1 1 1 Sfij ftiftTtltLt JOURNAL CIRCULATION Read the Want Ads ' and Display Ads In -1. Today's Journal , ' The Weather Fair tonight; Frl- -dy fair and warmer. - VOL, VI. NO. S00. . PORTLAND OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 20, 1903. EIGHTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS; gUt1!;0: C3 0 , ' - : ' ; - - vV :"- ,. , ,- , , .... ,. , .. .. ... f: v ,' ' ' '. ; ? f "1 - . t 1 r T 1 . . ,. . . . r . .: 1 ' ! NEARLY ONE HUNDRED GREAT- ILLINOIS 5 CORPORATIONS AFFECTED BY: DECISION SPIES GET i ; " i fE, IL Harriman won a treat victoryrovcr Stuyvcsant Fish1 tljis morning -when the' ques-" ! tion of control ofthe. Illinois Central railroad vvas determined in; his favor.' Harriman will" be allowed to vote1 the, entire amount of stock directly and indirectly under his i control. Jvv' ' ; Nearly 100 Corporations in the state of Illinois will be affected by, the findings which. ;. were returned by Judge Ball of the superior court The decision v bumped .Illinois Central ' block, wiucn siumnca rapiaiy,. du union x aciuc- oucngmencu consiacraDiy iwnen'inc news. i was received in '.Wall street,; ;'r;.:-;V'vV;:v.-; ;v. -;'::; v'r V; 0' -' . liHJG CANNON BOOM WELCOME TO : "FIGHTING BOBS" WARSHIPS r ALL STOCK Illinois Central 1 Railroad fWill Not Be Dominated by : Stuyvcsant Fish Case In- , voWng: -Millions , .Settled by Judge BalL --4 Chicago; Feb.1 20. The ; long, bitterly fought, contest between E. H. Harnman and . Stuyvesant Fish, former president of the im- nois Central railroad for- posses sion, of that immensely -wealthy, corporation was this'mOrning de- . . r . M tt.. : . i Ciaea in . iavor oi iiarnman u Tudee'Ball of the superior court. The decision, which favors the Union Pacific railroad, a Harri man enterprise' upholds the right j ' of corporations outside erf Illinois a ,10'Conxroi ana vote siock .m.iui-i s nois ' corporations 'in ' sustaining! Sthe right of the New Jersey hoM- iing company ot the Union Fa CifiC r 'V ; : :;.,r;,M Judge Ball dissolved the tem porary injunction granted Fish,v f . , . TT J 'I . rrmvnTinrr ; i lip nxrr mxn inirr. in the road at the annual elec tion, which has been postponed from time to' time on account of the controversy. The ruling of J street-IN LIMA'. PERU. the court anects nearly luu Dig corporations doing business in Illinois. :. - 'V -, $ " The COUrt held that the Fish-Iim- nrOBBntlna- a maraf f toAt.t marine i?arnman coniroversy aia not re- sDectaclev : Rear TAdmirai Krana- itsemble . the Northern Securities fleet of battleships attamedilntd I comotnv. which was' knocked out Caflao port f this Smdrning. Thou .of existence by a Judicial" blow, nd : ' - people i lined the shores. r.hiraiis tin mnnnnnlv ia invnTvrl I cuwriug i" " ifindlfc because ; no offense ' against j jitne ' iederar statuses - was com Southern' Pacific, Salt lake i arid Santa- Fe; Bailroad l ernment Men working: in Their Offices,!. Officers Found Employment and Secured Copies of V Agreements t to Favor Shippers With Low Hates. . t' (Unlit Pnm Lim4 Wirt.) ' Lob Angelea, Cai reb. 20. The pro- eeeijlngs pendin against the Southern pacific., Brt lAke and Santa ,F Rail- rwa companies in , in leaerai court here are , regarded ',br railway, men ai the moat eerloua more yet made by the department- of 'Justice agalnet dlshon ety. In railway management v . r The' reason for ; this ! that, the rll- I way managers ( and attorney! do not know the full extent of the Videno agalnat them now In the hands of the tJnlted BUtes dlatrtct attomeya tn this Uvea have been In the paaaenger an.l rreignt orncea aa trusted empioya, and I mora Important than all there has been one in the auditor's office of each rail ' way. They have secured copies of im' portant letters and rulings by; the gen eral agents relating to rebates and fa vored shippers, which they have placed j In the hands ot the prosecuting offi cials. . : . i " Railway attorneys are desorlbed as being seriously embarrassed In prepar ing their pleadings, as they can only guess at the full extent of the facts showing their clients' misdeeds which will be introduced as 'evidence. WIFE OF SLOGUM CAPTAIN - MAKES APPEAL FOR PARDON J MORGAN SCARED THE AMERICAN NAVAL7 OFFICERS WILL BE ELABORATELY ENTERTAINED IN THAT CITY. f ' '-A. vi...'- .! N ....... . -r ; The Journey' from Callao to Lima oc- inan an nour. 1 munuflii BIB BLACK HAND ' tUDHfO .ran MUfU J ? Lima, rem, eu. zo. in, single It approached. .s-'Jm f C'-. - Salutes , were fired by the Peru vian warships in the harbor, Evans' hlp;Mplytag'ifat:-';-'-'''' A holiday has been declared and festivities of all sorts in honor ol I In that battle of million against mil p' lionsC 'of lndpendeint ownership against Jiex-presldent of the Illinois Central, had I visitors are being held;. isssociaiea wiin mmmii ex-otmaior n,a ,'munds of Vermont, John A. Kasson of ,Iowa, tix-mlnlster to Austria, and Wll- ' oun or reuttoa. : The uetltlon charged' an 'unlawful scheme of the Union . Pacific Railway company to control the commerce of the United States by buying large blocks of stock in me prominent transportation companies. It set forth the names o corporations whose stock, it is alleged, the Union Pacific had" bought, among . U .Via fUinnirn Jtr lUnn 111 Inrtl. Pan. ra) Chicaao. Milwaukee & St. Paul and the Chicago Jt Northwestern, it charged I that tnearour companies ownea ana operated' parallel and competing lines, hotn In and outside-of the state of Il linois, and that it was. unlawful for the Union Pasiflo company to own and vote I stock in such, parallel and competing .lines. f-.- ..-vw ' , i 4 It was further charged that in the ef fort to iret a large percentage or the atnr1r of the Illinois Central ' the ITnlnri llPaclfic" violated its charter by buying the stock of the Railroad' Securities j company oi new jcroy, wmcn neia as .its-only' asset 95,000 shares of IUlnols ' Central- stock.-. The . cha rg-e was made that 15,000 chares of Illinois Central I stock belonging to the Railroad Securl i ties company wr transferred a few ' days before the Illinois Central books H. Harriman and;. 18 officials; of the Union facuio ana liunois -cenirai, wno were under the control or Mr. .Harri man. , - i . ' . (Continued on Page Two,)' TtnAnt aAvtfrm Mpelvd here tell of elaborate' arrangements being made by the government -ana people oi c i-eru for the entertainment of the American of f lrm- nl - bluelacketa. . No country yet visited. by the American ;tleet offer; sucn t soenic oeauties or IS -eurrounaeu with rnore historic Interest than the land of the Incaa, .the scene of the gol den conauests of Plsarro and bis fol lowers. :.J - ' -.t; W -. ,- '- 'While the a fleet Is anchored ,4n the harbor of Callao the Americans, will be taken, to the capital city of Lima, where they will be officially received by President Pardo - and entertained on a grand scale. The Americans will, find little or special interest in Callao, that City resembling in most respects the other ports along the western coast of Houtn. America, it is a comparatively small -seaDort. with the usual ouays and wharves, warehouses and terminals. The residential part of the town is biylt la tne old Spanish etvie. L.iaa most sea ports, : Callao . is filled ' With : merchants and traders of all-natlonalitle8 and con tains colonies of Germans, Spanish, Italians, English and- Americans. There is some manufacturing done there", but the shipping is the chief industry of the mnaoitants. . x na most . or " me moaera terminals and transportation facilities have been built with English, and Amer ican' capital. '. . ' , 5he Americans twiU find in -the capi tal cltv f Lima - many characteristics which t he v-have heretofore met. It is one of the most historlo and picturesque cities on tna, continent. AOKL ! TRYING 1- JAPS' AGREEMENT I i v(CnltedfPnHS leased , Wire.) I ;, . Toklo, Feb. 20. The continued axlst j'ence of the1 present ' cabinet depends I largely on the success' Of;th Jmmigra jtlon . steamship companies which', are trying- to create an opposition strong enough to overthrow ' ths Japariese Amerlcaa agreement.- . :r".,- :. A resolution Censuring the men' who are behind this movement Is expected to be introduced in the diet. Although the defeat of. the ' opposition is 'prac tically assured, its methoda aire causing the government mucn worry The min istry is anaefed at the attitude of AokL former Japanese embassador to Amer ica, who is accused of leading the anti agreement party.-..v- .-"!. cupies less two railway lines connecting the cities. one. English, and the other American. The route extends through-a fertile val ley on the slope of the Andes. .Beyond Lima the line rises' to a height greater than, that attained, by any other railway line la the world. s - v : llma is picturesquely situated on the banks of the Rimac a mountain torrent, at'theend of a valley whose Inclosing hills rise on one side of the town. The heart of the city's activities Is the Plara Mayor, or public square, on two sides of which are the principal ar cades and Bjiops of the city, while the iww maes are laaen up witn tne historic cathedral and the residences of tne archbishop and the government buildings 'and Official nuldnnn -of th presiaeni or tne republic. The residence of the president, called the Casa .Verde, is a low building, painted dark green, with white facings, and occupies one entire , side of the square ft is chiefly-Interesting from the fact that it was the home of the old Spanish viceroys and it was in ont of its rooms that the great Captain Plsarro was assassinated.: " :. xne catriedral. which is a most tm posing eairice,' is a very large end cur ious building of grand proportions. It Is approaphed by a areat flight of stone miv,v mnu is rianaea Dy- two large tow ers, of the. Spanish Jesuit type. The catnearai, ; like nearly everything else 1.1?? rllaJa uma, Is a reflection -0,3 sA"a'n- ' The entire city, in fact, affords tho best example of a sixteenth E . .irjr. oPn'n town, to be found in While it is of great historic Interest tne cltv of Lima mumih a -hi. ircturni raenis. . Many of its finest ouuaings and monuments were either uBw-oyoQ -or damaged beyond repair by the victorious ,r)inh - .hi - . 1 1 . MA.Ut. - fTI L M . . . . . . . . ...v.. 1 ,.v incaae or ine catnearai IS Oltted With bullet .tinlM 4 manv prominent buildings, bear the marks of President Jose Parrin ' whn viu Ka iv central -figure , among ! the entertain ers of tho American naVal officers, r Is one or the most intitinM M...An.iiiA. In South America, He , is the ' embodi ment of the nrnarreaalvo anirlt hinh In the past years has done wonders in developing the natural . resources of ;eru and placing it abreast of the tlmee. "e warm admirer of thejUpited States and has lent th iiH e hi. in fluence In makina- Jt possible for Amerl-' can capital to find a safe investment In Peravian riilvnv nn. .......i.. and in the rich mines which are unex celled in -any part of the world. Presi dent Pard was elected ln l904 and his term of office.wui eiplra this falL . Stock Brokers" Afraid Bomb Will Be Hurled Into Exchange, (United Press Leased Wire.) New York, Feb. JO. On the heels of the report that "black hand" threats have been made against- J. P. Morgan, and closely following the closing of the stock exchange visitors' gallery because of a rumored blackmailing threat that a bomh would be hurled onto the. floor. Commissioner Bingham has made public the action he contemplates on an in flammatory circular advocating the "slaughter . of financiers and advising the worklngmen to march in force upon Wall street Squads of detectives have been sent to trace . the 'circular to its source and maka arrests.' The placard which is. headed "Work lngmen, Help Yourselves," Is the climax of reputed threats launched against Wall street within H hours. The circular calls tor the wholesale destruction of the capitalists and finan ciers without regard to their prominence or standing in' the community. It urges the working-man to kill Indiscriminately, so long- as bis victim la a weaitny man. GETS $80 FOR BEING; FINED Autoist Pays Court $20 for Speeding and Gets Rare Coin in Cliange.' , Judge Charles G.V: Richie, Once Candidate . for, Gov- ; ernor a oi jventucKj Ar- . j rested : for; Passing Bogus Check for $10; : : r: i Highly, Esteemed Citizen, at One Time a Power in Xa- , tioiml Politics, ! Defrauds Friends ; of Several ;Hun - dred Dollars. 1 r ' -; X. (United rreaj tMied Wtra) j Oakland. Cat, Teb. iO.Judge Charles O. "Rlche. formerly of the surrogate court, Kentucky,-and, once candlate for governor'of that state was arraigned In police court ' today on the charge of passing- a bogus check for $10.' During the hearing he sat with his face hlddea behind, Ma hat. ) , . .. . i, -f Richie's fall Is a puzxla to his friends. He was highly esteemed at his home in Berkeley,, temperate and of bright mind. Since his arrest It has been found, tt la claimed, that he had defrauded friendd of about GV. He refuaea.4e-.lalk, and refused to see his wife in JalL. Judge Rlche Is- connected with ths best families of Kentucky. During his (TJslted Piew 'Leased Wire.) New York, Febj t0. The bealth'of'qaptaln Van Schaick' of the J lll-fated steamer 81ocum is falling rapidly. The -appellate court recently decided that the captain must serve out his prison sentence. ; Mrs. Van Schaick la still fighting loyally for. her husband's pardon', and as he Is a very old man and growing .more. feeble,. she haej a, chance, to. succeed in? her efforts! - v' political career he was a powerful fac tor in naiionai pontics, a close iriend of Orover Cleveland and an .organiser VETERAN BURNED TO , I ' DJtiATHiiN, iCAilFORNIA iV-.:.;VBlte4 ress ' teased-' Wire.) Santa-? Monica, CaU f Feb - 2d-wil- Ham - B. " Mudge civil war veteran, a member of the Sawtelle. Soldiers' home. age4 6o, was burned to death last night The fire originated from an. exploding lamp. The only known i-elativa nt Mudge is Mrs. Alice Roosevelt of Casa-J noviH, w lurn, wiie or a cousin of President . Roosevelt. , . , -. . . , .--., " -. i : -'i ' ''. ; . TAHAKA LEAVES v WITH HIS WIFE White ,. Girl and Japanese Vouched for' hy; Rev. j Thompson of Sellwood. ' (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) - l( Vancouver, Washi,, Feb. i JO.lt1' has developed that the witness' who. swore to the application of klntaro .Tanaka, a Japanese, to Ved , Miss Anna Johnson (Bergmann), is Rev. D. 'A. Thompsoru faator of a church at Sellwood, Oregon, t Is understood, from Information re ceived through the authorities here that the reverend gentleman acted as a sort of a match-maker, having been in, cor respondence" wftlf 'thV Japaifese an4 Miss Bergmann for some time relative to the marriage. Although the bride-gave her noma as .aergmana wnen Derore Auditor Kles in this city, her right name is said to do jonnson, sne oeing a step daugh ter of C Beramann of San Jose. Call fornla, from whom Sheriff Sappington mceivea a telegram yesterday. Sheriff SaDDlnaton vesterdav Mr. and Mrs. Tanaka in Portland and arter much persuasion, succeeded SOLVES SsTERY Andiangpolis' Official-Shot ' for Burglar and Dies in Attic From Wound. with-whom all big political' leaders had to reckon. ' - .,- I OrIt ona reason ranr-ba'asslaned fo the Judge's downfall, and that Is that his mind has become deranged. . '- IIElHREffl FOR ARBlTRATIOf; English : and United States GoTerihnents Arc Trying to Reach Agreement; ;t' (United Press taaed Wirt.) Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 20. Richard S. Eskrldge of Seattle, arreated for speeding his automobile, was fined 120 and made money out or tne transac tion. Eskrldge arrived nere we rirst or th week in a huge auto, yesterday he drove out Alhambra way and passed beneatu tne oenamg jepper trees at rate - or speed - wnicn , aisturoea tne classic shades of the valley. An un tutored marshal arrested him on the charge of running hta automobile above 70 miles an hour and haled the Seattle man .into court. Judge Ruth Imposed a fine of 20 which Eskridge promptly paid. . . ., , f.:. - Among- his change Was a f 10 gold piece. when he later . attempted to spend the coin, he was informed that lt was i one or very rsre gold . coins minted In California In 1849 and that its value to any collector was so. sK-I ridge paid for his purchase ana - msrsnea . dsck triumpn. getting them to start for San Josa. Th sheriff scted as their guide and helped inem purcnase. a tiCKet ror tne Uall fornla city, to make sure of their de parture. A telegram was then sent Mr. Bergmann advising him: of what had been done. The couple were married at the Methodist church by Rev. Robert xeatman, pastor or tne Baptist- church. The couple made application to be mar. rled by Rev. Mr. Brooks, pastor of the Methodist the time. church, who was absent at in Silver I hell." VALENTINE CREATES . LOS ANGELES SCANDAL Hospital 'Matront Suspected of Sending Insulting Screed to Physician. (United - Press Leased Wfre.) Los Angeles. Cal.. Feb. 20.A valen tine sent to Louis Sentous, president of the' French -hospital her . and leader of the' French colony, has created a merry scandal and among other things has re sultedln the resignation of Mrs. Peter Clos," matron ; of . the hospital and the withdrawal of several nursea .f'.,; Sentous accused Mrs. Clos with, send ing the valentine, but. she denied that she had anything to do with it and then resigned.- .The valentine -wishes Sentous all sorts of bad luck. . It says: "Curses upon- you and may you e-row meaner and meaner until you land lit :k to . his , hotel la I iThar .has been trou - . .... , ICloa and bentat for ouble between Mrs, sums nme, , (Cnttea Prera Leased Wire.) i' Mdlanapolis, Ind., Feb. 20. Blood soaking," through, the ceiling from the attio of the cottage of William Reich. ert this morning led to the discovery or tne bOdy' of William F. Barrows. city official, and a prominent Shrtner and Oddfellow, croucned In one corner of the small space above the ll vine- .wins ut ui. xveiciierta. ' , Barrows, went. to the house of Mrs. xteicneri to kui her, lt Is reported, but was mistaken for a buralar and shflt. bya-'Tieighbor.-, It is supposed that ne crawiea to tne attic, where he died. It was thought that burglary .had been oouy attempted loaay. until his was found RAILROAD COMMISSION v UPHELD BY ' COURT (Special Dispatcb'to Tha Jonrnal.) Olynipia, Wash., Feb. 20. The su perior court of this county has upheld tho . constitutionality of the railroad commission law in conferring the power to -make rates upon the railroad com mission. The decision upholds the rea sonableness or tne loint rate on wheat and the, order requiring the railroads to Install physical track connections at Junction points. The Joint rate on potatoes, oats and barley Is set aside on the ground that it was made arbitrarily. The railroad commission gave ' notice of appeal In open court-on this point of the decision. ROCK ISLAND TRAIN -. BLOCKADE RAISED (United Frwa Leaned Wire.)" . Lincoln. Neb., Feb.- 20. -The blockade on the main line of the Chicago & Rock Island railroad, between Chicago- and Denver, caused by severe bllizards in the middle west, was raised today, after stalling trains for 48 hours.. Six trains had been blocked between the Rocky mountains and the Missouri river. - - (United j Press Leased Wire.) London, Feb.. 10,- The house of com mons was informed by, the government today that negotiations looking; to an arbitration : treaty with, the United States are in progress. vu , ' Further thsn this there was nothing said on the subject as the government thought a full discussion of the matter at this time would be prematura, SEllE TO VOTE Oil ESPEE SUITS Fulton Will Force, Land Grant Controversy to Issue Immediately. . Washington, D. ' C, Feb. 20. Fulton declared toda that he-will forca a vote In the senate on his resolution pror'ding that the department of Justice prosecute u ovuurem racuiff una grand suits. "I shall ask . unanimous consent to morrow,'.1 he said. "If any senator ob jects I will move that the resolutions be immediately considered, and if there 's opposition I shall ask for a roll-call.M " FARMERS DIG PATH v FOR AMERICAN AUTO -;: iifi-, ,., , , ', (United Press Leased Wire.) ; V Ligonler, Ind, Feb. , SO. Tha Amer ican car, followed closely by one of the r French make, reached- Kendall vllle, In diana early this morning In the New ' York to Paris automobile run. Farmers alons- the route made patha lnthesnow for the American car. but refused to turn a shovel for the for eigners in the other machine.- S35.000.000 BONDS ARETO BE FLOATED UNON PACIFIC (United Pros teased Wire.)., New; York. Feb. '20. Directors of the Unlon4 FacifUs railroad have .decided to sell at once, according to a well-founded report, not less than I3R nil nml r. v.a to pay off floating debts, : It is aald that the bonds will be se cured by . m trt mortgage on l.Suo miles of lines in Mlfsouri. low . sas, Nebraska and Culurailo. 'l already a mortrnge un th mnin the railroad secured In l'.sJ. mi time the 1.S00 nills of hratif-h ii, be, mortsafd now '( -nri ' - The Uist annual rrrt av roal' lont. and lu.is fiyij',4 s, to 6i,(yo.;;o. -