THE OREGON DAILY JOUKNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY. 1. i 1908. 13 TODAY'S FRONT STREET . STAYS INSIDE fcold Weather.! Causes Mer chants to Do Small Bus-'; i incss With Doors Closed, .! -'. .' '-v t -. : . Produce market restores: ' ' front street frosen over. Cold weather affects markets . Promise of oyster soerelty. t ., , Gill net Columbia smelt arrive. Jap oranges may be excluded. Looks like halibut slump. Chicken market Is slow again. . No stiffness In egg market.. . -Car easier o butter seat back horns. Hop sales from Ze to HJPund. MUlfeeda show further advene, i ' Cola Weetnei Affects 1rrn atraa AM not thaw Out this ep their doors cloned, and no "fif. ""l' .v: ZtZZi ia bur this uuivii ireif vie . a noraing. and what few c puwhaaed at Scent supplies. nmj , "u,1 rom the cold, and practically. 00 bust esa waa shown In this Una, . 'V Kay Affect Oyster uppllee. I If the Cold snap continues ror any length of time, it will affect the sup- lies of oysters all over f " oast Wholesalers have sufficient stock 0 tide them over for several daye, but 1 Jong-drawn-out cold snap would soon leplete their supplies. The weather s oo cold for oyster men to handle their .roduct with aafety. the danger of frees- ng being too great. Then, too. tnere n a larger demand for oysters, for there a nothing that will force consumption n this line o much a real cold Weather. 0111 Wet Smalt te Again Coming. A few gill net smelt are again In mir :et and are being quoted by wholeealers it 10c a pound. Supplies are coming -si v.! run and while not heavy, re sufficient to supply the trade at his time at the high price now quoted. Supplies of Columbia salmon have alien off conalderably during the past ew days because of ihe CO. weather, 'lshermen will not go out when the . . . M.inyi hlAwi mn at rnn a and In COn- equnnce there are gmalter supplies of ne rresn arucie. . , vi. mn TrxH considerably lower alues to rule on halibut in the near fo urs, because of the great Increase In ha arrivals at Tacoma. It Is Stated that ecelpts from the north were never no reat ror tnis period oi ma year huw, nd the spring-like weather of a week go caused many to again wpiuh uu round Cape Flattery. Local fish men tin twten lAivina scant supplies for ome time because of the high prices. Bop Bales Are Still Talr. saina nt hona continue aulte fair !n bits state, and 1$ is reported that a slm- ar condition is ruling in vaiuuim u nnrih Rales here during the past 9 hours were Between zo ana ib ound. the latter rigure ror gooa rimes. There la still a very heavy ao- $ian,l tn nontranta around lie. The New YorK producers' r-nce -ur-nt gives the following report of the ltuatlon mere: ... . "The markets during tne past wees ave shown few if any changes of Im ortance. There has been a steady de ianri in KVw York state for all arades f hops, with prices about the same as f late, though there has been some what more pressure to sell the lower rades." Beer returns for DecemDer, isot, snow ....I.... a 1IK OA7 lurr.ll an In. UIVUUtLlUll . " rease ofS7,767 barrels Over the same uonth In 10. The total production of eer during 1907 amounted to (0,110,695 iarrels. against S7.168.288 barrels In 906, showing en increase ior me year SOT of i,S4Z,.ot Darren. Brief Votes of the Trade. Tr la resorted that one car of eastern inran butter has been resold to Chl- ago and has been shipped during tho aat 24 nours. uenerai creamery mn at nr aleadv at unchanged flaures. v.sra ahow no IniDrovement in price iecause of the cold weather. Chicken market is somewnai siowar h fact, the entire poultry maraei was ather quiet toaay. aiiuougu aaiea ware wade at former prices. DrAaand veal la very scarce along the treat, especlaly the light,- fancy etuff. 'or these very top prices are the rulo. Ho,?-: are steaay. Bait marae is weaaer, ana some ei Axt a inwer ranre of values. i.r nlrnatlnn ia unchanred With rade small, because of expected de- llnes in value. Front street sells at the following trices. Prices paid shippers are less cgular commissions: Grain. Xlont ana reef. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, to; large lota: ama lota. Ha wheat Traca pncev;juD. szc ed Russian, SOc; bluestem, 84c; vai- tey, szc COPN wnoie, bj: crarnea, a ton. RARLKT New Feed. 126 ner ton: TbNed $29QS1: brewing, $29. KXJS Ia.da per cwu OATS New Producers' price No. white $27 per ton; gray, 2628.b0. FLOUR Eastern Oreaon ca tents. 4.96; straights, $4.60: exports, 13.90; allev. t4.a0lQ4.E0: craham. tu. 84.60i Whole wheat. $4.75; rye. 61s. $6.60; alea. IS MILL STUFFS Nominal Bran. $26 ton; middlings, $80; shorts, country, a : city, zs; cnop. fzuepxt. HAY Producers' one Timothv LvilUmette valley, fancy 115; ordin-, rv, II i: eastern uregun, 117, mixed, lbati0.60: elover. $10012: arain! 101S: cheat $1001$. Butter. Xg&s and romtry. BUTTER FAT F. O. d. Portland tweet cream. 86c; sour, 84a I BUTTUK tsxirs rancy rresn cream ry, 27Hc; fancy, 35c; choice, 8286c; rdlnary. 82Vac: best storage. 27Ufiiian; (econd 'grade. 25c; store, 20c a pound. Klius riixira lancy, canaied, 25c; tistem storage. 1718o dosen. CHEESE New Full cream, flats. 5Ho per lb; Young Americans, 17o per POULTRT Mixed chickens. lSo ner b; fancy hens, 13 He per lb; roosters. Id, juc; iryers, jac id; orouers, 18 He er ID, aucHa, sue; geese, oia, 100110 er lb; turkevs, alive, 18c per lb; ressefl. 19?0c lb: sauaba. t2.B0 docen! Igeons, $1.29 dos,; dressed poultry, lid o per lb higher; wild geese, $4 5 do. Hops, wool and Bides. HOPS 1907 crop, first prime. tatVLc: rime. 6Va6c: medlur.i to prime. Elae: isdlum, 405o lb; 1906 crop, 10 2o lb; ontracts, 1908, 10 11c. WOOL 1807 clip Valley, 18018c; afitem Oregon. 12 18c. MOHAIR :928Ho. HJIJES Dry hides, noise id; green. iVOULD EXCLUDE ALL JAPANESE ORANGES All over the 'Pacific coast there is an, agitation against the lm- portatlon of the Japanese orange. 4 ' It is claimed by the fruit author- lties that 'they are badly Infect- ed in fact every shipment that7 . comes .has to be fumigated. It e Is feared that in some way fruit 4. : diseases of the tropics will In vade , the . coast fruit , districts. ' Fruit men say that the fruit li 4 sold at such low values tht it hurts the trade of oar own prod- , ucts .- ; - e MARKETS MlILrEElSMOVETJPv ; U ONE DOLLAR A TON n ) in. . i ..",,.;';Y'JV "(: There was another advance Of $1 a to today in mlUfeeds. ow ing to continued scarcity all through the Paclflo coast states. The scarcity, is the result-of a general lack of export flour trade. Bran la today quoted at $2$. middlings $30 and "chop $20 a 11 (An ' : . - 40$: ealvea, green. 'I7ei klpa 10 lb; bulls, green salt. 'lb""ia-assn BHKKPSK1NS Sh-arlng. l$eO$Oo each i short wool. Z6c04vo; medium. wood. waO$l each; long wool. To9 II II unh TALLOW Prime, per lb, Ie04c) No. $ and grease, lOIVkO, CUITT1M BARK M. Trnlta and Tegetablee. - POTATOES Fancy, OIM"! I... . uiiimatt vallav. 60 O a t3 eastern Multnomah and. Clackamas, too 'ter&'Mrz' sroos$.6o buying, spot. $S.ttf$.t KUa, To per '""APPLES Select. $1.00; fancy cholje, 81.I6W1.80: ordinary,-8c $1.00. FRESH FRUITS Oranges, new.JJ.OO 02.60; bananaa, to lb; lemons, $4.G0 box; llms, Mexican, t J P pineapples. $44.60 doten; peara. fan cy. $16001.76; edlnary 81 A box; tan gerines, 1.6V DOX, jap ormusoa, vV IAa a Kiv. MnlmmoBI. 11.76. VEQETAliLES Turnips, new, $0 lOo. sacks carrots. 6do per sack: beets, fkiAlt rutr aark: oaranlDa 660051; cab- baa 5o$1.86i tomatoes, California, $2lo; Cuban. $6.26; beans 16c; csull- local. 76c Oil; peas, 10c; norseraaisn, ea. lb; artichokes, $1$1.10 doy: green anions, 16o dosen; peppers. 17c: hot- nouse lettuce, fl.iafwt.ea mi bers, hothouse. $1.25 dosen; radishes, 16o dosen bunches; eggplant, lo up; celery. $1.50 crate; cranberries, eastern. $9 qui. sprouts, so per id. ' Orooerles, Jmta, Kte. SUGAR California and Hawaiian Cube. $6.16; powdered. 86.80: berry, . . Z LT.l..y. K III. V YV .ran. ulated. $6.4; oonf. A.. $6.$0; extra B., $6 10; golden O- 16.00; D. yellow, it Id hmt aranulatad. 16.40: bar rel-, 15c; half barrels. 80c; boxes, 6Eo tilvanra on aark aaala (Above prices are 8$ days nst cash quotation; money 11 10 ear erata COFFEE Paokage brands. $16,880 ia i SALT Coarse Half ground. 110s. $18.60 per ton: 60s. $14.00; table, dairy 60a. $19.00: 100a. $18.76; bales. $2.60; Imported Liverpool, 60s. $20.0w-. 100s, 19.00: 4a, 18 UO, exira una varraia, .a rock. $20.60 per to; 60 -lb rock. $18.60, 100s, $1$.00. (Above prices spply to sales of less than car lota. Car lots at special prices subject to riurtuaiionaj HirRtmiiarlal Japan. No. 1. Ic: NO. J. iHOKc; New Orleans, head, 7c; AJax. 5cl Creole, 6-fce. HKlNfl Small whl white. 84.25; large whita $4.10; pink. $4.10: bayou, $8. ; pink. 54.10; Da you, a.u; Llmas. $6.60; Mexican reds, 4 He NUTSI Peanuts. Jumbo. 7o per lb; Vlrgtnls, 6-Wc per lb; roasted, c per lb; Japanese, 6i4r6Hc; rousted, $4o per lb; waJnuta. California, lo per lo; pine nut, 16o per lb; hickory nuts. lOo per lb; brazil nuts, ibo per id; tu be rts. 16c per lb' fancy pecans. 1420o per lb; aimonas, iso. Meats. Plih and Frovlalona. DRESSED MEATS Front street Hogs, fancy. 7o lb; ordinary, 44 He; large, H4pvo lb; veal, extra. 9Vo per lb; ordinary, to per lb; heavy, 7$o per lo; mutton, tancy, snivc per id. HAMS. BACON, ETC. Portland pack (local) bams. 10 to 12 lba, 12 Ho per lb; 14 to 16 lbs.. 12 Ho per lb; IS to 20 lbs, 12 He; breakfast bacon. 16 H 922 Mo pr lb; plcnlca, So per lb; cottage roll, 10c per lb; regular short clears, smoked. ll-0 per id; unsmosea, ivg per u, clear backs, un smoked, 100; smoked. 11 c: Union butts. 10 to 18o lba. un- smoked, 12c per lb; smoked, 13c per lb; clear bellies, unsmoked. 12 He per -b; smoked, 18 Ho per lb; shoulders. 10c; per lb; pickled tongues, 7oc each. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10a, 12Ho per lb; 6s, 13c per lb- 60-lb. tins, 12o fier lb; steam reudered, 10a, 11 Ho per b; 6a, 11 Ho per lb; compound, 10s, sHc per lb. FISH Rock cod. lHo lb; flounders. 60 per lb; halibut, lOo per lb; striped haaa lSn ner lb: catfish. 11c Der lb: Sal mon, chlnook. 12Hc; steelhead, 12c rer lb; froten, sc; berrings, o lb; soles. To lb; shrimps, lOo per IK. hma!i In rMr Ih IrmMH lit nap lb V,U. WW pr. v, " - r ' lobsters, 25o per lb.; fresh mackerel, 80 per ib; crawfish, 26c per dosen; stur geon, 1ZHC per id; Diaca dbss. zuc per lb; silver smelt. 7c per lb; Columbia smelt, 10c; black cod. 7c lb; crabs, il.ooiai. 60 aoxen. OYSTERS Shoalwater bay. per gal Inn 11.60: oar 100-lb sack. 85.00: Olym pia, per gallon. 88.40; per 100-lb aack, $6.00 6.50: Eagle, canned. 60o can; $7 dosen; eastern in soeu. i. per nun drad CLAMS Hardshell, per box. $2.40; raxor clam a ii.oe per dox: ivo per aos. rnbits. Coal OIL Xte. ROPE Pure manlla, 14c; standard. 12 c; slsaL 10 HC COAL OIL water white, tanks. lSHe; case. Ishc; neaaugni. cases, auc; Elane, cases, 28o; Eocene, cases, 21 He gallon. .... GASOLINE 86 deg, cases, 24 Ho per gal; iron bbls, 180 per gal. jsn;riiij.m oa aeg., cases, . Ui Iron bbls. $8c per gaL TURPENTINE In casen, 96o per gal; wood bbls, 93c per gaL white I.F.An Ton Inta ?Vo ner lb: 100-lb lots, 8c per lb; less iota 8 He. WIRE NAILS Present basis at $8.10. OF APPLE QUALITY The London apple market Is thus re ported for the week ending Saturday, January 18, by W. Dennls & Sons of Convent Garden market: "We are glad to say that our market has been a gradually advancing one for the past 10 days and that really good No. 1 fruit shows a very considerable rise in price since we lilt had the pleas ure of addressing you. There has been during the past week an active demand for Canadian Greenings No. 1 grade, the best quality of which have been Belling from 20 shillings to 24 shillings per barrel, Baldwins No. 1, from 17 shil lings to 20 shillings. Golden Russetts, from 17 shillings to 20 shillings, and No. 1 grade stuff has shown similar ad vances In price. On the other hand, whilst we have had better Dribes for No. 8 grade than those recently ruling, the advance has not been so marked as in the better grades. Indeed, there Is such a larae Quantity of this inferior quality stuff coming forward from Nova Scotia as keeps the demand for that ar ticle ruiiy supplied, wnat win do want ed from now on to the end of the sea son at, we are inclined to think, good iricea, wiu oe reaiiy ursi ciass jno. 1 in box apples the situation is also better, bat unfortunately much of this fruit Is arriving very unsatisfactorily as to condition, uregon newiowns are, ror the most part, even when sound, die tinctlv inferior' In quality and aeneral appearance to those of previous years, whilst in - addition we regret to say many parcels are arriving tn a very wasty condition and have the appear ance of having been affected by frost somewhere ' en route before shipment Really good Oregon 4-tler fruit is sell lnsT from 18 to 14 shillings per box. but there are many of Inferior .quality selling at from 10 to 12 shillings and waaty jmroels at much below these." LONDON dl W WIS SOLD rk". ,J AFTER START .t Opening "Wheat Values Are Higher but Old Crop Falls ; : to Keep Up Eight. CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. ' Open. Close. Jan. $1. Gain; May $6H 96 8644 H July ..$ 86 $H ; Chicago, Feb. L Opening value In the wheat market here were sharply higher but trade eaaed off after the start on the weakness abroad and old crop options lost most of the gain, while new crop held Its own. There were re ports of green bugs in various sections of the southwest again In the early trading but evidently the trade did not believe them for later value went downward. It was a dun day in the eoarae train markets and values were quiet with a fractional advance in both corn and oats. Provisions were sharply lower again with lack of support from any side. May pork lost 16o from Friday. Range by Downing-Hopkins Co.: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. 4 8614 $1 ,t 88 May July II" 'At CORN. 81 $ 18 68 674 S8fl $7 6TH May ...... juiy OATS. May 4f 4$ 4f 4$H 120T i2$r July MXSS PORK. May 1225 1226 1206 July i860 1250 1227 Liverpool Wheat Lower. LlverpooL Feb. L May - wheat closed t 7s 4. a net loss Of Hd from Friday. Chicago Cash Barley. Chicago, Feb. 1. Cash barley T70Te. HOGS AIID SHEEP PASS POOR PORTLAND BY PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Today 226 ... 107 ... 1906 164 187 26 1906 86 100 Portland Union Stockyards, Feb. 1. Wlh only a fair run of cattle In the yards today the market la not showing anv elans of strength. In fact, the weakness is quite prominent ana quo tations are just oeing maintained ai 14.00 04.26 for best ateera. Hoas and sheeD were absent and Quotations In both lines are nominal. Some weakness. however, is being shown la the former line. A year ago today all lines were firm at uncnangea values. . (irriciai vara nrices: Hoes Best eastern Oregon. $5,000 S.26: China fats. $5.00. Cattle ' Best eastern Oregon steers. i (irtifflj 9K kaat rw. mrA il?A.fli ft 4R bulls, $1.7602.00. Sheep Best wethers, $5. BO0K.75; mixed and best ewes, $6.005.60; lambs, WOOL GROWERS TO MEET. Umatilla Association Will Assemble Tufsday Important Business. fir ITah 1 Tha p.vtft. annual meeting or tne umauua county Woolrrowers' association will be held In this city. Tuesday. February 11. and aside from the annual election of of ficers there are a number of Important ma4Aeaa ttmrm lin fnp A lean 11 at aHtet among them being the taking over oi the shares oi stoca recently purcnased in the Idaho salt plant at Oaden. Utah. This stock in this plant is being pur chased by Individual woolgrowers and later is to be turned over to the state association. Rome action will be taken In regard to the raoldly becoming famous Burkett bill wnicn rrom an appearances win again be introduced at tnis session or conaress. This bill provides for the leasing of the public domain, and is re ceiving the eerlous consideration of stockmen's organizations ail over the west. PRICE OF PRODUCE Ifl SAN FRANCISCO (Calted Pres Leased Wire.) San Francisco. Feb. l. Wheat No, California club, per cental, $1.62 H 1.66; white milling club, $1.67 tf 1.70; wmte Australian, ' Htvi. 76; norm era bluestem, $1.70il.72 ; northern club, $1.62tt1.65; inferior grades of wheat $1.40 1.65. Barlev No. 1 feed. 11.47 V4 1.6. witn some fancy at $1.62; oommon to fair. Xl.404Dl.47H : Drawing at Ban rran cisco 81.6601.60: brewins- and ship ntng at Port Costa. $1.62 1.67H; Chevalier. $1.66 & 1.85. according to oualltv. Butter Fresh' California extras, 29c; firsts, 26c; seconds, 22c; storage, Cali fornia extras. 23c: firsts. 22c; seconds. 21c: eastern extras. 23c: firsts, 22c; sec onds. 21c; ladles, eastern, 20c; firsts, Jc. EgRS- Fresh, per dozen, firsts, 20c; seconds, 19c; thirds, 17c; storage, Call- 18c; eastern extras, 16c; firsts, 14c; sec onds, sc. . Cheese ver nouna. new uaiuornia flats, fancy. 14c: firsts. 13c; Cali fornia Younir America fancy. 14 He: firsts, 14c' storage, eastern fancy .New York, 17Hc; Oregon, 16c. Potatoes Per cental, Salinas Bur banks. 80c$1.10; Lompocs, $1.80 .40: uregon uurDanKB, oouitf a.iu; rhttas. fancv. 7680c: river whiter, choice, 76c; Early Rose. $1.101.30; river reds, $1.8501.40: sweet potatoes, $2.76 2.85 per cental, and $2.85 for orates. Onions Yellow Dan vers, $8.00; Lom pocs, $2.502.75. Oranges $1.7632.25, with some fancy at $2.60. Northwest Bank Statement, PORTLAND. Clearings today.. 'Isi'SHSS Year aao. 678,728.02 Balances today. $ 84,726.65 Year ago 80,887.46 SEATTLE. Clearings $968,103 Balances 118,874 TACOMA. Clearings $507,867 Balances ei.fto Northwest Crop Weather. . WaaUm Oregon snd -Western Wash ington Fair tonight and Sunday, con tinued cold: easterly windav . ; Eastern uregon, eastern w as n ington and Idaho Fair tonight and Sunday, continued cold. Half-round box of chocolates free. See announcement on the "Want Ad" Pe. IIop Dealers Aro Planning: Another Or ganization in Order to Break Up Tres ent One Woald Wreck Proposed One. I STREET v RJJHS 111 FEAR Stocks Open Higher but Liquidation in a Few K Causes Later Losses. 4 Mew York Bank Statement. Reserve m..... $3,462,221 do less U. S 1,316,126 Deposits ,.11,833,600 .1.783.400 .. 7,696.900 .1,601,800 . 789,600 Loins '. Specie Legale 4 Circulation Decrease. STOCK MARKET LOSSES. Amalgamated . IC A O ., Suaar tUlJolo. Fuel ... tt :::8 ..i .. A. Bmeiter Erie Anaconda Vl Locomotive , Un Pari fin Atchison B. A O. ....... H Brooklyn 1 St. Paul 1H Fenns V N. Y. Central N. P O. A W U. P. U. 8. Steel . do Pfd Raadlnr IH Rock Island ...1U S. P. 1 Boo Ot. Nor., pfd a. Railway .... H STOCK MARKKT OAIN8. C. A 0 1 panadlan H U A N. Vfcl New Tork. Feb. 1 The stock market opened under the most favorable cir cumstances. .Prices advanced In most Issues at the start but the few Issues that held back clearly showed that the trade was not entirely bullish. Selling pressure en these few losers soon Drought about liquidation among those who advanced early and at the close al most all Issues were lower. Reading dronoed back 344 points and Union Pa clflo nearly 2 points. A loss of 24 was shown in American sugar Heiining. bu Paul and American Smelter common each dropped !' points. The bank statement was ravoraDie. Range by Downlng-Hopklna Co. O S a a DESCRIPTION. a 3 Am.. Copper . . Am. Sugar, a. Am. Bmeiter. . A. Cotton OH 61 112 6Vi 22 28 71 83 45 Anaconda M, Co. Atchison, c .... Bait A a ..... Brooklyn R. T.. . Canadian Pac., o. 151 113 C. M. A St P. . . Ches. A Ohio ... Colo. FueL a... Erie, c 28 18 14 '4 36 97 42 96 Am. Locomotive L. A Nashville . Missouri Pa a. .. N. Y. Central .. N. Pacific, c. ... Ont A Western.. Penas. Ry. People's Gas . . . Reading Ry, c. Rock Island, O.. So. Pacific, c... So. Railway, c. Union Pacific, c. U. 8. Steel, 0... do, pfd Wabash, pfd.... Ot Northern ... Smelter, pfd ... Federal Smelt . Soo, c do, pfd Rock Island, pfd Metropolitan ... Denver & R. O. . 43 9 v4 41 95 12814 123. 123 32 112 113 iii 85 100 12 73 10 121 28 82 15 103 13 7494 11 1234 28 Ti 100H 12 78 10 120 27 Ti 83H 9Z 120 81 81 91 45 93 125 26 22 19 20H 20 20 Total sales 323,600 shares. Sell Clam Cannery. (Special rnapslcB te Th innraal.) Weetport, Wash., Feb. 1. Mr. Slgurd son. who owned the clam cannery here, has sold it to T. R. Phillips and O. B. T .nnl ..lata man nf 'Pkrtlanr1 They have announced their intention of planting orchards on the property, and fave Incorporated a company called the rUre x ooa racKinx i-imijmuy ul ' vv tni- nort. They paid $2,850 for the prop erty. Tacoma Wheat. Tacoma, Feb. 1. Wheat Export club, 82c; bluestem, 83c; red. 79c. HINDUS APPLY FOR NATURALIZATION (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) Albanv. Or.. Feb. 1. Two Hindus have appeared before the clerk of the court to make declaration of Intention to become cltlzena of the United States. They are employed In the sawmill at Crawfordsville and are said to be edu cated men, able to read and write the English language. They are D. 8. Kehar and S. Wasson. Amor A- Tusslng of Brownsville rep reeented the applicants and was pre- A -... n ..a., thai Ih. nartlaa named UM OU IV 1 1 , .J .i" " - were entitled to make their declaration to become citizens. m. ...... v y. Ann itnil.r an. vlsement and will be submitted to the federal bureau or immigration. New Incorporations. . (Special DIspstcb to Tbe Journal ) D-t r wh 1 Artlrlna cit incor poration have beon filed In the office of the secretary of state aa follows: Crosby Commercial company, princi pal offioe, Portland, Oregon capital stock. $100,000; incorporators, W. V. Crosby, B. E. Meredith and Bartlett Cole rrw PaiiI Mlnlnor prtmnnnv prlnolpal office, Portland, Oregon; capi tal stock, $600,000; incorporators, S. E. Wlghtman, W. Hutehings, Chong Sin Choon and Nellie I. Gibson. Tir..lti.ir4A tiexmtk Tlanhnna anil TaI- egraph company, principal office, Port land, Oregon; capital stock, $500,000; In corporators, S. V. Davldor. H. J. Meagh er. D. J. Eaton and B. E. Clements. lUrcn B, principui oiiiuc, vvitutKa Grove, Oregon; capital stock. $25,000; In corporators, li, J-.UI tn. i. jjurcii anu Celia Lurch. Portland Shingle company, principal orrtce, .romana, ureuuni cityiim biuuk, $24,000; incorporators, N. P. Sorensen, t. u. iounK ana u. a. zoung. Dmrfland 1 na.ltii.nll .1.1.111,1 rvtn. cipal office, Portland, Oregon; capital stock, $80,000; Incorporators, Lewis M. Head, Benjamin W. Buxton and W. H. Judson. CofTman's Society Chooolates riven away. See announcement on the "Want Ad" page. . Fought on "Old Ironsides.' (United Psa Leased Wire.) Salem. Mass.. Feb. 1. Moses D Wahher of this citv. the oldest survivor Of the crew of the Constitution, was eighty-eight years old today. ne served on "Old Ironsides" when she still carried her original battery of fnrtv-four runs. He waa born In Bos ton and began his life on the eea when he was twelve years old. In 1833 he enlisted In the navy and after a short term of eervlce on a revenue cutter he waa assigned to the United States frig ate Constitution. The Constitution was soon ordered off on sea duty and in her he made a cruise of the Mediterranean porta. 1'JM I'll OPERATE Oil WEEKLY SCHEDULE ' ' ' BBaasBBWaaBaaBaaaBWaBBpSBaeaal Steamships Koso City and Senator Alternate on the Coast Run. KEM0DELED LINER DUE HERE SHORTLY Alternating Steamers Will Leare Portland Every Friday and Bail - Francisco Eyery Sattirday mea - days to Be Arrival Day Here). ..l t.v ... . 11 ,it, tha (departure of the ateam.r Rose City from I roruana, me tsan rancisco at trvrawuxu Steamship company will Inaugurate a j weekly schedule on the Portland-San Francisco run,. Instead of the six-day ervloe now in vogue. As reason for i his Is given the fact that the Rose City is a much larger steamer than the Coata i Rica, which will be discarded, so that even with a longer interim between sail ings, a larger number of passengers can I be bandied than under the existing ar- , rangament It la also argued that by arranging a ! seven-day schedule, the traveling publK ' will always know when to depend upon a steamer's departure, since they will leave Portland on Fridays and Kan Fran clsco on Saturdays. They will arrive here every Tuesday morning, regular as clockwork, so it Is planned, and leave ut 4 o'clock In the afternoon until April 15, when 9 a. m. will be the hour of de- parture at this end of the line. This will afford the passengers the opportu- nlty of viewing the rand Columbia river scenery. Coming north, the steam- era leave Bpear-street wharf, San Fran- clsco, st 11 a, m. Notice of the above arrangement was received here last night by Local Agent J.'H. Lewson. and he Is today sending ! Instructions accordingly to agents throughout the country where passen- ' tho CosU Rica, but there is a possibll- a freighter should business demand IL I The Rose City is said to be the finest 1 passenger liner nn Ih. M..l mnA .ha will have acoom rj.r . r In a, arrl 1 9n at.ArirA rBii,n..r, Tlia ' Senator has accommodations for 149 first-class and 108 steerage paasengers, which is a great Improvement over the old service of a few months ago, when the Costa Rica and City of Panama al ternated on the route. The craft will also offer a much Improved freight service. Assuranoe la given from San Fran cisco that the new arrangement will be the best servtoe ever maintained be tween Portland and San Francisco. LUMBER OS MCOMEDIA. Liner Takeg Big Shipment and Tramps Come for Cargoes. Leaving for Hongkong and way ports , 1. 1 hA Dn,llani1 a nl l.latl. Hn., Nlcomedla will carry 1.000,000 feet of lumber, the largest enlpment ever taken out by one of the regular liners. The heavy lumber ahlpment will reduce the ' .i ..i.. . i.n ... this Is considered rather fortunate at this time because of the slack demand for breadstufts in Japan The Nlcomedla Is discharging general cargo at Alaska dock today but wilt shift to the wharf of the Eastern and Western Lumber company Monday noon to begin loading lumber. From there she will shift to the flour mills to load flour. The British steamer St. Egbert ar rived at Astoria this morning under charter to Balfour. Guthrie & Co. to carry 3,000,000 feet of lumber to .the Philippines. She will receive her cargo at the mills of the St Johns Lumber company and the Portland Lumber com pany. The St. Johns portion of the cargo will be taken on board first. The St. Egbert belongs to the same line as the St. Hugo, which is now here load ing wheat for Europe. The Norwegian steamer Haldls which arrived at the mouth of the river a couple of days ago has gone to Kaiama to load lumber for La Boca. Panama. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Work to Begin on Bridge Crossing San Francisco Bay. Notice is given that the bridge of the Central California railway, author ised by act of congress, to cross New ark slough, lower part of San Francisco bay, California, is about to be started, the work to begin in the center of the channel. While under construction a fixed whtta lantern llarht will ha'ahnvn .vera night from the outer end of each trestle, and during foggy weather a bell will be sounded. When completed a draw. 50 feet clear on each side, with clear head room under the snana of (U feat, maaanrwri from the extreme high tide level, will be permanently lighted, In accordance with the regulations for lighting of bridges ever navigable waters. CELEBRATE NEW YEAR'S. Chinese on Liner Nlcomedla Butcher Squealing Porker. By butchering a squealing pig yester day afternoon the Chinese sailors on the Portland A Aslatlo liner Nlcomedla for mally began celebrating New Year's on noara tne vessel. Tne Killing was fol lowed by the shooting of several hun dred bunches of firecrackers. The Chinese are not permitted to go ashore, and hence it becomes necessary for them to have a little celebration of their own on board ship. The forepeak of the big German freighter has been turned over to them for that purpose and there they hold high carnival in the fashion of their country. The pig slaughtering episode yester day afternoon was done at Alaska dock and attracted much attention. The pig's squeal's could be heard for a long distance excepi when it was drowned by the din of the Jabbering and excited Chinese. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The steamer Alliance will arrive at Couch street dock this afternoon from Coos bay. The Breakwater will arrive here tomorrow from Coos. The Waldport Lumber company will operate the gasoline schooner Berwick between Alsea and Taqulna Bay. The craft Is now being repaired at Supple'a shipyard. . Captain Jaoobsen has left the gasoline schooner Berwick and his place has been taken by Captain Bowdltch, for merly master and part owner of the steam schooner Aurella. mornir. anS anchored in thf stream If TannHdn.anhre- ll? lESS The German bark Nal arrived up this Coqlmbo-under charter to carry "wheat to Kurorje. Captain Werlich has planned a box protection for the lights marking the dangers in Lynn canal, Alaska, which he believes will overcome the objection able feature of having the lights ex tinguished every now and then by the high winds that sweep down from the north. NEW GRAIN RECORD. Pacific Northwest Porta Ship More Wheat Than Ever. More wheat has been shipped from Portland and Puget sound ports from July 1. the beginning of the cereal year, to date than during any like per iod in the history of the Paclflo north west according to figures compiled by the Merchants exchange of this city. The quantity of wheat. Including flour reduced to wheat, from Portland and the several Puget sound ports to date from the beginning of the eeason Is $6,834,08$ bushals, which exoeeds the remarkable record of 1106-06 when $7, 306,847 bushele had been eblpped by the first of February. i During the month of January Port land shipped more flour than " Puget sound ports combined, the J' land shipments aggregating - 108.380 barrels and the Puget sound shipments aggregating ft,S6t barrels. The wheat shipments from Portland, Including coastwise business aggregated f.283. bushels, whereas the combined Puget sound ports shipped 2,816,870 bushels. Portland exported more wheat to Kur ope than the combined Puget sound ports, however, by more than 100,000 bushels. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. aXegmlar Users Dn to Arrive. Alliance. Coos Bay Feb. 1 Senator, San Francisco Feb. 2 Breakwater, Coos Bay .Feb. 2 W. Elder. San Pedro and way. Feb. 8 VTanalal flan ITmnnlanA Feb 10 I Rose City, Ban Francisco Feb. U . OaamaWa flan IIIrA .nil . Roanoke. 8an Pedro and way. .Feb 11 iNumantla. orient.. .Feb. 26 March 1 .April 1 ..May 1 1 Airnin, urieriL. . . Arabia, orient . . . . i .... Nlcomedla, orient .. Xegular Joiners to Depart. Senator, San Francisco Feb. 5 grwa 'J'Zco. ..Feb. 6 ...Feb. 4 ..Feb. 10 ..Feb. 13 ..Feb. 13 .Feb. 13 .Feb. 14 .March 1 i jsiieomedia, orient I Hanalet. San Francisco Roanoke, Ban Pedro and way Alliance, Cooa Bay... Roae City, San Francisco .. Numantla. orient Aleala, orient March 10 Arabia, orient April 10 Yesssls In Port. St Nicholas. Am. ah. A?JK,i Berlin. Am. sh Op. 0 Versailles, Fr bk ?'n"vi. Henry Villard, Am. sn St. Johns Acmi Am. ship WiZZ Buffon. Fr. bk. Irving ""lie di Mulhouse. Fr. bk....Greenwicn Wslden Abbey. Br. ship Centennial . xtr kv Stream , nuetharv Tr bk Mersey Rnbek Oer as" ,...,Wanlo r vard -Fr bk. v. Stream . fylne Am ss Oooie . la" . Bold,ffr. FT. bk.... Columbia 1 pvino. "SJ bk . . Elevator i vin d, 'Dijon, Fr. bk O. A C. pierr, Lotl Fr bk Stream St Hucrt pr n Irving r.i. v,ii-r' Rr ss. ........Elevator ! Nordsee Oer bk. ............ -Stream R.ron c'awdor. Br. ss. Montgomery No. 3 5"n cfty Am ss" .7. . . . . . St. Helens a. h Stella ,r"' ,.? 7i.,- .a Alaska Slj oer bk a e Aevwa ...N. P. mills . ... ...Rainier , .Couch street .w eB,i: " 1 .-..-1 Is An mm Hnldls. Nor. ss. , .Kaiama ....Stella r.pilBiuii, -v.. in A nt. Kanert. nr. ss. .,,,, . , .CI. .Villi. ..Couch street .I I Alliance. Am. Waahlngton, Am. nch Rainier En Sioate to Load .Camber. F. E. Sanders, Am. achu...San Francisco Echo. Am. bktn. ...Callao yoeemlte. Am. sa. San Francisco JordanhM, Br. sen. Valparaiso Baivator. Am. sch. Redondo Retriever, Am. bktn ..Redondo Aady Mahoney, Am. scb San Pedro John A. Campbell. Am. sob. . .San Pedro Albyn, Ruse, bk. ...........Callao F. H. Lunsman, Am. sch.. San Francisco Virginia, Am. sch ..San Francisco A. M. CampbeU, Am. sch. Redondo Alvena. Ara. sch Redondo En Stonte With Cement and General. Alice Marie. Fr. bk. Antwerp Eugene Rergallne, Fr. bk. Antwerp Arctlo stream, nr. sn.. nuu.iuim i Crown of India, Br. sh. A"l!E5 I Cornil Bart Fr. bit . i,-". , Jule qommes, Frbk. Rotterdam i Edward I)etaUla Fr. bk. ,"15 tr.miila Oaillne. Fr. bk.. ....... . Lionlon I Ernest Legouve, Fr. bk. 5! i Aberfoyle, Br. sn. . . , lw Emanuele Accama, It bk Hamburg Aagerd. Br. ehip Antwerp Bldart, Fr. bk.......... Antwerp Albert Rlckmera, Oer. bk Antwerp Clan Graham, Br. ah. Cardiff Eugenie Fautrel, Fr. bk Antwerp Coal Ships Bn Xonte. . Emily Reed, Am. sh Newcastle. A. Ancaios, Br. sn Newcastle, A, Brodick Castle, Br. sh. . .Newcastle, A. Call una, Br. bk Newcastle. A. Larglemore, Br. sh Newcastle, A. Mlndoro Am. sch. .Newcastle. N. a W. Agnes Oswald, Br. sh. .. .Newcastle. A. Hatumet Br. ss Newcastle, A. Tramp Steamers Xn monte. Strathflllan, Br. as.... Vancouver. B. C Sommerstad. Nor. ss....San Francisco Tungus, Nor. ss vtS .und Hyades, Am ss San JYanclsco Cambrian King, Br. ss.. San Francisco MonMake. Br. ss ....Guaymas Knight Templar, Br. sa ...Valparaiso Glenlogan. Br. ss. Guaymas Sa Boute la Ballast to toad araln. CelUo Chief, Br. sh .....Honolulu Alsterkamp, Oer. sh. .. . . .Caleta Coloaa Alexander Black, Br. bk..... San Diego Clan Buchanan, Br. sh.... Santa Rosalia Cbarlea Gounod. Br. bk..San Francisco Cambusdoon, Br. sb Calota Calosa Earl of Dunsmore, Br. sh ,lla0 Cloch. Br. bk'...............v..Taltal Andre Theodore, Fr. bk-6a,18F"nrC11" Burgafiv'llle. Fr. bk. .'.. San Francisco Nereus, Br. ship Varhana. Br. bk...... Valparaiso Valparaiso 1 Bonchamp. Fr. bk. San Francisco ' Celticburn, Br. bk. Sania, R?sal, i River Falloch. Br. ah. ...... Talcahuano Jacobean, Fr. bk San Francisco Leyland Bros., nr. snip Valparaiso Crown of Germany, Br. sh....8an Fran. I Dynamone, Br. sh .Ban Francisco Hoche, Fr. bk Honolulu j Oil Steamers En Bents. I Atlas. Am. ss Ban Francisco I GeoTLoomla Am. ss San Francisco Dynamone, Br. sh MARINE NOTES Astoria, Feb. 1. Arrived st 7 and left up at 8:30 a. m., steamer Alliance, from Coos bay Arrived at 7:40 a. m., Brit ish steamer St. Egbert, from Guaymas. San Francisco, Feb. 1. Arrived, steamer Cascade, from Columbia river. Sailed yesterday, French bark La Pe rouite. for Portland. Arrived, steamer Hanaiei. from Portland. Hong Kong, Jan. 81. Arrived, Ger man steamer Numantla, from Portland Bt Vincent, Jan. 81. Arrived, Brit ish steamer British Monarch, from Port land.' Coronel. Jan. 81. Arrived, British steamer Glenstrae. from Portland. Caleta Colosa, Feb. 1. Sailed January 28, German ship Alsterkamp. Astoria, Feb. 1. Condition of the bar at 8 a. m., smooth; wind east 10 miles; wea r her. clear. Tides at Astoria today High water, 0:30 a. m.. 7 feet; 11:60 p. m.. 9.3 feet Low water, 6:06 a. 3.2 feet; 8:60 p. ni., 1.6 feet. TACTICS OF RAILWAYS DRAWS DIRE THREAT (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) Olvmcla. Wash.. Feb. 1. The block ing tactics pursued In the courts by the railroads In reference to orders Is sued by the railway commission have caused Commissioner J. C. Lawrence to declare himself in favor of an amend ment to the railway commission law . Hbollshlna the railroads' right of appeal. . He eays he will urge such an amend. ent "?on th8 next legislature and bo- UOVM PCOple Of the State Will SUP- ' Rrt It -The -n?!!. .IVIII . J ...'I"'. ...... W I ed by tho commission. ! "The most exasperating appeal," said ! Mr. Lawrence, "is that from the order of the commission requiring physical connections between railways at inter secting polnts WOMAN WORKS GAME . : ON WISE SEATTLEITES (United Press Leased Wire.) ' ' ' San Francisco, CaL, Feb. 1 Nora Bracklln, otherwise known aa Mrs. Par ker, a prepossessing woman about 33 years of age, was arrested at the. St, Francis hotel by Detectives Conlan and Mackey and will -be held for the author, lties of Seattle, ' where' she t wanted for having passed worthless checks to the extent of at least ASK COLlLKIOil TO REDUCE RATES Attorneys for Chamber of 'Commerce Present Ques tion to State Board. . Za a brief presentation of their views on respective merits of the ease, the at tomeys for the Portland chamber of commerce transportation committee and the Harrlman lines In Oregon today put ' before the Oregon railway commission the question of a reduotlon ef distrib utive rates. The presentation occupied an hour's time, and the commission will scan the documents presented and con sider tbe various points raised before arriving at any decision. .:,.. It was suggested by J. N. Teal, at' torney for the transportation committee. r that the O. R. A N. company should make reductions of about 30 per sent on ita rates for less than carloads, and 10 to 16 per cent reduction on freight in r5 less than earlote, Flguree were sub-' ' mitted showing comparisons Of distrib utive rates out of Portland and for aim-,, liar distances on railroads running out . ox eastern aistrioutive centers. ins comparisons show that the Harrlman lines In Oregon are collecting mush . , higher carrying charges on nearly all commodities that are wholesaled In 1 Portland. . '. The railroads tn the middle west have reduced their distributive rates in re sponse to the demande ef rail eompe- . titlon and the pressure of commercial interests that strive In different local- , lties to obtain the advantage ever other - dtarttbutlve points, and while the mo- lives behind these contentions may tn y most cases be from selfish Interest the '. results are all beneficial to the eon- ' nurncr, for all reductions of rail carry- Inr rates tend to lowering the cost of living-. The commission will. 1n making any adjustment Of the distributive rates In Oregon, keep In mind the relation of rates not only to Portland but to all other points In the state. It Is expected -that a considerable time will elapse be-. ' fore the commission will arrive at a determination of the case. SECOxND MARKET DAY : ; AT PENDLETON (Special Dispatch to Tbe loerael.) . Pendleton. Or., Feb. 1. -The second market to he held In this city text . Saturday, promises to be well patronised , and attended. Over $3,000 worth of -livestock, besldess large numbers of wagons, buggies, sets of harness and other property, has already been listed for sale. The farmers are patronising'' the eales well and the Urge crowds which attend give the city a gala ap- ' pearance. ' Coffman's Society Chocolates given V away. See announcement on the "Want Ad" page. Watch the Groundhog. (United Press Lessed Wire.) New Tork, Feb. 1. There won't ba any need for a weather bureau tomor row, for It will be "groundhog day. According to the ancient superstition, exploded a thousand times by actual facts, but still cherished by the public. If the groundhog sees his shadow when he Issues from his hole at noon on : Candlemas day (February 2), he will., crawl In again and prepare for el weeks mere of winter. If en the , other hand, he falls to see his shadow, he will remain out and make prepara tions for the coming of the spring, thus Indicating that the most severe - part of winter Is past and that milder weather is near at band. Half pound of the ftnest chocolates, ' free. See the announcement on the "want ad" page. Without Prejudice?. ; From the Argonaut The manager of a shipyard Is re ?orted to have assembled his men In the ime office and told them to rote la a municipal election as they pleased. . "In fact I shan't tell you how I am going to vote," he said, "but after it la all over I shall have a barrel of beer '. brought into the yard.'' (Hear, hear!" . shouted the men.) "But I shan't tap it unless Mr.' Blank gets In." Providence Automobile 6how. - . (netted Press teased wire. Providence. R. L. Feb. 1 The second .- annual automobile and power, boat show to be held in Providence opened In the state armory today and will continue through the coming week. The exhibi tion surpasses last year's show both in ' the number and variety of its exhibits. A grand military carnival, with drills and athletio sports, will be one of the added attractions of the week. "Open All theTimen ABSOLUTE SAFETY- - -- OFFERED DEPOSITORS ; No interest paid on commercial accounts or daily balances. .INTEREST Paid on Term Savings , . v . Accounts By the . old gold tried , L and tested ' , - German-Amerlccn Baiilc : Corner Sixth and Alder Sf. v,..r. Opposite) Oregoniao : J esarn roa strrsrcs'a cATArecra Trees, Shrubs, Vir::, 0:. .' Address ' J. J. ZJTZZ?.Z".. ,. . . - r'. a.