THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2D, 19Q& .13 I" LISINLS3 CHANCES mt CHAS. J OTOOLH A CO.. 1 The tixuluafv MiiHln4ii T4pnLra fit Chamber of Commerce, 1'uuMo 2761. Laundry doing biff business; will sao jlnce If boU tlila week; this is an ex Optional opportunity; or will sell part Jmrrwi; aooa reason ror soiling. Poolroom, cigars and confectionery, ClKl tand. 1460; this includes furniture, of wo Uvlns- rooms. , i nry goods, splendid opening, 6(M.- , Uenral stores from 12.000 to 140,000. General store In town of 3,000, doing ood business. ltf.000. or will aril half Interest Thla n a tplendld opening, t uenerni store in live town, owner r lrtng; 16,500. Grocery and general store.' I860. .'; Urocory and feed business, sulea fCO i day; no opposition; - will , tako city roperty aa part payment; owner la Ick In bed. -,.- " , Hardware,, In Rood locality. 2,450. ' Hotel In erood town, clearing f 300 to 500 a month. ; Manufacturer business.' manufacturi ng staple ' articles; i.o opposition :- on uaiii, sicauy aeinana lur guuum, rt ulres no experience; clearing over 5,000 a year; thla la a good, legitimate kuHlness, $3,000; good reason for selling. vauueviiie - ana , moving picture me tre; only one In large town, clearing bout lid a week; I860; coat great deal taore. - ". .. Dental 'rractlce," well ' establlahed, early business 14.000: price 11.060.. . 12.000 will secure half interest In business that will clear you $4,000 ear. . .. . !-. .-, Photo studio established 74 years, do ing good . business; i,oou; another at 1260..' .- . ' ' . Restaurant, dally "receipts 140; cheap ent; good, vlean .place; $1,100. Restaurant. . one oi the . boat in tne ltv. clearing over $300 a month: 13.000, InrirlN I fialoon with pool tables, piano , and r nxiures; .'',-.. fTIftloona from $500 to 110,000. ' Harher ahona from ISOA tn 13.000. Bakery on good corner, oheao rent." rlla uu'i uumiinn! Vlltyivjf ftlJg T V ren; an more iraae; tout.. - -Cleaning and pressing business, clear tig fsso a month; owner has other hteresta Drug store, stock In good condition; iou; tuners at umereni prices. nooming-nouse, s - rooms; it.oov; rm. k -. , Rooming-house, 40 rooms) $1,860. Rooming-house. 68 rooms: $2,800. Rooming-house, 8 rooms; $450; cheap tent. '-.- -.- Rooming-house, it rooms; $2,000; half fun. Rooming and 'boarding-house, 15 oms; 1700. . ' - - . Rooming-house. 12 rooms: I860: naif you" are booking for a rooralng- fouse see us. ' Tne above are but a few wnat we nave for sale. Saloons from $500 up. . HAS. J. O'TOOLBJ ft CO.. f , The Exclusive Business Brokers. A Bargain '-. Fine Washington . street restaurant.1 blng a business of $50 to $60 per day. bating capacity of ii, rent $80 per tionth. lease too; owner Is willing to kt buyer star until convinced. Price. 1.600. - , TUB iVETEKAK LAND CO ' 166 H Third Bt. 1'G WILL SE1X- YOUR PROPERTY lor baslness or secure a rellBhle part- jer On short notice. Pacific Coant Ral atate Co.. 106 H Morrison, raciric 1406. AROA1N ROOMINO-llOUSE; TEN rooms, fulir price $500: - $100 down: kust sell by Feb. 1: no a cents, F-116. bumal. leave old eatabilshed business; good routs; experience not necessary; snap pr . aressmatcer or tauor. J.-139, Jour- ai. - - 600 TO lo.OOO AND SERVICES WiLL. let you In on the ground Boor of a usiness that will make -you a fortune; ill bear closest investigation; only ipoce who have some money and Al Bferences need apply. " A-100, journal. GOOD CHANCE Tf BUY A FIRST clans dressmaking establishment. Call fz Flieaner Mdg. pnone Main isza. . lOK 8ALISKEAL KSTATB PORTLAND BUSINESS' AGENCY, 148 6th st.. between Alduv and Morrison. Real estate and buslnets cnanous. Rooming house on Park St., a dandy, $700; others equally as good. ' 1 Uunralow, Bunnysida, 6 rooms, mod ern, $i.J00; tcrnja .... Bungalow, 6 -room, modern, Haw thorne ave., $2,000. bungalow, Union gve., S-room, mod ern. $2,800; terms. Two new and modorn C-room houses, Just completed; $2,100. , SMALL. FARMS. m ' , Five acres, close to carllne; small, house; fenced and cultivated; $1,100, Two and one-half acres, close to car line; s;ood for chickens; $850. .f ourteen acres. 11 caittvatea: sun ieei racing on car stock go with We have a places, suitable for chicken ranches, or gardening. Don't buy till you see us. 110 acrts. one mlla of town.' one mile to uotumttia river; 40 acres cuiuvatea; house and barn; good soli; excellent pasture. , If you can duplicate this farta for the price, we will make you a pres ent of it; $2,800. i . ftAS n pa a ,n,.fc ,a f m A m m alt arnntt buildings; HO acres cultivated; . fine -took ranch; price, $20 per acra it you are thinking or buying a rarm of any kind pome la and talk It over with ua. We hairs a good list now to choose from. ' v ' HOOD RIVER 'APPLE LAND, j. Hood River orchards, la full bearing. Come in and see our list,. Farina from 16.000 up. Call or write the Portland Business Agency, 148 6th St. THE riALE"i 'ELkctRlJTlN . operation, running two trains FOR SALE FARMS . Eajty-Co.- 19.800 1S0 acres. 11 miles from Port Uland, 70 te 80 acres in cultivation, 160 acres ricn bottom land. 40 acres good saw umDer, -room House, a Darns., i acres bearlnor orchard, runnlnsr water. This is one of the best stock and dairy ranches in the market. Terms. H cash, or will take H in exchange for Portland city property.. 160-acre dairy ranch, 25 miles from roruand. mile from R. R, station and boat 'landing, 10 acres In cultivation, go acres une piling limoor, bi acres r . t.U. iifiift nd,sorae flM bottom ,and( room bouse.. lara - fcr'n'.; i mull bftrn tc0"1 13,000), good view, overlook ,'; A'tfir. Sh:F'H ln Columbia rm,?. $5,000 ' worth o, S dally In each direction; will be in full service on February . ( Wa havt anma vary rind acre tracts for sale on easy ternis. t miles .out, farming implements and stock, lnclud lng 10 fine Jersey cows. Everything needed on a first-class dairy farm. In vestigate before buying. Price $l,600j Vt cami, uaiance 10 sun purcnaser, , $2,400 acres. S miles from Colum bla River & North Bank R. R., about w iuu a vui w RiiuvuTCl , una, vt ,puuf running water, some good fir and cedar nmoer, aajaceni o logging road in op antlnn ama iL .a ol. nM will Av v i hid, , j vqii. VI rr , change for improved Portland crooerty. 3.600 SO acrea near . Washougal, Clarke county, Vs in fine state of cul tivation, (-room box house, good barn and outbuildings, fine young team, ami other stock, ail farm Implements, best viae a tana.', . 2.00020 acres. 'miles from Van couver, 11 acrea cleared, balance nearly cleared, 6 acres young Waring oruhurd In fine condition, fine black aull. house ana Darn, gooa ouiouuaings. $3,200 40 seres, 18 miles from Port land, 1ft miles from Portland -Salem electrio car. 14 acres Jn fine state of a nii mi, cultivation, a acres or areen iimDer. a Southern Pacino -will runUhrough this acres hops, small creek,, some fruit, 4- iand also. thus offering best and cheapest communication with PortLmd. Don't miss your chance, select your tract now while prices are low and you can have your choice. No land can be bought to better ad vantage, than this room house, small Stable, 6 acrea seeded to can wneat, l ft acres in oats snd vetch, 7 acres fall plowed, best of soil, K. - F D. and telephone, team, new wagon and harness, farm implements, cow, ,-tieirer, noga iweigni i ins. r advantage than this: I su".,'nw,i -''s'.'t. every acre wUl be worth $800 within I i " v, " iCi wm r montns. ' we sen lor noil tne price asked -for adjoining land. The soil Is the finest found in Oregon and the loca tion cannot oe Deal. V .THW CROSgLEY CO., IV. 101 McKay Bldg. From rVbruarr 1 our offices will be Corbett bldg., foS and 70J, corner Fifth and Morrison sts. $2,100100x 100; $3,760100x100. IN eluding furniture: 12.100100x100. all kinds of fruit; $5,500, Irvlngton, In cludes new carpets; $5,500. beautiful Irvington home; $6,500, 100x100, near east side high school, corner: $1,760, near east side high sohooL fine, new house, hardwood floor, etc.; $8,600, 60t S0o. Irvington. 8 rooms, new garage. 1 fireplaces, very stylish and swell. Houses in all locations at all prices. ZIMMERMAN & VAUGHN, 10$ Buchanan Bldg. iOR SALE OLD ESTABLISHED shoe shoo, southern Oregon: modern tacbinery. Write Hertsche Bros., 221) ak. Fornnna, or. 1ROCERY STORE FOR SALE.. GOOD t location aoingv gooa DusinesBLr wui 11 at Invoice if taken at once. ' rail at 1 Bandy Road, or call phone E. 4 2 hp, , "ROOMS. WELL FURNlS 11 FlAl rooms rented for offices, 1 block jrfora wtoffice: $2,700, or will sell hair tri- Mrest to lady with small means to tAKe lire of the house. C, 8. Arnold e&JJo,, otei uroxers, aatts jwornson. :- 'jURNITURE AND - UPHOLSTERY business; good store; cheap rent; , bod location. $660 takes it i A little jint for practical man. -;-r f irst-class ftM. Anflress. 8-138.- Poitrnait " ill""selL oii trAde -Whole or part interest la good paving business. V-180, Journal. 1,V.Af. FOR J9AlJ&R TO 10-MIOM MODERN HOUSES, f mm . 11.000 nn: . easy terms: also doming houaes, business chances. rms, ana timoer tana; win iraae. rthur B. Draper A Co., rooms a and 141V4 Washington st. corner 7th. iOR SALE MODERN COTTAGE AND j lot. Fishing, , logging, sawmill and Vngshore work, E. 1. Lyon. Westport, Iregon, ' - P. PALMER, 202 ROTHCHILD bldg., mskee a specialty of selling uses In the E. Burnslda district C. R. Domieif & Co. eal Estate -Room 12, 24 Stark 'CHELA P LOTS. $28060x100. In Creston. terms. $25046x100, Myrtle Park. 183560x100. Cleyburn. near Mllwaukle. $85060x100. Willamette station. $50060x100, Central Albina. . $800 60x100, East Olisan street AU' improvements paid. snap. ED O. MAYOR, Room S, 250U Alder, near Third. Hood RlvVr Fruit Lands. frHE S1LVERTON COUNTRY, IS THE best all-round section for a home on this planet' Here are excellent oppor tunities for raising grain, stock, sheep, Soats. fruit, hops, poultry gardening, alrylna-. lumbering everything. The soil, climate and water are the best In the world. I have nne homes ana larms of every description for sale. J. E. Hosmer, Sliver ton. Or. grain, 600. sacks potatoes. , Will give terms, The above places are all guaranteed advertiser. - Above bargains are but a few of, the farms on our list- We have the largest list of farms of any firm In Portland er vicinity. Prices range from $600 to $10,000. Write or call If you are In the market lor a iarm. , - .WasMioilt Oregon ma snaps. $1.1001 1-6 lots, good 6-room cottage; chicken house: sheds; near car; Central addition. $600 down, balance to suit. $2,100 100x100, 7-room house; big rooms; "good barn; 26 fruit trees; half block streetcar; Central addition. ED O. MAYOR, Room 3. 260 Alder Street Hood River Fruit Lands. SNAP $700 BUYS 4-ROOM COTTAGE. lot 40x100, at Arleta, right on car line. Easy terms. Call- 221 Morrison st.. room S. FOR1 baLE Modern 6-rOOM" c6t- tage, walking distance; terms given. Inquire 111 Hnncock st East 8176. AN ELEGANT NEW H6UST"0N" E7 Ankeny at, at reasonable price. P-139, Journal. T ". " DON'T 6VERf-60K THIS. ' "Quarter block. Holladiiy.'s addition; streets, sewers, gas and large water main: two car lines: will build for pur chaser If desired. 1 10 Second St Both Phones 174S. koDERN 6-ROOM HOlTSE. CiLOSE' IK li com. Bk. Main, eizo; ' 108 2d st, Portland, Or, And too Main st.. Vancouver, Wash. Phone Main 8404. HKRH 18 A CHANCE FOR PARTIES wishing; to purchase amail tracts of land at tne ngnt price. -. One i'A acre tract with new 6 room house, plastered and papered, land all improved. . lO 0 ,f;il Vint b, f vv.u ii" J.u. barn, chicken house and park, plenty of iruit ana gooa wen pr water. One ( aore tract, iiew 6 room house. food well of water with pump, and over 6a full bearing fruit trees of several varieties. One 6 acre traot, unimproved; also 5 acres partly Improved, with house and harn. Two 10' acre - tracts, improved, andJ several other pieces not mentioned! above, all within to 1ft mnea or. Lents, Or. 7 Also several Improved farms, ranging from 40 to 160 acres, and In price from $50 to $200 per acre. Also agents for the Clemson addition, within 2 blocks of station, with lots, prices ranging from $160 to $200; terms $3 down and $3 per month: streets all graded and water mains laid. , In houses and lots we can suit you from a 2 room house to a mansion. Come and see us. v . WILEY, ALLEN & CO., . x Lents, Or. Owner. $Z,lO0. ACREAGE 2i4''.." ACRES- GARDEN land, to rare; cneapest in city; cau 243 Stark st: $1,300. BEE'Jr O. ELROD. 007-8 S WETLAND bu lining, ror wheat rarms. UCHTEL' ' 4"" JERNS MAKE A SPE- cialty of east side , realty, rentals, ans. etc. 862 15. Morrison st '1 ASIDE BUNGALOWS. HOUSES. designed, built repaired. See Johnson. i4 Mohawk bldg. jjOURTEEN AND ONE - FOURTH lucres' out on carllne, $LO0O, Six and lie-fourth and ? twelve and - one-half t res lor ioo per acre. Others equally Hod, and easy' terms. Room 10, 142 ii at. - - ,- ' - iHIS IS A BARGAIN IP YOU WANT ia home; 6-room new house. Write for nrticuiara to . u. dox 45, Bt Johns, iROOM MODERN HOUSE, . $4,600; 6 iroom house, $3,500; $600 cash, $25 .lonthly Owner, phone East .675. ' i,Y OWNER, NICE LEVEL CORNT5R : lot, street graded, shade trees, fence; .26, $200 cash. Owner, 151 Union .ave.; agenta GbEIiN SIX, .SEVEN AND ElaHT- room nouses; aiso lots, win .build suit Houaday Fark. . R, B. Rice, ner, 690 Waaco at Both phones. jODERN 6 ROOM HOUSE, ONLY 4 blocks from steel bridge (250 McMIl ?n street), $3,300; , $700 down, balance isy, The biggest buy for close in poperty we know of. The Bpanton Com my. 270 Stark .v:';. y FOREST GROVE, OR., 1 BLOCK Ifrom car and a from Facifio university, bod -residence of 7 rooms, good barn iid plenty of iruit; 4)t 78x141, fire lace, hot and cold ' water and brick hiithnuaaf. will exchange for Portland -operty on "cr near good carllne. Ad,- 'eBs a-i a t journal. t . FOR SALE---FARMSI $4,000 EXTRA GOOD 80-ACRE DAIRY farm In Yamhill county, 1 miles from railroad; 60 acres under cultivation, mostly all in grain now; about 4 acres of orchard In fine condition; 2 springs, a branch and a well on the place; nne oil; Ood 7-room house and large barn; 12 cows, i yeaning neirer, i jersey ouu, 11 bogs, 2 Horses, so cnicKcns. i wagon, 1 bucKV. 1 harvester. 1 mower, 1 aisk harrow, 1 spring-tooth harrow, 1 cul tlvator, l plow, l cream separator, . h...,A.lp a n H tnnlrU fi tii 1 1 1 nana IL tn terest in spray bumn and seeder,' suf flclent feed In barn to last till spring flue opportunity for farmer to step in and Begin maajng money at once; , in come from 8 cows now 190 per month this will soon be Increased largely when the other four begin giving milk; cash or terms. '", :- , - ' W. N. CARTER. 712 Williams ave. "V" car, Investors' Opportunity 60 acres, all cleared, rich and level, one mile Gervals, Or. Nice 6 room houae, Rood wells, and all outbuildings. This farm is leased for 6 years for $400 cash rent ner vear. yielding better than 11 per cent on the Investment besides the increase In value of land. ' Price $3,600; $1,600 cash, balance 6 per cent Also 10 acres, 1 mile Lents, Mount Scott line, level, mostly cleared and In cultivation. New 6 room house; price $3,000: half cash, balance 6 per cent: 17 unimproved acre tracts Joining and near it have sold for $600 per acre; the increase In value will yield a flattering profit besides affording a nice subur ban home. - HARGROVE, 111 N. fith st, cor, th and Gllsan, or Ariota, ur. lOfi 6ALK UVFjfSTOCK ONE FRESH HOL8TEIN COW Foil Hfiie. 4 l;swt Maillwon. ' FO H S A LECll E A P 21 -R ESU COWS, numer s; place, L,onts. ' FOR SALE MISCELLANKbUS IN ' THE MIDST - OF BARGAINS there are. still bnrgaina. 'See us and be -convinced. : We can "show" , you wnenipr you are irpm Mincoun or not thot we sell lowest Remember we will buy what you have to offer. Phone Pa. ciflo 763. Western Salvage Co.. Wash- ington and ieutn sta Tee Automatic Damper ,' For stove, range or furnaco, , Raves fuel, trouble and danger. ' Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. - 161 Union ave. Ent 4622. VE SELL GOODS AT . THE LOWEST living prices; new and old; largest and cleanest stock, to select from; every thing on one bill and prompt delivery. Stoves and gas appliances; coll put fn gas ranges, connected. The Dollar, 232 t $ t $ We Want Your Trada tilt STOVE DOCTOR WE REPAIR. PU in , cons or ' excnaiige, buy or sell Stoves III 1st. The lH'llnr. Main 6374 OR SALE HIGH 41P.ADE NEW AND econd nana uprignt piano at greatly reduced prices, Blnshelmer. 71 Id St. VEHlCLi.8, KA1U4 WAGONS, HORSKS, anicn cows, ainsie ana auuoie narnen- ses, hvavy and light 150 Flanders Cash for household g6ods. sa V;" sgs A Pennell. 146-247 PEOPLE'S 1st. Pse. 160. HOUSE Prices FURNITURE buys and sells everything.' right .tll Front st. Phone Main 42(, FOR SALE MAMMOTH PKINbTJcT2 .?( Tom all-year layers. R. F. O, wo. i box 129, wuwaukie. ur. one good launch hull, u4. une nv-rooi launen, 12, (oo. T ,Jiiqui avvvi a, MUHt'ija, kv All, vruvrv. Heyes Engine & Launch Co.. 171 Madi son si., pnones Main 14US, Home A-xaT. FOR . SAL-FOX TERRIER PUP& Call 618 cottaae place. lxwer Albina. IXifl;OlTTcoOPERAaE CO. ALL" kinds of barrels and bottles bought and soia. 43 n. Front, pnone Mam 8147 BfiTCfeS $4.00 per77R16usAnd7VeC Dames, room No. 428, Worcester bidg! Phone T161.- ' for sale i Incubators ci- Dher. 254 eras: Petaluma. 126 ee-ea: 0-U, Journal. , FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE 44 l ACRES, 22 ACRES CLEARED; elegant 1 room house, 4 acres orchard, 16 miles Portland, brick mllkhojise, fine barns; In fact everything first class, 14.000: will trade for residence In Port land of $2,000 to $3,000 value. A lot with a 6 room and a 2 room house on It, to trade for rooming house. HARGROVE. 111 N. ;th. cor, 6th and Gllsan, or Arleta. Or. i FOR SALE OR RENT OR WILL EX- change for real estate, hotel consist ing of 24 rooms, with well-established business; nicely furnished throughout For particulars address H. A. Collins, Oakland. Or. TO EXCHANGE SUBURBAN LOTS and acreage near Sellwood. for ex change for Umber, In whole or part; will take or give difference. Boa . 7, city P. q ' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE THE best known restaurant in the city. Address HJ Van Atta. Vancouver, Wash. PERSOXALv Lane Institute and Sanitarium A private hospital for the treatment Of women's asd children's diseases ex-, cluslvely; woibon physicians in attend ance only; maternity given spe cial attention; - uptodate maternity hos pital In connection; no charge for con sultation; correspondence suncuou, Tiie Lane Institute . . Booms 6 to 14 Grand Theatre bldg. 152 Washington st, cor. Purk ; T Main 19!R. Tloth Phones. A-6607, Ki&ney-Cure Tea Not medicine. For sals by WJ, Van Damme, 1 liorrlsou mtH next to Pap's coffee house. Call and read the testimonials of those who have been cured of kidney troubles through the use of this tea. I sell my kidney ; cure (just . tea, no medicine) on the condition f ''No cure, money refunded." The 4 . . ..H H ttnt ' 11 IA Kr.lll.. A trlnl will $1.10 bottles. convince. PEKSONAL! M KM REMARK,- able new sclentLflo Invention and dis covery; Instantly restores complete, permanent sexual health. .Inspires con- fidence and spirit immf diateiy. inoib ngr In the world Uko It. No doubts, jiJ walrrriR; we prove It free. commenaea by highest European authorities. Full Information mailed you In confidence la plain son led letter, xne uottscnaii o.. turpi. , lovi 9 Aionawa ai., ,ijun". N. Y. Not evC. O. D. scheme: nothing misleading, ,' 1 DfBlES $100 REWARD We POHl tlvely guarantee Dr. Bouthlngton'a Erao-Kolo "Monthly" Compound. Safe ly relieve some of the longest, most obstinate abnormal cases in 1 to 6 daya; no barm, pain or Interference with work. Mall $1.50.' Double strength $2.00. 'Bur ef druggist or write Dr. Southlngton Remedy Co., Dcpt 17. Kan- sas tiny, mo. Madame Luckey Gives electrio baths and vibratory treat ments. also aclentlno massage, scalp and face treatments, chiropody. 201 f tn St., near Salmon. Main zou. REAL. ESTATE MPJECIOilY REAL ESTATH AND TIMT1KR PRALERS ALPHABETICALLY , ARRANGED FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF JOURNAL KEAULiU State your requirements to your realty " broker and h ..will invariably set you on the right track to secure just what you want. Study the real estate ads in The Journal and ypu will urely ind a good home or a good investment -',.!.. .ADDRESa TELEPHONE Dr. T. J. Pierce All diaeases and weaknesses of men oured quicker and cheaper than any where elso. Call or write. . 241 1st st, corner Ysmhlll. Dr. Mary Kramer Cures blood diseases; conUnemeirts a specialty. 161 Mississippi ave. ast 6641. Free examinations; patients at horn- - - ALL CHRONIC DISEASES OlT MEN. women, children: concers and female sickness permanently cured; sure cure for spinal menimrltla Dr. Paul Crom- well sanitarium, 127 N. 12th. Main 6471. Dr. Pnilip T. BaU paralysis. cnronie, 603 goitre, rheumatism, nervous. :. spinal and female diseases. FIFTH STREET, COR. SHERMAN. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, Nov els, etc.: German. English. French. Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all kinds. Bchmale Co., 2Z9ilst st LCCOI UNTANTS TWO LOTS TO EXCHANGE FOR horse and wason. or for sale cheaD. im wasmngion st, room 10. A CHICKEN FARM FOR 6 OR 7-IiOOM house, east side. Y-138. Journal.- 3 10 AtRES ON O. W. P. LINE, 9 MILES out all under cultivation: 3 acres beaverdam land, from which owner sold $1,700 In tomatoes' the past sea on: 160 bearln fruit trees: new 7 room house: olj outbuildings new. The price Is right. ' 614 acres highly improved 11 miles out; 8 acres berries, 80 bearing fruit trees; good buildings. $2,000; terms. 20 acres, all In cultivation, close to K. k. station; 10 acres in iruiir yieios splendid Income; good buildings; only $3,000, part on time. ' THE SPANTON COMPANY. 270 Stark St. (Ground Floor.) IX ROOM HOUSE A1T LOTS, FULL J cement basement; goin- east - v ln- ?iirA 78 rhlirch nt.. V. Albina. "H I wEAT, .NEW .HOUSE, 3 CONVEN- liently -arranged rooms r bathroom lithi bath; two porches, cellar. 60x100 iot- lot with fruit and shade trees; laded street; good walk and conven !nt to caxllne. . Only $850, terms. Port- gnq jripmes o., Mornwin ,i. MALL NEW HOUSE AND DIRT ON A LOTS IN EDMONSTONS ADDITION i to Marsh field; must sell regardless of rice. Aartress v-isi, journal. 'OR SALE BY OWNER 1 LOTS 43 3x100 each. $175; $50 down and $10 a ,lonth, jn Brentwood, on Mount Scott prline. E. Smith,; 2 blocks south of ulrlmnd atatlon. ; ' OR SALE BY, OWNER 4-ROOM new modern house; will sell for ILj 0 If cash; lot 60x100.; on carllne; E. mlth, 2 Mocka south of Flrland station. 0 EQUITV IN TWO LOTS AT LENTS ror ion. Aionrniy payments on pai- ce. ' R. L. Hickman, Lents. Or, FOR SALE . BY ,OUSE t wner. AND LOT 6S7 E. 17th st nARQAINS. 87 acres near town, mostly timber and pasture, no buildings, $900. SiV acres, a rirst-ciass aairy or scock ranch, improved, some stock; a snap; only $17 per acre; muea rrom town. 120 acres, lw willea from town, wen Improved: .45 acres in cultivation and ia crop; 8 cows and 3 heifers, team, wagon and harness and ' farm Imple ments and separator; $3,100 on oasy terms. r':"'" For further information, write to ; CALDWELL & CO., . , ' v ; Philomath, Or. 61 H ACRES near TUALATIN STATION on Salem carllne; very rich soil; about 46 acres cleared; a splendid apple orch ard of 12 acres; - house, bam and out buildings; will take a home In Portland as , part consideration. - ! .-,-. .,-, ALFRED A. BAKER, - ' 216-21d Abingtoh bldg: ' $5,600 $3,000 CASH, WILL BUY A fine 66-acra tract ttl laud on the Wil lamette river, with a lease - on -a 800 acre farm adjoining, together with all tools, stock ; and Implements too nu merous to mention. - Come in and I will explain. Geo. W, Turner, room 4, 303 14 Washington at.; i,. , . r: , , , lO ACRES, 8 MILES S. E. OF ClOURTi house and miles B.E. of Milwau k!e, all In cultivation, the best of soil, small house and barn, good orchard, good well o water, on a gravel road: price $8,200. T-l 32. Journal , SWEET CHERRY LAND, NEAR EU- fene; plowed and ready for planting; 0 per acre. Geo,- Melvln alUler, Euifene. Or. ' -- J... .v.. EASTERN OREGON APPLE LANDS, no fruit pests to contend with; $5 to 220 per acre. MoCallum & Gregg, 223 Chamber of Commerce. r , Fine Little Heme 8 acres nice- land, cultivated, fronts on electrio carllne at the station; few native trees, some fruit trees, vines, berries, beautiful modern cottage, 2 bay windows, nice circular front porch, large columns; hall, pantry, bath, large rear, porch, beautiful carpets on all floors, oak sideboard, good bedroom sets, fine center and dining tables, large leather chair and other gooa cnairs, 2 stoves, nice woodhouse, painted red, trimmed in white, good barn painted red, trimmed in white, chicken house painted red trimmed in white, good cow, some chickens; an Ideal little home. HENKLE & HARRISON, 817 Ablngton bldg. COMPLETE EDISON MOVING Pic ture machine outfit. Including E.000 feet fine feature film, song slides, Ras outrit, etc. For sale or exchange. Ad dress S-1S9. Journal. 'TO EXHiaraiTFOR ClTY PR6PER- ty, 1,680 acres wheat land. Gilliam county; 640 acrea wheat land, Kenne Wick. Washington: S20 Keren fln Mnnrt River fruit land, for sale or trade. Long 160 ACRES, 2.600.00& FEET 'FlR. CE dar and hemlock; house, barn and or chard: 4 acres cleared; well watered; oniy zy, mues rrom town, 40,000 in habitants; good portable sawmill prop osition; also water power; mortgage $1,000 due in 30 daya Price $3,000; ex change. What have you? Alexander, 3u4 Ankeny, near 6th. HOTEL 25 ROOMS; RENT? $25, IN warehouse district .Price of furnl ture $560; will exchange. What have your Alexander, 804 Ankeny, pear 6th, B. W. GAGE. ROOM 30. RALEIGH bldg. Cth and Wash., general account ing, balances and statements furnlahed. AUTOMOBILES OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., AUTOMO biles and garage; absolutely fireproof building. 10th and Stark. Phone A-4550. ATTORNEYS GILLIAM & GILLIAM. ATTORNEYS at law, 720 C. ot C. bldg. Main 6101. Interstate adjustment go., law collections. 414 Buchanan bldg. M. 8130 A. H. TANNER, ATTY., 609 COMMER cltl block, 2d and Wash, Main 1446. RICHARDSON GREY & of Commerce; 618 CHAMBER Practice In all courts. NAME. , Adair. 8. D. 110 Fenton Bldg................ Pse. mt Abraham 4b White., ..,....., a- Labbe Bldg , ,.,.A-1241 M-7331 Angeles Exchange .611 Commonwcaith Bldg., M-6314 Baker, A. A..,......'..;,,..,,,,,..,'. Ill Ablngton t31dir.'...'i;..'..M-(2t A-125T Barrett and MaeRae 120 Chamber, of Com...,'.....,.,.,..M-.l Bunker, C. F. (Llnnton) 614 Chamber ef Cora....... M-4321 But tor worth A Stephenson Co, Inc. . , Achesoa , Bldg. ... . M-i 86 A-2 S 1 1 . glsrk, G. icfsnd Cook,' J.Wj,i.l.U 63 Chamber of Com i .Ci .v.".M-84r A-I 161 ook & CO..U 8 261 Alder .M 53 A-3V53 Compton, J. F.,., .,..,100 Ablngton Bldg...,,,, .......ran. 1841 Chapm A Herlow,, 426 Chamber of Com...,., ....... .M-lvl Crossley Co., The... 101 McKay Blrtg. .M-78S6 A-67U Sobb Bros.;...,.. , 412 Bwetland Bld,.,..., M-82U olumbla Trust Company 714 Couch Bldg ,i,.M-5dU A-1IH Coast Restty Co.,. ...22H Morrison.,. ...,,M.M-166S A-4159 Con kiln Bros. SOI Rotchcbild Bldg. ........ ,T-8u B-2221 Dunn-Lawrence Co. ...,241 Alder ......... .,..M-1S A-2S1S Davla Co.. ML C... 1 Hamilton Bldg..;,.,.... M-4414 Devlin A Flrebaush.. 608-S Bwetland Bide M-1450 A-8S44 Draper A Co Arthur s... 141 Washington ..... ....A-X410 M-6S70 Dean Land Imp. A Colonisation Co... (21 Chamber of Com , A A M-1370 Esper-Melne Realty Co..,. ,111 Commercial Bldg. M-S01 Rurekn Land Co................... 607 Commercial Bldg .. ..... ' A-3221 Ellis York A Co 264 Morrison ......... ,.,.M-477I A-1275 Fucha, F.............. ............. 221 H Morrison......,,. .'.Paa. 261S A-4011 Frary A Beits ,...130 Fifth. . OoldschtnMtV Agency........ 252H Washington ......M A A-Jorn Goddard, H. Vt. 110 Second ... ..... A A M-1741 Holbrook Co.. F. B. flrvln g ton Park). 1 Worcester Bldg....... .......... M-639 Hotchklss, C R,...., ......... ,,..801 Chamber Cora ,,A-209 M-106I Henry A Bon, C K. 250 Stark..,. ...... ....M-256S A-K234 Holmes 4k aaeneree tirvingion;..... uniro ai-oooj Investment Co, (E. Quackehbush)... 144 Stark ..; .....M-171 A-2S71 Irvington investment Co. v.. .19 Hsmllton Bldg........ M-317T International Investment Co........ 101-10-11 Macleay Bldff . .. , M.-6306 A-465T Jackson A Deerlng.. 14 Stark... M 141 Jacobs-Stlne Co .14 Fifth M-48 A-2 811 N. (Belle Crest, Berkeley, Dover) ; ' .. , Killings worth,. W. M.,1. ........... 121 Chamber of Com.... .......... M-4557 KeUeher A Davie. , 1 Chambers Bldg M-I94 Knapp A Mackey .......... .........T Chamber of Commerce ......A A M-201O Lamont A Harris..,.,... 801-T Bwetland Bldg..., M-3031 McCusker, Thomas i... ........... tOS Couch Bldg .....M-744C Mall & Von Borstel..... ....104 Second...... A A M-14S4 Moore Investment Co .8134 Washington....... ......A A M-2707 Mathews A Co.. A- E 201-10 Couch Bldg................ M-8223 Morehouae-Weist Co. .............. .420 Lumber Exchange.. . .M-8234 A-6041 McCallum A Gregg... ,., 223 Chamber of Com..., .......... M-702O Northweatern Inveatment Co....... US Fourth............. .......... M-72U Oregon Real EsUte Co., The.. 81H Third ....M-1707 Palmer, it P.,... .'. 201 Rothchlld Bids-. ... r... ....... .M-8BSI Parkhurst, A, L. (Parkhurst Add'n). 426 Lumber Exchange.... .......... A-305L Parrlsh, Waticln A Co.. 260 Alder ....... ...... ........ ,,,,,M-1644 Portland Business Agency .......... 141 Fifth M-2791 Portland Real Estate Agency 261 Stark ,i A-6141 Porter. J. Frank... ........607 Commercial Bldg... ....... A A M-1525 Parrlsk A Co.. C U, Ill Marquam BWg.... ..M. 1222; A.. 4555 Ralston A Co .' South Portland Helirhta. ...M-7151 M-275T Richardson, A. J 413 Commonwealth Bldg. M-64rtf Radium. Realty Co..... 161 Russell. Albina E-1137 C-1390 Steele A Co.. & N , ....110 Second . A A M-2B50 Swensson A Co., A. F. 251H Washington...... a A M-1055 Schalk. George D ,.... 264 Stark .....M-S91 A-2393 Sharkey A Co.. John P Sixth and Washington....,,. .M-550 A-253T Schaefer, George J ...... 117 Chamber Of Com-. ......24-6816 A-3583 .(Coos Bay next) J Spier, J. E i.... 103lUnlon Av.N.(HIghl'd).. .....Woodl'n 5J Bpanton Co., The .... 270 Stark M-2828, Btevenson-Brown Co ..Ill Buchanan Bldg.... .......... M-1290 Stewart Waldo, F 211 Commercial Bldg.... ...M-1506 Sphinx Agency 308 Chamber of Com... ......... ...M-6083 Turner. George W 208 Washington ..... ...... ...Pac 256T Thompson It Swan (Vancouver.Wn.) . ..106 Swetland Bldg ......... ..M-S031 Thompson A Ogden 4S Mississippi Ave. ...,... woodlawn 203 Wilbur. R. M 110 Second.. ......A A M-2550 Word. T. M. ...................... . 230 Stark. ............ .. .....,, M-466t wells Co.. J. L.. sue unamoer ox vom, ..... ..A-Z355 M-4664 Walling, G. E M A A-1J76. ART EXPERT MOULDING AND STATU- v ary worn, piaster casts ana orna ments. Antique, Grecian, Roman and Florentine, G. Adaml Co., 149 Columbia. HAND CARVING TAUGHT. DEALER IN antique furniture repairing. 638 Wash. PERSONAL DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE Kexlne mis cure ail. weakness: 11 box, 6 for $0; full Cruarcntca. Address or can tne j. a. ciemenson Drug Co., romanq, ur. - Farm Bargain 120 ' acres ; all first-class soil, all fenced, 60 acrea cultivated; good, new two-story(. house, good barn and out buildings; nlca springs of jvater; good orchard; this farm produced' last year 48 bushels of wheat and 70 bushels of oats per acre; farm all well stocked with teams, cowa, hogs, chickens, imple ments, toois ana zeea; gooa location, j miles from Estacada electric carllne; would take -good house In Portland as part pay. : ' - Henkle & Harrison 1 217 Ablngtoh Ildg. PERSONS OF marriaokaki.k: either sex. desiriner acaualn tance. send lOo for circular. Portland Introducing .Bureau, room s. iiiitt ist mi., city. DON TEATATR. BREA.THE IT-HAW thorne nasal linings make breathing easy. 'Bold by loading druggists, or pnone Mam uhs. 1 DR. B1NG CHOONG. IMPORTER CHI nese root medicines: sells Chinese tea. certain cure ior an aisenses. iz za st, between Yamhill and Taylor. MADAM BRUCE, SCIENTIFIC MAS sage. Electric Treatments for atom ach trouble and Rheumatism. 200 7th A NICE HOME 4 ACRES ALL UN- der cultivation, very best of soil, new house, almost finished; on carllne; price 11,850, About 1-3 down, balance good terms. McCallum &-Gregg, 223 Cham ber of Commerce. TIMBER COAL AND TIMBER LAND IN BRIT- Ish Columbia ror sole at a bargain. Located near the coast and in very rich mining district Area about 8,000 acres, estimated to have approximately 80,000, 000 to 100,000.000 feet of marketable timber; logging, easy; railroad now be ing built runs across the land. The land is also supposed to be underlaid with several veins of high class bitum Inoug coal, Address "Timber." Journal. FOR SALS FIFTEEN MILLION yellow fir. 16.000: 270-acre farm. within mile and half of railroad. $20 ier acre., Room 218 .Worcester bldg., ortiami, or.- MANICURING. MASSAGE BY GRAD, uate- Swedish nurse? room 8, SB14 SUITS PRESSED WHILE v6U WaIT 60c, Ladies' sklrta pressed. 60c. Gil bert 106 H 6th, next Quelle. Main 2088, MRS. OBROCX. MASSEUSE, CABINET Datn. salt glow, cream massage; ref erences. 282 Park. Main 2403. A-2734. PERKINS NATIONAL HERBS AND Kretol are sold by A. B. Bloomer, 190 fin st rnone main &sz. TURKISH BATHS, 300 OREGONIAN ' bldg.; ladles days, gentlemen nights. Main jvds. t MANICURING, FACIAL MASSAGE and scalp treatment Suite 12-14, 268 Morrison st. Hotel cosmos. DAINTY PEOPLE USE EVERSWEET; it prevents odor from , perspiration. 25c. Ciemenson lrug uo.. Portland. Or. iHSS ETHEL WARD, MANICURIST and chiropodist, has removed from 851 Morrison at to 201 8d St DRS. ATWOOD, PRIVATE HOSPITAL. Home for unfortunate girls; good care at confinement autt Aiisky Diag. THE SNOWDEN BATHS, 145 6TH st, rooms 24-25. Vapor, sponge-baths, electrio treatments. Lady attendant BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases, 103 Fleldne: bldg. Main 7721. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS TEAMS about-1.300 each. 8 years old. xood workers single or double. - Also one rood sorrel horse about 7 'years old. chunkily built weight about 1,600, sound ana genue worser. r or saie at &eiiy a Darn, necona ana Main. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT . by day, week and month; special rates to business bouses. 6th and Hawthorne. MUSICAL IXSTRUMENTS PIANO OF EXCELLENT MAKE and only one year in use: cost 1400: 1260 geta It; would give terms to re sponsible, people. 150 McMillan at. a rternooBSt YORK BAND INSTRUMENT AND MU- sic house; repairing. Z27 Stark. . TOR, SALE LIVESTOCTC JERSEY COW FOR ALBJ, 140; GOOD - condition; easy milker. . Address M-131, Journal. TWO A-l FRESH COWS, PART JKR sey, or exchange for beef cows.: is E. 10th, . ' t ALL KIND8 OF BATH, 25c; MASSAQE, lumi ;zu f f F B diseases, 626 E. Belmont East 4034. YOUR FORTUNE, TOLD BY STARS. hand ana earns, st.c Aroc. zoz gn. StASSAGE, VAPOR AND TUB BATHS. laay attendants. iiom 4tn. cor, wash. LADlFS' BarbershOp kANiCUR-: lng. facial massa ge, 64 4th st MOLES, WRINkTES, SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. Mrs. Hill. 330 Fleldner. MISS MARCELLA LE-ROY, 291 AL der St., room 4, sclentiflo massage. ' let the World Know , . ,- F ...... , - - . Don't in a napkin hide your gifts, But stujy how the "Want Ad" " lifts The veil from sure but hidden . ways That lead to Fortune golden days Learn how the pangs of hope deferred The "Want Ad" stavs. And how into the loneliest heart - it sheds l "The cheeriest tXK: :J-f' ABSTRACTS LAWYERS' ABSTRACT A TRUST CO. Main 660, A-4222. 730 Cham, of Com. . 243 Stark BT. JOHNS. - : "'!. " ' Downey A Co 108 Jersey ...... ...E-6186 King A Qlllmore Jersey .Union 406s Rogers, D. C 108 Jersey ....E-61S6 Smith. L. H.... Burlington ... ; Wolcott. O. P 401 B. Jersey BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS & KILHAM. 109-111 2D st Blank books manufactured: arts. for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledg ers; see the new Eureka leaf, the best on the market. BATHS BODLEY'8 TURKISH BATHS, IMPE - rial .hotel, open day and night. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES a BIRKENWALD A CO., 104-306 Ev erett at. largest butcher supply house on the coast Write for catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES A DOLPH A. Dekum, 181-133 1st st., carries a full line and complete assortment at lowest market prices. COAL. AND WOOD FuU weight ton of 2,000 pounds. wee-Burning ffo CIMers . Small Amrant of Ash ' --Pbotf c jHaln 04 BAKKS.V IRST NATIONAL BANK, Portland. Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUa 11.600.000. . ' NO INTEREST PAID .ON ACCOUNTS. rNlTED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. , " nortnweat corner inira ana uiu sireeta . Transacts' a General Banking Businesa DRAFTS ISSUED Avntinhi in All Cities of the United States and Europe, Hongkong and Manila. Collection V MtxAm sin Wb vnrnhla Tanni tTB.ldent.... J. C A1NSWORTH I Cashier........ , . n. LitiA OMinicj) i Assistant i;asmer. . . i . .,w. A. HOLT Vice-President. . - , Assistant Cashier. .A. M. .... 1. ier.. .... WRIGHT SCHMEER LADD A T1LTON, BANKERS Portland, Oregon, ; , - Established 1869. W. M.LADD. , C E. LADU . - J. W. LADD. Transact a General Banking Business.- SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Savings books Issued on savings deposits. Interest paid on time deposits. THE BANK OK CALHf'ORNlA Establlshe". 1864. ' Head Office, San Francisco. ... Capital paid up,,,,., $4,000,000 l Surplua and undivided profits $10,163,873 General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted, Interest on Time Deposits, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened of $10 and uc ward. Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Building.. ' , . Wit. R. MAC HE A Manager J. T. BURTCHAKLL. . Ass't Manager lERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK Portland, Oregon. J. FRANK waiu...rrfiaeBii n. xj. xjuntxAia.. ....... Vice-President R. W. HOYT tSshierJ GEORGE W HUYT. . . . , , Ass't Caaaler r B. (J. t-Aluunu SKvnu Asauataat uanier. Transact a General Banking Businesa Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued. Available to Ail Parts of the World. Collections a Specialty. -. TRUST COMPANIES. SECURITY SAVINGS A TRUST CO 16 Morrison Street Portland. Oreroru Transacts a General Banking Buainea. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Inter Mt allowed on Time and Savings Aeeounts, Acts as Trustee for rtui C F, A. L. Drafts and. Attera OX Credit Aval able on All Part of the World. . ADAMS President i L. A. LEVVIS. ... .First Vlce-Pr MILLS.... Second Vice-President K. C JUB1TZ. . ....,.jec GEU E. RUSSELL .... Assistant Secretary Vice-President secretary; - X BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. CHEAPEST COAL ON THE MARKET, tjUAUTY CONSIDEIiKD. y Guaranteed Full Weight No Cliakers cr Scot Prompt Dcllyciy. M. S22S SLAB WOOD. BIG LOAD. 2. t UNION FUEL CO., Foot of Montgomery st. i Phone Main'?! 43. STEEL . BRIDGE FUEL CO. FOR oulck delivery: irreen and dry slab- wood, dry cordwood, any length; heavy block, 15 a load. Phone East 424; C-1T73. VOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF SLAB- wood call Mam 4876. uak. ash., fit and coal. Portland Wood A Coal Co., 16th and Savlcr sts. FOH CHARCOAL, CALL M. 6963. NO order too small for oromoi attention. Prompt delivery, . Foot of Curry st WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO. House and blacksmith coals, coke. charcoal, kindling. .Phone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F-B. JONES A CO., t ju(i ttwi. loi . f L . SUNSET COAL CO BEST LIGNITE coal in city. 17 per ton. Room 18. 63 a t .1 if.U ffa MOUNT HOOD FUEL CO.. WOOD AND coal. 850 water st Fhone Main 8270. FULTON WOOD CO.. 1224 MACADAM at. Cora ana aiap wooa. yacttio 4. FOR Q U I C.K HE LI Y E R Y PHONE uregon t uei .,o 334 Aiaer. F1H WOOD, 4 FOOT CORD, MOORE, 402 Wells-Fargo bldg. Main 8426. VERY DRY J3AILROAD TIES IN 16 lnch blocks, 15.60 a load. Pacific 2974. DRY FIR CORDWOOD, SAWED, 16.00 load, iseghers wooa to. Main C369. M ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Commerce Building; Municipal, Railroad and Publla Service Corporation- Bonds. rvOWNING-HOPKlNS COMPANY Established 1882 BROKERS." D ' STOCKS. BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin. ' Private Wires. 4 ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.- Phone Main 37 OYerfeeck & Cooke Company tfiSMai. : GRAIN, PROVISIONS, COTTON. STOCKS AND BONDS. i " WE DO A 8TR1CTLV COMMISSION BUSINESS. Contlnnoua Marketa by Private Wire. Quick Servloe. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. ' LEAVING PORTLAND. ,'u"'-.""i1........ A1H n. m Cottage urovw f" California Express 7:46p.m. San yranrisco Express. . . .12.00 night WEST SIDE. Corvallla Passenger. ...... 7:00 a. m. Sheridan Passenger 4:10 p. m. Forest Grove Passenger... 11:00 a. m. wnrest Grove Passenger,,, 6:40 p. to. Southern Pacific. 8:16 a. m. Express .ii". 7-5S m rULOa,r.e..pa88nep''-i0 a r?f"ger p. 'a.t ARRIVING PORTLAND. uregon express cottaae u Roseburg rui Li.mi n.vnrAC a. V"-- , ...... ... w. - WEST SIDE. Corvallla Passenger s i ' Sheridan ' Passenger . . '10 :3,?, J- Forest Grove PaWnee? ' a-fl T1 Forest Grove Passcnfr.:: J:JJ f" Portland to Dallas Portland to Dallas Jefferson Street Depot. 7:40 a. m. 1 Dallaa to Portland ...... in-iK ...... 4: p- m. Dallas to Portland WW.. t-l a suburban Leaving Portland at 6:30 a. m. honi-i5 a. m, Tk ... during morning and afternoon. Last train leaves depot for oiwetd It u' v.. - y Northern Pacific,... . . '"" Tacoma and Seattle Exp... I:!-a.m. North Coast Limited North Coast ft unicagw -vy ovarland Express ..11.48 p. m. Chicago-Portland Special Portland ExnreKu Overland F.xtvresa Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. Spokane Flyer 7:00 a. 4:15 p. .8:15 p m. 111. . 7:16 a. m. 8:30 a. m, , Rookane Flyer 8:16 p. ra. KanOlty iChL Exp.... 6:00.111. ouuaane jriyer , . . . . Chi Kan. City & Port ExdI J t l'V Chicago-Portland Special 80 ? Fortland Passenger !. lilt 1" CHIROPODISTS WILLIAM DEVENY AND ESTELLE Deveny. the only sclentiflo chiropodn Ists. parlors 203 urew mag., lta d st CHIROPODY Mrs. M. AND FEDlCURTNti D. HU1. 830 Fleldner bldg. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY WESTERN , CIRCULATING AND , DI S tributlng Co... 8504 Morrison;' clrcu Urs, pahmpktak, eta, distributed. : - Astoria & Columbia lUrer. ... Astoria and Seaside ESrp. ,.7:00 k m, jl & Prt. Paaseuger.l2:l$ p. n. Astoria Express ......... 6 .00 p. m. Portland . Express ........ i5;00 , ,, Canadian Pacific Railway Co. O p. R. Short Line, via Spok. 7:00 p. m. v'la.SeaU Via & Vancouver.! :00 p. nv .......ii:a p. m Via. Sumas C T t , , , . . - . . ' via Van.. Vl an.) k.iiu ,11 . - . ' fc-..,fcv t. SHU r,ii)M l'C Portland ;Ry Light & Power-Co. Cars Leave Ticket Office and Waiting - Room, First and Alder Streets, For Oregon City 4:00, 6:25.. 7 :0o" 7:36. 8:10. I:45, 8;:20, ;66. 10:80, U.05, 11:40 a. rn.;12;i&,!12:60, 1:55, 2:00, 2:35, :10. :fi. :zv, s.oa. m.avt,, " I t7:60.8:25. 1:00. W:00, 11:00, 12:00 p.m. Gresham, Boring, Eaple Creek, Esta cada, Cazadero. Fatrylew and Trodtiiaie 7:30, 8:30, 11:30 a. m.j 1:30. 3:40, 6:14, 7:15 p. m. , - - " -FOR VANCor'vrrt. :Tlcket office and wafti,.. -r' ond and Washington (iir .'ii A. M, 6:1 S. t w, 7; ... ,.:. t;10, 10:10. 11:1.,, 11;;,.- P. 11. 12:3'), 1 :!, 1 1:60, 4:S0, 6:ii, t (',' 1:15, f:23. 10 :.,. 11 ' On third iI-n-1 i 1 !-.. -. ', last r l.-HV,- nt 1 ' i t " i-. t. i '