The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 12, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Collects on Cut-Throat Con
; tract Because Company's
. Agent Was Napping. .
' : (Special Dispetoe to Tfc Journal.)
' Olympia, Wash- Feb. 1J. A decision
of Importance to freight shippers and
transportation Mnes liu Men handed
down' by the supreme -court In the
pokan case of W. 11 Harris, nrspond-
. mt, Vl.'(irfM jsoruern luuiway cum-
. pany, appellant.
.. Hitrrla aoAd the com nan T for 11.454.10
tba alleged value or c of house-
bold roods destroyed by fire while in
nhinmmt from Somers. Montana, to
fpokano. Tho company In dpfenao cited
.the fact that it publishes two rates on
- household goods, the lesser rate oarry-
Inr with It the aarrement that the rail
' road's liability shall not exceed 5 per
hundred-weight. I'nder this rule tne
' railroad nwd Harris only 1214, aa ha
' . had been char (red the lower rate, in tbe
trial Harris denied that the reduced lla-
y blllty bad been mentioned by tne rail
road agent or agreed to by himself, and
the Jury found In bla favor for I1.1M 8S.
The supreme court afflims this Judg-
. inent on the around that the railroad's
rule In publishing the rata provides that
the reduced liability shall apply upon la
uance of a receipt by the company.
There was no evidence that tbe receipt
bad been issued.
' Martin Tranner of Mavo Lake Puts
K Up Fight Against the
JT j 1 Officers.
. .uj.ii: ,. ,
Milwaukee Bailroad Engi
neer Makes Discovery in
Johnson Canyon.
, (Special Dispatch to Tba Jon rail J
EUenaburc. Feb. 11. O.. M, Rica, I
division enrlneer for the Chicago, Mil
waukee A St Paul baa found a stone in
Johnson canyon, pronounced by Jewelers
of Seattle and scientists of the Uni
versity of Washington to be a diamond.
The atone Is now being polished and
Along with this story goes the story
of the finding of a diamond In the We
natchee valley yoars ago. A civil engi
neer on the Great Northern survey
While working near Wenatchee picked1
up a atone which attracted his atten
tion. He carrlud it In his Docket for a
couple or years and on his return 10
New York sent It to Tiffany", the lead
ing Jewelers and diamond expert of
tba world. After investigation they
pronounced the atone a diamond with a
value or idoo. The young engineer re
turned to the Wenatchoo country and
pent 13.000 or 14.000 In a vain searcn
for more. Persons conversant with
geology say the conditions in Johnson
canyon are Ideal for diamond
cnirn rflnM qatarrh optuNtts
Ban Throat Develop Into BronoMtli.
Mrs. Addle Harding, 121 W. Brighton
Are, Syraouae, N. Y., writes i I hare
been user of Peruna for the past
.'j?-. ' (Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
, v New -Westminster, B. C. Feb. II.
Driven 1 violently Insane by tha awful
' loneliness -and attendant melancholia
. of the far northern surroundings. Cap
tain William Williamson, once a deep
sea captain, but latterly a marten trap
per at Mayor lake, Stuart river, has coat
a smaii fortune to oring aown ior in
carceration at the Westminster asylum
reaching here yesterday under guard
. of three men, one of whom. Corporal
Mnnley, of the royal northweat mounted
police, iraveiea wun me lunauc irotu
Dawson down.
Williamson was discovered raving
mad In bis lonely cabin in the nortaern
Interior by a party of trappers, who
managed to take him to Dawson, where
he was placed In the hospital. He cre
ated a' great sensation In the mining
town by escaping from the sanitarium
in broad daylight, clad In but the. thin
nest of garments. Recaptured after
chase. In which almost every officer of
tne law in Dawson iook pari, it was ae
rified to bring him south to this plaoe.
Three men were detailed for the task,
but when but SO miles of tha Journey
had been covered. Williamson again es
caped, making his way into the bush,
where five days and nights he was fol
lowed by Tom Keough, who biased a
trail for tha guidance of the rescue
party. '
.When assistance arrived the lunatic
was surrounded 'by to husky officers,
but In spite of this, it was over an hour
before he could be overpowered, he using
a heavy pine club aa a weapon to such
enod enact that 1 tnree men naa arms
broken when the-fray waa over. Safely
New Cruiser Will Be Tested
Off isew England Coast
This Week.
i Hi
W K. .:V. .:::: 1B HSJ I V v.' v..
a n -i mm
h 4 i
A u 1.1
Kra. Addle Harding.
pinioned, -tbe demented man again start
ed on his Journey with an augmented
escort, wblcb managed to keep him un
der control for the remainder of the
Jouraey, 'although- three separata at
tempts were made by Williamson to
break away, one of these being on tba
boat a abort distance out of Vancouver.
MAT .. :..
v, .
t " ' (Special Dispatch to "The Journal.)
Olympla, Wash., Feb. 12. The Har
rlman railroad interests acquire perfect
title to a valuable tract of land to be
used in connection with terminal
grounds at Smith's cove, near Seattle,
Dr a oecision or me supreme couru
.William Johnson, 76 years old, who
squatted On the tract in 1883, quit
claimed two years ago, entering into a
lease of another portion, recognized the
title of H. 8. Conner. The railroad in
terests also bad conveyances from Dr.
jri. a. bnuu, wno iiiea a nomesieaa on
the land prior to the time Johnson
aouatted on It. Johnson claimed the
quitclaim was acquired by, fraud upon
hire ana mat tne nature or toe lease
was misrepresented to him. Ha sued to
quiet title In himself.
The supreme court holds that Johnson
bad acquired title as against Dr. Smith
by adverse possession for more than
, 14 years, but had legally bartered away
bla claims on the property.
; Tells of Old . and Kew Whitman.
' ; (Special Dispatch to Tha Jboraal.)
Whitman College, Walla Walla.
Waeh Feb. 12. The second number of
the present volume of the Whitman Col
lege Quarterly has Just appeared In the
shape of a pamphlet, entitled, "The Old
Whitman and the New," telling of Whit
man's past and outlining the- extensive
plans of the trustees to make Whitman
Indeed Tbe Yala of the Northwest."
Professor A. W. Hendrlck has been ap-
Iiointed by the trustees dean of the col
ege and entrusted with the campaign
that was launched with so much prom
ise some weeks ago.
There's nothing so good
throat as jjt. Thomas'
Cures it in a few hours.
pain in any part
(raited Frees teased Wire.)
Washington, Feb, 11. Much interest
Is manifested In the navy department in
the trial of the new scout cruiser
Chester, which is to take place the lat
ter part of this week off the New Eng
land coast. The Chester, with her
sister ships, the Salem and Birming
ham, ars of a type entirely new to the
American navy. The Chester is the
first to have its trial. The Birming
ham Willie tried next montn, out the
Salem has been delayed and probably
will not have Its trial run until sum
Tha Interest in the scout cruisers lies
In the fact that while all three have
the same lines, the same tonnage and
the ssme estimated speed, each bas
motive power radically different from
the other. In these tvDes of shins the
naval officers will have an excellent
chance to figure out for themselves the
relations between the turbine and the
reciprocating engines. Also the recin-
rocatlng engines may be compared with
two distinct tvnes of turblna cnalnea
and In the final analysis to be worked out
the navy department will be in a ooai-
tion to know whether the old-style re
ciprocating engine is the equal of either
the Parsons or the Curtis turblna an.
The Balem Is eauiDoed with,rep!nro-
cating engines, and the Chester haa the
farsons turoine. . When all thrwn vea-
sels have been tuned up a series of runs
win oe neia to determine their reiativa
merits. The results will probably have
considerable Influence In determining
mo ciiginocriiiK poucy oi tne navy de
partment In the matter of battleship
equipment hereafter.
United Press Leased Wire.)
. Chicago, Feb. 1J. Secretary ,of War
Taft refused last night to comment on
the result of the Republican primary
elections in Ohio today.
Columbus, Ohio, Feb. 12. The net re
sult or tne ttepuDiican primaries held
through Ohlo today was In favor of W.
H. Taft Four delegates-at-large, 18
district delegates to the national con
vention in Chicago, and a list of dele
gates to tbe state convention to be held
March S, which wtll be unanimously
In his favor: were selected.
-No opposition worth mentioning de
veloped during the day. The supreme
court destroyed all chances of success
by the Foraker element in Cuyahoga
county by declaring the Taft county
committees was the only valid organ
ization of Its kind in that county, and
the selection of delegates went by de
fault, no tlcketlelng placed In the field
against the Taft candidates.
twelve years. With" me it Is a sure pre
ventive of colds and many other Ills.
"Two or three times a year I , am
troubled with my throat a kind of raw
feeling, turning to bronchitis. I. .have
had the services of my physician In each
case. Two years ago. when I felt a
spell coming I tried Peruna to check
it and to my delight was not troubled
with the smothered and choking feeling
and never have been since. I can check
it every time with Peruna,"
Chronic Bronchitis.
Mrs. K. T. Chomer of B24 Emerald
Ave., Chicago, 111., writes;-
"Our boy had a cough that sounded
like an old man's, lost his appetite, was
restless in his sleep.
"I suggested that we give him Peruna
(we had It in the house, but had never
given him any before). From the first
day we gave him Peruna he began im
proving. That was a month ago. He
can go out now and there Is no danger
of his taking cold, for we give him a
dose of Peruna before he goes out and
when be comes in. It Is the first time
in two years that he has been without a
cough. He has had chronic bronchitis
for two years, but he is better of that
too. ,
"I can, have and will recommend Pe-;
runa to my best ability. ' i
' J -
Jars, Virginia Caviaaaw
Chronic Catarrh of Throat and Longs
Mrs. Virginia Cavtana, room ?J. Cam
bridge block, Portland, -Or., .writes:
"I was a sufferer with catarrh of the
throat and lungs for a long time before
Peruna was , reoommended to me. I
gave it a trial, although I thought at
h tima it would be Just like other
.ilnlTiu anil An Ma no good. I WSS
plaaaed to Bad that toT Improvement
began In less thtn two weeks and con
tinued until I was entirely weu. J
sained nearly II pounds, have a splen
did appetite and am grateful for what
your medicine has done for me.
Coughed Nearly All Her Life,
Vra. 8. J. Kounts. 1011 Bcovel St,
Nashville. Tenn., writes:
-I have had a very bad cough nearly
all my Ufa, and I am 4S years old. I
have taken almost every kind of cough
medicine that has ever been made, but
none did me much good. 1 would have
anella of coughing that I thought I
would cough myself to death. I took
Peruna, and last winter ana mis winter
I have had no cough, and 1 know that
Peruna cured me.
"T was always thin and delicate, very
easr to catch cold, and I very naturally
draaded tha winter time, out i sun wen
now and enjoying good health,
that I owe It all to Peruna."
Ve-ra-aa Tablets can now be obtained
by those who prefer solid medicine.
for a sore
Eclectrlo Oil.
Relieves any j commissioners.
(Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.)
Astoria, Or., Feb. 12. Fish Warden
Van Dusen has received from the O. K.
& N. company a lease to the property
on Turner creek, near Bonneville, which
the atate fisheries department desires
as a site for the establishment of a
large central salmon hatchery and of a
system of retaining ponds where the
small fry can bo fed and kept until
large enough to protect- themselves
against their numerous natural enemies
before being turned out. The lease was
forwarded today to Attorney-General
Crawford for examination so that It
can be submitted for approval at tba
next meeting of the state board of fish
Former Secretary Opens
Campaign Two Hours Af
ter Resigning. Position.
(Catted Press Leased Wire.)
Marshall. Mich., Feb. 12. TwO hour
ftr he ha 1 resigned last night as
president of the Carnegie Trust com
pany of New York. Leslie M. tsnaw, for
mer secretary of the treasury,- opened
his presidential campaign, lie resigned
at 8 o'clock, ana two nours iaver nv
tha Initial address of the cam'
talan before tne HepuDiican ciuo vi
his city.
London. Feb. 12. A little band of un
employed men who have marched all
the way from Manchester started on
the last lap of their journey this after
noon. . .
Their destination Is Windsor, where
they propose to take possession of a por
tion of the great Royal Park. It Is their
purpose to build cottages ana iarm tno
lands which surround the castle of the
king. The demonstrarts nope to ootain
their desires peacefully.
While shoes are always'
a necessity, you have the
feeling and the satisfac
; tion of getting real lux-
uries when you take ad- T
vantage of
sales. ' . T' '
. Fine - shoes' at these '
prices is not a frequent
$4 Shoes now $2.85.
(Special Dispatch to -The Journal.)
Salem. Or.. Feb. 12 The railroad com
mission is in receipt of a letter from
Assistant General Solicitor Fernald of
the Pullman company in Chicago, reply
ing to a letter sent from the commission
setting I or in tne complaint oi ur.
Esther Pohl. health officer of Portland.
In regard to the condition of tbe termin
al yards in tne latter city, stating that
Dr. Cowden, sanitary inspector for the
company, will go to .rortiana at tne
earliest opportunity and confer with
Dr. PohL
George Meredith's 80th Birthday.
' (United' Press Leased Wire.)
London, Feb. 12. George Meredith,
who In the opinion of many Is entitled
o the highest place in Engnsn notion,
ras 80 years, old today. A distinguished
eputatfon conveyed to him the con-
f ratuiations Bociety or.Autnors.
n a pretty little home In the Surrey
hills Mr. Meredith- is spending-his- old
age In almost as good ' Health and
spirits as he Knew in nis -prime. &ntnu- ;
slasm far outdoor sports has appar-:
literary career began hack in the early
'tua, ires rrom tne arructions tnat oeset
the author whose life Is wholly seden
tary. , . ...-,-,.., .,-,..
(Special Dispatch to Tha Journal.)
Olvmnia. Wash.. Feb. 12. The su
preme court has denied a rehearing and
Issued Us final order In the action test
ing the constitutionality of the act of
tne last legislature ureaniiK ma new
county , of Grays Harbor. The court,
having found the law unconstitutional.
Issues a nermanent injunction .restrain
ing the superior courts of Pacific, Lew
Is and Wahkiakum counties from taking
any steps to divide Chehalls county or
create the new county.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Balem. Or., Feb. 12. The Business
Men's league has renewed its fight for
cheaper gas. A committee composed of
Jj J. Ty, cnaries n. ninges ana xiai
D. Patton was appointed last night to
secure the passage of an ordinance re
ducing tne price oi gas irora 13 per
1,000 to 11.
Philander, C. Knox Delivers
Address Before Kalama
zoo Lincoln Club.
(United Press Leased Wirt.)
Kalamasoo, Mich. Feb. 12. Philander
C. Knox. In an address before the Lincoln
club here last night, outlined the light
which led up to federal control of the
railroads. '
Mr. Knox first told of the days of
state control and the trouble which con
fronted the railroads. He explained
that it was upon petition of the roads
themselves that the government first
took steps to control Interstate trans
Abuses finally arew out of existing
conditions and tne roaas,
member the days of their
falling to re-
own ODorea-
sion, commenced unfair dealing with
the people. Then the publlo appealed
to the government for aid and the
interstate commerce commission waa
the result. Later other acts were put
In effect and now. the speaker declared,
the roads themselves, or such of them
aa are fair, admit that the legislation
has been for the best of ell. public and
roads alike.
On Threshold of Fortune.
Just as the miners employed by the
Denny Dulin Mining company reached
a depth of 105 feet in the incline shaft
that is being sunk, they discovered
what - they bad been looking for many
months a vast body of ore that car
ries from 115 to 175 per ton. At that
moment, unfortunately, the funds of
the company were insufficient to con
tinue the work and It stopped. A group
of Portland men, following a careful
investigation, took over the properties.
placed a limited number of shares of
treasury ctock upon the local market.
and are said to he rapidly accumulat-
ng a development fund that will make
the Denny Dulln a dividend-paying In
vestment In a short time.
This comnany has lust moved its of
fices to 31 Mallory building. 268 Stark
street. The stock is being sold at 10
cents a snare Alex Bweeic or poruana
is presiaent or tne company.
Curie lor Drunkenness
Orrine Treatment to Be Used
Home Without Publicity, or Loss
of Time From v Business.
W 165-163 Third St.
Wisconsin for Bryan. . v
- 1 MTnlUS Pmu Iau Win 4
Milwaukee. Wis.. Feb. ia.The city is
rapidly filling with delegates and
y.i!L15.or,i to. .th Democratic ' state con-
WS,11 nat delegates at
large to the national convention. The
n the Davidson
islet of
convention will meet I
JSiJtl?L,H f Lth J?1" o' the Demo.
h. .1 . 1uon "r the year,
I? VnLtL1??" f,?ra Wlshnslnwll
go to Denver instructed to suDoort the
candidacy of William J. Bryeafo? the
presidential nomlnauoi 5iSs to ie
joregone conclusion, - . f '
The best aid to temperance is some
thing that will strengthen the drunk
ard's wrecked nervous system and cure
his unnatural craving for drink.' s We
believe-that any man who really desires
to he cured of the liquor habit can cure
himself by using Orrine. This re
markable treatment has made so many
cures that we ars glad to sell it under
an absolute guarantee to refund tne
money if it does not oure.,
. It is in two forms; No. 1 that can be
given secretly, and JNo, 2 t or those who
wish to be cured.. It is not only the
most reliable treatment known, but it is
also the most economical as it costs
only II a box and there Is no detention
from the usual duties, while If. a cure
IS not effected, there Is no expense
whatever. Mall orders filled oh receipt
of price in plain sealed package. Write
for free booklet.' The Orrine Co, "Wash
Ingtoo. D. C. or Clarke-Woodward Drug
Co, end. nearly aU'druggls in Portland.
Liquor Seller Heavily Fined,
Carter of Toledo haa been fined $350
for selling Intoxicating liquors without
a license. He cleaned arulltv whan
brought before Judge Harris. W. S.
McFadden appeared as prosecutor. This
was ur. carters second offense.
Watch for It.
Tomorrow you will have an Immense
wnoiesaie stoca or men s, women s and
children's clothing to be bought for a
song. Read today's half-page announcement
(Special Dirpatcb to The Tonmal.)
Balem. Or.. Feb. 12 The Oregon Elec
tric company has petitioned the railroad
commission for a suspension of the de
murrage provision of. the railroad com
mission act for30 days. The company
claims that they are not, as yet, In a
position to handle all of the freight
which Is offered to them as they have,
at this time, only a few flat cars. They
assert, however, that they will do their
best to haul all freight offered them
between here and Portland,
New Tork. Feb. 12. It waa Immic.,1
late tonight that the federal grand jury
which is. investigating the affairs of cer-
iiuji ucuno tank evuiiif voieu
five indictments. Three of these in.
dictments, . It . f was , authoritatively
stated, make charges against Charles
W. Morse, and" former of ifclar of the
National Bank .of North America.' far
over-certification and misapplication of
fund. Two of those voted. It is said,
were against Charles W. Morse, one on
each eharare. and tha other against his
associate.. -?- --s
Mr. Morse, who Is due to arrive here
on the. steamer Etrurla from Liverpool
Nallian's Ventilating
Ankle Sapportcrs.
The proper thing for man, wo
man or child who is, suffering
with weak ankles; cool; t per
fectly and a great M nr
help; per pair. ...... t I a-iJ
Bath Towels; Wanted -Youno Men
The "Woodlark" :
Adjustable Arch Instep Sup-,
porters made in all sizes; great
relief and permanent cure for
broken down, arches and people
troubled with flat foot caused
by standing and walking a
great deal; price, j2 QQ
Leather Pillow
This week we are making. an
extra showing of fine Burnt
Leather Covers; all colors;
pretty designs, etc. Values
from $2.00 to $7.00 at 4 OFjF
Wood to Burn
A great many specials in Pan
els, Ovals, Tie Racks, etc.,
Don't fail to see the. large
showing of pretty Valentines
at, each ......15
Many other varieties as shown
in our large Window display
from UP
Valentine Post Cards 2 for 5f
OH Paintings
This sale continues to be of
great interest to the artists and
the picture loving people of
"Portland. Why shouldn't it?
For never before have such
works of art been offered here
at such prices. Values from $5
to $500 at HALF PRICE
V '-ML aS-
Extra special showipg at the,
; rubber,, department : ;V t
tyhite Turkish? Towels;
large, sire;. regular 60c, 35
Linen Turkish .Towels, fin-,
est quality; reg. 75c,.,. 42
Turkish Towels unbleached,
regular 85c... ........ 53
Turkish Towels, unbleached, .
big ones reg. $1.35,.,. OOf?.
T and J Friction Towels;
regular $1.60 ....83
If in need of rubber goods,
remember we save you mon
ey on the finest quality of
rubber goods.
Onr Jardiniere
Of ' Lbuwelsa, Ceramic
Art, Rozane and Mat Fern
Dishes at great savings; a
large assortment of sizes
and patterns.
Regular $1.10 ; special 78f
Regular $2; special 91.37
Regular $1.65; special 07
Regular 75c; special 56f
Regular $1.00; special 78
Regular $1.25; special 94
Regular $2.75; spl $2.06
Regular $4.00; sp'L $3.10
Who exl
p e c t to
. v make a sue-
easa ' f I a
ttaj ah nit.
to Jknciw
n a mnAli
on the eyesight ' being bright.'
Come- and, learn bur. methods
of correcting' imperfect yision.
Consultation free. Glasses fit
ted, eyes tested; graduate op
tometrist in charge.' ,
Rock, Rye and
For coughs and colds ; guar
anteed pHre ; price per ff A
Pint DUC
Vapor Bath
The secret of good health. The
best way to cure a cold and
Hundreds of other diseases.
Prices $4.00 1 0 C A
to. ..-- XaGletJ W
Lowney's Candles
As a Valentine Gilt
Special packages for the occa
sion are here in great numbers,
in plain and fancy packages.
Values from 10 to... $7.00
McDonald's Salt Lake Choco
lates, the best and finest, also
the highest priced made in the
world. And they are; don't
take our word for it; try them;
-pounds, 50; 1 pound, $1.
For a Rough or
Chapped Shin
Try One of These
Cucumber - Glycerine Jelly :
price 25
"Woodlark" Camphor
Cream; when the skin is
badly irritated, try this.
Price ; 25
Marshmallow for . hands,
face or lips 25e
Peerless Alrrfond Cream; 2
sizes 25l-50
Golden Rod is very healing
and soothing... ......25
Witch Hazel Cream makes
the skin soft 25fS50
U-Ar-Das Milk of Cucum
bers, fine after shaving 50
Woodlark Dermal Lotion,
absolutely greasel.ess . ,25e
U-Ar-Das Almond Paste ;
price 50
U-Ar-Das Cold Cream for
face or hands 40f
Home Medical
The Improved No. 6 Home
is a wonderful battery for
the cure of rheumatism. A
dry cell battery' that is al
ways ready, neat, clean,
compact ; Jias no acids ; no
liquids ; no repairs. Apply at
electrical battery depart
ment, main floor, for fur-
ffrfff: . $6.00
Are the strongest made and
the best. Calf and get free
booklet. Price AA
complete $4 and.. PDUU
Toilet Paper
Regular 5c roll; good quality;
big roll; special, per Of -dozen
Stop That
Allen's White Pine Balsam; 2
sizes .25 and 50f
Menthol, Honey and Pine Nee
dle Oil Cough Drops 5
Woodlark Jog Drops; per
nekap-e 5
r o- - - - - - - t
Tar and .Wild Cherry Cough
Drops .....5
Woodlark Menthol Cherries ;
per package IOcV
Allen's Pectoral Pastilles; per
package ... ....20f
Woodlark White Pine Drops;
per package 25
"Gibson's" Linseed, Licorice
and Chlorodyne Cough Lozen-
ges; per ounce 10
Original English Colt's Foot
Rock, in stick, for coughs and
colds; per ounce. ... ...10f
The quick" cure
f ,o r coughs,
colds and all
throat and lung
affections. Price,
We know our tea; and
we know your tea taste.
That's why we offer you
back your money.
Tour grocer returns your money If yen
don't like SchHUnra bestj we par hlnw
next Saturday, was Indicted teday hf
the New York county crand Jury, which
also Is inquiring into the recent finan
cial transactions amone the , banks of
this city. i , -
The federal Indictments were drawn
up by Oliver E..Paan, the special at
torney of the department of Justice. Mr.
Pagan drew' up the Indictments against
John R.: Walsh. 4 ,
Save Your Moneyv - -
Don't stop reading; until you see the
Boston fettore'a announcement la today's;
Journal, . , . . - . i
At the values this hardware showing;
offers, you'll realise tbe benefit that'll
Have the look soon tor your own good.
46 Third St; Bet Pine & Ash
" ' Pilot Commissioners.' - ,
(Special OUpatca te The JosnaL) '
Astoria, Otw'Feb, It. -The ; Oregon
state beard of pilot commissioners held
a rei
irular - monthly meetlna and trans.
acted considerable routine business yes
terday. The branches of tbe following
bar pilots were. renewed;' A. .B. Cann,
Rennet. Swanson, J. H. Harriman. M.
n. KtmiM i ana . Mirhi.i Nn in. ih.
ui siaie yiiot senwoner an dose.