. x ' , ' ". ' , - .'. . CowiUhi 1909. by AmwlcaJournaasUia Groucho the Honk Lihle 'Bobbie. Following 7 -.1 . s Oace-rUM. iwr. or Joomal limtnar, ; the Fashion. ' " I I I I i . v Hi, Writes About the Hamlet Club Will you u&ten m tvat I A , THAT SETTU5S IT i I'M , J you womenfolk' ' Are aor ALL PAY (V rng LtMiT' ! ; - ; J ( "Play carps ! . G0IH5 TO THE - CLUB;. 'WHERE 1 CAN WAVE v A DECENT pna vvnat Pa Will Do if HOW MANY; TIME A MUST ! TELL By C a QUINCY. . ma joins Jt. YOU. YESr- SPADES ARe fl RYAN'S footing ducks in Tern. GAME OF CARIS B VILLIAII F. KIRK i JJ , Potting diem for fair; Soon hell punch the solar plexus ( , Of a grizzV bear. ms QAMLKT rr ttb U all I can think r , Z, r " ut HamlatClub. wlea my u a. . 4 S&3 Ma calm hoan a n AFT will moo le getting busy Chaiing mountain goats. Selling precipices dizzy ' With an eye to vote. mea ara startei aa a J",V" w r. nrau. at i ao oatmbars of tb Hamlat dub A .m our beat at all times to honor tha man. ary of tha Ualoa Colin n.. m. TT " a sf i IlStaa to tha atorla rr. ..7 ' V : -'V ' - -v",1 ' 'VO ! '' "? r'1""'"'';' ' ' ""' ' . - 7 Mauitwi a Alia. U plediad to ma tk ..i. v.w' . .. ; i 1 NOX. along the boundless prairie, y Bothen leu with law; Catching wolra in manner airy v ,"! By the dripping jaw. FAIRBANKS, wrenching all the f habits - ' Such a sUtesman hath, . Bloodily pursueth rabbits Down his garden path. : . ,: v . ,. fTUGHES, regarding with suspicion The chicken-stealing hawk. ; Appoints a . Public Hunt Commission To kill tt dead with talk. sh2 run- TORTELYOU a stiH4iuzit Cannon much the same; . Candidates who don't go gunning ; 'Aren't in the game. . Resolutions for, New Year, i By WEX JONES. . fESOlVED thst during tb comtai i year I will endeaTor to tot the Amer Jcaa people dope out a ftw things . for "themselres They may hare their ln Itlstlra altogether If I decide oa erery thing for them, and If I see then going wrong I can always etep in and et than Beaolred that I win not one go aroand the world la 1908, and. further, that I will Inreat a few policies of my own. WILL 1111 H. TAFT. Beoolred that I will take additional ooxing leaaoaa in ww.-juu?i aaXair '. Williams. Reeolred that t wfl knot teese toodiea - Eany moar Iff shea las only A girt ' I wll knot Fit with Jama Jonsun enny moar X sept IS ho cawla me matt todd. XOMMT XODa ' Besolred that I " will not appoint any ' BMra commissions is 1908, or not aiora than three or , four, . anyway. CHABLE8 E. HDGHES. . Raaolwd that f harehr na aff rlnri during 1908 unless they ara good one, JOSEPH O. CANNON. ' " a m m thing tha same aa Fe dona erery year. OBDINABT CITIZEN. ; v. . Besolred that Fll cut out polities and try to writa soma mora atorlea. BCDTABO : EaaolTed that X wlU foUow tha battta fleet to Its Jonrney'a end. DOVH 01 fEACB. . . BeaolveA that I'll make tha city apend snort money for leu retnrna la 1908 thaa ar,MArOB,, M'CLELLAN. !: , .'i-r-V ;-U -- ; a a. o - . Beaolved that when' tommy Kawla uea A girl 1 Won't Cry. - mother aet tha re Has baa glrla enny. way.-TOODLES TODD. Beaolfad that some ona alae can deny : thlnga dorug tha nest year ; bat what' the oe? I made' the aama resolution for 1907, and look at my record. SECRETAfir LOEB. . Beaolred that I will try to oe eyea aaora JoenUr la 1908 thaa la i80T.-AT. rOENET-GENEEAL BONAPABXE. . . (Ed. Kota-Impoailbla.) HMnlvilfl1llf I'll 1 iiMnU Iasa hmim their own way next year. THOMAS W. LAW80N. ' a a a ' Beaolred1 that 1908 being a leap year I'll- keep the bachelors . oa tha Jump. ANN TEES. . ' . - a a a .. - ' Beaolted-tbat I II taka none but Amer ican huabands next year. 11788 AMEBI CAN GIKU Just for the Fun of It. i' 8POKE TOO LATE. Doctor Jf if " dear $ir, your wit t need some change. Uuibandl know the does, but, good heavent, doctor, you took it all! J RETRIBUTION. that people are punithtd tight hrZl earth for their $in$t . Feckeml certainty 4othat if. ii marmget ere realty made im Heaven.. - HIS ONE SECRET Singleton Da you telieve U poettMe for man to keep eeorete tram hie AN HOUR LATER-AT THE CLUB f SAY. DON'T; GO TO .SLEEP.' ; (6T0P YOUK - ' i). OM MY. POOR.-" ; x iYOU PLAY LIKE A LOT I INSULT1NG REMARll IHU&BANp ! . YOU FELLOWS V0F"SNAL3 ! ' YOU 6 PLAYING " vsljaT .uk i H .. 'g) . r&d .. T : . : : : . . .... . i . i The Hallroom Boys Meet an Old Friend They'd Like to Meet Him Again. Caprrltlit 1SOT. by Ai Joaraal-ExaeahMC WHY HELLO BlNrS STILL PftESSAQtNT FOR inL UrIE I Y ? M OLD MAN :AM hfOUFIXUSUP' r FOR SOMt bEATD SOr-V NIGHT ? COURSE YrtTDi LIKE TO BnlNGi SURE-ANt NIGHT YOU SAY. HOW COntONOVtRTO TVIt CAFE AND WEIL BLOW tOO ttCARQ. JUST THE BOX OFFICE XCS.mwWELLKNOWri tEl TOU 5EATp fOrV 30 R-i THEATRES ( I iPk THE Q00O wai . OUH iwtw nnt. K .77 aSin rWAPHi VTV I A ejARr niaii7Ti.AVI ( HOLD WU ) I I I . V.Tvr'eT: at TiO.TUAT-c. ttoe r "r - I II - - to iMt Mnx riFHfr i n-iJsri wunniNh? l was mil with-v r nil mimhi. j i ii-atTAr.rTHFH.unwirwtHAUi ctaa i i I aANTfeJfcfcrv I -1 I II ' TAF JOVy U L V H - iftila-TA J T loOOD EVENING M.jU ) QOTO THE THEATRE luftlfflfSB?' eSSHSTC- yBUTWE ",;TylWfKsl Pfffi r If I r-s BX J JM I . 'HKJA -C V S ,1 V ' I X 4 A B X V AMI I - . i Uir;.W I " X I HI III trf ? 'VII ' 'I 7A I I IWWI I - :l ' ' II '1 . I 1 .v. u,, omnar, aad If a. ' Uve out al litery Dope. V J What did I ermt 0 to HajBlat Pa aa h. .-1 .J" i vuin wua MUb A aftarwarda a fM k. tof '" 1 spaekla, w lAJ IUn Uf Blsl air ' aolll -eloaa to tha old flraslda, raadlog my bookl amoakinj ny'aacgars, that la aa fool- The tall Bta Bamlaf .A va Pa. If so, ha sad, Hamlat waan't aa madder tha I am.rlta aow-Ta at s aot a o. Pa sad, to go ar aot to so, with tha akasat on tha teat allUbol. , ,. Now bars, Ua sad. what bars jau got sgalast Bamlat or his foaksf Not TSrr much anlnat EinM w hJ , Stepfathtr A bis mother, tharf- ara In rvnfhl , ac. aa xor Hamlet, ha waal au me in bis Tama..Dot I doent thlak moehl ar an, fellow, pa aed. that want m uitJ talking, to goasta ft feeUag af skulls -la graiTjaras. , . na eiab is aot the tbtag, aed Pa. . that this too too solid club woald malt sJ fade away, ha aed, leering my deer wife a3 aoam witn me A little Bobble. Billiards Is Differal, Says Pa. Bnt you offea go oat altee A play bfl4 iums, Ma sed. I know, sed Pa, but that la dlfferat, bll- lUrda Is dlfferat from Hamlat. Billiards la with three balls, Bam let to a three shell tame, ia Billiards, Pa sed, you ara play ing a gala wlch la rary ranch like life It self. 8am men gits tha balls la the corner. such as Rockfellow A Carnegie, sum men! uses a big cue, such aa Ruaerelt, A suns mea nerrer wins a galm, such aa William! Lemon Bryan, eta. Also, aed Pa. sum menl etc. Klx aa tha Hamlet Club, sed Pa. Stayf at hoam like a good little wife, so I can! see yure larlng face whea I git la later from the Words A Mualck Club. To-days Best StoryJ pBABLES B. WILSON, the soperlntesdJ Vrf cnt of Alfred O. Vanderhllt'a ramarkJ bl stables, said at Newport of a groom ha bad discharged: ' Tha maa waa a blnff. Ha pretended Uf know au about horses,' when In truth he I could hardly tell a hackney from a cow. wa soon got oa to him. tua case waa Ilka tha faka blacksmith's. , "There was a chap who thought black smithing looked simple and easy, ana eoJ being out of work, he decided to have a try at It : Ha went to a smith and asked for a Job. Well, said the smith, 'yon are a strong, likely looking young fallow. What expert! (See hare you hsdr ' " , 1 'Bleren years,' waa the prompt answer 1 'AU right I'll try you,' said tha black limlth. 'Shoe that mare while I go home: to dinner." ".' The smith on bis , return from dloaea frowned and said to tha new hand: What! Harem you got that man ibod yetf v . . The bluffer bit his Up, flushed and rej plied: "'I can't get her confounded foot In the! ..V It Happened in Birdland. Papyrlsht ie0T.hr Amertcaa. IouniHCraailme. I fail FOURTCEmS faE 05E fa CHP.STS" tT YOU COULD NT (,U THEm ouv ; GeoucHTsW 1 qDvouy anyth.nc nicer . (comGTNnuw,M T-T7 x I roses. toVetv - (uKZBrt) S Y T- Algernon 7 AftE rou vi ,u EC - ' ' S :l" ' - .1 I A I I a ' "l II ' I . ' 1 ' .1 II g I J I t x.In Hard LucL "I InnVa aa If (hu trnata " aalil Mff I Sinclair, ""will hare to obey the law, ai I else their owners win nna tnemeelres af bsdls sold as the rich Bostonlan wb bought an estate In Scotland called Olei Accra. The Boatonlaa bought this astati I without baring seen It He hollered tha he could trust the man he bought it from! And last Summer he went orer to hare took at .the place. The drlra from to uearest railway station to Glen Accra wa . . . . . i it... r.i n la matter oi iweiro wn. xua suaioui hired a Highlander to drlre him. . As th art losged along, tha Bostonlan said: "i anoooaa rou kaow the country here: ilbouts pretty well, rnenar . . I " 'Are. ilka foot o t,' the 8 cot answered: ".ana ao yoo kdow wieu Accrai v " 'Are. weel.' was the reply. " 'What sort of a Place la It? an asked. . ... . . , ' "Toe dcof smiiea grimiy. the Amertf k h ..M 'If n aaar ttta Aa' tethered .oa. It ye'd, iulst ssy, "Poo: brute:. 'v-ure. : s.- . V-J-'. eueee so. Anvmi I reaUg merer let mg fiife htoio ickat ikink at ker. , . THE LATEST. . . FverAni tree that goung man reaUg $o hard te mnderitand, mg dcart. ' Lda-Jler4 te underitanit '" Wkg, V.i goon actually profotei in Etpernnto, . Strictly Private. . A colonel, on his tour of Inspection, un expectedly entered tha drill-room, when ha came across a couple of soldiers, ons of them reading a letter aloud while the other wa Glistening, and at the same time stop ping np the ears of tha reader. . : - "What ara you doing there V tha puasled officer Inquired of tha tatter. '" "Ton see, colonel, I'm reading to Atkins, who ean't read himself, a letter which has Jnet eome from-his sweetheart'' r ; ' . "And ipu. Atklna, what In all the world are too dolngT . ' "Pleaae, colonel, I am stopping np Mur phy's ears with both banda becaaae I 4oa t mind his reading uiy sweetheart's letter, but 1 don't want him to hear a sin gle word of what she has wrtttea." u lustrsted Clta, " , A Just Precaution. Did yon ever notice bow a piper prances hn and down as he pipes I He nerer sits, be nerer stands still, but up and down, round and round, to and fro, he a trots continually. A little foy listening to the weird skirl 'of tha bagpipes of a' atreet performer, once said to 41a father: "Father, why does the piper keep oa the mora all the time be plays? ' fl can't say, my boy, tha father . an swered, "anless It Is to prereat any one getting tha range wlttr a cobblestone." Washington Herald.- - l Its Usual Greeting. , . . -Tee. money talks; bat Its farorite je- iasxk a-Teooa o. 1 jaajsnapous star. , , " Couldn't Stand ft. " President Manuel Amador of Panama tells this little tale of a certain Cuban mil lionaire: a' . ' f 1 "An unfortunate man once obtained ac cess to tbla millionaire and started to !ar before him his ; woes. Ha depicted his wretcned poverty, in most ymo colors. . In deed, so graphic was tha man's sad story that tha millionaire felt himself affected aa ne osa nerer neon peiore wicn tears In his eyes he summoned his serrant and, in a quarerlng roleer said: " 'Jobn. pat this poor fellow out He la breaklhg my heart' " Ererybody's. . . " - ' . Disappointed, i "Did Louisa get the . aatlaues wanted?' . - "Nj. Her boose Is most comfortably ausoeo. nomas a ooma vompauoa. aha A Corking Race. There was aa Englishman who Imported a famous -wolfhound from Europe tome years ago to get rich catching wolres for tha scalp money offered by tha State of Texaa-aiO each. Soma genuine Texas sports were Inrlted to witness the first chase.. They foil owed many miles through tha prairie grass, but without getting sight of either wolf or bound. Finally they cams to a wooded spot, where a stuttering na- Ots was Chopping. . "Did yon' sea a ' wolf and A hound 'pass Just aowf, cried the Eogllsmaa. "T-e-e-e-s, sir they J-Jus passed." "How waa tha racers - "P-o-u-rty hot; 'nip an t-t-t-tuck. T-t-tthe dog wa- va-was a leetlt ahead." Eochesterflersid. Four Wishes., ' In reply to a correspondent, the Boston Pilot explains the ,old English toast "Here's to the three B's and the H." The three B's ara bread, beer and bed r the H stands for hearem t Tha full toast tot t Bara'a to the thtat.B's and tLa Ht ' Bread when we're hnnarr, , v ' Beer when we're Art, . v Bed when' we're wtarjr. - . - And hearea whan we die. '.; They are said to , be used chiefly la Sua- a . - . a , aex.- Uf-ilieie ijommeruiai. - r. .. , ' Waiting Orders. ? A - - Joneswhat are you going to giro year wife for a Christmas present? t ; Brown Sha hasa't told me yet Puck. I Another "King Jake." vnrM a acowllha brow the irate Taudej rule arent awaited the next applicant wd was aot long In coming. A long, lanky In AiriiinaL' with more hair ; than waa ab nintai necesssrr and a countenance tna araa tiAt a hit cheerful came to his deekl .nti th f iTiMftl tones said, "uooa aay, air. xnr.it what tia rou want?' waa the on pr??3 Tioi Just now about s mucj as anytning ewa,.- bbbwu son. . ' , , . "Erer haa any nptprai. .11 th biff Siara irow ... w. id tI1 AI ..t .hnrtlr. . "That dnaan'i cut any freesa with ma. WUat's, you iJ.Trm i a s comedian, was th ! Tal.n.l..r?pA. .h. 4a tanah lmaioJ I me ageui, - - - Jolting-the Granddad a oni nndfatber aad father' ware aa minnc iue ". - . " . ii.nrafhaftT . AMlarat . Th. roungster is a great deal mora lntelllfen Insulted Parent--Naturally : ha has i great deal brighter father I Life. . I , - Less Would Satisfy. nnnnMi a- dflllr oaDer headline. I ghnni.i think it would. Soinerf us would be falrii won anltpd -with conalderablr leaa. Lou