V. WpVi.t THE JOURNAL A! IMDEFCNDCXT ''KRW8PAPCR. C I ft. ' JACK BON. .Publtabar I "ubllaked army etnln (eiwpt Sonday) wrf Sunday B)WBln(, t lb Inarnal nsllo In, riftb nd Yimblll atresia, Portland, Or. Enfrrad it tha pnafoffloe at Partisan. Of.. for tran.mla.kui Utrougt the Bulla M eOBl-lasi W1IHT. . -V ' .,.-' ! true of the Oreconlan's Id dream I and audacious violators of the law I eiderod a groat political . prophet, method. An objection to one la an I would be revoked, but !n only two but 'it; la nevertheless only a guess, AkAnfUn n ItiA MhAr TTvAr at An I At' fhrAA roiAi Una this ntAfl dnnA. I ftl leu III im.LIUII VJ V V WHVB JS VS r UkVW I W W V.J- HUB aaa bbv aar v v-ar r a - - nnrfsr tha twn nlana: f ram tha an-1 and 'nerhans then only to alloWthe nnnnrament of candidacy to the I places to run under a transferred II- Here are some of the epithets ut- nleht of election, is exactly the same. cense. The people are becoming rea regarding , rresiaeni Small- Change?' ... . This Is t,he bosses' and boodlera op portunity, , . . . ' ; - V , . , , lhall the W oman 1 W oo :rr;;i;,ithc,Man7-,'';:' Thla la tha mnnth (if flnM.i.a Roose-land tha year ot IS. : ; ... . it. ' i I a .1 .vi. .... ,,.,a,i.. I velt's mesaaga bv tha Chlcarn "Busi-1 ' ' - , UP to ue muuieui iu iwra iniinuu ui iui cyamut " u""uu I " J . u i I ' So ' far C. W, Mora ' rafuaaa aaciiiuii lur uia.w- cn,,nge hlB initials to K. E. ,.. s. f . IKUtl'UONKa-WAIN TITS. H01IB, A-euOI. All Sapertsirots Kirbod kr these aumhera. Ttll (bt operator tbe department too went. ' East Bid office. BUtt; Eiil 630. t-OBEJOM ADVEETI8I.NU BEPBESBNTAnVE Vrlaod-nolair,ln Special Ao-rrtlelng Aftne). Proaairlrk KelMlns. 2!5 Klfth etanoe. NaW Vara: Trlhnne Iliillillnr. OilrxfW. ' SubMrtptloa Tarma kr aiell to mar addraM la Um HaltoS Sutra. Canada or Muloo. - - , , DAILY. . Oat rar.. S3.no l Ob aaoatb $ M SCNDAT. Ont raar 1150 I On nentk. ..... Ja . DAILY AKD RHNDAY. On rrtt ..IT.&O I On mnntb I .S3 Portland la deatlnad td rrow ajreKiiieaa laaicr evarjr. year tr. . ,f B Mr a. John A, Losan. . Doubtleaa a woman haa tha right, to try ; to win tba man' upon whom bar to I aff actions ara oantarad, ana nayona quaatlon tha right baa boon eaarciaea man. tlmva. .'..' 1 ; .. i '-..,.,''".' in ' Tht only ouaatlon la as to tha means mployad. If aha atepa ' out da ina bounda of propriety and womanly mod- t REALM i FEMININE Woman and Nicotine. J etudv tha pronoaed tax amanilmant leaty..aha la eaoaadlng her right, and Don't -vota from . nraconcfcvad nraiu. will probably fall In har daalgna by pro- tin . i - i . . . i" wtoio wou , Know ara laiiing i us, that the sway of I My Lady Nicotine la on tba Incraksa; and mai conaianuy mora woman ara Joining tha ranka of tha after vokinar diaauat and averalon tn tha mlndin. t.-.- i 1A( tha man aba attempts to win. ' r..r,BW women, It was proper for old ax-paacb Cepew I Too many women ioa eigm-oi iw '"'' win uacome iasn to pralaa gang, "9 The responsibility ot toler-.. ance lies with those who. Jb are i the wider vision. Oeorge ' Eliot. 4 ; faahlnn. become ma all And what ara nnnntnd. and the auestlon deter-Mawbreaklnc saloons on the part Of nBa,uan, mtnad of which Is winner, they dlf- the council. ' : factors of great wealth," and posses- far in fthniiiiiv nothina. But in , Ijiwbreakinar saloon keDers need 1 ors'of swollen and stolen fortunes: rMnit the Oreitonian. bv Imnlica-la few warninit examDles. actual bona vvenomous, socialistic, personal v tion, insists that they do differ, in fide revbcatlons of their licenses and I tuperatlon. Inflammatory talk, slime that the pipe dream method secures closing up of their places. Neither 1" auapicion, nss poauiveiy tue th nnni'a rhniM." whiia tha Ora-Ithpy nor anvbodv connected ' with I initiative and enterprise." Dr. Day nian does noL , ' them should be given another 11- no doubt dellghU to read this peri By oach system the party fromlcensfc at least until after a longjodlcai among one or more persons nomi- penou o yruuauuu, uia uu - .4, nnl a.rti r. "Iiirtt nntr tn tha rnmninnllv at lara-a If It . has taken the KepuDllcan . . . M . I M . . .V . 1 1 . 1 . 1. I - V tem tne party canaiaate is votea tor i a,n iw iue mw ueu, wunu vuuu- - ' . ' n - i . I Iowa marriage, either aiaeovara mat m wor Durning up tha world'a aupply of In the election. Under one system, cllmen are sworn to uphold, but t "n' ufu WMir"HW a macmna nngaters have a faithful fther ,bn P,ccu'hJ n2S25. 52? B1Jn.w o evidence of any according to the Oregonlan. thrwin-' is due to saloon kJpers'who do increasingly nte"igent a ner would oe tne people a cnoice. 19"' h !z' . . forla tariff should be BOmewhat' revised 'Jack" Matthew. I. yery aolicitous trying to win tha peraon whom a few yeare ago cigarette amoking but In the other would not. Why There seems to be a coterie Of w,u """'" u , for literal observance of Uia. federal I yo" propoaa to Uke for better or for among women .was confined , to thi councilmen, with Mr. Drlscoll as some inivr year, sew uns con,tltuMon. . , L J . , J worse tae.flrat and moax important Diaaa claaa. it aa by ;ooromoi opinion should bring results so totally dlf- their chief spokesman, who are the or " ferent the public will wonder at. especial friends of these lawbreak-" vuu " iy-. n..A ia a KaI latavaft 9rt lino m a tnnn Iroanara Tf Ice rinlrA Htvial I ' 1 " 1 - 1 1 ' wen, l caii jr , uuuut ukouv, . - of Chamberlain and ie Cortelvou, Morgan and the I potency of modeaty to attract tha ad-1 lonabla In New York. If it la . 7 y '7L v miration of men. To marry a man able In New 'York It wUl becor '!!'; h,T '. ' I Ithnul flrat wlnnlnar hla affactlona Ifl I Over the ITnltml Htmim AnA eongresa makea no move to paaa a fatal mlatake, and. klmoat Invariably we going to do about Itt . . - . , nployera' liability law urged by reaulta dlaaatroualy. because. If upon Io aplte of argument and advice Ha Bldent.1 r the Intimate acquaintance whlohfol- men of tha world have kept steadily at . . "' ' e'-.e . ;, i0wa marriage, either diaeovars that the work burning up tha world'a aupply of A BIO THING FOR THE OREGON ! )':: COCNTRT. ' ' : ? a' : MUS LOCATING here of the enor- 1- moug . packing plants Is a big thing not only for Portland, but , : ..for the entire tributary region . . The Journal commented on this months ago, when It exclusively roresnaaowea -tne result - now ren dered a certainty. Here will be the greatest livestock market west of the Missouri river, if not west of Chi cago. This will encourage stock raising and make it more profitable. This in turn will make a better mar ket for various farm products. The whole vast region from British .Co lumbia to California, from the Rocky mountains to the Pacific, will be . benefited. "' Portland, the commercial and transportation , center of this great " region, : will be more directly benefited. This busi ness will at first employ hundreds of men for, many months in construct ing their plants, and then hundreds of men, permanently, who will make their homes here and. many of them will be men with families. This ot itself will add considerably to our population and volume of business. , Bat beyond this, the building here of this enormous Industry Will at tract others. It will advertise Port land as all our efforts for a year could scarcely dd. The city where Armour and Swift locate, after a careful examination of all the cities on the Pacific coast, must be. all right., people will say, must be the best city of that region, the one des tined to pre-eminence. . So other big capitalists and enterprises will fol low. ; And they will judge rightly. No clty: of the coast is so favored In point of location as Portland. ' But there will be another large re sult. "These great plants will stim ulate and hasten the construction of other transcontinental and local rail road lines to this city. The north bank road Is as good as here already. The road to Salem is finished. And others' will have to come; These big industries will hasten their coming. ;i Portland Is all right. It Is just ' beginning - to come into , its own; There are ino hard times here. The little wave off depression will soon be past and forgotten. Push and pull for Portland, for Oregon, for the Pa ' ciflc northwest. We' have the finest, most enjoyable region, and the one with the greatest opportunities on earth. There is room for everybody here but the pessimist and the knocker. it.. liitn(nn nf If la a aMrnt that I lh aha mihMn servants fur nod their , n I .hi. .a.i. i ,v- u. ju-v I the election i tne "re8ua.au. u.,CBw vwu. r7i T . Lane a great calamity to this state the union labor men, If. when Mr. Bourne was elected, tioh that ot upholding and enforc- HO 5 .n h.u the pipe dream plan had been in ef-jing the law and protecting the in- "na , . , feet there would have appeared as tarests of 200,000 people, instead of Principles Republican candidates at the prl- laboring so earnestly for lawless sa marles Mr. Bourne, Mr. Cake, Judge I loon keepers and their backers. Lowell and Judge Watson, exactly a a - laten la'to ba abaolutelv frank and Bin-1 claaned aa a nrlvllaaa-nt h. mZ,..J Htranaa: n'n'nm ' ama fr I cere, and thereby command reapuct and I the gay woman who waa nn ,A Franciaoo yeaterday that tha Buef caaa I conndenee. after whlua tha avenuea -to I ahooklng her frianda, or the purely maa had been postponed. I the affectlona will be opened as the ao-1 cullHa ,type of woman who believed in . -i a a ' i dtiKimanceiuiip . dwuuivb mum uiuui. i uguia wan capital it. Cut we ara Tha machine oolitlolana' will ha. Tha question of rights ' should not now qradlbly Informed that tha woman tba granMrs- ol lnWtinTX th."r fEE T"T!' ,lh JSaA.? nland .lawa arovarnlna their Intercourse I her claaratta hn Did It destroy all "basid I. ... , ,I;1 . . and avoid at all tlmea famUlarlty all her pnyllege. as much aa a maa, to have of aovarnmentt How n.V." XTr..-""" v'v " """."""""'.'L1?-k.. smoaa waan ana where aba m- i 1 ' . . w. vwii i i Hrro ia no uuuuuua i mh a. , . the same number and exactly the same men as did appear under the Oregon plan. Mr. Bourne would have received exactly 12,877 votes and the other candidate! would have received exactly the same, num .. silly a machine organ can become, Letters a euree to tha country. - a I much unhannlnaaa between married DftO-t I pie has had ita beginnlnge in familiarity" It ia not a pleaaant picture! ' Despite Think' of ona old servitor of ' tba I between them. Often, . without, the I the sneer of the wordly wlaa who oalla realising tne lact, tney napir i u provincial, deaptte the taunt of the RAILROAD LUMBER RATES. S T? ' . r Tl I- ' I trusts and rallroadaloarlalatlnar tnr SK . I Dartlaa rrom tne XCOpiC Uoo.OOO helpleaa people! dlaguat by lack of modeaty and of dig-1 Intolerant who will cry "goody-goody" e e i 7 ' . i . Hjiiniwn ia oiiereo. nere ana now. una can oa ariecuonate . auia i mat cigarette - smoklnar b woman Is to Oo The Jonrnal In New Orleans. h Orluna. Feb. . To the Editor of the Journal. Upon the table In the If Admiral Evans Is troubled aa wne.ean oa anecuonaie mna a-v-u Wat cigarette smoking bj : much wlX TheumaUam why didn't ha demonatratlve without being familiar unwomanly . and ruvST, r take along a lotf beeaT y nJ careleaa. The moment a maa loees thought af the best pec-plj. , taao aiong a jot or beesT respect for a woman, or a woman for a It may perchance Wome V ... ,...; .1 , man; It Is imponelbla for them to live smoke. It. will not . becon PRAPS n laiHmnn, nlnbaA i,n J .vkvu i T TTiutn ti. fflhlM In thai a a iVI, V& W 1 Mr m. wrmn rtf . WAHiatl tar a I T , tMsw -mV..nA. V.- . from the Utterances of railroad wading room of this southern hostelry, .,.; .L . tvi . manTtt Is impoaalble for them to live smoke, 'if . will not . beMmaomanly. traffic Officials on the Witness- the New Hotel Denechaud. I find occu- "n0"1 co" ?,t?,"fcC0u"tl7 together harmonloualy. All true affec- And between the two there Is a wide afan i ,! inf Jraf.fl P" conspicuous place, a bound copy and Join truat He could thus kid- tiorf la founded on respect, and contt- difference. . It ia ladylike to carry pet Stand, in the Interstate com- of the New Year-a Issue of the Oregon nap mllllona at a clatter., denca. poodles around In one's earrUae. and ber of votes they respectively re-merce commission hearing of the! Journal. The worn appearance of its - , , a j The marimonlal tragedies tna nave i to beatow on them careeaea and tlnk- i.. r. wrillomaffa. r.11Q- imK.. cover ana pagea inaicaiea wwi ... nuw wubib ao io ponsiaer .xnaws Y; m "T- ";!" i. ia lauj-im, (0 inu. mcu, uchuci uiviv aw i, ....u.wo ulut' iue.uui.au. received a thorough ana constant pe-iaesire to get out positive-proof of in-iin tne loss or rerci ior eiuor qui mi ires rresn air or heaven rrom n...- .a,iM Iiim Kaan nnmlnatoA I tnrora' raaa bava fhrnurn onniMar. n,..l T wlah tn rnnrratullta you UDOn I sanity, for about 1 A vaara? I Of the DartieS to the tragedy. OnCS I the boudoir and ateeD It In aandalwoml 7 . , . . . . w 4. . , , ... the Dobllclty which you are giving ouri a a I respect and connaence are gone laiai eeeenca and perfumed Incense. It u Just as he was nominated, not oy niaDie iigni on ine professional am- cu, ad stat Thla one Inetance Bomt) ... worriad with "hiak culmlnktldn "" of ' tbelt ' uhlon la soon I lady-like to , surround .one's-self . with mninrlt, hnf liv a minority nf his I tuda maintained hy thA rallroaii man. I ahouM nmva an Influential factor to-1 v,.... j .-a i-y.. .i I reacnaa. i aosena or sort sola cushions and to party. On election day he 'and Mr. ager. toward the Industrial develop- ZutJX WW wo n't0 ?&a ZVTJtoJ RSJ n. ".nd'-novVi: Gearln would have been voted for ment or tne Paclflc northwest. It Is and prosperous Oregon country. Tours -. 1v. an na. " 7. " J. A. PETTIT. by the people, jnst as they were I their belief that, so far as manufac- iruiy voted for, and Mr. Bourne would taring Is concerned, the natural re- Mathematlclslans, Please Answer. havA hMn elected, lust as he was I sources of this recion should be I Pnrtiund vn 11. To the Editor of elected, by a plurality of 3.121, ex- held undeveloped until some time J1, J?0TO V."I.y0U p,e" pr,nl inl AllAaalnai ill aaal 1 1 rat actlv the same as he received under I in the future when, in the Judgment! simnoa I have i solids, each it feet election. Of these Officials, Oregon resources Jft. wn eP"e r tneir oaoea wno oryan ar. Statement No. 1 In that , . uiaii, avuu ,u mii unawvury rriiuiaiiun. All in as a The Oreitonian Doling aa an aXDO-ltsar nhmnu nf auooaaa. aa It la natural I Ihlnra r. narailffa tn th. u.. nent of political virtue and civic right- f0r a man- to reaent what he considers I in the anlightened aplrlt of the times eousness causes all old residents to unwarranted eagerneas to attract bis I they do jiot belong to womanhood. . smile. . attention. .. - ... , ' . . t I It ia claimed that we are happier in Womanhood haa something to do In It Is reported that Governor Johnson I f ha mirault than In tha noaaeaalon of Iha snrM II Vanna lilf m. frfin tk. aid he liked to hear Bryan talk. Then the object of our affectlona. If this be mushy sentlmentallsm of effete and respect Jfflinaon and I ao, one muet pay .more attention to tbe I passing civilisations. It refuses to be innumeraoie ntue things wnicn con-1 hoodwinked and Jed along a path, of ly lei In at leaat one aree. " . I . i 1 . . V. .... k.nnln... I I 1 - l I . Til - - . - But after the votes were counted lean be exploited to the highest pos-U feet and J feet, respectively; they New Tork baa doga on Its police The thoughtful suitor or husband does the wilderness of desolation: it refuses there would, according to the Ore-lsible profit of the railroads. ronian. be one remarkable differ-1 If there Is timber -elsewhere that Hiza to a mathematical toint at the ver ence. Mark it well, for it Is the can be manufactured into lumber tex. its cross sections being eclipses of Oregonlan's discovery: Under the products and delivered more advan- nlnA Hraam nlan Mr I a. i , i. . ... T j, i . . . . . . .... . I i . - a . . lis. uui x uifu t, auu w. nave oeen "tne people s cnqice, ' DUtimmoer manufacturing ougni to M ' j. beSK, 63 North Tenth Street under the system by which he was neid in abeyance until tbe timber elected he is not. . elsewhere has been manufactured Tkey Consider Htm Crazy, Of course the plan by which to and disposed of. r f have equal bases, but one is of uniform force but a few mad dogs lnWall street not wait to be reminded of little courte- to abate one Jot of ita neaven-born prlv else throughout, the other diminishes In and along Fifth avenue might be an ales and kindnesses that express so ilege and honor for fear ' of being iuiviii.ui.ui, mucn to uia recipient. i tnougnt provincial or counirmea. ,f c ourse THE PIPE DREAM METHOD. BECAUSE IT is spokesman for the politicians who propose, if possible, to elect a legislature . that will take away from, the people their right to nominate can didates in the primaries, their right , to select senator, their right to make laws and their right to veto laws and ' appropriations, the Oregonlan has frequently to be mentioned In , these columns. That paper's known distrufet of the plain people is of record in many of Its late editorials. Yet It'" is out with an argument against Statement No. l, claiming that method ot . selecting senator does " not secure the "people's 1, choice." . Remembering that the pa per hates anything 'savoring of "the people's choice"4 as the devil hates ' holy water, its objection to a meas ure on the ground that it does not secure ; "the people's choice"' is an v immense hit in. comic opera. It says: "The Statement No. :i system of v electing senator, by the people does not secure the people's choice i and is humbug.' - Then every attempt, by every plan of nomination or election, does not secure "the people's, choice" and Is humbug.' Every governor, every secretary of state or other officer that haa been nominated by a con vention was nominated by a minor ity. Is the Oregonlan insane enough to deny it? If nominated ty a mi-" .' xtority, by- the Oregonlan' , reason ing, no candidate ever: elected after such nomination' became "the peo ple's ' choice." " Thus " the objection It offers to the Statement No. I sys tem applies with equal and often 'with tremendously greater force to every known method. . - - Bnt the Oregonlan protests that it Tavors direct election by that.' far away, pipe dream plan, to be pro- Tided for by constitutional amend- liirnt, yet to be secured. 'Whatever U true of the Statement No. -1 plan - m , .f . -Kt 't' ;: v;iu, From the Washington Post Representative Edwards of Georgia. new member. Is much exercised over what he considers a waste of time in the house in talking about revising the laws, when there are so many matters secure tbe real article in the way of C. H. Markham, when general "the people's choice" Is to have the manager of the Southern Paclflc legislature elect. That Is the plan lines. In Oregon, put in a rate of for which the devoted "people's 3.10 per ton on Willamette valley choice" band, led by the Oregonlan, lumfcer shipped to San Francisco is striving for. A legislative elec- and .bay points. The rate enccrhr- tion of senator means that, out of aged mill men to build up the lum-1 pending that would benefit the , "plain more than 90,000 voters in Oregon I berlng Industry and invest money people. Yesterday he introduced a res. . - I 1 fllntlAH WA n vm ak I wMaaewfenaataaa VA aVaa.1' nflVXTM 90 men do the choosing. Is not In timber along these lines. Ita that "the nennle's rhnlr-e" for vou? I Increased the revenue nf tha rail, latead of noon, as follows: Senator Fulton was chosen by 46 road enormously and placed it on a Lauerrth men; Bourne by the votes of forty profitable basis. When Markham sion should consider, particularly should odd thousand. When McBrlde. passed on and Traffic Director J. C. .omeTcUon to r.iie'v. 'tne stringtst after Dolph's assassination, was Stubbs came upon the scene he as- money situation and to restore confi elected., he was the "choice" of 47 serted that his predecessor had ""-to!. people. When a selection like made a mistake in establishing the are suffering from the panic that Is that and made like that is set up as $3.10, rate, and gave as his reason 7n"dI-' be done for rV- "the oeoDle's choice" it is time for that "Oregon lumber should have lief: and. mnnkevn to turn nale and for oar- waited until the denreflnn nf other .. "Whereas. The house of representa- rots to weep. HARRIMAN'S VICTIMS. T HREE PEOPLE killed and 28 injured, .this time right at home. Hence we notice and feel it more. It happened on a Harriman . railroad, near Forest Grove. An old, light, rottep rail, long ago unfit for use, broke, or split, and several cars tumbled over Into a gulch. The train crew ws careful, at least was running slowly. But the-"accident" was long over due. A similar, one Is likely to hap pen any day anywhere on a large portion ot the Harriman lines in Oregon. The roadbed Is out of repair The rails are antiquated. Harriman can not afford to buy new rails, and if he did, the bloated steel trust, that governs the country to a great ex tent, will sell him poor ones at an extortionate price. He cannot af ford to hire even common workmen to repair or watch his roads. He has lately discharged thousands of them. Tens of thousands of men want work, but Harriman sends out trains whose passengers must risk their lives to ride. ' Harriman can't keep his roads in Oregon, in a safe condition, although In 10 years he has ma.de $30,000,000 net profits out of the people of this state. He Is building a $4,000,000 mansion, yet his parsimony causes the death of a woman and her baby. and a man, and maims many. Yet now he and other railroad magnates are combined to starve workingmen and scare voters by refusing to build and improve, and they charge the people with hostility , because they Insist on government regulation of railroads.' ' LAWBREAKING SALOON KEEP ERS HAVE FRIENDS IN a THE COUNCIL. W HAT IS the majority of the council and of the liquor li cense committee" up " ' to? Some of their actions " are curious, and need explaining. A dive la North Portland that for years has been unfit to exist and has been proven a thieves' resort vis; taken away from Its proprietor only- to be turned over to his bartender-- mere subterfuge, as everybody can see. A combination saloon and theatre,' wiih women '.''rustlers," running In plain defiance of the law for months; is whitewashed and.,; tolerated. It was lately reported that a' lot of licenses of men.who were persistent tlvpa hifa hppn In neaslnn now for mora forests, when it would have brought than SO days and haa accomplished ab- better nrlces and nald better rates' " alutely nothing along these lines, but oetier prices ana paia peuer rates. lnBteaa u , kuilng time upon matters uommeniing upon tnis View of tne that are not nearly so vital; therefore, question . counsel for the lumbermen be..80lv,a That " 9 O.clock ln th. In the Willamette valley rate case morning be fixed as the hour for con before the Interstate commerce com- yening -instead ot li o'clock noon, and , .. , . . ,. . that for onfe hour, from 1 until 2. be mission truthfully declares that it allowed for lunch, and that the house does not tend to encourage a more r'maln In session until 6 o'clock In the ., , . afternoon, or later, If necessary, in kindly feeling among the people of order that we may get down to work, Oregon to be advised by the vice- ao something for the country, and ad- presldent and traffic director of the transportation system which claims this state as .'Its territory,' that it is a bad thing to develop its natural resources and that we should wait Mourn before hot weather comes on." A Bugle Call to Duty. From the Dea Moines Capital. President-Roosevelt has been the tar get of. the Washlngtonians ever since he entered office. He has been accused until other forests are depleted and J "."YiP h!?i favorlt nd chums, and ours would be worth more and they were accused. He has been could pay a better freight rate; a w"n enlarging his list or "un- ,, . ... .' . I desirable cltixens" from those who dls- policy that would make of the state like him most His latest message urg- a great preserve ta be exploited at ,n. nBW jws ror tne control ot corpo- . . . rations, especially railways, has caused the pleasure and as it best suited him to be a new target for gossip on the the wishes of those ln control of our Part ot th Washington office-holders ,. , ,.,..,,, Tt , or those who desire to hold office. His only means of transportation. It is message was so vigorous that he was this same policy which has kent the immediately accused of making a last o-root omntro coot ,o n I " ""' ir. nirq ierm. ui ' " vyunvauc i those who know the president Intimate, mountains bottled un." ly know that his last message is an en. aeavor to awanen congress io tne ne- r.BBllv fif ,11111. n . .r l..l.l.tlAH .n .. iiiuittun, ivcijuuiiittu euuoriai i sist in carrying out tne work or his ad' naanolatlnn anvn nf vino-Pi-ooMur,, I ministration. He reit that congress de. u , ..t v, 8ired to Bat0 d0WI)f belng. content wUh Fairbanks. In him we see embodied what had been done. In 'other words, the perception of Lincoln, the dig- h'? message is an application of the r t- 4v. ,,j . ,T , bl stick.'' Congressmen will swear nlty Of Grant, the wisdom of Harri- beneath their breath, but they will not son, the gentleness of McKinley and rerue to act, ror in their hearts they " I Irnnw lha nf aallon f lei aalavVil- TJTa the fearlessness of Roosevelt a iieveg In striking while the Iron is hot. combination of attributes that He knows that the country is with him, ... - . . -He realizes that now is the accented rounus out a man superoiy equipped time. He believes that it would be easier for tne duties and responsibilities of to secure legislation now and complete is. -hiaf 0v,,,ii nt tti,-, his work tha it will be for his successor the chief executive of the United to secure the tame from a new congress. States." What a strange thing it His heart is in his work. He knows and others ought to be curbed. He nrovi Tha anm, mav bu anld . of women. I Tha Ihlnn mrhloh nrnrwtrlv halnna tn A Primary law does not SDOlI the I Thn. who. ara unaalflsh and thourht- vnmnnhnnif ara tha ihlnra whirh Kara market for machine Oil, says an Iowa I fill of those whose lov they wish to I a tandanrv for httrmnt. Thra ara paper, cut ir. tne people are awatce tne win and keep can succeed witnout many such. The world Is not a wilder oil will be wasted. arousing any suspicion that they have ness of woe to the pure minded. There a a designs. If they are careful never to are abundant blessings and prlvllean AH a white man has to do In Georgia, neglect the performance of the -offices to be had on every side without en says a correspondent. Is to join a club, prompted by loving kindness. croachlng on the domain of the doubt- no worua neea apuarii, uui in nt- i iui pleasures, ur uiuso wnicn iiava . a tiona prove that the fullness Of the I hidden atinar. heart prompts the attentions bestowed. I The cynic says that It Is foolish to Sometimes women torget themaelves I tell women not to smoke. He says that and publicly express so much, if their I the only way Is to tell them that they reelings are enustea, tnat tney cause embarrassment. This sort of thing comes under the head of immodesty, and should be carefully avoided by women. One likes to feel that tha old-time -W no ,0 .v JU.U t V-l II I, admission one cent, and receive a card with run instructions on tha back. . a a According to the Oregonlan. all Re publicans who don't vote to revive ma chine politics, or who ever vote for a Democrat, have "souls of geese." So they may hiss, this rabid abuse. .a a " A Sacramento pacheior called ror a may and then they will not want to. The cynic often casts slurs on tha gentler sex. let deep in nis neart, Jie. as Well aa other men. cherishes a pro found admiration for real womanhood. The reason that a man does not Ilka to number ana a woman s voice told him custom of men making ell the advances . a woman smoktna- nor wearlna a to -come home right away and bring toward women of their choice was and I dorby. nor going in for masculine fadn some milk and eggs. Then be swore at la the proper way of wooing. It seems la that ha dislikes a poor imitation; of tne neiio gin, tor.wnicn ne . was uneu more in Keeping witn me moaesty so i himself. attractive in women, ana, oeyona ques-1 Men are able to ao tne masculine tlon. such marriages are happier. (things that-the world needs to have - . i i. in I dnn. Thra la no one to do the Wom- ' ar a-i a a Jt I anlv thinars but the women, and It Will jVlrfl. Uddv 111 LiOnCOrd be a thousand pities if woman. Is to j i hniitti. hArir mm renia lmiration nf mnar-iillnltv. Smoklnar is a fad. It Speaking of Mrs. Eddy's removal I cannot become a general. bablt without N. H.. to Boston, the the concurrence or tne majority - oj i 120. That judge had no proper Der cejtion of his provocation. Mighty few people want to "return to the old way of electing United States senators." Pendleton Tribune. No, there are quite a good many of them, tney nave and several valiant news- utLLrcr .uytwiicis, uiio ui Trillin jb ina iiviu wuvui u, u. m tfwivui ii' , . . . . . ..v. Tribune, notwlthatandlng Ita protests. Concord Patr,ot ay.: -Mrs. Eddy was Oregon SideligLtj loved ln Concord, and she takes with her tbe abiding affection of our people, not 'because of what she has, nor sol It at Housekeeping Hints. will be that this man will not be nominated unanimously. But there are some things the Indiana editors did not mention. Fairbanks' rec ord in finance and politics would give Bryan a walkover. It develops, as might have been expected, that union labor men are In favor of 'the Drimarv law and Statamcnf Vn 1 Thfiv annrohonH . . trown wo a enoeavor; kvuiuuivu. j v i Ana points out, as only he can, the' meanness of these millionaire swindlers. His mes sage is a bugle call to duty a fire bell In. the night. This latest message is the president's most vigorous utterance; It is a literary masterpiece. Jt will ac complish much for the country. The Coming Age. It will be ripe in reason, It will be strong In love , The newer time, the better time. the situation correctly and clearly. Under the former machine and boss atrstam wnrlrlntrmon had . spnrfplv -I i. ti,. ,nMmaB, nf Tl earth will yield Its fruitage to tbe more voice ln the government of I hands thaA-aiva tha toil?- annn nf InV will rini from j.rth an1 foci n H tn roalma BhAua ' I When men shall learn to live in love together. " state, oounty or city than so rdany dray horses. Undefthe primary law they have as much voice as any-equal number of other people. They will help maintain the law. The Washington ; Post has ex pended much effort "and s money to lay the foundation for a guess as toll the next Republican nominee for president and says it will be Hughes, on the fourth ballot, Taft lacking a large number of the necessary votes to nominate. It would not be sur prising if it turned out that way, in which case the Post would be coa- In the-fuller time, the truer time, toward which tha day Is . break ing; And Greed no longer, leagued with rower, snail claim the tyrant's spoil. Nor Want shall stagger o'er the graves she's making. No more shall children labor to dwarf the limb and soul, In the gladder time, ihe brighter time, for which the world Is wait lng; Their holy feet shall press the flowers, not strive to win the' goal, Adown the murderous mart of man's . creating. - And thought will grow potent, and .. man be more like God, In the clearer time, the purer time, the Heaven to earth descending. From Tha Public , Many homeeeekers are arriving at much, because of what aha has done. REAM Is often regarded as rather a Mermision. I nor so mucn, oecauso 01 wwi ino i luxury in ivwm, , i pectatlons entertained by tne people or j however, an excellent and cheap j wneai never looxea oeuer in eastern i uoncora as to wn in uu luiuru, mm i . m.i.- . i .-.i.t ..na i n,. I. r.h.,,..v anla-ht h.n ilnna hut almost whnllv. I luoauiuw. v.ou -""a"" .vw. ......... I , ,4 , ..u..i n,.an. a ror wnat sne is; ior tne oroaa cainoiio i pan, nnas ii m tum -i' w v One Imbler. Union county hound has Plri.t that has, marked her life atYiongst the milk from burning, then pour In one killed IS coyote, this winter. iZrUl" StTltSS ? nL ?- P. S??t .VS ihl a I1 . . Biuvts. noai ,nu; """''"" Y." T .,,, . ... . , i or ma general guou, owauao ot ncr Dont 0 boiling; meanwnne wen oaai Gilliam county farmers think they see i ...Sin... n. wfiiinarnaaa tn run-1 r" ' . k. fira ,nJ big money in raising more stock. ' tribute to every need; because of her S.ir thi : In aently. Beat carefully " I public spiriteaness; DecauBe 01 ner a0P ft ,ew minutes, pour Into a Jug, ana Tha T.akavlaw EWo minor rnlla tha al. I manlfatd. ever-Dresent J Interest ln I ... .,ii vlH . '- : tor of the Silver Lake Central Oregonlan I Concord, ln Concord's welfare and In the "rhe 8tock pot la tha mainspring of a i a "heteroprosopua." I welfare and good name of tha old I w,u managed kitchen, In It should be I a . Granite etates . I collected bones, poultry, trimmings ana Mr. and Mrs. James Dannals of Al- "I1 Pi"' "7"" ""i" Tegetables, ror any scrap is woome. bany celebrated the 65th anniversary of 5",""tV""n"fiu ? ,?-Mt,yh"h.,e"-t",7 put thousands and thousands of dollars I no lack of soup, gravy and sauces I inra i 'nnpfirn bwi raa.vai as. nun uia n aiucu i a a ivia a. i,aa aarxai aranriv vninr: it . in Thousands of hides are shinned vaar- I m,r mnnlHnal and state institutions: I it'. i-...j.nS, f ih.m all ly from Umatilla county to California, when any calamity came upon any part To frMnen stale cake, dip It fosra Why not a local tannery? . lof the country,. she has ever been the -econd in cold mUk and then rebake It I a inrst to msae nuerai cuuuhpuuuii, . n ..rather cool oven. UaKT inai Ml rr.iL . . i . I .).- that rnnrnril ,anil Nw Hamnshlra I , - j .vi. .-nx, will taata a I proved the Port Orford agate beach, and n,r?t 6Cond J? n? S,tZ.Er ".tai6' in if It has been newly baked and may be there seems to be a limitless suddIv. marks of generosity and humanity. .-ten by any one. Stale bread may - . iiuta, nniv haa Mra H.nnv nann srnn-I . . . . i .v. ne treaiea in ario tt a.j . their, wedding Monday. a a Knt onlv has Mrs. Eddy been gen- I " J U.. - l W1I. K.it I li" ' The La Grande flouring mill com- Kr.kilYrSa -What toj tha mnat menced grinding Monday 'and enters .""rl'tl .V -h- h. upon a long, continuous run, day and given and given, when and where no nl"t . I one knew, given whenever and wherever Sne WU nilllivu anu v.nn fcim. uj Corvallls Times: Are we mossbacka? j giving, she would relieve suffering, ad- vi ' a wvriuy ' uuuan, effort or stimulate Are we going to let the opportunity for vance'the Jnteresta a fruit cannery slip? Can Monroe do promote a. worthy something that Corvallis-can't do? Cor- one with' a proper I I","" W...U uciiuuvilllH ICIIIlVia BIV I On. UI1 1.1 i,i e a Tha hope' of all our people Is that l ill An A . naaa mnA unmfnrt anH A couple married last week In Vale hannlnesa and blessings there, and that were lovers in their youth, but had her service to mankind will be con- tfrifted apart, had both married and tlnued for many years to come, . and had families. Both losf their spouso they have no doubt about It, because and came together again after SO years they know' that by a life of singleness of separation. of purpose, concentration of effort, un- a ' a uniiilna tnll. aarnAHtness in davntlnn. Huntington Herald: Last weak a and' absolute concentration to well- gang ,of workmen completed the three doing she has earned the right to all miles of track upon which they were at I these things." wore upon me oiitute river roaa. xnis takes the rails to within three miles of the Gyp mines. a . a . Medford's Dos toff Ice has lonar since I November 8. 1822. passea tne requirea iu,uuo annual re- It It It ' ' The Housekeeper's Hint. BREAKFAST. , Grapefruit Scrambled Bgge." Fried Hominy with Maple Syrup. Rolls. Coffee. ambition to Btruggla CUrn Bouillon. Macaroni with Tomatoes. Corn Fritters, orange jeiiy. Tea. Cocoa. DINNER. Rlea Tomato Soup. - wxaat r-VitoV-n mhlat Oravy. Stuffed Potatoes. Pea and Pecan Salad. Peach Pudding, Lemon Sauce. Cheese. , Coffee. Oregon Victimized, rrom tha La Grande Observer, i, v Poor Oregon! How aha has suffered Thi. Tiai In TTIarpy. ot late years in being represenioa ... . - l..a I nnnirresa bv delenatlona that have, perr I lB0 v;nanesA. dwouou uiea. norn 71. ' .i, ovember s. ina. . miitea "V1-" VC, 1689 William and Mary enthroned in ments to cause such deep breaches that li. .A ....... . j- . ' I tha .lata haa lnat Ita 11 n Ilea BirBIlMtiw valuta iiccoewij w Dct;uia iico 1111X11 ue- I JCHKlHUU. . . . , A , . , , ,. . livery. The receipts for the year ending 1760 The British warship Ramlllies, During the , Slmon-MltcheU relgnour January Si, 1908, total ii.ol.S5. Each I with crew or uu, saiiea rrom i-iymoutn aeiegauon was uiviuw -: month sees an Increase of SB ner cent I on a. v.ivoee that ended ln a wreck and to the present time. What ao tne great over the receipts of the same month a the loss of all on board except two. f majority Of the voters and Business in year ago. 1805 David Dudley Field, American terests of : this great state rtne . - - I lawyer, norn. . liuu April in, xova. I w uii, wiiot.iicir ni,. m u..v. . 1L a. -ir. ..a T mnntha turn T 1 iwkm.M i 111, Pnmmrunra lauiai Hull li. 8 N tha mirna una oirice. or wutiun jui. the chicken lancier or Philomath filled I died. Born oiarcn . i i. an nnipr from Honolulu for twn hona I i A Richara Wagner, a musical and one cockerel from his band of se- composer, dledX ' Born May 22, 181S. lect Hamburg Recently he received 1889 Oreat- fire at Brandon, Manl- tooa. 1891 Admiral David D. Porter died. Born June -, im. from the same quarter an order for 12 hens and a cockerel. ' Grain -is selllnir for three cents a pound in Sliver Lake, says the Central Oregonlan. Although an excellent crop was raised ln this valley last year by all who had sown grain, the acreas-a seeded was not sufficient to Droduca enona'h to aupply the home demand, but more will De raisea mis year. k Twenty new houses are now contem plated for Brownsville this year. ' One has already been built, the foundation for another la being prepared, and Just as soon aa the latter Is completed work will be commenced on another house near it. Besides all this, numerous 1m- ?revements and additions will ba made o a number of residence. a a . - Heppner Times: The - majority of Morrow county farmers think tha year 1908 will be nearly If not quite aa pros, perous aa 1907. Although we have not had quite as much moisture up to this time as we had last year, the farmers claim' that there Is plenty of time yet for sufficient raJn to come, and that rains that fall during February, May and June are the ones that count, most for the crops....-, i :. . , Smith occupies that position, provided both men are ouaimea. i move one of the greatest obstacles that under present conditions destroys much of the usefulness of sour lawmakers if these offices were elective, or appoint ive, or rather, the recommending; power waa lert to a commissi. ,, w " i . i Hiu.j thla WArrtf ipanese. ... i gauon wouia w ii" .i..;.,ir 1906 Nortnwestern states swept py ana respansioimy. wr vera bllssard. - been ulong the line that unless a sen ator or congressman could nictate ana r.... t Rithav - I deliver tne reqerai . pmm, George H. uavis mrtnaay. ..fina waa a thine- of the past. He -Major-General George B. Davis, judge-1 could be -totally void of statesmanship, aHvnnata.creneral of the United KtsJns I hut It ha pn1d deliver the OfUCeS to army, wss born February 13, 1847, at j the boys, he waa the man that was tak-l Ware, Massacnusnus. Aiwr nis graau- TS95 Chinese fleet surrendered to the Japanese. severe bllzaard. ation from West Point In 1871 he pursued a course or legal stuay at uoiumoja university. In his career or more than 80 years in the army General Davia rose through the various grades te his pres ent rank and saw service in many parts of the country. He Is regarded as one of the foremost American authorities on military and international law and has written several books dealing with those subjects. A year. ago General Davis waa one af the American representative at i the second International peace con ference held at The Hague.' :.;'.. - r' " ! Domestic Repartee. 1 Mrs. Snapper--YoU seem to think. I am nothing but a miserable Idiot. - Mr. Snapper (calmly.) Oh, , no; you ara cheerful enough. v i lng care of the interests of Oregon andl the great masses nave i wu awin by this clamor of a pack of hungry. of f ice-seekers without questioning the? soundness of their contention. .We have roast defenses, river Improvements andl such matters that are of vital Interest to thli state. 'This surplus energy that la now being wasted upon who shall be tba dictator, or tne -teaerai patronage. could well De appnea eisewnere. . ' Ringsters All Agin It. , i From the Seaside Signal. Statement No. .1 Is having a hard fight for Its life. All tha old ringsters are "agin t" tne oregonlan Is "agin. li, xne regisifra ana receivers 01 tflti land oinces are 'agin it:" the noat- masters are agin ii; ueer ia agin It, auiu wen luaia cuuugoi v j