The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 31, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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1 M.
C. i. . JACKSON. .......
out of the credit or guaranty fund. I makes no corrupt or Improper bar-
Probably experience will how that gain; the moment one appears there,
far lower percentage! will ' answer I or approaches a member of the legls-
the purpose. National banks . are J Iature for thla purpose, he should
Small Cl,
. pablialira' rrrrj tTtnlnf (tmpt SandJjr) aed
" ; Hanoi r aMrslsg, t Th Jourail Bulla-
)' li. rut an tambUI MNrli, Portland, or.
Bnt-red Bt tha poatofflce at PartUnd. Or., foe DP U
declares against Statement No. 1,
thus taking the position that sot the
ohnnaA ttia t nan I .11 .11.. I. ' ""i ' ,. 1 "mt
given me Mine nguts ana privileges J e lurnea out or omce. no cn- w agvtrwiii , ior ;o legislature,! Aa m f0e Fairbanks, but wnat, ha
na Bimio uauu, on me same terms
T1 XT Ttr'r1
anc .: .n - ine incw womanvjoes
tj' ., , Too Far v ', .
dldate for United States senator who I which one, they : being considered I needs is aid.'
Besides this plan of guaranteeing I bargains for votes by agreeing to equal In other respects, would the
' By Mrs. John, A. Logan. .
I have read with- deep regret the re
port that women tn: the United States
In case
trii.niiion tbrouf tbt mif wcomi-cUM j financial, stringency, would have
' -I fnrrirntif its own notes, to does not premise two or three such
TELCl'UONES T1T3.. HOME. -o3l. I h circulated through tha hanks, in. men. haa not A DroDer concentlon of
. - y -v ' - T - "I 1 . ' . 7- -
Being I uargsins ior votes or unmcius, iu i,uu u viuer rvBywii, wuuiu luw I Orlir trerras beeoma aati iiiahm4 I P" nai women m ini unuw ewiea
of a recommend unlit men Hk Brownell majority of th "ranlt and file" of In thie dimau. " 7"u "Tf""4 shottld ; go 5 to such etent as to "ride
1 the for an important office, even If he Republicans supportt! ; And V'LTi'l'".'' vr-' "rtde in ' Jockey knit, and' to sm be
' January ' after air puwunea paragrapns or society wot
fori 1 ' . ..'; vrV. f -' I man. In tight trousers, high boots and
If la, two years. the estimate tor
iW?JZ't1Lt&$7un' itead of providing for the-Issuance that great office. And people should the Panama canal has grown f rom hl, b; "f.
Kt Sid ffi. B-344t tt Kw. I of bank ot tin tflrma thit a-tva alba careful to send men to the lerls-1 UD.ytlU.OUO to I300.000.0OV, wnac
t " 0HKia.- advertising HEPBESBSTATivi few bankers an enormous interest, lature who are not only not liable wlH tB& flgufe,be two and four years weather, througr" ,""
.. Knuwlck
J York; Irl
njmiii siKfciai AflmiWDi Agtnrf, J a,nd then do not require them to I to have to ask favors from prosecu-lnenc ' About a billion, at this rate. I
'"bBx ni'i'o""' 1 really relief the stringency, as has tors, but who have ho favors to ask h ' J O' ' . ' -J- ' A
Many a Senator has been boosted Into I Jockey oost riding at breakneck speed
la painful beyond expression, and cn-
not be accounted for except on the
around that it la feihlonabla.
How any woman with the Jnodeety
mat lu nnvl n vnmanlrltirl nil nrmmm In
onj '0' ehootlng duoka and I white linen troueera, hlch top boots and
- 1 ... .1 .. . . a . 1 recaa cioaaa irarrtiar i . i - . j
tauhnnMo. Tara,. br ..ii t. ..r .Mr, lately happened.- Why should not from senatorial aspirants or any-U it do -necessary ior we , , , , :; , - :, - dS"Vh.;i?"ir .ffiiS. mZSS
u iu hum hum. umm r aeucfc I f ha ipnvpmmAnt In tha lninnrv nf bodv elge. pxcent onpnlv. hnnosdv 1 country 10 ue run oy me jteuuuwcau i j. b. smith has nothlna but tha tt unn I iockeva. both black and white, la shock
so la flnanrini n,nu nrna .rantiv tn and for enort iw. fnr th nnr.l' party, then the party needs a thor- " be ot thmt boasf of. Ina- and beyond the bnderatandlng of
ougn regeneration ana lumigsuon. Marrima am. v y
One year.
0u fur.
.Oat yrar.,
......$3.00 I Ooa BMBtb.
tt 8o I Out south.
, 17.60 On aranta..
.S9the relief of the people, obliging Us I benefit.
J chartered banks to act as its agencies I This case should make the people
ibly can to Injure the country.
' The shortest life la long
enough if It lead to a better,
and the longest life is too
short If It does not. Colton.
for doing so. Instead of turning the I all the more firm and determined in I
whnlA nrohlAm nior tn T Plnrtwint I rAoulrlnir randlrfatna for tha laa-la-
. j- - i - " -
7 1 Morgan, great and noble financier j lature to pledge themselves to State-
Letters From tKe People j Mr. Bourne was a eo offered a lot
-i . - of money at Salem, n was said.
women who love their kind.
I hate aeen recently what purported
to be pictures 6f two prominent women
In fashionable society. One of them
holds a cigarette In her flngere. 'I am
not surprised that we are often . (he
subjects of unfavorable commont on tlia
Regarding tho Revolver. I ' IP.rt 01 foreUnera who overlook the fact
ment No. 1. They surely do not Cascade Lock, Or Jan ..To th- tran.U nirW
want any more of this bargaining Editor of the Journal As I am a sub-1 , gulled some of them from the oath of
and trafficking with their interests. I scriber to The Journal, allow me tor But how . can It- be expected that I PI'.' nd rectitude the InherlUnoe
9 I.... . v.a.l TJti a Rata aawm a 1 jt atuaat a fc. a . x k tIAF B-tl a1 f at aa eAaaalt eW
criticise; your editorial, page, it naa yoiear . ; - . ,..
rrv. . ' I the thouaht of women caatlna a vota
Item per day abusing revolvers. This Is whit doea bl BUI Taft think VtfSixt on th round that they do noF wish to
getting tiresome. Tho revolver Is not . a - 7 l"?Vw..7E2 VL'ufQ "r.1?1. ?,,M!!
cursa ,ta the country" because a I Tney were all near-aalnts, spite Of I would bo well If they would abhor sm.
seven-year-old Is allowed to have A I eney s cnaraea, h you let tnem tell It, I Ins; women appear In such costumes,
loaded one foa. a plaything:. There arel ... , ' (- "d It la to te hoped that If this sort of
many userui articles mac wouiasaaan-i illusion naa snnarenuy nrOTan TMa i mini ia 10 d dim itcd in that tha
These three treat rerlnna urnlRh choice of snnatnr thrnueh RtatPmpnt serous in me nanus or cnnaren. i noy idhiu, om ui irouDie is, naan't jMjKS'aiauve ooaies or the states wll
v e' ivvu. 4ui uiou i .lii uuju ui.Kuicui I rta.A tlm and aanin or a revolver In I Droven him too lnaana I Pass rerulatlona tnrrinm
I IlrtV InCmflsUVAsl tn rnsif ihar
though he may be? But you watch
congress, and you will see It do
nothing of this kind.
HE GOLD sections of the world
ranking in the first class are
South Africa, the western part
of America and Australasia.
T IS a pretty charge that the Eu
gene Register lays at the door
of the people of Oregon. It of
fers aS argument against people's I many useful articles that would he dan-
Heney, by means of affidavits,
regarding the "holdup" legis
lature of 1897. are to iom px-
1 - - vn- i, . I aDDrozlmatelv three fourths of thnlNo. 1. In effect, that a wealthy anna-1 the hand of tha rla-ht Derson doinir a
V r":..".;AV it.f rnM .,.nniv A.,cfr.i,.iJrrigi r.nHM.f.',. n n great deal of good- woman protecting A Herkimer county. New Torlc. farm women'a .
aerui, uougn inai oooaie circuiatea, " r . , herself from criminal assault or scaring ior 76 acres sold for Ills. That Is enough! Tnere la a law preveritlna-
: -in producer, and so far as is now known thereby win the election. It Is the ?!"?.' a,1,..f 4 .b.'.TM ' '
- .. . . '. I will nntinn. in tni no . t t I nM 4iof..e v, n I ..- i .v.- - .i - I . f0"" iuo turnea out a very aocept I
jonaman uourne jr., now a united I I wu.i. . kUV BUU, . .v.,... .a ana aDie January, but hasn't made any I ;,!. .v"
States senator Was a member Of the lu' "1""'"" com- uuwm.uguess to iiow iuem yoicw in Tolver In Portland that ought to be r'T " "fc urur'
a " a, ... I not Ah r ill I CVAa Vi at i nanrtnKlir AVkniiff I tVia A I onn 1 11 -k V.aI Anm nuK. I Hia1un a. a. tkla xaxa' aftaa I
aasemoiy, ana was me leaaer or me ' . ' i"""-"" ."uwu : "'"V.rr.w.."".!:.. r:3 " I Another revolution i thi-aatan tn iVr ruie n
hold-un" forces. He and hla fol. reacnea us limit or productivity. In nc arrairs. it is a direct statement T.i;'V.h. ' m.:1; nth." Haiti. Already half a dosen Vuni and " 7LVF. P"DiJ?Plnlon
lowers defeated Mitchell by the "hold Amer,ca' Al8 and Nevada give that they, are corrupt and buyable, Jer cities to move to Portland? Their ' of knives have been oollected. womV belonirlna: to some of the nr
I 1 . ai ... I . .jAnalAaSlA aWaa V f 1 1 f St Y A " at UTA 111 fr T. aa fsaW 1 ee) I I V aa m S1 aa ma 1 1 1 a a . . r
o v. aui...i.B - i . . . AniiiiT-a or ma rnuntrv win
considerably. Of couree, the re- lint a party political club rather a I slat In smoklr.s ctsarattaa. iHni7i-
were not ComDlled with Mitchell nPs large increases, for some years trusiea wun me naming or a sena- volver In the hands of fools, or craiy sujy thin, arter all, under all present Iflresslns; themselves lmDronriv w-
accordlna- to tha Smith afBdarit had come, it is estimated by a lead- tor. mey are mus corrupt, i " ; niT v n ' " : ..i1" "Lf.way.r h hih
' t . ... . linar mlnlnir Innmnt that 14Sn nnn non the Eurene naner lmnliea. thev can I rnmnith- their niirnn with anma wM.h" ua reriaement
..-UuBrD8C.u18i.n mai me -T-'----" ' :.V LiD hahan-M.. i.v'c. ' k" . ithir instrument probably just" the
otner aide wan also "wen heeled" nn. "u,u'7 uc uuuv mo iuii out-1 ""wu. u, i n i v to control
Holding by Love. i
OTHERS, be very patient
tha bad boy of the family.
to overlook some of his badnl
jei mm see that you love ii
do not scold when he showJ
little consideration, pray for wlsdonl
aeai with him gently, , .
For it Is that antaa onlam ta the
isting ordor of thin g-s; that-ktchl
aasinsi tne pricas; that fealing of I
ing out of harmony with tha unlvel
iui niaxes mm tna bad bo v. hpoi.ii
cumpiamina,- rault-flndlns all of t
natural . enough when tha bad boyi
around only makes him more- dlaaul
nea anq more unnappy. . it la not
likely that hla wav of ahntvinv, hi.
happiness Is teaalna- tha voun, r
rirnn mnlrlnv m j4i.i...V J 1
r. v ...... ... v uiui-f anu aa
uunss mat ne noes not mean in od
Haa It ever ocourrad tn vnn ihmf
bad -boy DerhSDa eomaa natumllv I
through no faukof his own by his ti
naaai iuu navt pernaps rorgoi
those daya shortly bafara ha was hi
wuen you were ao bIu ao dlscourat
u unnappy over your condition
oher side was also "well heeled" no-
t )ody doubted. It was a long, bitter,
1 shameful tattle, In which the inter
; ests of tho people of Oregon cat no
put for some years to come.
didateB for governor,
secretary of their actions.
Criminals will have re-
Yet "all this Is SDeculatlve. for no- state, state treasurer and all other PIY1 "n""?.a.laa"i-,:KIu:
1 1 I VHIllBU. 11 L11UV 11UVB iu inn lTJ IIITIIII
themselves: therefore, law-auiaina peo
ple must have them for eeir-rrotectior.
body can say with anv certaintv that offices. If not to be trusted to
arrest amounts of cold will not in choose senators, then by the same
That wks an Tntirtai the near future be discovered in new Iok'c should not governors, seore-
In fact the only occasion when no regions Siberia or South America, tar? of state, state treasurer and all
--la a . x . . . . I alhA. nfH-aaa Ki. aIaaSaA1 lk k ah lnn.
orcanlzatlon of th lerfslatnr waa vt instance or mat large, ncn "luc " luo cs
effected; but there was nothfng veryIiew mlne" nuy not be Pened
unusual about the Dresence and nsalold "Klon". m is being done,
of "boodle and Af all aorta of hr. M8 reported will soon be done,
raining and trafflckina-. over the sen- Nevada. It would be a great,
which A mVloo n ri" """"'"
We rather auanec that tha TTunaarlan hav. . " supposea 10
uuunia niiniuna are mina. ii most, noi
uuiiaiB. uui iv is nuuuuy Business out I nri . r . . . ..
his wife's. I The Honorable Allies,
Report Was Too Zealous.
Sllverton. Or., Jan. 29. To the Ed-
If they were to express their opinion, I Oreat merriment In Toklo- a-raat ri.
It is suspected that Bellamy and "Dear I In London town:
t mi " "" v..uji iruty joina the Whlta
mu- 'Jttn "H the Brown.
tin wormy urltlah t ia. v.
The New Tork World professes to be I worthy Rlsina- " l"'
asalnst the '1nterests,,r yet protests I The red-rayed flaa and Union Jonu
saya the
ud In I iBiaturer ine Kegister s argument " -"""' -""' 3b"t, , ""cranc uaiuaie imi uniorm miii wave u
n, Is a stranee one to come from under ry zs. a aispatca irominia pmc. 1."' -V.1. "PW8."
"I .. . laDoeara. entitled. "Revival Halts Till .u. . .... . I " yumu,
. in tne snaaow or me state university, a.',.- a , i VI" .!2US. X'-'-T aier uuiv excUlms the
. world- from where confidence in the people ftn Bronunt dhat between Vanderbiit pile before" he" would confer "We're pals from m .n -
- .. - . ' .1 .1 j... . -a ii xl" I Ik. ,1,1. rjl. I .C- ".: """"t ""7S
atorshiD In Which not a thoueht waa wlfla daster It tbe output Of gold ramer man msirubi vi iuiu s w Kvangelist Victor Dorrls of the Chris-1"- . Ig..,. .hi h-J- jriiT.,nny wul,;
t In decrease, or even should Honesty and intelligence should be tun church and Rev. f & R?neruon Vitt tM Ja rJ11"
v .., : a . - - rndiatfld Tlld tha negater In its l"ra" ' " . . u.'Tv" " '
jr Ureron .'When a senator wan to, I " iiaiivuaij. iui uniue. I inia report Kivea aounuani rviutmce i i . , ... A
X. ",?;7 I!if x IuW W Tha world ronatantiv no. ot charge that the people are thus buy- the strong partisan prejudice of its bankers. But he doesn't Tiave to borrow The n??""8. J?P proclaimed he lovedl
ue eieciea, eicepi pa iwo or UirM OC . ' . 1 . . . " I writer, who ia well known to me. T any money or mem. . "i nn owr,
caslons when there was no opposition PnIy tt0 v ,a . iT5a 1
trot AUinchurU he oDend
. wiMawMi y MV v naeuvvyyuoiUVVI ... ... LA .... -1 A a- A . la -..V. I u. j 4 V i a. . 1 VTsan 1 f lr aa TfafHmafi aiK ah 14 Is am
to thi. r-owton a but u seems to neea constantly an " TO uuuibiwu muuu. ...a r. irr1?, u:n:i t.'V..-. The honm;r. .V. .u u..
T . - -i, , , B-piWi In tha list of thoaa nn. W" ,Buea lo omer cnurcnes. -""'."r t"' """'l..."..nurl" 7-.... "vw n
. organlzaUOn Of both nouses. andl";c",lu Buy'1' yu. wo ------ put tne Lutheran churches objecting to "u" "1. "" ii is unconsuiuuonai. w """"
' ? ... ..V.iT.v. .11 have now. officially the lareest ner worthy, on account of these reasons, what they understood Mr. Dorrls was Besides, they won't tell the truth. W88 V8r wf" n thinkinr he could
Dortant huslness of the session, were capita circulation of money ever had of voting on the question of
made pieces, to be moved with ref- ln tnl8 country, over $33, and yet we
erence to this one event. The real Mw recently how easy It was for, the
business and duty of a legislature Wgtt financiers to "bring on a flnan-
were by a large proportion of the c!al "trlngency and a panic. Give
members forgotten or trampled un- UB Plenty ol gold, or we die, finan
I .. li .... ... i I . . 1 an&re AlAnnhtirlnn r.,l.-
vhn Hiu'oti caiuo wun ciiai-i - - i . y,
" "u I I An oc th.miulv In tho dluii.ilnn A hnk.. IC AAA AAA 4 .v. I Aoa 1 u r 1 "erTOOI the tirOWn Man. haw.
Should be senator? of the propositions aereed upon. Mr. Utudv of microbes. Now thev will ha r. J"""ub8lll8ed 0ct,
It, as the Register asserts, It Is &,nrt",n X88.?'"..?"1?" honorabiS be'af- ' S t.heIr
possible to buy one's way into office rnet even? araume V " M WMe by ganUy crlbbln, trade-marks
frnm tha inn Ann vntara in itravnn I Reinertson from Bcrlpture and so far as r
nuiiiviuKia nciv uuuvciucui Biiiiinv I .uiunri vvaLLCraon BHVI
der foot; neither bills nor men were
considered on their merits'; many
members centered their attention on
the sources ' of boodle; and so the
shameful fared that Is called repre
sentative legislation went on, until a
senator, was elected or adjournment
occurred without.
The state of Oregon has adopted
now ttuuui uujiug a icw uui. ui we overwhelmed his opponent by quoting;
90 men In the legislature? When I "gainst nan. among other authorities,
in hla oriental wou
lit Showed tha U.ltl.k ..
every CZT.,Z-.. ..""" "Pu
NE MAT comment upon the na
ture of the game played by Ful
ton, Brownell, Hall, Stelwer et
al, without intimating at all
whether the defendant Hall Is legal-
did the members of the legislature
become so Incorruptible, and the
people from whom the legislators
come, so hopelessly corruptible?
Iv e-nlltv or not That Rtol utai inn
m-means tor getting rm or au mese hs a880clates in the land grabbing
'u'u,,uu "u jwrwrm- bualness are guilty they have them-
anAAfl i T aaaat- wNftataiia Ik vKnJI a. I
,uVCT. .;mi amiw, iu uueuieatB V ..l,M ronfAeood Aa to Moll'a r.,llt
the, people's mandate, expressed at of the crlme charged we of course
R. H. M. CAKE told the mem
bers of the McKInley club
some wholesome If not quite
palatable truths Wednesday
evening when he said:
"I have heard a great deal about
the preceding June election, the leg- have nothing at this time to say. a la of Republican organization
lBlature -elected a senator. There But tnere ,s enough undisputed evl- and 1 havft heard tne Wame placed
was , no . contest, no wrangling, no dence t0 glve us a cear ldea of the upon the direct primary law, but I
- bargaining, ho boodle; and the mem
bers could attend to their duties.
Possibly Ue plurality of the Repub
, llcan voters did not make the best
' choice; possibly the majority of vot
, era did not choose wisely as between
Bourne and Gear in; but at any rate
, the people decided, aud cannot com
, plain. And whoever is chosen, the
system has effected a great reform.
- ,' The people of Oregon will do well
to adhere to this system. They
should avoid a recurrence to those
. former disgraceful conditions. And
r . the only sure way to do this is to
. elect to the legislature only men who
have made the Statement No. 1 as a
. pre-nomination pledge.
trict attorney, wanted to retain the
' gp KLAHOMA IS the youngest of office and keep Brownell out. He
states, and ; has the newest of knew of Steiwer's illegal acts, and
constitutions, and she and it according to Brownell'u story
have been sneered at a crood claimed to know that Brownell also
deal by the politicians who never was liable to prosecution. Fulton
dare step out of a rut, even for ob-1 was a candidate for United States
serration, but why Is not its plan for I senator, and needed, as the Bequel
state guarantee of bank deposits a showed, every vote he could get. He
, good , one? Mr. Bryan advocates j had promised to recommend
' both a state and a government sruar-1 Brownell, again according to the
, anty of deposits, the laws to be bar-1 latter's story, for district attorney
, monlous, and the suggestion cannot But. Steiwer was not a Fulton man.
'I be sneered away. It would render Hall was for that man for senator
depositors . absolutely secure, and I who would be for him. Brownell
there would never be a ruff on a I could be brushed aside, as he was.
bank; the state or government would j Steiwer's vote would render Fulton
lose nothing, because it would have J under obligation to the man who ln-
a fund collected from the bankers fluenced him to cast it for Fulton
withwhich to pay losses, and the t " Tbe whole game worked out at
losses under such , a system for I first, Brownell was eacrlflced. Stel
strict supervision would accompany wer was not prosecuted;' Hall kept
it would be so small that the taxtb office. Fulton went to he sen-
-; on bankers would he very light. To- ate. But there being a" Roosevelt In
. day.felntee this constitution has been the White House And a Hitchcock in
adopted, Oklahoma is attracting the interior department and a Heney
money, in large quantities from Kan- to be hired, hew and strange things
. sas banks, because depositors prefer began to happen. . 1o, the like had
, an absolutely i and guaranteed safe not been seen by politicians, no, not
game of party politics, as played ln do not believe the primary law is re-
Oregon and elsewhere. Of course 8ponsiuie- we nave seen a Demo
evervbodv knew that the eame ws cratic governor elected under the old
Dlaved in about this wav whnAi system, and we have ieen other Dem
oriDortunltv offered: nvon woma ocrats elected to office under the old
methods and deals have been com
mon, here and elsewhere; yet it is
well, now that the people are awak
ened to the necessity of a higher
standard of political ethics, to look
over the details of this little game
so far as they have been disclosed
'Stelwer, violating the laws, was
a member of the legislature, and had
a vote for United States senator
Brownell, a member of the legisla
ture, wanted to be district attorney
or to get almost any office, but this
preferred. Hall, United States dis-
his own, such aa Luther, Meyer, etc.
The audience save no such enthusiastic
approval of Rev. Reinertson's effort as
your correspondent would have the pub
lic oeueve. albtn jisaoN.
Minister Christian church.
. - bank to one probably safe,
Oklahoma requires 1 per cent of
the average daily deposits to be
placed in the hands of thatate. and
this requirement ia to be maintained
as tha banking c business . expands.
New banks which are organized
later must put up 8 per cent of their
capital stock to constitute a credit
fund In custody of the state. - In case
of a failure, the state is pledged to
' make good to the depositors, 'using
tbe assets of the bank" as far as tbey
v'.ll go, and tasking up the balance
"since befo' de wah
Thus members of the legislature
and district attorneys and United
States senators have been 'made.
No thought of. sincere, conscientious,
high-minded, unselfish public serv
ice; oo, regard for the people's .wcl
fa?e;; but in effect a conspiracy,vnot
legally, criminal, by a gang of of
ficeseekers and officeholders to holfl
on to or get offices, for their own
beneflA district attorney has 'ho
business playing politics and lobby-
regime," so I say It la not because of
tha primary law that Interest in the
Republican party has waned. It Is
because Republicans became sick and
disgusted with the kind of men who
ruled the politics and the kind of
men who were elected to office. We
should not fight this law; we should
build up the Republican party under
the existing laws.' if. was be
cause tne people became so disgusted
with the manipulations and deals
that were made by a few men for
their own benefit that gavl us the
primary law. I believe that a United
States senator should be chosen by
the -people., and for that reason I am
ln favor -of the primary law and for'
Statement No. 1."
It is quite possible that the Re
publican party would be a good deal
surer of wfhning a complete and sat
Isfactory victory in Oregon this year,
and hereafter, if all Its leaders frank
ly made similar confessions and sin
cerely gave like advice. A party Is
not likely to build itself up by buck
ing against the people.
It is good and pleasant to see Sen
ators Fulton and Bourne dining to
gether in Washington. Doubtless
over Harvey's good fare they con
ferred together for the good of Ore
gon. To that end some personal
concessions and a compromise are in
order. .What man gets an office Is
of little consequence,, except with
reference to his character, ability
and fitness.
A Great Northern railroad immigra
tion bulletin gives the population of
Seattle as "190,000, and 225,000 in
cluding suburbs." This is doubtless
about correct. Seattle is probably
about 10 per cent below Portland, as,,
it was in 1900. Tbe two cities have
advanced at an even pace.
Shelter In Churches.
Lents. Or., Jan. 29. To the Editor
of The Journal In this eveninga (Jan
uary z) journal, my attention was
drwn to a paragraph headed, ''Pennl
less Men Faint In Prison." in Seattle,
January 29, 1908. and my sympathy
went out to the unfortunate and un
employed men, also to all who are with
out shelter becausa of poverty.
I felt I must make a aueo-eatlnn Tn
all cities we find many churches and as
inese are wnere we are taught to fol
low In Jesus' footsteps, and we learn
that Jesus helped the poor and the
neeay m Doay as well as soul.
I would like to aucireRt that- all
Churches be opened to shelter nt nle-hr
any 'deserving unfortunate creatures of
uoo, until other places can be fouttd.
i nope tins win meet with the ap-
fnuvH.i ui an cnucn memoers ana min
sters of the Gospel nnd be acted upon
Ulllfam Henry Roberts' Birthday.
Kev. William Henry Roberts D. D.,
moderator !t the Presbyterian general
ssaembly,. was born January Si. 184.
at Holyhead, Wales. He was a young
mien ma lamer uruugm me lamtiy
to America and settled at Utica, New
York.- After graduating from the col
lege or tne city or New York young
uuctus ciiivreu (iie-aervic 01 tne unit
ed States as a statistician in the treas
ury department afterward becoming aa.
sistant librarian in the library of con
gress. He decided to study for the min
istry ana went- to .Princeton seminnrv.
After serving in one pastorate he re
turned to the seminary as librarian re
maining for nine years, until, ln 18?8,
he was made, a professor ln Lane sem
inary. Cincinnati. In the meantime ha
had become stated clerk of the general.
.iKBBiiiuiy, wmcn posmun ne iniea or
20 years, or until he was elected mod
erator at the Columbua session last
This Date In History.
1608 Guy Fawkes executed.
1665 Cromwell dissolved parliament
1677 Arrival of roval commissioners
to Investigate the causes of the rebel
lion in Virginia.
174S Marauls de Marhols who sold
Louisiana to the United States, born ln
France. Died there January 14, 18J7.
1752 Governor Morris, American
statesman, born. vUled November t,
1781 General Greene took command
or Morgan s army.
183 Confederate gunooats attacked
blockading squadron at , entrance to
Charleston harbor. - ,
1891 Jean Louis Ernest Melssonier.
French pointer, died,. Born 1811. "
js8 ureat strike or engweere m
England came to an end.
it is every I "
it . - . . . . . . ' liuii wouian i v
iiiiwb m nvi uruiin ii ne wants i.! , u,i7..k .
to. Perhaps yes. Colonel . If he wnuM Ana ?. J?9 .Brl P'otesta that were
go off by himself and not Inflict hit b.m. c..Diea w"wut end
drunk on other people. u,a Said: "iou wouldn t floubt tha motives
, , I w u nonoraDia mend: '
we would suggest as a text for a The honorshU nritn
speech by our friend W. M. Davla that 2ra' B.r,l?l when the traty
.nJ'nww UnV a'g lStf S hl. friendly
ure.nrn iu uw.u logeuiar un.iy. a bunch of worthy allies ln Vancouver
'rh'P.?!S 2' '',V?i H1 ? ani 'friendship for the
of the Carnegie Trust company on ro- I So UP rose several Urito'ns. -i.k
Quest because he wasn't rsDable of fill.
ing it He Is just about fit for a coun
try banker and one-hoss politician.
The New York Insurance com mi s-
honorabia guns
Proceeded to shoot holea in the worthy
Nippon' sons;
With honorable punches and" with honor-
UDia una.
Sloner complains that tha Insurants I With s-rsintia mA ...n j
h.. 1. tltAM ." ..Z - : lAAiuyn mu
w...K... , . . ,vww,vvw year i wnu gracious Delia ana stabs.
through PUbliC Clamor." But that Is With nmrth? h...n. ....r- j
only a small Dart of the amount thi? Tth t::r XZ
i!S: KrVZrJZ' U8ed 10 W .Wendr '"nga for
- " . nunorame jidi
And when the sons of Nippon had re-
Oregon Sidelights
It is still time to pray.
Tha fruit Industry will grow rapidly.
Tha estimated population of M4faW!
is B.0I&.
The people cannot afford to -lv nn
ceived it in tha neck
Their Jolly allies made their atores an
jionuraDia wracii..
While the Japs that weren't injured all
flourished. friendlv knives.
And In their honorable way took several
.uanucK lives.
And now to all the protests that Toklo
can send,
London cables, "Can you doubt yout-oc-
fiuem.m irienur
How long must Salem get alnn with.
out a real park, asks the Journal
New Jersey Sweatshops.
From Charities and tho Commons.
Where did you get It ladles T Not
your money, but your gown. The dnintv
The Albany Democrat wants a nnr. f whit. nn tv. A ii,ia. .1
mal achool for that city. This may be ..,,.. -k.m J w.
a joke. I lovely beads; the embroidered white
i gown; inose exquisite silks, you have
Most of the merchants of L Grsnis chosen to embroider, your new pillow-
report that trade is good, considering wnence came tney, iaaies7 From the
the aeason of the year. I BWeat-shopa of Hudson county. New Jer-
i ( iu. yuu suy, uui ao you suppose
Corvallls Times: Loganberries Hi?4 ,?.m,b-roir.ei 2F Allmrad by
quarters of an inch long, plump and id tottotoTtotttolSrt
fully ripe were exhibited on the street w"at the lllneM lt
Saturday, as a samDle of what Rants Il"al.?uB"" LVTy tal v1r Af"
. . - . v .. , i.r nuvinr ii H r rr xxnra rn, bii n... t a
county will as,
" Did you not wsnt tn K 1 Itnn.
nave a good cry T Did you sot I
hefui thlnga to other members V
iuii7( uiu you not nata. yourl
and every one else and despair of A
iwimr-jq rigni reiattona to the w
gsinr ina you not dread mater
and think with dismay of the 1
months of baby tending and of bi
ii u i away rrom ail the little - so
pleasures mat made girlhood ao ga
Is It strange that the baby came i
iu wuna in a state or protest 7
vi course, wnen you . had pa
iiiiuubii ma usra. ana aitrtcuit way .
were at last ln peace again, and t
came-and laid your first born m v
arms, and you felt his Innocent helpK
ness aa his tiny fingers clasnd vm
all the hard thoughts ware forgotten
mo great wave or tenaerness t
surged over you.' Your heart took I
in, ao gladly and ao Joyfully. Mot)
huod seemed very sweet then, and I
wished only to be strong again so i
you could care for hla tin .bodv i
show your love for him In all possf
wuys. , i
But the first Influence of all erf
not be eradicated by vour renentaJ
over your own waywardness. i
This, of course, la only a moth'
theory. The wise men of the med,
Orofesslon may not agree with It it
it seems Quite reasonable that If R
motner can influence her unborn cl
for good, aa we are all quite well agr
that she can. her ststs of mind. If I
rebebellloua, may Influence blnWorl;
And how long will the bov's bsdrf
last? V
Who can tellt By and by he t
come to himself, in the adoiescf
years. If not before, when all the I
pulses are toward a larger life; when'
wakens out of the dreamy state V
childhood and begins to have aspl
nons towara a career, ana great i,
deeds, and making a shining name
the world, he will auite probably c
un inn iittuguiy ways ui mo lulls'
and take on a manly protectlveness
wara nia motner and towara wea
creatures. -
It is tha mother's nart to hold him
love and tenderness. Not that
faults should be left entirely un
rected. nor that hla overbearing w
should be Ignored. These things in
be dealt with, but gently, with reawi
ableness Instead of fault-flndlng,
the placing of higher ideals before 4
Instead of condemning him to 1
outer darkness. I
ter Duying ner scissors for lift cunts
and having them sharpened every two
weeks for 10 cents, tha little mother
can earn cents in two and a. half
hours by hard work.
Ia the necklace one of those made by
win oiu muy who, oy woraing without
ceasing for 15 hours a day, is able to
earn 45 cents?
Did Louise, In Jersey City, 16 years
e wnicn com
untancle that'
alll. i.M 1 . 1 . 1 . . . .
mountainous districts where It f li Tneees- Uhose T skefns? lf she did br work
o1Tuntn0rff."ten "W "' t0 ftU k,nd" jntenslty' aV' burning as"!
A La Grande young man was ra.
ported married, but says the report Is
incorrect for the reason that while he
is willing and anxious, the girl will
not consent aa yet.
8. J, Brund, of Bohemia, has Invented
a, wire holder, supporting electric wires, old. and with hip disease
particularly adapted for telephone and pel, her to stay home? t
Z.)X:.JTmSJJfm ",ifol". label and bind
1 of supnorta.
At least . 5.000 acres of fruit traoa
have been or are being set out in the.
Rogue River valley , about Medford this
season. The fruit inspector expects
tne touii numDer or trees to do planted
Mr H. . M. - Cake, . candidate for
United -States senator, stands up
straight and square for . Statement
no. i. . ti not airaia to trust tne
people a&A fun: ,Mr. C. W. Mod-
son stat aanator and , - prospective
candidate for reelection, imemilrn,
Ins around a legislature, even hacally and with comfctafebfe candor.
Wall Street and the Country.
From the Philadelphia North American.
The New York bartRn owe the banks
of the country $500,000,000. For a
month they have refused arbitrarily to
pay. They actually indulge In, self
praise because they have consented, re
luctantly and under pressure, to settle
some 16 per cent of that debt largely
with the government's money newly de
posited 'with them. We face now the
Indisputable fact that all gold lmporta
tlons, all the deposits of treasury
money, a:i tne quesuonanie Dona ana
debt certificate: deals have been done
for one solitary- purpose to put New
York in a pooitlon to pay Its debts. Let
the humiliating admission be made
frankly. All signs point to easier
money. But wnethur or not those signs
will be fulfilled depends upon the will
of Wall street ' The country haa paid
a tremendous blackmail for permission
to resume legitimate -business. But no
guarantee Is gained that agriculture.
commerce and industry will not be held
to ransom again, and yet again, when
ever it s;iits Wall street' pleasure. Un
til .our financial system is changed
American, business is at the mercy of
JUaahattaa'a gamblers. I
of one who sees want standing "Just
uoyuuu bug eurnea cents an noun -Is
the taffeta waist yoke one for
wnicn Mrs. a. receivea two and three
eighths cents an hour? Perhaps Mr
B. didn't make it, because a few months
will probably reach 500.000 and m L?.ter'al tfiven , oer was too
iiu iwu i iiitsni were a nine narrow.
to go to the top of the butte and look ceived eicuse. instead of her aurnntS:
over the city and' Bee tha number nt I ... m "?? J,SPlu
EE "SJ" ,?n JLUMJ?" lh5t Y Then"th forewoman to!d 1 he?
v im iiui con- tnat sne must nav for thA inan
exceed even thla amount
going un all over town.
fined alone' to one part of the city but
they are dotted here and there In ail
Anton Nolte of Pendleton, who
shinned ln ibout-J.000 Incubator chlk.
ens from Petaluma, California, last sea-
$8.90, and that her $3.60 would be kept
on account A "good" lawyer fought
the case for her, but the firm could
afford to fight her, and ahe lost." v
?2U .t,?,nk u possible that th
muesi- wnite areas was stitched b
ena iruui reiaiuraa, vauiornia, last sea- that other mother altrtna- St, iWd T -ijx 4
son. is preparing- to ship in at least her llttll daughtSr at?i?k5n ik1k
1,000 this apring.He had'excellent sue: fherli- nr wffiSS.-S1
r w . ' - -aw ws4v v tal fa d a VJtfjl Ij Jf
the little girl recovering; -from scarlet
fever? She hag not finished "pealing"
j". ' aoie a neip ner mother a
little and if she3 does this perhaps today
"w mwiiicr vnn vam ou cents in. 17
uuui b iiiBivem ui is,
Where did you get' it ladleaf
oess with- thos brought ln last year
and will make a regular- m-actlca , of
nanoitng tnem. .
Albany Herald: Over' a thousand
dollars Is reported to have been sub
scribed yesterday In this city for the
am 01 tne anji-fiaioon league a work m
this city In suppressing tha sale of In
toxicating liquor, which ia alleged to
be going on the same as ever in spite
of the proeecuUona,ir-i- ii-wv-"
: . -. '
Albany Democrat' In an anonymous
letter handed the Democrat an account
is given of four blind pigs, running
loose in Albany, with their location, the
runners of them, ete but everybody
knows Just ' whera they are. The, eas
iest thing In" the world is tolncat a I
mina pig, put it is not an easy tning to
make the proof before a court of iua-
Uce, there's tha rub. , . . , . ing.
The Battle of the Future. C
From the February -Bohemian; '
- Tha general was Just about tw-glve
the order to charge when an aide rode
up, his horse showing the effects of the
tremendous strain- he had bees, under.
Hurriedly the aide aaluted. -:-,,
' "Oerueral." he said. "I m toorrv to In!
form you that the moving picture ma
chine is out of order, nd the battle
must be postponed. '' .- v .r .;
I with a. muttered curse, the command
ing officer avt the order to cease fir
And If ahe cannot hold him a
all? If he shuta her out of his co
dence and finds delight only In
semi-bad associations of other reck
youths and wants to swagger
smoke and hold the wisdom of
ages tn contempt ln the light of
new knowledge?
What can she do then except
she has done all the time? Love I
still and show him better things
try to interest mm in tne nner id
of manhood and bear him tenderly
prayer to the unfailing source of bfrl
ing. rnis pnase, too, is but a pass
one, pernaps. nis coming to nimi
may be longer delayed, but not to
despaired of.
K It R
When She Proposes.
GREAT many faux passes can
ducked in this happy year;
maidenly Initiative, says the Cj
eago Journal, if the men will o
mould their demeanor to fit their
iigntrui new roie.
for example, be prepared with a el
shave. Else a bluali will mantle
Do not fling. yourself into her ar?
mat ia coarse 1 worn, isestdea. it n
pay you to wait and aee what ahe v
ao next.
If ahe forgets some of tha ster
typed lines, It la true charity to co1
ner. ftememoer. sne is new to ha
end or tne game.
lit aecisive. JSitner say: "You w!
or throw your bands into the disc;
after ahowlng openers. If you ace
ner it is permissible to couch tha ass,
In romantlo language, . but. tf it eis
negative, be merciful and to the po
With it Do not idly waste her tii
She may have others on her list, j
If really undecided, do not a-ive W
to embarrassment. By no means sprM
that old chestnut; "Tii.a.-1,l- " I
isn't; and besides, usage baa made
a coy affirmative.
Just because in your time you hff
uuen nanaea a mitten, aon t tone it
on the first girl who proposes. She m
not want you, ana ir you accept her
will be a more refined revenge.
The suitress, if successful, la nerm
ted to seal the troth with one cha
kiss on the forehead. Be sure and wl
off the powder first. Gently repu!
ner snouia sne presume too mucn Uf
her ante-nuptial proprietorship of yi
Being won by the maid whom y
jove is no license ior oeieorating it w
a round among the foot-rail mahoganl
Charley, the barkeeper, doesn't m'
your gushing to him of your new-fou
happiness, but at heart he Is rea
not interested. Best give vent to lao
like elation in tbe sanctity of yci
Above all, don't flaunt your engaij
ment ring before - your less fortum
w..m.... . .11. eu- IWWflll..
' K t
. The Dally Mena.
" Oranges. Cereal With Cream
t-J: Broiled Salmon Bellies.
Toast. Coffee
Browned Beef Hash. Scalloped Potatcj
ttoi uiBcuit , witn woney.
Baked Apples. Tea
Bean Soup "
Roast Leg of Mutton . '
Apple and Nut Salad
j. i - Maple Custard Pie r
-' :- Cheese. . Cafe Nolr "
Salmon Bellies These mar be hand
at about $0 cents each. Let the tii
soak over night in cold water. Wt
dry , when wanted and broil over a 1.
fire.' .-. - ... i
Browned ' Beef Hash Thla may, I
made from the remnants of yeaterda
roast Mince half an onion and brov
In the frying pan with drippings I
butter. Add the .well chopped hash a
cook slowly "urfttl - brown, Turn w i
spatula, and brown again. , Serve on
hot platter. - .1-. ' .,
Maple - Custard. Pie-r-Beat two ec
separately, then together; add . fb
tablespoons -of grated maple aug
.i.--. . wivii ,na ivi taoiespoon
flour.' then add trraduallv Ana- nlnt
scalded and cboled' milk, turn intn a I J
plate lined with rich paste dust vSf
vi iimkmivii juni it. irsiinr nr nnrrna