THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 21, : "1808.; 13 TODAY'S EGG VALUE IS iStocks Aro Not Moing Fast Even at 21c and Further Drop Is-Likely. ' Front street foatures: Holiday, oil 'Street tomorrow. Eggs reaching lower. ,, , , Chickens not so firm. ' . , Dressed meats still scares. Columbia smelt are higher. Salmon run decreased again. Onion market not so- Arm. Potatoes have fair tniovoment Creamery buttsr holds well. Celery market Is. higher. Oranges coming taster. vir-ii.T nf.ll. .kin. tivnAllffl (mum nmiA I" " ( Rales of local flour better. w neat marxej quic .. Erf Seoohlnf tower. ," . .1 vmt a. rest today Ua?s;.ePrI-.: lug a aownwara Bn"",-?,lwl"l",K U.s from th. north 1. vklbUjt this Ped roP there rlng the " hour, bftered but 20o a doien for strictly t resh candled stock, so no saae. "Juried. Kecelpts along the street are he trade Is that prices will rtaeh JOo r-less before, the v?" lOrement suosiaes. this report several w..m on street Tomorrow. an thm wholesale grocery houses will closed tomorrow on eocount or roshlngton's u noa, tefrs nor deliver freight, so no ship- ting business can oe uuuo. "".r.'i'; front street commission houses will be Jen most of the day, because of the irrtvaU of perishable produce by sx 1 res. Chickens Are Hot Mo Firm. Not so muchflrmsessi. displayed by III lOCAI IUi v. U.r. -tth.dulln... gstherlng on .11 f the uealers cut their quotation o a ound Auriag the past 24 hours In order Vres.ed'eat arrivals remain smaller nan demand and prices continue at the "Sun of smelt Is still rather mU " he Columbia and the small arrivals re finding a demand st 7c a pound. Recelve?s report a slight dsorease , In hirun of salmon In the Columbia, but he supplies are still very liberal and rices look lower. No change today. Onion Market ot So Firm. While growers are showing " a'fPT Itlon to rush their onions to market me street coiumuc. .......-. , hi "rode is still of the opinion that fewer price, will result mount of potato business at the low rice now ruling. At country shipping olnt. dealers are paying from 40c to Oo per hundred pounds. Wall Walla Shipping Froduoa. Walla Walla produce Is beginning to omV in this direction B reen onions are now being received rom the north In fair condition . ..Um, nro at tin Oflded til IS lornlng. Price advanced 26c crate Movement or oraimen ... who .......-.. .heavier and some sales are reported t slightly lower figures. Hawaiian pineapples are flnJInj ery good demand because of the fine UThere'l some complaint among local ibbaae people because of tne impor- iEtlon of California caWago Dy io iront street nouses. in ; " cabbage is always ot better quality id ha. little waste, compared to that rom tne souin, he latter to this market an unprofitable jenture. pi n4r imtmrn of the Trade. 11 Local flour trade is somewhat heavier Ince tne reaucuuu m There is nothing doing in the wheat Hon nour iiuu. i . ... - Ur, .rnMi reDort no orders for wheat Pom abroad. .... T , , r. State miry na iow - 'y and t. b. lowwonu i . hi L.fend oreamery am . V"k leetlng ol tne cream b..w' re a. I" I'll J IIIRI HCl . ' ' , " , w 4ianged In price. Offerings more lib- l-Front street sells at the following Tlces. trice, paiu mniin tgular commissions: ); Mm(h Wlonv Tut , GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. Jos large ; WHEAT Track prices Club, 82c; .ed Russian, 8c; bluestem. 84c; val jyt 82C. ... niDIVV B"pv1 t2S DBF ton: blled 129031: brewing. 829. 'e.YID ..6rper cwt I'l OATS New Producers' price No. white 117 per ton; pray, FLOUR Eastern Orego. patents. Have a Banking Home WE ARE now nice ly located in our new quarter s, Sixth and Washington streets. No difference how small the business jjou conduct, you should open a bank ac count and pay all bills by check. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK Sixth and Washington Sis. PORTLAND, OR. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES $4.00 AND IP, PER YEAR STILL SUNK MARKETS ' 7 TO BE ,T1IE IjATEST ' ' T.ti i. o4.fin - very. fa mous thess days as a Ross City. Even Callfornlana. now rscogni.e - w this title. It Is now announced .AM.Lm. in under way for the naming of a brand - of . oranges In honor of i'ortiana- w A. flkwara hv calling It -Ross City." I & Martin. rp- resentatlvs of ths , Kivri. 4 California, Orange Growers as- .oclatlon, states that taken tns matter up with his people in ins souiu. , 1 z 81.80: straights, . M-: wpffj H2 valley, $4.48; graham, s, 84.50, whole wbeau $4.38; rya, tvs. .. baiTlLj? STUFFS NomtnalBron, $21 02 tn: middlings. J"i.. tfJI country. $27; city,. $2$; chop. $ h T V Producers1 price Tlmoihy. 12. DO. Batter, Xgrs and Foaltry. BUTTER FAT F. . Portland Bweet cream, 8e: sour, 140. BUTTER Extra fspT fresh cr ery8tic; fancy, 25(&$7Vio; ohoice. 6c; SJdlnary hio; best storsge. 87 H y 30c; Jecnn grade! ISoj stors. lo a pound EGO Extra fancy, candled, 21c; MjffiCT.Kil cream, flat.. l$Ho per lb; Tonng Americans. 17o per "'"POULTRT Mixed chickens. 12tt18o per lb; auoss. ,s"". "w'.y.1 per lb; turkeys, alive. 18c per lb; dressed l518o lb; squabs. $2.60 dosen; pigeons. I1.X8 doa; dre..ed poultry. 1 a l Ho. per lb fclgher; wild geese, ( do. Slops. Wool and Hides. HOPS 107 crop, first prims. 6c; prime. SHc; medium to prime .6c; medium. 4&o lb; 180 crop. l2o lb; contracts, l0, ( ). ,,. WOOL 107 clip Vslley, 1818o; eastern Oregon. UHOlSo. MOHAIR S02Wo. HIDES Dry hide. llllo lb: green, 4 to; calve., green. iOTci klpa, so lb; bulls, green .alt, 8040 lb SHEEPSKINS Sharln. .Bo20o each: .hert wool. 26c0 4c: meaium, wood, 60cO$l each; long wool, lie at $1.26 each. , TALLOW Prime, per It. 3cfJ4o; No. t and gresee, 2O8H0. CHITT1M BARK 6c Fralts and Tegetablea. POTATOES Select, 7076e, sell ing; ouylng, Willamette valley, 40c; eastern Multnomah and Clackamus, 4i(tf 60c per cwt; sweet 8Hc OMONS Jobbing price, $2.60i..7B, buying, spot $2.002.2G; garlic, 7c lb. APPLES Select, $2.00; fancy $1. (5. choi;e, 1 1.26 1.60: ordinary. 0c$1.00. FRESH FRUITS Orange., new, $2.00 $2.50; bananas, 6c per lb: lem ons, kp4.60 box; grapefruit, $3.60 box; pineapples, $46.60 dozen: pears, fan cy. 81.oOBl.76; oidlnary. $i a box; tan gerines. $1.76 a box; Jap oranges, 40 46o a box; persimmons, $1.76. VEGETABLES Turnips, new, 100 10c. sack; carrots, 60o per sack; beets. C676c per sack; parsnips. 8&ci. caD- bage. 81.25 1.60; tomatoes,, B a. i c. . n v5' hnns. luc: local. 76c$l; peas. 14c, horsoradlsh. he onions, 15c dosen; peppers, 25c. hot house lettuce. 81.261.60 box; head let tuce. 95c dozen; cucumbers, hothouse, 81.24 dosen; radishes, 25o dozen bunch es; eggplant. 20c lb; celery. $8.76 4. J6 crate cranberries, eastern, $9.0010.50; sprouts. hc8tto per lb: asparagus, 40c lb; eplmeh, (US box; green onions, 40c dozen Duncnea. Orooerles, Kuts, Sto. Cubs, 86; powdered, 5.S5; berry. 80.66. dry granuiaiea. . . -1","' ,V ulated. 10.40; coni. a., ' iru-',nw.n (i.. 15.06: D. yellow. 84 6; beet granulated. 85.45; bar rels, 15c; half barrels, 0c; boxes, 66o kUvance on sack oasl (Above prices are 10 days net cash quotations.) COFKEE Paokste oronds, Ili.BSO 18 68 HALT Coarse Half ground. 10.0s. 813.6V per ton: 60s $14.0u; table, flairy Os. $H,00:. 100o. $18.76; bales. $2.60. Imported J-lverpooi, owe, ,v;7 IllToO; 4s, 18.00; extra fine rarrels. 2s, i sni los, 84.6b5.60; Liverpool lump ock, $20.60 per to; -io roc. " J.1!0?-. tn f les. r.r inr. at BDeclai price. subject to flurtuationa) IUCJU imperial jaiJ"'-. 2 6V46ic; New Orleans, bead, To, AJax, 6c; Creole. 6c. ..... BEANS Smafl white. $4.25; large white. $4.10; pink, $4.10: bayou. $3.90. Limas, 86.60: Mexican reds. 4Hc NTTT8 Peanuts. Jumbo, 7o per ip. Virginia. 61o per lb; roasted, c pV JapsnV ftoejic: roasted 8 Per. l0l..?"V? "Vw " hVunrv' nuta pine iiuti, tvu js w . loo per lb; brazil nuts. 16c per b, ft -berts. 15c per lb; fancy pecans. 162oo per lb: aimoiius. idc. Bleats, rim and FTorulons. nnrcsBED MEATS Front street- Hogs, fancy. 7c lb; .ordinary, ic. large, bttu'u iu, " " r per lb; ordinary, o per lo; heavy, 7 80 per lb; mutton, fancy, 11c per lb. HAMS. BACON, r-orwiiiui v- T.'.. id 1; Jhi 12Vic Der lb: 14 to 16 lbs.. 12c per lb; 18 to 20 lbs.. 12c; breakfast bacon. l5H22Ho per Der lo: regular - short clears, smoked. lie per iu; uuiu"i . backs, unsmoked, 10c; smoked. 11c. . , . .. v...... ia n 13a lh- unsmoked. 12c per lb; smoked. 13o per lb; clear Denies, unonioaeu, i.tiu Hie per id; snouiuers, iuv.-, ckled tongUfcS, 70o each. per lb; 6s, 12o per lb; 60-lb. tins. 12o per' lb; steam rendered. 10a, 11 Vie Per lb; 6s. llo per lb; compound. 10s. Ho per id. . FISH HOCK COO. 1I0 ID; irounuer bass, I80 per lb; catfish, lie per lb; sal mon, chlnook, 12 He; steelhead. 12c per lb; frozen, 8c; herrings. 60 lb; soles, 7o lb; shrimps, 10c per lb; perch; 80 per id; tomcoa. 110 per iu, lobsters. 25c per lb.; fresh mackerel. 8c per lb; crawfish, 26o per dozen; stur geon. 12o per lb; black bass. 20c per lb: silver smelt, 67c per lb; Columbia smelt," 6c; black edd, 7 Ho lb; crabs, Sl.00itfl.69 dozen. OYSTERS Sboalwater bay. per gal lon. $2.60: per 100-lb sack. $6.00; Olym pia, per gallon, 82.40; per 100-lb sack. dozen; eastern in shell. $1.76 per hun- rcLAMS Hardshell, per box $2.40; razor clams. $2.00 -per box: 10c per dos. Falats.Ooaiou.fivo. cntur Pnra maniis. its: standard. llUn: sIsaL 10U.O. Coal Oils ' TOJ.kl. iron HD1H. UtHCB. VVUUUC3U1V. Water White ..11 o 15 o Pearl Oil t .... Head Light ..12o PniianA . . .... 18J40 19Ho lllio ls"o 21o 18vio 18Ho Speclsl W. W..14H0 Elaine - Extra Star Gasoline , 7ron Bbls. Cases. V. M. and P. Naptha ...12Hc 19Ho Red orown uasonne y-n Motor Gasoline ...18Ho 26H . ria.AlIn H(i n S?A No. 1 Engine Distillate. .10 17 o USLISClIstL-a9 aeg., cases. wo per sm. Iron bbls ISO per goL TTTTj'Pir.M rTKia in nmM. 72e nor sal: wood bbls. 6tyo per gal. 18c; boiled, bbls 64o, cases 60o a gal; lots of 260 gallons le less. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. le per lb; 600-lb lots, 8r per lb; less lots, 8 14c . WORLD'S WHEATS MARKETS -IIISE Chicago Has a Fair Gain for the Day Good Improye ment in Liverpool. CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. Onen. Close. Feb. 20. Gain. May .... V2 3H 2H July .... S8H H IS 9t) Chicago, Feb. 21. Following th. good showing of strength In the market yes terday, there was a very lively trade at the opening of the wheat pit to day. May went to 82 Tic as compared with the close at 92Hc yesterday, while July wu advanced He at 88 Ho this morning. Today's closing was Ho above yesterday for May and Ho for July. Liverpool and other European mar kets were showing a steady to firm tone In the early trading today. At Liver pool the market price started upward after ths opening and May closd at 6sl0Hd as compared with 8aHd; to day's opening and last night's closing figure. Improvement abroad caused a rally In the price here, with shorts covering soon after the opening. Early In the day the price went to 93He and found Its high market Ho higher than that. All other pits showed a reflection of ths Rtmnrth in wheat today, corn, oats and provisions closing with a fair gain. The gain in provisions wa. maae ae splte. ths lower hog market In the yards. Range by Dowtilng-Hopklns Co, WHEAT. Open. High Low. 87 Close. 93 H $$H lit .2$ May July Mar 92 H 88H 93 7k 88H CORN. 60H 68H July OATS, Kg M May July MESS PORK. 1105 1180 1105 1160 1165 1160 May July 111$ 1160 PRICE OF PRODUCE n-SMFRMGISCO a-- Va$.aa VK 41 W1 A A t NO. 1 California club, per cental, 8167H 1.60; white milling club, ll.6501.e7H: white Australian. $1.701.72H: north ern bluestem. 21.6501.67H: northern club. 8160. inferior grades, $1 60. Barley No. 1. feed. 81.8601.87H. with some fancy at 3128H: common to fair, $1.801.32H; brewlr.x, at San Francisco. $1.40 01.46; brewing and shipping, at Port Co.ta, $1.4001.46; chevalier, $1.66 1.85, according to qual ity. Butter Fresh California, extras, 82c; firsts, 28c; .econds, 23c; storage, Cali fornia, extras, 25c; firsts, 28c: seconds, 22c; eastern, extras, 24 He; firsts, 22c; seconds, 21c; ladles, eastern, 20c; firsts, lo. Fresh eiret. ner dozen Extras. 20c; firsts, 19c; seconds, 18c; thirds, 17o. New cheese, per pound California flats, fancy, 12o; firsts, HHc; Califor nia Young America, fanoy, ISHo; firsts, 18c; storage, eastern New York, 17 He: Oregon. 14 He Potatoes, per cental Salinas Bur- banks. 76c$l; Lompoc, $11.50; Ore gon Burbanks. 76c $1; River Whites, fancy, 6086o; do, choice, 40060c; Early Rose, $1.1001.30; River Reds, $1.3501.40; sweet potatoes. $2.7508 per crate. Onions Oregon yellow, $2.75; reds, nominal; eastern yellows, $2.65. Oranges, per box Navels, $1.5002, with some fancy at $2.26. WEEKLY STATEMENT OF NEW Y0BK BANKS New York, Feb. 21. Bank statement: Members daily average cash reserve, 27.83 per cent. increase. Reserves $ 1.618,325 Less U. 8 1.676,776 Loan. 8,721.500 Specie 4,950,400 JyPgUl 103, JVU Deposits 13,982.300 Circulation 635,800 Members actual cash reserve, Z7.S4 per cent. increase. Reserves $ 670,760 Less U. S 610.425 Loans 20.768.900 Specie 8.807,800 Legal 1,303,400 Deposits 27,698,000 Circulation 964,900 Decrease. Non-members deposits Increase $1, 061,000. Legal tender's, increase. $191, 700; total deposit., decrease, $2,049,400; total deposits eliminating amounts due from other banks and trust companies In New York City, decrease, $658,000 for five days. Northwest Crop Weather. Western Oregon and Western Wash ington Fair tonight and Saturday; easterly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair tonight and Saturday. MILD WEATHER HAS AN EFFECT ON EGGS "Egg receipts are. continually Increasing and prices drop off a cent every day or so. It is likely 4 that with continued mild weath- er prices will further decline, as 4 production will be large. ''Butter Is unchanged and 4 while in largo supply 1. clean- 4 4 lng up nicely. 4 "Poultry arrivals have not been large during the week, but 4 4 demand also has been rather 4 4 light. ' Fin. hens and large, 4 straight springers have moved 4 off nicely, tand broilers and fry- 4 4 ers are In very firm demand. 4 S Ducks sell pretty well, but 4 4 geese are very poor sellers. 4 4 Live turkeys are not wanted at 4 4 all,' but fine dressed goods of 4 4 this sort are In demand at 17c 4 4 to, 19c. There has been a larger 4 4 proportion of podr stock mar- 4 4 keted than there should be. and 4 4 the trade hopes that shippers 4 4 will keep poor birds until they 4 4 are fit they are not wanted on 4 4 this market at any price. I look 4 4 for a steady demand for good 4 4 hens and straight springers ths 4 4 coming week. 4 4 "Pork was easier, but still a 4 4 good seller, for fancy. Small 4 4 and medium fancy veal Is still 4 4 scares." Tom Fsrrell of Ever- 4 4 ding & FarrelL : . 4 4 .' " tEverything Is.! FaYor of Port land as 'the Eoso City of . the Coast Calif ornians Naming Fruit "Rose City" CATTLE HELD BYJEAJ Vl Killerk Say They Are Unable to Pay More With Present .Beef Quotations. ,l' ' PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. . Hog.. Cattle. Sheep. 72Aay. 184 J0T 80 296 190C in 1806 ,.. 100 200 Fordand Union Stockyards, Feb. 21. -Wlills a good bunch of hogs showed up In the yards during the 24 hours, the market retained a good tone. There was a good buying demand all through the day, killers seemingly being willing to f ay on a basis of present values. This s the time of the year when hogs us ually show a good tone on the coast and this season Is proving no exception to the general rule. Ths future of the coast hog market Is very much in doubt. Much, If not all will depend upon the attitude of tho eastern markets. The price here I. clo.e to a par with the enst freleht and other charge, being considered and riuciuaiion. mere wiu oe eageny scanned by the killers. Cattle Frloe Hard to Move. Although receipts of cattle have been quite small recently the market Is not snowing any crrecr as rar as tne prico Is concerned. Killers say they are un able to pay more for cattle as long as the present competition In the dressed meat market continues. No sheep arrived In the yards during the 84 hours snd that line Is quoted nominally at former figures. A year ago today all lines were firm at unchanged values. orrictai yara values tooay: Hogs Best stuff, 15.26 5. 35; stock era and China fats $4.6005.00. Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers, $4.3504.60; cows and heifers, $3,600 3.76; bulls. $2.0002.26. Sheep Best wethers, $5.7606.00; lambs. $6.0008.26; owes, $5.0005.60. HOGS PROP IN THE EAST. Price Is Be to 10c Lower Today Cattle Down 10c, Too. (United Prase Leased Wire.) Chicago, Feb. 21. Hogs, 86,000; cat tle, 8,000; sheep, 2,600. Hogs are 6 0 10c lower; left oxer, 6,600; mixed, $4.26 04.67V4; heavy, $4.2604. 574; rough and heavy, $4.2604.35; light, $4,200 4.47H. Cattle lOo lower. Sheep Steady. Kansas City. Feb. 21. Hogs. 11.000: cattle, 8,000; sheep, 4.000. Omaha, Feb. 21. Hogs, 14,600; cattle, 4,600; sheep, 5,000. . VALLEY WOOLS SELLING. Quite a Good Movement In Oregon Stock in the Boston Market, (Special Dlvpatcb to Th Journal.) Boston. Mass.. Feb. 21. Considera ble movement In Willamette valley Ore gon wool, has occurred here, on scourea basis, of about 40o. O reuse prices sre revised and now quoted hi mevzic ror No. 1. 25026c for No. 2 and 21023c for No. 3. There are small line, of eastern Oregon staple left, but buyers' interest cannot be aroused. This grade Is quoted at 22 0 23c. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Evening Up of Accounts Causes Early Gain In Values Today. New York. Feb. 21. Evening up of short accounts over the holiday caused a generally firm tone this morning: In the stock market and forced an early advance In prices. Profit taking of longs resulted in some losses later in the trading. The bank statement was Issued at noon today because of Wash ington's birthday tomorrow, to celebrate which all exchanges will be closed. The showing of the banks was quite as ex pected. Call loans ruled the same as during the past week. (Range py Downlng-Hopklns Company.) O n DESCRIPTION. a Amal. Copper . .. Sugar Colo. F. & I Brooklyn People's Gas . . . U. 8. Steel, c. .. do pfd. Atchison ........ Halt. & Ohio Can. Pacific Erie L. & Nash M. Pacific Pennsylvania ... Reading Rock Island Southern Pacific St. Punl Union Pacific . . Am Smelter ... N. Y. Central Northern Pacific. Groat Northern. Anaconda Soo. coin Smelter, pfd. . . . Ont. Hi Western. Am. Locomotive. R. I.. fd Norfolk I Cotton Oil 47V i 46 49 112Hi 16 40 86 28 92 684 7 144 13 90Vi 32 U 11 Ml 'OS. 109 116 04 5l 121 Vs 118 30 92 90 30 82H 23 60 25 112 111 16 41 85 16 40 U 28 '4 28 92 68 79 is" 30H 111 a 68 W 107 115H 68 95 120H 92 68H 144 13V4 31 111 6 11 6K 108V4 116 68 95 121 us 30 91 9 30 38 4 23V4 31 90 30 91 89 60 I ...I Sales 446,200 shares. . Money High, 2 per cent; per cent; close, 1 per cent. low. 1 CAR ORANGES SENT EVERY 20 MINUTES Riverside, Cal., Feb. 21. An average of a carload of oranges every 20 min utes has been packed and shipped east from Riverside In the past week, figur ing on the basis of nine hours as a working day. The weather has been favorable foe picking, and all of the packing-houses are busy getting out fruit. This Is the heaviest week's ship ment of the season, thus far. It is be lieved that the shipments next week will pass the 200 car mark. Permits for Grazing. . (Special Dispatch to Xbe Journal.) Pendleton, Or., Feb. 21. Permits have been granted for the graslng of over 10,000 head oil ccttle in the Wenaha for est reserve during the graslng season of 1908. This number Is considerably In excess of the number grased in the re serve last season and owing to the Im provement of the range in the Blue Mountain section under the forestry pol icy, there Is room for several thousand head more in this reserve. Northwest Bank Statement, PORTLAND. Clearings today $697,361.28 Balances today 81,364.89 SEATTLE. Clearings $1,182,645 Balances 186,893 TACOMA. Clearings . 8??-2!5 Balances .. 51,361 Chicago Dally Market. Chicago, Feb. 21. Butter, steady; creameries, 210 32c; eggs, easier. Prime firsts, 26c cheese, steady, 10 13a. cnnpfOTnon ninun in ii 2? CENTS OP TODAY Spokane. Feb. It Thera was a sharp fain in Snowstorm todsy, cms sals of 00 shares being made at $1.63, a net advance of 87o over ths bid of yester day. Panhandle sold at yesterday bid of 8c, but todaFs bid was a fraction lower. Nabob sold d higher than ths bid of yesterday. . Range by Downlng-Hopklns company, members Spokane Mining exchange: AJsx . .... Alameda . Alhambra , 16 4 8 30 10 7 II . . 72 1 260 15 825 o 7 2 6 80 97 17 7 2k 4 4 2 8 7 3 2 29 2 22 2 10 170 3 80 115 125 1 Alberta Coal & Coke Bell ; Bullion Chas. Dickens Canadian Cons. Smelters. Copper Klrig Dominion Copper ....... Evolution fcaCho ' Oalbraifh Coal Oertle Hecla Happy Day . ti . 6 . . 4 . 11 . 0 . 8 .190 . 2 . 1 . 20 . 4 .200 . 2 4 4 . li . 4V . 75 . 85 . 10 . 8 . Holden O. A C Humming Bird Hypotheek Idaho Oiant Intl. Coal A Coke Kendall Kueky Calumet Missoula Copper Mineral Farm Moonlight Nabob Nine Mile O. K. Cons. Oora Paul Panhandle Smelt Park Copper Rambler Cariboo Helndeer Rex (16 to 1) Honor. .' Snownhoe . Snowstorm Sullivan Sullivan Bond. Stewart Tamarack & Che. Wonder Sales. 2.000 Nabob, 8; 6,000 su: 700 Snowstorm. 166; 3 6 2 1 25 1 14 8 164 3 40 95 80 1 Panhandle. 100 8now- storm, 168: luO Snowstorm, 156; 506 Snowstorm, 16$. PRICE OfliA SHARES IN FRISCO Ban Francisco,. Feb. 21. Last night's closing prloe.: GOLDFIELD DISTRICT. Band.torm 29c, Red Top Ext. 14o, Co lumbia Mt. 22o, Jumbo Ext 46c, Silver Pick 29c, Black Butte Ext 8c, Atlanta 81c, Great Bend 87c, Florence $4.12, Diam. B. B. :on. 20c, Comb. Fraction 69c, F. Mohwk 25c, Red Hill 81c. Lou Dillon 4c, mellow Tiger 15c, Yellow Rose 8c, Col. Mt. Ext. 22c, Qoldf. Cons. $4.70. BULLFROG DISTRICT. Llgs Harris lc. TONOPAH DISTRICT. Ton. Montana $5, MacNamara 80c, Ton. Belmont $1.80, Ton. North Star 15c, Jim Butler 88c. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Granny 9c, Jumping Jack 6c. SCATTERED DISTRICTS. Nevada Hill. $3, Pittsburg Silver Peak $1.32, Eagles' Nest 22c. THE BOSTON MARKET (Furnished by Qverbeck & Cooke Boston. Feb. 21. Official prices Co.) 45 46 7 6 34 Vi 7 13 4 6 84 6 77 68 13 x rivonture ... Z No. Butte Alloue. 2 Atlanta 9 Mohawk .... Michigan Nlpptssln ... Old Dom Shannon Parrot Victoria tmlted Copper Utah Copper Range doth Daly West 8 Dom. Cop.... c. Ely Greene Giroux ...... Cal. & Hecla. Gold Hill... BUtte Coala.. , 2 , 7 , 8 , 3 .607 1 , 18 Winona Osceola Tamarack .... Trinity Nevada cons. 9 Bingham 11 New York Dally Market. New York. Feb. 21. Butter, firm; best creameries, Slo; cheese, steady, 16c; eggs firm. 25c. Liverpool .Wheat Market. . i b-.k 91 XT v wheat opened at 6s9d, closed at 8sl0ad. a net gain of ld over yesterday. Tacoma Wheat Market. Tacoma, Ffb. 21. WheatExport, club, 78c; bluestem, 81c; red, 76c. Chicago Cash Barley. Chicago, Feb. 21 Cash barley, 70 88c. HARRIMAN ORDERS HIS FORCE REDUCED (United Praaa Leased Wire.) Sacramento, Cal.. Feb. 21. Two hun dred men In the motive department of the Southern Pacific .hops here were laid off today, in line with the general Harriman policy of retrenchment on the western roads, on account of slack busi ness. Married men are given the pref erence. It is announced that the men will probablv be reemployed before sum mer, when heavy freight business again sets in. PERKINS ADVOCATES HOLDING SEA POWER (United Preaa Leaaed Wire.) Washington, Feb 21. Senator Per kins of-Callfornla defended the sending of the battleship fleet to the Pacific in a ringing .ptecll before the senate-thls afternoon. , The discussion arose over the follow ing resolution offered by the senator: "Kesolved, That it should be the. pol icy of this government, while not adopt ing a continuous program fixlnn the number of r.aval vessels of any type to be built in the future to maintain Its nresent relative position In comparison with the navies of other great powers." DUCHESS IN RANKS OF THE SOCIALISTS (United Ftni Ia1 Wire.) London, Feb. 21. The Duchess of Manchester, formerly Helena Zimmer man of Cincinnati, Is about to proclaim her conversion to Socialism. It is an open secret that her conversion was sc compllshed by the Countess of Warwick. Land Board Approves Loans. (Special Dispatch to Th Journal.) Salem. Or.. Feb. 21. The state land board yesterday approved loons to far mers in various part, of the state aggregating $25,000. These loans are made by the state to farmers, who .re glad to secure them, as the state charges but 6 per cent Interest While private concerns charge at least seven per cent. . FOR BENT HOUSEKEEPING o iuuaiui. IIIII1IU COPPER SHARES THE WAPELLA housekeeping rooms; suits, 08 Aider. St. .. FURNISHED single or en J (JOURNAL "WANTS" CENT A WORD San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 1206 Call Bldg. Tslephone XCtaraey BUI AST-BTXBCKEVTD AVS STTB" SOBOTIOaa KBOIUTXO. Oregonlsns when In Son Franelsen ran have their mall sent In car of The Journal office. ARTHUR L. FISH, Representative . . NEW TODAY BARGAINS IN LOW PRICED 100x100,. near new 8-room Richmond school, - with 6-room house, barn, etc.. only $1,200; $600 cash, balance to suit. 85x100, with -room house, at Stew art's station, near car line: only $800, $160 cash and $10 per month. bOxlOO, 7-room papered house, right on car line; only $1,500; easy teMxi00. on E." 44th. near Hhc-ras ave., 4 rooms, plastered and tinted, hot and cold water, large barn and chicken park; only $1,850, part cash. CONKLIN BROS. 302 Kothchild Bldg. Phone Main 2859. IMPROVED ACREAGE Best of soil, high and sightly, 4 blocks from car. 6o far"; price l00 and $900 per acre; terms $l6o cssh. bal. easy pay ments. thMi U end liave leu ai i om oneVi and two acres In Bel ford add 1- tA . m a .1 Anil a- n La tlon, 1 IHOCK I rom c . "r , . IV.-.i mile from Clinton Kelly school; cultl vated land, excellent soil; Bull Run water; easy payments. BE!, WOOD TOWlfSTTB CO. 1665 K. 13th St. Phone Sell wood 161 $15,000 Also $20,000 To Invest In Income-bearing business property. 110 Second St. M. W. OOPDAJ-P, 20 I can deliver for a few days one of the best family hotel or apartment sltea In the city. 100 feet on Third, close In; $12,000; easy terms; I can show you 20 per cent net In this If you improve. E. A. McORATH 231 Chamber of Commerce. WEATHER REPORT The north Pacific high pressure area is now central over the northern Rocky mountain states and the west gulf high pressure area has lost Its Identity. A low pressure area, apparently of little energy. Is central north of Lake Huron, and the barometer is relatively low over southern Arizona. This distribution of pressure has caused fair weather in the north Pacific states, with temperatures generally slightly below normal. In California the weather Is unsettled and light rain has fallen at scattered places In the southern portion of the state. East of the Rocky mountains, fair weather generally prevails, except in the lake region, where In a few locali ties, light snow has tallen. It is much warmer In the Mississippi valley, and ohlnook conditions prevail In north cen tral Montana and Alberta. It Is colder In New England and the middle Atlan tic states. . The indications are for fair weather In this district tonight and Saturday, I Temp. Max. Mln. Preclp. 36 20 .00 30 22 .00 ...30 2 .00 86 IS .00 11 IS .00 36 26 .00 60 46 .00 46 3 .00 34 22 .00 34 18 .00 38 21 .00 73 64 .00 H 20 .00 54 42 .00 ....36 SO .00 ...33 16 .00 40 26 ' .00 . .46 36 .06 Ttoston. Mass . .. Chicago, 111 Cincinnati, unio Denver, Col Detroit, Mich . . Kansas City. Mo Los Angeles, Cal New York, N. Y Omaha, in eD ... Portland. Or.... St. Louis, Mo. . . St. Paul. Minn. . Bail uine, u mi. Seattle, Wash . . MARRIAGE LICENSES Max Schwartx, 211 Carry street, 26, and Hattie Hoffman, 18. William F. 593 Karl street, 22, and Willie K. Jessup. 22. Jacob Shanedllng, Vancouver. Wash ington. 21. and Esther Llcntensteln, 18. " Wedding Cards. W. O. Smith & Co.. Washington bldg.. corner 4th and Wash ington ats. Wedding cards the best. 100 for $&. Alvln 8. Hawk. 144 2dt tonseth A Co., Horists. for flowers of all kinds Z3 etn Clarka Bios., florists Fine flowers and floral aesigns io munmiu TiTo for pent, all sizes. run a,. --- - . Unique Tailoring w, p"t- . V... Ia u.(th HnrlHt. 1F.0 6th St.. ODD. Meier A Frank's. Main 7215. BIRTHS WILLS February 16, to Mr. and Mra A. N. Wills. 475 Spokane a son MOORB February 15. to Mrt and Mra O W Moore. 634 Harold, a son. DOOLEY Fijruary 1,V" t0. Mn an(1 Mrs. P. H Dooley. 752 Water A son. RAONON February 12, to Mh and Mrs. Nicola Ragnon. 644 Fourth, a daughter. O'DONNELL February 8, to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. O'Donnell, Hobart Curtis. a son. DEATHS COLLAER February 18, Mary Collaer. FUNG February 18, Lee Dock Fung. 91 Second, age 42; diabetes. LARSENFebruary 20, Susan Larsen, Oak Grove, ago 25; pulmonary tu berculosis. " ' . KAY February 18. Hans C. Kay, Good Samaritan hospital, age 66; knifa wound of throat RICHARDSON February 18. Robert R. Richardson, Nicholal and Lake, age 69; apoplexy. N15THEKTON February 18, Louisa Bryant Netherton, 866 East Flanders age 41: pulmonary tuberculosis. UNDERTAKERS DUNNINO, M'ENTEE & OILBAUQH, undertakers and embalmersj modern In every detail. Seventh and Pine. Mala 430 Lady ossistant J P FiriLEY & SONS. ID AND MADI 'ao'n sts. Office of county coroner. Phone Main 9. A. B. HKMSTOCK. FUNERAL; Dl rector. E. 13th and Umatilla. Sell wood 71. : """" - SseLLer-byrnes CO., FUNERAL. Di- rectors, embalmers, 27C Russell. East fcDWARD HOLM AN. , UNDERTAKER." 530 M It .... E'RICSON UNDERTAKING CO., , Em balming; lady ass't. ,409 Aider. M. 61SS. CEMETERIES "... ROSB CiTY8INQLB GRAVES. ' $10f family lota,-925 . to ITS. Superintend' ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont st. snd Cully road. Phone Tabor 106. For full Information apply to Frank Schle sel, (It .Worcestex Jblk. vFl.oas A-2S23. .v V .1 i" . V : ? :'v ' -: " : : " ' '; jJOURNAL -WANTS- 1 CENT A WORD! REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Have your abstracts mads by ths Se eiirltT Abstract Trust Co., 7 C of C B. W. Fisher and wife to Yerex Bros, company, lot "A" and south 20 fast of lot B" aubdl- . vision of lot I, block i, Portland ' . 1 Homestead ................... 1,800 B. W. Fisher and wife to Yerex , , Bros, company, lot "R" snd south 20 feet of lot "Q" aubdl- vlded lot (. block 4, Portland Homestead 8,000 S. Hochfeld to Frank Clmbolo, . , ' south of lot I, block "B," Ca-r . ruthersr addition to Csruthers , addition J.800 John H. Duncan to Max B. Ood- , frey. lot 1, block 9, Williams' ' avenue addition 1.000 Joseph M. Healy and Walter J. Burns transfers to Eva M. , , r Shaw lot 12. block 12, Waver-. lelgh Heights addition 100 William Pool and wife to Annls ' K. Batsford, lot 18, block S6, ' Sell wood 184 Fritz Nlklas and wife to Cathar- , Ine I'anck, eouth It feet of west 65 feet of lot 1 and west 65 feet of lot 2, block 124. Stephens' addition to St. Johns ' H. E. Noble and wife to Minnie Y Flsrhbeck. lote 8 and . block , 2. Braauon addition to St, Johns 780 . Portland Trust Company of Ore--. iron to Susie E. Bowder. lot 1, block 7, Woodstock 100 Bate!' anl wl' lo Jerdlna ':. r. Wood, 35x100 feet, commenc- f lng at point on north side of Ev- v V erett street 200 feet east from - . where aald line Intersects east line of Twenty-second street... 4.71ft Frank Miranda and wife to O. K. Edwards, north of lot 2, block 1. Piedmont 4,000 Fred H. lUckert and wife to W. R. McLeod and wife, northeast half of southeast quarter of section '! - 2, township 1 south, range 4 cast $00 Clyde Wolgamot to J. M. Wolga- mot, lot 8, block "S." Sellwood.. tSO D. C. Rodgers and wife to Christ .Guntly, lot 21. block 4, Arteta Park No. 2 nl G. A. Cobb et al to Edrlkke Ostkill. lots 26. 27, 28. 29. block 3, Col lege Place 1,200 Carl Spuhn to S. Ada Pearl, lots tl, 28. block 6. Arleta Park No. 4 1(0 J. T. Vlckers and wife to Archer M. Glnley, lots 1. 2. block "T." Sellwood 1,600 Moore Investment company to W. E. Welton, lot 1, block 49. Ver non 480 Tit's Guarantee & Trust com-, panr to G. DeKonig, lot 8. block 22, First addition to Holladay Park addition 160 Multnomah Cemetery company to Jacob Hessong, lot 16, block "C." said cemetery IS Alfred P. Ooss and wife to William . Traver, lot 9. block 17, Lincoln 1 1 Park 1,000 Portland Trust company of Ore gon to Miles W. Wllkins, lot . ' block 147. Woodstock 400 P. A. Breeden and wife to Archie McQlnley, lot 15. block 11. St. J oh as Park addition to St. Johns (80 Nelson J. Tusant and wife to Max F. Fisher, lot 8. block It, North Alblna 1.000 Egmont Hagedorn to M. F. Fisher, lot 1, block 4. subdivision tract "D." in M. Patton tract (Of M. E. Thompson et al to M. W. Fisher, lot 6, block 1. subdivi sion of northeast auarter of tract "P." M. Patton tract (00 Portland Trust company of Oregon to Hannah Johnson, lots 25, 2d, . 1 ,. block 10. Portsmouth Villa ex tension 275 J. H. Morse and wife to C. H. and Alice H. Chapman, lot 6. block 67. Sunnvslde third addition.. l.HOO Pacific Title & Trust Co.. the leading abstractors. 204-5-6-7 Falling bldg. " . CARD OF THANKS WE WISH TO EXTEND OUR HEART felt thanks to our friends and neigh bors for the many kindnesses shown during our sad bereavement by the death of our son and. brother. Mra Ce? cells Gallagher and family. 1 BUSLVESS NOTICES THE FIRM OF PATTERSON ' A Hutchlngs. cement contractors, has discontinued and all orders for cement will be taken care of by Georga E. -Hutchlngs. Call on him before letting contract. 212H Madison St. Room 20, Address all mall same. Horns phone A-4374. INVENTIONS SOLD ON COMMISSION. Covenant Contract company. , 427 Flledner bldg. Main 2891. L. C HENRICHSEN CO.. JEWELERS, and opticians. 284 Washington st MEETING NOTICES M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. (.460,! meets Wednesday evening. Alleky hlfa.. d snl Morrison sts. M. VV. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. 6,976. Mondays. 17th snd MarsnalL Visitors 'pnm . NOTICES TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN No tice of dissolution of copartnership of -the Covey & Wallace Motor company, of Portland, Or., is hereby given to all In terested parties. After this data W. D. , Wallace will no longer be interested in t : the Covey & Wallaca Motor company, The business will be continued at ths present stand. 16th and Alder sts.. The new firm will collect all accounts v due them and assume all outstanding, obligations. . - , COVEY & WALLACE MOTOR CO. , February 20. 1908. ' BIDS WANTED PLAN8 AND SPECI-V flcatlons for kitchen equipment now : ready Portland Commercial club. . 6th . and Alder. Bids to be returned by -March 15, 1908. Portland Commercial club. ' COLE & COLE HAVE REMOVED TIA 730 Chamber Of Commerce bldg. LOST AND FOUND FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and returned same day. 228 Front st. Main 4J4. A-1374. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Metsger, proprietor. LOST SMALL TIN TRUNK FROM ! north end Jefferson tt. depot Return to 88 1st st. and get reward. No ques tions asKeo. LOST LADIES' GOLD WATCH. O.- J Washington and 2id st, ear, 11 a. m.- -Tuesday 18th- Inst, going north or returning- 1:30 by 18th st to 11th and Mor rlson. then by Mount -Tabor car to H 17th. Apply 648 Belmont Phones U. 4907. B-2402 reward. . . H LOST SATURDAY OR 8UNDAHT from 627 E.--Burnslde street Maltese cat, white paws and breast, face below eyes white; reward for return or Infor mation. . . .. . ' ST6LEN ON THE 8TH IS'sT AM English setter dog, whits body, black Spot on left side, black spot po root f tall, head black and tan, wita whits strip down forehead; I will par a suitable reward Jtor any Information that will lead to the arrest and convic tion of the person who stole the same J. 8. Backenstos, 110 20th St. north. HELP WANTED JUALE WANTEDMAN TO WOBK,W Jf. , suranca and real tsits oy. :olar 40 per month and lntewst in the busl, nsssfmust invest $40 cash and I be abls to show property and bavs reference. See Stevenson. 246 Stark St - bers: t-w.i-1 membership 82. r M ( . JER bAY F-OR OOO0 AW ATEL .. I - photographer; some romin o you all for $L.. Box A 61 Common- tiuoCftTurmf OFFICH tJUAKA.s- tinVii per day; pric' k"j VVANTED A GU51 GEA&flAL i -'cha?d clerk, in a sma 1 s.. u m Oreon town; none but experlnce t n tb7t can funiah god ref-renes I ipply. Addreas N. fiUf. Wyrtltf Cr Oregon. - . .- -