i -- ' .1 '.CENT'. A WORD JOURNAL T WANTS. PERSONAL .c ifTHKL WARD, MANICURIST I 1 ve, y nn r-"- - CLAIRVOYANTS : AN1 PALMISTS VPROR' 25c-v:: -2Sc j 25c European . Clairvoyant. - -; 0er,, Feyohlo and OeeuU Teacher. uer : mn. French ,,ton. HU"HWdv"-f COM? LETS KPEcaL ft2STnt f"r the small eon- vlra on iove. courtahlp, Bn".rr,"7i JesV mining, speculation, lawaulta and real uUlt matter. froyamesieiry Cor. ,7th. , WPMft. Tim Olbba, ; Bring lata ' rOR ONE WEEK MORE BniNO THIS AD -AND RECEIVS : ABSOLUTELY FREE '. One of my ' CONSULTATION READINGS,,' v. , Always Conult tha Beat ; ' v PR5FE880K khimo. . riraataat living aatral dead-trsnca rtsir. ?o!nt of tha'aVa: advUer on buelneee ISTaU affair. 5f Uf.J WI your WU you love. avn though mllea wr! r- Snite. tb. ,f iUrS ra to control: doea all othert aaveriipa Jo do Houra 10 to I. dally and Sunday. OfAcaJ Noe. and 4. 6" bldg, tii Waan, near Park at Puoae Main 117. . ifiHMi . The True Clairvoyant and Psychlo ' viiial'-Lowfricc. Th Ttnaon. Morrlwon Street : , ..l.j ,n11la ntv.a advice on Duaii.eea. wort: how U .wntrol and tl rlaite. law Miiav- w.-. ,V..T L.T1 ihS nn. vmi lore, ivin r ""!'"" 3- J- MRS. STEVENS Und'a leading 'palmlat ana ciairvuy 1 . - . i 1 h . 11. a rv rv. a a 1 ant?. For a tillable reading on paat. prcaent and future call on Ihla rTfted ?I;Srr. . litu Tamhill at. cor. .7th. MISS MAV ANDREWS, GliLti uOOD; card readlnga for ISo. ja Mala at Main 754a. AUTOMOBILES rose citt .Huron v,a -""v;. ?m?V" -U.: before yoJ' buy. Au oa rebuilt alorad. and repaired; fire- ng. J0 Chapman at, n'' I m'MINN'S DANC1NO ACADEMX.kUL hone Main 47t9. VrT M-1r T- and Morrlaon ata. rroor Duuai Vnmhlll. Ph ORKGON MOTOR CAR COJ i AUTOMO bHeV and tarage; abaolutely ImrMrf bnlldltia-. 10th and Btarfc. Phone ATTORNEYS unrrnvn A. FINCM PRAUTICia i "alT Oregon and Waahlngton cour ; jioomi a nu , ja 7 phone A-4267. ' . GILLIAM & GlLLlAkt ATTORilSJ . ... j, . r .Kl Main K101. INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT CO.. LA I collfctlona. 4H HttCfiintn nion- A-J?: IF. AiS?' F?v A w h Mi n 1 447- ;tt-w u 1 i . nim.ii.-R I Aikbia; 11 1 atiorneya, rooms ACCOUNTANTS at n W OAGE. ROOM 10. RAUBIUH bldj. th and Waah, general aocount 1.. h.nrM and aWtementa furnished. ART TVPCKT MOULDING ANU B1AIU' rw work, nlaater casts and orna- mente. Antique. Grclan. Roman and Florentine. a rA 4- Columbia. ABSTRACTS LAWYERS' ABSTRACT ft THUS 1 1M. VW( -.-wa.- - 1 tlx asn j v ' rar ikuii liuab vjv BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE. DAVIS K1LHAM, 100-111 ID at--Blank booka manufactured; agta. tnr Janes- Improved Loose-Leaf leag- era; aee the new Eureka leaf. on the market- . : tha beat BATHS t., BODLEY'S TURKISH BATHS. IMPE- rlal hotel open day and night ALL KINDS OF, BATH. 25c; MASSAGE, 81. 21 aa. near u;wr. COAL AND WOOD CHEAPEST COALON THE MARKET. . Guaranteed Full Weight No fJinkers or Swt . Prompt BdiKiji5625 rPry-r.-66.6Q per cord. . ; , " Or In ouantitiea from 81 vp. Phones Main 5768 and A-a--van PROMPT PELIVERY OF BLAB, .wood "call Main 4876. -Oak ash. fir andwL? Portland Wood ft Coal Co, lth ana avicr bib.l Promptly delivered . Coll Main 963 .7 Foot of Curry St " " WESTERN FEED & UEL CO. " Hmia. and blacksmith coals, coke, eharcoal.'. kindling, f Phone Main 1018. - Wood and coal. 181 East Water at 1 SUNSET COAL CO.. BESTLIGNl'I B coal m city, $7 per ton. Room 18. 253 A1dr. Main 6537. d.ave. and Foster road. Lenta. tilAB WOOD, DRY. 14;. HEAVY block ,wood.t $5v drv lnslda wood, 5 'Tr load.-'. Phone Paclflc 2974. . ' ' CHEAPEST FUEL STANDARD WOOD Co., 84? ja..BUU-K; t-v JWWl ;iilt, coal' And woOd-sWnnYsIdb and vlMnUy. E 2067.' Prompt delivery. MOUNT HOOD FUEL CO. WOOD AND coal. 350 Watr st. Phone Main 8270. FOR QUICK -DELIVERY PHONE Oregon r mm v.q., ,ji ftiocr, KIR WOOD. 4 FOOT CORD. :. MOORE, .OS Wells-Fargo bldg. Main 8425.- TVuv viA !OKDWOOD. SAWED. 18 00 load. Beghera Wood Co. Main 6369. CARPET CXBANINQ rKROsT. PROPRIETORS OF THE i.!i.ctrlo Cleaning ' worka; , carpet r,e.n.d and ,UJd. bother, ana com. Main SLO ..a .n. r,A Bad . a f rsmRii - . . .i. air ncuiiuR. !ll...-i,- work auaranteed; Phoni LTVVnd A-.l. 270 Grant at -rr TrT".-T,V7'A tt PRT' CLEANING. JOURNAL WANTS- V CENT A WORD .: bctciiers surruEa ) R: BIRKENWALD CO, 104-801 KV rett at. largeat butcher eupnly house nn the count Write for catalogue. ETJTchrA- suppUes aIjSlpu a. ...:.. nt. in lat at., oarrlca a full Una and complete aaaortroant at .oea( J marital pricea. - . CLEANING AND DYEINGS CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, per month. Unlqua Tailoring C. ?0 Rtsrk at. U. W. TURNER. DYER CAKPLTfcl dyad a specialty. 60 Jefferaon at Main 2616. V CHIROPRACTORS . . . - .-L. ' 2r . . . k . Li.ia .1.119 9 tR. 1. ti dOHOON-. URADUATE P. S. 104 t Ora. bln. Phona A1- CHIROPODISTS WILUAM nirvrMT A Vn ESTELLE Dav Tiny. tba only aclanilflo chlronod. I ROPpb t .AND . HiDlO iLiW " MfMT D HUt. ISO Fltdn.r bldg. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS ean NE ' COVTRATOR'a ND BUILDER. ' " ; JIT irwrKT BT. PHONE MAIN Bt3, turVai g anoraj Jobbing. 7 Jat at Phono Vmln 10- DRESSMAKING EXPERIENCED DBS 88 MA K E R wlahaa anncrnnta f.? fis Lereen. , Phone Main mi; A-8. MME kUF.Ai3TER"ttiACilEa Flki1 Mclaaa cutting with -NMrty U" tauonnir ayatant. t70 Couch at - r,r...rK., WAtaKh Hf A CAPABL.K D .einV.treaar either to noma pr. ahop. B- 10" i . . ...... .. .. PRESSMAKINU AND ALL KIH1 awlna: ; prlcea - reaaonaoia. Phone 1 '1 rr..""-.:.4.1?" ,'V im. Phona Main COLLECTIONS. WE GIVE .'TOnBACWUM . -u. rhiim. 807 Couch bid. A-JI1J. DOQ KENNELS. : LEITROM KENNELS. CIIAR ; R. CAM in Ptod- 46tb and Dlvlalon ata. Doga of all klnda boarded. Dof for J. P? ";""m pnone ianor i. huh irrnvi w - - IXIO AND IIOIU5E HUBniUi 7 m MILLER. V.S.. VETERINAR : it . . m iu Kin gir. u tt N 8th at urnce u carney s Veterinary hospitaL for noraea ana uui Phnt.a Main 1484. ' . J UB GUaan at DAN CINQ rn,,iK dikim 1 iru nANCINQ ACADEMY m aeieci acnooi; v. 7L " nVy.ny KIU E. Morrlaon. Vhone. r4k.iKlfi IKiathbCTiONS EVEKlt r TTu A 1 m a h I t-i- kin s w":. UiY to V. Murlark ha.L Vh7 ,.t tld. Prof. Carter, principal. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES , nirOTirsM WT.KrTRlC WUWBt Cth at. COlliracioie, ,-',. w.ntnra and dvnamoa; we Inatall planta. srrTVTSTTr ECTRIC ENOINEERINU Co" MotoTor al.r , rt; w nd auppllea. 11 d at EDUCATIONAL". BEND YOjJR BOY TO HILL MILITARY acaaemj, f" tcRiTING. GRAMR. BOUKPa ts mo., dav or eve. 126 6th at tLicTlo VusiNEsa" UNiVEHgliYj 11 higher atandard achooL 68 Sd at the higher atandard achooL . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES C II Hansen, Jr. : ; EMPLOYMENT , OFFICES. Men. I N. t Mate 1620. -Women, 4i Waah t. V Help auppllod free to employera. ...ir I'llDi nVMUMT CO.. va." help - apclalty. Long dia- t. Phone Main I06tt Morrison at. . . .Phone racmo j Ml N 2u at .rnoiw ramnv T iapanprr EMP. CO ALL KINDS OF J A PANES ft. yrr 2,g Ever- nelp ,Uppuea. lUfw -w - ' bit -"v- ' PACIFIC COAST -W. 5":iiB ladies ana men. .ti - ENGRAVERS DESIGNERS 1 AND PHOTO .pORAV. era. Nelaa ft Connaway. 100 2d M. 71. .FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE ft IRONWORKS-- I - . a. a nUHA Ma n 7 (ill II GENERAL REPAIRING THE HUMMER BICYCLE. ELECTRIC "P j ...nitn. rvnnirtnir and aun- J.'....n;tTng - 82lT Stark. M. 7058 GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY AND MARINE: ELEC- trie equipmenta: launchea, acceasorlea. wholesale and retail: engine , repairing. S.wa on Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. StItIoweiiV Ahv MARINE OASO- llne englnea; we. mapufactuM ' theni; get our prices. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. HOTELS - HOTEL ' PORTLAND. EUROf tfiAn HOTEL OREGON, EUROPEAN PLAN HOTEL IMPERIAL. EU-R-II -AND Uf- PKRK1NS. EUROPEAN. 81 AJNO ur, RELVEDERK. European: 4th and Ainer, BELLeVUE. EUR. 4TH ANQJUMON HACKS AND UVKIUES. r. 1805 STABLES. ' HACKS, uvt.ni. lillST a" EalV 8682; 'night pbon"i Mm wii. . "vl-1 INSURANCE JAS. Mcl. WOOD, INS. AND ACCIDENT eecurltv Donas. - w ISAAC ii. WHITE.; FIRE INSURANCE. 844 tsneriocK om. - JEWELERS h WOLF, WASH, FINECTA- BIBB B'JC. Clgin LAND SCRIP-r-WANTED AND FOR ALL KINDS, INCLUDING APPROVED foreat rer tonp iut .t,.f, iimh., .r. nrairle government ryjJVV Vi""'.-Vi':.V .-ri..-Portland. -V lana. n. jn.. - i - " LEATHER" AND ITPINGS CHARLES I MASTICK ft CO, FRONT and Oak ata.. leather i and aklna of every description for all purpoaea; aole and tap cuttera; flndlnga. '' 1 ' ' T OSTEOPATH30 PHYSICIANS DR. ULLEE ELLE PATTERSON, SPE- cialist on nprvoua. acuta and chronic diseases. 217 Fenton bldg. Paciflo 1190. OR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 416-16-17 DE kura bldg, 3d and Washington ata. Fhona laaia 149. .Examination irte.. OREGON riATT.V TOURNAU JOURNAL 1 :;CENT:V A WORD WANTS" 00000 o ox , o o OOOOO K JV- o o , otf TERM 7AVl'URITT COMPANI. 1 HOURS, A. M. TO P. M. . WEI. t " r l , , ;r aava : TUUIAn, i ! ju,nw lOttU Third atreet. It; chaapoat ratea, amalleat PrmniV. i ; .nv mm that wan la to b " iivl for any ona' that wanta to loan privately and deeirea w, rauiy ma ia l" V rv HIITTON. HREDIT CO.,. tit 7irh floor. l)kum bid oacura a liberal advanca. repaying D7 W ERA LOAN A MORTGAGE CO, - . znfi Abingion oioa. LOaK'S MAfcfe ON -ALL ST bonds. U. Union Pacina and SO other aold on Inatallmenta: write ma Joa h.. and wiah.to buyaell r oor row oni prompt reliable v,.nB(rr R.nkln. Monad nock t-LJ!i TO LOAN FOR -ijL'',v; ea; caa be repaid in monthly Initallroertta. Call 'w"'?"" lurobla Life A Truat Co, U dumber Exchange bldf, , , l r ' purcnanea. - - . . Id and Waahlngton ata. , AN.8.00 ORLfcba. a oent real eatate. ton bldy luO.OOO TO LOAN IN SUMS iOF L0M or more. ( to 7 P?r cent oa Prov,1 realty. M. Q- Orirrm. a "- - BalaM LoANiir-aiRicTLr con deutl lai; eaay to "i A K'.alnn Bll BUPnannn -MandTth.; Vial ..U. JurUle. Mlanounteit. 11. B.flOOi"), Loans on real.- ciiattfls and peraonai aecurltlea. W. A. Hathaway, PRIVATE M6NEV TO LOAN ON GOOD wasnington ui". AX real eaut wuniy. - awlaSrnrtnn bldg. Main 4666. ; 1 - A v.a . v. 1 . t.r I mica ju-urltiea. K- a. js.u.ji "-r - t;vvi?i' TaIm I.ARQ LOANa '"'. i VT.rL' .". !-- valaa: apeciany, ouuami "?,", , f I rein surance. W. O. Heck. IU Falling. SALARY LOANS-LOWESf HATt. Ai L'mn nn tin Co 714 pekum. LOAN FOR f HE ASKiNG-ALAK II Ott chattel. The Loan -Co.. 410 Dekurr.. QUICk WANS ON ASECURl'mjH; a tir vin. ak wnn. diok. n. iiONEV TO LOAN ON . ALL KINDS of aecunty. w. nmi, rv. ik RUMS OF 2.000 TO -20.000 tl. MUSICAL miuna vr AT1TJ1 NEW. TUNING, Pi n" Hospital. 5Q Third. Main la. Mffn mint . ina yuiwiuiiBt "" . . . . . 1-H T Til glial lBlftat teacher. A-4K0. 834 Pine- fessor 0J.K:!l V""i". eiaa A a v . 1 v v w.iom OTriP w. HKTilt 1N8TRU nuov S.V.-,. ,i TntirntT merits, lj. BHiDfeiuia. , bids;.. ?d and Taylor. MANDOLIN. GUITAR. ANiO. i. PAU KerTeuHe 42. Mllner bldg 60H Mor. t a.hj a 'Rir.lTZ. TEACHER OK' A-'V'" IV. - , 1 ca PIANO. VIOLIN. MANDOLIN BANJO. violin. Ill Bnerman. cvr. Pwf Hm in. zsi iin. ai- -fivw, Less. eoc. PLanO. banjo. . guitar. - mandolin, vioun. nw ron. MONTJ3IENTS lana 8 leaping mrm-" NOTARY, PUBLIC a r. pfluuuk. iNU'Au. ----- GER. commiasioncr o . . j nntarist a 14 Mulkey bldg.. d and Mor. PUBIBERS BHUHOLM & MARSH. PLUMBERS, 74 bIIlnlonTve East 2673 ! Rea East 1M. DoNNkkBkkG A : RAbEMAOHEk. Hoi Burnaide at Phone Main 2810. PLATING AND OXIDIZING ' M.-tomul 1TTVTT7RKS. PORT W land PUtlng h." 802 E. Wsah. E.1283. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS DUFUR & DUFUR. 813 CORBETT Tbldg Pbona A-6336; largeat and moat complete atenographlo office In waat HELEN L TINNEY, AD WRITER; ii. Mn. n, nil kinds business: ntr-siTVorcester bldg. M. Z26i. PAINTING AND PAPERING ciiNTINd. PAPERHANGING AND calclminlng; satisfaction guaranteed; aoacial low prices. Geo. -Pace, 111$ E. Market at. Phone Main 1334. F6R BEST W6RK. PRICES RIGHT. .u v a nnann. E. 1095. 104 Union ave. TF YOliu ROpt LEAKS 'OBNKBIW painting, can c. w, nruuuwu PRINTING OGILBEE BROS, PRINTERS CARDS, billheads, etc. Main 1858. 146Hlat. PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS TRADE MARKS REGIS tared, expert advice free. A. J. Mat tar. 618 Commonwealth bldg. J". J. HIRSHHE1MER. 227 WASH. Bi, patent ana pension anumcy; i PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS F. R BEACH ft CO, THE PIONEER Paint Co. Window giaaa ana giaaing. 186 let ' fnone Aaa RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS i Mj Pitten?er& Co.. 263 Rusaell at, Pbona 'E. 4649. Flra insurance. loans, real eatata. T W OGILBEEv REAL ESTATE AAU H lAanatah. 1888. 1-45 1ft. room 11. RESORTS rA STLB . EDEL! BRAtl tTwelve - Mile ?4!&a?w Moat unlaua and beat road- TTn the -west; . kitchen auppiiea rrnm our farms; flrat-clasa gooaa rma; iirai-ciaB -Fred T. Merrill originator. land prices. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING,::GUTTERINa RE- Z1Z jeirereuH aw j - STREET PAVING ...MMrfM.TlMLT . . rC BUeet parlna, - sldewaixs ana wr ingB. ,i, THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. "f PofttendOffice 666 Worcester blk. 114 lilimnw amu.in.. -I STORAGE WAREHOUSE SPACE FOR RENT,-ON track; or gooda taken for atorage. Western Storage ft Tranafer Co.. 121 Hawthorn avenue. r . MONEY TO LOAN' AUSOLUTK! 1 Vn 11 Oft: 3 THE KEST. uj.1 f'J .r MBER. jr JX""i;V,rMONET. WE WILL UAN YOU MONKX. ALSO ALL OFFICti STATIONERY1, P. P. 6 7 Co.. 231 Stark. TeL 1407. 'T . REAL ESTATE WEDNESDAY PORTLAND 1 JOURNAL r WANTS- CENT A WORD "'I'VLi.'- .. J .1 -II BANKS. oa-n NATIONAL RANK. Portland, . j CAPITAL AND HUitl'i.uo, e,v, ... nNTrED flAVHTcanSTti ilrd . a rv . v 1 1 ' U Tranaacta a General Uanklng Bain. All Citlea of tha United Stataa ana - . madV on fvorabla Termfc . ,hf;; . . . . . . ,R. W. SCIIMEER KX!LVlS 1 A-t.nt Oaahl er ...... W. X HOLT Y .jjjp TLTONHKi j.'TtX T U ! ! W. K UlU 5nANaS BANK DEPARTMENT. Lf Tranaact a Oeoeral """du Intrreat paid on tlma depoaita. Havtnas booka laauea on ,. . . roNlA 1 up.....IVy0T U" - . u HANK UK Capital paid General M"'k! ?d .M-rcount may be opened of 110 and i- iMpoalta. AiwHr.nVH4ncbhajnber of Commerce Building. ; - " ward. Portland erancn nf"' .. . UAi.. , a.i 1 Manaaat Ximt. R. ft Al !KMiA. ' . lIama 1 --. i,.T.r.Mii. rank PortUnd, Oregon. ' :' . ' ... MEROnAWio ,-p,-.ident I J. ;RANK WATSON... Prudent aTanaaww CT.iablatoAll Parte of the BONDS v AND r.oRRi. mtOTl"R"CbAmbar o Com.rca Building. , ftl Railroad al-t.,hiia Benrlca Corporation Bond..- ' :,K,a MiMPANlJ-EatabUahed liOi-BROKERa.; t. ' - D SToSkT TL GBlTN-bt JaSi. Room. 101 t- ' flllAND CeAtRAL STATION TIMS CARD. LEAVING PORTLAND. Southern . 11 Roburg to"" I'll SI fl Grova CaiHornm "T-ti ua i.nu . . wn . i :a u. ii ruk. II Baa frwciK ''-" Y'OO a. ra. Coryallla "' I.'JJ J S- Bhertdan Pwaangar.. .... ; Foreat Oroya "5S":,i:;S 2 S r. T" : " " Jelrerwa Street Depotr'.::;' J :''tv.ii " " . 1:40 a. m. Pnrfland to Dallas ' H PortUnd JouDlla. ? VbaxJeavlng - tawew-rw..-.- -r0. Laat 'during ojvMe - l w ; .) - northern TMoma and Seattla Korth Coaat ft Chicago lim. t .00 p. 1:10' a.m. Overland Eapreaa . , .11:46 p. m. Oregon Railroad Pendleton Pf Ul 1:I0 Chlcago-PorUand Special.. Bpokana i:oo Kan. City CnL Exp.... -QQ 1:16 a. ra. p. m. p. ax. a o. t-t z 100 a. in. It Astoria and Sea-Ma Exp..., : Aatorla Express i Kxpress 1 1 " Canadian Pacific C P R. Short Una, via Spok.8 :16 p. m. Via Seat! Vic. ft Vancouv.r.I:00 p. m. via. Sumaa " Portland R, Ught. Power - rare Leave Ticket Office and Waltlnf Cara -oa" .m., striata-For Room, x 11 . i... Clty-4:00. :. 7:00. 7: :Z0, :, :vj ,V.T V '.V US; iVsT'tuOO. 10:OMl:00 ll:0d p. m. Greaham, Boring. tgia ree., cad a, Caaadero. Fairview nv.rr..' 7:60, :30. li:o 1:44. T:lt P. m. n Tni.r-ir. r-B.wpr.Tivn HATimOAY. FEBRUARY 16. 1101. T A.aala Yir1a nd-a f-J aT aV avJaN bB --- A . A For Salem and Int. ata tna. 8:00 a. m. For Salem and Int ata' tna.. 11:00 a. m. For Salem and Jnt ata'tna.. 8:00 p. m. For Salem and Int. ata'tna.. 6:00 p. m. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DE8CRIP tlon: bank, bar and atora: Uxturaa made to order. The' Lutke Mfg.' 00. THE JAMES L MARSHALL. MFG. CO, ahowcaaea. cablneta. atore and office flxturea. tit Couch at Paclflo 1L"- r. h. birdsalL. designer: agt. m: Winter Lumber Co.. 7 Hamilton bldg. SIGN AND .SHOW CARDS FOSTER KLEISER, SIGNS. THK largest aign m.wi m ul" 6th and Everett ata Phone Prlv. Ex. 65. Honfe A-1165. ' . SIGNS. THAT ATTRACT PORT- land Blgn VJO.. i Piara. A-acmi- ma.w. TYPEWRITERS THE OLIVER TYPHWRaTHK A V, . M.lr. 7K! on Kth at.. Portland,' Or, OUvar typewriter aold; renteq; repairea. ALL MAKES, RENTED, REPAIRED, BOld. P. L. O. UO.. 41 SliriL xni. A,vi. SAFES DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Large llnea carried. Lock -out a opened. Tanka tails, metal furniture. ' Bota phones. J. R Davla. 00 6d. I ' - TOWEL SUPPLY 'ft, CLEAN TOWELS - tumo. brusn, aoap, a pr mvuiu. r. TAundrv ft Towel Buppty CO, m auu Couch ata. Phone 410. TRANSFER AND HAULING . ' C. a PICK OFFICE 88 1ST ST.. BE tween Stark and Oak ata ; phona 696. Pianoa and furniture moved Jind .packed for shipping; commooou wim. Z house with aeparate Iron room. Front and Clay Bta. "'i oCM.finE TRANSFER CO. - General tranafer and atorage; aafea. pianos and furniture, etc, moved, packed and ahipped. 209 Oak at. between Iront and 1st rnone jwain ui, ROSE CITY TRANS, CO. ALJU on dera given prompt attention. B. 2169; rea. E. 1I11.-.J.' v. r inuigy. - OREGON TRANSFER CO, 184 N. 6TH. Main o. tieavy nuirnm " r TXTi-.tr T IT TcniT.MT RAOHAQE ft TRANS- fer Co. Storage 834 Stark. Main 407. W. M. JOHNSON, TKAJN& UK Afiu preaa. 28 Union ave. Eaa, 4441. B-1004. UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING BIJOU UPHOLSTERING. 127 UTH, furniture repairing, satisfaction guar ahteed. . upholstering supplies. WHOLESALE JOBBERS ' vr A. GUNST A CO, - ' DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. POWTLAIMJJ, EVERDING ft, FARRELL, PRODUCE and commission merchants. 140 Front crii.nj nr. Phone Main 179. - OREGON ' FURNITURE MAIUFAC. turing Co. Manufacturers pt ,rurnu ture for the trade. Portland, Or. w atSu IMS AV CO.. WHOLSESALB GRO- cera, manuf acturera and commission merchants. - 4th and Oak ata. ' .tt t-w a. T tr.WTS COMMISSION AND produce mercnania, i',;"u, "" SIS., . JTVI wm. v.. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND OLASS wtire Prael. Hegele ft Co.. Portland. LEWIS'-STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY Co barbera aupplles,, barbers' furnl ,aa7berV chaiys. 10th and Morrison. nnlTrtTJ A KNIGHT MFG. CO. jror ua nix, v... oak: tanners, leather belting manufac- BATES-WIGHT CO,. CALENDAR, Ai ttiMra port ana. vr.. ox ii v. , rertiaing pu.cw. -. -- - '"", 5 .Thomas Btuby Dead. i . .- r.i.. ,a Tha Ioaraal.1 - Bake7 at7' FebJ 19.-Fun.raP of Thomaa Busby, who died Sundayaf ter noon was held . hera today. Deceased hv V wife and four "children? Ha also Lavtj two trytliwrg to tWa lty, Joan EVENING. FEBRUARY 10, aaaww. "--"- ""T : - - , .1 JOURNAL. rWANTS- CENT i A WORD ,injiii . ri 'i Oregon. , Kfiaon KOTNTEREST PAID ON ACCOUNTS. -T,v -n-r nrr-Ti iJTri ii aisr 1 a . m 1 j a a. am and Oak H.reeta ; - - w'... Cou.oUona unXfdaWfltTO 1irrr 'r..n..ntal Intereet on Tlma ' iii j. sunt . - - w . K. L. DUHtlAM ,vicf rniio.m fo w wuJfx. Aaa t Caauiat worio. wucuk-i . INVESTMENTS. .nd Sold tor Cm- and 0. Mt6. ; ; nea: M.6: A-im. ; Paxlflc. ARRIVING PORTLAND. rir.Mii IT.vnreaa ........... 7:51 B T:5f a. nt Cotu Oror iantar..U:;0 f- 1:10 a. m. l Dnrl iant KYfirAAS .....a.alltll Afc SMt ..WEST SIDH. Corvallla Paaaangar ...... I:JI p. m. Sheridan Paaaenger- 10:10 a, m. r Ml 0rov, Manger .. 1:00 aw. W. Toreat .Grova Paaawg.r... 16 p. ra. Dallaa to Portland ........10:11 a. m. 1 w.ll.a la Portland 6:60 P. tn. Portland t :J Jk xkMrlr train; lrala leavea neno lur wawwgv Pclflc . I I North Coaat umitaa I:;! roiiwaa jKt,ai .i ........ j.jj Overland Epreaa 1:16 p. Naflgatloa Company. Bookana Flyer i:vf a. rn. ChL, Kan. City ft Port Exp. 1:46 a. jn. Chicago-Portland BpecUl . 1:60 p. m. Portland Paaaenger ...... m. AatorU A CoIomMa Rlrer. ); AatorlA ft Port ' Faaaotigar .ii.ij p. m. poruand Expreas IOiOO p. m. .. - - , , RaUwajr Co. ' ; C P. R. Short Line, na bpok. i:ow a m. Via Van Vlo. and Seattle. 6:16 p. m. Via Bumaa ana bmkh , m. - ' For vAwwuvitn. - Ticket office and waiUng-room, Seo ond and Waeblnaton atreata. . ; .in in -an 1t10. ll:E0. t:ou, - 1:20, .v, P.''M-ia:0. 1:10. 1:60, 1:30. 1:10, 1:60. 4:30. 6:1$, h:iS, 1:80. 7:06. 7:40, :H t:26. 10:85 ll:46. . On third Monday In arary montn oax lut.I at i-Hh n. m. . . Dally ex. Sua. Dally Moa, Ttaiivrav Comtiany. - ' j W II "' - ' Arriving Portland. i.m Int. ata'tn. iu:4u a. m. From Balem and lnt ata tn.. 1:40 p. jn. From Salem and lnt aU tn. 4:40 p. m. From Salem and lnt ata'tn. 7:40 p. ro. ' . . TRANSPORTATION . : COOS BAY -LINE Th ateamshlD BREAKWATER leaTa b1,i.w.4 WaHnaSdav It I . Wtm iron Oak atreet dock, for Horta S.nd, IUm. claaa! U Including berth and maala. Inqulr. city Ucket ofjtej, Jhlrd and Washington aireeia, or va. Columbia River ftcencry WV.OTIIaTOB AVI 9X1 lISaJUBa. run, aarvlca between Portland and a.. T-.11a .f MIDI ' BUMIT. saving . --'- ..r,- .hr.,.. a D. m.. carrylnt; freight and pal Splendid accommodation lor Pnrtiana at l aw aaengora. oldu nrl!rfoo1lof Alder at. Inland: foot eTK5et a . Tba Dallaa. Pbona Main tl 4. Portland. - - 2f OBTH PACTTIO 8TAlSatIa,.0O., . snAitinaxrs. Roanoke and Geo! W. Elder SaO for Eureka, San Francisco and Loo Angelas direct every Thuraday at I p. m. Tinkat nfflca 111 t Third .near Alder. Every I7cn.nn UUUTwliau aim aoouia anyw. L , ' aboat the wonderfnl MAKYEV nniruna spray I The new Var-al lir Jnif lwaNM aw-naa. Hew oa. eiw w uoBTsniaas LIlllW llMiall, Be nrnn. aui. wij uj ABVEIm auept no ether, bat arad lUunp far.' - ' ' lllutrtwd nok wmIwA. It gives , .. !t martlMilaM anil dll-antlon. in. valuabUtoladlaa. MARVKL VO, for Bala W Skldtnora Drug D, eoaaro. w. r,. aioai rt ... a . .. . Ohuke oe. ana iau,w mi CHICHESTER'S PILLS jlaalaa aUaka-vr run Bo Take a at War. Bar mt vaar ' w t biaV1tHa HBANa PILLS, fer S! want kaawnat Beat. B.latt. AlvT K1ipi SOLD BY DRUGGISTS tVtKYVv HtKt and other arug naoits isu. HABlTiJMA. ' rornypouoxjnJD "ru'"M Bai tna 1st eU.br SklOmsra srnc w t. reruaaa. FOR UOMCN ONLY Dr. Sanderaon'B C . anri Cotton. Root PillS. Tha beat . and only reliable femedy for DELAYED PER IODS. Cure the moat bbstin- ata ,ia, tn 1 to .10 days, v tTlCS 4 per box or three noxea .. vi rinia-s-lata evervwhera.: Address. T, J. PIERCE. II IERCE. 1 SI If 11 rirat at. Portland. Or. tj.. .1,-. : : t, ' tivaa at ' WaahlngtOn. ana Chestnut streets, and Wm. Busby, who ..... .... T)air a I Aili atraeta. ls if B1UC. Ul VwM.v. ...... 1 . ; Mr. Busby was an old tlma rancher off the Burnt" river, country, but. had retired from active work; and was living In town. Ha had been Blck only alnce Tuesday ana death ;waa rather unet pected. He r was . well known all .over tha county and .was respected for hia upright Ufa and square .awiim-,; , la lmaiHl.,'1 ' CUrSS. ' ' BUr- ock Blood Bitters conqutsraayspepBia lTni'l'.l. n ."... . 'tone, the atomach riwWS - gegUon, normal wtlght, and good bealU. every time. it. arives . wii- ""r' KVar OlaaaaaJ. braa.V caled with Blue Rlbbaa. V ; npia sent to any arug nauii-uo- a, w.pa IU IgTilarpr82.perboflo, yonr druggist or Djr mait in piain wrapper, alta r-ha.n,ral Co. St Loola. Mai 10C3. One-Half Price for a few Days Tuore V WATTTJ - TJrii x.AKorsT yaAOTtca ; ur roaTLAiro . . MOATjaa X cvb.h roum . BTZKY CABTS X TmDWTAJCal J a i.M.n,.Vw4 bacauaa law you have iaiiea w ..iT.aa I aak roil to call . y . t . a and eea me. You can ar ranga to pay when cured If you feel doubtful, of my ability. . f . 4 TAJUOOOZZJI Cured In I , daya by ab sorption;' no f pain. Tha ' ' A ..In, a ra Aua to mumps.. horseback riding, dla aaa, ato. ' la tlma It weakena a man m.nUlly aa wall aa phyal oally. I will eura you for ifa or; ma as no WasViiir, rom .......,IT-,o J plBohaxroa, from -..... care who haa fajt u yo ThP iirpfinn Medical a. Alw v a w-ij w 8IrAAlS arvaw a WE a: "llSVS ;..UlUUon.Wta r 2)X Xaaad. ' AJ1 Otaara Tollow, T.Hooawl from....,...10 M l II 4V.V8j J? !!i w. -w. aa.1,1 T , A . I , I lLL, a - - - - STdfO Bfartfllll CURE .'ConaiuV'Hva. wide-.wak apeclall rt ao you- .t trint to perUnca, aklll and ability. J7duaS of price Waeuro men. and bava Sihad on tba Pa? "d',-cUU allmanta of man than any oth-r cuvad mora.caaea of Wwaknaai i and P"ul0W wtu,t the. trouble la. consult ui.fr-. of chf J ! ?oVfc tel1Ut, whan to a-4 or ana. ia iciwuui i1"'. . Vw..i j v, riven to . tna qo-nncaiwnw, . .C.. .ldr.Uon.n thought ahould , tb. na i"l" .hit an "it .Undrto f.an tat h.t.n f..-- ,-0rto and numbers Its cures Y.n? I?rust a few months and ai in Pnrtland. ' '. ' " - ' 1 a ..mU ataoidaf to C city, it """"". h tha tlma We nave on ' . , . '. ' . " . men In Portland. , " .J. jWaaaAat and cduranla 4Uaare tOMll and irloaa. . ObUguoji - "a-nlnned wtth I "iSTZ. "ar. wulpped wtth tha eal devlcea for tha treatment ot cnr-. eal devices tor tna w"P?, . 7 able and in raach of. ,m,n5or Vwrtta If you cannot orA'A CERTAIN and jnoat "cceaaful. An CEHTnd jjoat -WnlnTSTlo:: sTndaVi, .to M WUUIW v ---- noon. - ATTalwIt&f .Taara.U rortlaad . . . ' " a-aBBBBk. aajav. - lliiiiiiS i - :., - "-vi .' ' -V.- ' j ! - r-' 1' ' aa-gaB-waasma ; - .:- MEN UtNLwY: X tlaankataa Cwjf,"W C4t. --'foi in i i n r 0 M P L I C AT ED - II .yii vvii" - ... MrAnntnc llV FFF K X UldUlaULIiJ HM3I"---M; PAY ME WHEN. I HAVE . nation ,; I offar not omy a careful "iamlnatlon and - do."1f,u"'?" awKo ilitalf manSbod nigl.ct this opportunity, to gat axpert opln ton about hi. troubla. ...... lt that tn, .erVlca I ofteryon la' tha gervlce you need: and 1. Vervlca' .ucb a. can b. renderea ciftYt. ' . a Ail- lAWAvaa tttim har man who think their caae tl rvice you w - ; an. .. . Mayba you are m -j-., 7., t0id you you cou a not m tumi inourible, rt".-ynf.hl?.u ha dM not understand your disorder and birtmctrrath?o 7t Vnot'mean? you could not gat halp from t.t iolvea no P ,oyr"llk tha slightest ' i. r!l'.5e bui-5nJth. 7011? b eurefl. Don't wlt if whether you can b; 0red.nbut wnetner you J cure la abao- other appliances. - . ' - The DR. TAYLOR co. a34W'KorrHon W Cornar Saoond, POmTIVA-TP. OBJGOlff. 1 hf.VT?NTrENT TO SELL m j i ,a-v.-.a lA. a.-.-ara TV 1 tTT Tir TWO OLD WAJUSllirD - - (TJnlted Pren Leased Wb-e.)' -. .. t r vmtti 18. Blda were opened at tha navy department noday Jo tha aala of two Teasel, of the United Statea navy that long ago outlived their uaefulnee. and are now junk - heap. iThe two civil war monuor 7Vk. Bi.7. ,i iiiiVniir navy yard, and the Plnta. at NorfoiK navy w th Canonlcua in.?yonly Trellc of ! tb"oldJw of the dara bafor. wooden .hip. had been niaiement. " For battery .he carriea two Plf5?l -t,h horea In her main bat- r; and-in bet .econdary battery, two he was commanded byCommanderj a Tiprott. - Bn was i ",'"1r" f fre wft'hW the SnnoT'w.. rttedVut?Th.lt Weaa-BledtoTut7.rl7S-gunb CubT in 1 04. ' with her .later ahlpa. th. Jaaon Montauk. Lehigh wdNahant tbJ CAnonicua waa atrlcken . t mm , the r.1Y NEW SYSTEP.l NEVER FAILS x no wot atcu vr rom AWIItl jrr JEW BTSTXX KAKC8 WW uravn TissiTB . ASTO OITEB TZM AJT0 TIGOX ' A friendly chat will vou nothing, and If cost aa al a. a..a J at Mm a-tatinlt Fl cured 1 will aay ao, while If you take mv treatment you can pay aa able. If out of work, will give yoa credit ' 1 sloob poraow t ..''.. ' Overcoma In 90 daya or no ry.i Symptoma overeoma In 7 to 21 daya, without mercury or todidsa. T iyt aMf frlng W sore mouth or throal. $lnar hair, bona palna, coma and I will drive the poison - from your W" 'or- aver py my new oa..-- loitrna,. iroin . . ...... - - .-z - Bladder AUmanta, from.$l i to 111,60 from.. 110 to 130 2rtMTMve aiiBiMi-i ....- - 0M penny for my aarvtoea. Institute fcwm!; . - MEN ONLY! Our Fee 05 tb $30 No Pay Unloos Cured c.;ir Hnln Where It Ii Certain: to Be Found V Thli lnaUtntloa"hM btint 1 ?Pu5'l?,'a2S5 fh&V oT t-od UntSo and laltUnaU methods than in any t0rUi tha lltUa flma yo nBwmu. . - - that haa stood tba test of institution thouaandi aUU UB1MW are gone. curing . . ... ' iuifl. nanhiiil. tnoat mooern na er- " T . v ,tom " ct homa oorrespondenca ( oorr po T . . . at a.... ..a. MAvawi MinnflsnuaU. - . ia. waa. Tf TATION FREE -, -vv fJT 'f V" $10 CURED YOU , Baw. TATT.Om. - - Tha , Xsadlxur if BjpaoiauBi and advice, but of avery caaa ' thoV v ......... ' , number ot man who think their mIi i .Hva list as Win Wtlived-har na fulness. At that time 'h""'", at. 115,0.0. w. -is,.A rerittea mo uwum "lf .ii;,;. erable. expenae fojr exhibition purposes at jamraivwn. ... : . . - aTTTiETT WANTS COIN V FOR DREDGINCr Klvii ..(United Press ttasad Wlr. S Washington, Feb. 19. Governor-Gl uii raiii'nniiiL who 1. on his way t Washington, la going ..for; the Prpo- of urging before tna nverB . j committee - favorable , conataenmoH ( m n iLrsirtniov'a hill anpn prlatiiig l4.000.000 with which to dred. ... .k. Mn tha Sacramento river, i. Aordln. to -tbo Present rfanjind consiaeranon ,ua i a non nol to, appropriate an additional 14,000,001 ti ! i;'.ni a-nnntad Mhat a river, anl t.,hn hin win ; oaas congTeas thf aesslon, but steps towards paving way for; one arebelngr1 taken.. , t Ifl'. Bonis ! ..Molr- Again. ' . w ir.u I l 'AnntVinr flarht b tween Tommy Burhs . the America fighter, .and Gunner Molr, the Engua rnuii, ia Hii. . re nounced today that -Lord Lonsdale h ... ... k.iV Mnl, with IS (100 thf. ne Will aiajr a.- , w...., It Is believed the fight articles will L igsed tula .weaka f A' " "V aT -wPaa, v, -aa. 17 7