THE" OREGON : DAILY, JOURNAL; PORTLAND, ' FRIDAY EVENING. ; FEBRUARY 14. 1908 16 A v; CENT -S A WORD 1 jJOURNAL "WANTS" 1 ; CENT (JOURNAL b WANTS" 1 JOURNAL "WANTS". JOURNAL CENT SJOURNAt WANTS" JOURNAL -WANTS" fCENTv A WORD JOURNAL WANTS" CENT CENT - CENT A WORD A WORD, A WORD A WORD "WANTS A WORE WEATHER RETORT The north Pecuic high pressure area 1 advancing slowly southeastwatd and it. i.nai nvKrUum . Nevada. l ; New Mexico disturbance has moved east to the miaaw-Jimiww v new low pressure area haa made its ap Mirinr. north of Montana and the Lake 5 disturbance has disappeared as the Atlantlo high pressure rea. Heavy rains have fnllen in the m ddle and lower MlaslsHippI valley, '"thw5 are recited In western and wtrn Waahlnton. UnuauaUy low mPra turea prevail In California and sharp frosts Occurred In nt,',"rh' 'Kf atate thla morning aa far al Mexican line. It la warmer than u"l , fl -.m Htatea and rhlnook conditions prevail In weatcrn Montana and Alberts, where the temperatures are ' about 20 degrees above normal. The Indications ar for KCrtonl rain Saturday in western Oregon n.w"ter? l min nr snow in eastern VMhlngton and north. .u-.. Mt Will te coiper uni"' --- , - wuere eaat or tne u" .. Tom n .20 help! H'ANTKI MALE i Union Hotel noos -Rooms Rooms Country transient solicited. Room! 25c 15o and tOo per night- J. IL H. An dereon. proprietor. WA'NTKlW-SAISkli.N'; MaNy' MAKE- $10i) to (160 per month; some even more; atock clean,, frown on reserva tion, far from old orchards: cash ad vanced weoklyt choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nuraery Co- Top- penlsh. Washington. WIDE AWAKE SALESMAN -WANTED. For full Darticulara addreaa Oregon ptnraery company, taaiem. ur. SITUATIONS WANTED FE5IALE PERRONS WANTING' A 8ITUA ?'10N CAN INSERT A WANT AD N THIS COLUMN, TURKS IMES FREE OF CHARGE. Boston, Mass. . . . ' "Chicago, 111 '. Cincinnati, Ohio. . Denver, Colo ; Kansaa City, Mo.. a. I-os Angeles, CaJ. : New Orleans, La. ' New York. N. Y. . Omaha, Neb. Philadelphia, Pa. . . phoenix. Aria. ... . 1 Pittsburg, Pa. . . . Portland. Or. St Louis, Mo. fit. Paul. Minnv.. Salt 1 ke, Utah . Seattle, Wash, .'. . ' Waamngton, P. C Max. 42 44 66 18 46 64 78 42 36 44 62 St 47 66 18 80 46 40 Mtn. 40 84 48 10 82 40 68 86 26 26 82 44 S 48 12 16 42 12 .08 .04 .0 1.3: .0 .04 .08 WANTED 100 MEN: DR. KETCH UM will cure promptly all your private and sexual diseases: graduate; aavice free. 170tf 3d at Main 7164. WantEdJIa bAKer t6 bUV The" best bakery in Portland; strictly caan business, all over the counter. v-161. Journal. 1 8200 SECURES A SNAP HALF IN tarrst In em nlovment office, estnb Ilshed 7 years. 14 day guaranteed. 13 4 th. CAL WlNE DEPOT. HEADQUARTER for conks and helpers. 148 4th at. Wi.VfiWl.ui.-. POSITIONS FOR MEM. bers; special membership 61. Y. M. c.a. HELP WANTED FEMALE 10 riiuTirn at nvrn RITFIINRSfl WO- man. mature vear. resnonsioie posi tion with established city Arm. X-160, Journal. Day nursery, is n. th st.. chil- .0 .18 .0 .16 .0 .0 T. .It MARRIAGE 1-CNSES rsrlston. 232H Washington, .treet. .38. jnd Blanche Baker 20 Chanea w" "Y"J"ZJT vi . is. dren of working women cared for at lOo per day. EAST 81DE FEMALE EMPLOYMENT Office. 113 4 Grand eve. East lUit. COMPETENT OIRL FOR GENERAL hnuaework. 181 R. 1 6th at. A G60b GIRL WANtEb FC-fc aW- eral housework.- 280 N. 24th et. WANTED A YOUNG O'HL TO GO TO the country to assist wun nouseworit. v.a: " rVa.VJ Maririre'l Vogt, 86. Apply 780 rfoyt st Aiolph Broaaeau. 140 Second street. WANTED A WOMAN FOR GENERAL 17, and Addle Grant, 31. housework. Including cooking and part Frank O. Bates, 236 Fifth atreet, a of gning nni ironing; part of laundry and Juliette 1. tteiaL . aent out; wages 3v per monin. api ij Mar Pluemke, 146 Front atreet, IS, at 874 pln, ,t corner f 14th. and Emma Moera. 21. Take E. Ankeny car. - U'!dlnrf Cards. W. G. BmJtn Co. WANTED WAITRESS if? OUR Washington bldf, corner th ana wasn- ,unch room. cau today. Swetland's, lagton ats. - 1 173 Morrison. Wedding cards the best. WANTED CHAMBERMAID. DEWEY ! . . j- 13 Ir. k. ill 9A mt. " Tonsetn k Co noriats, for dower of Unds 123 6th st - Clarka Bros Florists Fine nowers V -rii-7tn Ik Morrison st "full dress "suits for. rent, au "Ues. Unique Tailoring CO.. lot Btara v -Ma M. Smith. dorisC 160 6tfl L opp. Meier at Frana a. wain in v '' BIRTHS . . rn .r ii to Mr. and Mrs. " FncosAshford. 203 Fourteenth, a I BEANY-Feb, 13 'to Mr. and I Mri i. Earl Seany, Ivan and Grand, a JuJht- . turxiTfiKTrnTJ Feb. 10. to Mr. and house. 26 M N. 3d st. MALE AND FEMALE IELP MEN AND WOMEN ANXIOUS TO 1N- crease their earning capacity; we have helped thousands, let us help you. IMIATlUNALi (j! inntaruni ENCE SCHOOL, . 64U 6th st Open Evenings. HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED. male or female. R. o. urane. zoh Washington at. Pacific 1370 or A-1670. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE PERSONS WANTINO A SITUA TION CAN (INSERT A WANT AD IN THIS COLUMN. THREE TIMES FREE OB CHARGE. Mri Wilbur Huntington, 680 Second, A Mr and Mrs. W. T, Nawby. 480 fcaat Gllsan, a daugh- . . XT WV. 1 . .a f T And MfS. I '. . . . r . n . . . . r,VT vAlTWn UlM E. J. Matteaon, 1034 East Thirty- 24, thoroughly experienced in general , third, a daughter. . office routine, at present employed in : 6MYSEK r eu. I. 10 bit. man . advertising office of niiaaeipnia news- c ...i.- 7a rnmfoh. a son. BARGE R Feb. 9, to Mr. and Mrs. 8. Barger. 603 Hood, a son. TAJAO-Feb. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Tajac, 969 Erwln. a son. W. C. DEATHS paper, detires to connect with western paper or agency; knowledge of display and classified advertising; familiar with detail work In this line ana conversant rith the thorough up-to-aate memoes essential In newspaper advertising. K-161. Journal. YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN. . NO children desires nosltlon as COOK in a amall camp, where husband can help around the kitchen to nay for -his board; wages In proportion; $3.00 per month per man. Adaresa Mrs. c room 28. 4 he Ne Belmont House, 1st and Taylor, or phone pacific 113Z. YOUNG WOMAN WANTS POSITION aa nurse for child; give good refer ences as to cnaractsr. Aaarass u-ios, Journal. A YoONd WoMAW U6ULB LIKE 6 keep house for a widower, or in family; small wages; a good home; pre- rer country or nose in to town, miss Ai ms etn St., Oregon city, or. WOMAN WANIs WORK, DAif. SELL- wooa 104. Wanted, by competent woman general housework by the day. Can give references. Call phone Pacific 666 DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATION work wanted In families, bv day. Phone Tabor 328. A NURSE OF ABILITY WISHES TO obtain nursing, confinement cases preferred. 192 Arthur st WANTED BY WIDOW SITUATION as cook on ranch, care of invalid or small children; no widowers or batch elora need answer. Call or address; state wage. Mrs. Sawyer, 128 E. 46th. A COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS ANY Phona kind of dav work or half day. Sellwood 1103. XH EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER. desires a few more engagements by the day or week; prices reasonable. Phone 8528 Main. CAPABLE WOMAN DESIRES Posi tion aa housekeeper. L-162. Journal. W6MAN 1 WaNTs LIdliT "lioTTsE: work or cars of children. Phone Main 3628. WANTED TO CARE FOR ROOMS for rent or will work at same by day or week; experienced and capablo. M-1S1, Journal. A RESPECTABLE ELDERLY WOMAN- wishes position as housekeener for widower, or housework. H-181, Journal. STENOGRAPHER. EXPERIENCED. good references: moderate aalary to start Stenographer, 887 4th st WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Hon? Lee Steam Laundry Only Chinese steam laundrv In Port land. First-class work, reasonable prices. Phnnna Ylnma it, Vamt ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE AND ciotnins wintM neat nri.i . naio. fox at Goldstein, 82 N 3d; Main 3111. WE PAY MORE BOH FUR NTtURB PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. Main 6666. 311 1st st IF YOU WISH TO EXCHANGE OR sell your furniture for cash,, phone ivasi sos nawinorns. BEST LOGGER SHOES T3 MADE order. Union made anoea In stock. Ernest Clsua. 862 H Gllsan. - RAZORS. KNIVES. SCISSORS T3 grind. Karlson Co.. 8(1 Ankeny. M. 6260 BiAJT CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE prompt attention always given. K. 1067 CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SAV- age ft Fennel!. 346-247 1st. Pac. 360, XPritate Party Will pay a better pries for your Second-hand furniture. I want lota of It ana or all kinds. East 6099. WE BUY AND SELL- EVERYTHING on earth: household roods. The Dot lar. 233 1st Main 6374. A-2327 FOR RENT -HOUSEKEEPING 3 DESIRABLE FRONT ROOMS WITH larce closet, nartiv furnished, suitable ror married couple or 2 Business women gas and bath. Phone East 2238. 61.60 WEEK UP LARGE. CLEAN furnished houaekeeDlns- rooms, laun dry, snd bath. 184 Sherman at. south. rortisna. 1.36 WEEK UP CLEAN FU fi nished houaekreeDine' rooms, bath. laundrv. furnace heat yard. 303 4 man ton at. u car. LARGE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely furnished: running wa- ler. sus to Aider. THE BEAVER, 12TH AND MARSHALL newiv furnished, modern conveniences: iz.eo per wee It ud. Take S or 16th at cars, get off at Marshall. No dogs. YOU WILL BE PLEASED MUUKHW, ClJVTKAL. HKAHOWABLK, WANTED POSITION AS SECOND girl or to care for child. East 1055. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping; reasonable. Phone is. . zti Cherry st. THE HEILER. 280 V4 GRAND AVE.. furnished housekeeping rooms. AS PRACTICAL NURSE; care of sick. maternity cases, etc. ; experienced. Re ferences. Address Marvin, phone Main 769. WOMAN WITH FAMILY WISHES day work or ianltor work for even ings. Phone A-4280. PUBLIC OFFICE IN GOOD LOCATION by accurate stenographer, where there Is chance of making money, ('nil 6 to :so evenings. Miss Bell, A-1856. FIRST-CLASS COOK WANTS POSl- tlon. boarding-house; best of refer ences. D-142, Journal. SALESLADY WANTS POSITION IN suit and cloak department: best of referercea. A-161, Journal. LADY WOULD LIKE FEW HOURS' work each dav or would take house keeping position In small rooming- house. B-161. Journal. WANTED BY AN EXPERIENCED lady position as hourf&keeoer in room ing-house, or would cook In camp; state ,E T . . . , ' KAME In Yonkers, New York, Febru- r7 U." Ur'2.rHt"L- . f Phone H5me A:4i47 Kn,i nf iirnheth Kams and rather of I . j . .. . POSITION WANTED BY EXPERI- enced grocery porter; best references. EKSk?. "2f-1?' -dmVndfather of MIDDLE-AGED MAN. GERMAN, BEST Mr. r r Bennett of Yonkers. New of references, wants position in Dig York, and I mS " fl IJ. K fiff M. C wjtaiw or as bartender. Phone Home Coleman of this city, John Malarkey. A-4647. . ; - San Francisco and father-in-law of EXPERIENCED SALESMAN. 80 Mark A. Malarkey 0 thla city. years of age, wishes position of sny LETRAP Feb. 12, N. B. Letrap, St kind. Address Advertiser, 879 Mlchl- Vlncenrs hospital,, agea ob; imy ganave. WOMAN WITH BUSINESS EXPER1- ence would like a position in a real estate or other office at a reasonable salary. H-159. Journal. Woman wants Work washINg" and houBecieaning. Pacific 1611. WANTED AGENTS UNFURNISHED AND NICELY FUR- nlahed housekeeping rooms. 409 E. Salmon st. 14B 6TH HOUSEKEEPING SUITES in front large and lights and gaa ranges. light electric THE DEL MONTE, 20th, near Washington. Newly and elegantly furnished; strlct ly modern conveniences. Reasonable. 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, ground floor, gas, bath; cheap rent. 272 Montgomery, comer 4th. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 33 week. 36 21st st N., corner Washington et. FURNISHED ROOMS -FOR RENT THE DEL MONTE. 20th near Washington. 4 Just furnished Most elegant apart ments In city. Strictly modern, every convenience. Reasonable NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. STEAM heat modern. $13 to 330 per month; transients. 128 W. Park, the Artonla. THE GRAND. 45 V4 N. 3D ST. ROOMS lor gentlemen, ii.zb per ween and up. THE KARY FURNISHED ROOMS, 11.60 per week and up. 202 H 3d. THE GRAND MODERN. NEWLY furnished throughout 3 blocks from Portland hotel. 887 Yamhill. Main 4766. AN IDEAL HOME. MILNER BLDG.. 850 H MORRISON, FOR RENTHOUSES VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE 1 ana pianos moved., stored or shipped. Phone Main 1618. ' NilW m6MrN NIne-room" h6usE for rent; with cement basement and furnace, bath, etc 664 Terrace Drive. Portland Heights. Inquire 661 Tattoo itoaa. 1 FOR REN T 4 -ROOM COTTAGE ON 39 Gladstone ave.. ill month. Take W. W. cars. LARGEST LIST, OF " HOUSES ANt flats In v' i(kii T. T .n a. "., etais wasmngion, si., room s, cor, (in. - . ....... FURNISHED . HOUSES . FULX.T FURNISHED - HOUSE - FOR rent; east side; one block south fro Morrison; 6 rooms and kitchen, large yaro, piano; rent inoaorate. 4B JUel mont. rnones Kast 490T, B-Z402. BOOM, FURNISHED, M O D K R N nouse: close in. Anoir iisu wuh. ington, pnone main os. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE .' I FOR BALES COMPLETE FURNITURE OF FIVE rooms; leaving city; bargain if taken immeaiaieiy; s-room m oaern flat. lis. aou xaiasiHsippi ave, PARTY LEAVING CITY. HOUSE FOR rent rurmture ror sale. 288 Monroe st. corner Williams. FUftNliaJRE 6P t-h66ht fLA. Ml rent 116, paid until March 1; 2 rooms rented pay ail expenses. J&l ft Burn side st. FOR RENT 9-ROOM HOUSE: CEN trax - rnrnuure ror sale: - clean and good. Cheap for cash. Phone' Pacific 385S. FOR SALE- FURNITURE S-R66M cottage. 8100: rent 310 per month: must be sold, this week. Call after 6 or before 9 a. m., 69 Union north. ROOMS AND BOARD NICE. PLEASANT ROOM ,FOR TWO modern conveniences: with rood home cooking; In private family; walk ing distance. Terms reasonable. Pa cific 2917. WANTED TO ROOM AND BOARD man and wife: rates 38 per week. Phone Main 8418. inquire 430H 2d st FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FIRST-CLASS OUTSIDE OFFICE rooms for rent In new building: steam heat electric and gas light with jani tor service. N. E. cor. 8d and Madison. OFFICES TO RENT IN THE WOR- ceater and Hamilton bidgs. at mod erate rate. Apply to Robert Strong, 10 Corbett bldg. LODGE HALLS AND NICE OUTsfb rooms. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morri son sts. BUSINESS MEN. ATTENTION: MILNER BLDO., 3504 MORRISON. MODERN, CENTRAL. REASONABLE. COMPLETELY FURNISHED OFFICE, with use of reception-room and sten- grapher; both phones. 411 Couch bldg. SEE ARCHER & SCHANZ CO.. 6TH and Oak sts.. opp. Com, club bldg. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE FARMS A NICE FURNITURE AND UPHOLS-1 fH.600 -J20 ACRES, 180' ACRES I tery business; select iraae; new, ciean !, ur ana pa. f- in,i-, -. n' HiltUre: good lm Drovement m. sell 'cheap. ; Address , owner. , W-166. 1 '11.8.00 18 H acres, all in cultivate Journal - gooq nouse ana batn; orchard; terras. i.;iiic.i tw. ifcr.". ;a ,." ,-'- 817.620 Ifll acres. 110 ami In n FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ' '" tivatldh, balance pasture, adjoining va jy wwo; ' gwa improvements: cro A -FEW. BARGAINB. I ana mpr9veineais inciuaea; a 4 BJ mtA ' TIiIkwiAaV I Ortlll. ' . .,.-.,(... Broadway addition. . .. .0Or- cres, 220 acres in oultlv 12 io Lot and 6 room house, new. I tlon, fair Improvements; terms. v lorence at: will trade .for lot bal-l ' 816.200380 acres, 320 acres In cult ance cash. j yauon, oaunce timDer ana pasture; fa , $4,0001 lots, Hojlaaays addition, improvements. facing east ana soutn; wuj puna, zor purchaser If desired. . . - ' 89601 lots. Havelock addition, near Alblna car barn. - 33.200 1 lota, Holladay Park. Thla Is cash pricey but will take Title Guar antaa artrminfs at car. Houaaay rTH, 82.26088 acres.. IS acres in eultlvl lion; xatr improvements, The above described farms are locatd on a county road with rural mall d livery and close to town -end rallroa For further Information call on or a. dress .... ,';. ; . Buena Vista, Or. 81.760 Corner lot a r . . - . a . , an aAlfth $1.100 Lot and 7 room house. Monta- 80 ACRES, TWO MILES FROk MOlf villa. 1 bieck irom oar. taviila and 8 blocks from O. 11. AT bA , ' I A I . ..a V r . 1 . 1 1 1 . ... audv t .. . . .1 raw, near int.. nwn eiocirio line. v Group of 15 lots in unswoia trsct, aa- make six 6-acre tracts. Very cheap joining Overlook at half price of those sold at once. Was taken on mortga adjoining. , . J I Good soli. 110 2d st. Phone 1743, mortgag 68 acres, on O. W. P.. Troutda branch, near Junction. County, roi r.wrrw A OH IIirN BIiS. Will CU UD niCSlV 13.000-80x100. new 6-room modern 0" y''LIfJ"'! hA-- nv.rlonkln- river and cltv. "" w.u "ras wuuu, neaVcirline; a fTne home; bewtf tn. grouna.. Mt ooa jint no ful view: terms to suit. . . I ------- -v-.-..-.-. . 8.000-60x100. stricUy modern 8-room , , a vhA0' , ,., hnuaa. hot-water neatinB- svsiem. I -. - Tina R Anltanv at location: an LOOK AT THIS FOR A BARGAI iiiaai nnma anrf tha nrica is wav i to acres, zo .in cultivation, large o below value. I chard, good House, barn, team, harneM Have other good buys. Ses my list I wagon, piows, narrow, email toois, ED O. MAYOR. . Room 1. 250 H Alder, near 3d. A- Friday Barg; cows, 1 calf 1 Vs miles from railror siauon ana Doat lanaing on column river, on . county roaa, an for 7 6760 cash, Dalance in three years at per cent, ir sold within one week, c i,oow ouys s-roora rurnisnea nouse tsth at. so 3 blorka south. W. rr.aF ana iuuxioo leet or grouna, rigni on man. or will sell 160 acres 32,000. aiiv vAiiiii . iivu.o ja mwt j aiiu a i'il 11V acres 11.V0U, S70U CSSh. upstairs can oe maae into two rooms; fine furniture, city water, wood fiber plaster. Come and see it; $800 cash, balance In 8 years. Ask for No. 25. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 1S5H 3d St.. near Morrison. 4 ACRE TRACT, ON SLOPE MOUK Tabor, 16 minutes' ride. 1 blocks frol oar, 6 reom "house, barn, chicken houpJ z notnousea xoxho. nice lawn, all kin or flowers and shruhnery, 2H acres verv choicest kind of fruit ant harrl WEST SIDIC i lar a ararrian -ll utHvat4 Thl. wit. I v ia as s a . v Liivav uituiu si' uiuuvni iiHSi liisar ia n mir n n ina m pvat si ra 6 room houses, convenient to 8 carlines for nuick sale we are offering it f i and in splendid neighborhood; 388 N. I $6,500; one third down, good terms fJ 14th st. near Thurman. 83.750: 391 N. I haianoa Miiium a n.. rh.J ill ii " - ..a. -n, I : ; -. '-aa, ,,in rl. unr 1 nurman. aa.iou. i i unr nr I Titflmor, uuua at., near i nurman, 4.uou; sman amoiftit down, balance $25 per month. JTlUiOAlTr TKU8T CO.. On, 406 c,omnierL'iai dikv rnone Mai 447. Choice Lc?el Acre A SNAP. For sale A fine 4V4-acre sruna at appie orcnara. gooa nine-room hou barn and other buildings. Two mllJ from Vancouver. Must be sold at onri Edgar M. Swan. Uonegan bldg.. Va couver. wasn. 60 carline. cleared ready to plant. fiKR for yourself what ik h.! nuou mil. Krauou blicc ouu; ou uowu, mg on at Maegiey junction. Dor" balance $16 per month, depend on hearsay. Five-cent fare, f- w. j. uai s 1 jonns car, get orr at Portsmouth. 8 268 Stark st. Cobb Bros., exclusive agenta for Mae SEASIDE BUNOALOWS. HOUSES, ley Junction property. 412 gwetla: designed, built, repaired. Sea Johnson. 104 Mohawk bldg. HALL AND BALLROOM, NEW WITH modern conveniences, phone Main is. BUSINESS CHANCES OR SALE TEN ROOM ROOMING nouse. Cheap if taken at once. All large outside rooma. Good location. Main 4zo. $500 STOCK CONFECTIONERY AND notions for 8400. CheaD rent Ions? lease,- living rooms in connection. Mor- rineld. gia Washington St.. Vancouver 35 aCues 6f,f1ne Fruit LAND H MODERN SIX, SEVEN AND EIGHT- Klickitat valley, near Lyle. Wash, $S room houses; also lots. Will build Fr acre. Auuress a. wuatermass, i,yi to suit Holladay Park. R. a Rice. Wash. owner. 690 Wasco st Both phones. j. p. ELROD FOR WHEAT FARM. U. P. PALMER. 303 ROTHCHILD 607-8 B wetland bldg. bldg.. makes a specialty of selling HOMKSTRAn relinohirhmunt 11 1. .... i . v. . . . . . 1 . jn..l. I ... .. Z ; .? ' 1 11.jur.r-n 111 in- Kit. Duiiiiiv. icreL i miles rrnm Merlin: fruit land. llvina- spring, oak and iimDer; snap, izoo. Also Kogue C. R. Donnell & Co. Real Estate Room 11. 268. Stark orchard land cheap. BT7QHTKI. A KERNS MAKE A SPB Mrun. Or. clalty of east side realty, rentals, loans, etc. 363 E. Morrison st ACRE TRACTS. TIMBER O'BRIEN Feb. 13. V. A. O'Brien. Wood burn, aged 80: chronio bronchitis. HILL Feb. 12, Amanda Hill. Good Sa- dltis. MARRIED MAN. SOBER AND INDUS trious with considerable experience in millwright work, would like position as win r ,1 H. n itl mariun hospiUl, aged 25; endocar- "'v 'S n ' npiW ui.wum . .-. . . v.. . .... . wants anything he can do. at very moderate wages; young married man, has good city references. Please call up t-ast gu, WANTED A FEW LIVE MEN AND women to act as agents for choice W Pit mitim 1 nt A An nAW QalAm Al.n,.4n. . liberal commission: rhranpnt lota in i apanment 8. city; easy sellers. Apply between 9 and 10 a. m. Johnson, 270 Stark st. FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR two gentlemen: steam heated, modern conveniences. The Braintree. 296 12th. . UNDERTAKERS DUNNING. ' M'ENTEB GILBAUGH, undertakers and embalmers: modern In every detaiL Seventh and Pine. Main 480. Lady assistant J. P. FINLEY & SONS. 3D AND MAD1 - son sts. Office of county coroner. Phone Main 9. - A. B. HEM8TOCK. FUNERAL DI rector. East 13th and Umatilla. Phone Bellwood 71 Lady assistant ZELLER-BYRNES CO.. FUNERAL DI- . rectors, embalmers, 27: Russell, least . 10X8. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN, UNDERTAKER. 220 Id st KRICSON UNDERTAKING CO.. EM balmlngr Jady asa't 409 Alder. M. 6188, WANTED-BY" A STEADY AND RE liable man, a position as watchman, or any kind of work in a warehouse. V-162, Journal. YOUNG MARRIED MAN MUST HAVE work; good references; willing to do anything. S-151. Journal. WANTED SITUATION BY STEADY married man as waicnman, jmmur ur any kind of work. F-146. Journal. NOTICES COLE ft COLE HAVE REMOVED TO 180 Chamber of Commerce bldg, MEETING NOTICES A WHIST PARTY AND DANCE WILL be givenv by tne 1 a. u. at ceiling- Hlrsch hall, 10th ana wasnington. an day evening, -epruary i, M W. A. KVKHrtREEN CAMP. 6.466. moets Wednesday evening, AUsky bldg.. 8d nd Morrison sts. JJ. VV. A- OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. 6,176. Mondays, llin ana luarsaait. visitors -Icome. BUSINESS NOTICES THE FIRM OF PATTERSON . & Hutchings. cement contractors, has discontinued and all orders for cement will be taken care of by George E. Hutchings. Call on him before letting .contract. Madison st. Room zo Address all mall same. Home ' phona -4.17 -ii, -!-' . . - I . WANTED CONTRACTS OR SUB coniracis lor gruaxng, nu8, lots leveled; prompt attention. 811 w orcgsier oiag. wain INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD, Covenant Contract Co- 427 Flledner fiiag. wain zdki. L. C HENRICHSEN CO, JEWELERS, and opticians. 284 Washington at LOST AND FOUND FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and returned same day. 228 Front st Main 474, A-l 174. Portland Curled-Hair Factory, Mtggfr proprietor. LOST GOLD CHAIN AND LOCKET in Alblna; initials L. R. Finder leave at 82Q Halaey st Reward. LOST YESTERDAY, BETWEEN 34TH at and Powell Valley road, alliga tor akin bag containing package of mcr chanaiae. Finder please return to 212 Allky bldg. Reward. HELP WANTED MALE WA,fST?IM TO WORK IN AND out t office; can make $200 a month; must invest as security $300 to $500 and have references, and be alive. Call Mon. POSITION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS Janitor, woodiawn ho. YOUNG MAN, 19 YEARS OF AGE. well recommended, wishes position as elevator operator or some honorable work. X-151. Journal, SOBER AND RELIABLE MARRIED man living In the city wants position as fireman with stationary engine or as janitor; has had considerable experience in ,both ltnes. References furnished. Y-151, Journal. FIRST-CLASS WAITER WANTS PO- sltlon. Address 0-162, Journal. YOUNG MAN. 23 YEARS OF AGE: high school graduate, wants work of any kind. Has had two years' exper ience in railroad office work and sever al years' experience in general office work. Address, J-152, Journal. 1 t HAVE HAD YEARS OF EXPERI ence in a large clothing house In the east as furnishing goods salesmen; can give city reference; married and sober. M-16Z, Journal. TOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE WORK on a farm. Phone Main 8047. MAN AND WIFE WANT RANCH work; no children. Acdress, F. It Ross, Oreaham, Oregon. YOUNG MARRIED MAN MUST GET work; willing to take any kind of hon- est work. L-151. Journal. WOULD LIKE POSITION AS DELIV eryman on wagon; good habits and steady. Phone A-5392, Pacific 1964. AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL foods? If so we need you; complete fit free; cash weekly, Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nur sery company. Salem. Or. Large pro its. good sellers. Bee Plumroer Drug Co.. 260 3d st WANTED REAL ESTATE VIST MAEGLEY JUNCTION TODAY and see things. Developments will astonish you. Get in on the ground floor. . Take St Johns car, get off at Portsmouth. 6c fare. See Cobb Bros., exclusive agents for Maegiey Junction property, 412 Swetland bldg. TWO rnnwT u rtii u u siiiiiaiVT clean, comfortable, reasonable. Hotel Km press, cth and Stark. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS"! suitable ror three or four young men; would rent for housekeeping. 683 John son, near 16th. Phone Pacific 1195. Tm 6TH SLEEPING ROOMS OTJ front and back; hard times prices. see mem. WANTED AVAILABLE TIMBER .land. Will trade city property for same. 55-162. Journal. WANT 5 TO 9 ROOM HOUSE. ON east or"e8t side; easy terms. P-152, Journal. WANTED A 6 OR 6-ROOM COTTAGE, modern; price must not exceed $1,500 for cash. K. Sherman, $79 Miohlgan av. ABOUT 1 ACRE NEAR 6c CARLINE on terms. 1087 E. Main. Phone Tabor C51. WANTED LOTS TO CLEAR BY CON tract; take some pay in .lots. James ciarn, zsft union ave, lFfb 40 ACRES IMPROVED PERSON al property included, near school and station, cash. T-148, Journal. WANTED FINANCIAL WILL BUY ACCOUNTS OF TITLE Guarantee & Trust Co., Oregon Sav Inga and Merchants National bank for cash. T. J. Byrnes, 2464 Morrison st.. room 12. SMALL SUMS TO LOAN ON SHORT time, well secured; interest 1 per cent monthly. Room 231 FIiednr bldg. RTlY FflR flfiH irrfiriWTa nw nn t- - ---- -' 'w... . ' i' wnu gon Trust & Savings, Title Guarantee A Trust Co.. H. W. Goddard. 110 2d st $10,000 FOR 8 YEARS AT 7 PER k cent; gilt-edge security; brick busi ness block. The Spanton Co.. 270 Stark. WANTED SITUATION AS MANAGER the coming season, by practical farmer, stock raiser and fruit grower, 25 years' experience; best of references given. S. M. Lamblln, Hood River. Or. A YOUNG MAN 23 YEARS WANTS A position in or out or city. -ifti. Journal. ; COACHMAN, a, YOUNG MAN, WOULD like position as coachman; got several years' experience and first-class refer ence. Z-166, Journal. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COT tages, flats stores, offices, rooming houses, etc. Landlords will do well To call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, Phone Ex. 72. S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. WANTED TO RENT A 6-ROOM COT tage; couple with no children; will take good care of property. Address R-161, Journal. WANTED nSCELLANEOUS VERY DESIRABLE. WELL - FUR- nlshed front room for one refined aren tleman; modem conveniences; no unde sirable surroundings; references; 847 11th St., between Market and Mill. NEWLY FURNISHED FR6NT B.66M, modern; very pleasant; walking dis tance. 407 Holladay ave., near corner irranq ana Jtiouaaay. 4 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, 19th and Pettygrove sts. Inquire 293 N. lUth st Phone A-1309. LARGE FURNISHED ROdM, 3 lOS" ets. modern conveniences, near O. R. in. car snops. caz oeiay St. GOOD ASSORTMENT HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms; fireproof build ing, centrally located, reasonable prices. The Annex. 146H Front st. 1 FURNISHED ROOM SUITABLE FOR two. a zist JM., corner Washington. 3 FURNISHED ROOMS. FREE PHONE; Main 4349. 208 Park st. FOR RNT HOUSES FOR RENT A 11-ROOM HOUSE, A few blocks east of the steel bridge, 349 H Benton. Call 1 N. 6th. FOR SALE GOOD PAYING RESTAU rant within 3 blooks of Belvedere hotel, on aecount of Elckness: reason able, cheap. Call at 673 Irving st Main 8363. ROOMING-HOUSE BRICK BUILD- lng, 35 rooms, corner location, guar antees $400 per month above expenses, never on market before, 6 years' lease. Price $2,600. See Alexander, 304 An keny, near 6th. $850 BUYS BEST LOCATED ESTAB- llshed grocery In South Portland good trade, stock' and fixtures; great candy and fruit stand; cheap rent 6 11 v- ing rooms, call 403 commercial bldg. WNTED 10 TO 20 ACRES . IM- proved land on Oregon Cltv caflina. Will trade good Portland business. Y-162, Journal. A 6-CENT COFFEE HOUSE ANlJ , . . .1.,..!.. iica . iuiivu UUUU.C1, WHIUI f.wv y r month, best stand in the city, only $450. Appiy owner, ztoft annua st., oppo site waiting-room. WANTED-A MAN Wi-TH gMALLCAP- ltal. 3250. to buy branch or our store. the repair shop, all kinds tools, lathe. braser and extras; to repair bikes, guns, iocks ana nie saws; gooa pay. s. O. Miller & Son, Aurora, Or. HYDRAULIC CIDER, CEMENT HOL low block, brick presses and concrete mixers, for sale; partner wanted. 664 Marshall St., Portland. SWELLEST SMALL APARTMENT IN Portland; will sacrifice if taken at once; investigate. Address apartment 23. Wellington Court. Phones A-2027. Main 1246. FURNITURE OF . 7-ROOM HOUSE complete, rent only $18. will take 1300. $6 rooms, nicely furnished, cost $2. 600; will take $1,200 cash If taken at once. C. 8. Arnold & Co., hotel brokers. S51H Morrison. j I 31 Rlvl J - A Charles E. Gho One to 10 acres In Whitwood court I IF YOU WISH TO BE LOCATED OS $125 and mp. Richard Shepard ft Co- choice timber land In southern Ore go1 nn k. jersey si., m. jonna, or. i come see me. ueo. w. uougiass. ii LOT &. RLoCk 1. EStACADA. Oft., iiftfl I Worcester bldg. on Installments, $200 cash. Owner, TO BUY OR SELL TIMBER LANLj F. W. Wright. )0 E. nth N., city. see A E. Matthews ft Co.. 209-1 ACREAGE THE ALDRlCtl TRACT. Rel, tlmber atimato! on the saiem car line, 6 miles from -y "j "" j city P. O.; take car to Metsger and WANTED LOCATORS PARTIES D walk back short distance to tract Own er lives on the place. F. C. ALDRICII. Beaverton, R. F. D. No. 1. CHEAP NEW MODERN 6-R66M1 house. 1098 E. 28th St. N. ; take Al Derta car. NEW 8-ROOM COLONIAL HOUSE, corner. 84.600: new 6-room house. $8,500; both strictly modern and up-to- aate; &uu casn, tzo montniy. owner, Phone East 675. FOR SALE HALF BLOCK CHEAP, small houses, corner 18th and Junior, Columbia Heights. Woodiawn. Call at above aaaress, NEW1 FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, $2,000 $350 down, balance 16 pes month or will trade for lots or acreage. M 160, journal INVESTIGATE MAEGLEY JUNCTION Take St Johns car, get off at Ports mouth, and the transformation scene there will be a revelation to you. See Cobb Bros., exclusive agents for Maeg. ley Junction property., 412 Swetland Diag, 5 TO 10-ROOM HOUSES. NEW. MOD era. as low as $200 cash, balance to suit. Arthur L. oraper & CO.. J43 u Washington st. rooms 5 and 6, cor. 7th, LOT 50x100; FIVE MINUTES WALK- !n rllatanAA ataal hrldira- 13 AAA. ADington Diog. 101 AN ELDERLY MAN WISHES WORk around private place; understands garden work and care of stock. F-166, Journal. MEAT CUTTER. AGE 23. WANTS work in small market. Phone Eaat 4626. Res. 372 E. Oak St. CARPENTER. ENERGETIC ROUGH carpenter wants work. Keller, phone Pacific 1065. EXPERT MALE STENOGRAPHER. 6 GO DOWN AND SEE THE NEW townslte of Maegiey Junction. Take St. Johns car, get off at Portsmouth, 5c fare. See Cobb Bros., exclusive agents for Maegiey Junction property. 412 Swetland bldg. WANTED TO cle for cash. " bITy1 A G66b BlcY. 100 N. 4th st l)iniDAW,iaAn 1U CARRY A maeuni oi uecAiiea. Appiy tuj Couch WANTED BY YOUNG MARRIED lady, one or two children to board; suburbs. 170 Emerson, Phone Scott sr r r ' ... years' experience; capable of handling ?001: . . . .. ' . . - correspondence, desires position. 335 WANTED--COFXlJNU. 10 ,Ciuwx A Clay St. - ' - I PUSH, 1IIU1UU.US HU UUll, utu- ments, letters, etc. 919 t,niniDcr 01 ion a tifnf f utmiDf rv , JTltAtll fCQl, A-AIAf POSITION AS YARD FOREMAN. IN spector, tallyman or grader; experi enced in an lumper or tne northwest; reference. Address P. S, Bog 96. Co burg. Or. Mdg. CARPENTER TO TAKJbi $100 STOtit creamery; . $90 month and board. Northwestern Investment Co.. 198 4th. BOY WANTED AT PROF,. RINGLERS school, corner Grand. aye. and iCMxr WAtfcb BLAlK'SMlTri. MUSf BE At shoer; reference required; good s . Address box 276, Albany. Or. STi-'-N TO GET THEIR SUITS FROM Charley Lee. 9S N. 3d st; perfect fit gudrantetd; all work first-class. SITUATIONS WANTED FEAIALE GIRL WANTS TO ASSIST IN HOUSE -a- i ,Uo home, or work in ft0" "tora; references If necessary . Ad 4 box?'' Gr"h. Qr., R. F. 6. No. TWO Y0BN4 LiMBA . iftrtafJ W.A WANTED LUNCH COUNTER chop house; pries must be reasonable. W-161, Journal. WANTED PLATES AND FILMS TO l-develon for amateur nhoto-ranhers: good work; prices reasonable. 'Address A. Ives, 211 1st st Phone Paclf lo zzii lannaa- - "S." nome; conven erTOCr 'rtbeU Hoyt. f- ographer 7 01 "WkV'VS," Ji?' ences. East 1068. ' . """ WE WANT TO DO YOUR UPHOLS taring and repair work; call or phone rpr estimates; now lestne time, jbijou Upholstery, 137 11th. liear Washington. ONE GOOD YOUNG HORSE WANTED -fro 'i.iuu to 1,900 pounas. inquire 1 ii urana eve. IF YOU WANT TO HELL, SEE US. Second Hand Palace. . Highest prices Said for second-hand roods. 161 Flatt ers.. Phone Main $S18 H. , TlplhIffi YOUR WANT AD TOMORROW FOR THE SUNDAY JOURNAL H?3: KM51 $3,200, ON EASY TERMS, WILL BUY a moaern 7 -room nouse. nuiit 4 months ago; next to corner of 19th and E. Everett; the house is very well built, has large living-room, front and back stairs, linen closet, run attic, eiectrlo ana gas rixtures, Koyai rumace, u. r. Palmer, 202 Rothchlld bldg., 4th and Washington. 5 East Side Office at 360 East Mrtsra Street ASK FOR WANT AD CLERK If you have a "want ad" for the Evening or Sunday Journal, and cannot deliver it to one of our offices, phone it to us. The charge will be the same as though paid at the office, and the carrier that delivers your paper will collect for it. The "want ad" clerk will tell you what your ad will cost. i ou can aavertise ior help, anything you want to buy, sell, rent, exchange, trade, lost, found, etc.. frr. and it will cost you only 1-eent a word, minimum, however, of 15c per day, 7 days for the price of 6. You will; find that "want ads" can serve ybu in a -great many ways, and it is always worth your time to read them. Don't forgetto phone your "want ads" to The Journal, - ' ' . ' , - PHONES MAIN' 7 173 A 6051 WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN buy a house and lot on. Installment in the best suburb In the city of Port land, sihray & Hart, 684 Dawson st, jfortiana. or. rnone wooaiawn 1134. OWNER WANTS TO SELL HIS HOME. See him at once at 986 E. 16th st. N.; 6-room bouse and fuli-sixe lot Pries $1,460. . r BARGAINS IN PROPERTIES WAL- nut and fruit land close In, $100 per acre; nouses ana iois cneap; lots on S7th and Powell $350; terms. Call and be convinced. 405 Abington. Phone Mam 804Z. Li. k. wrenn. 1 nTQ Rn-inn tv WHITmnnn fntiDT JJV4U VWAkAUV AA. ,.AAA WA V W A . A . the finest view In America; fine, cool spring water piped to every lot; special Inducements to home-builders; to see these lots is to buy. Richard Shepard & Co., no is. jersey St., bt, Johns, or. $125 Three Snaps acre near Swift's. $530. 1 acre near Montavilla,. $260; n ft hDlnnna In wAr gas 11, uaiaiiiw rwvmnt ISO acres on Tualatin, all fine land, $4,600. See Wolverton. 402 Mohawk. BARGAIN 6-ROOM HOUSE ON CAR- llne, new, modern, pprcelaln plumb ing, electrlft lights, full basement; leaving Portland; must sacrifice. See ownor and house, 1321 Corbett st. FOR SALE 3-ROOM COTTAGE AT A bargain. , inquire owner, lias mm st. north, take Alberta car. SWIFTVILLE WE WILL SELL FOR cash or terms, 100 splendid lota near the Swift packing plant at a big- barn-sin if taken as a whole or, In blocks: few days only. Call or address owner, room 6. 8231 Washington St. , $160 BUYS CHOICE LOTS. WITH AI leys, plose to carline; city water; easy terms. See R. B. Carey at Peninsular station.' " ,; 8NAP 1-ROOM COTTAGE. SMALL , lot, 1H blocks Mount Tabor -and Mor rison car; price $1,000; terms. Inquire 159 Kast 33d, siring to take timber claims in a mo location: will leave here Feb. 17: fi particulars, call up E. E. Willard, phof wain BtiYu, room zoi imperial notei. GOOD G6VERNMENT TIMBE3 claims, cruised and ready for entrjj location fees $1 per acre. Phone Map 3007 or see Guarantee Co., No. 7 Secox: st. north, city. HORSES, VEHICLES, ILARNE4 ' FOR SALE BLACK SADDLE PON 8 years old. with saddle and brld Just thV thing' for a boy; 335 buys t outfit; take L or R. & S. car to Shav and Alblna ave. Call Saturday, 870 A Dina ave. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR REN, by day. week and month: special rat to business houses, (th and Hawthornkf ffast 72. , FOR SALE SPAN OF GRAY MAREfj harness and wagon. 1727 Woolsey i I university parK. FOR SALE CHEAP. ONE MAM with foal, or trade for a horse aboi i.iuu. can zgg East 8th st. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ONE FRESH COW. Front st, city. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. AT A BIG SACRIFICE, HIGH QRA&T $500 piano, used 2 months; own compelled to sell; terms made to au Call at once. 248 6th. YORK BAND INSTRUMENT AND MB sic house; repairing. 227 H Stark. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE YOUR EYES WILL BE OPENH wide when you see for yourself whl is oeing aone at Maegiey junction, in coming ousiness center or tne penn sula. Take St Johns car. get off i Portsmouth. 5c fare. See Cobb Broi exclusive agents for Maegiey Junctld property, 412 eswetiano- Diag. see The! fiAlLROAb DEVtiLoJ ments at Maeirlev Junction. Seeing believing. Junction property will dot ble in value in a short time. Go dovj today on St. Johns car, get off at Port mouth. See Cobb Bros.. exclusH agents for Maegiey Junction propert) 4iz wwetiand Building. Excan?e for City Properc yvneat lanas, rarms. ranches, cnoi tiooa uiver rruit lands, coal lanas. Lone &. Cbamberlain 612 Swetland Bldg. 4 LOTS NEAR ODD FELLOWS' HOM - and some money to exchange T building a house. 117 N. 18th. t FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS IN THE MIDST OF BARGAIN there are still bargains. See us art be convinced. We can ""show" yd wnetner you are rrom Missouri or n that we sell lowest Remember we wl buy what, you have to offer. Phone Vi cine 73. western, salvage co- was ington and ZOth sts. WE low eTI larger SELL GOODS AT THE llvln i nplnaa nm-ur mnA nM and cleanest stock to select from; everjl ining tin one Dili ana prompt aenver Stoves. and gas appliances; coil put pas ranges, connected. The Dollar, 21 1st. -Mam 0374; a-zszt, 3 $ 3 We Want Your Trade. $ $ t 8-ROOM HOUSE. 2 LOTS, ONLY block from carline, variety of fruit and berries; " $86Q, terms. Keystone Keaity co., gia Ai'BKy piqg, WILL BUILD FOR YOU; CHOICE LO cation; terms to suit Ed O. Mayor, room 3, 260H Alder, - near 8d. - FOR SALE 2 3-ROOM HOUSE, LOT 60 xlOO. all conveniences: - terms. - Mrs. A E. Thibodeau, Vancouver, Wash. MODERN 8-ROOM COTTAGE. IN creston, block; to ' car. Suburban lot taken as first t PaVment: see owner. 1460 E. Gllsan. STOVK DOCTOR WE REPAIR, PI r in colls or exchange, buy or sn stoves. 232 1st The Dollar. Main 871 1 ..A .1 . . , 'M V1CLES. FARM WAGONS, HOKSKf mucn oowa. single and double harnel es. neavy ana light 850 Flanders. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE HOUST ouys ana sens, everything. Pric rignt. zia yront st. rnone Main 42 LAYTON , -COOPERAGE f- CO. AU Kinas or barrels ana bottles boug ana una. s pt. sronf fnone Main 81 pnn ;si t brown Australian, 60 lbs. globe yf ', " '"w-r " ruwn seea : guars i a. naming, uariow. or SwX11?,' DEALER "IN " BACK - 635 Alblna ave.