THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENINO, FEBRUARY 10. 1008. STRICTLY HIGH-GRADE FURNISHINGS FOR THE MODERN HOME Peninsula Clubs United to Have Structure Erected as Far North as Possible- Object to Building It South of Steel Bridge. United Action on behalf of the clubs on tha peninsula la certain now that tha Alblna high bridge la almost as sured, to bring tha seat approach at soma point much farthar north than at Hancock atraat or aven Alblna avenue, at ha been proposed. Tha aubject has , baa brought up and. discussed In all tha peninsula improvement associations and a big effort will be made to swing the eaat approach as far north aa pos alble. At a recant meeting of the University Park board of trade tha delegates of that organisation ware Instructed to vote against any proposition for a high bridge acrosa the liver below the ateel bridge that provided for an approach south of Kllllngsworth avenue. It Is not thought that the plana for the bridge will be serlouslv delayed be cause of this action of the peninsula eluba, since the petition If passed will leave the location of both approaches to tha engineers. Growlny Fast. Tha peninsula la growing faster than most citlsens of Portland are able to realise. It la the opinion of the prop erty-owners on the peninsula that un less this bridge Is built from a point nearer the peninsula another bridge will be required within a very few years SOiTHIIIG DO! III lEIIIUMTII Improvement Association Holds Important Meeting: to Push Street Work. Tha KenUworth Improvement asso- clatiom held lta aeml-monthJjr meeting Monday evening at tha atora of A. J. Van Wassenbovs, and waa largely at tended. This body rff men are exceea- -.i tar rhs imorovement of that nign ana signuy suuuiy, the tenor of their epeechee ;laat evening It la evident that there will '1e aome thlng doing" in that neighborhood this year . - Alter almost T. It la also argued that Hancock street la too near the present east approach Of the steel bridge. Hancock street wss oniy seiecioa or tha members of the Northeast Hide Im provement association because It I would be more feasible. Hancock streof Is blgh above the river. That . aw ap proach could be built from that thor oughfare with less damage to the ad joining property than from any other point la because It has been mentioned frequently as a convenient location for n approach by Judge M. O. Munley and other members of the Alblna organisa tion. . However, a united effort is being made by the peninsula clubs to swing the approach north and It Is very like ly that it will succeed. The ..clubs united on the proposition are the Pied mont Push club, the North Alblna Im provement association, St. Johns Com mercial club, the Arbor Lodge Push Club, the Willamette Push club, the Pe ninsula Push club, the University Park board of trade and tha Woodlawn PuBh club. The question is admittedly a big one and will develop to a larger one before many weeks. No effort Is being made to prevent the construction of the hrldga: In fact, all these clubs realise that tha bridge is absolutely necessary for the development or me east siae even if looated farther south. The de manda are made as reasonable as pos Bible and are made only so that tti nenlnsula mar not nave to nunn i brld a: e of Its own perhaps within the next two or three years. MORE STREET LOTS FOR iUTAVILLA part of tba people of Kennwortn, grad ing baa at last begun on Gladstone aye ..V h. ir.t t-mn hi or iia from Twenty- sixth street eaat being almost completed. The grading of Yanoie averfue la soon to begin, and tha Improvement associa tion will asK me wim "' water main on mat aireei iir. mo wnrir. ia dona. The aasociation win aiso ask that the main on Gladstone avenue ba continued from Thlrtysecond street aaat. and otner necessary nuioiis made, , . . TO rul VUnpuua A onmnlalnt la to be filed with the city engineer reciting that the street at tha naw anartment house recently com pleted by Professor Rlckard on Francis avenue Is In a dangerous condition, and the necessary betterment win ue re quested. M , , Desiring to be on more friendly terms and enjoy more Intimate relations with alster ciuds ana niutnuum u i i. v, r i v. a vn11ttArth aaanrla- tlon named J. R. Tomllnaon a delegate to attend the next meeting of the Brooklyn club. R. t. Merchant the Woodstock club, ana Hi. r. MOiaennauer the Richmond club. Other memDers will b selected to visit these clubs at future meetings, the Idea being to have a KenUworth man attend every meet ing of these associations, and they will be requested to send representatives to meet with tne tvenuworm nuiutn. Joker frets Bnsy. J. R. Tomllnson reported that 'the Barrett brothers are negotiating with the Evans brothers for the platting and sale of the ground known as the KenU worth vegetable gardens, and It seems probable that this will be accomplished and the question of this alleged nuisance be settled. The association holds Its meetings on the first and third Monday evenings of each month. Some loker has had It published that a rival club had sprung up In KenUworth. The publication has caused amusement In the neighborhood, as even the named officers of the club hare never heard of its existence. y VISITORS AT LIBRARY Improvement Club Reports That City Authorities Will Aid in Work. It waa reported at the meeting of the Montavtlla Improvement Board Mon day evening that lights, would be placed in Montavllla at once aa follows: At tha corner of Villa avenue and Hlbbard street; corner of Villa avenue ana Broad street; at the corner of Carson and Hibbara streets; at in cunmr ui Hunter and Broad streets; at the cor ner of Base Line road and Hlbbard atraat at tha corner of Base Line road .d Broad street: and at the corlner of Base Line road ana East evety-secona atreet. rr William DaVenv took unon him ir tha riiitv nf securing the lights and after obtaining the indorsement of tha United Bast Side cluba went to the city authorities and waa promised that tha lighta would be located In Monta vllla at tne points nameu na buuu u would be possible to get them and put workman' on the lob. An effort waa also launched at the meeting Monday night to obtain a water main extension from vma avenue to Rrmd atreet. Ira eiectea new oincers as President. W. C. Aylesworth vlna-nrealdent. E. Enton: secretary. O, 0. Carter; financial secretary, S. P. Os- born; treasurer, Charles B. Lafollett. Tha work of tha board is now fairly un der way' after almost nine months of inantlvltv. The new president, Mr. Aylesworth, Is looked upon as a capable man and one able to keep the club firm ly on lta feet. A House Divided a Against Itself is aBMaMBMaMaawaaap Civil War In the Stomach Spells Ruin Victory Belongs to Ton, If Ton Will. Costs JTothlng to Try Tha greatest foe to the progress of nations nas oeen internal eirue, civn the human system civil war, war. Equally so is xne greatest enemy bf health In tr etween the different parts or tne npay. This la just what oceura. in . dyspepsia. kvr la declared between the' stomach Knd tha reat of the membera of the body" I Illness results, mummy to aigesi or ksslmllate food, heaviness, dlslnclina- lon to work, ana Jn a wora. an tne at andant trlli of lmnerfect digestion. Lvhat mu need la an allv. An allv who Will not only help but will absolutely nsure you tne victory, in oujr worm, et Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta fight your attlea lor you, ana oy aoing tne wora f your stomach, give it a complete est. And allow it to reenter the lists eenforced, refreshed and rejuvenated. A single one or tnese marvelous tao- eta will digest grains or rooa. ava Indorsed Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab- Leading physicians all over the world ava Jnrfnraed Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets, and have certified them free from armful druga. i Simple to take. Harmless, efficacious. No doctor's bills. t Only eoc At, all druggists of write to ua dlreet. 'res sample sent on application... F. A. tuart Co.. ISO Stuart Bulldlnr. Mar- ball, Mich. - ,' Large Throng Inspects East Portland's Structure Opened Yesterday. At tha opening of the new east side branch of the public library yesterday afternoon and evening, just eompleted, at the corner of East Alder and East Eleventh streets, throngs of visitors were received by the librarian, Miss Elizabeth Clarice, and her assistant, Miss Wills. Mary Frances Isom of the Port land norary was also present to neip entertain the visitors, including many school children. It Is estimated that more than 500 school children visited tha building at tha school children s hour, 4 o clock, ana listened to the etory told by Miss Mil lard. In the evening a program was presented to the old folk. Kev. T. L. Eliot presiding. Rev. Eliot made an Interesting address of welcome. In which he reviewed the history of the Port land ijiDrary asociation ana its arowtn. He said he looked forward to the time when the small, hastily-constructed building would be replaced by a mag nificent stone structure for the Impor tance of the branch would demand such a building within a few years. Money Necessary. O. M. fleott. chairman of the library committee appointed by the East Side improvement associations, spoKe or tne worn oeing done to raise tne amount necessary to defray the expense of erecting the present building. The cost of the frame structure was 2,500, of which $1,000 has been pledged to the east side clubs. W. L. Brewster made an Interesting address, as also Professor Hoover. or tne men school. The building had been beautifully deoorated for the occasion. It is neatly finished and well built, though Inexpen slve, as It was contemplated that from the beginning the building is hut a tem porary affair. There Is no doubt In the minds of those .who projected the new branch that within a short time it will be as Important and perhaps more pop ular than the main building on the west side because of the growing population on tne east side or tne Willamette river. The east side is much Indebted to Wlnslow B. Ayer of tha library board ror tne aonation or tne Quarter diock at East Alder and East Eleventh street for the library bulldlnir. Otherwise the east side branch would not have been possible perhaps for a number of years o come. LENTS THREATENED WITH LARGE FIRE Flames in Butcher Shop Dis covered in Time to Save Pretty Suburb. EXCLUS IVE EAST SIDE AGENTS GREAT.. "ECLIPSE" STEEL RANGE $35 TO, $55 TERMS $1 A WEEK The New ide Store GEVURTZ BRO& ON THE CORNER UNION AVENUE AND EAST BURNSIDE CHINA WARE AND ' -'. NEEDS IN THE LARGE SECTION THREE-DAY BARGAIN LIST-Savings of Real Inducement Sale of Morris Chairs at $5.95 Each The Values to $12.50 Chairs of comfort and good looks as well. Built strong and shapely, of solid oak; re versible cushions of high-grade velour; colors red. green and tan. Several styles for your selection, and the three-day choice r-- - Several styles ...$595 n r - A Dozen New and Handsome Satin Brass Beds $50 Values $26.80 We are showing Brass Beds at $60.00 and $70.00 no more attractive than this at $50.00. The style is the de cidedly popular colonial; posts are of 3-inch tubing, supporting seven con tinuous pillars. Greater three-day special, No. 6051 $50 Bed a $26.80 m 2 very decided reduc tions on desirable $15.70 Dining Tables For 3 Days $15.70 and $10.50 No. 49354 Solid oak Pedestal Dining Table, offered both in the weathered and golden finishes, exactly as cut here pre sented; also with square top, all nicely polished. West Side stores haven't, a better table to offer you at $27.50. Our regular price $22.50, and for the three $15 70 No. 413-6 Dining Table bought to meet the demands for a real good table at a popular price. Solid oak, in golden and weathered finishes, 42-inch top. Our special CIA Cfi at $1 5.00, three-day sale price xp 1U0U Note One floor devoted to dining room needs offers many opportune suggestions Dining Chairs at $1.55 Regular Price $2.75 Well mated to the tables here ad vertised. Chair No. 680 Both the golden and weathered oak, neatly built and strong. The very best chair value on the market, for 3 days, the price MK 4A V $1.55 $1.00 guaranteed Alarm Clocks 65f VISIT THE MODERN CAR PET AND DRAPERY EXCELLENT NEW STOCKS 60c WINDOW SHADES 35c Exceptional Values Offered in Sale oi Buffets and Dressers agj ?Sem No. 817 Weathered Oak Buffet, FrencH plate beveled mirror, 1 C all modern appointments. Excellent $22.50 value, sale price. ..tP I 0.wO No. 183 Genuine mahogany and birdseye maple Dressers, oval and square plate mirrors. The best $35.00 Dressers anywhere offered, three-day sale, special ft $i9.9ojrr NEW SHOWING LADIES' SPRING SUITS AND GARMENTS PRICES MOST REASONABLE Beautiful Bedroom Suit to be Given Away March 1st Coupons With Every Purchase Have Our Salesmen Explain this Grand Free Offer SFLLWOOD SEWER PROBLEM SOLVED City Engineer Taylor Plans to Build Septic Tank to Beceive Drainage. It is thought that City Engineer Tay lor haa solved ttie aewer difficulty for fiellwood. Instead of draining; the east slope of tha suburb Into the Willam ette river by way 6f Johnson creek to Mllwaukie at a great expense to the property owners, Mr. Taylor believes that it would be feasible to construct a septic tank large enough to receive all tne sewerasre from this section oi uie suburb for a number of years. Because or the geography or Ben- wood It has been found necessary to build two distinct sewer systems to drain the suburb satisfactorily. One part of the suburb slopes eastward and the other westward. The westward side Is easily drained Into the Willamette river, but the eastward slope can only be drained to the river through to Mll waukie, a distance of several miles. The people of the eastward slope are willing to snare the burden of building tne sewer tm the eastward slope so when the plans are submitted both systems will go through as one and the cost be divided evenly among the property-owners of both slopes. SEE US FOR HIGH CLASS FIXTURES At Greatly Reduced Prices Morrison Electric Co. 291 E. Morrison B 1625, East 3128 Fire broke out In the smoke house at the rear of Duke Bros.' meat market at Lents about 4 o'clock yesterday after noon arid for a short time threatened the Hittle town with a serious conflagration. Tne jL.ents volunteer Fire company ex tinguished the flamea before thev had gained much headway. The building In which the fire broke out Is In the midst of the business dis trict where the wooden buildings an close together. Water Is' scarce and If tne maze naa once gotten under way the whole town would have been de stroyed. A spark from an open fire In the smoke house where bacon was be ing cured set fire to the tlnder-Hke roof. Luckily It .was at ones discovered and extinguished with little difficulty. Appeal to Railway Commission. . (Special Diapatch to The Journal.) . D.t.m vk a TV, - I M V in, vi ftw -aim CU VUUUUI1 of Jefferson' nas asked the railroad com mission to compel the Southern Pacific to improve Its station at Jefferson by putting in a sidewaik and lighting the grounds. . IMP0BTANT MEETING FOB SUMYSIDE The adjourned meeting of the Sunny- side Improvement club will be held this evening for the purDose of reorganizing and electing officers for the ensuing year, in order to keep in line with the progress maae by other Darts or the city an -organisation Is Ihnmht nncea- sary and all who have the, interest of tne suouro at heart are requested to at tend and affiliate with the rejuvenated esunnysiae ciuo. FATHER DIES BEFORE YOUNG HUSH ARRIVES (United Press Leased Wire.) rrultvale. Cal., Feb. 19, While Wil liam Hush, who deserted his wife and disappeared from bis home In Berkeley en February I, was speeding acrosa the HOTEL H1LYS1LR LUROPLAN and AMERICAN PLAN Last Third and Burnside Streets Special Sunday Dinner S to 8:30, 7So C. H. Edmunds Proprietor continent yesterday to effect a reconcll- n s) vale last night latlon with his family, his father. Val entine Hush, died at his boras In Fruit- Young Hush has been estranged from his family since his marriage, five Sears ago, to Julia Talbot, a bell of akland and Berkeley. On February I young Hush disappeared, and waa final ly locayd in New York and persuaded to retuun to his home. s Valentine Hush was a well-known California pioneer, formerly a power In Republican politics. Besides the son William, tho deceased leaves four daughters, Mrs. Thomas Magee, Mra Will Magee, Mrs. Frank R. Wells and Miss Florence Hush and two sons, Val entine, Jr.. and Walter. STUDENTS SERENADE COMMITTEE ON BOOZE (United Press Leased Wire.) Stanford University, Cal.. Feb. 19. Seven hundred students with a band Monday night serenaded the outgoing committee that .resigned because it had failed to discourage the boosing habit among students. Kach member of the committee was cneerea at tne nome oi Professor Durand, who was chairman of the body, where the celebration took Elace, and the 'varsity yell was followed y the students singing "Hall, Stanford, Hall" with uncovered heads. New Incorporations. -(Special DUpatA to Tha loo rail.) Salem, Or.. Feb. 19. Articles of In corporation have been filed in the of fice of tha secretary of state as follows Barnard St Barnard, principal office. Portland. Oregon; capital stock, 160,000; Better Equipped Than Ever! TXT AV SAJJT SXDB FXXSTKS Phones 2 art aS4t, S-1833. Easi Side Printing Co. Cor. Union Ave. and B. Washlng-toa. Easy Terms Confidential Credit 'rice and Quality are the main things to be considered in the purchase of your home furnishings BECAUSE , . OUR RENTS ARE LESS AND OUR EXPENSES ARE LESS T We Can Offer You the Best Goods for the Least Money f JsV,1"' CajTrtu- : ! FIR CORDWOOD ! Incorporators, Newell Barnard, Xrswla 1 e Barnard ana J. U. f ianaers. Tillamook Electric Light and Fuel company, principal office, Tillamook city, Oregon; capital stock, $16,000; in corporators, (jnaries I. dough. A, K. Case and Henry Crenshaw. Tne Third Baptist church or Portland, ftrmcipai ornoe, Portland. Oregon;-cap-tal stock, 8.0O; Incorporators,. O. Ii Jamison, William Turner and C IX. Mc-Culloch. FIRST GRADE SECOND GRADE Long $0.00 Long. .$ZZ0 Sawed $0.50, Sawed Travis Broc Phone East 202 B-2020, . 431 HAWTIIEONE 'AVE-.