THE OREGON DAILY TOURNAU PORTIAKP, i SATURDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY f lg. 'lWS 11 1 JOURNAL rWANTST r CENT; v 1 b ; A WORD FURNISHED B00M9 FOB BENT . tt nirt. untJTit 10th near Washington." Just furnishedMost elegant mpmrv ments In city. Btrlctly : convenience. Rwnnmmt, modern, very NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, BTBAAl keel, modern, $1J to $10 per month transient. IK W, Park, the Artonla. THE ORAND. 4$ ft N. ID BT.- ROOMS for aentlemen. 11.11 ter week and up. THijT URV-FURlNHEb KM lis. IIIB Mf nut-mil UO. iui u. HE grANd MODERN. NEWU ..'- u.. u tt hi AAkii from Portland hotrt. HT Yamhill. Main 4766. BLDgsu AW MORRI80M. Ml II 1H.H I'M.N' naii. IVt.itDVlrt"" V il4VCL 4 " J A WW-' ----- - nir.KU ... tVMa fmif- VOtllltf 11011 . VtT7LM V t5YT Tj XI 1 CI l-I IT I I HlHJMa. would rent for hotikertnr 638 John- a. ..-.... 1 f oK Dkntia Xfirlf1n 119b. 4 FURNISHED r66M8T-OR RENT1. .. . . a ThmiiIm VQ1 ith inr. vettverove ate. XnaulreJII li. ism 11. i n d'l"' FUfcNtSHED ft" nnua a uiwn"ii"- - - -. tn ynnAmrn conveniences, near O. it. . i iiq 11Us .t boOD ASSORTMENT HOUSEKEEPING j i m W pAnrnn f nil 1 1 (1 - ana luminuvu vinm, ..-,-. - Inn. centrally located, reasonable price. The Annex. 146 ft Front at i furnishedroom SUITABLE FOR two. 8 ZlSt IN..-corner wwinwn, FOB RENT HOUSES NEW MODERN NINE-ROOM HOUSE for rent; with cement basement and furnace, bath, etc 664 Terrc Portland Height, Inquire 611 Patton Road. IFOR RENT 4-ROOM COTTAGE ON XV Gladstone ave.; ii moniu. im W, $V, curs. LLARGEST LiST OF HOUSES AND Hats In city. Artnur i wraper k?o., 141 H Washington at, room I, cor. Rrth. t6n RENT A 11-ROOMlIOUSE. A few blocks taut or tne meei criago. S4H Ilenton. Call 2 N. th. MODERN 6-ROOM HOU8R8. Enut Otk mnA Tnmhlll IrAotB Runt IZO. Enquire 1031 Eat Alder. Phonea Ta- Iw mm i i t tm o Ivan horn tranhfer furniture end planna movta. atorea or aaippvu. Phone Main U18. FURNISHED HOUSES hrULLY FURNISHED HOUSE FOR I . . . nnA k1n.w aAiith from i mm , ra.i .iuc, vuv j -"- - tMorrlson; rooms and kitchen, large lyara, piano; rem mocmraiw. "i rmont. f-nonea E4ii ui, d-ui iont. Phonea Kast 4907. u-zut. )- t-Mtnviullt'n JI f n XT. R N hqusei close In. Apply 143 ft Wash Ington, phone Main 4621. IFURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT v . . it . II.. LIrmmI., a. 171 1st St. houses for Rent furniture FOR SALE COMPLETE FURNITURE OF TIVE rooms; leaving city; Dargatn ir taicen Immediately; l-room modern flat, $16. Mlswlwslppl ave. party Leaving city, hoi se for rent, furniture for sale, zsi wonroe at., corner William. k'URMTtfRE OF S-R66M FAT, iiti; rent lit. raid until March i; z moms (rented pay all expenses. Ml ft Burn- ktde at. F'OR RENT -9-ROOM HOUSE; CEN traL Furniture for sale: clean and Wood. Ceap for cash. Phone Pacific OR SALE FURNITURE 6-ROOM I cottage, 1100; rent $10 per month: hnust bo sold this week. Call after 4 r before 9 a. m.. 69 Union nortn. ROOMS AND BOARD NICE, PLEASANT ROOM FOR TWO: modern conveniences; wun goou lome cooking; in private family; walk ng distance. Terms reasonable. Pa- tlflo 3917. "hh oLlriNviORA, nfh anL couch, beat location in the city; steam neat; koara by day or week; new mnnage hnent; everything first class throughout. FOR BENT STORES-OFFICES JFOU KENT TWO STORE8. FINE Lo cation, only IIS eacii pt-r montn; auu- hble for real estate and employment office. Room B. Labbe bldg., 227 ft jWashlnpton at 1FIRST - CLASS OUTSIDE OFFICE r, rooms for rent In new building; steam in eat. eiecirio ana gu ini. wiwi -rtor service. N. E. cor. Id and Madison. lOFFlCES TO RENT IN THE WOR- cester ana Mammon uhjk. i hiw ferate rate. Apply to Rouen Htrong, 710 Corbet t bldg, BUSINESS MEN, ATTENTION; MILNER BLDG., S50ft MORRISON, iMODERN, CEm,RAjUREABONABL fcoTlPLETELY FURNISHED OFFICE I with use of reception-room and sten ographer; boUiphorilou SEE ARCHER & SCHANZ CO., 6TH and Oak sts.. opp. Com, club bldg. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS iTT?rvrT n A T.TROOm" NEW WITH modern conveniences, phone Main 1869. BUSINESS CHANCES CREAMERY FOR SALE A COM plete creamery plant, all new, at Myrtle Creek, Oregon. No other cream ery within twenty mlls. One thou sand cows tributary. If sold withlii the next twenty days the owner will take 1700 less than It Is worth. Own er Is not a practical creamery man and cannot give hia personal attention to It is reason for selling. Full particu lars from T. J. Simmons, Myrtle Creek, Oregon, or from Scott Bozorth, care boR SALE TEN ROOM ROOMING I houae. Cheap If taken at once. All large outside rooms. Qood location. rrhe Journal. Portland (Main 4920. 560 STOCk CONFECTIONERY AND notions ror uu. wneap rcni, ii.tln vAnma In connection. MQN rl field. 312 Washington Tat.. Vancouver f rant, within 3 blocks of Belvedero hotel on account of sickness; reason able, cheap. Call at 673 Irving at Main P853 ttOOMING-HOJUSE BRICK BUILD lng. 35 rooms, corner location, guar antees 1800 per month above expenses, never on market before. 6 years' lease. Price $2,600. See Alexander, S04 An- ceny. near 6th. WANTED A MAI WITH SMALL CAP ital, $260, to buy branch of our store, ,u- nmnir Rhnn. all kinds tools, lathe, braser and extras; to repair bikes, guns, locks and file Baws; good pay. a O. Miller & Son, Aurora. Or. rfYDRAULXC CIDER, CEMENT HOL low block, brick presses and concrete mixers for sale; partner wanted. 664 u.uii.n at.. Portland. &WELLEST SlALL APARTMENT IN P Portland; will sacrifice if taken at Unre- investigate. Address apartment W Wellington Court. Phones A-2027. Main 1245. A NICE FURNITURE AND UPHOLS tery business; select trade; new, clean uteres good location; cheap rent; will ell cheap. Addresa owner., W-166, Journal. CAN PLACE YOUR MONEY WHERE It .will bring best results. A. J. Mat- ler, 611 Commonwealth bldg. WANTED PARTNER WITH $200 TO open new coffee house; good stand. ID-154, journal. 6OMINO-HOU8E 66 ROOMS. NEAT; 1. .i.hori- hrlck building. Corner: ent 160 per month: price $1,800. Room . Lalibe bldg.. M7ft Washington at. iitESTAt'RANT AND OYSTER HOUSE, r fine location for business; all In good Irondltion rent . $60 per month ; price $oo. - Call at room I. Labbe bldg., W27H Washington St. iFOft 8ALEAT fiACRlFIcJjACOoUNT f of alcknesa, furniture, hardware bual beaa. Applx J-166, Journal, ' CENT ;U A WORD JOURNAL WANTS- BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED PARTNER WITH MTTLB . . i jM nnafilnr Arfloe bualneas: young man preferred. Addreaa L Bnrre, care Journa did opportunity right party, hail price; going eaat. Ill M. 10th. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ALONOJTM MOUNT ; Bcott carllne; all klo of liouaee and lota; also from 1 to i and 10-aere tracU. We alao have aome good homeat mo r Unqulahmenta and Umber clalma; aleo J l-room houae and I lota: price 1700. Will take good team, wagon and har neae. One 4-room houea and H cre land, fruit and berrlea. one block from achool. Price WO. good terme. 0. , K. 9- Stewart atatlon. pnona laoor too. Take Mount Bcott car. Only 3 left of thoae brand new rnodern ( room houaea. convei.lent to I ft""1'" andvln aplendid neighborhood; 181 N. 14th at., near Thurman, $1,76 OS Ml N. 4th at., nar Thurman, .fl.JM; Ml Oulld atl, near Thurman, $4,000; email amount down, balance Ml peri month. FIDELITY TRUST CO.. OWNER. 406 Commercial bl. pnone iwai:i m FOR BALE SMALL HUU8B AND 1 lota, corner. II U. wide, 171 ft. long, for $800. If you are looking for a cheap home eee thla. . . New bungalow for $1,000. cloee to $ lota, corner houae. barn 100 ft. aquare. good neighborhood, for $100. Part down, balance on time. B. FEIOHNER. Mulkey bldg. room . SEASIDE bUKOALO W&, HOUSES, dealgned. built, repaired. 8ee Johnson. T04 MoriHwa oiog, MODERN SjX. SiATCN AND KIOHT room houses; also lota. Will build to suit Holladay Park. R. B. Rice, owner. MO Wasco at. Both phonea n 1 tin uirri ToT ROTHCHILD bldg make a specialty of selling houses In the E. Burnslde district. C R. Doancll & Co. Real gstata Room II. Ml Btark liUCHffiL & KERfJS MAKE A SPE clalty of east side realty, rental. loans, etc 1(1 M. Morrison it. A AfTRK THACTb. One to 10 acrea In Whltwood court, 1126 and up. Richard Bhepard Co 110 N. Jersey at.. St Johns, Or. NEW ' 8-ROOM COLONIAL HOUSE. corner, 14.600: new l-room house. $3,600; both strictly modern and up-to-date; $100 cash. $Z1 monthly. Owner. Phone East 176. FOR BALE HALF BLOCK CHEAP. 2 small houses, corner 18th and Junior. Columbia Heights. JjVocdlawn. Call at above address. NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, 12.000; $260 down, balance $16 per month; or will trade for lots or acreage. M- 150, Journal. ijJVESTtQATB MAEGLES1 JUNCTION. Take St. Johna car, get off at Ports mouth and the transformation scene there will be a revelation to you. See Cobb Bros., exclusive agents for Maeg ley Junction property., 412 Swetland bldg. 6 'TO 10-ROOM HOUSES. NEW. MOD- ern. as low as-$200 cash, balance to suit. Arthur L. Draper ft Co.. 343 ft Washington at, rooms 6 and 6. cor. 7th. Ldf'SOxlOO; FlVE MINUTES WALK- Ing distance steel bridge; $2,000. 101 Ablngton bldg. $i;200, ON EASY TERMS. WILL BUY a modern 7-room house, built 4 months ago; next to corner of 19th and E. Everett; the house Is very well built, has large living-room, front and back stalra. linen closet, full attic, electric and gas fixtures, Royal furnace. H. P. Palmer, 202 Rothchild bldg.. 4th and Waahlnrton. Why pay rent when you can hnv a house and lot on installment In the best suburb In the city of Port land. Sibray & Hart. 184 Dawson st. Portland, or. pnone wooaiawn im, BARGAINS IN PROPERTIES WAL nut and fruit land close in. $100 per acre; houses and lots cheap: lots on 27th and Powell $350; terms. Call and be convinced. 406 Ablngton. Phone Main 8042. L. K. Wrenn. "LOTS 60x100 lii WHITWOOD COURT, the finest view In America: fine, cool spring water piped to every lot; special Inducements to home-builders; to see these lots is to buy. Richard Shepard ft Co.. 110 N. Jersey st, St. Johns, Or. BARGAIN 6-ROOM HOUSE ON CAk llne, new, modern, porcelain plumb- Ina electric llKhts. lull Dasemeni leaving Portland; must sacrifice. See owner ana nouse. iau mrc . SWlFTVILLE WE WILL SELL FOR cash or terms, 100 splendid lo.ts near the Swift packing plant at a big bar- ?ain If taken as a whole or In blocks; ew days only. Call or addresa owner, room 6, 323ft Washington at I utr 1 1 1 w, sw -g ' ' jlBO" BUYS CHOICE LOTS. WITH AL- leys. close to canine; city water, ni; terms. See R. B. Carey at reninsuiar station. FOR 8 ALE 23-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 60 xlOO, all conveniences; terms. Mrs. JL E. Thibodeau. Vancouver. Wash. Beautiful crest on. For Sale 17 Am an all nrlces. easv DaVmentS. Half-acre lots, $6 down, $5 per month. Mount ocoii. Get off at Powell Valley Road. ROOMS; MODERN; GOOD CONDI tinn on,i location: 816. Frank Lucas. 216 Chamber of Commerce. $200 CASH; $20 PER MONTH; WILL buy good 7-room residence at snap price. Frank Lucas, 216 Chamber of Commerce. BRAND NEW MODERN SIX-ROOM house; bath, toilet, lavatory, wash trays and sink; best grade plumbing; electric iignia; soiueu vmn. nmoii , and walla tinted; full concrete base- lnt 1rn RAvim Price. 12.600. Buy from owner and save agent's fee. Call afternoons, 987 E. 16th at, North. Take Alberta car. SUBURBAN HOME. Orchard and l&rge garden and yard; lara-e. well-built house; near car in de sirable part of city; $1,700 cash, bal ance eaay terms. This Is a bargain of fered because of present need and will be open for a few daya only. See owner 220 Worcester Diog.. aa ana m am. $5,00020 . ACRES NEAR GATES Crossing, O. W. P. R. R.f best bar gain in that vicinity. Newton McCoy, room 716 Oregonlan bldg, NEW 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAUJU, right at carllne, $1,660; $200 down and $25 per month; also 6-room cottage for $1,400; $200 down; terms. See Joe Nash, the owner. Take Mount Scott car, get off fit Millard ave., go half block north. nearLY NW h6i)se, 6 r66ms AND bathroom, fine lot 64xiou; wwn; iruu trees: rosea emd shrubbery; vegetaDie farden and chicken yard; cement walks, 'lne place for children; terms. Owner, 841 Eaat th at north. Take Woodlawn or Alberta car to Shaver and walk 1 blocks east. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, 12.300; $800 cash, balance $200 per year with Interest 7 per cent Inquire at 451 Marguerette ave. after 4:30 p. m. wnn riAT.te CHEAP S-ROOM HOUSE, corner 26th and Surman. Take ai- hberta car. JUST FINISHED MODERN 6-ROOM houae, neat, well built, gas, electrlo fixtures, basement, 60x100 lot; call next door. 764 Montana ave. "FOR SALE HOUSE AND 4 LOTS IN Vernon, cor. 17th and Preecott; price $2,600. , . ' 41,000100x100 AT UNIVERSITY: $300 down, balance $20 per month. Phone Kafct 1476. wt. n a fartn 1 On the west slope. Some choice tiutldlng sites, nothing riner in tne city, Deiween base line and earllne, , Cheap HENKLE HARRISON. , 217 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE CLEARED ACREAGE, fine aoll within city llmlta. northaMt. cheap. Apply. Ill jiorria-jw JOURNAL jffll kCENT,; WANTS" l I A .WORD FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOUR LOTS ON WILLIS BOULEVARD , In Unlveralty Park: $250 a lot; $10 per month. Owner. Ml lat at. Phone Main 770. FOR SALE FARMS Farm Bargain 1(0 acrea nearly all level land, good soil, 110 acrea cultivated, balance in paature with timber for uee of farm I running stream of water through land; can Irrigate part if dealred; all fenced and cross-fenced; l-room hofcee; good frame barn; all outbutldlngaa; family or chard; situated on good level road, I miles out from growing county seat town In Willamette valley with flne schools; 4 Mi miles to nearest R. K. town with fine achoola; ttt mllea to boat landing on Willamette river: new R. R. line will run through the farm: 4 good mares, 3 colts, 1 1-year-old, 4 oowa, some hogs and chickens; wagon, binder, mower, drill, harrow. 1 buggies, 1 sets harnesa. hay and email tools; Implamente all in good condition; tele phone In the house; good farm, well equipped; 100 acrea now aeeded on this farm; also two thirds Interest in 10 acres of wheat and 10 acrea of oata sown on another farm; all goea now at $1,000. Hcnklc & Harrison 117 Ablngton bldg. Fine Little Home ' I acres nice land, cultivated, fronta on electrlo carllne at the atation; few native tree, some fruit treea. Tinea, berries, beautiful modern cottage, I bay wlndowa, nloa circular front porch, large columns; hall, pantry, bath, large rear porch, beautiful carpeta on all floors, oak aldeboard. good bedroom sets, fine center and dining tables, large leather chair and other good chairs, 2 stoves, nice woodhouse, painted red. trimmed In white, good barn painted red. trimmed In white, chicken houae painted red trimmed In white, good cow, some chickens; an Ideal little home, HENKLE ft HARRISON, 217 Ablngton niag. Yamhill County Farm 14ift acrea. all good land; nearly 100 acrea bottom land. 130 acres cultivated, 28 acres In timothy, I acrea In timber, 60 acres now sown to wheat 11 acres in winter oats, 100 bushels oats in bin an.l 10 tons hay. 10 acres slashed, well watered by stream and springs, good board and wire fences, new house and barn. 2 good mares, 1 horse. 12 hogs, 20 goats, some chickens, 2 good wagons. 1 buggy. I plows, 1 harrow, some wheat, drill, disc mower, rake, harness and all small tools. 4ft miles to good railroad town in Yamhill county. Oregon; a cheap farm. All goea as above described at $46 jr acre. Henkle & Harrison 217 Ablngton bldg. Small Farm Cheap 15 acres. Ml good land; lies nicely, on main county road. 6 miles out. nearly all cultivated. 6 acres in choice apple orchard, sold $1,000 worth of apples last year, good 6 room plastered house, hot and cold water, bath, good barn, good team, fine cow, aome chickens wagon, buggy, all farm machinery and afnall tools; a choice little farm; no atone or gravel. HENKL ft HARRISON. 217 Ablngton bldg. Stock Farm Snap 111 acres rolling hill land; all fenced; not rough; can run machinery over any part when cleared: 66 acres cultivated, more easy to put into cultivation; 100 acres In good timber, balance in pasture and brush; family orchard; 2 houses and barns, all outbuildings, telephone, R. F. IJ. and cream route; 1 mile to school. 2ft miles to store; 30 head of cattle, 25 goa's, mower, rake. plow, harrow: feed outrange; In Willamette valley; all goea at a br;aln. 34.500. HENKLE ft HARRISON, 117 Ablngton hldg. Snap 120 acres, nearly all nice to cultivate; 60 acres now cultivated, 3 acres orchard, watered by springs, 40 acres pasture. 5 acres timber, 8-room house, built four vears, studding frame, painted, celled ln tlde barn and outbuildings, half mile to school, half mile to Baptist church, 1 miles to Methodist church. 1ft miles to store and easy drive to Oregon City; on cream route, telephone In the house; might take some Portland property as part pav: a very cheap farm, $3,200. HENKLE & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. 10 Acres Beautifully located, all fenced: 3 acres cultivated, balance partly cleared; neat hard-finished cottage, all painted; good barn; fronts on good road, 6 miles out $2,600. HENKLE ft HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. Washington County Farm 46 acres, well Improved, good bulld lng. team, cowe, hogs, poultry. Im plements, feed, etc; on fine road. R. R. and telephone, near Forest Grove. HENKLE & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. 12 Acres, 10 Miles From the center of the city, all In cul tivation, of it is rich black bottom land; fine building alte. on gravel road, on carllne: will trade for city property. HENKLE ft HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. $4.000 EXTRA GOOD 80-ACRE DAIRY farm In Yamhill county, 8 miles from railroad; 60 acrea "under cultivation, mostly all in grain now: about 4 acrea of orchard In fine condition; 2 springs, a branch and a well on the place; flue soil; good 7-room house and large barn; 12 cows, 1 yearling heifer. 1 Jersey bull, 11 hogs, 1 horses, 60 chickens. 1 wagon, 1 buggy, 1 harvester. 1 mower, 1 dlso harrow, 1 apring-tooth harrow. 1 culti vator, 1 plow, 1 cream separator. 1 hay fork and tackle, 8 milk cans, ft Interest In Bpray pump and seeder; sufficient feed In barn to last till spring; fine op portunity for farmer to step in and be- fin making money at once; income from cows now 190 per month: this will soon be increased largely when the other four begin '"jjj"" or term8 718 William's ave. "U" car. IDEAL FARM AND DAIRY RANCH It will bear the closest inspection 165 acrea. nhniit In acres In cultivation. about 60 acrea of good timber, all fenced. has running water, nas some ooiiunj land, good family orchard, personal property, span of horses, 6 extra good cows, about 10 hogs, about 6 dozen chickens, hay, oats, potatoes and all Im plements, has a good 7-room house, large barn and other buildings, it is 10 miles from Forest Grove, 6 miles from small railway station. 2 miles from store on good road; it is a good legiti mate proposition, is well worth the monev, $5,800. Some terms can be had. We have several other good buys, large and small, near the city. OTTO & HARKSON. 133ft 1st st A SNAP. For sale A fine 4ft-acre prune and apple orchard, good nine-room house, barn and other buildings. Two miles from Vancouver. Must do sold at once. Edgar M. Swan, Donegan bldg.. Van- couver, wasn 156-ACRB WELL IMPROVED FARM, 86 miles from i-ortiana, i muo rrom R. R. station; abundance of fruit; good 6-room cottage, 3 large barns; 116 acres in cultivation; prlce $100 per acre or will trade for Portland residence prop erty or vacant lots. XT. 8. Timber ft Realty Co., $19 Chamber of Commerce. SESf3R Y6UR6ELF WHAT IS GO Ing on at Maeglay Junction. Don't depend on hearsay. . Five-cent fare, St. Johns car, get off at Portsmouth. See Cobb Bros., exclusive agents for Maeg ley Junction property. 412 Swetland HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT. 120 acres, 1 ft mllea from MerHn: good fruit land, living vaprlng, oak and pine timber; anap, $200. Alao- Rogue River orchard land cheap. Charlefe XL Short, Martini .Ofc. - ' " CENT A WORP WANTS- FOR SALE FARMS 89.000380 acrea. 11 mllea from Port land, 70 to 10 acrea la cultivation, 110 acrea rich bottom land, 40 acrea good saw timber, 4-room house, 1 barna, I acrea bearing orchard, running water. Thla la one of the best stock and dairy ranchea In the market Terms, ft cash, or will take ft In exchange for Portland city property. 160-acre dairy ranch, 15 miles from Portland, ft mile from R. R. station and boat landing, 90 acrea In cultivation, M acrea fine piling timber, 61 acres fine bottom land, 6-room house, larze barn cost 12,600), good view, overlook ing Columbia river. 15,000 Worth of farming implements and stock. Includ ing 10 fine Jersey cows. Everything needed on a first-class dairy farm. I ni veau gate before buying. Price $16,600; ft cash, balance to ault purchaser. $2,400 80 acrea, I miles from Co lumbia river and Northern Pacific rail road, about 9 mile from Vancouver, beat Of aoll, running water, aome good fir and cedar timber, adjaoent to log ging road In operation. Terms, ft cash, or will exchange for Improved Port land property. 12,000 20 acrea, I miles from Van couver, 11 acrea cleared, balance nearly cleared, I acrea young bearing orchard In fine condition, fine black aoll, house and barn, good outbuildings. $1,20040 acrea. 18 miles from Port land, 1ft mllea from Portland-Salem electrlo car, 84 acrea In fine state of cultivation, 6 acrea of green timber, 6 acrea hops, amall creek, some fruit 4 room houae, amall stable, 6 acres seeded to fall wheat 1ft acres In oats and etch, T acrea fall plowed, best of soil, R, K. t. and telephone, team, new wagon and harneae, farm Implements, cow, heifer. 4 hogs (weight 126 lbs. each), hay to winter stock, 160 bushels frain. 100 sacks potatoes. Will give arms. $3',000 $1 acres, 12ft miles from Portland, 4 mllea from railroad station. 17 acres In fine atate of cultivation, all fall nlowed ready to plant, all level. 11 acres of fine green timber on main coun ty road, rt ir. v., ana teiepnone, cream route past door, new wire fence, very beat of soil, fine location, near school and church, gravel road to Portland; give good terms. 11,000 120 acres, ft mile from river, 10 miles from Vancouver; all high swale land; on county road; 1.000.000 feet aaw timber: 4,000 piling; all good farm land; will sell all or half. Terms. The above places are all guaranteed aa advertised, and are but a lew of the farms on our list. Washington & Oregon - 101 2d st.. Portland, Or., And 100 Main at, Vancouver, Wash. Phone Main 2404. $14,400320 ACRES, 260 ACRES IN cultivation, balance timber and paa ture; good Improvements. $1,800 28ft acrea, all In cultivation, good house and barn; orchard; term. $3,600 100 acres, all In cultivation, fair Improvements; terms. $1,800 60 acres, all in cultivation, fair improvements; terms, $17,520 298 acres. 170 acres In cul tivation, balance pasture, adjoining val ley town; good improvements: crop, stock and Improvements Included; easy terms. $g100 226 acres, 220 acres In cultiva tion, fair improvements; terms. $15,200 380 acres, 320 acres In culti vation, balance timber and pasture; fair Improvements. $2,250 38 aces. 15 acrea in cultiva tion; fair improvements. The above described farms are located on a county road with rural mall de livery and close to town and railroad. For further Information call on or ad dress J. D. WINN. Buena Vista, Or. WAR. Not on the Japs, but on price. 160 acres. 10 acrea under plow, 40 acres timber, balance pasture, orchard, berries. 7-room bouse, barn, etc., on mall route. A snap for $1,000. ft cash. Woods ft McConnell. Philomath, Or. 160 ACRES OF LEVEL LAND. CA4 use for farming, after timber Is out; will cruise 2.500,000; $5 per acre, cash. 225 Failing hldg. J O. ELROD FOR WHEAT FARMS. 607-8 Swetland bldg. TIMBER IF YOU WISH TO BE LOCATED ON choice timber land in soutnern urogon, come see me. Geo. W. Douglass. 318 Worcester bldg. TCTBUY OR SELL TIMBER LANDS see A. K. Mattnews at w.. iu-iy Couch bldg. Reliable timber estlmatora furnished at any time. WANTED LOCATORS PARTIES DE slrlng to take timber claims In a good lnoatlnn- will leave here Feb. 17: for particulars, call up E. E. Wlllard, phone Main 6670, room zui imperial noiei. GOOD GOVERNMENT TIMBER claims, cruised and ready for entry, location fees $1 per acre. Phone Main 3007 or see Guarantee Co., No. 7 Second st. north, city. WILL PAY CASH FOR A FEW GOOD timber claims, prerer timDer locaiea near rail or water. C. C. Shay, 306 Ab- Ington bldg.. Portland. WANTED SOLID BODY OF TIMBER. 60,000,000 to 100.000,000 feet; quick deal at right price; also a few good small pieces that are cheap for cash. Lafay ette Realty Co.. Lafayette bldg. . HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day. week and month; special rates to business housea. 6th and Hawthorne. East 72. FOR SALE SPAN OF GRAY MARES, harness and wagon. 1727 Woolsey st University Park GOOD TEAM, FOR SALE, WEIGHT 1,250 lbs each. 918 Height ave. Phone Woodlawn 1165 30 HEAD OF HORSES, SOME BIG. heavy teams and drivers, ail good workers, at U, 8 stable. 148 Front at FOR SALE FARM" WAQ6N. Af KfiL- leya store, Sylvan. Oregon. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ONE FRESH COW. Front st, city. 248 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS YORK BAND INSTRUMENT AND MU alc house; repairing. 227ft Stark. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE your eyes Will be opened n.iA whon von im for vourself what Is being done at Maegley Junction, the coming business center or me penin sula. Take St Johna ear, get off at Portsmputh. 6c fare. See Cobb Bros., exclusive - agents for Maegley Junction property, 4iz tswetiana Diag bE THE RAILROAD DEVELOP ments at Maegley Junction. Seeing Is believing. Junction property will dou ble In value In a short time. Go down today on St Johns car, get off at Ports mouth. See Cobb Bros., exclusive agenta for -Maegley Junction property, 412 Swetland Building. Exchange for City Property Wheat lands, farms, ranchea, choice Hood River fruit lands, coal lands. Lone & Chamberlain 812 Swetland Bldg. 4 LOTS NEAR ODD FELLOWS' HOME, and aome money to exchange for building a house. 117 N. 18th. F6R SALE,- CHEAP; FINE EDISON Unlveraal motion picture outfit In cluding 8,000 feet fine feature film, 100 views, 4 aeta of late aong slides, gas outrit, pnonograpn. etc. o-tao, juui. Alfc, ym,nBi.yiii " - . TO EXCHANGE NICE uttuv nlture business; will trade for real estate. What have you to offer? Ad dress R-168. Journal A SNAPr , , , 340 aerei Ytne land, nearly all level, with a l-room house, barn, etc, to ex change for city property, lots or acra Iaiiu, Hi trd at. Portland. 1 dENT A WORD JOURNAL rWANTS- . FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE FOR SALB'AT INVOICE, OB TRADE for lty propertyHome bakery and grocery etock, doing good bualneas. 164 A FlNE NEW MODERN i-ROOM house and lot mill, to "change. What have yout Lassen, 194 la St., Portland. A' FINE rJEW 6-ROOM COTf AOfcJ urJ easy terms; will take a '"n"' horsea and wagon as part payment. 294 Id St., Portland A 6-ROOM COTTAGE. NliARLV NtW. to exchange for a email bu'ln'""' rooming house, a etock of merchandiae, etc. 294 Id at. Portland, Or. 7UR EXCHANGE BTEkEoWlCoN complete, with 4ft Inch condensers. ... i.C .in atu1 rheostat: Will exchange for IftxSft camera outflUJ Call or write W. A. Enrlght. 14 1th at.l FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CREAMERY AT A BARGAIN Brand new. In operation but alx week. Owner not practical creamery man is reason for selling. A saving of $700 to purchaser If taken within twenty day. 1,000 oows tributary. Full information from Scott Bosorth. care The Journal. Portland, or from T. J. Simmons, own- er. Myrtle Creek, tiregon IN THE MIDST Utr hakuaiho there are sun nargain. oi be convinced. We can "allow you whether you are from Missouri or not that we sell lowest Remember we will buy what you have to of for. Phone ra clflo 791. Western Salvage Co. Wash ington and 10th Its. WESTELL GOObS AT THE LOWE8T living prices; new and old; largest and cleanest atoek to select from; every thing on one bill snd prompt delivery. Stoves and gaa appliances; col put In gas rangea, connected. The Dollar. 233 1st. Main 6874; A-2827 till We Want Your Trade. I I $ $ STOVE DOCTOR WE REPAIR, PUT In colls or excnange ouy " etoves til 1st The Dollar. Main 6374. t,-.H1'l.(.-.H ti-ARM WAGONS. HORSES. milch cowe, single and double harnes ses, heavy ana llgnt. sou runn'rt PEOPLE'S FURNITURE HOUSK buys and sells everythln g. rrices Main 4290. right 213 ft Front st. Phone rnnPKRAGE CO, rALX LAYTON kinds or oarreis ana ."",."', and sold. 43 N. Front Phone Main 3147. FOR SALE ONl6to SEED, 800 LBS ; brown Australian, 60 lbs.: globe yel low; last years grown seed guaran teed. (J. Maraing. wrum, EDWlrt FRY, DEALER IN BACKS. 535 Altilna ave. BROWN AND WHITE LEGHORN egs $1.60 per 15. for setting. H Notter. Woodlawn. Phone Woodlawn 752. tvR SALE FOX TERRIER Ft'PS. Call 618 Cottage piece, umr aiuimiv EXCELLENT LEAD AND ZINC propositions; soli very productive. Inquire at 1709 Berkeley st.. Portland, Or GOOD BARBER CHAIR, $20 ELE - enth and E. Harrison, or pnuno nru- wood 69. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR ROSES. OR der manure from Smith s Dairy, at once. Phone Main bom. $400 DECKER PIANO $86, ANOTHER JZ7: organ za. ii ""v "" DEN8MORE TYPEWRITER. PRACTI- cally new, at a bargain, sn xiui;im- an Diag. it.iniiiip diivii nn PIANOLA certificate for sale at discount If ', .hi. aelr Main 7023. FOR SALE BUTTE BOYS' MININJU ainck: EOO shares at 8 cents Journal. rwoicrc FAMILY "c6w, 'jersey" verv rich mine no West ave., 1 block south of Mt. Tabor carllne. iron Sil.V PHFAP: FINE EDISON l' motion Dicture outfit, ln- cl 11,1 1 no- 3.000 feet fine feature film 100 views. 4 sets of late song slides, gai outfit. DhonoR-rann. etc. o-i.i. juunmi GGROSE-COMB RHODE ISLAND Reds from some or tne Desi biock oh the Pacific coast, $2.00 and $2.50 a set ting of 13. E. P. Kelly. 30th and Hol gate sts.. Portland, Oregon. For" sale1 cHatHam Incubator. good as new, used only one season. 1274 E. 14th st. N. Take Woodlawn car, get off at Alnsworth ave. Horse', wagon, harness, plow and some furniture. Inquire 1182 E. 16th st. Is FOR SALE POINTER PUPS. SIRED by winner of field competitor In va rious contests. In United States; If you want something fine this Is your chance. Address C-15&, journal. FINE LINNET SINGING BIRUb; FUNK Buff Leghorn eggs for hatching, $1.60 per setting of 16. Call Monday. 2ft miles east of Montavllla on Base Line road, Mall, H. Grebe, Gresham, R. 1, Box 74 PERSONAL arv PITP R All diseases of men. women and chil drenboth acute and chronic diseases of the eye, ear, nose, throat and lungs, heart, kidneys, bladder, brain and atom ach. catarrh, rheumatism, goitre. Indi gestion, constipation and skin diseases promptly cured. All private and wast ing dlsaaaea promptly cured and their effects permanently removed from the system. Consultation free and strictly confidential. We guarantee all of our curea. Columbia Sanitarium, general office, aurglcal, medical, laboratory, electric, bath, massage osteopathic, na turopathic. Consultation rooms 16-25. Entrance room 22. Raleigh bldg.. th and Washington Bts., Portland, Or. Tel. 2993. , Lane Institute and Sanitarium A private hospital for the treatment of women' and chlldren'a disease ex clusively; women physician In attend ance only; maternity given spe cial attention: uptodate maternity hos pital In connection; no charge for con sultation; correspondence solicited. The Lane Institute Room 6 to 14 Grand Theatre bldg. 862ft Waahington Bt, cor. Park Main 3928. Both Phonea. A-5607. 1)R. A, P. BRlDGEFORD. NaTURO- pathlst I treat and cure all chronic and nerve diseases, dyspepsia, paraly sis, nervous debility, rheumatism, loco motor ataxia, lumbago, stomach, liver, heart, lung, bowel, bladder and kidney troubles, thfough the natural processes; no drugs; consultation free. Hours, 8 to 12 a. m. and 2 to6 p. m.ft Phones Main 6268: res. Pac. 609. 605T3ekum bldg. Chronic Diseases Of men and women cured by modern Physio-Therapy; electricity for of the prostate. Dr W. I.. Howard. Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth and Pine. Ladies. 11.000 reward we posi- .itiv Guarantee Dr. Bouthlnfiton s Ergo-Kolo "Monthly" Compouno bare ly relieves aome of the longest moat obstinate abnormal cases in 3 to 6 davs- no harm, pain or Interference wlthwort. Mall' $1.60 pM ufth $2.00. Buy of druggist or write pr. Southingtoh Remedy Co, Dept 17. Kan- sas City. MQ. Madame Lucke? Give electric baths and vibratory treat ments, also scientific asage. sc and face treatments, chiropody. ft 4th St., near Salmon. Main 2011. Dr. T. J. Pierce All diseases and weaknesses of men cured quicker and cheaper than any where elae Call or jwp. --Ill ft 1st st. corner ltmnui Dr. PhUip T. Ball Paralysis, goitre, rheumatism, nervous, chronic spinal and female diseases. tBlWH STREET. COR. SHERMAN. SCIENTIFIC CHARACTER READING taught In a thorough manner; both professional and busfnesa courses at reasonable prices. Room 325 Allsky hldir ' liEKMAN ilOUKS. MaaGAINEIVNOW- C1B. - - - Bpantah. Swedish and Itall-n, lon aSes: foreign books otkU kind, gchmaia COmi it si r 1 JOURNAL WANTS- 1 CENT ( A WORD TMRST Na-TIONAL BANK. Portland. r CAPITAL AND SITED 8TATK8 NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREQONT Northwest Corner Third and Oak Btreeta. J Transacts a Genera) Banking Business. DRAFTS ISSUED Available la All Cities of the United States and Europe, Hongkong and Manila. Collection RVsde,nt.T?-J.TiNSWORTH I Cashier. . ... .... ....JC W. 8CHMEER1 Vice-President. . K. JL.H.A BAIUHaVO Assistant Cashier.. L ADD ft TILTON, BANKERS Portland, Oregon. Established 111,, W. M. U1)U C B. LADD. J. W. LAUD. ' Transact a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. . Savings books Issued on savings deposits. Interest paid on time depoalta. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA Established 1164. uead Office, San Francisco, -Capital paid up $4,000,000 l Surplus and undivided proaialjo.111,17! General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. intereat on Tim . DeDoelte. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened of 110 and up , ward. Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Building. WM. R. MACREA.. Manager M k'RCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK li w. iiOlT........ Caahlerj D. v. LAlv.nivj Transact a General BanKlng Business. ' Available to All Parts of the BONDS AND ""' . trXi a ('hnmhtr of I MORKAB XJIWAAAKAV. Municipal, Railroad and OWNING-HOPKINS COMPANY Established 1892 BROKERS STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Bought and Bold for Cash and on Margin, Private wirea. Rooms 101 toJOjohJBIdg. PhonesjJl:j3jjA-2237. GRAND CENTRAL LEA VINO PORTLAND. Roseburg Paaaenger Cottage Grove Paaaenger California Expre ..... San Francisco Expresa... WEST SIDE. Corvallla Paasenger , 1:15 a, m. .4:16 p. ni. 7:46 p. m. 12.00 uight 7:00 a. m. , . 4:10 p. m. ..11:00 a. rn. ,. 6:40 p. m. Jefferson , . 7:40 a, m. Bheriaan A-m"a-. Forest Grove Paenger. Grove Paasenger. Portland to 4:16 p. m. Portlana n.' suburban Leaving Portland at 6:3o a. m.. hourly tfalna ini Mi and afternoon. Lat train leavts depot for Oswego at U:ll during p. m Northern Pacific Tacoma and. Semttla , Exp. . . 1:10 a.m. North Coaat ft cnioago r overland Express .11:41 p. m. Oregon Railroad & Pendleton Passenger . Chicago-Portland Special. Bpokane Flyer Kan. City A Chi. Exp... 7:16 a. m. 8:30 a. m. 8:16 p. m. 6:00 p. m. Astoria & Astoria and Seaside Exp Astoria Express 8:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. ppr Short Line, via Spok.8:16 p. m. U Sea't. Vic ft Vancouver 2:00 p m. Via Sumas 11 V- Portland By., rars Leave Ticket Office and Waiting- 8:46. 4:20. 4:eo, o:y. . 1 -50 8:26. 9:00. 1U :uu, 1 1 ;vv, i . y- "a. Oresham, Boring. Eagle Creek, fista cada, Casarfero, Falrview and 1 routdale 7Ti 9:30. 11:80 a. m.; 1:30. 8:40. 6:44. 7:16 p. m. Oretron Electric EFFECTIVE SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1903. T.eavln Portland For Salem and Int. sta'tns. . For Salem and Int. sta'tns.. For Salem and Int ata'tns.. For Salem and Int. sta'tns.. 8:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. i PERSONAL DON'T BE DULL ANL inahiyh, Sexlne Pills cure all weakness; $1 a box. 6 for $5; eu-nte Addres. or call tne j. a. Portland, Or. L.R. ISABELLA MACKIE HAS MOVED from rooms 9 and 10. Lewis bldg.. S50ft Morrison st. to 871 12th st where she will be pleased to meet her pa tients, both old and new. GENTLEMAN WISHES TO MEET two ladles who were at the Star thea tre Tuesday evening, February 11. Parquet row 8. aeats 2 and 4. Address K-169, Journal. DR. BING CHOONG. IMPORTER CHI nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea, certain cure for all diseases. 192 2d st, between Yamhill and Taylor. GENTLEMAN WISHES ACQUAINT ance young widow lady, for company; lady with little girl preferred. Addresa Hnx 51. city. bR. SANDERBOrf-'Ctt SAVTN" A Nil Cotton Root Pills, aure remedy for delayed periods. $2 per box or 8 boxes $5 Dr. Pierce. 181ft 1st st. GENTLEMAN, STRANGER IN CITY desires to hear from young lady or widow; object acquaintanceship. W-158, EnTl?sTTR. La Franco's com- pound: safe, speedy regulator. 2& cents, druggists or m". Dr. La Franco, mimiwy" a AROC, PALMIST AND CARDREADER. readings 2&c. 202 ft Second, corner Taylor. LORNA DALE. MANICURIST SHAM poolng. etc. One call means another. Room 15, Mllner bldg- 3i0ft Morrlsor. DRS AT WOOD, PRIVATE HOSPITAL. Home for unfortunate girls: good care a. a a ni A I I n Ir if rii r at confinement jv "."jpi FINNISH MASSEUSE; STEAM BATHS. ni Landen. 15-16 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. A-2337. 3S6ft Washington t PERKINS N ATIONAIa Kretol are soia y J""""J-1 - - -K at Phone Main 8982. 4t MISS MARCELLA LE ROY. Alder St., -oom 4. massage and scalp Hiss gIbson gives scalp treat- ment; dandruff. 26Sft Morriaon, room 62 ati.itiu i.urccni VVH1T.K YOU WAIT. 60a Ladles" skirts pressed, 60& Gil bert 106W 6th. next Quelle. Main 2088. MRS OBROCK. MASSEUSE. CABINET bath, aa t glow, crmm innn-e.i erwcei 282 ft Park. Main 2403. A-2734. ciTHlf 1SH bXTHS. 800 OREGONIAN bldg.: ladles days, gentlemen nlgfcta. Main 1968. MANICURING PARLORS FOR LA di and Knllemw. 843 ft Mdrrlaon St., Dainty people use EvEKs vhM, It prevents odor from perspiration. 25c. Clemenson Priig Co.. i-onimiu. MISS ETHEL WARD. MANICURIS1 chimru)dlst. has removed from asm, Morrison st. to 201ft 3d st MOLES, WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS i,.ir Amoved. Mrs. Hill. 230 Fleidner. BALM OF FiGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases. 803 Fleldner bldg. Main 772L BALM OK FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases. 626 E. Belmdnt East 4034. A. . DO 11 TUB BATHS ROOM 16. Morrison, rormeriy UliaiAt! "ifiPOR AND TUB BATHS, ladv attendants. 110ft 4th- cot ' Waah. EaDIes' Barber shop manicUh- Ing. facial massage, pi im - FACIAL AND SCALP MASSAGE; nicnrin 12-14. 268ft Morrison. CLEVER. HONEST PRIVATE DETEd tlve, wants cases. Box L-166, Journal. SAtOA. .GRANT. MANICURING AND facial massage. Room 6, 146 ft Ith. AUTOMOBILES ROSE CITY MOTOR CAR WORKS. RAcond-hand autoa - our ' aneolalty: Ann't fall to sea us before you-buy. Autos rebuilt stored, and repaired; fire proof building. io cnapman st, near Yamhill. Phone. Math 6769j , -OREGON MOTOR CAR CO AUTOMO- V.I1- akMA fra M c kkaAlMtAl-w' flM.r.Manf jh 9 muu Paaa ) . gunwiu v u p " ' building lOUi and BUrkv Phona A-4640. CENT A WORD Oregon. SURPLUS, $1,506,000. NO INTEREST PAID ON" , ACCOUNTS. I AMUllDl WMniWi, ,n, Aa nObi .A. M. WRIGHT 4. i. puk j CaaAjlll,. . . ass t Manager Portland, Oregon. GEORGE W HOVT Aas I CaaaieC dvvuiiu n .a, i ti t ailiar. Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued. World. Collectlona a Specialty. INVESTMENTS. 'nmmprr. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n ar Public Service Corporation Bonds. STATION TIME CARD. JOURNAL -WANTS I J, ', '; . ' 'if,' " ?',." ; , ' ' BANKS. .t '.vA.! Southern Pacific. ARRIVING PORTLAND, Oregon Express Cottage Grove Passenger. Roseburg Passenger 7:61 a. m. .11:89 a. m, i 6:10 p. m, .1:11 p, m. .10:30 a. n. 1:00 a, m. . 1:60 p. m. I Portland Express WEST SIDE. II Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger I Forest Grove Paasenger , I Forest Grove Passenger., Street Depot. It Dalla to Portland ...10:11 a. m. II Dallas to Portland North Coast Limited Portland Express . . , Overland Express . . , 7:00 a. m, 4:11 p. nu 1:16 p. m. Navigation Company. Bpokane Flyer 1:00 a. m. ChU, Kan. City ft Port Exp. 1:41 a. mT Chicago-Portland Special . 8:60 a ml Portland Passenger ;ij pi Columbia River. II Astoria ft Port Paaaenger. 11:11 . m. II Portland Express 10:00 a. n. C. P. R. Short Line, via Spok. 1:00 a m. Via Van.. Vic. and Seattle. 1:15 n. " Via Humas and Seattle 7 a! m. Light & Power Co. FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket office and waiting-room, Sec ond and Washington streets. A. M. 6:15 6:60, 7:26. 1:00. :IS. 9:10, 10:30, il:10, 11:60. P. M. 12:80. 1:10, 1:60. 1-J0, fsll. 1:60. 4:30. 6:10, 6:65. 6:30. 1iQ& 1:16, 9:25, 10:3d", V , On third Monday In every montk last caa leaves at 7:06 p. m, Dally ex. Sun. Dally ex. Mow. Railway CorrrfMuiy. Arrlvlna Portland. From Salem and lnt sta'tn.l0:40 a tn. From Salem and lnt sta'tn. 1:40 p. m. From Salem and Int. sta'tn. 4:40 p. m. From Salem and Int. sta'tn. 7:40 p. m. ATTORNEYS HOLCOMB ft FINCH PRACTICE! IN all Oregon and Washington courts. Rooms 3 and 4, 241ft 1st. corner Main. Phone A-4267. GILLIAM 4 GILLIAM. ATTORNEYS at law. 720 C. of C. bldg. Main 1101. . INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT CO.. LAW" collections. 414 Buchanan bldg. M. 8110. - A. H. TANNER. ATTY.. 109 COMMER citipiock. Zd and wasn. Main 1446. C. H. PIGGOTT AND H. J. BIGGER. attomeyg, rooms 4-6-6, Mulkey bldg. ACCOUNTANTS B. W. OAOE. ROOM 10. RALEIGH bldg.. 6th and Wash., general account Ing. balances and statements furnished. . ART EXPERT MOULDING AND STATU- ary work, plaater caata and orna ments. Antique, Grecian, Roman' amr Florentine. G. Adaml Co.. 149 Columbia. hand Carving taught, dealer iin? antique furniture, repairing. 67. wasn, ABSTRACTS LAWYERS"' ABSTRACT A TRUST CO, M. 660, A-4222. Portland Trust Co. bldg. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS ' p HOeTtj A VIS ft IQLHAM, 101-111 ID st Blank book manufactured; agt. for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf 'ledg ers; see the new Eureka leaf, the beat.: on the market , ' , BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES ; ' ; a BIRKENWALD & CO.. 104-101 Ev erett at. largest butcher aupply nous on the coast Write for catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES AXHJLPH-- Dekum." 131-113 1st at, carrlea a full line and complete assortment at lowest market prices. , ? BATHS BODLEY'S TURKISH BATHS, IMPS rial hotel, open day and night ? ALL KINDS OF BATH, 26o; MASSAGE. $1. 207 Id. near Taylor. CHIROPODISTS WILLIAM DEVENY AND E8TELLH Deveuy. the only scientific chiropody Ists. parlors 203 Drew bldg.. Ill Id at. CHIROPODY AND PEDlCURINa Mrs. M. D. HI1L 380 Flejgner bldg. CHIROPRACTORS DR. G. a BRIETUNG -GRADUATE! P. B. C. 900 Marquam bldg. A-llll. OR. L M GORDON. GRADUATE P. 8. C. 204 6 Oreg. bldg. Phone A-1953. CARPET CLEANINQ ; JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THB Electrlo Cleaning works; carpeta cleaned and laid, both dry arid . com-, pressed air cleaning: carpet refitting our specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main 8671 and A-8I7I. 370 Grant at - SANITARY CARPET CLEANING. SU tlon and compressed air,- carpets cleaned on froor.' Main 6534 and I2'i0. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS .j' ft; svl :I, niMVIM CONTRACTOR AND BUlLDKR. JOBBING; AND REMODELING A SPECIALTY. ' 1ST FRONT ST PHONBI MATN IBM. L MELTON OFFICE, STORE . 'FIX tures: general Jobblngv . 17 1st at mono Main to. PRESSMAKLVO EXPERIENCED , ', .; DRE88MAKKII wlshe engarementa by the dv. if Larsen. Phonw Main- x6; kME. H6f ' m aISt Ti" A c 1 1 l-i i v class -cutting with biorwy'e - t,ai ,.i,.i.. . .,a.7n ATA rmich st Phono Umn 116. A--.-:. -