TUB tQREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,, SUNDAY UlORNINO, JANUARY 20, 1903. 5S55S? ' lv' . .' v J i if t '.'. .if-;' Wife of Former Tortland V Police Captain Will Claim Share oV Adkins Fortune r. Believed to Be Worth I ManyMillions. ? v. . . Mr Timothy J. Hoare, wife of Police Captain Hoar. has ome for ward ss another Portland claimant to he Immense Adkins aetata In Tennes see, Kentucky and Arkansas, and ah and Captain Hoara expect to leave with In a few day to Mt In the settle ment of th property which has been warded them by decision of tb Unl ted Bute supreme coort. According to Mra. Hoara, th property la nearer to being worth f 10,000,000 than 13.000,000, although the exact valuation OUIOA DIES III 7," DIRE POVERTY Noted Woman Novelist JPasses Amy, in Cottage yi ' nf TTnnihiA Mllkmnn. V mnm mm i , r V.i. f..'.- - - ; - ..y - V f!i I-:."'- .Si; i" if ': I.i . v (Catted Pree Ueeed Wire. I Rome, Jan. t (.After bavin amaeeed aad'wpended fortune during her long career a writer, and through her popu. larlty with the reading . publlo been balled often aa the foremoat woman nov elist of her , Age, If lea Louise Je la Ram (Oulda) died today In compara tive porerty at the UtUe Tuacan village Of Maaaarosa.- ' .... Here Mtss Ram maa ner name in milkman a humble cottar for nearly a va&r. At the arm at 71 the alaht Of One .eye had been destroyed, her bearing bad 1 .1 . t.ii.j - nt InH.mUl.a tmA llliv iwiau iiu witi'i '" u added to her afflictions. For five years Oulda life had been passed In seclusion and most of that time In dire want Kanlm insKllltv in raoknii the vsJua of the money earned by more tMtn 40 of her novel, which became th "rage, fcrouaht hrio thin -unhappy paea. Her one large fortune waa eauandered lvlnv to nlnara. . Nearly a year sr" attention waa called to her - unfortunate condition through the granting of a pension of 1750 per annum to her. fTieno were eager io aid her, but the proud old woman would have none or tneir cnarny. rorcea r give up the splendid villa at Lucca, where she had lived so long, she too. to the milkman a cottage. FREE GROCERY - OFFER. PrODosltlon Sevulovf Kueh raatar Than WM Anticipated. "Every day has been a more buey one than It predecessor, since the announce tnent that we would give free grocerlea tn the amount of the Durchase In the ladles' cloak and suit department or the mens mercnani wuuruii u.iuntin, said J. M. Acheson of the J. M. Ache son comnanv. when seen yesterday In his offices In the Acheson building a Fifth and Alder streets. This Is the blss-est proposition we have avar carried out. the most Interest rng and st tractive To the public. It bas drawn more customer than, soy offer mad during my business career of twenty years tn Portland. It has been a source of great satisfaction for men and women to tell me and th sales Mrs. Timothy J. Hoare, Ad kins' Estate. Heir to cannot be learned until carefhl esti mates have been made. A large part of the land which Is now covered ty in city of Nashville, Tennessee. Is Includ ed tn the Bevler grant grashvllle Btaada on Oraat. "Most of the land Is Included In three large tracta. one In southwestern Ken tucky, another In northeaxtern Arkansas and the tnira mat upon wnicn iNasnvuie atanria Thta In nil waa all riven CaD- taln John Bevler for his work on behalf of the little republlo during the revolu tionary war, and later In settling Ken tucky and Tennessee. Captain, afterwards, general. Bevler was a companion of Daniel Boone In the early settlement of Kentucky and the Blue Mountain districts, and he and Boone were together In several xpd. tlons Into what was men me virgin wilderness. - It was for his daring and enterprise In securing this vast territory for the-Unlted States that the govern ment granted him patents to the land. After General Sevier's death the titles Were mislaid, an'd his children forgot the exlnter.ee of grants to land that was worth millions even then It was not until a great grandson, while looking over some family pnpers in connection with the Sibley claim, came across the deeds that General Sevler'a descendants knew of their existence. Henry Hop kins Sibley of the confederate army. In ventor of the Blbley tent, was alsfi one of the Sevier descendants, and hi fam ily endeavored to secure the payment of a claim against the government for the use of his Invention. JTumeroa Heirs to Estate. This was finally decided adversely to the Bevters and Adkins. however, as It was claimed Captain Sibley lost his rights whn he resigned from West Point and entered the confederati ervlce. . Mrs. Hoare I a daughter of J. W. H. Adkins, of Forcat Grove, Oregon, CHURCH SERVICES , aUytlat, ArlotawRav t. i. m!tH. BerTlOMi 11 a. to. and p. m.; Sunday goaooi. .Third 'Vancouver avenue and Knott streets; Kv. . SchweUler, paaior. Marviaa II a m an4 lua 'a. m. : Hun lay sohooL U a. bl; E .. P. : p. m. Highland Alberu and Slath rtreeta, Rev. L V, Heaoock, pastor. Buoday cbwol, 10 a. hl: service at Ha. no. and !: p. m.s B. V. P. U, :I0 p. m. ; beliwoud 1 acorn a and U eentn straits; Rev. John Uentain. Service II a. tn. and T:u p. m.; (Sunday onooi, 10 a, m.; U. V, P. LL, 7.16 p. m. Calvsry Cast Llgnin an J Urant streeu. Rev. L S. Mouroe. Bervlcea 11 a. ox and 7:lu p. m., topioa, "Ureal or Flrat Which r and "'ilia Passing of friaon bunday avbooi at 11 a. m.; r. P. .30 p. m. Immanutil becund and Meade streets; Rev. A. li. Mluaker. Bervlcea at 10:10 a. m. and T:i0 p. m, : sermon by Rev. C Dark; Bunday school, U.ib a. m. Oruca Aluiitakuta, Rev. Oilman 'ar ksr. Services at 11 a. tn. and 1:10 p. m.; topics, morning, "Ulviae foesi ulllties in tne liumau ; evening, "The h.nd of half." Central a:aat Twentieth and Anneny streets; Rev. W. T. Joru.a Bervlcee at lQ'SO a. m., and I:0 p. oi.; topic. I 'The Arrest ot a Runuaay treacnar and "The Old Woman ana the New"; bunday sellout, IK nu; , P. meeting, b .o p. ro. University Park Rev. A. a Waltx dummy aciiool at 10 a. m.; aervlces. 11 a. m. and 7:0 p. m.: sermons by Rev. F. E. Dark; B. V. P. U.. :4S p. m.: topic, "A New Testament Psa.nu and tnvlable Biole Characters An Army Captain." lrst The White Temple, Tweltih snu Taylor etreeu. Rev. J. WlilicomD rougher. D. U. "Une accord prayer meeting, 10 a. m.i service 10:80 a tn. and 7:ifd p. m.j morning sermon, tooth er, Bon. Friend or Love Having Its own Way"; evening sermon on or. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde or the Moral Man and the Hypocrite." Special mualc for the day: Aiornlng, orn voluntary. "Flrai Movement" from "Third douat" (Ouil mant; antnem, "Art Thou Weary" iChauwlck); aolo by Mr. Belcher, "Jesus Only" tBotoli). Uvenlig, or- fin voluntary, frieaia jb irum people In my store this week, that they came because they had participated In former offer made by me or else they bad had friend who had. "To rive you eome Idea of how this froposltlon has taken. 1 need but state hat we began Monday with two wagons and yesterday una seven wagons ana a motorcycle delivery, and with all that will have to beg the Indulgence of umber of customers because or our Inability to deliver all goods that were ordered. Through this proposition gro ceries have been shipped to Tacoma, Seattle and many of the Willamette val ley towns. Hence we feel that we are dolPK our share to bring business to Portland. Instead of curtailing a num ber of employes, we have lncressed the hired help by over three dozen. Bo you see we are doing our part In re ducing the number of the army of un employed." NEW YORK PUTS BAN ON AUTO BUS SIGNS Supreme Court Sustains Ordinance Aiding Movement for "City Beautiful." New Tork, Jan. tt. Municipal effort to develop a city beautiful and prevent commercialism from offending the ar tistic sense were given an uplift today when Justice Leventrltt, In the supreme court, decided that the suit brought aealnst the city by the Fifth Avenue Coach company to enjoin municipal In terference -h the advertising signs displayed on the exterior of its buses must be dismissed on Its merles. Buses, plying up and down fashion able Fifth avenue, succeeded a year ago the old atage coaches which were regarded aa rtllca of old New Tork. The new double deck electric busses were plastered from top to bottom with garish advertising signs. The board of aldermen passed an ordinance giving the city the power to remove the ad verttslng signs, J us tic leventrltt toaay neia tne or- chorus, and a sister of Miss Lena Adkins. of lu wii.uiu.t Portland, the maid who will also come in for a goodly snare or tne nuge estate. Mr. Adkins has even children, John Adkins, Julia Adkins, Charles Adkins, Mr. MeFarland. of Forest Grove. Mrs. Trltes, Lena Adkins and Mra T. J. Hoare. Arthur Adkins Jr.. lives at 453 Karl street, Portland, while Clara and Emma Ptlley. two grand-dftughter of Mr. Adkins. live with the Hoares at 6B0 Pertygrove street snd they will also come In for their mother's share of the estnte when It is finally settled. I It Is believed that there are two'helr to the estate tn Richmond, Missouri, seven In Colorado and one in California. Mrs. Susan Sevier, the grand-aunt of Mre. Honre, Is th only one of the or- FOR PIMPLES, TOO , Xfew DlsooTery Cures Eesem and Srad ioates Minor Ikii Tronblee j Over Sight. About a month ago the dispensers poslsm, the new discovery for th evi of ecsema decided to allow the dr' gists of the country to handle It. F'i i vlous to that time It could only bev ; talned direct from the laboratories. Blnce this change In tne method ; distribution, poslam has met with ! most phenomenal success of anything Introduced to the druur trade In the lai xii VAara ii Ann n .1 rn ci cr i nrni.i lMMt n it.. 1 . a tUm. r T ; 7 . . . -T ! " " iwij. pnu iw -1 ing sKiamore urug company, in fort peel to go to Virginia to protect her; land, are now carrvlna- the special 60 Interests. cent size recently adopted, also the $2 'Jar. ' pfiT Ti P MCTTQ PTt1?ArC 1 Th!" ret auece I not surprising lAJlvl' ' At IjO UHM 1 (when It Is remembered that In eczema fiTTwnnTiT'n vat nAmniu'??""' poslam stop the Itching with OUT r jIliaU li KiKJIlLADI "r application, proceeds to heal Im I mwjiaieiy, ana cures cnronic cases in tew weeK. in Aihalia" i at a n d s 1 a s o h n) : Father Keen U in l ny . t,are (8ulllvan-Hod.es); anthem, "Jesus the Very Thought Is Sweet (Hoamer); postlude. "Aietody In C (Silas); Miss Kathleen LAWler. soprano: Miss Kihel Bhes, contralto: R. N. Hockenberry, bar itone; J. W. Belcher, tenur and director; Miss Grace K Kemp, organist Bunny tlae tueru,an rony-nrsi street and Hawiliorne avenue; uev. l, Fldm;j. Preaching. II a, m.j bunday cbool. 0:46 a. m. - BU Johns (German) nev. t reic- meth. Preaching p. m. bunday school Second Seventh and East Ankeny ireeU; Rev. Btanton C. LJipham. serv ers t 1U:30 a. m. ana i :av p. m.; umie school, noon; Your.g Peoples union. 6:30 m.; toplc, A wesson r rom aiuro and "The Problem of God. ' Bavier-Btreet Between Twenty-nrst nd Twenty-second streets. Sunday school. 2:30 p. m. St. John ts. A. L,eonara cervices, 1 a. tn. una i:40 p. ai., buuday scnool. 10 a. m.; B. Y. P. L, 6:10 p. in. Chinese Mission soi-ri us sireei. Bunday school, 7 p. m. ; preacning in Chinese B p. ni. First German jpounn ana win streets; Rev. J. Kratt bervlcea. 11 a. m. and 7:U p. m.; eunaay kuoim. : a. m. Second German Morn atreet sna Rodney avenue; Rev. F. Buermann. Services. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sun day school. 0:46 a. m. Kasl r orty-rourin oireei turner East Main; Rev. B. C Cook. Bervlcea. 1 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.j iiioie scnooi. iu m.; B. Y. P. u.. e:4& p. m. Lents First avenue and Foster road. Rev. J. F. Heacock, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; services, 11 a. m. and :0 p. Hi. oy nev. J. wnirrjr. Mount Olive Beventn and Everett: Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. Bervlcea at 11 m. and 8 p. m. Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth; Rev. Erlck Bcherstrom. Bervlcea, 10:46 a. m. and 7.45 p. m.; eunaay scnooi, is m.; Y. P. TJ.. :30 p. m. Union Avenue Mission (Swedish) Corner Skldmor. Bunday school. 10 m. Norwegian-Danish Services In hall corner Mississippi and Shaver streets, Sunday school, li m. ; Industrial school, Saturday afternoon, 2 o'clock. Gresham Sunday school. 10 a. m.. Services 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. by Rev. J. Elklna. rrhytrlja. First Twelfth and Alder streets , Rev William Hiram Fnulkes Services 10:80 a m snd 3 11 p m. , preaching by the minister. Thin New and Old "; a. m. and TilO p. m. Sunday school. 10 a. m. ' .. . ' " Kpworth Rev. Charles T. McPhr- son. bervloe In Oregon building, all rair grounaa, u a. m. ana 7:io u ni, Topics, "How TV' Ar Saved,r and "Jesus Paid It All", Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Epworth league, t(0 0. m. Centenary East Pine and tiast Ninth streets Rev. . Clarence True Wilson, U. D., paator. . Claaa , meeting, 1:10 a. m.( rvlc. 10:30 a, m. and T:$0 R. m.: topics, "Th Bplrtt Filled Life'7 and "What la the Unpardonable SlnT" Bun da school. 11:16 p. m.; Kpwortlf letgue, 1:20 p. m. Professor Clayton Wents will Interpret the sermon for th degf. Trinity corner of tUeat Tenth and Gael Grant; Lewi f. Smith. Services at II a. m. and 7:10 p. m.; Bunday school, 10 . m.i class meeting. 11:16 p. m.; Ep worth league. :30 p. m. Morning ser mon by Rev. W. B. flolllngshead Even ing rmon by th pastor on "Aba I My Brother's Keeper V veuirw nvinii auu iveroy airest; J. T. Abbott Service at 10:80 a. m. and 1:10 p. tn.; Sunday school at U m. Chinese Mission Chan Blna Kal Services II a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Mount Tabor Service at 11 a. m and 7:10 p. m. Patton Michigan avenue and Carpn- Ur, H. T. Wire, Service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. n. Vancouver Avenue Service at 11 m. and 7:80 p. m. Woodatock Kv. H p. Blake. Ber vlcea at 11 a. m. and 7:30 d. m. Norwegian-iJanish Tnirteenth and Davla. C. J Nelsen bervlcea at 11 a. tn. and 7:30 n. tn. Swedish Bortbwlck and Beach: Rev, John OvalL Services, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school 10 a. m. Ep- wortn league, i p. m. First German ririaenth and Hoyt. O A. Waaaa Services at ll a m. and 7:80 D. na Second German' Stanton and Rodney Rev. B. E. Heruler Bervlcus at 11 a ni. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 1:46 a. m.; fc.uworui league, t ta p in Japanese Mission 111 -Vorth Flf teanth. Rev. Eilsen Rlbara. Service a 8:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m., Sunday acnooi, :. p. m. University Paik Rev. William R. Jeffrey Jr pastor. Services at 11 a. m aod 7:30 p. m. Grace Corner of Twelfth and Taylor streets: r.ev. nuiiam n neppe. pastor. Bervu-e at 10:30 and 7:30 p. m. Topics, "Growing Stalwart Christian Lives and Present tiny Conditions" and "The Genlua of Doubt ; morning classes, v:&0 a. in.;. Dunuay srnooi. iz.ia p m.; St. Paul mission, 3:30, Kpworth league. s.su p. in.; special iiiunh: Bell wood Corner least Fifteenth and Tacoma avenue; Kev A Preston Boyd servlcee. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Junior Epworth league. 2:30 p. m.. Senior Kp- worth league, b:su p. m. Free First East Ninth and Mill Rev. W, J Johnston Services 11 a. m., 7:30 p. m., Thursday 7 30. . Tne Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thirty ninth and Howell atreeta. Rev. S. J. 'Kester. pastor. Services at II a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; Bunday school 10 a. m.; Epworth league, 6 30 p m. I wooaiawn wmiam j :ouKiasa. pas- I tor. bervices at ll a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; l Sunday school 10 a. in.; Epworth league. :so p. m. University Park Corner Dawson and Flske streets Rev. William R. Jeffrey Jr., pastor- Class meeting, 12:16 Em.; Bunday school, 9:4! a. m.; nworth league, 3:30; Senior league. :30: topics. "In the Power of the (Splrit" and "God's Method of Satisfying the Honest Doubter. fO. 3 FECIAL IPARITS SA ""n . w V , . ' - ' . '-. , .' " .v ' 1 , ' i ' ' ' , Christ la a. Central East Twentieth and East Salmon streets; Kev. J. F. Ghonnley, D. D. Services, 10.45 a in. and T;4i p. m.; topics, "The Word in Prophecy." "Pilate Before Christ"; Sunday school, 12 m.; C. E.. 6:30 p ra Special music by male quartet Rodney-Avenue Rodney avenue and Knott street; Rev. F. Elmo Kohlpson. Services. 11 a. m and 7:30 p m.; Sunday school 0:46 a. m.; Y. P. S. C. E. 6:80 p. in. Kern Park Rv. E M. Patterson; I services n a, m. ana i:3U p. m ; uihle school, 10 a, m.; C. H.. 8:30 p. ni.. topics. "Christ and the Church" and "The Res toration of Apostolic Benevolence." Wuodlawn Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by pastor, ClnrU W. Com- etocK; topics, "What We Uke In Chris tians" and "tlow I Mav Know That I Am Saved"; Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30 p. m. First Corner Park snd Columbia streets Rev. F.. S. Muckley Services. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.. topics, "How the Savior Knows You" and "The Man Who Wins"; Bible school, girls' day, lo a, m.; C. E., 6:30 p. m. Advent Second street between Hall and Lincoln. Services at 1 1 SO a. m. and 7;30 p. m.; Young Peorflg's So ciety of Loyal Workers. 6:30 p. m. 1$ : MOVE EVERY PAIR OF PANTS IN THE STORE MARKED DOWN ' :-;-i'iv:;i: $7.50 Pants Now $6.00 $6.00 Pants Now $4.95 $5.00 Pants Now $3;95 $4.00 Pants Now $3.25 $3.00 Pants Now $2.50 (to cn Dorifn ci ntr j.mjyy i unio hut? tp i JkI $2.00 Pants Now $1.65 These prices prevail at all our stores r ', ' " 3d and Oak 1st ana Yamhill Sunday school 7:30 p. m. Mlspah K streets K-i services 10 day srh 6:80 p 16 ( t IV m w;r-iai nervine St BpisoopaL Trinity Nineteenth snd Everett streets; Dr. A. A. Morrison. Bervices. 8 a m.. 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Bunday scnooi. :4o a. m. St Matthews First and Caruthers street: Rev. W. A. M. Breck In charge. Holy communion, 7:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. tn.; services and sermon. 11 a. in. Pro-Csthedral of St. Stephen th Mar tyr Thirteenth and Cliv streets; Rev. H M Ramsay Communion, 7:30 a. ra., services 11a m and 7:30 p. tu.; Sunday ehool. t b a m. AH Slnt Tini) second and Reed irpeta Sunday school, 10 a. m.j bap . in,- and sermon. 7:80 p. m., by Bishop ..fling -'. M,lrK -ITntverslty Park. Rev A R Powell. Bervices 11 a. m.; Bun i.. acdool. II 1 D. St Paul a Woodmere; C L. Psrker, iy reaur Services at 11 a. m.; Bun- a ui. . 12 in m.; 1 1. and East .N.fUon Allen. und 7:30 p. m.; V P S. C. B., (United TreM leaned Wire.) ' New York, Jan. 26. Arctic circle con ditions still prevail tn New York and with the temperature well down to the aero mark the streets are blocked with now and traffic 1 well nigh demoral ized The weather man, to aJd to the difficulty, tonight cold-bloodedly prom ised more snow for Sunday. - A dispute between snow contractor Is responsible for present conditions on the streets. Conspiracy la alleged by the team-owner' association. They have but a few carts and the streets re main blocked; instead or 8,000 men ex pected there nr only 680 at work, and (he ratio holds rood la Brooklyn. In the tenements, where Is a lack of fuel, there Is great suffering. Coal dealers ay an advance In price will result Spectacles $1 at Metsger. THOSE HEADACHES . Are Invariably relieved and In full 60 per cent absolute relief by properly fitted glasses. Try our celebrated Kaydee mounting, low bridge and no screws to wore: loo, if your glasses don't stay on. J. D. DUBACK - Professional Optician ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 173 Fourth St. Y.M.C.A. Bldg minor skin troubles. sucn as pimpiea. blackheads, acne, herpes, blotches, raah, etc.. results show after an overnlrht anDllcatlon. RirVier- tmental camples of poslam are eent to anyone Dy man rre or charge, Dy the emergency Laboratories. 33 West Ti ty-flfthstreet. New York City. PRINCESS ANNE HAS VERY HARD VOYAGE (United Press Leased Wire.) New York, Jan. 86. No more sickly looking lot of passengers ever descended the gangplank of a steamship here than the 80 who arrived on the Old Dominion liner. Princess Anne. They had to be helped off and after they set foot on terra flrma there none who did not register a vow tu remain on land hereafter. Even Captain Tattley admitted that It wa tne rougneat voyage tn little coast liner ever had. From (he minute she left Norfolk until off Atlantic City to day she was banged about by mountain ous waves wnicn crone over her with terrlflo force. Grave fears were expressed by the officers of the line for the vessel's safety. HELD FOR FUMIGATION. Steam Schooner Cascade Compelled to Take 8ulpbor Bath. Th steam schooner Cascade left up from Astoria yesterday afternoon after having been fumigated at the quaran tine station. She goes to St Helens to load a return cargo of lumber for San Francisco. The Cascade Waa datalnaut avi-1 hours at the mouth of the river ber cause of her master having failed to comply with certain rules of the health authorities. A movement has been started in Massachusetts to make former Govsr nor.vWIlam 1 usls the nominee of the Democratic party for vloe-pres- ForbuN - Kev Harry H. Pratt Build ing ourned Services st Woodmen's hall, Russell street, near Rodney avenue, 11 a. m. and 7 30 p. in., Bunday school, 10 a. m.; C E., (:30 p. m Chin 15 H First street; services, 7:4b p. m., Sunday achool, 6:46 p. m.: young people's meeting, 8:46 p. m. Piedmont Cleveland avenue and J ar ret te street Westminster East Tenth snd Weld- Oui 11 Savior l m.; Wood-Sunday vveiu- o "i "" - d Ho v enmmiin nn Ha m - rnr'. day school. :46 a m The Church of stock. Bervlcea school lo a m. . St Mark' Corner of Nineteenth and Qulmby streets; Rev. J. K. H. 81iupson, Holy communion. 8 a m.; muttim and litany, 11 a. m.; evensong and sermon, 7:30 p. m ; Sunday school, 10 a. m. St. John's Memorial .-jell wood . Rev. H. D. Chamber! Services and sermon, 11 a m. ; Sunday school, 10 a m. Good Shepherd 8ellwooi street and Vancouver avenue Alblna. Rev. John Dawson, rector. Sunday school. 0:46 a. m.; morning service. i: a. m.; evening service, 7:30 p m. Holy communion, 8 am. Morning sermon by Bishop Scaddlng. Bt. David's East Twelfth and Bel- Rev. George B Van Waters. D. rvlng streets. Services, 11 a ra. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 8:46 a m. Norwegian Synod East Tenth and East Grant street., Kev. O. Hagoea. Sunday school, 9:30, services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Y. P. Society. Thursday, 8:16 p. m. Betanlu Danish Union avenue and Morris street; Rev. J. Scott. Services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school. 10 a. m.; Y. P. 6., Tuesday, S p. m. St James English West Park -ana JefTemon streets; J Allen Leas. Serv ices, 11 am. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a m., Luther league, 7 n m.; topics, "Higher Ideals" and "How We Got Our Bible." Norwegian 46 North Fourteenth street; Rev. J. M. Nerving Bervices at 11 a. in. and 7:30 V- m.; Sunday school. 1:48 a m. St. Paul's German East Twelfth and Clinton, streets; Rev. A. Krause. Serv ices. 10:30 a m and 7:30 p m.; Sunday school. 8:30 a m.; Bible class and People' meeting. Thursday, Synod) Young D. m. Trinity German (Missouri Corner Williams avenue and atreet; J. A. Rtmbach. Services st 10 a m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday school. 0:16 a m. Zlon's German (Missouri Synod) Chapman and Salmon streets; W. H. Behrena. pastor; services, 10:16 and 7:45 Sunday school 9:30 a. m.; services in English l.rst and third Sundays. oweuisn AuajusianH- iiodnev avenue and Stanton street; Kev. C. A. Toltn services 10:46 a. m and 7:46 o. m.i Hun day school. 0:80 a m. Ices. 10:30 a m. and 7:30 d. m.: Sunday school, IS m.; C. E., 8 iJ p. m. Marshall-8treet Marshall and North Seventeenth streets; Rev. C W. Hays. Bunday school, 10 a m.; preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Y. P. 8. C, ii at :45 p. at. Mount Tabor Belmont street end Prettyman avenue; Rev. Edward M. Sharp, pastor. Services at 11 a.'m and 8 p. in., Sunday school at 10 a m. Sell wood Corner East Seventeenth and Spokane avenue. Rev. 45. A. Thomp son. Bervices at 11 a m. and 7:80 p. m.; Bunday school. 10 a rn.: Christian En deavor, 6 p. m. Thira East Thirteenth and Pine streets; Rev. Andrew J. Montromery. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:46 p. m. Vernon East Twentieth and Wyaant streets. Bervices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 o. m. by Rev. A. A. Blair: Sundav achool, 13 m. HoDe Montavllla: Rev. S. 8. White. Bervices at 11 a m, and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m. Millard A vniiRw A rk Qnn.. . Sunday school, 10 a ro.; servlcea 11 ,' m. ana s p. m. Annabel Services at 11 a. m. and 7-48 p. m. K.enuwortn E&at Thlrtv-nlnth street and Gladston avenue: preaching at 11 a m. by Rev, J. S. Dunning, Ph. D. ; Sunday school at 18 m. Piedmont Cleveland avenue and Jar- rett streets. Rev. N. S. Reeves. B. D.. pastor. Services, 11 a. rn. and 7:45 p. m.; Bunday school, 12:16 and Y. P. C. E., 8:46 p. m. Trinity fuiton; Sunday school at 11 preaching and infant baptism by Rev. 5. R. Wilson, -7:30 p. rn. XsthOdlst. Tavlor-Street Rev. Benlamin Youna. D. D., pastor. Sermon. 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.i topics, "The Theme o Hoodels Messiah" and "The Hand and the Loaf; classes, 9:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 12:16 p. ni.; Epworth league. 6:30 p. m. eunnysioe risi xamniii street, be ween East Thirty-fifth and Thlrtv- slxth streets; T. B. Ford. Services 11 m.: junior Ieasrue. 8 n. m.: Senior League. 6:16. sr. Jatna jr. , goung. Benrloes 11 fjiDie Class in cnapei. 10 a. m.; morn ng service and sermon, 11 a. m., eve ning service, 7:30; Sunday school. 8.46 a m. Cong-rtg-atlonaL nrst Madison and Park, Rev. Lu ther R. Dyott. D. D.. pastor. Services 10:80 a m. and 7:30 p. in. topics, "The Altruism of Jesus and "Love."; Sunday school. 12:15 p. m.: Y. P. & C b :30 p. m. University Park 1613 Haven avenue. Rey. E. L H. Van Lubken, pastor. Preaching, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Top lea "The Grounds of Our Dove for the Church" and The Sunny Side of Temp tation"; Sundav school, 10 a m Y P. S. C. E.. 6:30 p. m. Laurelwood Rev. W. H. Myera Service, 11 a mj Sunday school 10 a m.; Y. P. 8. C. E.. 6:30 p. m.; morning sermon oj nev. u. u. uray; evening oy the pastor Mississippi Avenue Mississippi ave nue and Fremont; Rev. Daniel T. Thomas Services, ii a m. and 7:30 p. m Sunday school. 10 a m.; Christian Ens deavor. 6:30 p. m. 6unnyside Corner of East Taylor and East Thlrtyvfourth street; Rev. J. J Staub. Services at 11 a ni. and 7:30 p. m.: topics, "The Discovery of Life" and ''Asking for the Old Paths': Sun day school, 10 a m.; Junior C. E., 3 n. in., DBIHUr . m., V.OVf iJ. Ul. Hassalo Street; East Seventh and HnssaJo; Rev. Paul Rader. Sermon 10:80 a. m. and 7:30 p. ra.; Sunday shool, 12 m.; Y. P. 8. C. E., 8:80 p. m. Hlgnland East Sixth street nortn and Prescott; Rev. E 8. Bollinger. Serv ices st 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m.; topics, "A Most Unpopular Theme" and "Mar- veia or An uia Hymn Book"; Sun day school, 10 a m.; Y. P. 8. C. E.. 6:30 p. m. Special music at evening service. St John Rev. G. "W. Nelson. Berv Ices, Ham. and 8 p. m.; Bunday achool. 10 a m. First German East Seventh and Stanton street; Rev. John H. Hopp Servlcea 10:30 A. m. and 7:80 p, m.; Bunday. school, 8:16; Christian En deavor, 6:30 P- m. Unltsd Evangelical. First Corner East Tenth and Sher man etreeu Kev. a a. winter, io a. m.. Sunday school: oervlces Ham and 7:30 p. m.; u. or (J. tu.. u.io p. m. Second Far no and Kerby aireets, Rev. B. 8. Hughes, pastor. Sunday school 10 a tn.; aervlces 11 a. in and 7:30 p. m. Bt. John's Ivanhoe and John streets. Rev. Chester Paul Gates Preaching ll a m., Sunday school at 10 a m. Ockley Green Gay street and Wil lamette boulevard. Rev J Mowersox pastor Services. II a. m. and 7:16 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a tn.; K L. C E-. 6:16 p. m TTnlversallst. Church of the Good Tidings East Couch snd East Eighth streets; Rev. J. u L'orby bervlcea. 10 .46 a m and 7:30 p. tn.; Bible school, 12 m.. topics, "Unappreciated lOffort" and "Shall Our Children Work, and How?" Evangelical Assoclatloa. First English Eust SlJith and Mar ket streets, S A Slew . :, pastor Serv ices Ham. and 8 p. in.; Young Peoples alliance, 7 p. m., Suncmy school. 10 a. in. First Jerman Corner Tenth and Clay streets; Theodore Schauer. pastor, ser mon at 10:46 a m snd 7:45 p. ra. Bun day school 9:30 a m Memorial East Eighteenth ud Tib hetts: I C. Hoovei paxtor Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m.; morning sermon by Rev. E- F. Zimmerman. DENTAL WORK 01 Quality Is One Dependable Hind The Repairing or Replacing of YOUR TEETH v Receives the careful attention it merits. Out splendid office equipment combined with a large volume of business enables us to render a superior dental service at a reasonable cost to VOU. - ''-"Y: 22-k Gold Crowns .... $3.50 Gold Fillings ....... .81.00 Full Plates $5.00 Painless Extracting , FREE EXAMINATION FREE OF CHARGE WORK GUARAN TEED. LADY ATTENDANT. : -'t BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS 291 Morrison St., Op. Postoffice, Meier & Frank and New Corbett Bldg. Phone: Main 2030 and A-2030. " r WO M Laoo Pncav LWMgCR evchancc Building ' gssjijiij ' ' OUR NEW POLICIES OFFER ALt THAT IS:BEST IN LIFE CONTRACTS EITH ER TO BOY OR 5ELL. : V. Low Non-Participating Rates:-Hih ;;)&h . Valud'l SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS OFr EREP. TO RELIARLB, ACTIVE AGENTS. Apply to JE38E R- SHARP Knnager otjfeotg; 814 Znmber Hchs'nge ldg. Xinthazsn. wedlsh Im menu si Nlbeteentb tai Ohrlstlsn Science. x First Church of Christ, Scientist ScotUsh Rite cathedral. Morrison snd Lownsdale streets, bervices at 11 a. m and a p. m.. Sunday school at close of morning service; wetinesuay meeting, 8 p. m.; suDjeci or lesson, -irum. Second h.lks i.mi'i. 8trk. between Sixth and Seventh streets Services st 11 a. ra. end 8 p. m.. subject "Truth Sunday school at close of morning serv ice; weanesaay meeting, p. m. United Brethren In Onrlsi. First East fifteenth anr Morrison streets' Rev. H. C Shaffer. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:31 p. n; Sunday school at 10 a. m. Second East Twenty-seventh and Mildred avenue; B. E. Emerlch. pastor. Radical Sixth and M'iianto street". Rev. T. J. Cocking. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. in.; Y. P. S. C E, 8:30 p m. Vnlted Presbyterian. Church of the titrangerr Wssoo street and Grand avenue; Rev. S. Earl DuHois. 'Services at 10:46 a. m. and 7:30 p. tn.; sermon translated for the deaf each Sunday morning; ' Sunday schdol. It m. First 81xth and Montgomery streets Rev. A. W Wilson, tasior services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. in.; Italian ervw ices at 4 p. tn. v imitartan. . Church of Our l-alher Corner of Tamhlll snd Seveiuh streets, Kev; Wt Q. Eliot Jr.; Rev X. L Eliot. U'U, minister emeritus, services, ll l m topic, "Tl.e Present Moral value-of a Faith In the Personal immortality of 'the Soul." with special music - sunctay school, 9:45 a. m ; adult class, l:e0 p. m.; x. r. e:so. . EylrltnaJls Society.' 1 k First Abington building, Third street between Stark and Washington: Ser vices 11 a. m.. I and 7:46 p. in. Church of the First Born. 86 Fifth treet Lecture at 8 p. m. .oy Rev, R. m. Coon, spirit messages by Mrs. U W, Coon and Professor Frank.' - Ministers and medium meeting, room 201 Altsky building. Address by Rev. J IL Lucas, at 7:46 p. m. - , SC. B. Carek. Contlw '', 1 . ? 171U Second street; Rev E. F. Mowfa. Services 11 a. m. and 7:S0 n. m Hun. day school. 10 a. m.; Epworth league. . p. m, , -. Ketormed. . Jlrtt Oeraaa Tentn a4 fum eervlceg at IMS I - . , etreeu. a Hefner. e, m. and , p. .. . :: '.Tfr '''?.Mlolljeoiifc.-?'.';v'':'v''' , i Swednborgian.w Church Society Knights of pythlas halL Eleventh and AWr etreela. Services 11 a. m.;;; , , ( &itlliiDal Dawn Q. A. R. llolL eor. net Suoond and Morrison strtsi! Eerv-ie.-)l'lD. m. , ; , V Divine Truth Center Alisky build "IB, T hird hlid Morrison streets, tierv-Ices,-11 a m. Thaddeus M. Minurd, pas tor. Topics. 'The Spiritual Advance. mtn of ; Man."','' - V - ' "-.;,. -Y. M. C A. Association auditorium, fourth and TamhiU streets, Sunday t 8 -o'clock p.- m., the quartet from ttm Second Baptist church of this city ni l sing and M. Monroe will sprak. , subject is C P'ue C' lllnstrated witn stereopttcon pictures. ? Afte the ad dress there Will be a IlK'us.sOn g'ccn. a men's chorus, fellowship lunch and a social sing. All men tire corUUUy In vited to be present. . . - Volunteers, of AmvrliJe Halt Fourtn and. Ankeny streets, SerVK.fS Sunday at :i0 and P- m- ' Regular-nighily services every nlgbt but Monday at I fufvai tin Armv Coras No. I grvli- at Hi Madison street at il a. tn. I 4 and 1 p. m, . Renular nightly r every nlgnt nut wejinflwwv. Kingier S mill uranu n,n. Fnat Morrison. 7:S p.- ni. ) r. J Green will eiek on "An c.J-.'.t of the Atonameiit" 1 - A