The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 19, 1908, Page 13, Image 13

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Wheat Market I? Steady Throughout
the World Export Flour Trade Is
Picking Up Quotations JIaintained.
Uic Carload -Already Jloving
in This Direction Causes
S Easier Tone Here.
ItNui fantures: ' ' .
Texas onlonn ar coming.
I,ocal onions ar easier.
Hop leadere gather In Portland,
Kgga aro lower ngaln. '
Salmon prices likely to drop.
Hun or smelt drop off ..
Orange are of botter quality.
nmtna rnitva i r star.
Jtl I H'llll."'- ,
c'hliken market move fair. i
Dressed meata held at top. i V
' Onlona Are Comlagv'
i ...i,... r.ivui fntm Texas 'tbl
AVIIVH w . . .
h Tha Journal say that a-cat
Bermuda onlona from that state la
route to thla city. '! WW " I
t.. that number of carsare atart-
for tha Paclflo coast. The crop ox :
xae la eald to oa very .'.a
lo per lb higher; wild Keen. ( ) 60s.
Hope. Wool and mass.
HOPS 1907 crop, first prime, 60;
.. I . 1 . . ..11 , ..,..A 1 U A'
medium, ubo lb; mad crop. lufJo u;
wuuiv lU7 cm vnney,
astern Oregon. M01oO.
HllJta Drv hide. 12fMe lb: green.
46c; calvea. green. tdStct kip.
lb; bulls, rreen suit 84o Jl '
BIIEKPSKINS flh-arln. 6c.0
aauhf -short wool, ..SctMvc: meulumw
wood. 6oo0fl ch; long wool. iev
II .26 each. - , ' a. I
3ALLOW Prime. rr It. r3o4a;
jmo, x end grease. I(7.H&
"Traits and VgetM.
POTATOES Select. 76 6HS0C Bell
ing; buying. Willamette valley, 40Oi0c;
eastern Multnomah and c-iacawntut, awv
kkr. An'.. ....... A . 1 a
ONIONS-lnbblng Price. $2.6008.00; I May
buying, apot t2.0UU2.25: garlic, 70 to.
APPLES Select, $1.00; fancy $t.TS;
ehrH . II SSisal Ant nrilinarv. SUO-S 11.00,
FRES1I FRUITS Or".., new, $2.00
2.60: banana. So lb: lemon, $&O4.50
box: llma. Mexican ( J per 109;
pineapple. l4if6.E0 doxen; pear, fan
cy. 81.50yl.76; oiUinary. fi a. box; tan
gerines, $1.76 a cox; jap cmnt,,iv
tea a, box; persimmons.
VTr.nttTAm.KRiTurniD. ' new. 60O
60c. ack; carrots. 600 per sack: beets,
tlttlkn nmr nrk naranlo. S&c(tl: cab
bage, 85cQi$1.2t: tomatoes, Mexican,
$8.2503.60; Florida, SS.S5; beans, 16o;
El S
WlicatjSuffered Sharp Loss Missouri Pacific and West
at Opening but Shorts m Union Arc Unmerci-
Put It Up Again; ' ! lumped Today. ?
Qpen. Clone. Fab. It. Gain,
...... VI ' IIU
July 17 SI a 88
Chlcaro. Feb. 1. A verv fierce at.
tack of the beara upon the European
market forced a aharply lower price
her at tha atart of today' wheat trad
ing, mere' waa
a f
l. m n. , -
Mlaaourt Paa . I'
Soo , ... , ,,'
N. & W....... J
raiiltflnwer. rKllfornla. ll.10iPl.20 do..
local, 7bcvl; pea, lc. norerBain, u
lb; artichoke; Ho $ 1.00 doen; green
no: noi"
i" " . ..." 7- irk. imn from the I onlona. 16a aoien: pepper.
;7.T woircVri. pVed jo begin hou.. lettuce. 81.2S 0 tj Kbox; head et.
1? lS blyint an aialnt Vffwct pVn do.en; rjdl.he. 86o doen bunch-JV?-nton
market. In fean ea; eggplant, JOo lb: celery. . 4.25
O x eav. itiu v -r -- . . . a W 4 Aaatarn U II II rffj I II akil
!fra.nCr.nC2. , batw Ilia .M'lMI P jprout .Ogll.0 , Pr. lb; ..par.
ia iih aalaa .t both flgurea. fOO lb.. TT '
frnm there Indl
I that U.. maWet ta very dull with
Orooerlea, Hnt. Sto.
BUGAR California and Hawaiian-
dlanoeltlon at tha
opcnlna; to aell wheat on all aldea, but
the market found many aupporters right
away. The market atruck tha low point
at fie attrt wltb May at llo and Ji
at 87e a buahel.
lnTrorement In tha market', tone
aatea rrom the econ1 quotation offered
In the wheat pit There waa a aharp
rally In the price early in the day. with
anorta covering. The market bad auch
an oreriold annearanoo thi mornlne-
and ahort did nokcar to take any mora
chaneea with their paper profit, and
were In a hurry to turn them Into real
caah. May option wa the aoan of tha
great t activity, with a do Ho over
yeaterday, after . drop of point at
tha atart. f July closed a fraction above
yeteruay. f . - r v !
Coarse arralna Buffered from tha aarlv
decline In wheat and a dull tone ruled
In both corn and oata during tha daya
f UOI , , , ,
Brooklyn .; . .
peopla'a Oaa
Rock Ialana ...
flo. Railway ...
Weatern union , I
U. 8. Steel
do pfd.
Readtnr 1
SU Paul ......
a. Bincucr ....
Anaconda . . . .
a, n. pfd ..... 1
Sugar ,. I
Atchlaon ., , .
B. 0. 1
Pannaylvanla .
P. ..,, S
N. P. ......... 1
iiN. r. central..
S N. P. .......... J
weaker dlpoUlon beginning w mat i Cube, )S; powdered, I6.K4; berry, 14.66; I trading. Provlalona atarted very strong
ibo nignrr, nut iohi an ins inuiat gain
eroaelve further loaa In prlc.
I . bipvan Moli Aloof.
Khlppera ra ahowlng no dlapoaltlon
i hurry nurchae of onion Jut now,
id none of thetn .ra willing to pay
Rang by Oownlng-Hopkln. Co.
WHEAT., . . . - - . Idrr srranulated. !.&: XXX -.ran
The faot that new onfona .ra now be-i nlated, $6.40; conf. A., f S.6&; sxtra a, I on liquidation later In the day. The
to ehlppea irom xexa anu -"-1; goiaen u., o o,
2 movement la about to atart la x-4.6: beet granulated, $5.45; bar
bed Xo causa local growera wno aro reia, lac; half: barrel. 10c; boxes, o
Jll holding, to let go in oruar m -jaavance on eaca oaaia .
quotation.; -
COi k ElC Packaze brand.. ' I1I.8IO
.ai m w m . m a
HALiTaOIIII illll ' aTTQDnQ. lUUaV I a ' . .
$11.50 per ton: 60. lll.'OO: table, dairy M.,L !X
Oa, $19.00: 10O. 18.7; bale 18.60; V. 1 71
kew Tork. Feb. II. The tmuhtea nt
the Oould fnmlly r agnln prominently
befor tha public; thla time In . apecu
lallve war. Tha financial world hail an
axa well aharpened for Oould aecurltlea
thla morning, and tha way price wtr
cjlpped off made the trading resemble
a penlc. Point after point waa loat by
Missouri Pacific, v Oould holding, bare
today. Selling around thla atock waa
tha greateat In month: tha room seem.
Ingly beilog filled with thosa who wanted
to vaxe a rung at oouia and his hold
ing. - Then the trade want after Vkui.
era Union, and thla being another Oould
tork, the alaughter of securities was
terrific. Thar waa .11 aorta of wild
close wa. lOo under yesterday for pork. I W of reoelvam being appointed, and
vwi-i, Kuuiiiuimi rumur coat xniaaouri i
f Oren. Hlrh.
Mar r...'.. 1 IH
July ,. 17 . 18
; ,.-:' , CORN. ,
er $1.25, wnne aome
lr price at ahlpplng oolnta to M .nd
W Oi.t outalda tnarkete cannot ba
xrned witn m ron.'"' yv"
ImDorted Llvtruool. 60a. I2w.w . 100.
in. oo: 4. n.os: extra xin. varrel. za
There seems little hop of any peatJ ock 110.60 per
ivament In tha poUto- market at the J00, I . . 0(L
haent time.. Refrigerator car. are nil (Abova price apply to wile, of . leea
'ry scarce ana the traa is not 1 than car lota. Car lota at apeclai prices
aed to take manyenances n wi", i subject to
i tha southwest In boxcar. ; in any i rice Imperial Japan. No. 1, c; Na
i. wWc; xiew unaana, neao. ic;
ect creoi
a e
ent tha southwest la the only wrket
allable for Oregon ahlpmenta at this
na and only low figures win rcauu
i business from mat airecuon. "
1 Balinoa rrioea Ksady to Drop.
rf tha run of aalmon eontlnuea flur
it the next week, there will In all
pbablllty ba a aharp deollne In Tal
a both nera and along tha river. At
s tlm of tha year the roruana roar-
fc makes tha- price or aaimon on int
lumbla becauaa plcklera are not aia
ed to bid against the frash trade,
eclally in tlmea ot a famine. , -
or smeit nas omiiinu
A lax.
May I0H .10 ioh VBoh
July 4lii . 6 15 88$
clflo and Western Union mora of their
prlc. . '
xne aownrau of Oould atock. forced
tha traders Into a bearish mnnA mn v..
suited In a general deollne In tha mar
ket Money ratea are '.till floating
around 1U and 1 ner cent, with little
tfemajid for fund by apecuiatora.
Rang, by Pownlng-Hopklne Co.;
it '
A most remarkable condition of af
fair, relative to tha manner In whloh
workmen employed In tho . grading
cam pa along tha line of tha north bank
road are forced to Dart with wages. Is
set forth In. a complaint laid before
Deputy Attorney Stevenson In the po
lice court v Tha comDlalnt Is made by
II. Vanderller. a man who waa In tha
employ of Erlckson & Petterson, grad
ing contractors, up to tlia flrat day
of the present month. 1
At the time Vanderller aevered nis
connection with tha grading outfit he
had a full month's wages due him. He
applied to. the paymaster for what waa
due and received a 'statement of ac
count," or time check, across tha face
of whlclf waa .tamped: "payable April
1, 1108, at tha office of Erlckson &
Petterson, lift Well. Fargo building,
Portland, Oregon. . T :T
Hold Back ar. , '.
At their trad In r eamn. Krlckaon aV
Petteraon conduct Doardlng-houaa. for
the werkmen and alao conduct a store
where the workmen can purchase auch
articlea as they need and have the
eoat of aame oharged to thalr account
Tha atatement of aceount given Van
lerller la In all respect tha name a
la given to any and all of tha men
In ilea of caah, payment for their aerv
Icea. It set. forth the amount duo
tha contractors for board and a tore
account and alao tha amount charged
each month aa an arbitrary hospital
fee. .. These .mount. , are subtracted
from tha amount of wages earned, the
balance being what la du tha man.
Aa the man aro unable to cash thee.
time checks until April 1. they are
forced to act on the auggestlon given
them that perhaps tha .paymaster baa
some money of. his own which ba
wlahea to Invest and la willing to buy
up tha time check at a alight dis
count Whan application la mad. on
thla auggestlon tha men find that the
paymaster charges a dlacount of- no
leas than SI per cent Aa a majority
of tha men ar forced" to accept this
or go hungry, they - part with their
time checks for what pittance In caah
remalna . after board, atora bill, hoe-
Fltal fee. and dlacount are aubtracted
rom tha total, w ., u' .., , s
Avoid Treable by Tall IHynMnt, .
.After listening to tha detail ot thla
modern financial eclieme Deputy Dis
trict Attorney Stevenaon called up tha
office of Erlckson A Petterson on the
telephone and asked for an explana
tion. Th. person who answered the
telephone iald that tha acts of the
contractors were well within the law,
but If Vanderller showed a dlapoaltlon
tr. s-at uariv about tha matter they
would take but time check up at Its
face value. . . . . . .
Vanderller then went to tha office tf
the contractor, where he waa again
met with a proposition to dlacount hi
time check. Acting on instructions glv.
en him by Attorney ptevenson na of
ollned to make any compromise and
waa flns.Hr raid In full. .
Attorney Stevenaon say. b. 1. not
aura that thora la .ay law being vio
lated by tha contractors, but declare.
that an ma atntuta may be found that
will enable him to institute a criminal
proceeding against them.
People of Eastern Oregon
"Prize Kights and I'cfuso
-JAo Bo, Bunkoed. '
r ! ' . ' f ' ' -11,'"
(gpeetat DUpatth to Tb Joarail.)
"Pendleton, Or., Feb. 19. A thorough
canvaa. of political leader, of UmatllU
county, .nd In fact of all eastern Ore
gon, ahow. conclusively that they all
object to county conventlona or mum
meetlnga of votera to select candidates
for tha -party- tickets before, tha pri
maries. The sentiment la almost unanl
moua for tha fullest observance ot tha
direct primary law, and It is not be
lieved that a single eastern Oregon
eounty will hold a mass convention to
uggest candidate, aa ha. 1 aea urged
by a few active politician.-, ,
Candidate, are now filing petltiona
In large number, and there Is every
prospect that there will be spirited con
teal for all of th important offices
In eastern Oregon In the primary elec
tion. . ..'" i .
....... .1111.
ins tim
1186 1166
Small white, '84.Z6:
white. 84.18: Pink. I4.10r bayooi I8.90:
Lima. $.60j Mexican red. 4Ho
NUTS Peanut. Jumbo, to per lb:
Virginia, 6o per lb; roasted, to
per lb; Japanese, u. I He; roaated, IKo
per lb; wainuta, tjauiornia, iso per 10;
pine nuts. 16o,per lb; hickory nuts,
lOo per lb; braxll nuts. 16o per lb; fil
berts. 16o per lb; fancy pecaua. lt(J20o
par Ml .imono ite.... , , ,
' Msata. riak and Xfrovliions.
DRESSED MEATS Front .treat
Liverpool Wheat iower.
Liverpool. Feb. !. May wheat opened
at C. 109id. closed at Is 87d. a net
loss of l,a from yesterday,
.San Fmnclwo, yeb;llv Wheat No.
Am. Copper ....
Sugar . .....
Colo. F. A L,...
urooKiyn . .
u. a. Hieet, o..'.
do pfd,
Atchison -. .....
B. A O. .......
Can. Pacific ...
Epo .
mm ix. ........
mo. pacific ....
Pennsylvania ...
xieaaing . :-....
KOCK isiana ...
8, Pacific
St Paul
U. Paclflo .....
Am. 8m alter ..
N. Y. Central
ISnXtfSIttX fcA vZK Csllftptto club, per cantaV 9 n. PYflc.
Barley No. 1. feed. 8LI7V4 1.40.
I with some fancy at $ 1.41 14; common to
fain. crew
Francisco, $1.5501.80;. brewing
Smelter pfd.
Ont Western
R. I. nfd ...
brlngTat Ban 'V '
ana V -z-r
. ..
Viln In the Columbia but price, hera Hoga, fancy. 7 y,o;, "dinary, 7e;
tnaln unchanged. J ' . ' .' I lar.. lb; veal, extra, HO1.0c;
Wra.a afaata Are Terr rlrm.
I. ... ... ,.l .w-- r -w r - - I . . . . . .... . .
fv ,.r ,ii ill vuiio v..,....."'- - - - i riAiuo. UAUun, jl lu. -rvruiipu utciii,ivi " .w m....m.b . . - . - . ,m . . - -- ------
I the fresh meat markets along Front I f local l ham. 10 to 18 lba-ll'Ao rer ib: I .t,i. i...tMn.. , ai ami fiu north. 1 northern
'eet. Recelnts of hogsr.ra quite fair, I t to 18 lb.. 12o ner lb: 18 to 20 lbs.. 1 1. vi,..., , ti tTuai tat northern I Boo, c.
i . - " . -wi-A. v its r: - . ; - . - - v - . - - - ; . - i " v, rm v i -
D.' 7.T "eJ05 .JT:,-Ji7h- S-m-nrt fi0i .DraIarl .oon, ".. i.H tjago Pr dub, $1.60; Inferior grade. $1.8601.
. tha moment remain, several time as I in., regular short ' clear, amoked.
'at as tha supply, .na in some m-in0 per lb; unsmokea, lOo par lb; clear
inces sales are still being mad a I hacks. Mn smoked. 10c: smoked, lie:
ih a. lOo a pound. Soma fancy goods I Union butt. 10 to ISO lb: unamoked.
. c Ordinary goods arouna o 1 12c per lb; smoked, 180 per
.ind. . , I bellies, unomoked. 11 Ho per lb
Mutton 1. m very gooa . e.u line per in: . snouiaers. joe;
ts of nrlces .r. ruling In th market I DlCkled tongues. lOo onch.
I the moment - City killer, .r. .till LOCAL. 1ARD Kettle leaf. 10a, 11 Mo
urlng aa high aa iso a pouna. ana per lb; t. llo per lb; 60-lb. tins, lie
m that flfure th market rulea down I per lb; steam, reudered. 10a. 11 Ho per
Ufc. -u. . . . ; 110; . 11 o par 101 cooBpouna, 10.
. ..." . ' . I Trrefti T . -A .ail. ... au
iggs are generally lower aiong. ino . " 7C. v. , S L";u"t?mi son! aeionds. ibo: third. isc
cat today, although ona or two c?. .
I were talking of stlffer figure. --. R-r , JTii hati fanTy. Wo: CIlfor-
egg and poultry house, and aalaa Per !. - fnan. to; herrings.
- - , 1 1D: Daren. 10 nai
. I ik.-A.. tie-
per iuj cnwiiau, aa per uusen, imp
.TkSS: "hipping at Port Costa, $1.61 1.B7H; w Union'""
bimSke fh"V.Uer, $1.65L86. according to qual- XUjS ;
b; par, lb; Gutter Fresh California, extra. Norfolk , ,..
I ..If . . a . .... . . a n . . n . m.awawA
California, extras, 36c; flrat si 2So; sec
onds. zc; eastern, exirss, tc; nrnia,
1 12c; seconds, ale; ladle, eastern, 10c; I
flrsta, inc., . . j
Eggs, per dozen Extras, Ji tto; nrsts,
s a- r u
44 Tin
:oH inS iojh m
40 41 SH 0
IW liu ft l
1H tt H u2
t 8V 6 t
78H 7 t7fi 11
1424 141H 142H 141U
lt UW il lt
8 88 87 U 88
ii tt tivj 10
UiM, 111 liiVi 111
4H 5 88 86Vi
11 It 10 11
67 ji 68M 7- 68H
107H 108 106H 107
118 11IH 118U 118U
67ft 67 J? 66 67
4 64 8 4
isi ink ii m?
28 28 274 28
117 117H
0 80 SS 88
29 29
28 28
14 14 14U 14
28 27 26 2H
..... 42
Total sales. 667.100 share.
Money High. ii ner cent: low. 1U
per cent, ciose, . per cenc
hlcliena ar moving quit wa:
mer quoiauuna.
Cm. kii.,' market la firm' f6r geon. UViO per lbl black base, xoo per gon n
i'tTuniltr Snd th.M U now lItU?ec- b: Ilver .melt 80 7c per lb; Columbia Fancy,
nffrU MrVltv makars " "malt. 6c: black , cod, ?o lb: crabs, early t
cheese market .nowa .oeiier ouying T ovbtwpb Rhn.l.r h. erata.
Hed quotation , ' -I - . I pla. Tier s-allon. 82.40: ner
OY8TERS ho.)water bay, per gal-
n tlSA rt.r 1AA.IK aalr tX AA OTvm.
pea quoiauon , ' ' - I nla. ner Ballon. 82.40: ner 100-lh sack.
Brief ltota of th Trade. v 1 $86006.60; Eagle, canned, 0o can: $f
everai car. or driuiui arrjyuu ibiuwch, mm. uu. e.,v
inriii dolor. "3 V " ' CLAMS Hardshell. ' per" bo. S2.40:
! nk.ii'. .nun. ahiH, an ailvanea of I raxoe clam.' 12.00 ner Bo! 10a nep do.
- ralnta. Coal OU. Eto.
ROPE Pur. ' manlla. 14o: atuidard.
1 z c: bibu. iwtae.
coat uua
nla Toun. American, fancy. 18o:
flrsta, 18c. Storage Eastern fancy New
xork. 17H0; Oregon, lino,
i Potatoes, per cental Salinas Bur-
banks. 75c 4? $1; lompocs. flOl.16; Ore
gon Burbank,. 75o6f$i; river whites
, eotj)8oo; ao cnoioe, i vm;
rose. 81.10(91.20: river red. 81.85
; aweet potatoea, 22.7t02.SS per
. Onlona Yellow danvers, : $2.6001. 85;
reas m.vqi,i, '
Oranrea. ner box Navel. 81.80(9 2.
with soma fancy at $2.60; tangerine,
iiocvfi.xa; juanaanns,
Furnished by Overbeck
Boston, Feb.
I'ampbell's soup, show an i
ilnger snap, graham cracker and
ij bar ar down 10 a pouna. '
Mexlcftil tomatoes show heavier ar
ils, with price ahowlng. a fractional
Adventure ... 2
Alloues 26 '
Atlanta ......
Cop. Range... 86
joaiy west...,
Dom. Cod 2
C. Ely........ 7
Greene ....... 7
oiroux s
Trinity 12
victoria ......
NIpplsstng ... 6
lai. iiecia.ozo
A Cooke
It. Official prices
IMlchlgan 84
Moliawk ,,,,,,47
N. Butte..., ..40
Nevada Con.... 944
Old Dom..v...2t .
Osceola .......77
Shannon 10
Tamarack ....60
Gold Hill 1
Butta Coala 16V
United Cop..., 6
Parrot 18B
Quincy , 87
Water White ,, 11 o
Iron Bblsv Case. Wood Bbl.
. . . . . ... '
28 e
Una in some Quarters. ;
lay market is much aofter and omelpeari oil '"- 18o
.ler ar Illn8I at ; fractionally, de- Hend Light ,.12o . lc
l?d.YaIue!:. I -lEocen l0
'mil, Binnil ..11. Bfc iiiv LUiiun .11 H
res.. Prices -paid' shippers ar lass
ular, commissionsr-".
t . . rain, snout and TL
"RAIN BAGS Calcutta, loj large
Ismail lots. tHo.--
VHEAT . Track prices Club, 82e:
Russian sue; piaestem, .to: vai
M. .. '
iADMnrkni. V ee' i...nir.,l ata
1ARLEY New Feed, 828 par Ion;
lea 2pBi; Drawing, ... , ,
tYE ..66 per ewt
iJATS New Producers price No,
vhlt. $27 per ton; gray, 26 026.60.
I'-'LOUR Eastern Oregon - patents,
'SO; straights. $4.85t export., 88-70;
iley. $4.46; graham, a, J $4.60;
pie wneat, ., rye, bus, ii.w
HtL STUFF8 Nominal Bran, 2
.6 ton; middlings, j $3031t- shorty
ntry, $27; city, 226; chop, 121 tt 24.
IAY Producer' price Timothy,
uameiie vauey, isjicy oruin-
',,811; eastern Oregun. $17, mixed,
:fil0.60t clover.,. 8101MJ: grain.
fitly, cneat. fvyi; .uaua, uoi
-.' utter,' Tggn as4 Vounrr. -
i UTTER FAT F, , O. b. Portland
jtet cream, 88c; .our, ,
liUTTEB Extra fancy fresh cream
!. 87 o; fapcy. 86cj choice, 82086c;
,lnary, 82o; beat .tonga, 27O20e:
mnd grade. 26c; b tore. 20c a pound.
(GGS Extra fancy, candled 22c:
I tern storage. 15o doaen...
HKifiHti; we w run cream, riata.
Special W. W.,140
Elaine ...
Extra Star
-r ' ' Trnn Tthla.
V. M. and V. Naptha ...12o
Red Crown Gasoline ,,,18a
Motor Gasoline . ...... .18o
86 per cent Gasoline ...SO o
No. 1 Engine Distillate. .10 o
. BENZINE 86 deg., oases, 26o par gal;
Iron bbl 23o per gaL .
TURPENTINB3 In case. ta nep ral:
wood bbls. 8o par nL 1 -
WHITK LEAD Ton lot. IVontr lb:
Bvv-io ioib, bo per id; teaa low, ihc
wmxB aiL rresenc pun .1
Ban Francisco. Feb.' It. Last night's
closing prices: - . ;.
nnr.rnrrar.n TTTTT""f
Sandstorm Sic. Red Ton Ext' '12?fe. Co
lumbia Mt, tie, Jumbo Ext. 40c, Silver
Pick 280.-Black Butta Ext 8c Atlanta
2c Great? Bend 840. Florence 88.17.
vr r a. ti ." aH w -r .11.., I
68o. F. Mohawk 25c. Red HU1 20c Lou 1Sm' 14S J
ii i inn a w .ai i fi or . 'i-i ora e -i km vaiinni l 7 I r - ...
itose so, uoiar. con. 4.o, , .
Llg narrl. le..i'rr-.'v'-. -i
Sine h publication of a atory In
yaktarday. Journal to th affect . that
Mr. Dorothy. How of Denver Intended
to walk to Portland, la. at effort to lo
cate bar father, to whom h Intended
to appeal' becauaa of reversed clroum
stanoes, an Investigation tut been
started by O. K. W.. .mioa, 71 Sixth
street, .nd If it 1 found th.t Mr.
How la hi own child, father and
daughter will probably soon ba reunited
in Portland.
.Writ to Voile.
A Utter from Mr. How wa re
ceived by tha polio thla morning In
which tha woman told of her troublea
and requested th officers to locate her
parent, whom ah aald waa lnbuslneas
here. Detective Hawley was assigned
to th case
In talking th matter over with th
detective Mr. Wllaon -was not sure that
th girl In queation was hi daughter.
Ha is to Investigate, however, and if
her atory I. found to be true Mr. How
will com to Portland, possibly to live
in th futur with her father.
Mr. Wilson say. that hs had a daughter-
who married a man named Howe
against hi. wlahea soma ten year. ago.
Her name, however, wa Hulda and the
last he heard of her she wa living la
Mr. Wilson' wife and son ar alao In
th east, presumably In Denver. - Th
Portland man separated from hi fam
ily several years ago and since that
time ba. not been in communication
with any, of them. .
Daughter's Story.
Mrs. How atorv I to tb affect
th.t her husband died aome time ago
and that alnca than aha, her children
and her mother bad been living- kt Den
ver, being eupported by a brother, who
was . traveling man. '
Two weeka ago th brother disap
peared. He gave no Indication what
ever that he wa going away .ad noth
ing has been heard Of him alnce.
The .circumstance of Mr. Howe, ber
mother and children went from bad to
worae after tbe brother abandoned
them and they were compelled to aeek
cheaper lodging In South Water street
Denver. -
As a last resort Mrs. Howa threat
ened to com to Portland, even If ah
bad to walk, and to appeal to her fath
er for assistance for herself .nd the
other three members of th family.
Mr. Wilson is In th barber supply
business at 72 Sixth street Ha came
to Portland aeveral yeara ago, having
been estranged from nla wife owing to
a misunderstanding. x . , ; , .
TU SZalp Sis traa sad Oaa.
" Mr. Wilson ' Is not certain that th
Mrs. How In Denver la hla daughter.
But If she la he Informed Detective
Hawley he would aend her money for
herself and other members of tha fam
ily and that tha daughter might coma
hera eventually to make hep bom. with
him. "
Mr. How, according to her tory
told In Denver, waa but 16 yeara old
when aha married. That wa 10 year
ago. Father and daughter have not met
Now that th Irony of fat baa been
Unkind to tha airl who marrtoA aaalnat
the wlshe of ber father yeara ago, she
la to be taken again under her father's
ruui a wiuow wun iwo cniidren
But If Mr. Wllann nt Inrtlan,t -Mm,
Howe's father, she will not have to walk
-na wm provide her with money and
nit nrceasiiriCB o muxe in IT ID S COm
fortabl a poaslble. .-.
Ai tr.ltKYVILLt
TDnPtf mnAv
iiinuu luuni
- ' Vrnttwt Ma t..ui , '
Emeryvllla. Fab. II. Scratches at
Emeryville today:
Third Vesme, Royal Maxim, Bprinf
, Fourth Stanley Fay. " '' '
' Fifth Standover, .BUI Curtis, Mill
Flrat race, five- and a half fnrlonra
railing, three-year-old and Upward
Bell of Iroquois fl05), I to 1, 1 to 10.
1 to 2. won; Elmdal (106). I to 2. to
third. Tlm.-1:0 2-6. . ,
Second race, three furlongs Belling.
s to t. to t, won; Mlnnl Bright
(108), t to 1, 2 to 2, eeoond; Roulon
(108). t to 1. third. Tim. 26 1-5.
inmwm todle
Poatofflca offlclals have receivea word McMlnnvlue, Or., Fab. It. Two
from offlclals of th north bank road I freight ear ar off th track at Whlte
that th line will be ln operation Into I son. Peonla are hea-inntn. t
KSlrXl Min i's road, and; auasawu v vwaaaavaww iiih ii v i Ira nnininna a va avrmaaaait
changes will ba made tn tha method of , -- -
handling ana diatriouung man oestined Inqulr
malls March 15. Complete
I T,i.l.. .1.. . ." :-,tA;-" :Zu7;-r auciey elicited the Infor-
Columbia and southern Washington
points and the operation of the new
railroad will necessitate radical changes
In postal affairs pertaining to the dis
tricts invoivea.
mation that an empty stock car "lumped
the track'" at Whlteaoa yesterday after
noon, and that . thla ta tha nnla
a.uwwa iv pa utrsma in me vicinity of
that point Th empty atock car la ly
wa vb is aiua near ma iracav
wtt.t;attt v a rjTTTv BARBER SHOP LAW TO
I f AAJAaiAilAeVIA A -M A. WaMJB. -kTr myNIt WSJ W
via imwu iiN wukJl
Hogs. f Cattl. Sheep.
Th hop market Is not very brisk, al
though a few saies continue to be shown
at low levels. . Various dealera who are
leaders of the paclfld coast markets are
nov in Portland," It Is " stated, for the
purpose of starting a campaign against
the prohibition movement
The Producers' Price Curxent of New
Portland Union Stockyards. Fab. II.
The greateat bunch of aheeD for manv
a day arrived In the local yarda during
me pas i zi noura. : wnuo in run was
heavy- for this time, it is not eansin.
any chang In Bentiment in th ahoep
maraei, anu values are noiatng un
changed. :; -: .
uattie are very firm witn racaipt. or
a nominal numoer aunng in aay. an
v Nevada Mills $3.06. Pittsburg Silver total run was but 28 bead compared
Peak $1.$5, eagles' Neat t2o..-..'- If" "" J".!
Ton. Nevada $6. Ton. Montana 11.10.
Macmamara zc Ton. Belmont
xon. worta aiar tec, Jim au tier 87c,
Granny to. Jumping Jack 6c
(Furnished by Downtng-HopkIna Co.,
oaane i
members SDokane mlnlnar evchnna-e.)
19. Official I era ana vnma iaia, f.owwo.uu.
jta per lb; Young Americana. ITo, per York gives this review of the hop situ
'OULTRY Mixed chickens, 12 0 1 So v-Th market this Week has developed
lb: ducks, , ( ) i geese,
lb; turkeys, alive, , 12018c; per lb
a pronounced weakness .both here and
fancy nens, i3wH lb; roosters.
10c. fryerSi 150 lb; broilers, 16o on thecoatT in conaeouenca nt tha an-
I a a7 1 A I . .. - . . . -.- '
Old, .'-to 10s
Isaed. 14(3150 lb: Bouabs. 82.E0 dozen!
eons, ji.ta oo.: nreanea poultry, tri
parent collapse of the association move
ment on tli e coast- Growers are show
ing more anxiety to sell, and also to
contract,vnd soma - contracting Is re
ported a t 9 1 Oo . for one year and
io Sjiiic for three years in Oregon.
Sales are reported atr4fft6o in Oregon.
: TirvTTT mTTr nrrtTiT-nmr' ,f j :viu i i.., ? .Xz.ll Humming bum
X vUIAvAAbX lXTXO ,ri?o-thta-wor
finokane. Wash.. Feb.
prices: . :-m,-.- - v;.. . ,-
Bid. :
AJax 10
Alameda - 8
Alhambra i ....'..'. '4 2
Alberta COal A Coke....... 24
Bell &
Bullion , 6
Chas. Dickens ...ii. t
Canadian Cons. Smelters.. 60
jopper- ivjng .1 . .. , . 1 , , , , zn
Dominion Copper 200
Echo 1
Galbraith Coal .........
Oertl ...... ...
Heel. ..... v., .... ,4 ...
Happy Day ........,...
Holden O. ft.C. ,,..-'.
Hoga are firm with a small run and
price, uncnangea. ' v
a. year .go ioaay an lines were
quoted firm at unchanged! value.
uniciat yaru vaiue loaayi v -
Hogs Best stuff, $5.2606.86; stock
'There Is quit & fair tone In
chickens and whll arrivals are
not moving very fast, quotatfona
ra holding. : To? best dressed
turkeys the call Is not . so bad.'
although-It I hard , to move
"cull" stock. ; For these -prices
suffer, v Gaes ar hard to rnove
at any figure because , of tb
small demand.
"Egg murket
larger receipts,
sliding. v
"Oranges sr
2 i
Is lower with
Prices are still
'showing better
color .nd they been keeping
better than formerly.1' W. H.
Dryer of Dryer, Bollatn A Co. ,
stood that large block of Oregon bona
can be bought at D7o here. New
York state markets continue quiet at
last quotations. Brewer, are tlll con
spicuous in. their abaeinca-of Interest
and It 1. thought they are generally
well stocked with ' hop. Foreign ad
vice do net Indicate , any material
cnange from conditions lately existing.'
tt'-yit- Jtfew fork Prioos. 1 S w
.SUt,, 1907, choice, per. lb. '.Y.14 ? 16
State. 1907, prime, per lb , . . , , . 1 3 - (fi 1 8
omie, iw, meaium, per ID s tfll
Paclflo coast,, 1807. cholc per '
lb. SOI
Paclflo coaat, 1907, prime, per '
lb. .................,,., 6 Q 7
lauuiy vvui, Avi, Xlicutuiu, per
lb. . . , , . ...... . . . . , 6
Germans. 11)07, medium, per lb,8"
State. 1908, per lb. 7
Paclflo coast. H06, choice, per
lb. ..... .............. . i"
j-acirio coast, laus, medium, to
0 t
prime, per lb.
4.......,,.,. ..
hla :
Int'l Coal St Cok.....i..i.:7 " '.
Kendall .......,.,,,.,,,(. 12 --
Lucky Calumet 10
Missoula Copper ........ - 6 '
Mineral Farm C :
Moonlight v. ............... 1.
Nabob . . ..... . . .... , , . , . .7 J 2
Nine Mile ,
O. K. Cons....,
Oom Paul . .....i. ..,.; 6 '
Panhandle Smelter ..... ' 1
Park Copper .............. 1 . j
Rambler Cariboo 28 - v
Reindeer . , ....... . , .... 1
Rex (14 to 1). ...... ...... 16-
Sonora ....,.... 1
Snowahoe ... . ......... , ,
Snowstorm.... ..'..... 130
Sullivan 3U .
Sullivan Bonds 50
Stewart .100
Tamarack A Ches. : 40
Wonder ........... i . . . 1U '
Sales todayt 1,000 Nabob St 8, 1,000
Nabob at'JQ? and 2,000 Wonder at 1.
2b .
1 .3
. 7v
" 7
3 .
Cattle Best - eastern Oregon steere.
i4.jttWt.ou cows .ana -neuers, r is.sow
8.76: bull I2.00O2.26. ,
Sheep Best wethers," $5.75 8.00:
tamos, a,vuwD.i awoB,. ta.uvwo.ov.
Market Strong and "Price Is Vp lOo
Hoes avnd Sheen Steady.
Chlcaa-o. v Feb. '19. Receipts Hog.
zt.uuv: catiie, tY.vvo; - a nee p.- - i.oov.
Hog are strong; left over yesterday,
S AAA. t..J . 1 1 . U . ml .4.
V,UVV, UUA.U AilU UUlUIIVl., fl.l,l.l,
good and heavy, $4.8604.47; rough and
heavy, 4.zow4.3u ; ngnt, t."!04r .o.
' caiueiu cents signer,
Sheep Steady.. 1?
11,000; cattle, 7,000; sheep, 6,000.
Omaha. Neb.; Feb: It. Hog. I.SOO:
cattle, 8,600; sheep, .1,609.. '. - -
Northwest Crop Weather. ,
Western 'Oregon .nd Western Wash
ington Fair tonight nd. Thursday;
nortnwesteny wmaa. i -
Katern Oregon. Eastern Washington
and Idaho Rain, or snow tonight or
Will Make Fruit Boxes. , -
The Dalles. Feb. lS.-A new company
whose object will be tha making of fruit
boxes haa been orjanuea nere. -x nose
Interested are G. S. Bellinger. Ed Kurts
.nd CU. Brown, .
11 1 1 -an ' 1 - T, '1 .
; Tacoma Wheat Market. . ; : f
Tacoma. Feb. It Wheat ExpoMi
Club, 7SC; blueatem, 80c; red, 76c.
, (Colt. Prate Laaaed Wire.)
Salem, Feb. It. Tb resigna
tion ot Dr. Johr H. Coleman as
president of the Willamette
university was accepted by th
board of trustees at their meet- ty
ing hrs yesterday. Coleman ten
dered his resignation some d
months ago, but th board, up to
their meeting last night failed
to act on It '-
Nothing has, thus far been-
dona toward appointing bis sue-
cessor. '. )
A ROW DOlnt Of law la Involved In tha
cnarga recenuy made against M. E.
Lea, proprietor of tha Model barber
anop at 1 Sixth street and It 1. not
unlikely that -the matter will bo Uken
to the suorem court to ha daitnlt.i.
determined. .
Leer la charred - with aniit.tina a
barber shop without having a certifi
cate from tha sut board of examin
ers. -Lea la not a barber and does not
do any of tha actual work in the shop
Which he Own.. Ha contenila that ha
has a perfect right to conduct the busi
ness, and that tha intent of tha law
relative to the examination ot barbcra
i intended to applv only to working
members of the' craft
in preliminary hearing in tha nolle
court has been set for February -20.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Washington. Feb. II. Rumors of 1m
pending clashes . between certain rail
roods and their employes over labor
condition. ' have .impelled President
Roosevelt to direct tha Interstate com
mere commission to Investigate tha
troubl with a vlaw to settling th dif
ficult!. ,
. Five. Men Pass.
Ftva01it Of 91 annllcsnt. for tha nnal.
tlon of chalnman in the city engineer's
department passed the civil service ex
aminations held last week. These were
Alfrod J. Berg, Wade B. Whiteside, Rex
L. Morse. Percy O. Bretherton and Har-
laborlold E. Meed. There Is one vacancy
still unfilled among the chalnmen. Ex
aminations for computers for the aame
Department win be new tomorrow.
T. K. Toole, who resigned . gow
srnor of Montana, February 1, arrived
at the Hotel Portland this morning oa
his way to southern California for tha
benefit of bis health. Mr. Toole , was
th first governor of tha etate.
He Is a self-made man In every aenaa
of tha word. When but 19 years of age
ba moved from Missouri to Helena and
Shortly afterward took ud th study
of law. Later he became, district aw
iui nvj aim men eirciva bvb a xu am
ber of th territorial legislature.
In 1884 Governor Toole -waa terri
torial Mnra.nta( Iva. 4n rAK,Maa frnm
Montana, ana in 1888 ne waa reelected.
Three years later ha waa chosen as the
first governor of tha new state. At the
election In 1900 he was. again elected
as chief executive and reelected again
In 1994, bla term expiring in 1909. bev
eral months ago Governor Toole de
cided . to , resign, owing to declining
health.' '
Governor . Toole la a son-in-law of'
General W. 8. Rosecrans, having mar-
rled his daughter In Washington,. D.
In 1900.
Governor Tool leaves for th south
this evening. .
- . : .-
Detestlve Prlc and Coleman have se
cured evldenc that establishes th fact
that th man Storm, alias Harvey, ar- -rested
by them two weeka ago and re
turned to tha state penitentiary at Walla
Walla, from which ba escaped several
months mm.' fla tha hlcrhwavman whn
held up .nd robbed Joseph Hurwlts In
Soattle about a month ago. The evi
dence la In th shape of -a valuable
gold watch., of which Harvey relieved
nla victim and which ba Dawned soon
after his arrival in this city. -
Tha watch waa traced to th pawn
shop byJFrlc and Coleman soon after
they arrested Harvey, and tha Seattle'
authorities war notified of th find.
Hurwlts came to thla city yeaterday
and identified tb watch as th on that '
bad been taken from him by th high
wayman. - Th watch was returned to
him und he left today for his bom in
Taken Under Advisement. . '
Judge Bronaugh in the circuit court
this morning beard evidence In tha dam
age suit brought by Jake Andrew
against th Portland Wire and Iron
work. Andrew claims $2,20$ because
of a fall that 1. alleged to bo the fault
of the defendant- The case was heard
without a Jury and waa taken under ad. '
vlscment , 1 , ' .
?'; Burglars Rob Saloon. ;
Burglars entered th saloon at 626
Union avenue last night and robbed the
cash register of $3.40rJl 'th money It
contained. Entrance to tha place waa
atned by prying tue lock orr the front
oor. There ts no clue to th identity
of th thieves. . ; : ,
fox terrier mixture, black on back Y
and sides; whit breast, whit strip in
face, white tip on tail, yellow behind.
Phon A-2326 or Pac. 1368. ; v
Rochester, N. SV Feb. 19. Charles!
F. A. Young, who was grand ranger of I
tn Foresters' or America, aieci today
at bis hlme. Th causa ot death was
typhoid fever. .
, k Award Contract.
The elty executive eommltte on cur
rent expenses has awarded th contract
for printing the mayor's message and
tha currept report to tha Schwab Print
ing company, for about $600. - -Northwest
Bank: Statement.
" ' PORTLAND . 4
Clearings today. . . . , $977,174.47
.Year ago, ....... ........ ..1.078.495.60
BalJincee today.. ...... 180,111. It
xear ago.
1 1
1 1
i (
I !
I (
g tea ring
alances ,
oiay.::;:::::;:::; K - teor.
i'r::';;". 7s.28i.2t B tantB lnc
SEATTLE. ...... H "0'cas
....... ....... .,..$1,857.3 J8 H 80 ACRES,
. A , A .
, ' 4V.i
Clearing. ....... ...... ...'.,. $603,992
alances , 60,893
' Chlcaso Dairy Market.' '
-W.A.A.M VUk-'lDI)nll. A.Ml.1 AAK
Burners, 20082c; eggs firm, prime firsts,
XsttQi cnees steaay, ivtyise. ,
New York Dairy Market.' J
New xork. Feb. 19. Butter, weak:
beat creameries, 80Ttle: . oheea I
sieaay, no, eggs nrm, ziwjio.
'Chicago Cash Barley.:
'Chicago. Feb. 11. Caah barlev. TOO
tac -a
Garke County, Wash., farm Bareains
EH $300 CASK and 5 years' time on the remainder of S10SO buys IS acrea
: good rich land. S acres under good state of cultivation, more very easily
I ; cleared, good young orchard, acre In fine atrawberry bed. all fenced.
s -room nouse. comrortaoie Darn, good cnicKen nouses, etc., weu at
. house, close to school, sawmill, 2 miles from country town on Co
' lumbla river and 7 miies from Vancouver, on good lave! road,
15 ACKES, all food, rich land, 11 miles from Vancouver on On road
i and miles from country town, church,' school, stores, shops, etc., 8
acrea under fine tate of cultivation, living stream, and some good
cord wood timber,' good 6-room bouse, new barn 30x40 with Bide sheds,
1 acre In orchard of assorted fruits in full bearing. - In thickly et-
i tied community, Prlc only S1400. This Is . an Ideal chicken and
.fruit nacls. Term if dMlred. v.--..-..',:f. ,
S ACJU5S, 6 miles from this city, on fine road. mile from -church and
school, good 4-room house,, barn, chicken houses and yards and pixvon
. houses and yards, 1 acre in orchard of assorted fruits, balance cleared
except 1 acra-of flu green timber. R. F. D. A bargain at SHOO.
U" 7 'l erms. k , . ,
9 ACXE8 all In bearing orchard, good -room rustlo bouse, painted white.
u.iu, i-uiocu iiuuki kuuu nun oiynr, io., gooa wen, fenced, pomx
n wiurauis tittr, roue irom . gooa town- or about 700 InhuhL
Includes about 8400 worth or neraonal nronertv. nil tn, aikiu-t
caBh. ' ' '
ES. all good rich land.' 8S acres under atom. nr ..,ni....iu.
U more easily cleared. 15 acres green saw timber, good story and half 5-room t
H rustic bpuB. larg barn and all necessary outbuUdtiies. well foiwad t i
.. wa l anil Ilvlnai atrnftm In fin. nalkhA.k..J i ' . .
1 m v. -. ----""- . uhiiiiuu, j nine iibia country town II
--.anil lft inllM from Vanrnuvar rr ca a, . . v. i J . . f '
. . 7 - . - . ; - 4 v. . viict ui mo t.iit;iyeH( lAtnim
11.U,'-oun.ty a,h,eJ?lci' S3700. $2000 cash, balance to suit.
SO AC1UBS, all good rich land, 20 acrea under cultivation, 20 acres mora
very easily cleared 40 acre, fine rich bottom land, living
stream and.wN 1 at house. 4-room rustic house, largo barn, chicken
houses, yards, etc.. 2 miles from country town an i :0 miles from
It.iuJL?0?1?1? 2 heifer, good team wa t
; harness, buggy, etc., 2-year-old colt, several head of hogs, ehout l
Sii flaJStTAlJl9- harrows, etc.. and,houehoid got,,
Uf0.1" onljr f700, Kit OO cash, If sold soon. -
Writ or call and get our Hat befor buying.
Citizens- Nat Bank. Vancouver, Wasli.
1 1 -