' THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY . 1603. ' 'Br Our Thorn. t illmpu could be caught of a beek- 00 1IB ANGER'S . Marvelous g" "i-""' ""Ft. TP Mnri WorJd-wIoome(l r,n upon hidden wlrea, And tempted the Wild Beast Show. Amu amateur sportsman to take chance f in- irmmio of A muu knocking them over for peflny. .f , -,, . ....i. A the lilt hurrying group of teotle - 1 . - U1BO LB. M ULUUO a-SUiaaW V - . .. . , . " 7 . . . .Y i V. .7 . tv. awept oy too aoor or in enooting Kai- Preaks and Monster Combination of De- isry a tall young1 man separated blm 2Ibt h4 at.last arrived at Was self from Jt and .want under tha arch. rhMt.ri - way with quick, definite footsteps In I i .' . . . tha manner of ona who knaw hia way , On greet place of waata land ad- , pUrnoa i vUw, ..-.. ,w ' Joining tbe ; famoua canal . that want Tha young man waa draaaad lit an nt...i.... . - t- i .. ordinary serviceable lounea an it of dark . JwaaViV. .7 Ehad it. taata blu- Tha expert aya would lve placed tar combination- had pltcbad Ita tentg hlm at iU8l Vbout six feet, though 1 ana duui its vaai temporary wooiim caauai aianca migrni parnapa uava aat - ulldlna- ' ' ' i him down aa lowar, owlna; to tha ax- w..!i.,i. uk .11 it. miaht trama breadth of bla abouUara and tha: Woombanfar'a- with all, Ita mi-fhty narty uioknaaa of body from chaat fralfht Of inlmala and hum ana, of tant to back, ilia bead waa round, tha hair bulldln n caravan, had arrived at cloaa-croDped, and hla faoa, .though .,..,", .-, youthful ind with tba alow of health wancnaater, - . .,. ir . ..a ...,.ini. . - " : .. . . , . . naupu. - n m ra arnuitiiftu . ni Jtr and tha baen i7 ZZJrm i, k. r it .l.nil anaurao. . Mara experienoaa and per- hi'coOTani ?olOUyr.K?ra i?PhU4Bfon?omori?wi unHvallad Jn tha.aafaam of the Lh," '.r mom"t ?p wo hut Would .'.mAnHt. amiiMmaa ...Kara. The Ja. HIM 01 CnaraO- Jraat WoomUnrar hlmeelfHoratlo Wm. h. .t,Mi.. ..n efreraon Woomlanaar traveled with S'.Vrelt ahawto-iif tir.l, . .the vaet oranUatlon, and each detail hfL fV2ht. aaaB.?ni. 2.?iJ of It waa under hla peraonai aupervla- K'fff, llJ ?2attm "."i?.,.1?.!- Ion and oontroL He waa a typical Chi- JnJJe.".-v(X w-wh.Ur. 5 eaao-bred American, keen. hard, alert f?'"'!,' i X.m,i .5 . ;nn5 maaterful- perfect . Napoleon In JVW -fffh?Jli1li,-JJLH, ; C bla own ephere. Of mlddia elht, Im- f0": L.dPa'rJ'fh. .nT!3 S.f? ,'menaely broad-cheated, and with anna . WiL'" "ffi" .th.J2t!K1Hl!, ." old Blnbaiv.thevater.nfor. ffl'JJ&l Wte:.' . uia oz mi menagerie,, ne waa inaianuy . f" " " the ' Hampaon'a raaoiu- , m tared.' iame puaalad and .annoyed aa ba ' ooked around.' Uia entrance, however,', lad been heard, for from, eomewhere ' nina tne painted acena a araah auvary . ; aeen to be a atronv ana rorcerui ncure. , tj. . k..,. ... There Waa abaolutelr no one in ' t-anae of Dale, firm fleah. In which two P' tha aaloon, and , amall and brlUlant rrey eyea ahone like "V5 "AL i:m ..V. k K.k . kii h mn,,ih tion ana determination aa ba e aJlve with capability and hard good ' numor, wnicn no one erer oarea o leai ; too far. In hia frock coat and ahlnlng ,k a ti it bat. hla fingera biaaing witn aia- mond rlnge, a heavy gold-mounted ean 'Vtn" Ji flpa ,oul ""f,i rouaa tne rarioue "-""a. ...-v., aaaa, L In Kl. n.nil h. ft.tis.ll.i4 '' n m k..lllMM A km .k.w aiul O, tnOmOnt' . mingled with the publlo wlU arer- . Jhe cloud ,rMd away from tha J falling geniality. , . ' . young man a face. Patrona of Woombkngara wero pro- . "I'i. h,.fa,l aTmmatlcaUy,v .Tlld with vary many attractlone. . but with omathlng flowing -In hla ' The monater advertiaamenta In thU volea"It'i. ma, Lucia. I'm bare, Luoy ; tnatance really did apeak tha truth when darl'r ....- . . . J ' J they auted that an Infinite variety of A murmur anawerad him and he attractlona waa provided. tood waiting , ImpaUently by a Uble - ' There waa tba great roenagerfa to bo- upon which tin boxea of miniature gin with. The caxea all round tha long, oartrldgee. ramroda and - apongea warf covered Incloaure contained a magnifl- arranged In seat and orderly rowa. 1 cent oollectlon Of wild beaata. The- He looked around tha place. How fa. . llona ware auperb. Iteatleaa and angry, miliar It waa I For tan -days now bo they atrooe up ana down tnetr narrow ma spent neany u nia aparo uma in nomea. laahing tba air witn cheated thunder. . The feeding m. flaa elrht an exhibition -( eagerneaa and force aa tha negro at- with her. - Tea. dayal It aeemed ten tendanta threw lumpa of reeking norao years. ainoo no na nret turned idly 1 beef Into the cagaa. - - - the plaoe and been tht allm Italian lrl. Three great elephant with wrinkled inatanUy aomethlng within him bad vkina and treacherous wladom in their leaped up in anawar to her ahy glance leir svniT Bu wyu uwmi i j mu aim aiurfi unit in deep, full- thla little ahooting aaJlery, and aapeclally , g hour waa thla par:tlcular half hour, when nobody . of aavaga ever came there, and he could be alone fret turned Idly Into " F ha allm Italian wlrl. tW JaaBaMaannnaanBnjBaanawaaWajanaaaanaajaB i-awea .. . m ri llir til in in r . I IIJ a...i t a f -.. ini a i - -t jmr. . ---Baaaw-- . mi i i i i i m mi r, I li -u m -i t-i , ' . n i a W . 1 S ' . mmranirrrrrriirtiTr r-i.,,.,uii,.,.,.... r y .. . . 3 wei , - Then Hampaon awtftly and suddenly and knock a little north-country un aiaenrnged tha little quivering browo . Into that Tanhee. Lucy, my laae, at.pi nanus, ana pui ioe airi uunina nun. ma juu uere, in oe pacx in a lew minutest eyea lit up aod grim smile came upon. -There came a ahrlak.fram th. aHri 1 bla Una. ahriif whih n u.... n-, . u .. .1 J?1 chommn'B.Vil2.ththli,U rmou' ovVment" the whole hotblJJ are you. coming in hfro like this,. I'd, company awept cheering out of the T like to knowr . . " loon, . The thunder of their feet, tha a ' " """ aicyywu mvmw cuea ana joyiui exclamatlona arel ar . i il ft. I - a. -aa- lWr' inB( WHO DaaltaXllOll ' beiotr; oVtMr',.htU W tnTi T"2 ... . . . & . . . . . . in, n.a Draoi inia n.p Ann Until ho wan almost against the will. ti'l.f.S r !.f ii.V.r.J onJ I 'V.a, rou d batter cam from the S"i C S'.t"1'0." ff. ?iJ raaf una race. -now. then, fit!", r"v r.m.., . ! t.,su i Tki.nM L..wi TwV'.t.. la a tempest, i ... i j... . : young man had ahrunk from him in Tha girl had spenf ill her life f fear, bad shrunk from him aa so many howland, . Bipoe her father, Tavolarl i other mon bad done before that lncar- the celebrated 'lion , tamer, had bed Fiauon or Desuai rorce and malice. But ?"". aunag ma periormanoe Liucl iampaon had stepped back with those h,ad dwelt constantly surrounded' q wo uani taps upon me oaiia or tne feet """ .cue anew, none oeixe bat enow the practiced boxer. - In half verjrJeU.il of Caesar Kennedy's prod f second more, a Jong left arm ehot out : ?" brute's-strength, his ounnlrl Ike a whiplash: there waa a click Ilka nd ferooltjrwero tha dally talk; of a tha maatlna nt tarn hUlin. k.h. Of them. Nil ana d.r.1 in alirut tin I .hard knucklea of tha eallor atrurk- tha him, hated - though he waa.-' The prl side of the jaw, and the great bully waa f'f hter ruled hla lawleaa companlona 6 Knockad'xar into the center of the aa- ?? . i or "i?4 wned no mastery sal , iwn. ; i .. . , . . j, -, ) :, . . ' "ivvi nvumuufir DimilU, , i ' ThA attack alt m inJl.. .-j ' A distant 'tlimt tf'rhMrlit lull 1i pected that for a moment the puruist tn f'arht In tha rotunda had begu staggered, without a thought of reprisal. Sixteen mtnuteal in 1 mlnutea. ti men in a xiaan nia lire training asserted nee jue wouia do aotuea i Itself. . He .gathered umnlf tor.th.r revocably. In It minutes 16 minute 1VTI1 put. up hla hands, moved his maeslva now' .hr lover, her tall. - lithe' ,lo neaa a uttia to the left, and oreoarad ta wouia ne a maimed and broken thing. demolish Ma advaraarv. one Staggered to tha barrier aaraln "WaL I gueaa I've tumlaif inta . ' Jih'ob. .hi PPl leant when ahootlnl olty.H er uiue ovai race waa grey ana Mr. Horatio Jaffarann W. .k.- " 1,u, brown hand fell limply .i?Lr't."0"."? "'.?rl?ron woombanger, somethina smooth and.rnlitT ' ee au"vevl fh. aomh.?-? J , Hfr ,n'r lld Hong It-lt was c5 SOhinxka aalm atriJ! ''tl. " OUCb of aomethlng sL with hla bands in h v.Tr''V.1: ofnetning smooth and-cpia IWIU lDfl with" a Th.-m.nV even In hla unnnntrnll.hi. ; ...iu. -Tj uiamua siiani air ru VllEaiSSt& P.'."A,on Ani the wonderful little American Invantl. with a riar nt .nv.r - i i ' " ju. vnn pwneoiea. w.'i!LI?J?5,"'-5 ?2. lnP.,. In a moment more she waa oreeoi ' hrw. mi.!,... P the deserted corridor, paat the u . """im.-"r "V..I.W14J anaiu AUklll UaMJfl sTII ft V1 akf at t s 11 an am auIh a la.tlw am aa a l tlOUtAlt fhablf VoarailkMsi Wa -au .y w saiga pi.vuww eaVSJ aft ui th."circu."Tronrletor mhli.'Tha?:. "! ' ? AP!f ! aro lamd bllns alrl craurhad Ilka kAiT.. liiJ ' arew near to me aoors oi i Rihfta'iV. cIilW2. 'I;, broken lily 'rotunda . aha heard the deep, exclt behind the cartridge table. murmur of a hundred voloea, the sudd no rea picked rretruiiy at their stout en or welcome- in all nis wud, wandering kle chalna and awayed their powerful life ' as a sailor on dlaUnt saas and intelligent trunka for cakes and bis- among strange countries he bad never - cults. ; There wero tall, cruel-faced cam- felt that sudden Inexplicable thrill be- r-ZLZ'; v?"X0'r' flit hl Inmost ela with brown projecting teeth, brll- fore. And. again since good fortune fnf bwad i fav.ranoa Ilant annttad laAharrfa that laant and had Mmt ta Ttlmj .l.u t. 3,. Oing.DOWed in reverence and wonder. writhed against the bars like-things of lucky enough to be made assistant an. . He made a sudden step toward her. steel and velvet, a hundred, monkeys perinUndent of dock B In the great ad- "Lucia," he aald, "at last! Dear little ina sprang ana cnsiierea w;iu' icss vacant snip canal, no gin S race Dad done girl, I nave Oome 10 aak you Itin ciuiuui mu mncanTuu m rain, mon vuw nciu a passing interest Ha knaw a Ilttla Ttallan An. Tk. ki in,, .i.i,. i,.iMi.. . .i .in, kin. ... 4T- i ... " "i . . anew a mile nsjian. ene waya run twice a any wnen tne rormancea were given, if waa mi I. ill, w. . DiriDnninv inimia Bitim t w uionr T.minin. aAAiafw a. anw . . .. ...... - . . from Ktanlav. the liraastalanhMll dowS .h - nave is aa7. waning Ult gin, to the priceW. pony, no bigger Iban As-faojitood waiting there-waiting felght and day f I want you to m. Newfoundland dog, were. all celebrated, for the girl who kept the ahooting gal Sif wm iii?.VHriOU t0 m -ins mat riasro, ine iaay trapexo art- lery ho realised more powerfully than a. r.ri.iS-.-.i i- think of you marry w.b aaa ks va ea aa va va a au nr. woombanger stood silent and said f renaied chorus of yells the bang, bad otviu. Bur uia mi ran. ihav ka nana- nr in, nnf.iv raa, unnn th. imaH .......o.. wiiKigwini or emotion. But 01 tne ring. - the keen brain had alraadv anmmt ... Th. ii.h n timi tJ the altuatlon, had taken It at Its true waa atill fighting I Bhe turned aalde al fj"' wh2n w'" f. mplng of crept up the creaking wooden stairs th z. .. ... ,u eornaor, a auanen iea 10 me topmost gaijery, . check, and then a pouring of a motley Bhe looked down into the amphlthal -w.unu iiivu un tiiacg. ire over me sernea rows oi empi urooma, menagerie attendants, aero- benches. f Data. COWDOVB. nea-roaa. i nn.h.tt mmA In tha nant.r iiiot.a th. a1.r-. trJI,,Jf",ed..uPon; th Ugo of thU drama, ffreat white electrlo lamp, upon tl ini oeii iiaa runr. tna i.af m.mk.. raia.ii mnkrinnii mirnrm tha tt of the publlo had left the show, and the men, stripped to the walat, were flglf. nour ana a nan wait before the evening inf. The pink fluah, dappled wl performance had begun. The aUff wero dark blotches and blood stains, gleam going about , their bualneaa of prepare- In the light Beyond, upon a pair tlon for the night when the enarosalna step-ladders. Woombanger aat. and ti hfenn.fi n. In , I- MalAAH 1... i- . , v. . .. , i j , aald to ma that aa ha waa mv an..rd. to marrv aValnat hae wHlh. TnnV .iT-TY 1.-"'"c"0 l""i."" ! 1.'." wul' .. T.. ,v." .li " 1 : V ' . V " r " . 7 . . . . iuwiu uouiaer aenects ms nmmonas giuierea m 11. f unni iu 1110 jjiaua ui fiijr vw int iur u loumini, out u resuisea tnai, a Watercourse. v . Thara waa a boarsa prv of "time!" Joved father, who before he died, had her marriage with htm could be lagaUy The 10 minutea that an.. ... kJiZFJ0&!21. my guardian, be baa Men prevented easily enough, hapa the moat memorable that hait the corner of the rinr: others stood b1 lt OX .WA .n,T. "Tr1 tM uolP- ocourred In the domestic economy of fore them waving towels. Woombang I JVei a a a "", . Tha last three minutea." be aald. aif voice quavered in bis excitemer. 1 v a bench! ht Bin was uvea ana re- ungera ran aiung ins snining uarret SEE HERE." HE Hlfif?F;n OTTT. "that oat. TtD!i.nvnq TA Mtl " - ' - ' . '. ........ " I virginal; Innocence and simplicity made him Jn his office when the publlo had which was obviously f an n at mAati n .. aa sm l m Ak Ikaka Vaiaa aaa sal 1t i.b a M . . n , . F . 1 sna . - a kuiis mu wi were ail aoout to aiaep. -mat tne gin ne lovea tie made him thinking of my future. And, oht dear -v Ti " y 7 H a ibvs nrq Hons S"H "s uuiua wt aaa yuu . onat ha .aM ihil ih. ..i kA tl..l tie. tk.. . l-7i 7T . . " ' . " uihdii scunumr or men. more than excite a caaalna lntem.t w. b.. . nam ti.d.. ,v... onei ne aaio mai tne great pugman, who iineu life that a Bailor Uvea, and ee- WoombangerV Tht odd wild m w rose. was ml. .wits ThlmTand during tnls aS'ter hiSeiiinhWA1i1tUi!.n'. tlt?? you " the boxer, L think, had looked peclally ell men who have come Into the combaUnts apart. A ring o? m?n "Th h po-milbU iWU .?'.'. that! the harbor of aeeudty and re.ponslbll- was formed ro"n?cie.ar K.nnadv Sa his v a first be bad led for theJaal year he had bean , . . - , . a..t ... - ' t . . i" n tne.montn. i uy. arter many wanderinga, know and even he dare not break. The man .i Thla aetUaa'lt.- nlmala ut aiihnni '.ii an.u. u.a.cii iv.mwi vaiu to tna mgiur uat l aid not love realise tne nowar or tha law. Hamnann k.,. k. .11 ki. 1 1 - - l. 7 ;TT i.i. ..:v.i v.vi. H T k.. . ... .L.II1 . . . . . . . . . W, . ... 1 "tr" '"ti." ""ucu...B"1" "r njwraanu . nine itauan gin waa liked and ra :h.ira lorMSfSrSimS 111.ua, iu-iuui vaiia, woiuuicu srwojiia- ills iirst lime in HIS eventiul Ufa ha m.n, Th., k. k.A nn lit. . dorf, th ifcacrobatlf elown-one andall loved, and lodVsiionately with the uSd" flower? f ' drPPd were at the top of their prof eaalon. wild devouring flame that love la to h!" ahe aald. "non ato bene" I am And to the crowds porting north- strong, free natures such as bla. not well country folk who filled tho buildings His hands were clenched with his "You heard what I aald Lnov I can't lXSi U"- flVleltaivewlt&ou1:"1 1 LUCy' 1 M 1 iTrong bthy Bon bTood a. few other notwithout . iVS? .twlV that ntSShrtnhl. fac. hea a?adat in thlnaa had the oower to do. Did not fc. . k .V ,V . t - . . Ii K l? a ' straight In hla face. The great brown raaai- kannadv. tha rsmmia aifJ.a.t. i.V .VDA w I1 ?u"n?" eyea were run of yearning; Hignor Caeaar that k- i ri ,-T ,7. -v. iZ. V - V . , - wwjr fimtnu ojr ii iuubb rourn leiiows, wno. "e air-gunj ner wrists wero rirm. j dSnTkno-0!"-1 Jntfiihll-fM W.hJwn bt.he,i .?, c,0M..tk hr'Vth. 5r,,lt ana their life was, yrt fell ' It waJ the end. The huge prlae flg.j SnS'.ifnn,' thv.- .mr-e.?.' how coI.1 !k0wn welling with unehed tears, an unconscious reverence for whatiwas W bad-hit Hampson over the heart wrt iiV1 ."itrkng the master's laugh, la. 'I -tho sense of spmetnlng beautiful, help- weak, beautiful and pure. J, ft Wow like the kick of a horee. , guess,' he said, 'you re ripe for a wed- leas, fragile, dependent upon him for Napoleon that Is Mr. Woombanger-- He staggered back. Fifteen seooc 1 ?i?fi-i.2u l' huBband-hlgh now. and car- protection and for help, drove tho Wo- found that he and Mr. KenhedyrS remained." ?, ure you're going Co hitch up with mentary fear away. . a, minority. The famous showman was Tht young roan- pulled hlmeelf Caesar, fm your laaal guardian: vou'ra ha waa tint aliwiuant and mmrAm aia iri.. .1,1 . l., " Sv..7 ..kl- I- i'-LTL V1-1 , U III W AIIIU f fsr.5.r ran,r todh,M l; Bu7hV-w;.wi.e a"dyrsr-?.i7STr8ut ?-.ywVtr Ja H1.?.!.! .hat..1 itirn"L'.n,!k"onX1ction B Au To1?" knew the danger of stubborfTrosisti' houtlng crowd knew thai please with. And you're going to mar ry Caeaar, good and quick. I oan't af wan more to her than any worda. anoe to a popular ana aemocratlo cry. oome; one more sieagena 11 waa in mis ensis mat Horatio Jef- tne aauor was a one ior. C."C.Ii.nn,a.y' tll!mo" b1'- and wladom and decided to ask her to Priee) flghUr, travel with the show. marry him. .Bhe'a an lUllan; she's a ; Night after night In the circus ro- little nameless girl who travels about tunda. the notorious pugUIst would put with a show. , What sort of a wife will be aura thechamplons . were Always 0f the world, such aa you are a man beaten: but sport lived, and a drubbing who has gothls foot upon the runge of from Caesar Kennedy was no dUhonor. the ladder at last a roan who wii t" " ' '-: f '"" to sucooedT That was one voice. The afternoon performance In the clr- The answer was more musical, aa it cub was over, and the hour was draw- was more strong "fihe'g beautiful, and Ing towards , when the show closed for I love her." an hour and a half before opening for He heard footsteps; a curtain puahed the evening performances. aside. ' Lucia was there Lucia Tavola- a great crown was pouring oat or the. ro tne gin who could break the glaea yearning: they ware line Bun ioresi poois lit 07 ine last lights of aunset. "Yes, caro," she said; "I know you love me, and poor Lucia lovea you, too. But It Is ail of no avail! I am to be married to someone else." Tom Hampaon looked at her for' a aecond In uncontrollable surprise. Then hia whole body stiffened, and he stood rigidly upright He laughed a little scornful laugh. "What nonsenae!" he aald. "How can you marry anybody else when I love you and you love me?" "Anaiamoi listen to me." she answered Tou trust to me, lass," he said, la longing Ml in more man aimoat any one i ve got. lnere waa a alienee in the ahooting bla followere. With a wave of oni fa dark eve behind The furlc that the end oome; one more sledgehammer blow, ay' ihw,. fca'a h.!iKS??-'I !UktUl ?.?no;. ?frMwltll.1,?B,nfL nJ?. P'Jr: ferson -Woombanger showed bis great-' The barrel of the air-gun polnj r. "i ".t ."-." "r . v" " ". a Hitio wiruusii. . neaa aa captain ana nia knowiedaa of straight at K.ennoaro anouiaer, l n.f. W . . . .11. MM I. . V. A MkAn.tM I. I 11 . . V. . , " . . . , . , . , It j .lav- He tow me that unless I five you to al1ry. Tht lectric MghU ahed thai.. jewtUd hand h fauahad th contnrl(n atendr fira. j SiW JL fAJft 1? a,' !SI,ltnrup0J,1,i Pf'nad daub of the Armies Into tlUnc - ' Nobody hea-M tha "phut" and whUt ceDt an errer rrom Karnum Br Knll.v'a "rlArkv Xiniintilna" th. mfftmmm m tum n-k.. ... -. r, " , . . Then he spoke; "Boys." he said. "I arueaa mvmntt nreaaed air. Evervbodv has always been 'Let the best man win man start, half turn, and stop an f as the tiny trigger released the oo7 saw tne e body heard the yell, wht ior tne nnai cry or l. i..j. J . i: un- vT.v 1 V -V ... .. r . muiuuui until io iuo, ana ..vU. .vvuuv,v a..,u ywii i wywa a yiar ya snui ic.ycvi ui'un iue iitue loun- In a aad voice. '1 will tell vi, whv n,i "Jlfi ifll:., w"2. v'r.mI8?.el .thp.unnln nd I can never be wife and husband. covered aisle towards - tha blar - can menagerie tent Hundreds of feet made rabbits and deer with her toy Winches ! thunder upon- the board of tha floor. . The air was full of shouting and laugh ter as the tide 'Of ceonle Dressed on. . ward past the shrill cries of the negroes and gipsy-looking 'women who 'vended a x " . . . " ...v-.v-i- j ouivrua. ioauiuui luvrji. -n A.-f ,,1,- SSyi4 . ?"n ?v ' e mldet of hla audden ehock . . w . w.v. v, 1 viBsiflBi ann alarm a, Tna nicxie-niated air run Lunia Tivni.n n ki. ..-....:.. ih. .k..x.. ..1.:: ..r,- v-"' - .i,iuoi h fc,?.k.tTinr. "auni " t,uc ampaon waa unable who was husband-high! voluntary grin. a gin wno certainly waa not mora "Luev alwava taib.d tnan 11 was before him. Her face thought to himself, and tlsera and nanthara war. mWA all.a'fnlA T a.i. .h...""k.w v'I?i ""'i"-?""""? . ""f.nf already the dlatant roar and snarl, of roundedjheeks the to or mintled Into exVbeiince.'' while at mi -Sma tim2eh- ,m a,nsw,oredk Al TV "-!(" . l " . ' : JiT"." .'" --"a aniaii ana iiower- uome along, little alrl ' ha aald About halfwav down tha hrnad naa.. ilka h.a w.. i,w . 1. 1 r. Yi 8laV. -, oe saia. ... k.i--,..i . li.ii tT.J: ji "Vt, "TT r " " aoout it- 1- "It is this, Rockv Mountains'! tha afffarl.a nt tha . , M .iubi iui iu uu wnai 1 any, nuuHi ana ine aeer upon tne wires mlSfle. Now. vou mnke vourself rnadv.' Beamed auddanlv arraatad In ei.il ..a. I'll look after the flxin a of the job and The diaUnt roaring of thi ifon. In thV Biy. 7ng f ellw.b'e oontTuedrturnlng "tint Every au ""i vwuKia, . bimi niiiigisa M wiia tne inia gai xou sorter seem to want tha urn PR. - "Pn-.i?. BU-e?" tut mk " all. harah .thunder were the atralna of the gal. and yon aay Vou can aunnort ? Tien. with Ineredlble swiftness. rigiu, wont iu rar-orr band. Lucia looked up at her Caesar wants the ami. too: and. Wa. m rasing mob below saw the lle-htnl Hampson's brown face had flushed to 'over.- Doubt and fear began to tremble all , know Caeaar can support 'or. Now. lash of Hampaon's arm, the heavy a deep dark red while the girl waa pom her face: love and pride aee here, young feller, aee here, Caesar, of the massive brute before him, a speaking. With an impetuous and sud- were chasing them away. - ' will you fight for 'err, 7 ' beard tha calm, cold chuckle of Horn den movement he shot out his long arm Neither spoke. It waa a fine moment. There waa a murmur of excitement Jefferaon Woombanger aa he anam? and drew' her toward him. and neither heard the light, yet massive from tho crowd. Woombanger stilled the gold watch and cackled "timer n "Juat you trust to me." haid rrim.. .0i?"l7VI!c.n m down .the boards It. He pulled out a maesive gold watch. The fight was over. The victory w ly, "You're not roing to marry"that tna"al.,h.ia' vr'SV?.Jlr IU1?JB&.!!I?? tMm" iM "r5nf 51" f-.J. Jeil PK - n.v unL-.t, 111a.1i' 111 aoiAu. . m a.u iui mucn Tim. na. 1 ibiuii ana UBiiK 11 fc ccuueu in ins ua i)opcom, Arisona hard baked, and chew- ng gum, and Colorado candy, r It was. the hour at which the Hons. a .-a sm n 1 nriTSTivnTina" nnv r- ir dan as v r 'a ak . v - s voice Tom i"f to marry me." i',? TIVJfZlJ1 Vi" 5 t0-rt-w?.-"B XB M"L M W r,0 01 " c,rou"- to repr... an un- . -Bt suppoalng he will not let . no w jcoorUd jnio ouVcMon . yni fSl rMka. toTutV flvt'ou: Ov'.r the-drTwingroom iiv. n,.- v. -". "-,"'J."ra'f-,T sawnnnutw ana mauoe,. was - staring gloves witn caeaar Kennedy and fight tha ntt ntti. iia in bla Drastic! inn i , iV; 1 - n . main. ns suae or me saw u give or aa a W1M to tho Blatant superintendent up Invariably "He can't make you marry the brute." aw.vad atawiv 1 TnnT .m- "a, . Tk" kI;-, J""': aZSt--Y""?; 'A w,r..IlvJ...hPPY ggediy. holding her ,, head of a repUle. . " ' minute" between", If roantiepiece which the t of Dock B n. and olacld life air-gun is enii ribbons. Wlr sage, between a sUll of Indian work and of dead black halr-halr which waa a nu au,viiiii wj WL. ivuiiuiiii, . K.UUIV IllUIL UUTUIB IS CBniU llffliri. ant it.wlr n.llt.ll. -.a..... a. rainted.archway bore the legend T'Rocky aa aouthern night when thi hon-V: KnAZr'tVm 7.v.VtS"a, tS!!1 ounmn Bnooting Baioon." Beneath U colored moon has set Bhe was slim and banger, rnaVter "of ua nSi, called m. t she . answered, with or ner allm CULTURE OF PORTO RICANS-Interesting C Fewkcs PVr -1 . Tkaw BBheloMa aa aaaaat, tea aaa.ll.- . X. .-aVl.laA A 1--A at 4 At . " . rT"" VUVl 1 "VW.UI M ." .h. n.w.,.d .w. ''X'TTJU." LTi?- ii"" muies oang on too friends aak wby. the gun is In such. , "tell makes all of us do' what ha .ivi." tw" ";.:r.u"' r-iv"L .M ."'k.irL.'.. . . ' . prominent poaltlon,. Thomas Hampe 'vnw 1- n-i. .i.:i i-:rv"" .."?". y."" . "'""wv . niuinsnb a merely remarxs. -on. ira a raa or 1 a n,,b. . "": ."" t.n,iis, ma prus nnai aw u wun uuuunin cam irom tna wires. if a qulck response. That sort of thing or took throe atena into tha rnrnna. arlis fiahtar. Hamnann n,nfc4 tt- . .1.. . l- . if 1 a braced thousands of Acres. Nearly av. AtlV iicinn ry larl9 Plantation had a river front UllLlLlSlfJlT ;0 and a wharf, and ships carried the WOMAN OUR REAL RULEf tobacco directly to Europe and brought " .''IT? T7" . Ti HPI Ct pn.rha,pnd4, rirst Page This Sectio 1 antiroxlmata accuracy tha nrnnnrtlnn nt clear land to the forests In tidewater her. did not fit. "i x aucn nuuisgn oumsiE, uerm -v a. juuu,,u A Lx. a 11. , . x u.l 1. u b uuaiDnr.! n.ir in nil in. ar. nA, a..b. , .. a.,. . . . . . ....... , 1. i.nnni. .1, rmmm . a n . k t . 1 . ... , ,1 . .. . .. . . . . . . W.iVr. . tk. T .tvaiin.i i. krte ini th. r tMth .7. "";,";r' " f.,."'.PMi "na i commonly- cestors lived and where they would have , VT,. . iT. -i a -ww ner rignt under tho i1" or tne ten mouaana oy eulturo .of the aboriginal ln- s "ift: ,55 -1m2 ei i .,k.flfectly "ttod that the wlvea were treated as plenty to eat Mdall" kind, of Dleaidre 1 -i,r? Jn ,n?5ubt.Jh"t ther Colorado Uw and ' so the case waa thatgem Parnassus; we need not ti habitant Of Porto Rico waa Wi2lin 2 Se .n T,ru6 u. their com-; slaves. There is every reason to be- "men i!fl5d m, i WM mor" tlnnA land then than now, J'01'0 " " a WM how every ambltlou male writer chl ttWZti3 meirfowbeadSnanl nolnli mZV i.l 15 c0,?u,ea wlvw tas soTXeaurted "ive of hr women. They decided against Ishes thedream that, if h? adopt r.tw thT- eJ naturally hi S4 rftiff-y'-Vk1.?! 15 . j;t,lin of the women the corps bowls of water and 'food, colonial . limes have contracted under : tho defendant, and returned a verdict feminine npm de plume of Helolae j3 . Centra AmerlW-o; troZ KoridT T- SS Sl fVw.TO gv.'.'oV Vrlfm cTtn.man VhThS yemtSrfbeT FSW3 MTal but on. of the intoreatln, conclusion, rgfe fflXVito'.? Mlebrltd danpM Lttre'ra feSB iffife Kr'mV.W Wfei &Wtl- iT0.' e. to obaervs that all p ' drawn by Dr. J. Walter Fawkes of the thick, feet,-because they go barefoot. "It is mentioned that in the betrothal mala, sajfg Is woodsecond rrow'h or third caM t0 JT0' men' they "ouid have lishers know it is th" women who Pb bureau of American uotbnology of tha "nF".'0 I?rd that the? f. the caciques, the would-be husband c que'sJf the Mrghboringerrlto?y ! growth. Twl? seU?eTs found soU -.wnd wrdfet in her favor. . . the books and the mlSe. T Wl .Bmitbaonian Institution In a memoir ap- ?(f'rcfl r.!; Tki"9 gTal w,sJ"?5.t. $?,en4 h Prl"oPJ man to came to do honor to fhe deceaaed rhl mreat fertility, They drew uron it . Iturn r0,m P'eion to vocation, then, directs the literary as well as i Fk"1?? recently published report of oiy Sre teifeio?- ft? IZ.L. 'hough It would last foreyer?? It f Hii.ftjK,,,I7 tK..10";!!' on l?rnalistic thought .. of tho n.atl , that bureau. -. cy, so generous and noepltable. Like ter as wife and companion for life. In strangers who recited dira-aa and :.. vlldd tobteoa iim -n tn mmmma.. - mf "t i.-ll on the one hand, the ex- Woman. - . 1 ; , Dr. yewkec not very long after the ?ihe j5 ESL iZ? .?h h', the Island he some- "omemorTti Vof the irn $ women members of the ' I. there anything-anythlng at'alf acqulsftron ofPorto Rico by this coun- th .hit.5n P-1?" oft,, ii,1?!8 'e" J"1' mbasy preeents of In the life of the dead MnTtellliur of the result was Inevitable? Tna soll wore ?0C,6ty ' .Frin wt? f2r generations woman does not control? "i , iKa"ififL ? ".; S? dfhan.- VJn ?8Mh, 8S?i ! f-ffhf-fi n" wfia?!S?i-."?' " Wf- ho had fought and of "hef out. . A fewMtcne'. Tof Undl ar:winted &Jt!i?A fit of .peaking out The. drama-mualc?" When Marlof M7lanV;.0penl 7.ra?. bodiwTth ucou which ma'kTa them ue7 forhriat?e "fife LJfftfJ. 841 V'r' rflhi.mfh.ena'n?ntt0 5ftttTJ ilJ. I?.-jMrndSung? ' toSSSg. Dr. tta'novmfA hfo? JrlVw -t'Jk WJl!: .fli?' ?e ?! ? FarrarremarK. inGG.rma1l h.iH. rt L. "'i . . . ... ,iuh. . pumoar ,r mt.rMt. flint. 1,9 reira. Jamutmm l.l.n ,h . r . "-"y Am.no. .o.mi t know B fl.t froml fX1?:-. Sl!?Jffi J!. f-'"!"! !?. la... M th. urlr p.0,1... "H. ill. of ti. tot UmlS .S.S2,Mit ..-SfiW. S"1;'""" MP ..Hup, th. MitrooMllin o?4 iih -I-Si- v7 Vr wu" n8 opan- k V . wa" c.ul as 81Kn that etuay and exhibition purposes. T Vuu "mmr may consist of trees a tically all of the clergy are men. But of "Ten mi at. 7. i - . n,.r . p8rheJS.nWhf he? SfitiR XoSg WlrtWa fgL fMor'm stsl aSlttrfc KM' Pr-A Itlve Indian culture, but atudylng the Mental and Moral Traits. uidu now itwk on . ult niouniaina ana t other out of the way placea leaat af . fected by civilization. He brought back , with him collections which nearly dou . ' bled the number of specimens already In , tbe United States national museum. The memoir, embodying the results Of extenalve research, gives sn authorl ', tative picture of the men who wan dered on the shores of Porto Bieo and v the neighboring Islands before Colum bus brought over tbe first representa tives of European culture. Hero are a few extracta: , ' . EurWiMarflf.ni.. becoming the aervant of h r.th.2 .. w "?".'.aJ?c?nt 1 l""- ; ion aft'.r th-'-"MtW".? .MT tor' tlon aa one of its moat inveterate 'fo Inga .they received them with kindness J"l ved Laban for Rachel and Leah that A" anrZ. V ZJVZ9 JS -K. hual tilhTger Adlomln. .uh V. 7 "lk""u" lnT.n..?..woi"n "d thousands of other women hrf -h-7 TI "."'" i-aviiao .c. a,,- i . 3,,,! " L V i'.""."'"' ?x .""", " oiown . viaual erforU to nut it down, althoul ,ff. N? by may be seen a, basketoyerhim. 5wn uai what is now Porto Rico. Thickly Populated. The Europeans who first JandetlnV'!2.1lt."nJ?.helr 2wn . "d thoae of Religion. the -bore, of Porto Rico reported tho how theft was rSJIrdcd IS a" crime and " vailabl. historical mate island to be densely peopled. Tho early wyerely punished. . riaTit may be supposed that the ancient Spanish yoyagers state that tbe popula-' orllrtnai Vt 1!." 0 the Antuiean8 believed in two great super Uon -was distributed over the whola ft tVtJ" 11 ""i w5 A.? ? natural beings called ',emi- ' that , J aland, but that it was thickly settled who oxeroised the function of a leaPr parents of all others. These mav ha in tne littoral tracts and along the ,n peace and war and often served also known as earth a-oddeaa m ,vv k a . . rB creeping back over banksw rivers. . it has been estimated pfle-t. The political was closely knit . J... . 5 ... A and fky rod' ebaiiaon';? many parU of the iiiac ma population was 100,000, proba- witn the religious leadership, and the .i 'c'-""""--""" tne magic power wnen worn out neias blv too larsa a nnmh.r D,n'.i,' r'." alnii.a .mr.nM of earth and sky. One was mala th. longer oroduce aericulturai f tr'if--mak-e 'unclw "Thefd fiSfL. S .. -5fS Jii S. W front V.uC,,b, " populous isiana. - l" nr iuajaer or enjer or tne In- zii, ; r "V" , " ? i, riv.."a" Sna wooas. it may r'Jnf.i JbTi"." fP'Q'mica, bow- oeing useo in an lndenmte way v.r.. -hiVi, ?l,Lu, uu' :Ji l-. ,ZAJL-".- ' ,r."'uy ?" last remnant of Forest Creeping Back From tht Baltimore Sun. ' are creeping back . . . - a,..B. iiBiiuau uiu b.i f 1 1 n. ;y.c,er.K7'?a.' what would . But It required only the recent rd still younger stand. -In nm innaiiti.a . u - . r . ... . waa. v,t.iajui.ii n uai WD DioiD buiu iimrH in ar inn ai i r ai ai , ataa. a. as wm ai,at. A ai. . . . . . - - VUaw...UVk w.a wiping out of rum or. to . be mod, BteDB ana martrina th. aitaa n a .u. r 7 . . . . - . i ,a L . " - , . v wuw nv. umbu aupiiurw as ins men, on snua- abandoncd field beyond another, each der would be too painful. f.c.ef17fi,,one ,,"ttlemlat; nd tho,. If we swing to the extreme of journal trees n little Smaller. Tha d.an.nlna- (am .H . U- frequently end. w (tl(Ttioia of Vomen'VrlteJ.'Vho lay dowlthe laV tar atartlna n all ith.. wnm.., .n mb.i. .11 neighboring . throughout the land, you can note a ever, rapidly decimated them after their the early SpanUrde. Authority oveV vr?.e' . wh'c? w "PPOaed always to mlentos, or diriston of them as alive, waa veated'ln chiefs of anpwenUy dlf- Zll ?2 among the Spaniards, speedily dim In" 'erent gradea, as heads of clans chiefs 5Jone' wid Ish-d still further th. number of the Phratriea? rulerrof prSviSces? and ziD" Add.e ...,h n 11,rT! x.r'r -requentiy enas th7Vmi.", r'erD.k"" ",'r''r5 t .7. t-vV. tSU TSVi7-..lK.u:-. wnare young treeb are just starting to all other women and nr y a i iwnuuunnf . site of the plantation ' A-i2 t'h.-nt.'.Yl -VWSWC-I. s'nd"".. .Rr Vltl?,.?! .15 n1k the .lb, of Tha about 11 - whlakev tn aaacn th. tttJ? Prohibition as the old time p bibition movement never ; dreamed j vuuiu oe swept. , r ; , - . . " Tha hmia.a -tf. 11a. In .11 V..I1J,. ,T w u,. ayU UUI1UOII I mlt, are built to suit the women fir by idols. - mta - nt than anywhere aisa In tha .law - ,A klU A 1 T th. Ma.nn ,l,.l - 1 ., . ' . Drovlnoea and """' i . yreyers ana in the pasaea aince aiinm. '7i.. Pretence ox wnicn tne; uniivoB, ao mai me race waa nrs-tlraii even, it is aald. a "irino- ...i vimnvis vi wnicn cney rerrormed rites ciearea awai exterminated in a few years. Bfore '$ whole ieland. - r" for the well-being of the' human race. had better opportunity to take the liind. known to be of aecond Vrnwth ''.. their extinction, Indlans'were brought , "cent among the Borinquenos was n-k1..em, were supposed to, have .In James City county, VlrgtojVthe tfl. ror ro trti! SSmS. to Porto Rico from neighboring, lalanda! fho female Une. and their names of RTPheVc Pwers and were consulted by rat permanent English oolor In the buraednring Bsonn". Lii?n -H.? and Kongo Africana were IntroductS.jWch the aon of k caUi T had aevw?l' it! l? S5fdnf u,,n,on through United! States was eStabliahed ioO years Mmany oth 'irSn riarai aVi nw ' from acroas the ooean, ' V T Wfa. v B UU in. Ml inn TlflrTlalal at. . . " aaw iiittua ur a UU w va, UC 1W1 CBLalLlUII Bl fit 1 aTH I nrtlRIg T 1 nil Sa sal aaaa aa aak fTtl. . a. a. a. A - f mT-.-j . .v-vii " vai -H-atan wi luia-v.-;;: i r'! "i1"" ntnt? iwn ai.ru-i tnaTAfha. tha, .. 'i v. j ? i -Hi "T-r" vuuurB mku. Alio loreBi: in in nurtaf-ftr r pwx.,.oTc-. , : . , wer,-b5rn-e by somef 7VciUefsho . In an enteric way w th thS perfoi (pushed Ithe foVet. KiS SHSmrl"0 hlsi candlestick Iri"" hod'm.kerVth; mustn't bave'r' a. tha anna. .f k ..: it WU euilAm,r- i 1L1I''..".?0!n IltrMtuttliin nf tin lit, ih. : .V 1? f?1 tOMoal places. It is Slowly taftina- tha Whnla him rnnnd n r.t.li t-.TTiJI ii VL. 9 ""r" tiUes. : JT: - feome of thi h tu rrT: if il . mtronchmonta at YorktowiL whoro thi who inrmitaMA nmi:vV XIZZuXZ 1tv'r.5If.ea. lives, ,ur, iiwin quotes rrom a Tory - .. n.y.i-. -f , . vo--' v houa--' thofa UeVnTaft wtthin so.ai.J irl ii """waeo agTi- British made theli arty account; " r s.: - r - , alarria fn.-,-A.-Ki -r ?( mV cbrtae amtlliVl" n tuJSjH... " A.A"" :7: for tablet marking the 'The Caribbeans are a htBdsomo,-,,- T'7 and bread.;; In liotbasei &o houw wai cunied the "best Mti f PtM-..Vl."v7T Sr1 Tra w.Jl shared people, of a smiling counteV a Comparatively HtUe ia fcnnw- e deserted and ehinned br the relit! v? ' aVrfia n.,P.?,rif HI""6' X1': Cornwall!? l t.nuco, luludie stature, bavlng bn 11 Ti' i Z. """S" .rvu nms a mit, are ou to suit tne women firl ite of the truly remarkable evolution In your dally the plumbing they put in goes in 1 iSafiiS. pm' ;,wtU yur Sunday'paper; cause the women liki plumbing of ti nto, woods Not only has woman her-epecial pago particular klnd; the waJl papers hii ' and the second wrnwt.h. hLl Hill -i!00.u 27.'" ..A "yc"r exiatence, but the whole selection of And when somebody dlaB whA t. selection qt 'And when somebody dleai who Is made with ah eye to her dir. litti- r.d ,k " , .7"""".;"""" .llJ" c St V.r!;der' n.d itZf Wid'.<aM herirlefTll "t" " the patron of tho paper's ad- year, ago; she "was able, amTd travf -" , . - i ,- -i v - M n 11 sa.n riiiRn., Tf roil Tna fntiveiaa a rgs tor : nreaxrast, because- ahe posltlv wun mm. - ' last stand, and th. that .'ntera nTo tha comrnnnit vry snot where nani itv .. .h .Tr.'.::: V..:".KL.riw3!L",.."-l"DB u.DnU .,...j.;.. .u. j--r- r -".uiira unwuni ui qiranou or manxind. k. i"-"i7 :.".7"L-?i: " ner very, very numDie servants. Miss Thomas, at Bryn MawT. th- iiem . wouia . xou see sne spends the money. What .rn Minerva, training hn.i.'n; n.i, tne ax were not If man does earn four fifth, nf hn .h.n ,ai ?.,: T'F.'1 . a . a . a.. . " - ' , raaw uaav-.a hiuui a usn iiuwmii .a nrti 1 llTBll uis u iiieraiurer wo need not mention of fhe future four fifths of the ia! ha fedm . namaa nt ITllth . lxrk. .v. , . . . . 4 1'1 ad tnarriag. custom, of the aboriginal a- c.a'Xd weni to Va5r..Se,thhth, i 6dTt rtoST -" frequently MliedVto n.2 trj'a not lf Tran ,?.oe' ?SSr ' who Ishail nw'm.marai 0f ,Md - Scwc S? .rTne. wo2 ':'.-:-s' ' ' r'-- '.-''C V; -- ---Vi:..----;-..-vr?iXi V.,-'-,-.i ife-V--;'.: ..',';vv-.v-iv.1't