The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 12, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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    . i
- ' i -
Father of Initiative and Ref-
ercndum Invites Eastern
Oregon Jurist and Leader
' , to Debate on Statement
t No;i.
t L-ia-
Gag:e Thrown Down in Yiew
; of Recent Letter Assailing
p People's Eight Lowell
j Keminaett oi ins uwn
Record. , ,;
. '
Of the superior baking qualities of the "Eclipse" Range. Call tomorrow and sample these cakes and bis
cuits right from the "Eclipse' oven. - You can time them in process 'of baking. We've installed a modern
cookery in our First street window., We want you to buy an "Eclipse," but we want youshould buy, it
knowingly. A careful investigation will convince beyond a doubt that the ."Eclipse" is the range for you;
'J (Special DUpttrh to Ik Jooraal.)
Ors6n CUT. Feb. 12. W. 8. U'Ren,
the father of the initiative and refer
endum, takes Issue with the letter of
Stephen A. Lowell of Pendleton, attack
ing Statement No. 1, which appeared
In a Portland newapaper of January
27. and. throws the gauntlet down to
Mr. Lowell la the following open let-
Oregon City, Oregon, Tebroary 11 I
Hon. titeDhen A. LowelL Pendleton, ur-
egon Dear Blr: My attention was
called a few days ago to your very I
Interesting and somewhat personal let-
ter of January 27. In the dally Oregon-
inn attacking Statement No. 1. and Its
advocates. There are men In Oregon
who might consistently criticise my I
party regularity, because I have not
always voted the Republican ticket but
It cornea with "very oaa grace irom
one who took aa active a part as you
did In 1902 in electing the present
'.. Democratic governor against the can
didate of your own party.
But I know of no ono in Oregon bet
ter able than yourself to present to the
voters in plausible form any reasons
there may be for returning to the old
?lan of electing the United states sens
ora in the legislature. That the old
Jilan means election by a few corrupt
bio members of the legislature you
' surely ought to know by this time.- I
' therefore challenge you now to a Joint
discussion of the issue in which I will
take the position that it is the duty of
every voter who would be true to the
American ideal of government to re
; fuse to vote for the nomination or elec
tion of any candidate for the legislature
who does not promise, without any
qualifications whatever, that as a mem
ber of the legislature lie will obey the
Instructions of the people in choosing a
United States senator. This means, of
course, that I will uphold statement No.
1 and the people s right to instruct
J. Shall be pleased td arrange with you
for this Ulacusniotr at the earliest pos- j
Bible date, and for many such meetings, '
if you have the courage to defend youri
conviction a on .the stump. You will .re- I
memoer tnat in tne campaign two years
ago you refused
Ranges are not good and ha'dr-they are perfect at all times. Ordi ;
nary stove mechanics are not employed at the great. "Eclipse"
factory none but master mechanics men who have given-years -to
the correcting of faults so common in other stovcs-men' who ;
first have built an ideal, then a range the Peerless "Eclipse"-'
the world's greatest Range. We offer now, to place in your home,' j
an "Eclipse" .Range give you our 15year guarantec--on this
simple payment plan' ' v
Cof f ee,Cakcs and Biscuits Served from the "Eclipse" Tomorrow
In all branches of home furnishings, the quality offered here is strictly the best. We
recommend the "ECLIPSE" as the best Range.
L, ft- " i
j ' ..f! ..II' " y . .I-.- 4baK-Via , , tt''S
to meet, me in such dls-
Trusting that you wiU favor me with
an imtneaiate reply, i am. very
W. 8.
f ' Speelat Dlcpatck to Thi Joorsal.)
Buenoa Ayres, Feb. 13. The popula
tion of this city as shown by the late
census is 1,114.46s. The same returns
show that in the month of last October
there were 1,495 births. 1,(73 deaahsand
' eo marnagea in ins city.
. The value of crops for exportation will, or which there were of
wriest ,ug,wirai, or iiaxaeed 1,000.
000 tons, of oats 400.000. No return has
yet been made of malse, but it will be
.,um crop.
, , . .
.i (Special DUp.tch to Th Joornl.
. Kome, Keb. 13. In Bracclano, the'
rmy exporxa nay naa perrect success
In experiments with radio-telegraphy ap.
"u '' Mormons Deported.
' Lelpslo, Feb. 12. Four Mormon m!s-
luuiiiii iiivg own expeiiea rrom Bn
, ony as pernicious foreigners.
The African Negro
Has Beautiful Pearly Teeth, Clean,
' , Whlto and Perfect, Without
-a Flaw, Even in Old Age
Xlvlajr ITsar io'vatnre, His Digestion Is
r)r..TLivirgstone, and later, Henry
funvj, uulu wi wuom spent mucn lime
n the exploration of Africa, in their
iiicinuira mention tne ract tnat members
oi au tne tnoes tnat they came in con-
- tact with nnau.l twn.,,i hit.
pearly, aoUnd teeth, and that on Inves
tigation they found that this was-due
'. o tne, jact tnat tne digestive organs of
iiie negro naa never neen impaired, and
. that they were able at all times to take
care oz tne coarse roods that were taken
Into the stomach. ,
' The,iegroes' food is of the plainest
, mu ana j eeiaom h ever cooked. it is
eaten as it is found, with but little
i preparation.
'The cause of unsound and Imperfect
teeth found among civilised people is
hi mv impuriani iacis tne prova
. ienee of dyspepsia. Indigestion and
Btuiuacn irouDies, ana the food we eat -'V
i thoods that we eat there is a
lack of phosphates and other materials
necessary to make repairs and supply
the waste in the teeth.
. Then again few people in civilized
fniUJli-JLr..'feeu'rom dyspepsia, which
Interferes with the whole aystem and
' n " v wuu" Tory wnere.
run BUREAU 10
Council Considers Ordinance
Creating New Department
Under Chief of Poliec.
. I 4aaaiMBkaia m mm
Blake, McFall Company Suf
fers Heavy Loss From
Fierce Blaze.
Mariner Tells of Peril and
Death He Strove in Vain
to Prevent.
Militia and Regulars Will
Be Mobilized 'for Drill
in Field.
Fire which started in the paper ware
house of the Blake, McFall company, 4)
Front street, shortly after S o'clock
yesterday afternoon, caused a property
loss of approximately $20,000.
The origin of the fire Is unknown.
By the time the department arrived on
the scene the entire interior of the
closed warehouse was flllod with smoke,
and flames had eaten their way for a
considerable distance Into the great piles
of tarred building paper. As the greater
part of the. stock was of thla coarse
building paper the fire made rapid head
way, and although a dozen streama of
water were poured into the interior it
was run an nour dpi ore tne riremen
felt confident that they had the fire
under control.
Building and stock were ruiiy covered
by insurance. The building Is owned
'To have aounri
Persia and eat pfbe, . foods 'and vou
Uttl; Trouble wUh 'then! yU
A package of Stuart'a DyaneDBia Tab
lets shoulS be kept in the houae at Si
; times. . They cure dyBDeDsia!n?.r lL
adh, Indigestion and I pt l JtfJLj?
ahd lnteatlnes in a heiitny condftioCh
. The Tablets eontai" a tsSwertu? in
a-redient which assists fl.tSl. in
the process of digestion, and pitT it to
a healthy condiUom v
There are many bodily Uls due en
tirely to stomach troublea. J"B
- iryon are ill ask yourself if your
trouble may not be caused by Indiges
tion. , . . , , .. - ,,
This may be the cause of the whole
Members of the city council are con'
sldering the ordinance creating the, bu
reau for the protection of young girls
and women this afternoon, and friends
of the measure believe the councilmen
will act favorably and put it through ta
final passage. The ordinance carries
an appropriation of (3,000 for salaries
and office allowances.
The bureau will be in charge of a
woman, whose title win De city super
intendent of protective ' work for girla
Rh aa wall aa her clerk, will be ap
pointed under civil service regulations
and an examination will be held for the
purpose of selecting a 'let of eligible
candidates for the positions as soon as
iv.. nrriinnnn hnnnmea a law. The su
perintendent will be under the direction by the Falling estate.
or tne cniei OI ponce ana me executive
board, and will De iiaDie ror sucn ad
ditional duties as the chief may see fit
to impose.
It la eaM that there are a great num
ber of candidates for the position, the
most prominent being Mrs. Lola G.
Baldwin, who has been at the head A
the Travelers Aid society for several
vears. in which time she has been vers
aiircensful In aldlna younx srlrla.
The cause which led the councilmen
to brinar uo an ordinance placing a
woman in the police department has metal working with practical demon
Den me excellent wora. inai naa .(ratlnn of th dlffirnt at aa- nt h wll
done during the past three years by """on. of the different stages of the wu
the Travelers- Aiq, wnicn nas qeen n "Z'1."""' ""L" rather under the auanlcea of tha Oraaon
iitiurin in snn i or Mia Hiii inrouEn n Huirv onn nrn v. . . . . . . . r
The Arts and Crafts society held an I
interesting meeting last night at the
Art Museum. J. Nelson wisner was
the speaker and he gave a thorough and
(United Press Uuti Wire.)
Vancouver, B. C, Feb, II -News
reached this city this morning of the
drowning of one white man and six In
dians on a reef off Queen Charlotte
Island. Captain Clarke of Vancouver,
B. C, was an eye witness' of the wreck
but he could do nothing to assist the
unfortunates. Clarke and another fish
erman made a. valiant attempt at reacut
but fallod, and their schooner disap
peared beneath the waves. The would
be rescuers were in a bad plight them
selves and suffered extreme pain for
several hours. They visited the scene
of the disaster the following day but
notning remainea or tne wreck, the
scruxmer having supped off the reef.
xne schooner was used ror fishing pur
poses ana tne wnite man was in com-
(Cnlted Prtts Leased Wire.)
San Francisco, Feb. 12. Nearly ,000
troops, 4,000 federal and 1.700 of the
National Guard, will be mobilised on the
Paclflo coast in October, if plans now
under consideration are carried out.
The soldiers will go Into camp in 8an
Luis Obi s do countv under command of
General Funston, and will be engaged
for 10 days, probably from October 6 to
October 15. in Joint field maneuvers.
All three branches of the service ar
tillery, infantry and cavalry both from
tne regular army and from the Call
lomia national uuard. will be renre.
The concourse and drill of armd mpn
at the maneuvers will be the lara-eat
that has been seen in this cnuntrw fnr
a iiumucr oi years.
From October to May -colds are the
headache. LAX-1 20 feat den tun A riork
most frequent cause of
cause. JS.-W. orove on box; 25 cents.
Admission Free to Ladies.
Now IS the time and the Oaks the
Del., Feb. It In a pit
t. with
14 Yi' v"V"r."""'" . . .u- place to learn to skate. Instruction
a1uaIh..miT: .u..w. ' fw afternoon or evening. Oaks rink's
leap year Valentine party Friday night
11 De a riace or eniovment ror von.
Next Tuesday night Portland's 400 will
charge of Mrs. Lola O. Baldwin, in con
neotion with the T. w,
acht club at the Oaks rink. The old
. . . A 1 1.1 M -1 S -WT
I . . 1. i , m mill VUUI1K 1&1AU1K Ul UB J. x.
proven that there IS an urgent " ' wu.aer ui luuay. niht at tha Oaka rink nt
aoA tn nrn4lv. vnrV mnnr , worn An I Air. VVlflner Statea SS niS Dellef tnatlii.x mt.' ti. i -mi . I
r':,.r.;:y" i i . : ih. .rt n th i t., n i w'" ". event
na yuunK gin., nu u uiai . ";-,.r" "( -i: j"'m, :",7;"" m tne uaKs rinit wasmngton's wrth-
of trainina and experience can handle of the past, basing his conviction on the h.v. Fhrrv 2 i. rnd inni.i
these cases far better than a man. perfection or tools, of methods and of hardtlmes masquerade on akatee. one
witiiin me ibi oia. iiimliih cikiii obh vv...... wv-- "hu vhwah rrom MAturnnv.
ous cases have been brought to light, the worker, the experience of the past '.
and during tne year ihut over zoo cases MKi"n t w,e race, tie aiso xtt?Ttt nrvTtAT A mmura
needina- DOllce protection were handled spoke of: the work which lies before NEW (A)lll'UKATIUNH
1... .1.1. Ar.r.a-tmant Tha no or nn.ltlnn 1118 SOCletV In CUltlVatlnB- the unlrl t nt I
is to be placed under civil service rules crafUmanship and of developing the FILE THEIR A KTlCLES
j ..i.ut.. r-n a nia. n k art sense in the rlslnu- fi-eneratlnn I J. a. xlxjxxxi xxj.Ii j.
decided by fhe txecutlve board.
mi.-. J . . 1 r VA K '
only a small lantern to dnfand h(molf
irom tne attacks or two dogs which bad
Deen maae savage ny starvation -and
Bumsry coniinoment. was tne tnniiinar
experience of Dog Catcher George Kopf
yesterday arternoon.
The animals fell into a hnla nt th
piant or tne weiaei & Hastings company
several days aeo. Yesterdav tha Ana
unuiier m 10 noerate tnem. J-e-scending
by means of a ladder ha 'wna
attacaea as soon as no reached the bot
tom, and it was due to the fact that
the dogs were too weak from starvation
to inflict much damage that he es
caped serious miury. - After reneatad
attempts, he lassoed and removed them.
Meeting of College Fraternity.
(Doited Presi Leased Wlre.l
Charlotte, N. C. Feb. 12. Nearly 200
Wavcrleigh Heights
All the lot ranging from
$225 up to 045O have
been sold. Prices on
Lots Are Now From $450 and Up
$25 Down $10 Per Month
M A 3537- PHONES
difficulty, and to cure it means to hava
It'ts at any druggists', for they are as
t.arfir-r hAAlth
lou can get Btuart s uyspepsia Tab-
staple as any drug in the' store.
ire &0 cents per package. : . .
Send us your name and address today
a it. I e will at once send you by mail a
Mtmple packsce, free. Address - K.- A.
mrt Co lit Stuart JJld Marahali,
The duties of the office shall be to
advise and befriend, minor girls and
vounsr working women, protect stran
gers and other girls in need of protec
tion and assistance, to investigate con
ditions of employment, subsistence.
housing and safety or gins with refer
enee to their protection against fraud.
deception and moral injury, and to give
aid ana counsel ana 10 oDtam inform a
Of nil tha twaiifv a nA
complexion is the most desirable and f0r8'
yet the easiest to attain.
a. sallow sKin ana auu eyes are the
Articles of incorporation were filed in
the office of secretary of state as fol
Portland-Florence Mining; A Leasing I
company, principal office Portland, Ore-1
gon; capital stocK, incorpor-l
w. a. . tstxtvart, jr. w. Mcttecn-i
u u
couege men rrom
North and South Carolina and Vira-inia
met in mis city ioaay to attena a con
ventlon Of the Alpha Tau Omen fra
ternlty. The visitors were entertained
at the Boutnern Manufacturers' club.
The fraternity was formed in Richmond
Shortly after the close of the war -to
neiiK in restoring aooa reenne- natwann
the north and, the south, it now has
more than 60 chapters, sprinkled from
Maine to California and from Texas to
Mien igan. - ; , f
( United Press Leased Wlra.1
Butte. Feb. 12. Patrick Gordon, who
is employed on a . ranch near Silver
T L ' Tr. J.' j . "? "t result of faulty digestion, on
Biri are uuiiiym.uomB, uticnunnu or i which subject we Quote from an inter
witnesses or otnerwise invoi,vea in im- view of a prominent metropolitan
Bow, has confessed to the sheriff that
he attempted to wreck three trains on
tne uregon enori juine uonaay night.
. He says he first turned a switch, de.
rallinir a ft-ala-hr ' if .
nlDaailaACannfnge&-Packing comoanv. . " NaVal Fflllc f ft --,.
principal office, Dallas, Oregon; capital IT the track, but the train was runnlna-ton
M lnnTJt0&d- B' Unn' I HESTORE GRAY Or FADED low 'to do "any damaga WHerp"lednmore
W. M. Elliott and D, W. Dunn. . i i Ues for the north-bound naaane-Ar ani
a. J . - - - - R -
pepBia, indigestion and defective - bowel
action probably cause ' more Ills than
I many of the more, serious diseases
iifw - ui e. ui viiltiieiit. uieirujJUiluill I ' ' .r rzz , . T . i t l . I aa a r - - - i ..ui-.u-wui.iiu iibbbi
physician who has a practice among thai. fT!?,, ""X,,,". mJs, cPny. IIA1U IO US IS A TUK AI.F wenl P.ome ani Wtt srrested the next
nation s aristocracy. Me says: iJys-V"'Y . t iinn nnn. T A' . ' I TTTZTTTZ "L n says no naa quarreled with a
j-Vnh-? il aTmmar- an w" v' VULUIC ana UcAUTY "5-.uni 0
m II ' " 7 I HHHHMMHHI . ' 1 T w. rvu m, ilio WJWD JIO lenUeQ.
A VIllllUDVll.
Industrial company, principal office,
-.-w-i-nn-n-B-m s-rm-v-r manv or tne more
U J? i? Xj KUjI) Ull X I combined, ahd yet by i a simple course
. i or treatment this most undesirable con
City Auditor Barbnr has - received
ieiior irom
ditlon can be relieved and cured. First
of all, relieve the stomach of its burden
! No matter how lorn? it has baen or
Portland, Oregon; capital stock, $; I or faded. Promotes a luxuriant growtl
incoiTorators, i . ij. Topias, u. k. lwtn- oi nealtfiy Hair. Stop its falling out.
posiuvcij'. removes Dan-
walte and Charles J. Barnard.
Western Realty company,
V T UoPah lti smrliloh tha I I ji t-t itl l a I WactAfrl HM TV fftrrinanV. f-lTMnlri7 I wmm m wiuv w exy VUU-
city U of f. fed an otunit? to pu: aAdU"re,1oreUiW "vltZliS " For 'this 'SS of floT aWli;)iio h, KeeP hair t d tTlossy. Re
4sf!.M V1 7"1!.4 capaclty'of following prescription will be found to 260.e00;. incorporators, Gay Lombard. I fuse all substitutes. 23. times as much
Mi iLtw " . . . -av. worn wonaers: uaianair tompouna, I j-v. m i.UU BJt CX)C R1Z.
ir. JtlcCabe atatea that ha Allan ui. ... t,-. -n iS ' I inn Trnn WnrlcBi nrlnr.lnal ffla I vw ",uv "
ti?r-5TSl7' y"h an unlimited quin- SSDTwniiwrr three ounces; MarshfieH Oregon; caplui stock, 50.: ' Ifi NOT A DYP
tlty of rock which he will ltw all I Ti, iy.Zii vih -5 Z&.ZZl!Z iiiilna: innomoratora P. B. Nelson. I. V.I lV t 111m
w" vim cii
or tease to the citv. H .aa th. :L. - " ' I" u.r... na i w 1 Philo Ht Sdw. Ct Na-.rk k t
M?. aSr The sTate Wne Amument club, prln- ft and 50e botUes. at dmaaUts-
ms- 1 w" t VVHIB is. ion T 1 x i .in at -.a.- m s f I 1 ' Marvil Mraovn . nanli.l I " ,
eyi Tne lettar waa a... XL I Pl Doume w ipm Brat zew.aaya. .101
' land meaaa nrnnTittll lu" ways i ingredients canDe sec urea at any gooaisioca,
Merrill, Oregon: capital.
incorporators, J. I. Beard,
uimna committee -of . th. ,.n I ir. . '1. .... i.i " ..r -r.l-' . I ,r,A n narix.
Which recommaniW .k "Jk,.? u"c1
126,000 be appropriated foV the Surehate
f. crushers, erection of PbJnk"S
and purchase of rock, to be Meeflnlm
provlng city streets. w."e m fm tha rnj. of haalth avllt mnrtn Ka
restored to the' pallid cheek and glitter I principal of f ice.
Of Jiapplness shine from the eyes. ' capital stock. .,
1 Coming from such high-authority, the! Oross, 8. Oldsteln
laoevt aavica u weii wor xoiiowwg. ,
The Red Front Mercantile company,
independence, uregon,
000; incorporator's. A.
Oldsteln. L aoldmsa -and Abe
Goldman. . , ,
New Tork,.Feb. 11 Plans have been
filed for the new seven-story1 garage to
be buUt for William K. Vanderblft, at
47 anr49 East Fifty-second street, near
mnoiKin u, ai a cost or 1160.000.
The bUtrSlfig IS tO be Of the Italian
renaissance type, with a pergola on the
roof that mav be matla tntn a aumm..
garden.) - J ' .:
On tne third and fifth floors win h
separate dining rooms, with a grand and
petite saloon adjoining on each floor.
Part- of - the second floor will be fur.
ntshed - for sittlna rooms.-'. - Thera will
be a billiard roomjonthe ground floor.
Little Liver Pills,
Must Bear Signature of
4ee paoaSUnlts Wrapper Below. :
Tary assail aad as easr y-j-; ' '
Foaiutucse. -
roK BizziKcss. :
r . i . eastam awaraonBaaa-ruaa,