V f TX7H health "seeks health the : iy 4uest may lead to anyone of i ' . . or corners. of the earth.. Not long since it was announced that , 4 ttftijr known invalid or, one who fan- ? himself an invalid- of a western K state" had arranged his worldly affairs so that they 1 , wok4 ran mechanically for a year, at least, J . mf; W toi; himself to that newly fippu-, -tar Ponce de Leon f ountain of youth end , vigor in New Zealand Okdroire Springs, Least known at : present of all the 'worlds health resorts ts Okoroire, but its . fame promises, in time, to reach that of ' 'Homburg, Carlsbad or Saratoga Springs. : extends promises, ranging from an over, weighted conscience to a gouty toe . V jvueuvcry u new ncann rcivru may . be a need of the times. Only a few ago it was announced that the famous i ike waters at Vichy, France, may not be available this year because a financial tern y pest in the Town. Council threatens a '.. closed season there. But if. this , should ' close, several others may arise to claim the attention of Vichy's former patrons. :These two items of. daily news are re ferred ' to because i they illustrate the fact " that men in search of health will journey around the world, if' need be, following the will-o'-the-wisp of promise. ' ; ; HERE'S really nottung new in'suaking a health pilgrimage. When they suffered from ills, due largely to tbeir gastro nomio excesses, the ancient Komana " would go to Baden-Baden; the Gauls to Aix of late years rejoicing in the annual visits of , J. Pierpont Morgan the savage Goths imbibed ' the waters of Carlsbad, Homburg and Manen- ? bad. the favoritft resorts of their majesties- the i emperor of Germany and the king of England r V while this aborigines of New;. Zealand disported f centuries before a rich Englishman found them i endowea witn almost , miraculous resusciiauve , ; Of course, these places have their Special ties.-Aix is a resort for rheumatics ; Homburg, for gouty individuals ; Wiesbaden and Baden-, v: ' Baden, for stomach troubles; Carlsbad,r for bad,' J livers Marienbad, for corpulency, and St. Mo ; xitz, up on the Alps,' for convalescents Sra- toga Springs, in the United States, is claimed , . to hti a resort rood for all ! ills and. ' in times past, at least, resorted to by' those troubled withj f the gambling fever. ."'' .i ' ' ' Saratoga is one of the oldest resorts in this country. Besides possessing 'the springs, there ' ' .f ar$ delightful historical spots. .And charming .indeed, is the city to say nothing of the race . track, the famous club and the great hotels. j v ' In' orescent shape, the springs extend for J" miles along the valley that carries the bed of a ;'' .. small brook. Even as the Gauls bathed in the' " springs .of iix, so the Indians, it is believed, bathed at the High Kock spring long before the' it 'landing 'of Columbus. Geologists say that the i mineral deposits in the spring have been ac- " cumulating for 6000 years. ' c . Although a French officer is said to have : been the first white visitor to the springs the : first whose name is known was ' Sir William 1 ' ' "' Johnson,, an Irish fur trader, who was taken ' in a Jitter to the place in 1767f and was able to r ' depart without assistance' . ' 0 : Jn 1783 a distinguished visitor was Gen- ; 4ral Philip Schuyler, who so -liked the place v " that he built a house, and there entertained ''Si xxTTff 1 THE OREGON SUNDAY V 71 V i li WW' - T 7 vM'rn5jir- w v i : i ii 1 1 ii mi ini i ,. i ,. ..... .' i.' . w-' -.v i 'J i.xf:- ljti.A -JL. - JOURNAL 'PORTLAND, SUNDAY to ""V f . . A V S iki I i Sr fA if ri v-fj ?fs5Zt7GE&& . k. 1 r''l .M'l HI. I.'.i In ... jlP 1 ,',w,L'.p' p-'v-'- fc, JSAT . i r, X. I iil ; ,v-iM? t:,- 1 4. 1 fsovvv r,...flr... v- . i. . i.MM::.:..-..,:r'v i1-" ' KWW. MORNING; JANUARY 2 ; 1903 i J George Washington, Alexander Hamilton and Governor Clinton. Then followed Alexander Bryan and Gideon, Putnam, a relative of Gen - eral Israel Putnam, who built the first hotel . v By 1809 the resort had become so popular that a second hotej was required. So Saratoga grew in popularity until, in the latter part of ' C.." . F4 .-:-.- s . r the last century, it . was the. most f reauented VL I ' - ' - r ' f r ". ' l i .. ! "---'.. . . - i i - ,. ' I A VwiinWfaiiiiAii, . , . i.i ... . ....., ' and most fashionable health resort in the coun- -William spends a short period almost every sum try. ' , mer. When not at Marienbad, King Edward ' Many persons recently have taken to rough- also puts up at Homburg.. In fact, the season ing it in the Southwest.- Scores' of well-to-do . there Begins. with(the adjournment of the Eng "persons from East and West pack trunks, pur- lish Parliament in July. . , , , chase tents and provisions and go to exas, There1 is-a. public .park, one of the most .', ' Arkansas, New Mexico and other southwestern ' beautiful ;in Furopei Gardens glow with gor localities. There for months they; live in xthe 5; geous flowers "fountains Splash merrily in. the woods.; " , morning sunshine; birds sing charmingly,-and . Of late years . New Zealand has become , ; at nighta concerts are given. At ? 7 o'clock,' each the' Mecca for patients -who "are are Gay resorts may dissipate imaginary' ills,' but . a'ifUedVwltaieopieind the noble , and the com- " - man who is suffering from some' real organio 'mpner .togethergo te the springs with glasses or mental trouble, doctors 'say, must .lead the . in their hands. . ' ; V . ' .1 -simple life., r'u . ,. - . ,s j . . i. Among the European resorts Aix-les-Baihs, '. From London each spring hundreds roSmen in -France,; draws i many 'Americans.', Until, a and women, too eick; worried, overfed, ' few years ago it was practically. unknown. When gouty go, to- New Zealarid.'v Americfins,:to9, a within the last three years have found the tripV'. storm in VWall street, Jt Pierpont Morgan the beneficial and interesting." Leaving London on only mtin who could straighten .things cftt-was the first. of the month, one; will arrive at New 'sdught; guide books were brought into question. Zealand on the -29th. The journey, from "New and Aix-les-Bains became t enrolled in thet boot H York "rqjiires. ,'th.ree' ;we43t.!-i:.;'. l-S of: fame;"' 4fl--Siki4i 1 i ? Most famous of the health resorts: in the ? - It was -known that the magnate was at Aix- , , southern Pacific island are the baths of Botorua ': ' leVBains. But where was it t At last it was lo- , and thoso' along the Okoroire river. It is said? cated, and the little telegraph office at Aix was Ithat the scenety of New Zealand surpasses that ' flooded with telegrams.;. The world heaid 6f 1 the .of any other country in the world. To journey if little resort, v hxf, ''" t: .f T: fJfyi thdusands of miles from San' Franciseo; and live !:? it Carlsbad 'lis another Cf amoua European re--for.a while' in this bland of lakes arid, moun- sor are palatial.. Carlsbad , , tains is to forget all about one's cares. ": - Its . -n. Hotels and sanitariums at Okoroire HotX most famous spring ' a the Sprudel, which 'yields , Springs each summer are filled; durjng the days 3,900,960 quarts of water each twenty-four nours , . one', will see scores of men going toward the ' i at a temperature of-163.6 degrees Fahrenheit. . , . " rivers ; with fishing tackle. , Mineral baths are- Americans who dp not care to vist these Eu--situated along the river banks, the temperature ropean resorts flock. to well-known health-giving of the water varying from'100 t& 108;degreesK:p There are no fewer than: twenty-two rivers n the r From Okoroire "one can go by coach to Rotorua, which was visited by ihe prince and princess of t.' ft." .;' ;f :; I,- i :,' I- ! . ' 1. . . -!;', .(Kr .I'l;.-- Wale some years ago'; 1, ' ' Royalty has made at least two health re ' . sorts the centers of summer social activity. The visits of Emperor William to Homburg,' in Ger ' many, and of King Edward of England to Ma ' rienbad, iff Bohemia, have drawn people to these -' places -just; aa'.sugar draws 'flies.' v ;V,r KV'S Nowhere in t,he ' world, except at - Monte , Carlo, perhaps,' can. there be seen such a hetero ' geneous mass of people. . Any, day onf the beau v tiful promenades you can see rajahs from India, hirsute princes from Russia, Persian and Xurk , ish dignitaries," German barons, English noble . men, " millionaires , from New Tork, Chicago, ' Pittsburg, and butterflies of women from all the ' .' countries of the earth. These places blaze by day with' the colored, garments of, the women and by night with colored Mncandescent .mates of light. : :,.:' 'w " ' "V ? ' Treatment ' at ' these ' resorts is much the same. Between 6 and 7 each morning one gets up and visits his particular spring and drinks several glasses of water. Then' there is break -fast at the hotel, consisting of eggs and. various ' , kinds of strange bread. Two hours later the doctor visits his pa . tient and .accompanies him to the .bathhouse? - Here there are. many kinds of .baths; the water in some sizzles like champagne; the water in others is whitish with minerals, and in still , others is plain mud. After the bath the patient is massaged and then goes to lunch, which is after a prescribed diet. The visit to-the spring and the bath are taken twice a day; the usual period of treat ment is six weeks. ' - Ma rienbad is situated in one of the most eflchanting parts of v Bohemia. It is a pear shaped village surrounded by pine woods. From the station a visitor drives up the hill, where . the Hotel Weimar, the temporary home of King Edward during his visits, looms SDlendidlr. Over- 4okW the valley. The town is idyllic , The houses inclose an immense garden in the center , of the village. The place glitters with cafes, . One of the favorite cafes ot rich guests and of -Uhe king-is. the Cafe Egerlander. . , In the old schloss, resembling a medieval fortress with its ancient towers, whjch stands in 7" a-r: K ! , f . - - ------ the center of the town of Homburg Emperor rado- and other, parts of uthe. country. -- In, fact, .spots tothemenwho would trade money for 'health. , , ' ' t.. y 1 irr -ti i