THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TlESDAY , EVENINO, ' JANUARY S3, ; 1008.' Mil ! f j 0 il i SE s Heney WM Go Oyer the RoU With Special Prosecutor SOFT SHOE TJEII ME mi in Barglars Make Good Hauls in Stores aiid Residences ; Around tho City. KOREANS APPEAL TO UBUIB aBBBaBBBBBaaMaaaBSasMSBM-BBBl ' Doimtrodden People Declare White Hen Should JIake J Japs Behave. (Special Dlapateb to Tea Journal.) Seattle. Jan. 18. An 'authorised corn- Burglars had another . Inning laat night, and though the amount of loot ... j i - ; . oeauio, .jail. o. 111 aumvm vi"- Becker, and It IS EXpeCtCd cured did not amount In the re-JmlUee of the Korean Association of - t Tff at t0 a very lara ,um ,n cash va,u' ta United States, which ha headquar- JDCW JJUUICS fXU Ao w.a in. ract cannot t attributed to. any ter, Bt J126 Fourth avenue, has Issued - 'T)i--Vlia wi uui w vw gi m umn , public statement asking the Amerl VU JJlttwmoi,. u. omeKawa,.a. Japanese; who re- onn Dootle to make an effort to aaslsi Idea at 311 Everett street, reported to tj,e Korean In their fight against the the poUcs thla morning that burglar Japanese, which nation according to the entered ma nous during the night and uatement of the committee, la despoil- on a I inar. robbing and kllllnar the nennle of . f " m r - FEAR-OACHELORS : KAISER HURTS SECOND TRIAL OE WILL HflB lVIVES PEOPLE'S PRIDE SECHTEM CASE) wiiry CO-EDS: PlAyili6 TRICK Married ITen in Tieton Can- German ;KulerJnsults-Ger. Widow Seeks to Ilaye Sales University ?; of v Washinfftoi yon Entertain Doubts of What May Be.: ("pealal Dispatch to The Journal.) North Yakima, .Wash, .Jan, Z. Ca young bachelor employed In the camp man Manufacturers by Jiuymg English Goods. By Malcolm M. Larks. . (Special Dispatch to The Jooraal.)' of Property Set 1 J Aside. Rules ?No More Cheating", t in lainkation3; ,;j A caae tried before Judge Fraier laat October, which he had under ad vise- Berlin, Jan. 18. Ths kalaer ha hurt ment at ths time of hi death, again I Jan. i I, (Special Dispatch to Tbe loam.t A ' University of "Washington, Seattle There must be no mora cheat Such 1 a, aulei of the reclamation service In the Tieton the feelings of German designer and went to trial before- Judge b'Day in tha Ins- In examination canyon, are creating havodthere. The manufacturer of furniture by purchas- circuit court this morning. The cast p that baa gone forth from "h,il . . - a .1.. r. appropriated IO. in caA, a check . im.. a .nl,fi nf tna Ian a rraua I l. k..k i iaaea ending before the rnlted States and a gold watch and chain valued at K""a;vl,ndJt,ftklnf up a herel IZt VTu m.d. before the da- fn"and '''.'a'fei of the refugee. 1. parture Of F. J. Heney from Oregon, at Jr0rm lace W,thoUt beltwt vere arraignment of Japanese me which time he wiu sever aim Buralar entered the Empire saloon. with the Oregon prosecution and turn Fourth and -wft -rwt last n a e- metiiod in Korea. Educated member of the association talked with last night as- and stole several bottle of whlnkey tni "i,8 lt U,nof,f tJal.lKvcrd!:a.wn- ,TA? . . . j.m .1.. ,.ff invaatla-a "no stole several Dottle or whlnKey ana L "... . ..r . .. Lv. . . fcl attention to the graft 'n"1 four boj,,. of clg;rs. Entrance wae committee submitted the public state- tlon in , San Francisco. When Mr. tffected by forcing the lock of the front me.nt the Moc,1'Jon P"","" 10 giving Heney leave Oregon at the conclusion dor with a Jimmy. The cash register U .!S,.th'upre.""u u, fVl'ws In full: of the Hall trial he will turn over the j naj been opened, but as lt contained no ' riMrnn mim to Tracer C Becker. ' had been chosen by the t"WX; . era! to clean the dockets of all pending raves according bis juub money the tlfleves were forced to con- '? I"?,". ltnon to ,tl,a P0Plu .n ihmiv.. ith tha articles of th tnited States the real condition of VV V. Ill, IIKIIUU 1VUIHU rAJMTM. desire to make known to the people of Pletely captivating their wives, who five room to be used In hi private M . mltb7Mator h'lST.LJSibhlI2S-J I f P!tln imperiaj palace, and ""tf. M.u- .A.'--,.ww - : - ' ' id understand little EnalUh. alleaea thfvi; i"" "iL?0,,?-!. no!.!5 Inn' to go around at all tha dance and other fnuure xo d superior to anything which ihat Bmlth took advantaa-e of her la- 1...,:' .ZTKiZX. - " 1. Ana nnu. an1 anIH tha ::VT"r"""" """" "F" """.eB" SSKi, tl'Z,ZlhJtryjiLlla"! Price.. r . V ; ... P!.o' the estate without her possibly for ffttw-wSni V7"'"r" "."" " '""w"""- I A 1..-. t .i- -. " uunicujo. . ruvi lv 1" uu .aun:i, in fflOlt abundant. Tn tha .m,lii.rin ' " I wwwwu uiw.i. wi.v, I BUDieCIB ininri will 4n ttKmi. . .. frivolities which the younger men en- facts. tent themselves with the articles of cheer before enumerated. By tearing off some boards from a rear window burglars succeeded In our country under the rule of the Jan- anese Invaders, in hopes that the Influ ence oi mis gnt-at country may do od- further land fraud 1 1"!, I talned In behalf of our aufreHn and A UVI a ni ..w - - . . . . MlilIlliB c-nna,n.v lu lu. . . v t j n i w i v - trials ounns; nm "'.' " " ;1 or r lnK & iewui, oil aiississippi ave- -,- This morning me jury , "i dismissed bv Judge Hunt, "ho stated nue, last night. The cash drawer was r I tied of 16.36, all it contained. The Thousand Massacred. "For centurlea Korea has been a civ- i miiiinKu j j " - . .. . I ri 1 1 U til . ( that lt would Oe peeojess ior ?- thWaa alan took a ouantltv Of C rui i,,.:,-" " " "lv: "u7 now our beloved country is But made the men to remain : JJHr"'- th. .t nroutiona that would serve as a clue to their lden If any are taken ud at that time or at I . . . . . . , prey of a conquering nation which seeks crwlth Mr Becker and T. & ih hwluV Mm Wil L "Thousand. "of our"countrymen have hausen and weed out all those who whicJ i hf .'und J" E."'? u-.r. ?',n massacred without arms in their for one reason or another will not be j -",th0ut being wn i' Tor "lmp y P"""? aralnst ' broua-ht to . trial. It has been an- n2 Jj".iS-0"fc5- ?!'".fr.n' JPne aggresslcn. Hundreds of K lor. And (hair Ivm Imlit nn liVInt In Uelni villi III. k.l. vi. . K. nr,h .an nun r mraA ,.nAn. i " will go on SUOUl as all the dances and other parties, the indivnatinn ir. . I the hammer to James' Olisan for I10.S60. 1 . Amn spouses are threatening to drive out the I WiZX .k.. : who deeded them to F. X. Auer. fim th'i .VT: "J"" -v"?i..r." ."'rar . . v. l i . - M .v.i r . . j .i.Tij in vnmn I . . - . . . -. I . H v& B i L ui unucr ueannr Tinnim . . . . "I nmnsna am fl.r.nninr in rna najta. I .. i . . - . : . "j - xormuiae. . lianaKerctilers havd their worth as acenta foe amue-J notes into be torture chamber J has been the mean of bringing the canyon Quite a colony of faith. - JURY WILL INSPECT PAtnariratk a rr.a at waIk-. .t thit thTOwp.our "J1 P0f tha troubled water. "! 1"Ia" ?Vumdw Ttsy in?! kn'.w coi car Tput or Ton; rtd that the kaiser has now bought a very ex- hi VMri Bmlth? The 5JS 2',, t,n.y handkerchief, and how skill Pn.vVet fnUtura aa a preaent oh'aintiftZ to hava all TthSSldS 5uI,jr ah " rea " Whel occaaloii to the German Anthenwum la rndon. ?. the plalnm . i A corrMiuitifi.nt Af , k . t3a-iim m.Hr mui wvvft. iMtvin-w xiurin rna ia. v. ... w . Hn t.i. i.inja blatt has lust lntarviAw vi B,im rinrir. I the estate. '-. I of thlna- is aaM tn hov. kan J RTTET, 7?TTT nPHTTTSTn !"h la at prnt in Italy and whom ri?"'",,, n 'Sfjl flth,nl,h ,iin2 Llke.aa "'etlon. Last winter on tul JiLIJjlJ ilUiAl UilUUJNJJ ba found very angry at Count Leo Tol- 1"!,!"" ,fun.A,tnrf fi K0?!!?1? dent .made mistake at .the end of ar? SaUH?t J a rhTdU7tVn.f.gWtKU .s nounced that F. P. Mays will not be "f J?StI? tlt- i7hnPh.t .2 ran ''mra were hanged for objecting brought to trial on any of the other the po! ce. t he saU hope that the to having their land confiscated. Thou Indictroente yet pending against him. thief will be apprehended. Mnda cf Koreans have teen robbed of IDLE 111 RUSH IIITO THE ARMY . .1 Mr. Heney stated this In open court, giving as his reason the impaired health of Mr. Maya. : 1 Ve Chano for Xord. " There I but little prospect that the Charles F. lxrd case, ln which Lord, IJobn Hall, John Cordano, Henry Ford. J. Hat Hitching and a number of others are Indicted, will ever be brought to trial Thla is the case in which tha defendants were charged with an attempt to blacken tbe repu tation of Mr. Heney and were Indicted Tor a conspiracy to impede tne admin istration oi justice. i George C Brownell is also under In dictment for having suborned two wit nesses to testify falsely before the grand Jury. It la believed that thl charge will not be pressed because, - among other things, of Brownell having testified in the Hall case. George 8orenson, another government witness-both against Hermann and against Hall and before the grand Jury, Former Records Increased by Over 300 Per Cent in New York. New York, Jan. 28. Several thousand mn it Im ftatfmattul tinva luian turnAjl B-"1. v. ir. tui d i. io Bac.uu JUIi . - - u ...... ...... va, -.. vvn.. . .-. .. is under Indictment on four different away; from the United States army re- eaw?flv. cruiting station. In this city since it Dr. Van Oesner. once convicted and because filled with unemployed two who has served his sentence. Is under month ago. Every recruiting station indictment charged with having con- s so rapidly enlisting men for the . spirea wun u. Bam tsmitn to intimidate j army that the former records are In wuuonca ir. grana jury. i ib j creased suu per cent, not believed that this case will ever be At no time since the war has such tried.. Cases Against ICaXdram. There are two cases nendlng against Henry Meldrum who is now serving a sentence under one conviction for hav ing falsified the records of his office, i It is not believed that Meldrum will be held to account for . these two indict- rush to recruiting stations been so ?reat, and many are accepted, the of leers ln charge of the stations declar ing it would be possible to accept twice uie numDer oi men now enlisted i minor defects were overlooked. The majority of the men who are entering the army after weeks oi idleness In ments. . In most of thene indictments I elude former cashiers, clerks and me are a large number of minor defendants chanics. and lt is believed that none of these will be tried. In many cases these men and women have testified in behalf of the government. In others it has been - shown to the government that they did .. not have any direct or tangible connec tion wltn the principal in the indict ment, It la not believed, therefore, that uiey wiu do orougnt into court, -v Two Stay Be Tried. out or the long list or pending cases. then, lt is the common belief that the 'only potential trials yet remaining are . the Hermann and Williamson case, in which Binger Hermann and J. N. Wil liamson are charged with conspiracy to . defraud the government out of land in the Blue mountain reserve. There are two other casea, one against J. II, Booth and the other against J. H. - Booth and R. A. Booth, charging con spiracy. It 1 thought possible that these two may be tried by Mr. Becker following the trial of the Hermann case, should any of the case be brought to trial. . Out of the whole list,' however, it I oenevea that but lew cases will remain L after Mr. Heney. Mr. Becker and Mr. '.: Neuhausen have "completed the sifting , ' of the sheep from the goats. It Is be lieved that Mr. Becker will clean up tbe aocgev oui tne current opinion is that the docket turned over to, him will not be a very long one when Mr. Heney iaves ior nan rTancisco arter tne con clusion or tne nail trial, PRESENTS OXLt EIGHT AMERICANS AT COURT BATTLE GROUND -GRANGE ORGANIZED (Special Dltpatch to Tbe Journal.) Battle Ground, Wash., Jan. 28. Bat tle Ground grange was organised here : waturaay py ijepartment Master Schoon over, with -82 charter members. The " following were elected officers: Master, jonn Meyers; lecturer, Mrs. it. is. Mery; secretary, Ralph Bramhall; steward, H. Beckman; assistant steward, George twjiionf jaay assistant nuwara, Mrs. Kichter; chaplain, Mrs. Buggies; treas urer, Mrs. Bcotton. The regular meetings will be held on the fourth Saturday in each month at 10' a, m. . DROWNED A BOTTOM OF ELEVATOR SHAFT : ' (United Pren leased Wlr. San Francisco, Jan. 28.- Covered by three feet of water at the bottom of the elevator shaft in the Golden Gate build ing at first and Market streets, now ; iinaer construction, tne body or an un , identified man was found this morning. Efforts to establish the man's identity nave oeen rruiuess, but it is believed that he was the watchman of the building, known only by the name of imn. s i jie watenman Jia been miss ing since last Friday. Ambassador Tower Introduces Fen Countrymen to Emperor William. HAYASjn TELLS DIET THERE IS NO TROUBLE " , , (Halted preaa Leued Win.) ' InterpelUtlon pf. the diet. Premier ; Li rftl6ar AoW wl11 have no ef , feet on the oegotlat ons on the emigra- th?BfSi0Bl1to car,ed bwSSs the United BUtea and Japan. He In formed tha. dUt .ho lp- CORJELYOU TO MAKE ; ANSWER T03I0RR0W ' (Cnlted pnis Ueied Wire.) ". Washington. Jan. ; 2 8.Secre-. Ury of the, Treasury Cortlyou S. iU tomorrow send to the sen. , d ate his long expected reply to s resolutions calling ;f or' Informs tlon relative to his methods of meeUng the financial panic. The: document contains about 11.000 S words. . ( Berlin, Jan. 28. Fewer American have been presented at court this year than ever before. Ambassador Tower has asked permission for only eight gresentations: Professors Hadley and chofleld and their wives. Mrs. Spencer Eddy, Commander Belknap and wife ana Tnira secretary of the Embassy Basil Miles. Professor Schofleld, as a Canadian, Duuuiu "iiivuj nave Deen presented dj the British ambassador, hut h ,. resented an American university the fireseuiauon is regarded as American can. It may not be generally known that no members of the consular enuiiea 10 De presented as such ana, mueea, they never are. Some consuls, whatever they wives and daughters may think, have no regret for their failure to be cresentnri no ih. raomaiiuu ui b. laay at me uerman court is estimated to i-nn,u.. from 11,000 up. DROPS DEAD BESIDE DAUGHTER'S COFFIN (Special Ptapatch to The Journal.) Pittsburg, Jan. 28. George M. Koser. a prominent real estate dealer and pres ident cf the Pulaski Water company, drooped dead thla morning beside tho coffin of his favorite daughter, Mar garet, who had died a few hours be fore. He had been ln robust hum. A broken heart, from grief. w m, cause. The girl was the daughter by his first wife and he had been fondly attached to her. It had been arranged to hold funeral services over thA hq,,v. ter tomorrow. This arrangement will not be altered, but tha two win k. t,..- led in graves sida bv o ..v.i funeral C v ""1D The sorvices over tha i)mii.i.. m he conducted by a Catholic priest, while jiovum ictiur wm reaa the eery, ORGANIZER AMONG NEGROES MOBBED the land that has been theirs and their families for centurlea. Manv women have been insulted by the soldiery and me Japanese- officials do not even con aider it as a crime. The ethics of civil lsatlon. the laws of nations and all the tenets of humanity and Christianity are oeing trampled on by tne Japanese, Mastery Zs Asserted. "Owing to the intrigues of Jsoanese me Koreans were not allowed a hearing at The Hague conference. ine great Jananese statesmen nave declared In many speeches that they were to be our masters, and we were to be slaves to the Japanese. We assure the world that the Koreans are a nroud people and will never submit to thlsJ condition, ine Koreans are in a stain of rebellion against Japanese rule, and this fight we will continue until the Koreans rule Korea. "We appeal to America for support. We desire to make known the terrible condition pf our country under Japanese rule, and we ask that the aid of all Americans be given ln behalf of our country and ln the name of humanity. (Signed) "CHO E. WHAN. "LEE CHING 81 L." UNDERTAKER'S WAGON FOOLS COP'S FRIENDS They Send Flowers, but the Burial Agent Was Call ing Next Door. Trip to Disputed Territory to Be Made Soon as Testimony of Witnesses Is Taken. transferring the property was instead bf her mmt t I mi Infirm of tha allnnu.i nT.r' ""'."'F' . - - - - - - - rA. . m nklln.A.k.. 111. .ktl....L.lll HIV U.1UI. 4 UU. . r: '. - """f". i. vimuDupuj ponaMnw. aa talran -at thla tin,. declared that Dante was a poet of o W'itlD importance or interest to humanity. ft aa aSa ''Count Tolstoi." Oorky said, "is only T .a5I?l. Hilt I. Ml... .11 . ,.VJ 'J. lit . ,f K. k. ...1.1. I .r . - V J"" 1 1UW. 1. IIUI onfT in tha rri.l h.fnr. iTl V TTr. .1, . . I "tF,15 "se ars to be watched closely Phy 11 XL.0. .i'l ?Vlr .a whl writing their paper. 1 sitting up nights d (Special Di.patcb to Tbe Joorntl ) Oregon City, Jan. 28. Yesterday w a day of quiet and rest In the circuit court, no business of sny account being done. As the criminal suits were all hold or'th. Rua..a SSiiWhU5-2 VH? .?" additional UsUmony was beard . . . : - ' : i Loia mnrninc. i l uivociiri Ann An ap i ' . the chief characteristics of the Russian is his innate deslra to fight againat ail oppression." Mot msprsssntaUTt, Breaking of tha third dnuma nnrkw ..u. - - ''The present douma cannot be con sidered the representative of the Ros- The co-eda ara Vising new wave of nuiln. . mrmmJ HIGH continued to the April term.- all the fonFVV.efonWheiSou! jurors were excusea rrom attendance ma wUl not last long, the financial con tt0,ZhJ'KI 15! emplf; will not improve I AT SPEED OVER TRESTLE H PORTLAND TO DO SEATTLE ONE BETTER cfHPoratiaRnd,lww,l,ri X Z? 1 '$x MhirUul ZO-Mile Excursion to Lewiston Wil , -r - wiv yvsfc- i vi mo uuionucracv win confirm ne?8,7,! ",.tn" J"rT. "J.11 'n Europe had any idea of the ex- CL IAUJ IU lllfj L I SE(J , UU I3UI1 IlUn. IM I HTlnsT -rri I tlAn - . i la a ImnA In llan,,!. - j " r " I ""uiwwiis m AVUHVlti. I(, WUU1U ires, and on Vheir retu"m"boTh .idewi "nothlS fncommoS wifhX isation an Hour Rate Over the Columbia Slough. Be Big Event in Local Commercial Circles. and argue the case. ROBS CRIPPLES THAT SELL THINGS and it can no longer fall tn irft "I have often heard lt said and seen It expressed in the German press that the czar doe not know tha tm mnHi. tlon of tho country, and that hi ad of life Is going to teach the motormen AM . V. . V.....,.,.. . I. II I I visors keep him in linorinca of av. w" " lu"1 ' thing that is going on. This is not true. ,treet car" ara not ma(J t0 ""v at -wotnmg anort or a frightful disss- The Portland-Lewlston excursion haiJ I - M ... ,,. , I. ' 1 Kuvuitwiituu u ma appamns iobm Deen given a wider significance thart at first contemplated, and will not onl Include Portland business men general! The cxar la not a weak man. He lacks, a speed of 30 miles an hour," said a Dave Cameron Gets Nine Copper ahe ar' M1JT uiav nis aerenseiess sub- Cents and a Bunch af Nee dles Off John Utter. "and especially ought not these light Jects were being shot down but he waa ca" to be operated at euch a speed on a ioo Dusy wun nia yacht to think of aaric nignt over a high trestle. (Bpeclal Dlipatcb to Tbe Journal.) Vancouver. Wash., Jan. 28. A man giving the name of Dave Cameron last night held up and robbed John Utter, a anything else." Cxarin la JPoor Health. New comes from Darmstadt, the old "Last Sunday night the car that left o'clock, mad the run across the Colum bia slough trestle at a speed of not hin. rtih. . 1 ,0'a w slough trestle at a speed of not Kora1mnrov"na.ri'Jia.ihat il" h.e,alth u lt"" 'han- 2 miles and more likely 80 tFIg- and14th he will soon mile an hour. A broken wheel or go there for a visit previous to going euitan AOdui Haald of Turkey has do cripple, who sells pencils, shoestrings natl to the Berlin boo two splendid and needles on the streets for a livin axle would certainly have caused one or both car to pitch off Into the water 15 or 20 feet below.s with the result that many of the occupants would have ir. For his trouble r-meron secured 9 cents in pennies and a few packages lions from MesonoiamTI a 'iZZZa X ""L?5 tc"'anl . w ii- l - ' i ueun uruwnou uks mis in a iraD. r?" :uD,"'"n nyena.- ine animals ar- "There is altogether too much reck needles. of 5mr, ht.- lr AaZ B .con- Naaanes displayed in operating cars These were found on his per- "1 Hma "",7 ?Z'la " 1'pns. over this trestle, which crosses water e nol ee whan arrested. Froih tr''' - 'r.'"'c" ry the condition of Utter, the highwayman .B . t .V..m k . -t" i... " "u": two miles ln length. treaiea mm rougniy. as ne naa several I vinn. i. .v Jl. k v. .1... ".ii a. irmi success. Pittsburg, Jan. 28. An undertaker's assistant from a nearby town drove over to McKeesport last night to call on his best girl. street, McKeesport, next tlopr to LANDSLIDE BLOCKS PACIFIC RAILROAD (United Press Leased Wire.) San Luis Obispo. Cal., Jan. 28. Ow ing to the incessant rains of the past four days a landslide occurred this I at tlarrir ItMalM, flittM.!.. V. . aw., .m an : I h and la vv' fn.".8lan, Ievated dway f this character, ln descrTntion "o? !,..a? o.i'"1'0 Jn lta case of an aclcdent to the car, such as description of Russian customs. a broken axle, when traveling at a high UNITE ALL CLUBS IN ONE ORGANIZATION! rate of speed, the motorman would hardly be able to get his car under control before it toppled over into the water. "It has been but a few months since a freight car of the Merchants' Express ly. but business men of some otbei cities along the line of the O. R. & K company ln Oregon. The excursion will probably be given April t to 12, whlcH will admit of abort visits by the parti at all points along the rout. "We expect at least 100 PortlanderJ to take the Portland-Lewlston excurl sion in April," said R. C. RohrabacheH secretary of the Lewlston-riarkatn promotion bureau today. "A taw month! ago Seattle business men made a Junket! a mur, ana iewision was one or tn points visited. There were 80 in th party, and they were given a royal rel caption ln Lewiston. We want Portla.n.l to go Seattle one better not one man! put a wnoie lot or men better, m? Lewlston-Ciarkston miv ha mllnl nl to welcome and entertain their guest J wjiu uenrii uu nospiiamy. . i "There appear to be a tendency tl regard excursions aa mcr. hnlirfav ari uuib. i oeiieve tne Dent nuslnesa flavl manufacturer or lohhar .i . . : . r . " inuHo given to meeting hla ontal, 11 .-uaiomers. 11 is tne Dest advertising i City has for lta rnmmerrliil lnt.p..u and I am sure it is business, first, lasl merclal club committee ln its enthuuil asm over me excursion. There will bl She lived on Grant morning near Port San Luis, complete- the ly olocking trarrio on the Pacific : iK.. t. .i. ti.i. ... i uoasi raiiroaa. i ne iracKs were cov- iiuiiiB vi r . ered to a denth of ten feet A lar. T iiv yyaaw ww cya.uoa. . AMa , hn a. 1yf nt-mm 1 I 11 J. - A 1 TT t 1 I . . . . The wagon stood almost In front of "tt"'Z" v IWUSiefS ATOUnU UniVerSltV H V VA L HALTS T 111. company went 'Off this trestle, and some jk apeclal train, with full Pullman an Ha v a rnr with human f.itrh. I diner service furnished hv th. n T will do likewise with a loss of life N Mr- McMurray has promised a pocl Flaherty's door for an hour while the awa the debris. undertakers assistant completed nis call. Sympathetic neighbors met Fla herty on his way home from his day's work and offered to do "anything they could." The mystified Flaherty thanked them ln a puzzled way. Yesterday three or four floral em blems found their way to the Flaherty WATER BOARD RAISES SALARIES Park Will Join Hands Un der one Head. equal-to that in the Madison bridge ular excursion at virtually one-hair tbi disaster of some year ago." r?ul" '"re. We will show you J xiuBBum carnival.- tnousands of acrcl of fruit bloom and a valley scentoJ with fragrance. In June we will rel uiprucaie oy coming to your 'Rosl BAPTISM IS SETTLED Fe'Uvaiil Member of the water board allowed A movement to link seven peninsula salaries ax tne push clubs into an organization knows "'" . KnS- as the Peninsula. x.. u jk , raDner ana ciern were grantea increases -.di ttrTa n? timaha miTK rom l5 to $105 a month, three clerk. club. wa. favorably discussed last home. .Flaherty himself is kept busy "v"al '"frff8??. l'laJe the vonn'mXn ?, siv. !&g&n2& Christian, Evangelist's Challenge Ac cepted by Lutheran Pastor at Silverton. McKeesport. ALBINA NOW HAS were raised to J90 a month, and four night at a meeting of the University inn T i'arK board of trade, iuv" I be renreaenterl 'FIRE PROTECTION MAY L0SE A LEG LISTEN TO TESIM0NY AGAINST SALOON Members Of tha llnunr llr.naa ronJ mittee are hearing testimony In thl matter or revolting urena.a nt loons belonging to John Kublk. 528 Ur ion avenue; L. C. Turner. 31S Coucll and Jid Johnson. 94 North Sixth. Theal jiiBii nr. cnargea wun various orrcnse l some inciuaing the old one of sllov ing women to congregate In yiovvm. inn members win also reopel tha VhIIam A I ami.. a F M " a- wiuii rn nun near aaauionai te North Alblna Improvement association: Christian hurch in thl. city. Rev. Thfrd and Couch which i.r an..l the Multnomah Improvement assoc'a- J. C. Reinertson, pastor of the United " i(fs:t thi tCimnv h t,lW.'S tlon, University Park board of TEA Lutheran church, met' the eminent Smifff. l?tl5K2Jr .t? Every club will on an executive com- (Speclal Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) Silverton, .Or., Jan. 28. In response "nif t0i seeure urity of action among I to numerous challenges made from the 1.110 UUUB I UI lilt ment of the entire pen all the clubs for the general linnrove- I r.., h vitn rr,rri. on. ..nn.t insula. rrr :.. rr w " . - - va..u uviiiuauia. , a .1. i Trmrvsr 1T AfinTnmTfn Those clubs which It is nronna. t or neany m, inoum o ueen con XJLWiU. - ilii jtKAjXUIUl J. Include In the organization are tha ducting a series of revlvsl meetings in (Special Dlspatcb to The Journal.) "vii, uiiiicioiir ram board OI trade. I iumoiail ;iiuiiiii. inc. "i. cminciii Vancouver, Wash., Jan. 28. E. O. I Arbor Lodge Push club, Woodlawn Push speaker at the opera house last even ur i tism " Meetings in tne cnurcn were kn.nH r .'..7.' abandoned for the time being, and al and company will be ready for active yesterday that may result ln the loss In the new federation. though the debate was not definitely . I announced until o o cioca iasi evening, l l.k. V. . .. wl.K . . . . tin it wa filled almost At their new borne on Albina avenua near Killingsworth tho North Alblna rire company was officially organized last night. The appropriation of 1200 for apparatus was passed by the coun- Mitchell, a shingle mill man of Brush flub, Peninsula Push club and possibly 1" .d.cbate on ,th f "Wect of "Bap- that within a few weeks the apparatus service. R. W. Mills was elected president; Ray Mills, vice-president; Dr. A. W. Anderson, secretary; A. it. mone. can- tain; E. Mulholland, lieutenant. The next meeting win be held Wednesday evening, February 6. Those who were enrolled as mem bers last night were: Dr. A. B. Stone, j. ti. oua. n. w. juius. ur. tt. w.. An. derson. K. Mulholland. J. W. Schatz. H. G. Parsons, H W. Schatz, M. Mat schlk, A. R. Mills, M. K. Schatx, C. O. Jones, S. -L. Osburn, Mr. Morris and Lt. Jjaggeit, jr. Prairie, sustained a seriou. accident sWM Several commltteea w.r. . pulling stumps the sweep broke and one look after several improvements con- the opera house, wil lii .l.nnk Ullnh.ll talrln In tk. 1.. I temDlated. HDinilf th. mnt lmn..i... I DaCltv Of neaTlV 1.0U0. epllntering lt badly. He was at once which Is Columbia Park. More light ?, 0 verf lowing with jprepresenUng committee to the effect that the placl naannss annWsAHA I I TRACTION EXTENSION " PI4NS AT AST0RL1 af- (Spectal Dlnpatuh to The Journal. Astoria. Or.. Jan. ISAt . S . """'"P DniMtlvt. and besides confining his sub- F he Astoria Electric comnanv D. ll II I T the object to make tho hnrS A Ject c bsely to the word of scripture, MCGse. of New York was elected manal tfade a la?gerfacto?,onetheer,eSanr?,,,l ted referenoe. from numerous stand- r. Act g Superintendent Knigh . ard worss in ooin ureen ma r.nguan i -".... iii wi ine-Dusmesi substantiate nis claim. While he"i"u,, r. cu win arrive rroif .t.t at Tnoi.'. i.oi(i l... ar. .inn want.i . i an -masses anm an aenominauons. .m.iT iinm.. . .nt.rt.i .i.. Dolnted for that numnan innZ.. "JL Rev. Reinertson argued ln the tne injured member. l(f 0 UUO lailim ar7 aao via aavaasa. utJV iiv I t - - . . m did not come forward with a profuse N.ew" T about February 1 OREGON CITY'S yi-rr T.K -.rm n n-r -r It A Tl V A TTPTTAT TT A TXTC1 lUJli I'JJAJM aVhl)' xxvv7XAVll ilVAUp , flow of orator UkJ his opponent, hi Pn. the secretary, ready knd will KTli rT?rtWTl ATH a ATt?a handled his subject greatly to the aat-1 nf-.o assist in tnp establishment ol JJllX jllJyJJf JXU oALJiiO isfactlon of the audience and was earn- J athletic grounds at some point ad estly aoolauded at the close of his argu- iacen.t. to its line provided resnonslbll Mr. Hurf will ASKS FOR PLACE OF MURDERED OFFICER (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal,) Oregon City. Jan. 28. The Ice nlant at me corner or streets Halns for 8,250. art estly applauded at the doss of hJsargu- 1 1 ji , " llne Provided responslbil ment.. .,i.u. ur an organised DOdy wouli 4sdw (Special Dispatch to Tb Journal.) Austell. Ga.; Jan. 28. Th. .icrht . white man distributing circulars among uiv mri vcb La. Lai ib iiuimr nn inncy iinrtti the regroes of the country to '"organfitt" so infuriated the white residents of in. luwii uiml rna niRTrmnrnr n, . . K. 1 .. k...n a -i..- .1 George H. Johnson is the name of the man ana ne is emoioved hv th. r'r.r.- eratlve Union." with offices In Atlanta, to oraranize the negroe. in th. am,iZ towns inftTlabor unions Austell is the uuru own in wnicn jonnaon ha. K..n Leading negroes of Atlanta a the "Cooperative Union." and they de clare that soon the negroeswill be or- Huuzeu una a sirixe aeoiared all oyer the BUte unless better wages are paid. Not Enough Pore Air. Thirty-seven Austrians were ar rested last night by the police on a charge of violating the cubic air brdl- wuw ium men were round in the tl?mand" ,Vk X'S1 Btreat- an trl" S2d lf,6 North. Fourteenth street. In, the police-court thl morning the cases. Were continued one day fo?Wr! Tool Thief Sentenced. Imnrluinni.t Ir. h. 1.11 . a h.rh.r whrt .hnt .r. lrtll. . .hk k """""" v"" vv.ui.ij, jan lui a i.. .1.1. .n..., 'v',u, '' " given u. s. Robertson in the (United Press Leased Wire.) Oakland, Cal., Jan. 28. T. 8. Shlell, corner of Main and Twelfth r, ,. . - The discussion lasted two and one present a feasible plan and the necett was sold yesterday by H. E. oaivauon Army Cant ftlake Good half hours, during which great enthusi- '"y data. It is the Intention of thl to L. P. Horton and Roy B. CoxJ Ti7i, i?.i,ii.i . a m.,, I asm was manifest in the audience. c.01'nPa,ny ,t0 tend its streetcar line tl w v . muiuuauiL'i UUL V1LI1U-- less, Parents Arrive. Opinions remain at variance, as waa Alderbrook at no distant date. expected. I . " " TUUJv A RAP AT police (Special Dlspatcb to ' The Journal.) Pittsburg. Jan. 28. The press agent of the local Salvation Army advertised additional charge of larceny was nend-1 a haby auction for today's services In Ing slain policeman James Fenton at I .nn,i i . ' mirSil!5 SKiW a?' this CU8ed of stealing toos from an auto moming filed his application for ap- mobile belonginiT to a N Smith an pointment as a policeman. Shlell stated aitinnSi J15 I m. J1' . An that since his action in slaying Fen- ing against the defendant, but thl wa order 10 attract a large crowd, tons murderer was so generally ap- dismissed. Judge Cameron stating that L lie "uccee!ed lulte beyond hia FINED FOR STOPPING OFFICER'S BULLET in. minx or noinmg nooier now than to cover both cases. iaic rruiuup iiavco uu lij r, police xorce. Hhieii is wen recommended and wil hi. C k8 a p,ScS or Dvery. ana ne the punishment inflicted in the tool ta"ns- The barracks ' was crowded by ma L.OT3II ic.iuovi a iieru. ne cuuia i k t p n 1 1 n o- ..a. wa. a,, ,1 ....... . i cniiaiesB Darenia h nn Tnp arrnns-a uiuiagca auu nv luiliuuiltsa tl L in OOOT of the dingy building and a faahlnnnhl dressed audience embarrassed the wor shippers, ine press agent could not make good. It was announced that the Infant would be given to the Lord, whlla th. eaivationisis wouia act as its terres- onirii is wen recummenuea ana win -.r i t TT 1 tit -nr -w Anm ta.k? uthl ,5egular, examination which VALUABLES LOST will be held shortly. I TW f!TTV ftTTTTRfTTPQ BY MINE WORKERS Conspirators Are HeM. Herman Haffner and Leo Honsir the men accused of trying toeMort morieS daT hl'.d hr-3van Cameron to await Us def sSflLU, 'WW. -Wast each of (United Prew Leaaed Wlre.V Indianapolis. Ind.. Jan. 28. That fac tion of the United Mine Workeas of America composed of Socialists was again defeated - in the annual conven tion or tne organisation as it nas pees ln former conventions. One of the fights lost . by them was tbe one over their resolution advocating activity In the political field. The resolution pre sented a memorial to the "skillful gen eralship, sound Judgment and keen per ception of the ablest man ever known in tne laDor movement, jonn Miicneii, president of the miners' organization-!' The commutes also concurred In th resolution giving the retiring-president rrom it,ouo iq aao.ouo in girts, Dut as a substitute he was given six months' vacation on pay. ... .i....,., v. Xiewis Files Declaration. ' Tnk XFtrim ...... ( , . . v wi,, U&. ?m.i VVUJ1L uc..ui.r, his declaration xhls afternoon as;a can- aiaate ror reelection on the Republi can ticket on the ulatf arm of and efflcieacy to pffiosv ; ' 4 A pocketbook belonging to a d young woman living at 210 First fc street, was lost ln the Whits Temple recently and lt is be d . lleved that It was stolen. Th pocketbook had been left in an umbrella in the vestibule during d the sorvices. S During December a valuable seal ring was lost near the Episcopal pro-tathedraL The ring slipped from the owner's finger and although the loss ha been advertised the seal ha never been relurned. Rewards 4 have been offered for the return 4 of both the seal ring' and the S pocketbook which contained 4 papers of value to no one except 4 the owner. 4 la answering advertisements tenia, slaast MCBtlos lb Journal. wast OFFICER'S HEAfl Attorney Hanrv r Tn.t.rW ........ .. . . . . n r4 wv-.. - r.r r -v.: -kiii Herman wursnara. cnargea Dy r- luiiwrmuie, nas iuea cnarg. trolman Suitter with resisting an off i- with the board of police commissions .o. nnnt nllt. .TiKlo-a n.n. Bsaillat iatrolrnan W.nAlnntt .11. ml.. Ltl , ITM IMU.l. " J " O w - . . ' MlKfilll eron ln the municipal court this morn-, pruiai and unprovoked assault. Th Inn. Th. nana was continued for sen-1 alleged Offense was mmmllM J tence. which Is eaulvalent to a sus- Christmas day. It appears that Wirl pension or further proceeaings. i imu een arresiea and lockc nii.lrhiMl wo. sunt . rv NttlTt. .air. , uu 111 mi f : 1 1 V nr inn nn a nH.Mw. .r.l mnnthl a frn whllA thA fnrmAf Wflfl fighting in the street. T.s t.r - XT. running away after being placed under dicott entered the prison with a drunkc . . - mi i. i i . j I mnn wnnm n. na. , n . l , . .ri t3BL. 1 UK tfi cocih bU.iKB 11.. m uu l .,1 . w iiaw. in & Cei with the arrest and escape of Burk hard, the shooting being a transaction Into which the court declined to go, A damage suit for $10,000, growing out of the shooting, la now pending ln the circuit court. trial custodians. Disappointed, the crowd left the hall. PEOPLE'S MARKET GOES INTO COURT The People's Market association ham again carried its trouble with the city iinu me circuii court, juage uieiana a short time ago sustained the demur rer of the city to a previous complaint, in which it was sought to restrain tns city rrom revolting it r ranch! se, and the city conncll since that time has acted by ordering the franchise re- voKea. xns association now comes with a new complaint on the merits of th ease, ana again asKs mat tbe city be restrained from Interfering with its business. It cetg forth its franchise, saying that lt has put 139.000 In im provements, snd asserts that tha mavn and city officials threaten to Interfere with their peaceable occupation. l . (Cnlted Press teaaed Wira.t ' ThlB SUlt Will bring the nutation nf L Wllhlnrlnn la. TV,, kilt ...4. V. .iw .w - 1r"..-!?.T "I. ."----l . .. iuouiu uuiui. A f " """wj'auon arry i izing ne boundary line , between the AMERICANS WELCOMED ; AT BUENOS AIRES (United Preaa leased TFtre.) Buenos Ay res. Jan. 28. Officers of tne American torpedo rieet were warm ly received today by President Alcorta. Minister of War Fraga. Minister of Ma. rine Betbeder and Foreign Minister ot Aitaira z,eDauos. Tns closing of con gress by the government has not creat ed the great political trouble predicted by-so many. - . . S IDAHO-WASHINGTON BOUNDARY MEASURE r?rt?u.nei!? 1ulT. bofors th j states of Idaho and .Washington pasted I court for decision. th sepato today, - .' While ; the off icer was unlocking tl ooor wintermute reached through th bars and struck the officer on the head TOiuieruiuia now geciares tnat the offl cer retaliated by taklna- him t.nn ?" ,f?d J.,n4w.hlni tha. trimming c his life. For Ihis he asks redress J me aanas oi ine ponce commissioner TR AIN NO 1 ON N. P. ' . ONLY TRAIN IN LATI No. "I was the only train that 'didn't toe the mark today. isormern i-acinc xso. i, au at 7 o'clock, arrived at 7:86. Southern Pacific No. H. due at 7 :(S, arrived on tine. Bouthern Paciflo No. 18 dtis at Xl:S0, arrived on time. -a R. W. No. 8, due at' 8 o'clock,'; arrived on time. -. O. R. & N. No. 6, due at 9:45," arrived on time." ;f -. Astoria '& Columbia: No. 41. " S dus at i:16i arrived on tlma r .