shooting, electrocution or hanging, France Is discussing the expediency of' wholly abolishing the death ten glty, because her presidents so gen erally shrink from confirming the . .Ji!52 y TW,'n J"pt,BoBdVLf.T sentence. But lately, the pardon f rj Suodtr Braln, at Tba Journal Balld- . . . , , . in, nrtb-aa Yamhill atreata. Foruaea. vr OI an imauiuus vniuiuui una uccu- THE JOURNAL AW HIDEP8KDEWT NEWSPAPtK. C S. JACKSON Pnbllataef Ktr .( th. poatoftlot at Portland. Or., for Ped PUbliO Oplnjon With SO QJUCh Un- lavoraDie criticism 01 rresiaent rai Ueres, that "radical reformers" may be said to have received a body blow from thd disciples of the guillotine. However, the mob does not hold la roauoN advertising BEpHKBKXTATi vs I its hands the gift of pardon as trananitaaioB Uuroub lit madia aa sacotMKlaai I XLLEIBONC3 MAIN TITS. HOIH. A-SOM. AH Otpartmenta feacbadfbr the aomhars. Tell tag operator tba rtopartmaot to want. East 8Me otflce. B-44; Justifiable assumption yet such was people he may say, that he doesot the reftute to which the wide open I Know wnat wey want or think or gambling conditions were trending. I mat tney aom care. , write to him, ! a contrary view or ma "'r v wwr-i Portland, Or, Feb. To the Editor 11 f. I. lran In tha hrlflf I Alt and Imnortini-nn rlvr 1. . .V.r . .... I v, uunoe,, a'v- - . I .. . - , , ' -. 1 01 i am jounw i noucea an artici in i order of Mayor Johns to ena ineiraiirosa regulation, parcels post, ana lyoar issue of the 4th ins t statin that I -Letters From the People :WU1 They Go to the Country? Small C! Fulton will floor. gambling. It Is so wholesome and so happy a step that there should be no diverging views respecting It SOOn. " I lawould soon b SDrma ln OMa-on. and ail. The trusts and railroads and other I rising ths unemployed of the 'city t I great interests aon t rail to appeal to I ?",wv ,n we . ; country, wntri it u Most undlrabl cltlsena hate Rooaa- Grafting Is all light for fruit grow ??tcREAUl - I GIUXGERS VS. rOLITICIAXS. I so constantly, In tarious Vivlanil.nn.mln Inxlil Jifntrtlalna- ACDCJ. Ilrnnawlrs Kull.Hn. 226 riftb STtaoe, 'Tora: Tribune Bnllrttng, Chlcayo. Subaorlptloa Terms bf mall to anr address (anaaa or.nasicv. u ui u alias Htad-a. DAILz. One year. I Ou nvmtb... On tar..,, .,.12.50 I Od month.......! DAILY AND 8DKDAV. , Dm rar fr.SO I Om nootk I against the Infliction of a dreadful death. It is apparent that every president of the French third re public suffers mental agony in sign S -Of ing a death warrant. -3 f I am always contented with that which happens, for I think that what God chooses is better than what I choose. -EpJctetus. AN ENDLESS STRUGGLE. -65 1 I After the Commune of Paris, Thiers promoted the idea of a com mission of pardons appointed by the national assembly to decide on the fate of criminals under sentence of death by the courts. To secure a pardon it was necessary that there should be complete accord between the chief of state and the commis sion. As a result pardons were so rare that a young and turbulent deputy did not hesitate to decry the body from his seat in the assembly as "a commission of assassins." Marshal MacMahon shifted the re sponsibility somewhat, by following Implicitly the judgment of the mln EVERAL GRANGES have de clared In favor of legislative candidates subscribing to State ment No. 1. This, we think. Is the sentiment among the. farmers and country people generally. The opposition to the statement, . which extends generally, if not so openly and actively, to the primary law as a whole, comes principally from the politicians of the towns, men who have been connected with former machines, and hope to be so again, and who have made such connection somehow profitable to themselves at the expense of the people. There are exceptions to this rule; and Influence congressmen. They do so constantly, In various ways, and o mica iaai m.aj cuusrcMiucn w loountrr thl aorlnv. ak tha t irm.r ho. u i ney do i j want , to tell you that tns f armsr ways, and I baa a big aooount .atAlnst' tb unem AflamAn an. h101 f. thm City. Uo out Into tha parently forget the masses of the he ja setting- along and wh people except on election day. The I t5Etfli'J& Tno. nether ha Is people cannot employ high salaried I unemployed of the city won't let him. tell TOU he I FSrnrvhrtriv nan. Hanev'a aralle shows no sins Of com- in off. , v ' '9 m . . , New Tork city IS in debt 1710,000,000. Politician", ''. Help make tlmts good,' not bard. m ) Who Buys Them? . ; HO buys the valentine? lobbyists and lawyers, but they can send letters, and If enough of them would do so some good might result. He will ehow you a large field which uaai me appearance i Having been planted hut tha -weada have gotten the beat of It, and there are others which ha ha a given up entirely, not having been able to get sufficient help to till uwra, '.. An officeholder of a few years ago ! presumed to do guuiy. ,i . . ,,. ' e e , Rather' than 1e held' up a eity should own its nuouo uuiitiea, ..i ; . .- a , T. .... i ,Who responalbla for tha enn. - tlnued esle, year after ysar of Strang and fortultoua - v ' nations of bright paper, eellu lold, near-plush, , satin, lac and -Card coardT ' ' " ' i'.l . About, this tlm every year" they r sppusr. all apparently fraeh and naw. In general style thes have not changed within tha memory of man. They atill TWO DEMOCRATS AGREE. 0 the account of tha Unemployed, i The farmer mav vat mm in tn urk hut N JANUARY 27, at Washington, I ao doubt they of a roving disposition, M- t. mtttA lm... rfhl?"u r "o auractiona on ine Mr. Bryan said, among Otner farm, about th time ha thlnka he la That maWltr of1 neonl are nrattv 'r"en wrvia woraa and hearts and All this th farmer has charged tol" ramnr poiiucians. , 7 things: As to the elaetlc currency, I think provision could be mad for ufflolent lastlclty In times of emer gency by a law providing for the Issue! of United Btatee notes, auch notes to be taera great Cupids and bows and darts and all the IIST.4 7,flllMr!' b Which tha f 2'Jtaa Sflmirer manage to make hi tender desires known to th maiden who ha ensnared hie heart- B There are utm hin h.ra .. .v with no thought. ?" iTiVi?-" tf". choly, and hearts of flower, but with no Intention -of prophesying the change fi-1- Tbere are Cupida holdrnir telephone - conversation. ri... ' J I - vupia aa messenger boy in abbreviated garments but thes are al. in the aggregate a good many Re- loaned br th. aovrnment to th bank. tou."eaWhJrJ5. KiX? pumicaus, m dovo cny anu cuuuuj, i up0n adequate security, and at rat I aiaaay vora ai xair wages and his wire Now the biff fleet la in th big ocean 1 , ".vi "u ana, wnose conneo- tcaii in nni n sun rnn auaif aaaMiiMF n a i aaa iiaiKjta eu iaaMMAaBAji s a a ikah . wa wilu s.iia unirun stinr nr l r i as 9m rman'a hAnai. . rnH u j i I ' I COO IBUinarlhls Tot . thaa Aal I an ah l. A.I vi vw s ALy Bhall you sell all thes.r asked th cu?-'il nwrper person. "All thesef' " "ri oj course, ana we've got lots ' 5 oing io mna something on . ey leave him. which aurely 1 a loss. Of course, If a man is married and ha a family In town It la hard for him to leave them and go Into the country to work. But manr a.farmar would ha willing to erect a comfortable little :.e ' Thank th LoMI ' Harrlman has noth ing to do with Oregon weather. Los Angeles I also in tha dumps: PorUand lm tha aolldeat olty of all. . ' .. - .... .. It Is perhaps In order for Miss Ore gon to aena uarriman a valentine. Men out of work back aa at are luck; they can get a job ahovellng enow. I oat defensible beside leering Buster . . I".w"" "u uxy uranapas wno wlarle and legs and whose conneo their arms are on principle or because they think it impracticable, opposed to Statement No. 1 and the primary law; but on a general line-up the machine and grafting politicians and their immediate and expectant fol lowers will be found against and the masses of voters, especially the country, for the law and the state ment. The Journal believes that if the Republican party leaders make it iarmer s nous, ror whicn she also peace, would receive sufficient remuneration I to make It worth while. Do you think I The cry of of Interest which would compel the re tirement of th not when the emer gency Is over. J But on January 9 Mr. W. R. 1" 0" PrUftd family to do this? so th. tr.-f .,v;i . v,k ?h rrm?' .wUsea for help in ths picked. aicoiak iuuuv fuuiiv a avkwot w uv.u i papers, aiso mrougn in employment bureau, but Is still unable o get help, although there are hundreds of able bodied men out of work. It mora Of tha unnmnlnveri wnnM seek work In the country and give up he cry of "party" Is ordinarily raised that th people's pockets can be I letter which he had written to an Iowa man, as follows: I believe that th best plan to secure a more flexible currency adapted to business exigencies or financial crises Is to hav the government issue a spec ified amount of money and have th. aecretary of th treasury loan It to th in 1404. It T IS A long and probably endless fight this struggle of the gov- , erned for the power of govern- ' mAfit Tf V.a hacn trni n tr sin Mr is constantly, if alowly and labor- anooia pnraue. nut m. ; nwrj a.wuy. lously. gained. It Is being gained ncI,n01 Pardon- A"e' h'm "me faster just now in this country than Grevy, who was the decided adver- tnr Man vcar. na.f thank, larpnlv ry vl " UCBlu V to Theodore Roosevelt, who with all hm U 'way8 repugnant to his inconsistencies Is a patriot be- fn, m.A'.v 1oc;ulu,5U """T1 Tcr' appear that the party Is opposed to banks, preferably the national banks. fore lie is a partisan. "..- a . . " i:. law, and to Statement No. 1. on security aPproved,by the secretary do, Fefc 4 The first vanUice wound in this . " "' .v,u and if iU candidates for the legls- of th treaaury. and at an Intereat suf- SnSS alia of nromiL'n'uJm,n H btfuL T 1-T 7 .."n:... ion for pardon or the commutation tn malra th.t ficient to aecur the rtlrement of th. '5 g .im,Lne"t,.mn i taaue when the necessity ror it naa Th O. O. P. spellbinder, will .ay leaa I ?,?.rf i? wholeaala department." re- about th. full dinner pall than they M Csh'iffli WS-i .tt! V Urged e e . , I w'Rht. botoo soon aaUaf led. . . .1 ' HUt tha ir. mn a v wuri in u eountrv ana rive un I u tii xrozen ud -way nown in I .v.. - tna attractions and vine, nt r.i neluaorala too last week. ik. -t j-"-.. . a.;.;. . w.t.. - .M.""v"" . mat one m h mMi. i. ti wJlTCr will ba Ju.tifl.dv in making fij ftttSSS -,l U 1 MW. 6" off hi. acres. J. C M. Caar Cannon's life miserable until he .Vd UmVlTaii, .v- consents. e Soma Republican politician seem de- PoliUcal Bias. Derreiuai axruKKie. naa seen ana iu i . . T u u UnnTrte. I. vftt rnanhrwwl snffraaa. I . " Bcntonca. .e wW. ment.,the party will encounter "T"-" .7 ::--"-- --:" criminais ne naa me nicgname oil t It is within the memory of men still living when this fight was yet on In' portions of New England, 'where property and not the man ' voted, i It was as late as 184 that Thomas Wilson Dorr, who had been ..l. " . . : ' ' ... un, yea, we aeii just as many every year," was the reply. ' , Th newspaper person continued on her way, etui myUfled. Why If 'on had to spend ui andeavorlnar in fana 1 1 Urn lax Ann l)rsnn fn hft aanant I . . . . a . .... ... . . . . . . I Till OS LD8 OD1047E fll tllB mnmrtta 1 arlmlaa. Portland speech la enough to maki hon- OflO niW money aaya an exchanV.: tlo f h ,on SomTr.bTe one. It does not follow that Mr. Bryan for having so many dlshoneet men aalde How can Chancellor TJar annrova nf r ajnty little pieced . . . - ' . iBwiirr or wnv nnr iir h tn I wml ilaal harrier tlmA In (lrAamn "Father Pardon." Advocates of the I fw. deah penalty have Often quoted the 7 pi d !. " 'HndtViy S fiS 2OTa5"5sSSS :SwwTnffiT not tak her "to hear am . a & akivmin aa nn bsm mm a n 9 rs pnA a nnr BrriTi iraa t n b r nnr n rnnntrnr nr rna i . . . - - " - i u ul aa. a. iuiubmivbul i a aa : - tB ui vnuiiua, iiuuucu wict. i.... nrooortlon of those in the! . " 6 " 5rel" ,a " Drought her people V . , I, " "is newspaper person mused umes oy tne excessive ciepicncy ox .laft or. nt VA -in-pi- auu i.u loauors m wa- ' ' ""lul' to some considerable extent the odds Only four months to tha Rose Fiesta. long, forgetting that the girl who was mat marvelous combination to party these invmaa r,uua urr. wuu u.u(UOTU f)rm tfae mongter and finally ":.; governor of Rhode Island, was sen- n him,t r,hiiri tn ahan- not g,Te np the tenced to imprisonment for life on a charge of treason because-he bad vigorously fought for full and equal manhood suffrage and fair repre .sentatioa in the legislature, and he actually remained in prison for 12 years. Fall manhood Suffrage finally ob- Grevy saw himself obliged to aban don the brute to the executioner. And when at last he was to be guil lotined he yelled loud reproaches against Grevy as an assassin, until his voice was stopped by the dread ful machine of Deibler. The pardons of Grevy are remembered today in France with many reproaches. He riava and thnv will I Kress do not argue against it; they I and ends of th earth; but in Orea-on Enough funds and due preparations are of parchment paper Tna BlnPly ignore it, for the to them Vr POI)ul-t,on Argely from the necessary to success. prefer not to near P primary law, nor the I . sturdy pioneers and no such reason I the marvelous thing opportunity of electing senators by the people which Statement No. 1 affords. sufficient reason that the suggestion exists. comes from Bryan and Hearst, and not from the financial interests. A large majority of th Republican It is the .ham and sorrow of every I newspaper, of Oregon are In favor of THE CLERGY A FORCE FOR GOOD tained throughout this country, but Bayed from the block some monsters, I It Is generally conceded that a grave blunder was made when the S IT a crime to be a clergyman in Hill and Harrlman railroads raised Oregon? Is there Justification the freight rates on lumber. Indeed our national air and look up at the in constantly seeking to belittle that it was a blunder does not ad- Side their hefdwould" to rSfSS. the efforts- or misconstrue the argument gOOd Cltlsen that th atnta mnaf r prlaon-strlped conscience because of the acta of a few lightweight public men who were all along unfit to be trusted but who got the confidence of the people through political Intrigue and led them to the slaughter. I should , think when such man hr The utter pros-1 A way should be provided by which cradnnllv. and eaneciallv durlnz the I i. n,. ...ti, .i t. .... . lintlnn nf tha i,.miu. v.,,atnAa in I -u real enemies of society and good .7 " . I iuouj oiA iu uw uiuuiu uuo, acta ui uuipiteorsr au aitaca uu """"" ""i"vj' u i government more especially th hi neat ftlrrt a AAnrnrv f no nanla'a I . M. . , I . I . i- i .1 - a i l . 1 n i . .r - The eaulllbrum was reestab-1 Rfly. Mr. Vamv nf nakrr Citv hv the Pacific northwest is unanswer-1 ones can be put upon the rock Dllos rnte'vD? ho votes have really counted for but llBhed DyiCarnot, who without being the Oregonian inspires such queries, able evidence that the raise In tea XaJnPt5 toiM num.. , u maa tiuim u j k maeiw nia rn tna nravnr nr inn cnn. i la ionn..n a. faioi nn annum not nnvn niwn mnn -i-nia i hcid uuua numaemuM rnnri inn fn self-seeking nfen', - b6ss atod their demned contlnaed the so, why should not the mis- th,? "eadinl Stl! ff,Mo"d h1 followers. Who Constructed political I nraAooaaanru In th' F.Ivhaa T-T atiid-1 .tA k 1o,n nnv .l..1a. rA tnlrA ha Fortified hv tha rallrnnria In Portable steel cell-.a.ra tn ha n,.ui th primary law and Statement No. 1. e a A little Harner oountr booklet. Issued by J. C Turney of Burns, contains much interesting information about that great county. a .. Th political earthquake In Portugal was not so disastrous as that physical one when "Lisbon town saw the earth open ana gulp her down." e Mrs. Morse say Mr. Morse Is a fighter. One who seems to believe that runs away may er aay.' e New Tork American: Stolen prop erty found on a small thief sends him surely to Jail; the stolen property In the to receive and blue silk wax Id Paderewskt. but that a which had mtt an mucn money would he exhibited to, her envious friends and hung upon her wall, or laid away with care, to be brought out at intervals and gazed upon with admiration, a tangible, convlnolng evidence of th depth of her admlrer'a feeling. a . . a . ... Anotner astonishing thing 1 newspaper person discovered Is that th girls behind the counter buy these lace I thing that th and satin tributes, to send to the mem bers of their own family. "No, I don't care for tha celluloid ones myself," said one Ingenuoua girl. "I'm going to get one Ilka this" and she showed a. seen, painted on plush and aurrounded with frills of ribbon "for my mother, and one like this" and truly If was wonderful "for mr sister." . The inquisitive person was growing I ouiu oy in is time, -uo you uy them I machines, and picked out Whomso- iftd with the arfl&test care the sen- iiiv ...v imi,nti. iw Uhfimselvea. without fnrthnr Inns nf ?H?.ut.i7 !f.e I?"!? companies over possession of a blgjthief is th. principal . . , i " ..Mvi4. v i 'j xiu ui vi tueir iracas f re. of ever they ChOSe tO fill the Offices. Itna thai Ptndomnod and HAmr l !. !.. ..i.t Hmo and wlthmit walHncr fn tha Oharae, These men as a rule had no thought Lonnenter! to a commutation unless f,, nf h a mnrnlna- with nv. tedions adiudlcation of the iaaua in L J?..h,L" w?,?v"!,? ?ur Pnl , i . kmu. v.. HV o .--.- - - " - i I i. cvuiQ uw aivuiueu ana factor In keeping him free. The New Tork World suggest. Edgar ,' " , r. rr;: mere were eeciaeaiy exienuaimg cir-1 mmg tnat emanates from the pulpit, me couns or Derore me miersiaie ,,n,u,ai element could be court of appeals a. a Demoeratio candt-1 f .1. " 57 T' tha hnaaon. actAd aa movfirt hv thai-:. . a i I ., , it . I ti mi. i I turned Into a government asset I . nr..i. ., .. tv..-... I ,n that would yearn to V. I ---icuuiBiancrja ouu wcio nuiumcu rosBiDiy me nsxer uij ministers tumuiorco uuuiiaioa.uu i mti rau- it la high time that every friend I iZZ I in a highly ornate and macmne. mosi or mem were gran-1 by ne minister of justice. His per-1 resorted to drastic measures when road officials who are responsible 2 country ahould take a stand and Ueaaao and made him like these, great Are Af nna dncrAA nr another. ThAltii. v- :i -a .1 -l... . . . a. ,u. aivi x.,a . oeciare nimseir, W. J. wlMER. ' 1 I sua ariairs. it would va. v- vw i L,ii r? v inueu lud uiu n. uiauiiDDLU. i tvt tuo i vi 111.0 s v yicouuicu i - - i arm nran wmtM . ' afea I 'ae : "w v'' masses or voters naa nothing to ao Urchlsts : when France had been J Evidently they erred with respect to to be men of broad views and of with selecting them for office; voters thrown "into a "panic by their fury, Judge Smith. In this, however, business sagacity. They could not plundering the politic! to commit. The right of suffrage not permjt himself to be intimidated was an am wonnieBs. by tlieie eventi and ln hIs Bhort ad i This, had been going on through-1 ministration 23 condemned were ex- but . the country and getting worse ecuted ln six months and a half. Fe- f or a long time. The country on this I lix Eaure took possesion of the aocpunt was in a frightful condition I chair of state on the 17th of Jan valentine present, just aa you do Christ mas sreaenta?" "Why of course, X couldn't spend too I And. so the newspaper person passed I on wondering again. It would seem I state of feel- express Itself I utterly useless parchment, and I ne taken fori Hnnia. nni... I it.. T v.11 - I " num.. j yj inn neuuuucani xana counir i i man vrnra ntiit .nr. ,ht .i paaTIv mnt tA .1 nn. . T..i,K1Ia. I .. i j . i . . . . . . A.;l rxrmAn-t n. c-v. r m iL. ... '"v:." ",vv"2. wuuw receive nis aicencions ne would I ..wv.. vir , i a. xv laK iwiimr in or ao tney notT asKB tne isuaene I not ears to anenrf la nn a. nnnt nicy uo, uui n moy i ner. Ana ir ne were ao sure of her.l I they Will nrobablV I wntlld It nnr tu. hoi tar sni.M .ha .nil Correcting an Error. OH ?o stwhatelamS be W" a88a88,ne,r apo,ogy wa8 promptly forth' d a,!8er ' a bf"er as f0 loUFrVi ana 10 inomu 10 wnatever grmung i ated hy fja8Are. I comine. and renaration. as far as manfully acknowledge the mistake the gaa schooner Condon la to be put ask: What different nd plundering the politicians chose ui, ..,,. Cn.Blmlr PArlAr AA I dimq a that h hen mndA rAatnrA thA nM 2."!h? Astoria and Taqulna run. The us what the politics of tha sheriff is. that sha could uaaT " ' fuooiu.c, . . . Y i (jonaon is ownea Dv me Waiaoort LUm- I ao lane aa ha la a nanahla hnnr man I rates and abandon a policy which I br company on the Alsea bay, 14 miles - I But man 1 a heir Oregon Sidelights But it remains a fact that drastic measures were the only means to threatens the very existence of this bring results with Mayor Johns, great industry. Other and more conservative en deavor had been nnfrnitful. ' The Many people are afflicted with city remained a wide open town. It the mistaken notion tnat tney can when through the act of an anarchist I uary. 1895. His first inclination was wan haraldAd far and wide aa such, write poetry. To all such our nr- Theodore Roosevelt became presi- for clemency, but his exercise of it and to that extent was harmed, gent advice is don't dent. Gradually .he set about steer-1 was attended with an outbreak of Ing the ship pf state but of the slime j crime and Faure changed radically south of Taouina bay. It is stated by the Oregonian that tne Alsea bay cannot be entered by sea-going vessels. That la a sad mis take, s For the past 20 years vessels have been carrying lumber and other freight from the Alsea to Frisco and other points. Only last week the gaa schooner Ta Grande 1 famous for aster, and will have many, more this year than last e a in wnicn it was wallowing into clear-1 his method of treating the con fer waters. He preached honesty In demne'd. During the term of Loubet, public and business life. He here I presidential clemency obtained in and there prosecuted a grafter or J Paris) but in the provinces the ma public robber. He has not reformed j chine of Deibler operated with regu the grafting politicians or the "male- larlty. Finally, M. Fallleres saves so factors of great wealth" to any appre- A 1 - .. . 1 - . a J Bt if yon WJ S? cally'lppleri be plaUnt.ron'fSr"mn.- Everywhere else the trend has been must yield to the madness, hide It At high tide there is at least 18 feet 3 e 1 , l(niB P"n to closed conditions. It was a sit- from the knowledge of men. Do not LJ gj c"t"4h. K Oottag. Grove is to have a match uation in which it is easily conceiv-1 conclude tnat your production must I Alsea bay when they can enter any bay , t, or,y' Ana not n8"iy because able how the Baker City ministers be immortalized by publication in uThVe 7. t The a schooner hunt her. nVn. . could have easily fallen into the a newspaper. Not one person in to transport lumber and other freight to error of going too far. Even if they 100,000 can write even readable b.hed from here to Frisco and taf did it was not nearly BO unpardon- verse and the individual Who by There la an enormous amount of tlm- have been made on th bachelors about Sheer brute force constructs a few D"r, Pn. lne. . e "ver . vicinity, town mat a caienaar or careruiiy kept able an act as for Baker City gam many of the condemned from the ax Dlers to Bet the municipal law of rhyming lines should have enough bolts, boxes, tiable extent but he has awakened of the guillotine that It Is said the Baker City and, the sovereign stat- jthe people to the necessity of tak .Ing.. more power of government di rectly i Into their own hands, and xnaking the right of suffrage valu able; to themselves rather than to organized gangs of political graft '. ers.' .. ' "' , r-,: 4.', It Is for this purpose that the peo ple of Oregon enacted its primary law, now being assailed by every boss, machine man, political grafter and organ of maleficent interests ln - the state. It is for this purpose that . the people of other, states are trying to enact a similar law, and gradually they will succeed.. The primary law Is a new field, won, higher ground gained, by the people. In this eternal executioner is now able to "devote his long djeness to the" study of the fine arts and to charity." MAYOR JOHNS AND GAMBLING. AYOR JOHNS owes nobody any apology for closing Baker City to gambling. It was his duty to do so. It was a wise act for Baker City for him to do so. It was a justifica tion of public faith in the laws and their majesty for him to do bo. It was the contradiction of all these excellent and other desirable civic conditions for him not to do so. utes of the state of Oregon com pletely at naught. If they blun dered it was not as outlaws nor in outlawry. Whether they blundered or not their suits. regard for his fellow men not to seek to put them in print. The waste basket yawns for such "poems." etc. Farm produce of date, has become a necessity. a a every kind is raised here and there Is also some of tha beat stock and dairy I.MVI1VB VU UIO VUOOh rt IV 11BIJ, tiiU U" I ... - - , , ' . . sands of tons nf salmon are shipped rV.. . c".e,i from here every year. nB4 ormtract t or the full term, but The school at Castle Rock aot down to two scholar, and quit, say. the Ir- L. F. GOIN. as th. only family In wa. no piace ror ner 10 board. town'f left, thargt Work for Idle Men. Monroe. Or., Feb. 7. To The Toledo city "jail has gone Into "lnoouous desuetude" since the town weni ary, says tne Reporter. Disturb ances on the streets are aa Infrequent a thA nlanw ftf h. 4l. I..T1 J .... only too I here ar 1 omi who would Ilk to go I so oftn an There can be no reasonable pro war against those. who organize to teat against Maw John, new mo Lt ..hom Tr rt.Am Gambling is outlawry. It is de-1 . . Kf?J!TaTCr!!!i tZSlfZ stPuctiol 1 men and I th. influences -?8 hands ought as much as pos- BU' - if of,.Q t siDie to db sTrengineneo. anu as ih- c-roimd. and to do so they wiU have vu- oU.vD v, - . na no-ajhiA diacrAdited flo-hr ThA fla-hr Is nnw nn in 1 "wwij1 . ... j .. r.n ' Tha r.Anr.i miiat hB rAdduce nothing. They prey upon the for the battle, - , , . tun Ul BUi.. wife and children. It develops a I ThA rlnc Pfnnhllfon nnlltlplnna pink circular" brought re- or Marion county are going 10 noia of .e journal I noticed in an edl- The gambling is to go, and a convention, one or tne regular old toriu. in Tn .Journal oror for that fact these scourged clergy- sort, ln defiance or the spirit of the congratulate you on this article, and I men are responsible. It is a good primary law, ana tney are announc- tnmic every worn or it is work as Is every wdrk usually in ing loudly that all the Republicans T win say that in Monro and the sur- nrv.iv, tha niarvv amraara Th av arA i un mere are ODDOsea to SLaiement i rounaina country witnin an area on n.ra.i. aa.. Th. .u mortal, like other men. and frail. No. 1. Very well; let the Democrats wVo"cw wSk'fSri la?g.SwnWgraincr They are not above error, nor yet put up some first-class Statement salary and get a good home to live in, of .snow to protect the grain and when above criticism. Yet there are few No. 1 men. and they will oe likely to rViff $r&-W$T& instrumentalities that do BO much be elected. The "rank and file" of railroad like Monroe. The writer knows largest grain crop in years Mn 1908. as do they in pushing society to- Marlon county voters are as tired as SlLailSi'-i!!!? JSSSE-'S? ward higher civic ideals and loftier those of other parts of the state are rer. a great many of us would be ladLredBai?i La fartinlcxilt social standards. In their pulpits of the ring politicians. K?,p22rPhirf? i,,vi ita me cause Dy waiamg irom ana to bo- plus people get off the railroad. . nana thrmla-h th n k- helnleaa anrt of a raa. ture when It comea to bnrlne- anvthinarl for a woman. So he pay a a. lot of I money ror lt, the average man thinks I he has done hla full duty. He argues I mm sne neeos 10 De assured , tnat he thinks so highly of her that he is will ing to cast prudence to the winds and to spend much monev on her. Ha does not want her to think him a cheap sort, so although he knows it Is folly, he buys the gay article and sends It off. convinced that he has shown a proper spirit it is ten to on tnat tna ain would rather have had aomethlng practical. For If she 1 at all discerning, the girl knows. Indeed she does. Love has its own methods of communication, and It is omy in a certain kind or books that make a pretense of representing life, and that really come far from it, that the man la consumed with a burning passion lor ine maiaen wnue sne is quite ignorant of It Love speaks in eyes and ln actions, not alone ln words. Love means a de- siae to te or service to the one that 1. loved. It I. hard to see how that kind of lov. can be expressed in a be wildering mass of colored paper a lace, yet It must be, for as the girl b hind th. counter says, "It's all a mat ter or taaie - ana so it is or of th lack of lt For one thing we would be devoutly that Is the- suppression of thankful, and the so-called comic valentine which Is so orten an outrage not only upon taste dui even upon decency, ror i kindly act that would put this nartlcu larly vulgar poster entirely out of Dusmess we would all b grateful to our cuy council. n at H ' .RAIN one pint of large oyster, and remove all bit of shell. Mix three tablespoons of lemon Juice with half a teaspoon of salt and a dash of D' This Date ln History. The re sults at Baker City prove it. WRITE TO YOUR CONGRESSMAN. bu, French led. Born WITEX MERCY CRIPPLES JtTS- sort of mania in men tnat unnts them for useful and healthful avo- rHE TRIAL of Thaw has excited j cations. They feed -on.-an exclte- MERCY CRIPPLES . TICK. ., T HE ST. PAUL NEWS makes this 1519 Cortea sailed from Cuba to in vade Mexico. I7fifi Baron de Montesuuiei philosopher and writer, died 1689. 1768 'French and Indian war ended hv treatv of Paris. 1808 Bussla declared war against Sweden. . . 1 840 Queen Victoria , married to iWtVi at bonanza in the evenmg. "j cayenne, pour this over th oyster., let siana nan an nour. tnen wrarj ter ln a thin slice of bacon, fasten with compiisning a great good bv doing so. uM. M. WILHELi II . X- J t . I AO-KV WV. . ' " " BUggrauua aa a noip io gooa cic- Prince Albert or Baxe-Cotmrg. 1846 Ira Remsen, president Hopkins univeraity, born. 1876 Reverdy Johnson, attorneyigen- izenship: Buy a dollar's worth of stamps, or less if you cannot attentions every corner of the ment that causes the bank cashier I afford that much, and a correspond- ln lhnVatnetAnLnnt?ideMnTlo1nj Civilized World and led to in-lrn onnrnnHatfl th fun dB of danos-1 lnr nnmhAr nf finvfilnnps nnd atloV ui. i i ' teresting discussions on the pol- itors. or the trusted employe the the stamps on the envelopes. Thenf; 1883 Ma" Jeweii postm anil cu To the President. Lebanon, Or., Feb. 4. To the Editor Of The Journal Trusting the following will not reach the waste basket, wa Offer a request to the president To Theodore Roosevelt We the mem bers of, a branch organization of the Socialist party, duly assembled and af ter due deliberation decided that the accusing of Moyer, Haywood, Pettibone and also Harrlman before their trial. was . un-American and unfair. Though Hlllsboro last year did a great deal of building, principally residences, and those who profess to know sav that tha ouuaing uiu year, in reaiaenco portions oi me city, wiu iar exceed mat or last year, saya the Argue. One Incentive to build Is the fact that building material Is cheaper than It wa last season, a e ' John Wortman Is going to renew the old orchard on his Bhelton farm near Carlton. This month he will make a smooth cut Of each tree two or three feet from the ground. On the vounar sprouts he will this summer bud cholos icy of capital punishment and theJmoney of his employer. when any matter of public interest Srant died in Hartford, ConnecS w t.1link,&n. ftPiy trow from theaVbudj wfu moaes of its infliction, with the fre- The practice fills penitentiaries comes up in congress, on- which you P""1 ,n New nP. uotoDer zo, jyr -rt rrmVV T: b p p""4 " 111 "UI1 AMPnf :Atmva(t.(n n 1 I . . . ..I , . i 111. . m. l . ... . . . I iO.U- . I . 1 A 1 u .... . J 1 . . 2 ' -"' wiv.vtfiuiun mat u I ana distant provinces wua men wnuioave a aeciaea opinion ana in wnicni 1899 President MeKinley signed the the penalty for, murder were less I would otherwise be valuable units in j you take an interest, write a brief Deac treaty with Spain. than death,' the assassin would hava'l MaU A ll niar thA onnnrrv Innd I IaHsi. If f n nnnr nmruontstlu. I . - " been convlctod nf tha i a-.JlTJ . rr Z'i. " . ,w A Modern Financier. . ' 'i , 1 " 7. -" ir wnicni protest is going up agaissi. Jineiin congress ana 10 eacn senator irom he was tried, la the United stitA. legislators have been making com - parison of horrors in the two meth ods of execution with which our laws are charged.. And, lately, the Ger man government has sent a scientific ', man, a medico, to New York to ex amine the system, pf, electrocution, of wblelThe has been permitted to be a witness; and to which he has given unqualified condemnation with cogent reasons . for- preferring the guillotine to every other Instrument governor of the greatest state in the union is leading a campaign against it. Society is fasr trending towards a goal where final and complete abol ishment of it will eventuate. - Baker City is a big asset ln the civil life of Oregon. It is a munic ipality' of large wealth and strong ciUtenshlp. rit could ill afford to let the word be abroad that its civic life and social customs Were so domi nated by gamesters that the laws againsi gambling, could not ,be en pf deatywhetherauffocaUon, poison, 1 forced. ' It was undoubtedly aa un- your state, telling them what you think ought to be done. Don't make a long, labored argument; -write briefly and to the point, and If you can do so truthfully say that your neighbors agree with you and are watching the matter. . , If a great many people would do this, members of congress would pay more attention to the people's needs and demands, even though they should disagree to some extent, as of eourse they would. Unless a con gressman ' hears directly , Iron ' the, From Exchange. . Curing the recent financial flurry, a German farmer went to th bank for some money. He was told that th bank was not paying out money, but was using cashier's checks. He could not understand this, and insisted on money. The officers took him ln hand, one at a time, with little effect. Final ly the president tried' hi. hand, and after a long and minute explanation soma Intelligence of the situation seemed to t dawning on. tne farmer's mind. Finally, .tha . president said: "Vou understand now fully how lt is, Hans, don't your "Tea," said Hans, "I tlnk.I do. It's like dls. alnrt lat Ven by baby vakes up at night and Vanfa soma milk. I. Kit him a milk ticket. - - 1 10 neai said wouna, would De & step toward peace and harmony among an manKino, wnereas, we neneva desirable, or undesirable, should have a deep sense of pride in a president of this great commoiiweiiui, OSCAR INORAM, B. H. CRISP, O. T. FERGUSON. Numismatist's Answer. Mayor G. W. Bassett of Washtuona Has a rather unusual experience In th matter of twins, says, The Dalles Chron icle. His father had two brothers who war twins. G. W, had a twin brother and sister himself, and hi. eldest .on', first children were twins, and hi. aaugmer, airs, w.- a. jrearce ox, wasn tucna, recently gav. nlrth to twin daughters, making four generations of twins ana two sets 01 mem in ma prea ' Warrenton. Or.. Feb. t To th JBd.l nt rnnitntlnn. ltor of The Journal Th. rarest of tha silver three-cent piece, are as follows: Hlllsboro Independent: Th v In- 1861 to 1865, valued at 15 cents each: dependent has received from Hon, C. 1855, valued at 25 cents; 1856 to 1862, W. Fulton a mail sack Of garden and valued at 15 Centa each: 1863 ta 1879 fll1 anads which, ara at tha dlannaal tt valued at 60 cents each; 1874. nothing. J anyone wishing 'them.. They are not SUBSCRIBER. There Already, "But will jrou lov me when" I'm old r Asked plain Miss Sortitew, The man who sought her for her gold ' Bald thoughtlessly: "lrdOi"' . " -r hllajaelph''jfYess. warranted . to grow but-, they help to onnasre in the contracts for carrying the mails, and along with th ments," of no earthly us to anyone, sent out from Washington evarv waclr. adds dust that much more to th Impos sibility of rver getting the United State, mail service oa a paying basis. toothpicks and fry until the bacon is crisp. Serve on buttered toast with garnisn or parsley. s . e The Daily Menu. BREAKFAST. Orange., cereal with cream, .m Ham omelet toa.t. -' Coffee. LUNCHEON. .. . . , Oysters fried In bacon. Apple and onion salad. Hot rolls, atewed figs, tea, DINNER. , v,,- - ' Bean soup, roast of veal stuffed. Mashed carrots. ' Lettuce, French dressing. - ' Chocolate blanc mange, sponge cake. 1- Coffee. ' ; James O. Davidson's Birthday. ' James O. Davidson, governor of Wl.-I conaln, is a native of Norway, ln which country he Waa born February 10. 1854 At the age of 19 he emigrated to Am-f erica and located in Wisconsin. Hit early years In his adopted country 'wer vears of hardahln and srivatlon. . H, worked aa a farm hand and rjWt in hi spar time acquiring an education. Be ror ne was so years 01a ne had aocum ulated sufficient money to start a a-en aral store In a small town ln Crawford! kUUll.l AAV m WMO0OAU. .lull, ' II 1 tt start ana soon Decame a man or prom -I lnence In hi section of the atate. -f- Hi entered upon hi. political career art a memoer or xna legislature. -Next ha was elector state treasurer and ln 1904 Dcam lieutenant-governor. Th nei year, unon th resignation of Ooverno La Folferte, Mr. ' Davidson succeeded a f overnor, and in i?uk wa. elected or he Republican ticket for another 'term. waica wui -cxpir next January. i