rcmDsmmcMfm" "sl PI goods rE-dugep In- Every Department V V PWPW:,, V- In Every Department. i LVViJr,t ?1Wpai t ts Ocot Merchandise Oijf-Qutlity Considered Oar Prices Are Always the Lowest . - , , , " I Values to $1.25 at 29c Every year two European hosiery makers, a French and a German manufacturer send us their samples not seconds, but samples. They don't bother to classify the hosiery as to price, but invoice them regardless of their values in one lump lot. So you get 35c, 50c 75c; 85c,4 $1.00' and even $1.25 'stockings at 29c It's the hosiery scoop of the year, as they say in the trade world, and we get the share that comes to Portland because we are the only consumers here of these two firms' -goods. This is the biggest lot we ever had and the' stockings .'are the finest and the prettiest, f The colors Include white, black, taiy champagne, biscuit, sage Atlantic blucj mauve, gray,; navy, green, bronze, 'del; Tyrian purple; fancy stripes, plaids, polka dottctcvV 35c,f50(v75c;85c; $J.OO and $1.25 . values - if: fj" r jkw , Extra . Cl erks , and r Wrappers; women' rum uauze in usie nose, vw. . Women's all-laee Tan Lisle Hose, hand-embroidered, r Women's Boot-Lac Tan Lisle Hose, band-embroidered, ' r Women's plain Tan Lisle Hose, hand-embroidered. .1 Women'! plain black Mercerised Hose. ? - ",v ' r -vV--Women's plain black Lisle Hose, hand-embroidered." Women's all-lace black Lisle Hose, band-embroidered. . "- Women's Boot-Lace black Lisle Hose. " ' - . r : Women'a plain white lisle Hose, hand-embroidered.--, . . Women's all-lace white Lisle Hose, hand-embroidered. -"Women's Boot-Lace white Lisle Hose, hand-embroidered.7 Women'a Champagne Lisle Hose. r . Women's plain and lace Navy Lisle Hose. . . ' .Women's Navy Lisle, fancy pattern. . : Women.'! plain gray, lisle, in fancy patterns. 35c, 50c, 75c, 85c $1.00 and $1.25 . values HI Sale Begins , ' Monday, 8 a. m. i .mi,',vwwH oner 5 O'i Highest Grade" Tailored Suits Reg: Vals. to $50 at $19.75 Special for, the last Monday of our great January clearance we rr ' J' ' ' ' .1 ?i I ' rr J J , in addition to many other suit bargains, 50 highest-grade in tailor-made suits, all new this season, in three-quarter, tight semi-fitting coats, tight-fitting and semi-fitting cutaway and short jackets; made of broadcloths, Melton cloth, serge and cheviot, ain brown, leather, navy, black and smart striped effects. Skirts the ultra-fashionable effects. All jackets silk satin-lined. Reg, values to $50, on sale at only $19 75 Women's Long Coats in semi-fitting and loose-back styles; of broad cloths and mixed suitings, in red, brown, black, navy, gray, black and v white check. Sold regularly to $37.50, Monday sale d J C price a . ; . ......... ... i.... : ...... y) JL awe 69c Windsor Ties 45c Women's all-silk Windsor Tics, in plain and em broidered effects, all colors; regular 69c re values,. January clearance. ;.... ......mTw Tariuary Clearance Rogers' 1847 Tableware Plain and fancy designs at special "reduced prices. w ' P rt '' Rogers' "1847" Teaspoons, plain, set ; . . '. ... .v. 8e Rogers' 1847" Tablespoons,' plain, set..;. .f 1.92 Rogers' "1847" Teaspoons, fane,' set . v. ... f 1.13 Rogers' "1847" Tablespoons, . fancy, set. , , . w Rogers' "1847 Forks, medium, set. ; ,. . . V.f 2-U Rogers' "1847" Dessert Forks, sale........ f 1.02 Rogers' "1847" Coffee Spoons, set for...... f 1.13 Rogers' "1847". Berry Spoons, sale price, . .f 1.13 Rogers "1847" Gravy Ladle, sale price..., ;..7Tf Rogers ,1847" Cream Ladle, sale price, .....68f Rogers "1847" Cold Meat Fork, sale price. ;.TT RogersV"1847" Butter Knife, sale price.;.. ,.Vf Rogers' "1847" Sugar Shells, sale price . . . . . . 39 Rogers' "1847" Salad Forks, set for. ;......f 2.48 Rogers' "1847" Bouillon Spoons, set at..,.. f 2.48 Rogers' "1847" Jelly Knife, sale price........ 85 .' Odd designs in fancy Tablespoons, Teaspoons, Forks, etc., at extra special redactions: Roeers"1847! Teaspoons, fancy, set 98 Rogersvr' Tablespoons, fancy, set.... .f 1.92 Rogers' "1847" Forks; medium, set. i.....'.f 1.92 Rogers' ,"18477 Dessert Forks, fancy..;. 1.T1 Sale of ved'Gards With Plates-Script. Shaded and ! SoHd Old English . ,v :! Ci valuta 9 wrs tisvr nffrrefl htfore hv WWVU V- .-. - - nw Pnrtland ' tahlishment. ' We emnlov the .Vi'llful An'ycmfTt and tnoravers in America. IHW.I 4 -o - m - - " ' the immense volume of our business enabling ns to . employ DCttcr worxraen man exclusive 1 nn onff Alitr (nnr ctvles of fancv scriot. on best vellum stocK, any size caro io selects from; regular price ; ; saie price, r 100 French Script cards ana copper riate, en- f raved on Dest vcuura siock, regular price 3.25; never before offered at the low & n OQ rr5r . '. .t ......... i . rr,lOmtttf Solid Old English Copper Plate and 100 Cards from same, on Dest veuum siocic; reg- ry yn $3.25. Mondav sale ofice.:. wttUU (Shaded Old English Copper Plate and ! 100 Cards, test veuum stocic; regular price .ov, je-w mi (ale price ; ...... . PW 50c: Picture! Frairies 2lc 6x8-inch Gilt Frames, for cabinet photos and pic tures,, complete -witft glass, mat ana back: regular SOc values, special sale at.i'AiAW Regular 50c black Frames, 7x10 inches, 9 1 k complete with glass and back, sale. ... ai IV Extraordinary Lace Clearance 10,000 yards of white ecru and cream Net,' Venise BabyJ Irish, Antique, Cluny and Fillet edges, insertions, appliques and galloons. There is an infinite variety of beautiful patterns in high-class laces, one to eight inches wide, assorted as follows::, Values to 45c v at 19c Values to 85c at 35c Values to $1.25 at 59c Values to $3iOQ at 98 Values to $4.50 $1.98 Be Early for Ghoic Net,Vetiise &Baby Irish Alio vers Rej $2e5-$4e5D Values $I;95 Yde 500 yards of white, cream arid ecru Net, Veruse, and Baby Irish Allovers in exquisitely conceived and beautifully worked patterns of distinct novelty. Values $2.75-$4.50, all one . j AA r. Clearance..:. . . ;; .77"; pJL7 jj rice, Monday 2500 Pairs Women Gloves VaIuMtb!$i Special forMonday Clearance, ; 2rS00 pairs of r Women's Gloves in odd lines and sizes, but all sizes are represented in the assort-! ment, which includes one and two-clasp Cape Gloves, Pique Kid Glace Kid and Undress Mocha ; regu- lar values to , $L75 ; most ; extraordi nary value at the low price of... .............. ........ 98c find S2.00 Shopping Bags ?5c $s.oo $3.30 ing Bags $1.35 Shopping: Ba'es, sold : reeularly up to $2.00 odd styles and sizes; for clearance - 7f? f at. . . . ; .v.; . . i . i . . 75d fteal'Anrl Walrii Kap -fitted with niitcMff pockets, leather-covered frames,. Ai ir patent catches, etc. Vals. to $3.50.)1)3 $1.00 Seal Leather Music JLolls at 9d ""$1.00 brown leather Collar Bags, sale, 60! ( $1.50 leather-back Mur6rs, fortrayel'g; 50 i - , r . . 1 rrench and Domestic Muslin Underclothes Lveiy Garment Reduced j 1 , i, 1 ' . rr. ; Our entire assortment of pretty, dainty Under wear is included in this sale. No 5c and 10c specials such as other clearances are offering. yiAViPUt 'Aim gooa-quauues ana careiuuy selected patterns. All prices reduced, as toiiows: Corset Covers, 52c to $8.10 " A Chernisei Hc to $11.25 i ; Skirts, $1U0 to $30.00 ; drawers, zoc xo $u.z: Gowns, S9c to $14.40 f- v,-- -.Vj- New Spring 1908 Lingerie Waists At January- Clearance ' Prices Dainty Lingerie Waists, $4 J0 and $5.00 Values Sold at $3:29 The season's most superb waist bargainAll new spring ; 1908 models just Veceived by ex 1a . press, made of fine lawns and Swisses, excep- tionaliy simple ana ucauuim m wwyb- uwiv f- hand-embroidered, some with insertion and embroidery fronts, some in Ithe : new Gibson effect.-There is a great vanety of styles, of trimmirig; all entirely k new and enchanting. Reg.-$4.50 and $5.00 values on j n . Q sale Monday at only. : . . . P ir Flannelette Kimonos $2.78 Women's Long' Kimonos of fancy-figured flannelette, extra quality ; all newest styles; loose, - fitted and ."empire effects ; blue, pink, red, .tan and gray. Values 'to' 09 7Q I $4.00, reduced to. .), Q Short Kimonos,' made of good quality flan- tan; navyi cream, pinfc. Values (f i J f -J to $2.00, sale price.. '.'..' 2 l4dV F Fancy Blanket 'Bath Robes' or Lounging v ' Robes, in cadet, garnet, light ' gray , : and lavender. Values to: $6.50, on J 7Q sale at .. . .M.O Mi ,:t, i i mm Hen's Fancy. Values to 75c 1,000 p'airs Men's Hose, in fancy colors, stripes, p 1 a t d s , checks, i" blacks, etc, of fincEgyptian yarn with double heels, toes and soles, Hermsdorf . dye; all full regular made goods. Regular values to 75c 'pair; This is the greatest genuine hosiery bargain of the year; Monday. . ..... . 700 pairs children's fast black ribbed cotton School Stockings double heel and toes and seamless the kind for which you always pay 20c a pair; guaranteed nbsolutel v fast black, strong and serviceable. ; The I hest value ever given in roniana in any sale by any store at, special, pair..;., Cream WoolDressGoodsandTailorSiiitings Extraordinary January sale bargains in Portland's leading dress goods store-many ,fi..,f not advertised ''t-,," i , $1.00 Cream Yachting Serge , 79c "Vl- $1.75-$L50 Tailor" Suitings, $1.19 $1.00 quality Xream Yachting Seree, 44 inches --$1.75 and $1.50 dark-Tailor buitings, 50 to 54 wide.Regular $1.25 quality. 50 inches wide. inches wide English worsteds and ; broadcloths, in strioes. cnecks ana mixtures . m navy, . aarK green, wine,; brown and gray.' - $1.00 Black Dress Goods,"69c " . Imported Black Dress Goods, seeded and plain voiles, fancy: Panamas, shadow check foules and Datisies, miscrai anu granite ckhh. . . J ' i , , $1.25 Wool Suitings. 75c 50-inch plaid and check broadcloths; 50-Inch Tailor Suitings, fancy " Panamas, Scotch plaids, shepnerd checks, etc. . y. - r $1.50 Cream Granite Cloth, 89c ; J Cream Granite Cloth, 50 inches wide, extra heavy quality, for skirts, children's coats, etc. . I - Bearskin Cloakings, $1,50 Yard, ' 50-inch Bearskin Cloaking, plain and curl, all qualities included, in creamy tan brown, gray, cardinal, black; red and brown mixtures, black astrachans, etc. ., ' ,.-..-- !r $1.25ream Pebble Cloth, 89c "$1.50 English .Yachting Serge, $1.29 ' l$1.50 "quality. Cream Enirlish Yachtine Seree. 52 inches wide,, for tailor suits, " . $1.25 Cream Mohair Sicilians, 95c" $1.25 quality imported Cream Mohair Sicilians and Brilliantines, 44 incs. wide, extra high luster; 9.uu iaiior -durungs$i.zd : , $2.00 aualitv superfine tailor cloths, invisible stripes and checks, 56 inches wide, in light' and medium gray and tan. :'y - $1.50 Tailor Suitings, 98c , , $1.50 54-inch Tailor Suiting in dark heather mixtures and invisible plaids ; also a few pieces of light gray and tan mixtures, suitable for spring ear. . v v : r-i Ml X 4 -:vy -'Mx ''Z, :',, :.fl:y Sale of La Vida, W. BY and C. B a la Spirite Corsets af Clearance $3;50-$8.50 Vals. $2.98 $1.75-$4.5b ValsV $1;45 LOT 1 Annual Clearance Sale of ' La Vida,W.B. and C.B.ala Spirite , Corsets, 'made . of, imported coutil, brocade and batiste, medium and : high bust, short, medium and long hip, with whalebone and steel fil lings. Regular $3.50 1 QO I to $8.50 values iotm VLyij I r LOT 2 La Vida," W.v B. and C. B. a la Spirite Corsets made of i im ported coutil, sateen and i batiste, medium,- short and ' long hip, me dium and low bust. Regular $1.75 to $4.50 values on v 1 - i A 1 salelfor. ;:v.'';tP J .4" ' 11