The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 26, 1908, Page 37, Image 37

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' "- . , 'J-
. f v l V, u '1
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WHEN once llpa have assumed
a given' form It la difficult
to change their shape.
From their very mobility
they may ba deformed or disfigured
by aoma of tha ordinary habits of
everyday Ufa.
Immoderate or excessive laughter
will destroy the contour of the mouth
and produce wrlnklea, since It con
stantly atretchea the muscles and thua
I relaxes them.
.A smile produces leas tension, and
lis generally considered much better
Advice by
WINO to the great amount of
mall received and the limited
space given this department.
It is absolutely impossible to
answer letters In tha Sunday issue fol
lowing their receipt Tha letters muat
be answered in turn, and this oftUmes
requires three or four weeks.
All correspondents who desire an Im
mediate answer muat inclose a self-addressed
stamped envelope for a reply.
Thla ' rule must be compiled with in
regard, to personal letters. ' ,
Rose Cosmetic for the Nails
R. T.Hre Is a splendid cosmetic for
he nails: Three-quarters of an ounce
of spermaceti, three-quartera of an
ounce of white wax, alx ounces of oil of
almonds, two ounces of alkanet root,
one dram of oil of rose. Melt tha first
four ingredients, strain, beat until near
ly cold, then add tha oil of rose. Pour
into wide-mouthed porcelain bottles or
Jars. , . . .
To Remove Warts
HARRY Mix one grain of partform
with nine parts of flexible collodion,
and apply to wart three times a day.
After two or three days, the epider
mis peels off. and tha wart will coma
with it -- -- . 'j--
For. Excessive Perspiration
MAT Very often excessive perspira
tion la caused by nervousness. You had
better' look 'after your physical condi
tion and see where tha cauaa might lie. .
.You wilt find this powder very help
ful: , Three fluid drams of phenio add,
five and one-half fluid drama of alcohol,
six and One-quarter ounces of starch,
five and One-half ounces of Florentine
orris, thirty-two minims of essence of
violet. Dissolve the acid In the alootaol;
add the violet easenoe, then the starch
and orris root ;
This powder oaa be used to advantage
on perspiring hands, and It la an agree-'
abe glove powder. -
- 4 For Freckles .
F. Q. A good lotion for freckles la:,
Sixty grains of borax, 40 grains of
potassium chlorate one dram of alco
hol, two drams off glycerine, sufficient
roeewater to make three ouncea .,
Dissolve as much as possible of the
Iwo salts and filter.
Apply with a toff sponge several times v
a day., . , ; g- , , t-
'I III ' ' V J '
f J . '
f V
form in the expression of amuaement
than uproarious laughter.
The smile, however, which Is a
meaningless grin or grlmaca la some
thing to be avoided, as it leaves lta
mark on Jhe face In time.
The habit of making funny little
Mrs. Symes
Lemon and Glycerine Lotion
T. It For light freckles and sunburn
the following lotion will be found help
ful: Cltrlo acid (lemon), three drama;
hot water, eleven ounces; borax, two
drams; ' red rose petals, one ounce;
glycerine, one ounce.
Dissolve tha add and borax In the
water. Infuse the petals for an hour;
strain through a Jelly bag after twenty
four houn ; decant the' clear portion and
add the glycerine. Apply as often aa
Have this lotion made up to be used
: in emergencies for burns or scalds: Two
; drams of borlo acid, two ouncea of
glycerine; two ouncea of olive oil.
Apply conatantly to the surface with
absorbent cotton or bits of old soft
' Tooth Powder
AGNES A delightful tooth powder
Is made thus: Areca nut charcoal, five
ounces; cuttlefish bone, two ounces; raw
areca nut pounded, one ounce.
; Pound and mix. Two or three drops
of oil of cloves or of cassia may be
.added if a perfume is required.
Hives are usually caused by an add
stomach. Tha first step is to put the
stomach in order by taking some simple
remedy. -
Charcoal in prepared form la very
- good for the purpose.
u Dandruff
' MOTHER! Is unusual for a child
of your daughter's age to have dan
druff. You ahould look into her physical
condition and see where tha trouble
Ilea. : If her scalp la dry, apply vaseline
to it every few days. " ,: ,
' To reduce your flesh, , apply this
pomade to the fatty parts twice a day:
Forty-six ouncea of iodide of potassium,
one and three-quarters ounces of vase
line, one and three-quarters ounces of
lanolin, twenty drops of tincture of ben
zoin. :
' Resorcin Ointment
T, F. Resorcin, fxty grains; tlno ox
ide. 120 grains; starch, 120 grains; pe
trolatum. S40 grain a .
Apply at night, after washln
the face.
jveep away - irom
eyes and nostrils.
wash on it the
morning with bland
soap and warm, water.
V ::A .
mouthi la nothr 'ourM
flaruremant. ' I ;' ' ; i -'
: Biting Upt. to mak thtm" ,Md
'not only . cue thm ; to ' 'bcoin
9rM and thick and . chapptd, but
polls tholr lap m wtXL. ; .yt
When thara la an axcanlva growth
of tha upper Up. It majr uaualljr Ba
traoad to a aorofuloua tendency. Xt U
an obatlnata difficulty to deal with,
but can ba cured. if a ikllful aurfeon
la called In tlma. , '"
Llpa are often pala and faded or
purple and puffed. The flret two Indi
cate a weakened condition of the oon-
Cream for Chapped Hands
H. R. White, petrolatum, three and
one-half ouncea; paraffins wax, one
quarter ounce; :anolln. one ounce; water,
one and one-half ounces; oil of rose,
three drops; alcohol, one-half dram.
Melt tha parafflne wax. add the petro
latum and lanolin. Stir constantly,
i beating the water In during the process.
Add the oil and alcohol when nearly
cold. ,
Chapped bands should be treated by
keeping the banda as dry aa possible
and. applying some t emollient at night
before retiring. Cold cream, slno oint
ment (bensoinated) or boraoio ointment
will answer tha purpose.
Follow this exercise to reduce the ab
domen: In standing position, clasp the
hands over the abdomen.
Contract the muscles of the abdomen
and bend at the hips six times, keeping
the muscles well contracted throughout
the bending. Rest by taking three deep
breaths between each exercise.
Astringent Lotion
ANfT A. Seventy ' grains of alum,
one and a half ounces of almond milk,
aix ounces of roeewater.
' Dissolve the alum In the rosewater.
then pour gently into the almond
milk, with constant agitation. Apply
with a soft linen cloth every night
before retiring.
About Noses
IF the nose la sharp and turns down
ward, it indicates keen business abil
ity and a tendency to be botn
talserly and aharp-tongued.
A long, atralght nose shows a tran
quil, reserved nature'; and a short nose,
a popenslty to quarrel, combined with
an inborn love of a good time.
, The nose that la too deeply indented
at the root, showa a lack of courage
and decision, while a nose eloping di
rectly out from the forehead, with no
such mark between the eye indicates
a strong sense of power.
Let such a nose show a slight Indenta
tion, however, and it will be a capable,
self-reliant sort of a girl, who does
everything well and makes no fuss
about it
How to Take on Flesh
DRINK plenty of water.
Eat plenty of starchy foods.
Sleep tan ioura out .of the
twenty-four. - .. :,
Give full play' to the lungs in breath
ing." .. " : .
Refuse to worry, y - ' ....
. Take six' raw eggs 'a day.
Drink plenty of cream and milk,
Exercise oaly moderately. ,
. tltutlon. a feeble clroulaUon or a poor
condition of tha blood. ; ,
' ajbeae debllltloa require the attention
of 'a physician, vhoae dlrectlona ahould
be obeyed, otherwlae the archee about
tha teeth are likely to remain tlntlesa
unleae artlflcial aid In th- ahape of
rouge la called into requisition.
' Llpa that are obatlnately brown, dry
and cracked indicate some dlaorder of
tha ayatem. and no Hp aalvea or un
guente alone will help them until the
Internal condition la helped. - '
The Upa are rendered doubly itmi-
Aids to Correspondents
Solution to Keep Hair Curled
LW.-Tou will find this a valuable
lotion, especially during the damp
a weather: Gum arable one ounce;
moist augar, one-half ounce; pure. hot
water, three-quartera of a pint; alco
hol, two fluid ounces; bichloride of
mercury, alx grains; aalammonlac.
Ix grains.
The last two should be dissolved In
the alcohol before admixture. Lastly,
add enough water to make the whole
measure one pint Perfume with
cologne or lavender water. Moisten
the hair with the fluid before putting
It In the papers or curlers.
This Is too strong a solution to be
applied repeatedly, as It would surely
have a destructive effect on the hair
follicles. Therefore, It ahould not be
too frequently applied and not at
too short an Interval. An occasional
use, however, la practically harm
less. The Vaucaire Remedy
ALICE. The Vaucaire remedy will de
velop the upper part of the figure, neck,
chest and arms. The formula la as fol
lows: Four hundred drams of simple
syrup, ten drama of lactophosphate of
lime, ten drama tincture of 'fennel, ten
drams extract of true galega. ,
The dose Is two aoupspoonfuls In
water before each meat The syrupless
formula Is made by using water and
glycerine instead of the syrup.
This tonlo can be purchased already
prepared, and really that is the most
satisfactory way, since it must all be
filtered several times and prepared very
carefully In order to induce the herbs
to mix with the syrup properly.
To Re'ducTthe Hips
ANXKWSJ. The exercise about to be
described Is highly recommended by one
who has had much experience In giving
and directing exercises for the Improve?
ment of bodily symmetry. She states
that It has reduced the hips two inches
In a month.
Lie extended on the floor, supporting
one's self by one hand, while the other
is placed upon the hip. While holding'
this position, raise the body gradually
from the floor until the whole weight
is supported by the bands and feet
It is comparatively easy to get the
body from the floor as far as the knees,
but to bring It up to the full extent
just described Is not easy at first It
How to Look Slim
IF YOU wish to look slim, do not
dress In white or light-colored
Stripes are more becoming than
spots or checks, but narrow checks may
be worn.
Short skirts are becoming, but flow
ing draperies, on the other hand, give
A long central line of trimming
from throat to hem adds a certain
height; ao does a single flounce at the
bottom of a skirt
Many frills should be avoided.
A tight-fitting gown is never becom
ing to a stout figure. . Wear some
thing which has a softening ' effect,
and it. will be far more becoming if
one is inclined to be stout '
Benefits of Corset Wearing
IT gives support to the clothing and
prevents the skirts from dragging
downward from the hips.
Properly made corsets prevent a a!op
py appearance.
A alouchy or sloppy figure cannot have
properly oxygenated blood, and If the
blood ' does not receive a sufficient
amount of oxygen, anemia is very like
ly tO fOlloW, ,; .
tlve by reaaon of tha heated breath
which pastes through them and their
contact with the cold, frosty , air.'
Therffore. they require a great deal
of attention during the winter months
to maK tbera presentable.
A good colorless lotion to apply be
fore going out of doora la made of
one ounce of honey, one ounce Of
lemon Juice and one-half ounce of eau
de eoljgna.
Those, who are troubled with con
stantly roughened lips should provide
themselves with some good salve or
cream, either made at home or com-
ahould be tried first on one side and then
on the other.
Here la an excellent mouth wash:
Rub together In a mortar one-half
ounce each of pulverised borax and
trained honey; then add gradually one
pint of pure alcohol and one-half ounoa
each of gum myrrh and red saundera
wood. Let the whole aland In a large
moufhed glass bottle for two weeks.
Shake the bottle occasionally. Pass
through a filtering paper and it is ready
for use.
Diet for Skin Diseases
EDNA. The following diet Hat may
be adapted to almost all skin diseases:'
Fish Nearly all fresh fish, boiled. Meats
Lean beef, mutton or lamb, chicken,
game (sparingly). Eggs Boiled or
poached on toast Farinaceous Stale
bread, dry toast or crusts (sparingly).
Vegetables Spinach, lettuce, celery,
cresses, asparagus, cauliflower, onions.
white cabbage, tomatoes, radishes,
olives. ' Desserts Ripe fruits only acid
varieties preferable. Drinks One cup
of tea or coffee, without milk, cream
or sugar, or one glass of pure water,
sipped at end of the meal. .
Soups, salmon, bluensh, eels, salt fish,
pork, veal, sausage, made dishes, fata,
potatoes, macaroni, oatmeal, hominy, .
- epices, rice, beets, carrots, turnips, par
snips, puddings, pies, 'pastry, cakes,
sugars, sweets, milk, cream, malt or
spirituous liquors, beers, sweet wines,
champagne. If you cannot walk at,
least five miles a day, and do not wheel,
go to one of the institutions where
mechanical massage Is given.
Several of my correspondents report
excellent results from this method of
getting the vigorous exercise they re
quire. The system Is thoroughly whole.
, Soma and not expensive. In reducing
flesh one' fact to recollect Is that fat
; ' la'arton.
i Oxygen destroys or burns out carbon.
Yot must consume the carbon by the
oxygen, you take through your lungs.
Tha more exercise the more oxygen
and, consequent destruction of fat by
, the one healthful method of curing obes
" Uf.'"'
The more starch and sugar you eat
the more carbon to burn away.
Premature Wrinkles
ADA. There is nothing that will
cause wrinkles so much as worry,
therefore it would be Wise for you to
Vfcelect an ocoupation which will take
your mind off your trouble
Use thla lotion: Alum, powdered,
seventy grains; almond milk (thick),
one and one-half ounces; rosewater,'
aix ouncea
Dissolve the ' alum In the rosewater,
then pour gently Into the almond
milk, with constant agitation. Ap
ply, with a soft liner cloth every
night before retiring. .
Snow of Cucumber
A. Z. For sunburn and freckles you
will find nothing better than enow of
cucumber. Formula: Small cucumbers,
two; olive oil, four ounces; lanolin, one
ounce; white wrr. one dram; sperma
ceti, one dram.
Heat olive olL Slice up the cucumbers,
not removing the perl, and place in tha
oU. Leave for twenty-four hours.
- Strain. Never allow halrptns to remain
In the head all night 4 Before retiring
brush your hair thoroughly, then braid
loosely. '. ,
To Remove Moth, Patch ft
NELLIE. Apply' the following redpe
to -the moth patch night and morning: ..
t . . . , I 1 , 1 ...
. ... .11 ....a v..i rA
of sine, two grains; white precipitate of ..est ways tov make yea forget .to hold
mercury, one and a half grains; essence K! the chest up and out if the habit of
of rose, ten drops, ;
1 '"
IV I .1 A
, - ,
pounded by the druggist, and use it
regularly night and morning. When
a broken or chapped apot on tha Hps
refuaea to heal this may be. due to a
apeclea of canker. Of thla tha physi
cian la the best Judge. .
Sometimes a moist red spot, inclined
to crust over and be rough and .also
tender, will form at tha eornera of
the mouth.
Thla la generally tha result of acid
Eyebrow and Eyelash Grower
MINNIE. You will find this lotion
very effective: Cologne, two and one
half ounces; glycerine, one and one
half ounces; fluid extract of Jaborandl,
two ounces.
Agitate ingredients till thoroughly In
corporated. Apply to the eyebrows with
a brush and to the lashes with a tiny
camel's-halr paint , brush.
The brush must be freed from any
drop and passed lightly along the edge
of the eyelids, eierdstng extreme care
that no minutest portion of tha lotion
touches the eye Itself.
To make a bleach for the neck, take
fresh strained cucumber Juice, boll It
for five minutes, and for every five
ounces of 1ulce add: Pulverised borax,
five and one-half ounces; acetate of
soda, three ounces; tincture of qutllaja,
two and onflnhalf ounces; tincture of
benzoin, four drams; rosewater. one
Mix thoroughly and apply two or
three times a day until the stain Is re
moved. Lavender Foot Lotion
ELOISE. Distilled water, one pint;
bichromate of potassium, two and
one-half ounces; essence of lavender,
one-half dram. ,
Brush the feet over with this lotion
after the batlror when changing the
hose, and be careful In applying any
of the lotion that no apace between
the toes escapes. In extreme cases it
may be necessary to place bits of ab
sorbent cotton, wet with the lotion,
between the toes.
The henna stain will not make the
hair brown, but will cause it to have
a reddish tint ,
To make it: Take one ounce of
henna leaves, steep In a. pint of boil
ing water for twenty minutes. Let
stand until it gets cold.
Strain the liquid. Apply to the hair
by the aid of a small sponge.
The henna will sometimes stain the
scalp, but the stain can easily be re
moved by aoap and water.
, Honey and Almond Cream
BELLE.' The following is a splendid
massage cream: Honey, one ounce;
white soap in powd.r, one-half ounce;
oil of sweet almonds, thirteen ounoes;
oil of bitter almonds, one-half : dram;
oil of bergamot, one-half dram; oil of
cloves, seven drops; balsam of Peru,
one-half dram; liquid potassa, one-half
Mix tha oils with the balsam, then
DO YOU keep sharp watch on the
children's spinal columns and'
When there is any Inclination to .
Stooping shoulder, look into the mat''
ter at once to find the cause.
It may r-t the clothing in some way;
the hose supporters will be put on the
easiest way, and that Is front and
fastened to the underwaist.
This makes a pull on the chest and
drags It over.
It takes only Just a little more pull
than on the back, and down drops the
Are the bands around the waist
weighing on the muscles that are made
to hold up tho body .'so they are not
atrcng enoguh to work when so much
Is put on them?
The boy gives way under the drag
of an Ul-flttliig coat collar which is
too thick.
See that there is no pull or weight
on the back of tho neck.
When nothing pulls the young spine
over or presses it down and the proper
muscles are allowed to hold it up, tha
back will usually be straight and flat
Want of pure air to fill the lungs
and the drag of poorly arranged
clothing has given many a child an
Incurable hump or a sunken chest for
Ufa. f
Arm Advice y
DON'T stmd or sit with your arnuT
By doing so you pull your
shoulders forward, flatten your Cheat
and impair deep breathing. . v
The chest becomes so flattened down
that it requires constant effort to
keep it in the proper position.
As soon as you forget yourself down
.na wnur ithaat. and one ox the QUICK.-
folding tha arms,
;y 1 ' !
ity of the saliva, which cornea frorfl
Indigestion. Rinsing the mouth aev
eral times a day with bicarbonate o
aoda and water will allay the InflamV
Fever spots on the lips should neves)
be Irritated. In applying lotions thai;
should be gently dabbed on.
Never use a hard ointment, such eg
on containing mutton tallow, with
out softening it first , ' '
mix the honey with the soap in a mora
tar, add enough of the potassa to pro .
duce a nice cream. Add this to the first
mixture and continue to beat until yoo '
have a thoroughly Incorporated emolli
ent Apply this cream to the pimples after .
thoroughly washing the face in warns
water: Extract of violet, ten drops;
sweet almond oil (Allen's), one and one
quarter drams; sulphur precipitate, sev-
cuiyiiva grama; lanuun, wyuij-u.w
grains; oxide of slno, two scruples.
Cure for Bald Spots -,'
. T. M. Where the hair faUs out lit
spots try the following wash: Distilled
rosewater, six ounces; aromatio vinegar,
fire drams; pure glycerine, two and one
half ounces; tincture nux -mlca, one-,
half ounce; tincture can tha rides, two
and one-half ouncea "' "
Mix thoroughly. Apply night and
morning. ' - '
Another very efficient remedy for bald
spots Is made as follows: Sallcyllo add;
ten grains; resorcin, eight grains 1 phe
nol, five drops; lanolin (or vaseline), one
ounce. .' . .
Rub Into the part night and morning.
Inflamed Skin
CARRIE. - After bathing the skin In
warm water, apply the following lotion t
One dram of borlo acid, two ouncea
of distilled witch hazel, two ounces of
rosewater. 1
Oxide of slno ointment may also be
used. ,
For hands that perspire profusely, yon
will find the following very helpful:
Eighty grains of borlo add, 120 grains of
borax. ISO grains of sallcyllo add. , two
ounces of glycerine. f '
Rub on the hands four or five times
a day, Wash tha hands in warm water '
before applying, and dry carefully.
Paste for Brittle Finger Nails
O. R. Take equal parts of refined
pitch and myrrh, or of turpentine and
myrrh melted. Mix ; together and
spread upon the nails at night Ra-
move in the morning with a little)
olive oil. This pasta will aonrlfh tha
nails and make them stronger. -
Powder of White Geranium .
M. B. A pleasant toilet powder may,
be made by mixing one-half pound of
starch powder, one ounoe of powdered
orris root, fifteen drops of oil of
geranium. , . ;
Crush free from lumps. . Add , the)
perfume a drop at a time.
New Arrangement
of theHair
THE pretty, simple, marcel wava
coiffure that we have grown ao
customed to is in danger of being
, robbed of Its popularity by, the stifter, .
more elaborate arrangement , of little
puffs and rolls, or, . more properly,
speaking, the Virginia curia. - : '
There seems to ba no special position
tor these firm little rolls, for we see
them at the top of the head, in. tha '
nape of the neck, behind the ears and
sometimes peeping between the. waves
of hair forming the pompadour. -
This Is fortunate in a sense, ee the
coiffure may then be made to suit the
face. , , '.v. 'v.1: yVfiSiU'--!?;: -:;
The parted hair rolled back, with lit
tle curia arranged around tha back of
the head from ear to ear, la glrliah
looking viewed from every point
And the same coiffure may be adopt
ed by a matronby giving the pompa
dour effect to the front instead of the
parting, which, strangely enough, while
emphasizing the youth ; of a young
woman will have a . tendency to adi
years lit appearance to the one past 30,
A mora mature face requires the dig
nity of tha pompadour.
It is an Utter impossibility to lay down
any set rules la . regard to becoming
hair dressing. . 80 much depends upon
tha individual. ,
Don'ts for Healthy
lON'T eat when, fatigued or over
- ueaieo.
Ifcin't hatha th fiod for at
least an hour after eating.
H Don't eat an excess of sugar, sweets
, and starchy fooda ,
; Don't eat foods that disagree wifl
' Jrou. " ,. i , -l - -- --
Don't be gloomy at meattlm.
'f, Don't eat too much of highly 1
soned food. -
i Don't eat between mel fiahH.j
" and learn to eat iruit fctrfor-t ti
fast -