THE DUILY WURiifiL IS SOLD OH nllc STREETS OF.POPJ! "UD AT 2c I COPYMU. HEED HOT PAUWRE. . MVJSDOYS VJIllUAilE GX a- - CUSIM5S 102 SALE? HEAL ESTATE TO.! SALE? .-,. Put Your Ad in THE JOURNAL v JOURNAL Ads Pay Best ' The (Weather Fair tonight; Wed nesday rain; easterly winds. V f ' . ' - ) T-a A JOURNAL CIRCULATION - XCSTEUDAY WAS 29,700 2? VOL, VI. NO. 293. PORTLAND OREGON, TUESDAY ! EVENING, FEBRUARY 18r , 1908. SIXTEEN PAGES. . PRICE TWO CENTS.' jSJJCTivi" 1 111 till fc I ..Will A I T 1 I n rr rr n r mm : , 0 F iU U l'lllL ' If u i mWM MM - . it nnn iwrr- m liii ! JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER'S OIL SMOOTHS WAY. TO:MILLIONS aiwi LV -' A ;."l r-ii-i'i'Jf'-'t j; r . v .'I New York, Feb. 18. John D.VRockefel!er,will,'on;March' .14, tuck awaysto his" credit $3,75Q,0DO in , Standard Oil divl- I J X "en"s W"1C" Wl" bring-; the amount he .will, receive - in; six, i , ;T I months up to $6,250,000.- The total amount that paid I , i 1 1 on March 14 at the rate oT ?15, a share, will be $14,750,000.' . t . i- aw.icii vuuiiuia o ucr, cent. ;ui:inc on siock.. i ne i Sharp Local Advance 'Fpl-1 Z '' directors have declared a quarterly, tiividend to $15 , ia. share. t JOWS News Of Jtflg iranS- I ;l tne past ten years logmen nave receiyed diy;denIs of .?3894 X Orders Have Been Issued bj (ienerai Jianager o isnen I to Build Main ; - Line - Be tween Peninsula' andIO; lumbia Hi ver Bridge, . ,. - action Dcsriite (Condition o 000,000, and of this amount Rockefeller has-been given $ii7,-'i U)nstrucUoi JiaaeJN.eces-Iv.of.Eastern.Figurcs-Wliicli -.09000. ? Wtk f 4? f ri- K'i ,(8aiy-:at.PresentTinie 'hy Trend Downward. iImmeiliaieeeds : of Swift SPmESmOSE,mHPLRTESr iimRMMmSHERMNMm LOVE LAUGHS ill I'JI SCARE yv Russia has prde'redO.OOO, bar rels Of flour through local millers. The' order is a rush one and is said fo be on account of the sibilities of war with Turk e1 . While miiiersvwiii not' admit WhitevjQirl's Hand Sought 7,:": rZ : by J apanese rbiie Accepi3 IIIC IUC SIUCK3 Will llaVC I v - - . - to be rushed seems to prove that H MlgS j some thine out rif the ordinary is! tranerM'rintr i'n t, rtrJt ' ;'CP11 DUpateh to TU ounW L flour will, be Shipped from this panJed by. Anna Berfman. blubln City vOn tne ; Steamer -JNumantia, I maiden of It ummora, Klntaro Tanaka, Which is scheduled tO Sail fromi Wt of tha mikado, appeared af tha -D-iJ V, . offlca of County Auditor Kie yastar- vuiju vidiLii i aay -and aaxea ror a iicanaa-to wea. ' Thli 1 the first bunlnaaa of Impftr- W'tresa waa .ltnontV!f an.2 tnnr in tha nnrt -,...1,-. I face, for ha had tried to aecure tha ' a.veral month.. It la tha first buMnes 0?2? dt0,c,.5n'ni ?m wi" h2 of any treat quantity that RuBaia. haa I f?Uod, ; Attar conalderabla Inquiry on ordered on tha PacWo coa.t Since It bS I !,; thf county official, it waa gan to mane preparation, for tha aet- V..;, r.M.Z i. to with Japan. - The order la likewise JV?lVnderKhJ--2,!?i3iriS?"i2 one of the largest Individual orders ever ih,npPJ rowa departed with bla waTon nHIS tsoaat that waa able to supply It on ti. thoroughly and was fuUy.atl.fled that xi la siaiea mat tna oraer waa landed I '""'r " ' LASSO -Packing- Plant $125,000 4 - Ac hv th PortiatKi P-ir.nrin xrm. I cordinr to the Japanese, he ana the -... ; .. fu.T .." I Am origan B-Irl had baen devoted to each corn was lnapoaition to do the business jother for a long Z 'rJ, m inrii ma .rxrini.i. .1.. in 1 1 recentlv that he had reacnea the. point inr company,. while admittlna that some Of financInK the Diiaineaa is panel na; with Vladivostok. I ; '"7, V,V B , i i.. t...r iX.,T. tefuaa to talkfurther on the subject.- Ca"forlti an,der J,PaneM lover BMW V U.I PHVH H WpVI tank, on that tha mills of the compaay wni be m to the follart oapaolty natu tha entire 80,000 barrels are delivered. Tha alaa of tha order created mnoh ia tarert la mlUlnf and gmla circles and was the direct oansa of- a sharp ad ' ranoa o( lo a boahel In tha prioa of wheat , today, notwithstaadingr tha fact E S AUS i uai we mar arts in suropa ana vjuoafo itara down and - practioally no assort boslnaaa la ayaUablo. ; ; t. - Miller, are again In the market for wheat and are willing; to pay the price. Club variety seema the most eagerly sought,, but there is plenty of this to go arouna, accoraing to ouyers, so iney -do not fear any trouble In flUlna all sirfra ' ... i . It la stated that not only Is Russia buying large quantities of flour In tha Portland market, but Is purchasing In other v milling centers to the capacity of tha mills. Orders have been placed with Fuget sound mills during tha past 24 hours for about 80,000 barrels. ) .. - ECHO OF WHITEWASH - GIVEN 'FRITZ COMES' IN SHAPE OF BOBBERY 4 ' A woman 1 named f Jessie Meyers, employed in the amuse- . 4 ; ment resort conducted by Fred 4 Frits at 'Second and BurnBide " streets, was arrested last night. 4 on a charge of robbing a man 4 named An tone Boghinl of M0. Boghini claims ; tha woman took ; 4 4 the money from bis pocket In i '-one ot- tha boxes connected with- 4 the theatre adjunct of the resorU 4 , The woman deposited $1,000 cash ball to insure tier appearance in -the police court tomorrow to ; - the charge, -c , , .' A . - - - - - 1 ' E ; , HAII'S DEATH The first wofk"ih Oregon oh the extension of 4 trie Union Pa cific, systemi to' Puget; sound :WiI Musician Makes; Cross iCoun- b ffnn ' in fiorK Af ' nave Dn giveaDV general -Maxi- ,y ;;v.t ::;Nature. ''yvt'vi'iiCota-build a mile and a half oJ v Vv;, r '. . ... (track that will form the main line (united ptM tewed wira.i- between the peninsula tunnel and Santa Barbara, fcai.. ; Feb. II sthu- the Columbia river bridge. This mann Johnston, ah accompUahed vlolln-l mile, and a half will COSt $125,000. ui wuu ay,ciaaB,ox siuaenis nere ana iiumv u -iwuiiib, - aiiiijK(.on want 1 . . , ' . . suddenly - insane while on a visit at I mation me main line imK Detween tiZZm itS'iSSS Ju,d.-Xn2Ji. the 1 river and j the tunnel will be Clothinff. and was f inallv lajiaoftrt .liv t fViariA cAtv- th imtnr1iaf rfi. town caiabooie.-, . v yr t pose of furnishing transportation riZ'SSSL for -the; stockyards and packing w"ln captured by men on horse- houses nOW being built by Swift & Co., on the, Columbia river bot back and brought back to this city for (Uolted preM Leased Wire.) ranciscov, t en. Fisk haa won Ban" Foreman of ; San - Francisco ; , Grading Camp Killed by His Cook. i ySTJUAbixJli . . . The section of line track now .1 . I rV A V A ' ihA .1 M M ill m . 4 . K. . A . 1 J wiit.i& -uic. iuiuit.1 ; luuic wuuiu meet the oresent O. R. &. N. line th ffi thaTaV hlttaatwv aavnlnat ' U.. t-. T IT 1 j a 1 HayeV'anrKAhn' ' On thVmoUo'n rr.m 5UC.n JUnIOn It.Wlll pTO- ators Flint and Perkins ha was reap-lCeea Straight acrOSS the bottoms KKsteroV'FsnTva SOUth ciean ma. -ine appointment waa con- aooroacn at tne fort .lanrt r spat Hnnu4 . VAatAwHu w ,Kw . II 7- T - the, receipt of a report from Joe John-I tie railroad bridge aCTOSS the Go- , wsuii iiHpscwr u can Francisco, itimhia river ' lpletely exonerating the postmaster. 'Umoia river. ,j Bidetrack at BwlftvlUe. son completely- exonerating Thus - Congressmen Hayes and. Kahn were sorely (iefeated, as the chargea they made against Fisk: were not uo- held by Johnson.. I - 4 . ' Cnlted. Press I,sased Wire.) Ban Francisco. Feb. . I4.A ', trivial quarrel over tha proper consistency of eggs "reauuea . in wie uiu i "-", roreman i tne inuiui vu af that Prorker (istate on Mission roac after . being ahot by. the camp, cook, Larrle Taylor, at :3 o ctocK tnis morn lng. ' egg. Taylor was cookin Oro.aman had i complained ' that tha kkb Taylor was cooking were not o his taste. He registered a complaint with.BuperlnrSndent Dodge of tha camp. Dodge Bpoke to Taylor, and Taylor Im mediately sought Grossman" and the two became involved in a Quarrel. It is said that Grossman struck Taylor several times before the latter drew i revolver. Six shota were fired by the enragea cook, two taxing errect in Grossman's body, one in the1 arm and two in tne leg. v -He waa axen to ot. Luke's hospital, where ha died three minutes later. . rf" Mounted Patrolman A.' A. Archer ar rested Taylor and he was booked at tha Mission station on charge or murder, j .-' Postmasters Nominated. , . (United Prea Leased Wire.) Washington. vFeb. . President Roosevelt . today nominated the follow' lng postmasters: Francis. Ball. ' Poca' tello. Idaho; Francis M. Clew,- St. John, waemngton; . a. u. Jtioyer, enosnona, Wyoming. - - - t NEW YORK CENTRAL .. ROBBED BY BOGUS , CURRENCY, MAKERS fDnlted Preaa Leased Wire.) New Tork, Feb. 18. While the aud ltors of tha Newfork Central railroad are checking' up the currency notes Issued i to employe. last fall as part payment foe salaries, private detectives are following a clue which they hope will. lead, to the arrest of forgers who have copied the notes and . circulated false orders In . many cities between . here and Chicago. ' . Since January 1 tha employes of tha road have been paid as they we ra be fore the panic. At the - same time a request was sent out that all notes be returned to the company as soon as possible; but no explanation was given for the abandonment of the plans. Officials of the treasury department of the New York Central deny that the company has been defrauded. In the auditing department, however, it was said the loss might, amount to many thousand, of dollars when all tha notes were checked off. One report says 1180,006 haa been lost. : . - - . UNFOUNDED HUMOR OF ' KINO'S ASSASSINATION 1 Paris, ; Feb. 1 18. The unfounded ru mors that were circulated last night to the effect that the king Of Spain had been assassinated Is an illustration of the nervousness that has seized the ' popu lace since r the -. assassination of King Carlos and the crown prince. S Tha peo- ? la are In such a frame' of mind that hey are .eady to believe all rumors concerning outrages of anarchists. ' . When tha tranlr iinttitiniAHAn:iiHi.1i.. A 'point convenient to the Bwift packing uuum eno . a siuecracK win . oe put in connecting with the Joint line that tha ui ana liarnman roada Will build from their main lines to tha packing house property. Thle Jolut line will only af ford access to . tho Swift plant Tha trackage system on i the packing house lands will be built by tha Swift com pany, and at Ita own expense. "Tha section of track we are about to bolld wlU be to accommodate tha im mediate seeds of the Bwift people, and wm. ultimately become s' part of the main Una between Portland and .uget fkSV.wa. yiv-a. '- V : . i : W APPAREO - . ' t ' Journal, Men Go Over Road for Purpose of Locating Dangerous Parts Camera Shows Some ' of the Many Breaks. , SPIltE EASILY LIFTED FROM ' ITS HOLtf W THE TIE WHICH 18 ? : ,; v. ; x : soft, .rotted .wood.: " ": ".(-.iv11.!'- 'i'.1'" Boer War j Veteran -Held as tesoher in Fbrestear-! ; ly Freezes to. Death; ' (Continued on Page Four.) ;s (Speelsl Olipitchjta The Jours!.) ': Tacoma, Feb. lL-rThat a wooden leg Is not 'always an unmixed woa ' Is the experience pf C H. Hoffman, a Northern Pacific engineer, who a few days ago, while tramping through tha woods near Lester, jabbed bl.' artificial limb into a bear trap.' The trap was cunningly con cealed by leaves and snow and when It suddenly clinched Hoffman's ' "Winkler" his astonishment knew no bounds -He tried .fori a time to get free from the tran. ana. railing, yeuea for helo and waa neaijly frosen when .found an hour later by' several woodsmen,, and was probaly tha maddest man In Washing ton. ' ", ' ' . Tne trap was set by C II. Cavanaua-H. who la trying to catch a bear to get m skin to make an overcoat. Holt man lost his leg in the battle of Modder river. He fought through tha Boer war on the side of the Boers. - The wooden leg stood the - ordeal with forUtude and Is little the worse for wear. - . Meetings of Fralt Men. (Special Dlptcb to The Journal.) or., treo. is. The Milton- aoclety held ' Milton. Froewater Horticulture two meetings yesterday, one at Free Water In the afternoon and one In Mil ton last evening. - Professor A. L. Mar tin of Portland spoke on , fruit pests, thoir origin and how to kill them. Botr meetlngs- were well attended by the rrusjigTowers or mis. section. LOSES JOB FOR CUPID One week ago this evening tha CorvaJiii local on th , west side branch of the Southern ' Paciric jumped the track on a trestle three quarters of a mile south elf Forest .Grove. Three persons, a man. a wo man and a child - were crushed to death. A score more were seriously Injured. " ; An examination of the two mJ!e3 of track which He betwan Forest Grove and Dilley, the first station to the south, reyeals a condition of roadbed - and ,: track that , makes a repetition-of last week's wreck Im minent. ..', .'.vVj. In one half mile of this distance, between the first and third trestles south of Forest Grove,-Journal rep- Umatilla; County .Teacher Is resentatives counted 4.7 cracked and -TM csV a iniv1 '"' A 4rArAlrtri broken fishplates more than 'one V, Sister's Wedding:.' ; : third of the entire number. . In going over the same piece of track which the railroad says Is a faf limnla rtf ffiA Ifna JTifl nra tT.H..- ,..k so decayed that It In possible la MetUa recently "attended i tha' wedding Pta to pick out the spikes of -her sister. Then. MiBs Mettle lost jholding the rails to the ties, with ner position as teacner or tne school I tne lingers. . , 4' . .vV .v' ' - v. Vwvy- M0Md0MA4eA-fC' Y-V-h" : km: J BROKEN FISHPLATE WHERE RAILS JOIN iOINT-IS HELD TOGETHER BY UNFRACTURED PLATE " ' ON, OTHER SIDE OF RAIL. . V. la District. No, "If In this county.. Now J 'ci i "Pi "1, 1 11 is up 10 ' vouniy oupennienaeni 1 the Tight o dismiss her school while J ingi iisnpiaie are tne rule on sha hies herself hence to witness J this road. . That is, instead of Join- reftui."c"har.ed bvTh'e XtSST board of 8 the connecting rails with double District No. ?7 that Miss Mettle ai-1 fish plates, one on each side, In the foreiohd'ayn5ie .A1! W of , case, only , the inside sister to enter tne married state. This i naives or tne raus are so lomea. aoi rousea me. ire 01 aioresaia airec-1 r Tn irinnv nlnrpn nrttahlv tax tors and upon her return; Miss Mettle I v- a many Places, notaDiy , a lew learned tnat sne naa neen aeoosea. 1 varas souia 01 tne oriase over ine diS?. W.4 Mftgfc&r north-brwch of Skoggin. creek, the case Miss Mettle promptly made appeal roaaoea nas ueen wasnea away rrora (O tne couniy superintendent. Air. wi la tnarrlxd. Hn refuaed to aav vh haVsympathlsed with the positioniess til han to the rails except when a teachef, but he did declare that she P-n ta nasslne over them T Thon should have a fair and impartial hear- lrm 18 pasJ lns . .m - "iflen' Ina. February 25 the directors and I Of., course, the weight of the cara " 11 1 1 1 1 roaaueu. "BATHSHEJ5A" AUTHOR J Tne tresue over tne siougn one .tn otttvt xiti - t TTinT mue aoutn, pi x orest urove, is in 10 XUlVlilD&li particularly rotten condition. The upper portion of this bridge was re built in . 905 and new ties ; and girders placed on tthen. The old wooden supports fov the end of tha bridge, holding up the embankment from the water and the bid piling upon, which the structure rests waa left in place. . ' " Piling Rotted Away. ' Through the action of the water and the weather this piling has rot ted away until the-lower portion. that resting in the water and juct. above the surface, is scarcely on i half the original diameter of t:.-! posts.' i '-.-.'. ,' The, wooden protection at each en I of the trestle is so rotten that tho slightest touch dislodges it and sendi it tumbling Into the water, leaving the soft earth approach to the brldg i without a semblance of support. : (Doited Press teased Wire.) - San Jose. Cal.. Feb. 18. W.. F. Her ron, who won fame as -the writer of "Bathsheba." which waa -published In the Stanford university sequoia, and who waa . later suspended from the editorship, has been - arrested on a charae . of criminal libel " nreferred against him bv Em 11 P. Mayer, who. Is manager of the state league baseball team. - Mayer claims he was libeled In the San Jose Town Crier, of which Her ron Is editor. v' " 1 Painter Dies. : (United Press Leswd Wire.) San Antonio.- Tex- Feb; 18.Harry-A. I MoArdle. ona of the most Dromlnenrt painters and. sculptors iff" tha country, died suddenly last night . . McArdle's nrinclpal works were "Dawn at the Al amo" and "The Battle of San Jacinto." .. , r , j , Wanted : Temperance Volunteers. - (Speelal'-.PIfpstclL to The Joomil.l - Olympla. Wash.. Feb. 18. Governor Mead- ha. been requested to aonoint one or; more reipresentatlves from this state to the international Temperance con gress, to be held at Saratoga, , New York, June 14 to 80. He .will name the delegates If suitable persons will signify their willingness to attend..-. . (Continued on Page Three.) DEPARTMENT CLAIMS- HAS NO KNOWLEDGE BIG REBATE CASE (Pnlted Press. LetKd Wire.) Washington, Feb. . 18. The surprising fact developed today that although di rections have been forwarded by the interstate commerce commission to dis trict attorney a throughout California and other western states to 1 nnt itutn criminal proceedings against officials of the Southern Pacific railroad for al leged rebating,- the department of Jus tice claims to be Ignorant of auch a move. 'Inquiry at the department to-lay re vealed the fact that neither Ait -", General Bonaparte nor any of t . ants have been officially nou; ; these suits are to be star ! 'n learned, however, t'rf H- Pacific road is a'- itxcl "f ' bates to the extent f ''' lara stwe the s in M .i.-. t eartlutuHk. Tb r - I n " ' 1 ' Mntlmw-d th t-ivt:' -' '( t f ' up t- the very iv - I- if nf I he n.i i -' I- - i J