays that seem to Improve I wun age. especially wnen presented ny set capable a company as that seen here this week. Miss Dorothy Grey is an ideal Dora. Clay Clement Coming. Clay Clement, one of the best known tars on the American stage, comes to the Marquam for a week, .commencing tmnaay arternoon. While here Mr. Clement will appear In "The New Do minion, "The Bells" and "London As surance," three plavs in which he Is especially suited. The first play, "The jNew jxvmlnlon," Mr. Clement wrote himself, and it Is one of the sweetest love stories ever told. "In the Bishop's Carriage." The last three opportunities to see the and it is one of those rare treats that . Some people try to prove that coffee doesn't harm any one.;- . , The best way' to know the , facts, is to stop coffee and note the; difference in? your ; condition. If the headaches, palpitation, nervousness, dis- - appear, " youll know why. - It's easy to get along with out coffee if Postum is used as a regular beverage. It is a wholesome food drink made of wheat -nd coffee or drugs. ' - . ".There' a Rcason,.V "A Battle or Life." Miss Ethel Tucker, who plays the leading role in the new melodrama, A Battle for Life,' at the Empire all next week commencing Sunday matinee, is a young emotional actress of rare and ar tistic ability. The plajris of western stamp, and deaia with the rierce nature or a young ana Deautnui Mexican girt. "The Nancy Hanks" Tonight. It has been a long time since the local public has had such an oppor tunity to witness a strictly rirst-class theatrical entertainment as it Is priv ileged this week at the Lyric where the Allen Stock company is appearing in me taiesi or its up-io-aate Dills, "The Nancy Hanks." one of the new. est and cleverest farces that has been seen here In many years. Verna Felton as "Camille." '' The sensation of the coming week in a theatrical wav will be the aDDear- ance here of Verna Felton at tha Lyric in "camlne," supported by the full strength of the Allen Stock company. This is the- greatest emotional nart ever written ior a woman ana Miss Felton will make her first effort In a heavy emotional role in the most try- i"S vi an parts. Superior Vaudeville'. ' At the Grand the superior vaudevillA continues. This week there is a har- moaious program, for there are a num ber Of musical nrt nn tha Tha """"au Biugem una msirumeniai- liViir. Pronounced hit and their rendition of the soft, soothing native audience" 8lrons impression on tha IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE NEWEST IN WEAR ING APPAREL VISIT THE STYLE STORE K E f .w 4fj" r " t i 7 1 rr. iv ft y i V!v WJihrfM "-S J.w wUiaasiaSM. ca Atr I ' aSBMMawijt j "King of the Cowboys." kiI' rj.or?, tprformaneea remain of 'ri" th 6' "lea: afternoon ?!i knight, tomorrow iicrnoon and night. Vrnm XJOv.t di.i Mllltarv acajT.m J .f TOn west Point erarv mrn P,ar or better lit- Correct Spring Attire For men, young men and boys is now shown at our Men's Clothing- Shop in greater varieties than ever before. The styles are correct, the fabrics beauti ful, the designs are rich, the colors are charming and the workmanship is faultless. The NEW MODELS we display are the result of the experi ence, energy and prestige of STEIN-BLOCH, SCHLOSS BROS, and BRADBURY SYSTEM. Yet the prices are as low as consistent with legiti mate merchandising. Do not wait, have your first r choice. CREDIT IF DESIRED We privilege, you to select your Spring Suit, Top Coat, Waist Coast, or anything in Haberdashery, and -pay in ; small weekly or monthly payments to suit yourself.. Visit our HAT SECTION and get acquainted with the new shapes and colors pick the one you like and have it charged to you. EASTERN OUTFITTING CO. Washington and Tenth nas stosb wxzu xoxrm obeszt zs oood 'V w !i Attend BARGAIN SALES, CLEARANCE SALES. SHAM or any other SALES when you can buy FIRST-CLASS SUITS FOR MEN OF US AT SasJk There are dozens of styles to choose from every want ed size and all the NEW fabrics. Some of these iden tical fabrics and patterns are shown in uptown stores at $20.00. ' ' WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IfS SO 0 3d and Oak 1st and Yamhill SO THE PHPEJ IMY KNOW HERE THEY ARE AT LAST 850 OF THE FINEST Can ri n n n a" BV V kv . a m -M m I aaaat s mm swim mm IT 4& . Ordered by a St. Louis clothing house which could not take them on account of the already large stock on hand. They were sent to us at 50c ON THE DOLLAR, and tomorrow we begin the greatest sacrifice suit sale in all Portland's history. Hundreds of the Finest Men's Hats Wonderful assortment of Fedora, Derby, Tele scope and rinch Crown, also new College styles, $2.00 and $2.50 Hats, for tomor- Q row at the low price of uOC Thousands of latest style, spring shape Fe doras, Pinch Crown and Telescope Hats that are genuine $4.00 Hats; some worth only $3, but they all go at the one low . f price of OlaDD John B. Stetson Hats oft Hats lyr only $4.00 and $5.00 grades at.... D NOW FOR THE WIND - UP PRICES CUT DEEPER STILL ON Women Coats $7.50 and $8.00 Coats .$1.49 $10.00 and $12.00 values, Saturday $1.95 $12.00 to $15.00 50-inch Coats ........ $3.95 $18.00 to $25.00 values sacrificed at. . . .$6.95 And hundreds Mof new and still greater bar gains. You must come, and come early every day, to reap the full benefit of this sensational safe. THE SUITS ARE HERE 850 OF THEM! The richest and rarest of the -new season's novelties, for this St. Louis house ordered these for its spring trade. All high-class produc tions from the best makers and all the very same styles that every other store in town sells at two, three and four, times these prices. It's a sacrifice in the truest sense of the word a slaughter never equaled, and while this lot lasts we'll sell men's suits cheaper than you ever bought them before in all your life. Don't take our word for. it, come and see, for the bargains are really greater than stated here. The greatest clothing values that ever stared you in the face await you come. Men's finest $18.00, $20.00 and $25 Aj Af- Suits, your choice tomorrow. DUf D IT'S THE BUYING OPPORTUNITY OF YEARS CLOTHING LESS THAN CLOTH COST TOMORROW, MIGHTY PRICE REDUCTIONS int UKCAIDI HI-tUMC! 46 Women's Suits, worth up to $25, d Qf Saturday at tDUaaD 200 Skirts, $3.50 to $5.00 values, (!slr J ft at f.. ii.r tD.I-rJ 28 $3.00 fckirts $1.49 at 200 Black Voile Skirts, worth to tJ np $7.50, at 0i.VD Attend the BIG LOOK FOR THE ANNEX SIGNS tm JIM n n nam n r an insain f T" , Tomorrow in Entire Cor ner Fifth and Alder Sts. mm