M THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENINO. FEBRUARY IP, 1903. ii i Town Topics TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS. flHI. 45 Minute From TjMdwy -juarnuam urana ,,,-Tiriii Itnlrr - -in ihn niahnn'a Carrlass fcmplr "Pora Thorn" Grand Vaudeville Lyrio . ;.."The Nancy Hanks Star ., v.. "The King of Cowboys ' ' a. TV Ruahmsji haa begun ult calnat ; Mr. Rachel.' L ' Hawthorne, Catherine H. Collin,' Merfltt O. Conine. Loulea H. Hole. Whitney U Sol and tav 1 wnivn eek to Qompel the .xeeutlor. i of a deed to lot t and i. block Si I, Hawthorne Park. He ay he ha paid part of the purchaee price, and that deed wae refused when h offered to pay the balance. If the deed le not given he auks fnr III AAA ilanmlU.' Ruihmdn ha leo brought similar ault agelnet the Hawthorne estate atone to deed to lota i and 6 In block 128. Haw thnt-ns Parte. Ma asks for 15.000 If deed 1 refused In thl caa. - He says he agreed to pay ll.60 for the latter mere nr DroDsriT anu aa.avv v former. Mr. Mary-Dearborn Schwab will ap pear at Ellera hall next Thuraday even ing under the ausptcee of the Ladle guild of St Markka parleli In pro gram of children conge. This I a new form of entertainment in -or-land, but It haa met with auccesa In other part of the country. Miss Klttj Cheatham, a daughter of General rhuihimi nf fh Confederate army, haa delighted audlnnces all over the east and part of Europe with recital Of thl character. Member of the Unlvereallet church of fhe Good TIdlnga have organised a Mission circle for the study and prac tice of mlaalonarr work. Member of the aoclety will tudy the methods adopted by other churche In taking care of their missionary work. The following officers of the organisation were elected at a meeting held recently: President, Mrs. N. Crosby; vlce-presl-rient. Mm K. Ferguson: secretary. Mr f Humphrey; treasurer, Mrs. George avls. There were SI members present at the first meeting. Judge M. C. George delivered an ad dreaa last night before the Ohio society on "Prominent Ohio People " I Havo Mt." In addition to the address by Judge Oeorge, the following program was rendered: Baritone solo. Dr. P. C Yatee; contralto solo. Mrs. F. A. Hof fenbacher; reading. M. Hicks. Jr.; song, J. A. McHolland; remarks. Dr. Cass of Vancouver. Miss Laura Fox acted as accompanist. W. B. Chase, president of the society was absent, .ouis nesa pre- aiding In his stead. L. M. Parrlsh of the real estate firm of Parrlsh, Watklna A Co. is seriously 111 at his residence, little hope- being entertained of his recovery. Mr. Par rlsh Is 78 years old and haa been a resident of Portland since 1852. In 1866 he organised a real estate agency which ha conducted until a few years ago. Mr. Parrlsh has been a life-long member of the Presbyterian church and Is now a deacon of Calvary church, Eleventh and Clay streets. The New York society, at a meeting held last night, decided to draft a new constitution and by-laws, and D. ,J. Haynes and Mrs. w. J. n v polnted to act wun mo prmiucin, . Llda O'Bryan. and Secretary C. C. Flsh r In nranarlnr them. Beversl new members were received and plans dis cussed for Increasing the membership. A literary program was given and re freshments served. Mrs. R. C. Bell was the hostess. Jennie Marrlman has begun ult for divorce from Victor Marrlman. wnom ha married In Relfflum In 1902. She ay she lert him two momns no that he haa alnce that time assaulted her. besides using language too strong to be repeated in tne compiaim. kn ottier unhappy wife seeking separation Christiana Lllllson who charges that Philip I-iljlson desertea ner in Novem ber, 1905, after 14 years of married life. An entertainment will be given to night for the benefit of Mrs. Glttlngs, iHn nf Patrolman John W. Olttlnga, who was killed by M. G. Bradley. It win nnalat of a comedv. under the di- r, Mra TCmilv li DrtSCOll. BS Isted by Miss' Ethel E. Griffiths, and rill be neirt in Burnnarn nun, cmnoi nt ITnlon avenue and East uurnsiue street. Rov Sommers whs convicted of the charge of larceny by a Jury in Judge Rronauch's department of the circuit nnrt veaterriii v afternoon. He was ac .oi rf atenllnir lewelrv valued at $72 from the home of Dr. J. W. Morrow of 860 Ban Rafael streei. An accompiiuw, J Redman, confessed and testinea against his partner. Special evangelistic meetings are In Drogress at the Central Baptist church Vamt AnWenv And East Twentieth streets. Rev. John M. Dean of Seattle preached the first sermon or me series last night. 'The meeting win lasi iwo weeks and at noon every oay kv nnn will hold a Draver meeting serv ice nt the Y. M. C. A. auditorium, be ginning today. Ex-City Engineer W. B. Chase Is at the Good Samaritan hospital suffering from a stroke of apoplexy, which he sustained a lew days ago ai Mcminn vllle. Mr. Chase Is In a serious condi tion, being unable to move his body. His left aide la completely paralysed and while he talks with difficulty he is able to recognize his friends. A meeting; of the Initiative and Ref erendum League will be held tonight at Drew hall. There will be a general dis cussion of the initiative measures to come before the people In June, and the committees recently appointed to Inter est the civic organizations In the work of the league will make their reports. Fred A. Frischkorn has-entered the race for the Republican nomination for constable in the Portland district. His declaration was filed with the county clerk today. A patriotic program will be given Fri day night In the Oregon building. Twen- The country is flooded with soaps which look like, and claim to be "as good as," Ivory. . Avoid them! They are imitations; and. like all imitations, they lack the. peculiar and remarkable qualities imitate. Ask for Ivory Soap iand see that you get it '? Ivory Soap 9946 Per Cent. Pure. vo mn&Mrri, o ou 0 oooun f A V' If your gum bleed 'whef yott Drue them, you hay pyorohoa, a disease which. If lot run, cu recession nd teeth to ldon. ' , , . W potlyir uv th abor di. Thl bfflo la ulpp with all th latest appliance and formula for doing hlgh-clss work. OUR PRICES ii-K Crown w. ..... S5.00 Bridge Work, per tooth S5.0O Logan Crown. S3.50 to 15.00 Beat Rubber Flat 18.00 Plate 410.00 to 115.00 Sllrer Filling , 11.00 12.00 to 15.00 Gold Filling... Vegetables Vapor need only by us for Painless Extraotlng 504 CHICAGO Painless Dentists COB. 9TM AJT9 WAJXXjrQTOV. Be sure you ara In th right office. Lady attendant. Phones Main S880. A-BS40. ty-seventh and Upshur atreete. In cele bration of the birthday bf Washington, M. Lee Paget will deliver an address and there will be various literary ana musical numbers. Oeorge w. uaiawen and Miss A. Crossley will Impersonate George and Martha Washington. Buying a rubber water bag or ayrlnge just because it is cheap la a poor in vestment. Get a guaranteed article that can be depended on In time of need from Albert Bernl. the druggist. 2S3 Washington street, the drug store of satisfactory results ana moderate prices. Commencing tomorrow, Thursday, all cars of the Portland Railway, Light and Power company will make but one stop at steam and electric railway crossings. Passengers must leave ana Doara cars t the first stop, as stop win not oe made on oppoalte crossing, ss hereto fore. Yes, we build fire escapes, elevator cabs and enclosure, wire and Iron fences, and wire and iron works of all kinds. Columbia Wire and Iron Works. 868-370 East Washington street, near Union avenue. Both phones. For this week only we will sell 25 ln cubaters at less than cost. They are allghtly damaged, but will give results as good as a new machine. Come In early and pick out your machine. Cor ner Grand avenue and East Alder. Rev. William Hiram Foulkea of the First Presbyterian Church will give a free lecture In the church parlors to morrow night at 7:80 o'clock, on a tour of the world. The locture will be Illus trated by a number of lantern slides. Articles of Incorporation hav been filed by the Bpanton company, organized by W. A. Spanton, C. W. Davis and G. 8. Twombley. Th capital stock la 11,000. Sunayslde W. C. T. U. will hold a Frances Wlllard memorial service Thursday. February 20. at the home of Mrs. J. Morse, at 2:80. Strangers wel come. Steamer Jesse Harktns, for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leave Washington street dock at 2 p. ra. Hedrlns Corn Cure removes corns. bunions and callouses; 2ftc a bottle, at Bernl's drug store, 233 wasnington st. Notice Highest price psld for Title) Guarantee and Oregon Havings accounts. . l - T, ISA I.-1 . stAA, COnn J31WS., AOV 1' not msvw Reflnlshing brass, bronze, enameled beds, plating and oxidizing, 302 East Washington. E-1283. Acme 'OH Co. sell safety coal oil and fine gasoline, rhon isast 789; b-ioot Baa Francisco, Coos bay steamer tickets. Frank Bollam, agt, 128 3rd at. Woman's Exchange. 13S Tenth street lunch 11:20 to 2; business men's lunch. W. A. Wise and associates, painless dentists. Third and Washington. Highest eash for Title Guarantee. Goddard, 110 Second. Berger, sign, show cards. 214 Yamhill. Dn. Lock and Gullette, Corbett bldg. D, Chamber, optician, 129 Seventh. Journal want ad, le a word. Where to Dine. Merchant' lunch dally, 25c Sunday dinner, 60c. K ruse' a. Park and Morrison. Notice. The publication known as Club Chat, as carried on by A. W. Orton, has no connection with the Multnomah Ama teur Athletic olub. The club is not In terested In any way in the same. BOARD OF TRUSTEES, M. A. A. C. Fancy Gowns, Also ladies tailoring and dressmaking parlors. Latest and most exclusive cre ations. Madame Tracey, SbO Morri son, corner Park (Mllner building). TO HOLD UNDEKWOOD FUNERAL TOMORROW Th funeral of John W. Underwood, who died February 15. will be held from the residence on Milwaukie road, Wood stock, tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Interment at Rlvervlew ceme tery will be conducted by th I. O. O. F. Mr. Underwood was favorably known to a large number of friends who mourn hi death. He was born In Camden, In diana, October 1, 1863. Beside a mother, aged 83 years, he ta survived by his widow, and four sons, as follows: J. Carl Underwood. Walla Walla, Wash ington, William J. Underwood, Denver, Colorado; Irve Underwood, Torreon, Mexico, and Harry B. Underwood, of Portland. v , Alwr fresh, '".Ha skla ' erst m, -never dries lip, spoils, shrinks or casuges. Only 25c it Every roysers in That sells regularly at $4, $4.50, $5 and $5.50 put in the SALE AT THIS LOW PRICE Eight hundred pairs to choose from SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOWS-we closed out seven hundred shirts in this sale last week we expect to close these out this week. This advertisement contains no exaggerations WH SELLING ABSTRACTS OF TITLE See ha for careful work, prompt ervioe, reasonable eharges. LAWYERS ABSTRACTS TRUST COMPANY Suite over Portland Trust Co. Bank, 3d and Oak sta. Phone Main S60, A-4aaa. ITOTAST PTJBLXO XH OFFICE OFFICER CAN'T KNOCK AS PRIVATE CITIZEN Case Decision Is That for Purposes of Discipline He Always Has His Buttons On. (Special Dlptcb to Ti. Journal.) Olympla, Wash., Feb. 19. Major Otto A. Case of th Washington National Quard has been let off with a repri mand, after being? found Kuilty by gen eral court-martial of censuring his su perior officers to the prejudice or good order and discipline. Last December. Major case gave out an Interview at Seattle In which he accused the armory commission having in hand the construction of the Seattle armory, with absolute negligence. The delay In beginning the work gave rise to the criticism. In the court-martial Major Case plead ed guilty to having said the things with Ich he wa charged, but pleaded that they were uttered1 as a private citizen and not as an officer of the suard. Tne court-martial round him guuty and recommended that he be repri manded. After holding up the findings for 40 days Governor Mead yesterday! n .1 U.tn. , MA 4 1 eased from arrest and restored to duty. INTEREST IN' TRACERS FRIDAY NIGHT SMOKER A great deal of interest Is being taken In the smoker to be siven by Tracey'a Columbia Athlello club next Friday night in tne cluo quarters in the Exposition building. The boy are working out nightly now and will be In splendid trim to furnish some fast bouts. Tracey haa some of the fastest amateur boxers in the city on hi training . Hat, and they are bound to create some excitement during their four-round mills. Cures baby'a croup, Willie dally cut and bruises, mamma' sore throat, f randma' lameness ur. Thomas Kl ee rie Oil the great household remedy. The Panic Is Over Now com and get. your watch and watch repairing at GOODMAN'S til Morrison tt Bet. 7 rant and First. t . Pair m Levviston Bonds for Sale A GILT-EDGED proposition in the way of $52,000 in bonds of the Lewiston Land & Water Power Company, subject to prior sale. These bonds bear 6 per cent interest, payable semi-annually. Full particulars by calling on our bond department. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES $4 and op Per Year German American Bank Sixth and Washington Sis., PORTLAND, OR. j COAL Creek COAL None Better to Be Had at Any Price lK $7.00prTon 5J? Special Price to Sjiturban District F. B. JONES & CO. East 7 181 EAST WATER ST, B-1771 JOURNAL WANT Men-s the louse LEADING CLOTHIER BUILDERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES In the hardware line are a specialty with us. Don't be afraid to call If all you want la a single pound of wire nail don't overlook us If you need ton of material, oecause you 11 get tne same treatment, the same fair pricing. In either case. Every sort of worth-while naraware at Avery s. AVERY & CO. 48 Third St, Bet Pine & Ash ADS PAY BEST CURES RHEUMATISM u Rheumatic Cure rt bom. re bottle. am nrTxurAx. xncnrir roa. RHEUMATISM XsT ZTfl KAVT TO Rclatlca Neuralgia Nervousness Sleeplessness Nervous Headaches Neuralgic Headache Nervous Dyspepsia Nervous Affection TRADE SUPPLIED BT A.W. Allen & Co. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, 16th l Marshall Sts.. Portland, Or. PACIFIC COAST AGENTS. A New Departure Th tost of Interments haa been greatly reduced by th Holman Under taking company. Heretofore it. has bean the custom of funeral directors to make chsrges for all Incidental connected with a fu- fiersL Tne isawara iioimm unaertaa ng oompany, the leading funeral di rectors of Portland, have departed from that custom. Whan casket Is furnished by us w make no extra charges for embalming, hears to cemetery, outside box or any services mat may De re quired of us, except clothing, cemetery nd carriage, thus effecting a saving of Z5 to 171 on eacn runersi. THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. uo rnxmB IT. COB. MUIOV. THE JAS. I. MARSHALL MANUPACTURINQ CO. Show Cases, Cabinets, Stort and Office Fixtures tors Pronts Ohanred. Sou Xmod led, Oeaeral OoBtraeting, Plana Drawn. 89 Ooooh Streat. Phoaa pacuo 1181, WOMAH A BPXCIAXTT MSB. a. r. cmxm. th only Cnlneae women doctor In this city. She nas curea many ai fllcted sufferers. Cured private and female dis eases, also throat 'and lima troubles : stomach. bladder and kidneys and diseases of all kinds that the human flesh Is heir to. Cured bv (Tiinoae narna ana roots, Remedies harm- less No operations. Honest treatment. Ex- imlnatlon free. 262 Clay st., cor. Tnira. Diamond Roof Stains UI. SHADES MADE FROM CREOSOTE 5 Oal. Lots 75c Per Qal. Portland Sash & Door Co. 030 ntOHT ST. rOBTLAJTD. OB. Luce House Laundry 864 ST. 80TH ST. PH01TE8 Main 1784 A-1784 I.AOB OTJJtTAIirS A SPECXALTT CLAY 8. MORSE I aoTM rnoMU J f H MACHIKIKI. tumaax J t$t en D Mrwf aeiNuiiNE ROCK SPRINGS COAL SOX.B AQEBTS. INDEPENDENT COAL AND ICE CO. 353 STABK ITBEET. Opposite City Library. Both Phones. We must sell at once 60 allghtly damaged sewing mnchlnpa. IncludinK IUCO Big DoAlirtinn well known makes as ItCUUtUUIl singers, Wheeler & Wll- in Sewing $ ions. Domestics. Whites, ousetiolus. uavis. etc.. mm am W HiaJVV I Will ,V M w Machines :-kplOEIl. 838 Morrlaon St., Maranam Bldg. J. Sheraansky, Window Glazing Promptly Attended to in any part of th city. Doors and windows bought and sold 884 Second, sear Jeff. Phone Pao. 8037. BOX ZBT THE TBTJTSI Sa J. R HAMILTON At th KOBEBJT PBIBTSBY, for Oh sap Printing. 80 Bnasel Bldg. 4th and Morrison. rstlOfi RBMODBLBD At less than one-half price during th naxt month. New furs made at lowest possible price. L. Schumacher, 18S Mad ison street. Mattresses and Upholstering Made Over and Made to Order. Carpet fiawari and Laid. Phone Main 1ST. MAS BUT KASSBT. 809 Fourth Btr Schwab Printing Co HIT WOK K. KtjttOnAtlM UlCtt S47X 8TARK STXCI' Webloot Oil Blacnino Makes Shoe Waterproof Peera leather wot a Shin. At aU Baalaca. ONLY w Lnr and i THE ACOBKNT INSURANCX OltOl SOS Walla Pargo miOg. III : '', : (. ' AJsTOXXXaTTSl HE1XIG jtlfwasUngtc " Phone Main 1 and A-lilt, uure root TOKIOJKT tilt. . Klaw and Erlangei1 Prevent Oeorge It. Cohan a Musical nay? . " 45 lllnntes From BroaJway H Beott Welch a "KIA Bum.", Evenings, $l.j, 11.00, t5e. JOc. l.C4sUl,VX lth aa Wshlra Phone Main t and A-IUI. t NIGHTS BEGINNING) TOMORROW. Pooular-Pric Matin Saturday. ,, . Th Musical Plajr, - - "BUSTER BROWN" Erenlnga, $1.00 to lie: Mat. 71 to J So. - aw VT 14th ui VuAtutaa Phone Main 1 and A-11II. , MONDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY J. PADERLWSKI Prices $1.0. $2.00, $1.80, $101 Mall orders received from In and out of town now. , Marquam Qrand Portland's Famous Theatre. Main 1 Tonight and remainder ot weak Matinee Saturday 'i.t PARSIFAL ; (In Enallah) 1' evening Curtain at 7:45. Prleeal iMgnt, i.6o, ii.oo. Tic, oa. Sec; Mau- nee. ii.uo. 7c. eOc a&. BAKER THEATRE FhonM MAV.,i,5 GEO. L. BAKER, Gen. Manager. All week. Baker Stock Co. In a splendid production of the celebrated modern play , "DT 1KB BXMOP'B OABJUAOB." First time In stock In Portland; strange, fascinating play. Dramatl- , satlon by Channlng Polleck. Matinee Baturday. prices l&c. It. Evenlnga :&c, S6c, 10c. ' Mn Wa "QBAXTgTABat." . EMPIRE Theatre ESTm MILTON W. SEAMAN, Manager. Tonight and AU This Week, Matinees) Wednesday and Saturday, th Favorite of All Love Play. "BOBA TXOBBB," By Bertha M. Clay. Strong Company, Beautiful Scenery, -A Great Success Everywhere. Nights, 16c, 25c, $&c, 60c. Mats. 10c, I JText Week "A Battle ft Ufa. THE STAR ST-atriUS The R. E. French Stock Co. Present Mr, Joseph Byron Trotter' Great Story of Western Life, "TKB ZXVO OP TXB OOWBOTS" In four act. . Matinees Sundays, Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at :$0. Pricos 10 and 10 cents. Every evening at $;lt Price 16, 16 and 1 cents. L.VRIC THEATRE Both Phones I Mala 4088; BTOBM A-10B8. Week Commencing Monday, u, Th Allen Btock Co. Prnta Th Roaring Farce; . V . TSB VABJT XAJTXA" Matinees Tuesday. Thursday. SAtur ' day and Sunday. Price lOo and lOe. Every evening at 1:15. Price 10c, 10o -and iOc. Boxes 60c Office open 10 . m. to 10 p. m. THE GRAND VandevMe tie Lnxe Entire week of February If. another wonderful bill headed by TSB BOTAZi XTTSZOAXi SAWAItUf Five in number. Don t miss tnero. . JACK XOBTOV ABB BUS. fcA TB18KA In their novelty creation Th Kesseng-er Boy and th BTtunaa BoU" And lots of other big acta, Time and pricea remain th earn, : Motion Pictura Theatres WE RENT LATEST FEATURB FILMS 1,000 feet Reel. Including Son; SUdea. $5.00 to $7.50 Weekly Newman Motion Picture Co. Itl Burnald St. near Fifth. NICKELODION 130 Sixth Street Excursion to the LIcon and Arrival at Moon ISICKE-UODIOIN 148 Qrand Avenue Excursion and Arrival it the Moon TO OAKS RINK TOINIGHT - OBABB BUJUQTJXBADB OOaVOHZAX ABB XABS XZMXS Six Elegant; Prize SATTODAY BTOKT Pb. 88 Oaka Biak. J wnm TO D1HB. AFTER THE SHOW OR ANY TIME DURING THE DAT Visit Little Hanj?cry Something' Bsw A Selmd4 mtri. arow m pad. . - AUSTRO-HUNGARY RESTAURANT 847 Taylor ., Bt.Seond ud Third. Th Best Place la Town to Eat at a Nominal Prlc. TOY XTB TODAY. EAT YOim Z.U7TOBI TOUOBJIOV At KRUSR'S Rtst&urant Dinner Dally BSo SJaad! 383 MOBBXBOV T OOB. PABK. and Ciompany invite your inquiries for PRINTING 'war1 First and Oat DRAYA6E Macf.licry.J- ctnnirv andV.irtr.S" t 9IVUAW1I - 4tb40AVlS war. i3:aMi