The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 26, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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,1 ., ,
Trluslin Sheets Pillow Gases
" The price reductions of dependable quality muslin Sheeta and Pillow Cases has already
met with ready response, as shown by the many purchasers who have already taken advantage
of them, proving that this is indeed an unusual opportunity for securing year's supply at un-
matcnaoie prices. i, .-.V , .
Bleached Sheets, 72x90 Inches, 49f Bleached
Sheets, made of excellent wearing quality mm-,
tin, good large size, 72x90 inches, neatly ' AQ
hemmed; Clearance Sale price... ...... .rtJC
Bleached Sheets, 81x90 Inches,' 58 Bleached
Sheets,' made of splendid quality muslin, extra
large ..size, elxVO inches, finished with
neat hem: Clearance Sale price
Bleached Sheets, 81x90 Inchei62--.Bleached
Sheets- of extra heavy.' linen-finished muslin,'
extra large size. 81x90 inches, hemmed:. CO-.
regular 75c values, Clearance Sale price UL
Unbleached Sheets. 72x90 Inches. 4T-Un-
bleached Sheets of superior Quality unbleached
muslin, good size and weight, 72x90 iris AH
hemmed; Clearance Sale price. .........xfC
Pillow v Cases, 42x38 Inches, 1 1 Pillow
Cases,, made of . good , strong.' muslin,' , 42x36
inches, finished with neat hem, unequal- "1 1
ed as to wear Clearance Sale price.... ..11C
; Pillow CaseV 45x36 Inches, ; 12 Pillow
Cases, made of excellent quality muslin, extra
t large size, 45x36 inches, finished with fO
.wide hem; Clearance Sale price. .........
PiUowCases, -42x36 Inches, -15 Pillow
, Cases, made of heavy linen-finished muslin,
'42x36 inches, well made and neatly hemmed,
splendid quality; Clearance , Sale price, J
Pillow Cases. 45x36 Inches, ie Pillow
Cases, made of extra heavy linen-finished mus
lin,, extra large size, 45x36 inches, neatly f
hemmed k Clearance Sale price ........ 1UC
Damask Linens and Napkins
Our great January Sale 1s rapidly combg to a close. This week we are offering un
paralleled opportunities to purchase gpod dependable table linens at less than real value.
Not in years nave you had a chance to buy such fine linens as cheap as you will get them dur
ing this sale. Here are few of the specials
Unbleached Damask 45f -Unbleached Dam
ask of extra good wearing quality, full 60
inches wide, comes in a large assortment of
dice and flowered designs; special "AC,
Clearance Sale price
Unbleached Damask 59 Unbleached Dam
ask, strictly all-pure linen, extra heavy quality
very durable, all new patterns to choose CQ
from; special Clearance Sale price....... Jy,C
Bleached Damask 81 Bleached Damask,
full 72- inches wide, strictly all-pure linen,
comes in a large assortment bf dots, flowers
and figured designs, splendid wearing 01
quality; special Clearance Sale price, Oil.
22-IN. NAPKINS TO MATCH, Per Doz. $2.25
Bleached Damask 68 Bleached Damask,
full 65 inches wide, warranted all pure linen,
comes in an unlimited assortment of neat and
attractive patterns; special Clearance CO 1
Sale price DOC
Bleached Damask il.OO Full bleached Dam
ask, 72 inches wide, all pure linen, great as
sortment of pretty designs to choose from;
regular $1.25 quality, Clearance Sale J QQ
Bleached Damask iii'iFu'li bleached Dam
ask, 72 inches wide, extra heavy quality, strictly
au uncn, comes m a iuu assortment 01 tnis
.seasons most aesirabie patterns; P1 to
Clearance Sale price vI1m
24-Inch Napkins to Match per dozen $3.35
Extraordinary Reductions'
Urtfon Suits &; Hosiery
Are Belling at unusually low prices youll save money if you buy now.
Clearing out all the odds and ends and broken lines brings the following
items to the top with material alterations in their prices.
Women s Union Suits, 75c Values Reduced to
49f An excellent line of women's fine white
cotton fleece-lined Union Suits, with nicely
trimmed neck and front, good quality, all sizes;
extra special; regular 75c values. Clearance Sale
Price 49
A Wonderful Sale of Children's Stockings, 25c
Values Go at 13Jf Half price, all these fine
fast black fleece-lined, cotton Stockings go at
half price; best quality fine ribbed, both heavy
and light weight; extra special; regular 25c val
ues. Clearance Sale price 12144
Women's Union Suits, $2 Values Reduced to 084
A full line of women's fine ribbed wool Union
Suits, in gray and cream, all size), extra fine gar
ments; regular $2 values, Clearance Sale pr.8f
, .
cjf" Si-!'
ft -rr: -T7 Tt .
Clearance ot Fashionable Footwear
Such reliable footwear for men, women and children was never before sold at such low prices. We
say Reliable Footwear because our first care is the selection of trustworthy leathers, and we see to it
that every pair of shoes made for us is well made and well finished inside as well as outside. Our
stock is made. up of hundreds of different styles, all up-to-date each with some distinctive feature, so
that every man, woman and child can be exactly fitted and thoroughly pleased
Women's Patent Leather and Fine Kid Shoes, in
the latest New York styles, $3.50 vals., at 92.88
Women's Juliettes of fine quality kid, with rub
ber heels, regular $2.00 values, at 81.50
Women's Shoes in a dozen styles, values from $1.50
to $3.00, in broken sizes f 1.00
Women's Patent Colt Shoes, in both Blucher and
straight lace, all sizes, $2.50 values, at 81.77
It is now clearance time and these special lots have
come forward and are ready for sale. All are fresh,
new goods in perfect condition, and in the most desir
able kinds of the present season. The quantities are too
large to invoice, that's the only reason for such won
derful reductions; the reductions are made from our
own regular prices. These items will emphasize values
to those who know what the same qualities
cost at other stores.
Z.QQ Kid Gloves, $2.39 A large assort
ment of 8-button length kid gloves, in
black and all colors; extra spe- QQ
cial; Clearance Sale Price )0
$2.50 Suede Gloves, .81.95 A fine assort
ment of 8-button length buede gloves, m
black and all colors; . fine bar
gains; Clearance Sale Price .....
$1.25 Suede Gloves, 98 A full
line of 3-clasp Suedc gloves, in
black and colors; extra fine flO
bargain; Clearance Price . ..fOC
50c Golf Gloves, 35 A fine line
of good golf gloves, in plain and J
fancy colors; good values; OF
Clearance Sale Price 0lC
Greater Grow the Values in Every Section, Marvelously Low Prices Speak lor Themselves
AT 95c
$1.75 and $2 KINDS
524n. fancy Broadcloths, finest of
all-wool imported fabrics, comes
in a great assortment of ombre
stripes and dark broken plaids in
shades of red, blue, brown, etc.;
correct weight for suits, coats or
separate shirts; regular $1.75 and
$2 kinds, special Clearance AC
Sale price............. fJC
Decided reductions on all the
new popular, weaves, 42 to 43
inch, cream colored Taffetas,
Serges, Panamas, Sicilians, Bed
ford Cords, etc.; usual $1.25 to
$1.50 qualities, all at one price,
special Clearance Sale OQ
price v. .07C
's Section
Bin: Saving's
In the
Limited space here prohibits the mention of more than a few of the
leading reductions. You can save many a penny here the next six
days. You will realize this when you come to toe sale. .....
$1.00 Wool ' Shirts, 69f A full line of menV natural gray Wool
Shirts and Drawers, in regular winter weight, shirts are finished with
ribbed bottom and wristlets, and the drawers with ribbed ank
lets; regular $1 values, extra special. Clearance Sale price. ...". UJJC
$1.00 Dress Shirts, 79 A special line of Men's Dress Shirts, with
stiff bosom and one pair separate cuffs, come in black and white
stripes and fancy checks; excellent' wearing quality; regu- 7Q
lar $1.00 .values; Clearance Sale Price ......... ............. .12C
25c Wdrsted Caps, 19e--Ay full assortment of Boys Worsted Caps,
in all dark colors and best styles; all sizes; our regular 25c f Q
and 35c values;, all on sale tomorrow; Clearance Sale Price..... AvC
50c Golf Shirts. 39 A good line of Boys' Golf Shirts, come in
plain and fancy patterns. All sizes: good wearing quality: full 50c
values; extra special, , on sale tomorrow; Clearance Sale . OQ
Price .". i OVQ
$3.00 Worsted Sweaters, 1.98A special line of, Men's Pure Wor-
and navy blue; all sizes and good bargains; .regular S3.UU
values; extra special; Clearance Sale' Price :
in wievn
Last Week 6t Clearance
Cloaks Suits
This will be the last week of the sale and as a fitting climax to
one of the most wonderful clearance sales ever held in Portland,
we will quote still lower prices than ever to insure a banner week.
Prices will be cut on all lines irrespective of cost and with the
one view in mind of reducing the stock as much as possible be
fore stock taking, with but six days left it is advisable for you
to take advantage of the early days in the week, while you are
assured of a large assortment from which to make your selections.
We will make special mention of our suits which should command
your attention, owing to the stylishness and quality that pervades
me entire stock, ana uic cxiraorainaruy low prices at wmcn iney
are marked. All prices greatly reduced.
Your choice of
any w o r s ted
$25 Coats $10
coat in the house whether it is marked $12.50 or $25.00
These coats are 50 inches long, in checks, plaids, stripes
and mixtures of various colors; semi-fitting or box
backs; collar and cuffs of same cloth or velvet. These
garments are in the plain effects or trimmed with strap
pings of braid. Kegular
prices up to $25.00.
si a
$10.00 Skirts, $7.65 Walking
bkirts." of Panama. French and
Storm Senre. in pleated and gored
ettects: plainly tailored, or fin
ished with strappings ; regular $10
values; : Clearance bale fl7 C
Price pfUJ
$8.50 Furs, f 6.75 A neck piece
of Brook Mink, lined with fine
Quality satin and trimmed with a
medallion at each' end; regular
$8.50 values; Clearance f? 7 C
Sale Price . DUfJ
Silk Waists,, $3.50 A waist of
hiarh-crrade black taffeta, beautiful
ly embroidered fro"nt with yoke of
cluster tucks, tun length sleeves,
collar and cuffs are finished with
pleats; Clearance Sale Q CA
Price $O.UU
Percale Wrappers, 81.13 House
Wrappers, o: good quality percale,
in many, colors and patterns; this
wrapper comes in the shirtwaist
effect or finished with ruffles on
shoulder, wide flounce; at 91.13 ;
Infants' Knit, Goods Infants' all
wool .sacques, in white, bordered
with baby blue and pink; very
heat little sacques, all of different
weaves, regular 75c values; CO
Clearance Sale Price DOC
A full line of Infants' white mer
cerized bonnets, in the shell CQ
weaves; Clearance Sale Price )7C
A large line of Babies' woolen
booties, in plain white, blue and
ink; Clearance Sale Sc
Great Final Reductions
Woolen Dress Goods
Extraordinary low prices throughout the entire stock. Now is the
opportune time for prudent women to select dress goods for present
and future needs. We have gathered together this season an unusu
ally laree stoek that women of good taste will appreciate. Fabrics
that will give long service and cannot be excelled In style. The variety
of pretty designs and colorings have never been so great nor prices
for this sale never so low.
Black Dress Goods $1.25 to $2 Qualities
50-inch black all-wool Storm Serge All ; Af
Cfl !. K1 EVarlioti PVitIrt
46-inch black all-wool French Serge ... Uw
44-inch black all-wool English Sicilians.
44-inch silk-finished all-wool black Mohair.
44-inch black all-wool French Voiles.
42-inch black all-wool Mohair Crispine.
42-inch black all-wool Empire Batiste..
40-inch black all-wool Phantom Checks.
40-inch black all-wool Queen's Cloth
Colored Dress Goods $1 to $1.50 Qualities
5 All At
One Price
50-inch all-wool gray Venetians and Cheviots.-
50-inch all-wool Ombre Plaid Cheviots.
54-mch all-wool Novelty Herringbone Serge.
46-inch all-wool Novelty Stripe Cheviot...
40-inch all-wool Anderson Scotch. Plaids. .;.
46-inch Novelty Plaid Worsteds
42-inch Silk and Wool Novelties.
A most wonderful assortment to choose from.. All this season's
goods in the most desirable patterns and colorings. It will pay you
well to anticipate your needs and attend this great sale tomorrow. .,'.'
'3 and Children's Undermus
f lins Underpriced
Babies' Dresses, fl-50 A full line pf baby dresses,
made of fine lawn, "Mother Hubbard" ' style,' yoke
and collar trimmed with: fine, embroidery and bead
ing, and, finished' with "wide embrbfdery;'rufIe;at
the bottom;, also, a fine line of lawn , dresses,: yoke
trimmed with, lace inserting and the collar trimmed
with. a" lace' ruffle and. finished-with: lace inserting
and ruffle at the bottom; regular. $2.00 .and fcli CQ
$2.25 values; Clearance Sale Price OlOV
MusKn i Gowns,' . 79 An .."'excellent line of fine
gowns made of best cambric or naibsook, in any
style neckor sleeves;-all daintily trimmed with" lace,
inserting, beading and embroidery; these' gowns are
well made "arid are full width and length; 7Q
r eg. '$1.25 values; Clearance. Sale Price ...... I C
.-.. i
Scott's Bustles, SOA full, line of these popular
bustles, in all styles; colors and sizes, made of guar
anteed, material light and well ventilated; OQ,
regular 50c .ysluesi, Clearance Sale Price i.,,,0JC
Muslin , Skirts, f 2.98 A full, line of, fine Skirts,
made of the best grade nainsook with lawn flounces,
.nicely, trimmed with laces, ribbons and embroidery,
some - very pretty ! styles, have rows of ffne ' lace
inserting and is trimmed with lace ruffles, others
have rows-of lace inserting alternating with' wide
embroidery and inserting and finished with; lace
ruffles; all of thes dainty, skirts have dust flounces
and underpieces; regular $4.50 values; CO QQ
Clearance Sale Price 40
Corset Covers, 98 -A fine assortment of nainsook
. corset covers, daintily trimmed' with laces, embroid
ery and ribbon, well made and attractively trimmed;
regular $4.50 values; Clearance .Sale. . QC
Cambric Skirts, 98e .An excellent line of skirts,
made of good grade cambric, trimmed with deep em
broidery ruffle, "dust ruffle and "underpiecej also a
line trimmed with lace inserting and lace ruf- QQj
fie; reg. $1.50 values; Clearance Sale Price ;;i
Take advantage of . the saving
opportunities this sale affords.
Buy notions and dress findings
at a saving of about one third.
Tape Measures., reduced to 5
Pearl Buttons reduced to . .5
Kid Curlers,, reduced to ,,5
Curling Irons, reduced to . .5f
35c Belt Buckles reduced to 251
35c Back combs, reduced to 25
15c Tablets, . reduced to . .9
5c Memorandum, reduced to 3e
25c celluloid soap boxes ..19
25c Dressing combs, . .v. .19
25c Clothes Brushes ......10
25c Squares, 19 A great as
sortment of braided and Spach
tel sauares and scarfs: sizes 32
x32, of good quality material;
regular 4c and Joe kind;
Clearance Sale. Price . ... 1C
This great sale of embroideries is the bisrtrest and best we have
ever held. The choicest of newest embroideries at about half
price" is the mainspring of this sale. Early last fall, before the
Ehenomenal rise on prices, our Orders were placed for these cm
roideries in the leading European factories this unparalleled
Sale and -its half prices are the result. All lots "will be complete
Monday,, but don't wait longer;' the selling, is remarkably brisk.
A great assortment of embroid
ery edgings and insertion to
match; all new patterns and
excellent qualities; fully worth
10c a yd.; especially priced at
At 10 25c Qualities A., won
derful assortment of embroid;
eries, with insertions to, match,
all new patterns, widths 4rom 2
to 8 inches, finished with fine
firm edges; 25c kind; spe- Ifl
cially priced at ........, IUC
At ; 23 -50c Qualities Em
broideries with i insertion tp
match, in widths from 3 to 10
inches,' in a full assortment of
beautiful new . patterns; also
corset cover embroideries, full
18 inches wide; regular 50c OO
kinds; specially priced at OC
At 33 75 c Qualities Em
broideries -with insertion to
match, in widths from 5 to 12
inches, a large assortment of
deep embroidered patterns, with
firm edges; regular 60c and 75c
kinds; specially, priced
At 48'$1.00 Qualities
Flouncing, corset cover and
shirtwaist embroideries, in an
unlimited assortment of new,
up-to-date patterns; floral,
scroll and open designs! widths
from 18 to 23 inches; regular i
i.w Kinds;-., specially
priced at ,.'.,,.'.,.......
mm i.
s w 1 V'-' iiM y