THE . OREGON SUNDAY JOURNA& ! PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 3, 1 XDC3. IIMIOI CARRIERS' WW CIPM t - ; . IRNtUMONlA fOUOWING GRIP Ifcury Thaw's Attorney's Only Fear Now Is That Court Will Send nis Cli ent to Insane Asylum for Best of His Me. Doctors Bay rneumonie Is Xost XJklT to roiiow the orfp w jregiected. The afterdeveIopments of the crip, If the dlaaaa ia neg lected, Inolude pneu monia, and ara so serious, no victim of the trip ahould fall of prompt and car ful attention. Tha beat thing- for every man, woman and child to do In an at tack of tha grip ia to go to bed and get i warm at once, take a cathartic the beat la Hood'a Pllla for a free movement of the bowela, and counteract and neutral- (TTnttrd Prw V$u4 Wire.) New York, Jan. 25 Confident he , ?'. '. "" !faaa succeeded In proving to the sat ."' Isfactlon of the jury that Harry K. . Thaw was Insane when he slew Stan ' . lord White, Martin W. Littleton, his .'' chief counsel, will now devote his . f . , ; entire time to an effort to keep him out of the asylum. He Is combat- '.' tag the efforts of the district attorney ' . as to Thaw's present mental con-Jdltlon. V i '. Jerdme will argua that If Thaw was crazy when arrested he Is still so , and endeavor to ask each expert witness testifying to Thaw's past In 1 sanity for his opinion as to the pris- . ' oner's exact mental state at present This, Is Just what Littleton wants to avoid. He hap seen to it that nel .. ther Dr. Evans, Dr. Wagner nor Mr, Jelllffe have examined Thaw for V. i year, If Jerome has them, Llttle ' . r ton will ar,gue they are not qualified to answer and he expects to be tip ? held. - ' ", : Many verdicts are possible by this Jury. They may convict of murder ; In two degrees, of the several de grees of manslaughter, or even of assault While again it may return ' an unqualified terdlct of acquittal, " 1 of acdulttal for insanity when the , crime was committed, or not guilty -.' n the ground of insanity. ; ' ;- This latter verdict would require . . Justice .Dowllng to commit Thaw to , a state hospital for the insane. If ' . verdict of guilty is returned Jer , ome will ask that Thaw be re committed for examination as to his ' present mental condition. ' In either event Littleton la pre pared to fight. He will, if present . plans are carried out, seek a writ of habeas corpus to obtain Thaw's re l' ' lease. J Littleton is confident that V Thaw can convince a commission ! that he ia now sane and he expects 't to soon obtain freedom for him 1 ahowld this Jury acquit on the in sanity basis. Littleton spent the day conferring with his witnesses who arrived on - ' the Adriatic .from" abroad.- , They , . consist of "English,' rJFrenclT; and j - Italian physicians and two nurses . who cared for Thaw while he was ill 1 abroad Fifty-four Newspaper Deliv erers of The Journal Start lae the grip poison io the blood by tak Contest for New Subscrib ers February 1 Winners to Be Given Prize. lng Hood'a Saraaparllla, the great blood purifier. sUok la BeoV-"My mother waa alck abed and very weak from tha grip. : She finally consented to try Hood'a Saraa parllla and eoon grew well and atrong." Mary L. Burkart, Kirk. Colo. Better Tnaa for e Xong Time. "I waa It'a The Pournal carriers to the, front taken with the grip. The medicine "'" given me did not aeem to do me any Flfty-four of them, the busiest. rood. j then took Hood'a BaraaparlUa ongntesi ooya in rortiana. win awn uni it ma(je me twl better thtn for a the flrat of February, tha month of IonB tlm, i cnot praise Hood'a too carniraia ana juDueea witn a eonieat te much." Nellie V. Freaa. East Consho- aee which of the six teams of carriers I hocken. Pa. can win tne moat new auoacriDers xor The Journal. The conteat will laat two months i through February and March and at the end the winning team will be given a prise in celebration or ua victory. Each team consists of a captain and eight boys. Tha entirely Is divided Into carriers' routes, each captain hav ing charge of a district and each boy in a team carrying some route in tne district. Br this method the carriers are able to compare tne results 01 tneir work and aee which team la winning the new subscriptions. If you ever aaw 18 men conteat a basebaJl game or II men try out their strength on the gridiron you have some faint idea of what It will mean when the Journsia 64 carriera atart out to hlch of their a' teama is tne strongest. tivory boy on tne rorce is going at 11 for the pride and mmMmm LAST WEEK OF THE JANUARY. SOUVENIR SALE continues' at previously advertised prices. . A Souvenir Plate 'given to purchasers of 50c worth or mere except patent medicines and contract goods. 50 TO 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL HOUSEHOLD AND. TOILET GOODS. ' " - -- '' - -"-'''; - - OLD, PENNILESS; CUTSHISJHROAT John Larsen of Wadena County, Minnesota, Found Dead at Tacoma. lory of his team. i mntalna hv itattar fliatricts nAn others that Is. their territory is larger sen, an age Scandinavian, committed (Special DUpstek to The JoorniL) Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 15. John Lar- but that fact la often counterbalanced suicide some time this week by cutting hv the clreunatsnr that there may not I . . .. . . . . JT bi so large a percentage of Journal aub- n,B lnro" Dru,n "c OI acribera In hla rival's territory. f aiiecino ounaera. xne noay was zouna the Here la the list of the teams and todiv wranmd In bload-aoaked blankets. m&inaCtf voIrarrie?s",nm2 A rrip with lolled Clothing in It waa SSttaS l? it S hii? ffi tortl found nearby. Naturallaaflon papera reVrurforla'SeimHeroU? taken out In Wadena county. Mneac SeWuWl w'ano'.eetr-heteu " S her. and Coro- a falf chance towards winning The Btewart bellevea he waaa laboring Journel'e nrise. The teams are: No. 1. man wno waa aruung nonnweat ana Kalph Bristol, captain; Bernard Mercer, found hlmaelf caught In the pinch pf Crawford Compton, Fred Van Hoomla- nra umes. n. Harrir flravsnn. William Dlbbern. to accomplish his ena Laraen Car Olopper, Clyde Bheeta and lectea a niaaen spot ana wrapping him Robert Sheldon; No. 2, Waldemar sen in nia manners lay flown in an captain. Reginald Fox, Hor- eaay position ana put tne knire to his Wilson. Francis Harrenden. tnroau RUBBER GOODS ronntala gyrlnges , White. I. and i at B8 66e Rapid Flow, I-ot and i qi.... . ana S1.V Red, I. S and 4 qt ...... S1.44 Sl:56 and tl.68 Maroon, best, I, 3 and 4 qt, ....... f...l.tttf S1.7H Sl.VU Combination Fountain gyring a 2. S and 4 qt, white 81.24 S1.36 m.48 Rapid Flow, 2, 3 and 4 qt... .!. S1.7U ll.UX Red, t, I and 4 qt , B1.70 3J1.X Hot Water Bars- Popular, 2 qt 3 qt 56 64c Extra Quality. 2 at.. 2 at SS R P.H ... qt..6 liignest ura, z, s, 4 qt Sl.OB Bl.ZO PURE FOOD PRODUCTS Cream Tartar, lb. and 4 lb 17 and 31 Orane Juice, ot and at....21aV n Cider Vinegar, 10 yeara Old. qt.l4er Ground Splcea In 2 ox. sifting cans Black v epper. Kea repper, mn ger, Cloves, Allspice, Mustard and bags, per can 8 c Cinnamon, Nutmega and Mace, per can 14a Baae' or Summer Bavorv. os.....t Nutmegs, per dozen .,..& strong . extract vaniua, oi.f s os. 12c 22c C4VAM 1TraM T SfM AM A 6 BUVUI AJCUJUJlt Vaa. 0 U. J 12c Z24T I TOILET ARTICLES Robertine, Wisdom's ....24c Mennen'a - Talcum .......... . . .14 Benxoin and oAlmond Cream, Bkld- more s ...,,, , . i . x yampnor ice, tuDe or cajte. , . , . . Lyon'a Tooth Powder.., .1 voia cream, i os., KKiamore Zodenta Tooth Paatei ....... . Rlyrrh Tooth Boa p. Wright's.- Trar Egg Bhampoo. bottle. Kouge, No. is. ....... .( . Florida Water. Gerard's.. 'BRISTLE GOODS Hair Brushes, white or black bristle ........ 22at Hair Brushes. French solid . back. -row , . . .42c Hair Bruahea, French Solid, .back row 57c Hair Bruahea. French solid back, 11 row ...... v 804 Hair juruanea, jrrencn sona back. 12 row Hair Bruahea. Kent's. 13 row Cloth Bruahea., 18c 27c am SOAPS Savon Violet, I In box, per box 124 Pears Trsnsparent Boa p. cake.. 1 A London Glycerine, per dot 4' C Old Colonial Glycerine, cake..-. Vc Medicated Soap, green, cake....' 'a) Giant Glycerine, 7 ox. cake......' c Cutlcura Soap .16c Rexall Toilet Soap '-4 White Honey Soap, per dosen..42 Pears' Scented Soap... 1S Packer's Tar Soap 16c Castile Soap, Imported. "Star . Crescent. lb. 22c Conti Castile Soap, per lb 17c Williams' Shaving Sticks lfic WlUlama Barber Bar 5c t Graphophones Phonographs and Talking Machines Sold on Weekly ! Pajrmenti .A .PHONES: A2193 and Main 293 PURE HOUSEHOLD DRUGS '' Dickinson's best Witch - Hasel 16c and 294 Pure Glycerin. 1 os., 4 lb j H lb. ....... .,,.,...44 94 164 Pure Petrolatum, 2 os., and 1 lb. bottlea..,......3 and 124 .Wood AlcoboL tt at. and gal. ... .'. . . . .144 244 and 834 TlncL Benxoin: per os. ...... .,.74 strong nose water, t ox. ana t ox.. ...94 and 164 Purs Sweet Oa H pt and pt . .124 and 104 Sewing Machine Oil. 4 ox. 8 ox... ..94 and 164 Selected Bird Seed, per lb fi Bay Rum, Pt, hi pt. and-pt 94 174 and 334 Kptom Salts, 1 lb, pkgs. ; 4i Phosphate Soda, X lb. cartons.. l4 Bicarbonate Soda, 1 lb.,pkgs..4 Sassafras Bark, M lb, and - M lb. ......... . i . . .4 and 14 Gaacara Bark, 4 os, and t . - 1 b... ............ ,.44 and 12 Powdered Orrla. 1 ox. and 4 os... 34 and cuipnur, per id. ;halk. 4 os. pkg. Prepared uiaiK ana Winter green. 4 os 34 and ig!!!!.'I!44 4 aav , - . Dka- .fli Precfpltated Chalk,-4 ox. pkg...4 Rexall Phoaphate Soda. ., i ib . .. ee4 TVXtCXTTTTOm OAI.LS9 I01 ?s , - AJTO XEXjrrEJUB.'- . Fink, ace body. No money was found on the Vletor Nlederer. Albert Voorhles, Walter Wetle, Cecil Bplcer. Paul cook; No. 3, James O'Connor, captain, George Delaney. Rot Camp. Max Sommera, A. J. Truesdell. Leroy Hall, Ralph Rob nett, Franklin Funk, Lyle Toung; No. i. Jamea Bain. caDtain. Ar tie 6u soman. Harold Berger, Gar rett Babbitt. Miles Farwell, Clare Turney, W aliace Kaaaeriy, Kdwara a strong pracucai tain ana a cosy rearing, Sterling xrumann; no. o, nwr win urn oaa m tne loung women s Walter Krupke. captain, Chester Wll- Chrlatian association this afternoon cox, Kalph Hedges, otto rancic, jan w nuocn, at me rooms on McCulloch, Frank Johnston, Fred Les- Sixth and Oak etreeta. toe. Percy HiUer. Charles Rapp; No. Rv. MarcottewUJ speak on "God'a 6, Chester Owens, captain. Brooke Ho- "oy " ly xjovea unei. gan, wayman casteei. jonn victor . "0 iuuoicim win Lloyd Holmes, W. L. Churchill, Bryon ne renaerea EEV. MAEC0TTE TO SPEAK AT Y. W. C. A A pleasant home like time with music Kdwara a strong pracucai talk ana a cosy social win oe naa at tn Wright. nagie. Earl Bernard, Vere Wind ANQEE OF ACT0E : - PEEVENI'S PANIC AtlUNDSEII TO 60 NORTH JIGMI Thought Bash of Audience an At- ' ' front, and Attitude liaises t Laugh Which Calms Fears. Pittsburg. Pa., Jan. 23. Henry MI1- Norwegian Wants to Learn Whether the Magnetic Points Are Shifting. (Hearst News by Longest Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 26, Captain Raold Amundsen, the Norwegian navl- Plano solo. Miss Ethel Barksdale: to. Aal .Aln Ula. P.a.1 rk.AillA.- mIaa.Imh veteran quartet; vocal aolo. Mlsa Ellse just. During the first half hour the Drop-In uiDie ciaes win oe conducted By Mrs. J. C. Clark, and in the atory room Mlsa Alice Cornwall will tell one of her charming Scotch atorlea. VANDEELIP GE00MED TO SUCCEED GAGE (United Prats Leased Wire.) New York. Jan. 25. The brief an nouncement that Frank A. VanderliD. assistant secretary of the treaaury un der Secretary Lyman J. Gage, had auc- ceeaea james tmiiman, temporarily, as director of the Union and Southern Pacific railroad companies, as well aa on the executive committeea of those roada, haa caused the report In Wall Street that Vanderllp will soon succeed Stillman as president of the National city bans, tne stanoard Oil company's W iBtiHAnk .il intni.nt ...1. Auiuuuaon, u iwrwtsma navi- nnanciai institution. Btuiman, it la ,.ier rnistooK an incipient fire panic for .i.i. .w ... said u a-attinv nM ...i. -n ! demonstration against him during the to .uccea ln ettlnr throux-h the yW.drU has .been "groomed for the ' second act of "The Great Divide" at S3!.u !!i " h. . Mob" Yr h came here from the l. ... . , " nunuwni uhsuko uuu wnu iwu years I caoiner hid Aiixun mean o. iul uigui. oui me l . -....j w. .. A v.. . j . I ago redetermined the position of the the -audience laugh so heartily that It north mftgnetlo pole which had been CHICAGO POLICEMAN foraxt JU fears ?or a minuta. and dla J w.t h oi. -i.i. . I vaiaaivj kj x. viJiVjjjJl.'l .WxxWSSa from the basement the Arctia He . CAPTUEES THUGS -of the.treatre and the clang of the flra -E'" Riy?rJZ?.?Z tsida brought mtiina at "I"""""". " uiiuci uuo apparatus outside brought people to their feet Miller. wEo had tb. u"pnJI "SRSS Chicagor Jan. 25.-Policema jnii. 8 : ? ADgun. strode rorwara, , , vt'rit th work before -a"com: pmmerman early thia morning cap. jnaQ. t . " l-nak. . ..... ,.1.. ' turad turn allao-ad hnlrl-nn man n "An ' Unmannerly critic In Pittsburg V""E"'. lf in a fusiiade" of .ho.,'t Thr Di.i&b.iiH Ul IH. . IT T. r ' - uv. .1 1 . tne lip " JXP, !JV2 rar ?hneare y ' wvv.f, fnarnAtln nn nt. Xon t be as unfair I i-t . imnnrioon nn fnn, I of Joseph Henneberrv was shot twioA Monuments bandits. One man who gave the name : has ' made trouble shouted Mr. MUler. ad? the audience remained to hear pole at some distance away, and "LZl''J ??Pll& Wi. u h.f v.. iJ.. line sciential upon returning to toem 1 ."VT '" i m J?nJ,l explanation that be was wU1 UB8 the 8ame instruments and the wrd ,frown;v Zimmerman was sent In "In wrong.' Burning grease in the. restaurant be neath the theatre cauaed the trouble, Herbert Witherspoon . i , .Who Appears at Trffi HCtUG THEATRE ; WED. EVE., JAN. 29, ' Is conceded to be the r 'greatest basso in America. . In Los Angeles and , (; other California cities re cently visited by him, he has captivated bis audiences in a manner , never before equaled on the Pacific coast His preference for the CHICKERING PIANO . Which will be used in . ' his recital, but adds ' another name to the long list of celebrated artists , who have come to Portland, season alter - ' season, who insist upon the use o! this famous -,t ft make. ",., ' " ' Chickering Pianos are ' . sold throughout the - - ' Pacific northwest- - -i , only by ; r-rallmimtr S53 Washington Street Corner of Park. same metnoaa 01 ooservation and re- duction as before, and so determine, by comparison of the results with those previously obtained, whether or not tha poie nas aniitea. Amundsen will return' to Norway at tne close or nis present lecturing tour, and it Is probable that he will be ready to sail xor tne poio eariy next year. MEXICAN GOVERNMENT DEPOETS YAQUI BEAVES (United Preas Letted Wire.) Oaudalajara, Mexico, Jan. 25. Three hundred Yaqut Indiana, men, women and children, have just passed through the city en route from Sonora to the isthmus of Tehaunteneo and Yucatan. Within the last two yeara fully 4.000 Yaouia have been taken through this city on the way from Sonora to the "hot country." The majority of the Indians have died on plantations in tha Tehauntepec country and Yuoataa It la the e-overnment's plan to clear So nora of all Yaauiav and the work of capturing ana aeportmg tne Indians will be carried on as rapidly as possi Die. purstit of the men bv a. -lHen Bk claimed they were robbing a pedestrian near Desplalnea and Canal streets. SKIDM0RE DRUG CO. :ri 49-1 51 THIRD STREET FIGHT KNOCKED OUT OF RICHARD M' CURD y Former Life Insurance Mag nate Not Looking for New Battles. (United Prets Letted Wire.) Morrlstown. N. J., Jan. 16. "I have not come .back to America with an ax for anybody, for I do not desire to take part In any fight for the control of the Mutual Life Insurance company," said Richard A. McCurdy, former president of the Mutual, at hla home tonight McCurdy, accompanied by his wife and son, returned from a two years' trip abroad on the Amerika today. Mc Curdy is suffering from a slight cold contracted on shipboard. He would not talk of the report that he Intended to finance a fight in the courts in oenair or nis son-in-law. Louia u. uneoaua, to compel an account In, bv the Mutual for Insurance .allam, to have been written bv Tebaud'a firm prior to the change in management of tne Mutual. Asked if he had any interest In the Mutual, Me Curdy replied: "Well. I carry a 1200,000 policy, and am inter estea to mat extent, i am 7 a years old and I think that entitles me to re tirement, i nave no intention of en- ring in any business aealn. but will pursue "the 'simple life While abroad my wifeVa8 ill with rheumatism but now sne nas entirely recovered." BUCKET SHOPS SHUT , OUT OF MISSISSIPPI (United Presi tested Wire.) Jackson. Miss.. Jan. 25. Rv a vnta of 102 to 60, the lower house of the Mississippi legislature today passed a drastic antl-bucketshon bill. , It nrh. vldes penitentiary and fine penalties. - Spectacles II at Metzger's. IMlDIE'ir VOTERS TO THE POLLS W. C. T. U. Workers Plan Local Option Fight in Pitts Wrg. Pittsburg, Jan. 14. Carriages, manned by women, to transport yoters to the polls, W. a T. U. workers at the noil lng pjaees and all-day prayer meetings led by women In every ward of Greater Pittsburg were some of the measures decided on by the Allegheny county W, C T. U. today to aid the local option, ngnt during the hours or he primaries on April 11. Mrs. Emily Clarke Scott, state secre tary of the W. C T. U formulated the prayer meeting plan. "We (want the voters to know that a group of praying women Is within a stone's throw of every election booth on that day," she said. .-" ' The county union also ordered the distribution of great Quantities of maps, specially marked to show the leanings of candidates on i the Uauor question. t ? Carriages for the wOrk at the polling places are to do - xurnisnea or wealthy women members of the organization. KING CAELOS EEFUSES - TO ABANDON PEEMIEB Paris. Jan.' 84. The Portuguese lega tion here denies the story of the banish ment of the .crown prince and the mutinies of the army and navy. The newspapers, however, affirm that Portu-a-al haa entered a critical condition and that in an interview the king haa de clared that he has entire confidence in his minister, Franco, and that he will ermu tms minister to select tne time or the elections. It is asserted that Franco will meet tremendous ODDoaitlon In the parliament : SAILOES SUNDAY v GAMES AEE UPHELD Secretary Metcalf Refuse sio Heed Interference of the Phlla-. delphla Ministers. Washlngtoa," Jan. 14. Sunday games In the league Island navy yard will not be stopped, but the publlo will be ex cluded and prevented', from witnessing them or partlcipAtlftgito them'. -v M ' This Is the deolslon of ', Secretary fol the Navy Metcalf, upon the eoniplalnt recently made to him. by clergymen aad others of Philadelphia. Tha .secretary holds - that athletie exercises are required, by naval regula tions to Improve the general condition of the men ,of the navy. Discretion as to how these exercises should be taken reposes in the commanding officers of iips ana navai stations. . Ohvioualw. such ounortunlties aa can be obtained to have the enlisted men engage In such exercises upon shore in stead of in the confined quarters of a ship must be taken advantage of. Therefore, the secretary announces that the diacretlonary authority in the mat ter aiven to commanding officers should not be Interfered with. . j But there is no reason why these ex ercises should be made a public si tacle, he believes, and he yields to Sunday observance sentiment expres by the Philadelphia clergymen, and rects that the yard be closed on 8 days whll the exercises are In pr ress. .. DEATH OF MAN WHO t SLEPT IN ASTOB'S BI (Cntted Press Leased Wire.) -V New York,' Jan. 15. It waa destli that the man 'who adoien years a' wearing rags, wandered Into the homd John Jacob As tor, , whera, V without moving even so much SS'hlfl boots fell' asleep la Aator's bed' before t presence wag discovered, should dlefr! exposure tn a" snowbank., A man m said he was Edward Wilson ldentlf the body of the man known as Murpl who was. found. dekd In a anowdrlftl front of a lodgtng-nouse Friday moj lng, s' Francis Joseph Smith, whol aid had been Aster's uninvited gal The man had been a lodger In the hoi near where he died. lie waa oncfl locomotive engineer. He boasted I having slept. In Astor's bed. There w! rumors that h once had wealthy ru tlves. I Saturday a woman, accompanied of roung girl, both well gowned, caned! he lodB-Inr-houae and Inquired I Smith. , They were told his body war the morgue, but they did not go ther l(MWMi Wert purchased yesterday by Prof. A. P. Armstrong for the Portland Business College. Underwood Typewriters have passed the .experimental stage. Portland Office, 68 Sixtli Street EOCKEFELLEE HIEES AMEBICAN LAB0B (United Prets tested Wire.) rr.A...An. XT V Tan 9E T Tn4,. ... ders of John D. Rockefeller, Superin tendent Hemenway, of the oil king's ea tate, today dismissed all of the foreign ers, recently employed on the extensive estate here. Their places are to b filled with deserving Americans of this and other towns out of employment, as a result or business depression. Mar ried men are to have preference. Sev eral manufacturing plants here are on half time and others are closed. About 800 Idle men, it Is believed,', will be put to work on the Rockefeller estate next Monday. , , SALVATION AEMY HAS . COLONIZATION SCHEME Waited Prwu Leues Wire.) .London, Jan. 25. Definite details of the colonisation scheme of the Salvation Army were announced tonight It pro vides for England's unemployed to go to Sf1' whfra slgantfc agricultural colonies are - to be- established. . .The plan contemplates the expenditure of eevfcraii million .pounds sterling and -a MrtY?faVr7rTlflAfft? Miff m: tiiittiw mmws iiiii iniiiui vi iinsn-r n G0QDg mm sW www w 1 This Sale of Shoes Is -a Success Because' S M,f3lV Honest No matter what your wants are in shoes, we can save you money. Thousands now avail themselves of this rare.oppbrtunity and our magnificent stock is still unbroken. Everybody can get fitted. No disappointed customers leave this store. GET BUSY AND PATRONIZE THFS SAL.E 71& and Washington Sts. l ; Former Location 149 Third Street MM lrt HITTTT n tt nM 7th and Washington Sfs. : Former Location 149 Third Street S PORTCAND'3 BEGT rSHOE STORB it; V k J4