The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 14, 1908, Page 13, Image 13

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A Wondcrfnl, dm, Sfralght Talk on the Folly of Using Cathartics (or Trying to Cure
Constipation, and uoiv to Stop It Absolutely Without Pills, Potions or Medicines, v
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For Ihe Benefit of Oar Readers. Prof. T. H. Uldffley Gives a Remarkable Talk on How His Idea Das Worked Remarkable
Resells In Caring Constipation Without Medicine. ; '
w Tou will be AiAaied to m th array MVTTmmXD 10 TXAJtl, CVMZH ZS 30 BAweranre. It KOtn to your fact in th
Of lattra that nra 4 .11. v KIT! IOrm 01 DlmDltS-I
plniDle-Dolaon and break out
on th tkln, It coca to your head anl
ana dlinnta, i:
f, Elsie LUlard.
(Spadal DUpttek ta Ilia tomwU
Lebanon, Or., Fab. 14. Tha Lebanon
Ijlah aohool dabatlng team, conalatlnf
of Mliiei Annie MoCormlolc Klala Lll
lard and Pearl Aldrloh, - will go to
Brownayllla tonight to dabata with a
earn of tha BrownevlUe High achooL
Much lntereat la fait In thla debate,' aa
Pearl Aldrfch.
It ta for tha champlonahlp of tha cen
tral Oregon dlatrlct In tha aerlea of
aUte high achool debatea.
Tha Lebanon team haa won from Eu
gene and Junotlon Citr. while Browne
vlUe taa won, from SUverton and Al
bany. Tha quetUon to ba diaouaaed la one
of much lntereat In Oregon and haa
been diaouaaed by many of tha lead-
Annie Mcbormlck.
Ing neakera of tha etate "Keeolved,
That Oregon ahould enact a law pro
vldinar for atate financial aid for pub
lic hirhwava."
Tha Lebanon team will have tha af
firmative. The judgea aniected are bu-
For tha benefit of our readera
Itllhl ah ea t malw ek4 a a. 1
Br Prof." T. H. Midgley "on a poTit ?' UtUr- th" r BAYB.
wnion la moat vital tn ,n man inie oeneraoior or manKina who iniwin -i r.i.. .a n.u.- a. '.' .
Vln.L ln thi! oountrjr thf U lettere eent to him and aka no Booton, Ma., wrltea that be had been goea to your brain and makea you drow.
w.a,' f "'?". Preading danger of charge for the adrlea which ha freely troubled with conatlpatlon for 15 or ay, it weakena tha atomach and cauaea
a -S!PA. i. A11 h '5 M-.Th,M latere are from worn 0 yeara and had tried every drug ln dyepepela, and bad breath. It goea to
II "li'Jt V T m.an3r.n1 ?ut Ankr,.d'1B P'tlenta who have tried the market. Ho cured-hlmaelt ln one the liver and cause bllloueneaa, It gw
fifm ih!ia -R hundred of letter tha "Midgley way" aa a laat doaperata month, tha "Midgley - way." to the kidney and eventually give rtee
from thoa who have done aa h ad
Tocatea, that wa think It will be a nub
lio benefit to make them known. We
recommend Prof. Midgley moat earnest
ly to our reader:
"It ione'of the aimplest thing In
perlntendent I. T. Marlat and Albert tn world to cure even the worst caa
Toiler of Balem. and C. B. Box of Al- of ehronle constipation, and yet nearly
bany. A good-slsed crowd will go from I ovary other man and woman you meet.
Lebanon to bo present at the debate.
Grace George at Helllg Tonight.
OrU. X PIIV Will I'V K 'llllW (IIUUUlllUlli
and everything will be dona to make It
a succees.
Tha attraction at tha Helllr theatre.
Fourteenth and Washington streets, to
night and tomorrow nlcht will ba the
enarming actress, mis uraca ueorge,
and her ezoellent company, including H.
Reeve Bmlth. in Sardou'a brilliant
ady. "Dlvorcone.- Thla exceptionally -The Lawyer and the Lady." the latest
clever star and interesting play made thing In the ahape of rural comedy
one oi ine greatest ni ever niu in I drama that baa been aen on the Amer-
"The Lawyer and the Lady."
ana ner excellent company, inciuuinr n. i There Will be only a few mora par
Bmlth, in Sardou'a brilliant corn- I forma noes of Franklin Fylea new play
Portland theatre laat night.
selling at the theatre.
i Special Price Matinee Tomorrow.
'Tomorrow (Saturdar) afternoon, at
the Helllg theatre, a special-price mat
inee will oe civen at j:i a ociock.
Charming Grace George In "Dlvoroon"
will be tha bllL Seat sal at theatre.
Beat are lean ataare. It waa written for a lead
Ing Broadway comedian, but It New
Tork performance wa postponed until
spring. The Lyrlo secured the rights
to it, and ha been making- good ln the
new piece. Matinees tomorrow ana
"King of the Cowboy."
Commencing Sunday afternoon. "The
Seat Sale Open Tomorrow. '"f r Pt&VZi
'Beginning tomorrow. Saturday morn-1 at tha star thaatra Th. nia .t.
Ing. at 10 o'clock, the advance aeat salel,rn In character and treatment and
will open for George M. Cohan'a play.
rorty-Five Minutes From Broadway.
at the Helll" theatre. Fourteenth and
Washington streets. Thia musical play
will ne presented by Klaw & Erlanaer
at the above theatre next Tuesday and
weaneaaay nignta, eoruary is ana is.
"Charley'g Annt" Tonight.
Rave you seen "Charleya Aunt"?
Kvery on who could crowd Into th
Baker theatre thia week has, and those
who have not been able to, have simply
missed a rare treat In laughter. One
brlaht. clever serene after another fol
Iowa In auch rapid and natural succes
sion that the audience la not over one
burst of laughter when another cornea
Tomorrow matinee.
"In the Bishop's Carriage.
11 Srmday1 afternoon next leetta Jewel
wilt begin a limited engagement aa
leadlnjr woman of th Baker stock com
pany in Channlng Pollock's dramatiia
tkm or "In the Bishop Carriage." It
la a atory of a girl thief, who la cap
tured In the room of a gentleman, who
instead or arresting ner, taxes an inter
est In her. and Induces her to lead a
different life.
while It has never been seen on the
eoast before Its. reputation haa traveled
before It Wherever this drama haa
been presented it haa been a auocesa.
Seats can be reserved In advance by
Who Gets the Teddy Bear?
.At the Empire matinee of "Aa Told
lit the Hills" tomorrow afternoon an
other of those great big Teddy bears
will be given to the child under It who
guesses nearest to the correct number
of persons in tns auaienoe. rne Dears
so far have been won b-the boys every
limo. ana we sincerely nope some I tut TaVon at MW1nr Af rWtixr
Bin win do clever ana lucxy enougn to I -
"Chinatown Charley" Tomorrow.
"Chinatown Charley" will continue at
the Star theatre until tomorrow nlcht
with the regular Saturday matinee to
morrow afternoon. There have been
few playa this season In the local thea
tres that have met with more liberal
patronage on the part of the public than
'Chinatown Charley." Thla Is because
tha play Is new and treats of a little
known section of New Tork city.
Expose Tonight.
This la the nlcht that Albinl. tha ma-
eiclan. will rnaka hla neralded exnnsa
at the Grand of Anna Eva Fay, Mrs.
pepper and others who perform seeming
miracles. That all of the mental telep
athy tricks of these people, as well as
other aupposad supernatural feats are
nothing but clever trickery, will be
shown by Albinl. This Is an entertain
ment which every on Is interested in as
It will uncover the quacks. The per
formances will begin half an hour ear
la positively ao stopped up as to
hardly able to think clearly. To
the "habit" every 24 hours reguli
I don't
works wonders. By the "habit"
mean me catnartio naDit, but I mean
that "natural, easy move" that tv.rr
ons ought to have without having to
make a rush for the pillbox every
Mvrt qttzt rrxr. habit.
"Tou young and mldde-aced men and
women who eat and drink everything
youjlke. and you old men and women
who are aaaictea to Dlil-eatinr to keen
T1 t j ir T your over-aue Dowels going, you don't
Portland Business Men to Be ?: w2u!t. noJ. be on
Welcomed to the Best
Next Tuesday.
one-nunareatn pan or me disease on
earth today if your bowel were ab
solutely regular.
"Tou can shake your fiat at almost
any old disease known. If you've got
th bowels that .do business every 24
hours. This is plain talk, but everv
doctor will tell you the same thing,
only he may be more particular In his
put it won't have
the lm-
(Spectal Dtiptteh to The Joaraal.)
Salem, Or., Feb. 14. Arrangement language.
have han eomnletad for the banauet presslon on your mind.
and reception to be tendered Portland wltthlrtU onHf T.'rSSSS
business men TAiesday. The Oregon
Electrlo company haa arranged for two
cars to brine the visitors here ln the
afternoon. Thoae who come
Southern Pacific may if they wish
do so after the reception retire to a
sleeper, which has been especially en
why there Is much constipation today
Is because there are so many drugs,
liquids and unnatural bowel movers
guisled and swallowed by so many
thousands of people.
"It is true these cathartics sluice nut
the bowels clean, but they also sluice
f aged and wnicn win oe auacnea 10 out mm oowei-muving juice or secretion
be regular overland train Wedneaday which Nature has put ln every good
morning. bowel to make It work easy and right.
The evenlnr will beef, with a recep- When this natural "Juice" In the bowel
tion at the mine clubhouse, at wnicn
Win this ono.
"Dora Thome" Coming.
' All the women especially are Inter
ested in tne production or liertna m.
Clay's "Dora Thorne," which will open
at tne umpire uunaay matinee ana co
tinue ail next weeK. it is one or
Grove Commercial Club, Held
With Unique Motive.
and is as much a favorite with theatre
goers as ever.
OP I ' " . - '
the Cottsge Grove. Or.. Feb. 14. The peo-
most popular plays of the last century I pi 0f this city hope thet as the result
of action taken by the Cottage Grove
Commercial club at a meeting Wednes
day night a better feeling toward the
business community here on (the part
of surrounding rural dwellers will be
established. It had become apparent
that the people in the rural districts
felt a degree of animosity toward the
business men here and it was felt that
this ahould be ahown to be unlustlfled.
The club, seeking to eliminate this feel
ing, appointed three members to hold a
Series of lectures among the granges
and other organisations ln southern
Lane oounty. Levi Gear, H. C. Thomp
son and George Comer were delegated
for this duty. The object will be not
only to dispel any existing feeling but
to arrive at a cooperative plan whereby
the rural districts will be greatly bene
fited. They will urge the raising of
products in such quantities as will
justify the establishment of a cannery
nere ana win promise tne enure sup
port of the1 Cottage Grove people. The
"Kerry Gow" Matinee.
Under no circumstance miss aeeinc
rKerry uow" at tne Aiarquam. The en
actment is last drawmer to a close and
tthe last performance will be tomorrow
might. There will be a matinee tomor-
'rftw Tf.i'rw nAWH la AA.aM.Ml (h.
iSat of all the Irish romantic comedies
nd In the leadlnsr role of the. black.
mith Joseph Murphy has a worthy suo-
essor in tternara uaiy.
Sunday afternoon "Parsifal" comes to
he Marquam. This Is the dramatic
erslon of the famous opera. There will
e Wagnerian incidental muslo and the
7 is complete to tne smallest details
1'arairai - was tne masterpiece or wac
kier and in its dramatic form makes a
rlay of marvelous, dignified Interest.
fTbere Is a seml-rellglou atmosphere
Jnnd the story Is unfolded in an artls-
xio manner.
' "The Nancy Hanks" Coming.
Next week . commencing Monday
night the Allen stock company will ap
pear ln the funny farce comedy suc
cess "The Nancy Hanks," a piece that
has made a nation laugh.' The parts
are such that the members of the Allen
company will find themselves strictly
at home, and should make a great eer-
aoeeches will be made bv various prom
inent men. The guests will then ad
journ to the Elks' hall and enjoy a
lunch and "smoker." which will oc
cupy the guests until well toward mid-
(Special Dlapatch to The Journal.)
Klamath Falls, Or., Feb. 14. The
citizens of Klamath Falls are consld-
siderlng a municipal water and light
system. The proposition arose from
the decision of a system of city irri
gation from the old Ankeny canal, now
owned Py tne government, it wua iuuiiu
in conferring wun tne government engi
neers that the canal Itself could not
be leased to tha city or any corpora
tion, but the power freneratea dv me nave regular bowels, and how fine It
canal can be disposed of to Individuals feels to really live, until you have tried
or a corporation for a period not to ex- it
eeed 10 years. This Is to prevent mo- "I am willing to tell anyone, who will
nopoly. It will be necessary, there- take the trouble to ask me. Just exactly
fore, to enter into contract with the how to use this simple method, and to
government for city irrigation, and it cure himself or herself right at home
will be possible at the same time to so that it will no longer be necessary
enter into a contract for power. The to dose with all kinds of harmful drugs
Civic federation has Issued a call for a and acids. I don't ask a cent for this
meeting for all citizens, when the ques- Information. I have published book
tion of city irrigation. Independent which contains this Mids-lev methnil in
water and light ytem and city sewer- detail, and as it would be impossible
age will come up. Klamath Falls now to tell you ln this brief space what
has water and light systems, but It has it contains. I will send this book to
lone been felt that the rates were high any man or woman who is Interested
compared with rates at other places. enough in a cure to send for it."
mums zs oppoKTuarry or a un.
Here Is the createst onnortunltv tn
be cured of chronic constipation that
you have ever had come to your notice.
is cleaned out your bowels become mero
dead-pipes. Then you ret a bad case
of constipation and pills are swallowed
to ao tne moving. This coes on. over
and over again.
'Take it for cranted now that voit
have got to quit taking pills and drugs,
castor oil, cascara. Jalap, cambora and
all other cathartics before you can ever
hope to cure your constipation.
mow tov OAir top oowmpATiow
"If you will do as I say you can cet
rid of your oonstipation right now and
forget about it ever after. Tou will
never realize, until you have tried It
how pleasing and delightful it is to have
every-day bowels that you don't have
to worry over.
Jrorret rorever. from now on. that
there are any pills, powders or notion
ror moving tne bowels. They win move
themselves If you will Just give them
a start the "Midgley way." Tou will
never realise how gratifying It Is to
to Brlcht's Disease. It coes to the
heart and makes it goes td tlio
ayes and they lose their lustre. It make
your nerves flabby and weak and out
o'-sorts, and this Is the advance agent
of all kinds of disease, which you
couldn't cet at all if there was pure,
rich red blood flowing in your veins and
your whole body was in prima condi-
uvu. .
The Chief Clerk of the Pennsylvania
Railroad company, located at New
Brunswick. New Jersey says: "I have
suffered from chronic constipation for
the past six years, taking most all of
the Pills and notions I ever ha4r4 r,
ai viiv biuiv a vcvimo mo una X aeciuea
to give up my position with the rail
road, as I felt my days were numbered!
"One physician told me that h as
well as others were powerless to cure
oonstipation with drug, saying that
the purgative Inflame th bowels ami
eventually paralyse them. I followed
Jour advice, have not spent a penny for
rugs of any sort and I am cured' . .
There is hardly anything which rJ
stores the nerves as quickly and surely
as regular bowels. Most people wa
have weak nerves and are run down ant
chronically constipated. It Is surpris
ing in how short a time a man or vo.
man can build up a strong body by be
ing absolutely regular and taking Pro
fessor Midgley'g advice. - -
Our readers can be positively certain
of results If they will but send for Pro-,
fessor Mldgleys book and follow his
advice. He is known all over the coun
try as the "Constipation Wizard." His
method Is all so wonderful, and so slm
pie, that It has been said by a groat
many to be a positive pleasure to adopt
the Midgley way of getting cured right
at home. -
There is nobody else ln this country
who haa given this disease such denp.
firofesslonal study, aa Professor Midc
y. His advice to you will be wort It
hundreds of dollars, and you will have
saved years of misery, bad health, and
danger of disease.
You will realize within a few hours
what it is to really live and have that
exquisite feeling of perfect health;
cheerful spirit good digestion, clear
mind. Quick memory, enercy. eourace
. . ,., , . . and ambition, to a degree which yon
auXZS X3TB WOXTK ZXTXX9. probably never before could understand
Mrs. Chas. Dobler, of Papoose, Cal, or experience end all this, by merely.
For the benefit of our readers we yB'i reel mat ure is worm living . W "
lb w tv uwow ouriuv uuiiui vu ua,Tj
i '.1.:;VlN;'.A
v: - XwaP-s
Toa Simply Cant Core Oonstipation with PHls, Powders or Potions.
Is Polly.. X Tell Ton Mow to Cure YomselX at Home Without
Kedielae, Forever."
effort, and have been cured as easily
as though they had but a mere cold.
have taken the trouble to pick out at r. My ease has been about the wore
. . T . . . that AAiilJ s s-v m & Waf aaa a.nii YJa akOwKnil i
random a few of these letters and
Subllsh them. For Instance, Mr. F. G.
ackson, who had almost become a mere
skeleton and had suffered for 10 years,
cured himself ln a few days.
Mrs. Morgan Parkhurst of Gerry, N.
T.. suffered for 0 years and cured
herself ln 80 days: and so on down ......
s the Hat.
nro pnrx."
that could com before you. Everybody cured in a most remarkable manner.
ougnt to send ror your book."
. low TO OST m AD TlCiL -
CA TEAS TICS THAT CAUSE COsTBTX. M1 you w, nay. to do is t Out out
, the coupon, fill in your name and ad-
"Aloes, calomel, croton oil. cascara dress on the blank lines, and send It
sagrada, Jalap, gamboge, blue mass, to Professor T. H. Midgley, 1841 Mldg
i-uiuaymn, uwwuu, on, iey Diocx, jaiamasoo. Aiicnigan, and he
K W M.ll M . U ......
- . ........ , ' . w . ..mi II me , ,oim jvh auawiuif-
lin castor oil, nux vomica, hyoscyamus, ir free, his book showing yon how to
belladonna aAd Other acids and drug cure vnnraalf l" nhmnrn miHnitlnn
which only physicians know about, right at home, the "Midgley way,"rwlth
cause reaction in the bowels, and re- out pills, potions or powders forever".'
suit in chronic constipation. He will also send you by letter his ex
"It Is not necessary to take an atom pert advice upon any point relating to
of any one of theae alnful drugs and yosr case on which you may ask Infor-
Just as sure as you do, you help to matlon. Mall the coupon today., - '
aw J juui unn uvwoia. A vu vail
have them move every day regularly
without taking any of these paralyseis
Mr. F. G. Jackson, Mining Engineer
of the American Flag Quarts Mine at
Comptonville, Calif., says: "Prof. T.'
H. Midgley, Dear Sir. I took your .ad
vice. I have gained 10 pounds ln
weight and my friends remark as I
meet them, 'Jackson, old boy, you're
looking fine.' I tried almost every kind
of patent medicine for 10 years to no hundreds of cases."
uuu, i our aavice nas proved a mar-
velous one. I was almost a skeleton, BESTITS OF COfl ITJFATXO Y.
but now I feel as young and hearty "When a train fa stunk In tha ttmnal
I did 20 years ago. I thank God an oannnt K lalr Itatnna traffln
With the body it Is worse, because
when there is a blocklng-up somewhere
if you will only follow out my idea
which has already proved successful ln
and Prof. T. H. Midgley."
(Special Dispateb to The Jtmraal.)
Salem. Or.. Feb. 14. George Walt,
75 year of age and an Oregon pioneer.
dropped dead here yesterday while on
his way from hla home to the railroad
station. He had started for the train,
but noticed that he did not have his
watch and started to return, wnen
death overtook him.
Wait was for many years a resident
of Polk county, where he was well
known. He came to Balem five years
ago, and had made 'this city hla home.
(United Press. taad Wire.)
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 14. A special
Thos. Needham, 1528 S. 44th Ave..
Chicago, says: "I Buffered from chronic
constipation for 10 years. I tried every
cathartic ln the market ln vain, i Doc
tors could do nothing, and death seemed
near. By following; your advice I cured
myself permanently In Just one month."
in your 80 feet of bowels, the poison
from the blockade is going to be soaked
up by the little capillaries on the inside
llntftg of the bowels, and all this poison
is rushed right through the blood.
"It goes to the brain naturally, and
In every part of the body, every organ
being fed on this polluted blood or
Fill In your nam and address on
dotted lines below and mail to Pro
fessor T. H. Midgley, 1841 Midgley
block, Kalamaaoo, Michigan, and by'
return mall he will send you free
his Illustrated book, showing the
simple way of curing conatlpatlon
without medicine.
leaweweetaealaeafVayatsssesitt) " t a).
a a tMMlMlrMe
Poor tea is the older
leaves, not the young ones
There's too much of it.
Tour grocer returns yonr money If you
don't like Schilling's best; w pay him.
club also appropriated a fund to bo used
in coniunctlon with contributions in
work or money by the Loraine farmers
to complete a nrst-caass wagon roan,
craveled. between Loraine and this
place, a distance of 12 miles.
A ,lay liver leads to chronic dyspep
sia and constipation weakens the whole
system, uoan's tteguiots zt cents per
box) correct the liver, tone the stom
ach, our, constipation.
Western Idea of Dentistry.
in aearcn or items, the writer called ln
meeting of the city council was held last at the offices of the Eastern Dentists a
nignt to give a second reaaing to tne
Union Pacific franchises, so that they
can be advertised and finally passed
prior to the vote on the charter amend
ment requiring tne suDmission or an
franchise ordinances to the people for
ratification. Hy passing the second
reading last night they will get their
nnai reading at me regular council
meeting of March 2, one day before the
city election.
Only On "bbomo axmrimi"
for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the
world over to Our a Gold in One Day. 23c.
The G. & W. "Perfecf Truss
,The Oregon public can no longer be gulled and deceived by
unreliable goods. In placing oqr truss before the men, women and
children of the west, we want to be understood regarding the re
liability of our trusses.
The "Perfect" truss is made to order; it will wear longer and
give more complete satisfaction than any other truss on the mar
ket. This truss relieves and gives comfort to the wearer. It sup
oorts the body where support is most needed. It never slips from
' its position, but adjust itself to the movements of the bddy and is guaranteed to hold the
' rupture perfectly. .. .
-" .Why suffer longer with Hernia or Rupture when you can wear the "PERFECT" Truss
and find relief and comfort each day. Measurements taken at your home or hospital free of
charge. :
Old style, auowlaff tnteav.
tines to protrude through
tansr opening.
"Perfect" truss, doting bota
few days ago and drew the chief op
erator Into conversation regarding his
Ideas of western dentistry. Finding the
doctor an affable gentleman and conver
sationally inclined, the writer asked the
question, now do you rind Business and
how do you like Portland?" The doc
tor replied in part, "while business is
good and rapidly ' increasing, the firm
has found during Its short stay in your
citv that a prevalent feeling is abroad of
suspicion concerning what is Known as
an advertising dentist, and through the
people met and tne canvass maae or con
ditions in this community the cause of
public prejudice, which is certainly Jus-
tinea in a measure by the recurrence of
past events, is found to have had its
origin in tne past conduct or unscrup
ulous dentists in Portland who have ad
vertised and offered Inducements to
the people and made promises which
they had no intention whatever of ful
filling thereby deceiving an unsuspect
ing public and hoodwinking it to such
a degree that now they look upon the
advent of a new firm as the shadow of
the past and are Just as ready to con
demn unheard, a new advertisement in
advance now as they were to accept one
ln advance formerly. But there is no
reason why we should be a link ln the
chain of shortcomings of former op
erators. '
Our advertisement neither expresses
nor implies any mystery whatever. It
means no deception: it is our advance
agent our silent representative and it
tells the absolute truth. But It can not
argue the case with the one who views
it witn susmcion. we must meet tnat
erson race to race and convince mm or
er by the submission or cold ract.
"We take nrlde ln honest assertion:
we rest secure In the consciousness
that w can and will do exactly what we
promise to do ln our advertisement
"We have come to Portland to build
up a business upon a foundation strong
and deep of honest work at honest
Brlcea the only foundation that will
stand the test of time, therefore, are
willing to offer reasonable concessions
to our natrons. The most effective con
cession we have to offer Is to divide our
profits with each patient, tnereoy matt
ing a friend, xou .may not realise it,
but it-is a fact that every patient whom
th dentist works for Is either a friend
or a foe there is, there caa be, no mid
dle ground." 1 1
Prices as Low or Lower Than Cash Prices at Some Stores
Our Spring Goods are arriving daily, and in order to make
room for our new importations we will hold a
II Pay Sale
When all ladies' wearing apparel Coats, Cloaks, Skirts,
also Furs, will be cleared out at
One Half Regular Price
And all Men's and Boys' Clothing will be sold at One Third
off Regular Prices.
AN INVITATION is extended to all to inspect our new
goods, which show the latest creations in fine Wearing
Apparel, Millinery, Laces, etc.
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ust a little down and just a little at a time makes
it .convenient to dress well. , " Al