The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 26, 1908, Page 11, Image 11

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EccciTerill .Submit Statement' to .Circuit Court To
; 'morrows-Outlook Bright for Consolidation With-,
f v ;v ' ; German-American and : Payment in' Full.' -
A report- showing the transactions of
' : ' Receiver T. C Devlin ; to date, ' and.
statement of condition of the Oregon
t Trust! A Savings bank, was completed
by the receiver laat night and will be
: submitted, tomorrow, to Judge ,Gaten
bein of the stae circuit court.
Should the court approve the report
' " and aocept a proposition ttf be aub
" tnltted by the German-American' oank
to purchase the aaaeta and pay In full
all liabilities of the defunct bank Within
, ; two years,' Portland will before Feb
rruary 1 nave another strong bank with
a , paid-up capital , of $400,000 - opened
' for business In the old quarters of the
s Oregon Trust St. Saving, bank.; '
. , Guarantee te Peposltors. '"''
'i This result will. If accomplished, be
, l a ' natural sequence of the long and
euoceaeful campaign that has been
waited by the depositors and Interested
i creditors to relieve the bank of enough
. Of Its burden of liabilities to enable It
, to get upon lte feet, or to be liquidated
by solvent Institution, and pay dollar
i for dollar. - v .
in me case or tne uregon Trust
Savings bank, the deliverer comes for
ward In the shape of the German-Amer-
-.. lean bank, which offers to take over
its remaining eta. assume all lte
f liabilities, ana furnish a guarantee of
; Bunsianuiuiy ttiojuvu mat au creditors
will be paid in full within two years.'
An examination of ttie Oregon Trust
, ana savings -nana nas oeen- completed
on behalf of the German-American
J- bank by Charles B. Pfahler, a - well
i known expert accountant, who has also
made up from Me findings complete
1 , icnNuiei.uiai are amooaied in tne re
ceiver's report These schedule Include
- every asset and- liability of the bank,
the estimated value of the assets, in
cluding all loans and dlsoounta. stocks
I and bonds and other property held by
: The estimated .value of the assets Is
i baaed on the amount of money that
could be realised from them in the regu
alar course of banking by a going insti
tution, and not the amount they would
Dim at roroea sue., in making ' up
the total of the bank's commercial paper
. ' .v.. i'U,7f ;:..
former Oregon Trust 'Jk Saving bank.
Mr. Pfahler saldr r V!'-"Wt ''
- "The Idea of taking 'over; the asset
of the Oregon Truatrby the German
American for the use of the latter haa
ntvir bn thoueht. of. On 'the OOn
trary.' the present cash balance-In the
hands of the receiver or the Oregon
Trust., aa well as all collections of
moneys on the assets of; the i Oregon
Trust, .will h conserved absolutely in
the interests of the depositors of the
Oregon Trust, and will be used for liqui
dating purposes oniy.- ,
- Gives Composite Statement' .
Tha 1 rnmnmltt statement ' of the
German-American bank and .of the JOre-.
ron .Trust . Havings oana in liquids
ton. la here alven as compiled by Mr
rranier: m,'
rtminn Tmat'' A lirlRtl'. i' "
bank liabilities,. . ... ,z.jom
Telephone subscrip
Other bond . subscriptions
I 100,800.00
and negotiable-notes, had and doubtful
notes have been eliminated from the
Beport TTp to Sate.
receiver's statement Is
from date of January 15, 1908. At the
close of business on that date the condl
tion of the Oregon Truet and Savings
oanK was as xouows :
loans and discounts $ 128,874.86
interest on loans to Jan. i.
Accrued interest on bonds
Bank stocks
Other stocks
1,106, eoo.xo
. teai estate.. .. i... . . . .
Miscellaneous assets,..,....
" Due from other, banks In- '
' cludlnS receiver's deDoaita
In First National 225.E15.71
Overdrafts 84,160.17
Barely deposit vaults, bank
- leaae, ete. 10,000.00
; tasn in nanas or receiver.. .
Excess of liabilities over
resources 71,860.27
. .... UABILITIK3.
' Deposits, commercial . , , ,
DeB(irtft, pavings. . ..,;..
- Certificates,: demand,' 3 per
- cent after SO days. . . . .".
.Certificate, .time, .regular,.,
jCertifJcafcea, tne,. JO days')'
.; call .v. .! f
aahier's checks outstand
ing .................... .
Miscellaneous ' liabilities. .-. . '
Certificates of deposit In
esorow ..................
Due to other banks.
Drafts on other .banks out
standing ...... ......
Certified checks outstand-
ing i a.
Letters of credit outstand-
ing .j . , ....... ;
Escrow deposits...,.
1 Sundry 'collections account.'
.,8 468,644.81
864, 443.87
' 1.088.12
,i , . 82.208,465.15
Keep Funds Separate.
German-American bank
'.capital stock .
Amount paid In ..,,.,.
Murpius ........
Subscribed . . , , k . ,
25 per cent premium......!
I 482,180.40
German American
f 825.816.75
Oregon ' Trust Savings
bank assets 12,185.694.88
Bond subscriptions 800,600.00
- . 21.836.094.88
German - American assets. . 265,854.68
.guarantee 6 409.278.18
ExDlainrnr thsae flnru Mr Trhi
said the. foreaolnastatmnt mmniM
from figures shown on statements of
the two banks, with the ; single, excep
tion of the subscriptions to the capital
stock of the German-Amort hanir
shows the abaolute guarantee to the
creditors of the Oregon Trust as Sav
ings bank to be 8409.278.13; or, if the
two banks were -to consolidate ht i
If the German-American were to take
AVr fliA mmmmtm VmI.i.Ih J - .
all liabilities, the condition of the German-American
bank would be aa follows:
. ..: . .ASSETS. '
Ore. Trust A Savings bank 81,119,938.11
German-American bank . ... . 207.9Sfi.B0
Cash ., 268.0665'
, Total ,
Capital stock.
Miscellaneous liabilities..
Wind-Up o theClearanpn ; of
East Side Phonograph Co.'n ,
Balance of Modem Talking - Ma-
V chines and High-Grade Record
, Cabinets to ; Be Closed ;. Out
H Without Regard to Usual SeU
: ing Prices-$23 Machines for
SlLCS'Md Higher-Priced Ones
in Proportion--.Finet, $122--
De Luxe Complete Outfits Cut
to $78-Cash or j Easy Terms.
Talking : Machine
never been
.2 400.000.00
, 1,181,671.43
eai to xaae oyer uregon i rum
Savings and liquidate, its affairs under
the.dlrectlon of the receiver, will in-
elude a statement to the court Showing
. the condition of the German-American,
and also a composite statement to show
what condition the combined banks
'would be in the day after the absorp
tion takes place.
" It is not proposed that the German
American shall assimilate the assets of
, the Oregon Trust, but simply that these
assets shall be administered through
the flerman-Amerlcn, and that all
i K. k.nt k.nimt. anil nail Wlllllv
for payment of the creditors of the
' ToUl ...21,690,949.66
LTt Zzoess Assets.
These statements look rood to me.
and I believe the proposed plan of ab-
Dtion and liauldation la perfectly
feasible," Ua Pfahler. said. "The only
doubt I had at any time was as to
, t. a ,At,l, aHnw , H
entlra llablLltlea nf the.. Oreaon . Trust
& Savings bank could be absorbed by
the GermahAmer4can without impair
ment of the tatter's capital.
"I rind that this can be done, on tne
proposed plan, the -German-American,
By putting in au Its aesets, will be able;
to more than balanfe the Oregon Trust's
net liabilities, ana leave excess assets
or 19,278.13, ana in addition nave uer
man-American'a 8400.000 capital intact
The accountant s method or reaching
this result was to add tne uerman-
Amerlcan s present surplus of $10,063.40
to Its Z per cent premium suoscriDea
capital of 872,075, getting a -total of
282.138.40. From this, amount he de
ducted the net. deficit found between
the Oregon Trust's assets and liabili
ties, and this left an asset excess of
2.272.18 over and above the German
American's subscribed capital of $400,-
000. r
2ubUo Has ' Wrong Idea.
"There may have been some popular
misconception ot ins pian oi capital
ising the enlarged ' German-American
bank," said Samuel O. Reed, who has
been slated for nresldent of the In
siltutlon. ' The men who subscribe
for this stock are paying not only dol
lar for dollar at par, but are paying
in addition a premium or zo per cent.
"In other words, every $100 of the
stock calls for an Investment of 2125
The premium of 26 per cent Is put up
In the form of a surplus for the further
strengthening of the bank. It makes
the atoek worth that much more. There
is not a dollar of water to be put Into
tne .enlarged uerman-American panic. -
It. J. Wi
Jiold at such ridiculous price In Port
end before as have been in effect dur
ing the' oast, tNk at ,' Ellara". Piano
House, and as will be continued for a
lew days more, during the final cleanup
of the East Side Phonograph company's
stock. But . we were determined that
these goods should be sold In a very
short space, of time, and the radical cuts
which we made in prices have certainly
accomplished our object. When we of
fer a regular - 826 high 'grade modern
talking machine for $11.65, that's going
some, and 325 machines for 116.76. with
$60 machines out to 827.10. and beauti
ful $66 machines at $26.16 just think
OX it! Kr wnniinr til fallrfnar marhina
market has been upset during the past
week. ' But It won't last much lonxer
Just about five or six days more, will
aee the last of this stock. Remember,
every machine In this stock Is Included
In the radical 'price reductions, except
certain contract goods. '
Record cablneta are also embraced in
thla sensational smashing of selling cost,
and are likewise prloed at figures which
are really less than wholesale. Regular
215 cabinets.: well made, handsome and
first class, are now marked $8.10; $26
cabinets go for $13.60; $30 cabinets for
$16.66, and higher priced cabinets . on
the same basis. ' - ,
Included In , the ' offerines for the
next few days la a combination outfit
which is without question the finest
proposition you have ever heard of in
the talklnr machine line, and the great
est value in a high grade outfit ever
offered on the Paclfio coast This con
sists of the splendid De Luxe cabinet
with hiah grade taoertna arm machine.
and one doxen 10-lnch records, all com
plete, regular yalue $122, for the extra
ordinary price of $78, cash or eaey
terms, as you prefer. This Is an outfit
which will be a credit to anv home.
and as handsome an article In the way
of a cabinet as one could wish for. It
needs to be seen to be fully appreci
Do not overlook our Immense stock of
records remember we carry the largest
line on the coast, and our individual
sound-proof parlora are the most con
venient in the citv.
Don't miss this great sale, It will
never be duplicated. Don't wait until
the last minute come .while the line of
styles is still-complete, Ellers Piano
House, 268 Washington street corner
of Park, Talking Machine Headquarters.
German-American, who relinquishes his I
position and practically proposes to turn
over everything to the reorganised
-bank and retire from any connection
whatever, explained that ha adopted this
course In a measure from selfish mo
tives and also from a desire to see I
every creditor or the old Oregon Trust
paid dollar for dollar.
He and the Home Telephone com
pany, 'with which he was - associated,
have approximately 3460,000 at stake
in the- stspended bank, and they are
willln toi stand back of the reorran-
ization until everybody else Is paid 1
before they demand payment of their
Claims. -
In the meantime, assessments are be
ing levied against the stocks ' of the
underwriting company known as the
National Securities company, to realise
money witn wntcn to carry rorward
the installation and extensions of these
plants. While tneir Donds, wnicn are
their only capital, are held up as the
result of the suspension of the Oregon
rrusi ana savings ; nana.
Chamber of Commerce Will
Arrange Creditable Ex
hibit for Visitors.
,y. Rooster fashion, using the spurs, witn
which they: climb telephone poles, two
I j-linemen zougnt in rorutna several uays
,-ago until separated by tne people wno
V congregated to witness the . unusual
ight Hands or fists war not used lit
r way. SM-.nX--h'--'
... ( 111,, . wjwiun ,.. wtw.i
I'mlffn soma . time. , -.They -met in South
Portland, while both were on duty, and
Immediately resumed the quarrel which
been brewlna for months. Follow
In sr. one man kicked, or rather spurred,
the other, and then the fight was on.
h-' One would jump In the air and claw
his opponent The other would dodge
and avoid the blow if possible, ano, now
And then tneir spurs wouja Become en
'tangled just as In the case where roos
ters fight. , ' -1 ' ...
t The climbing irons with the long
'spurs which 'are usually brought; Into
" play only when the linemen climb poles
..when at work, were strapped aecurely
to the legs of the two fighters, and an
swered the purpose in every particular.
When finally the men were separated
each was bleeding and his clothes torn
from head to foot,, Exhausted, but still
'game, ' like reatnerea comomnn, tne
The Importance of building up and
maintaining an aahlblt of Oregon prod
ucts at the Portland Chamber of Com
merce exhibit room has never before so
tide, now president of the strongly, Impressed Itself upon the
members or the chamber as at the pres
ent time, in view of the Immense total
of eastern visitors who called during
the year just, closed, to Inspect the old
exhibit Measures will be Immediately
taken to prepare a new exhibit that will
be a credit to the Oregon country.
Secretary U. C. Glltner has completed
a plan that will - be proposed to the
chamber trustees at their next meeting,
and if aproved it will be taken up and
carried forward by the exhibit commit
tee. The central idea is the erection or
an .adequate - structure In the exhibit
room to carv. the srreat diSDlav that is
contemplated, and to show It to the best
advantage. -
"Such an exhibit as ' we require
should be Disced before the eve of the
visitor, in a manner that will make the
best Impression.'' said Mr. Glltner. "It
costs a lot of money and labor to col
lect and maintain a great exhibit But
there Is no argument that does quicker
work and doea it to a finish In convinc
ing the easterner that Oregon is the
iana or opportunity.
Fail to See
The two large win
dow . displays . on .
the Washington St.
;i side of store of thf
finest and highest
.quality of Cut Glass
at the lowest prices.
That is looked for- .
ward to by a great 3
many Portland peo J
pie with great jeatyj
pectati ons 7 and t
they will not be dis-
appointed. ; .
" .This sale without a doubt will exceed anything in this j line ever before attempted at this store; Many-hand-'
some piepes of Cut Glass carried exclusively by this s low prices. Three com-'6
plete 'lines of the handsomest cut glass that is.nwde'Twb large window displays. Goods displayed and
i.a :L r: tu: u r 1
liUcvcvr in yiam iiguics su aa .iu uiciivc yuui ociccuuiia .caajr. xms wu vti wuiiy uc tne event 01 xnc scason in,
cut glass and one to be remembered.
6j4-inch Atlanta Vase; regular $2.75 . .$1.89
5- inch Nappies ; regular $2.75 '. . . $1.89
,'5-inch Nappies; regular $2.?0. $1.54
6- inch Nappies ; regular $3.00..'. . ............ .$2.13
5-inch Nappies (handles); rejgular $2.00. . . . . .$1.38
Celery Boats, beautiful designs; regular $20. . $13.98
Tankards, Empire cut; regular. $11.50. $8.05
. Bon Bon Dishes, heart shape; regular $2.25. . . .$1.58
Oval Bowl; regular $9.90..'. $6.93
Oval Bowl, Taylor cut; regular $20.90 $14.63
Celery Tray; regular $4.40..., '.....$3.08
Celery Tray; regular $4.90.... $3.43
6-inch Nappies; regular $2.75..... $1.89
6-inch Nappies ; regular $3.30 .$2.31
6-inch Nappies; regular $2.45 $1.73
3-handle Nappies; regular $4.40 $3.08
6-inch Bon Bon Dish, with handles; reg. $2.75. ,$1.89
2-handle Dishes; regular $5.00 $3.49
6-inch handle Bon Bon; regular $3.80. ........ .$2.56
6-inch handle Bon Bon; regular $4.40 $3.08
frinch Plates; regular $4.50.. v ...$3.13
6-inch Plates; regular $5.25 .$3.67
5-inch Bon Bon; regular $3.40.. $2.33
5-inch Bon Bon; regular $2.75 $1.89
5-inch Bon Bon, 2 handles; regular $3.30.'. $2.31
Sugar and Creamer, per pair, regular $7.70 $5.39
Sugar and Creamer, per pair, regular $6.00.
6- inch Cut Glass Bowl; regular $6.50
'8-inch Taylor cut Bowl; regular, $6.35. . . .
8:inch 'Taylor-cut Bowl; regular $7.70....
8-inch Empire cut Bowl; regular $12.50. . .
8-inch-Fancy" cut Bowl; regular $15.50
8-inch Fancy cut. Bowl; regular $4.40. . ...
8-inch Taylor cut Bowl; regular $5.00....
7- inch Plates; regular $4.00.
Spoon Trays; regular $3.85.
Spoon Trays; regular $3.65
Spoon Trays; regular $3.00
Celery Trays; regular $6.60
Compotes; regular $6.25.
Compotes; reg. $6.60. .$4.62
Compotes; reg. $7.70.. $5.39
Compotes; reg. $2.75 .$1.89
Compotes; reg. $3.60.. $2.58
Vases; reg. $4.40 .... .$3.08
Water Jugs; regular
$6.60 ............. $4.62
Water Jugs; regular
$7.50 $5.29
Water Jugs ; regular
$12.25 . .$8.73
V 1
.... $4.23
.... $4.62
.... $8.73 i;
$3.08 -
....$3.49 V
. $2.81 '.;
.... $2.62. ;
.... $2.54 , ''
. . . ;$2.13 v
. . . . $4.62 v.
. .$4.37,'
All new and latest novelties. Sell regularly for 15c.
Your choice, 10c.
Is offering a special discount of 15 per cent from our.
already low prices on Picture framing
Telephones to All Departments
Exchange 11. Home Phones A6171, A6172" J
The yeasans
I .1
"Nothing should be lost by having a
good exhibit poorly placed and lnartls-
ticaiiy arranged. We want the best ar-
two were taken to . their rMiiv.
The rooster fiaht by linemen ha4 in
a success.
U Voters registered during first three
v Voters -registered during first tnree
weeks, 1906. 2.868.
County Clerk Fields and fata regUtra
41on force were surprised last evening
when they footed up the totals for the
three Weeks since tin rolls were opened
and compared -therrj-.' with the -corresponding
three , weeks -of two years ago.
They found that nearly, twice aa many
names have been placed on, the books
this year in the same length of time. '
Friday's record, the. hlaheat up to that
lime, was completely distanced.. an even
600 names being added to the roll dur
ing tio day., Publicity and fair weatner
rangement that can be bad at moderate
cost I would like to .have the services
of an architect In devising the plan of
the necessary structure for the display.
When all is ready it would then be time
to make some reasonable arrangement
witn acn courier wnereny it could se-1
cure representation in the exhibit. a.nd i
permanently maintain that exhibit" - I
When visitors and homeseekers come :
to me cnamoer 10 seen inrormatlon tney
ask for facts concerning the nroducta
and resources of the various sections of
tne state xneir inquiries usually- ars
directed toward counties thVt produce
tne tnuias inoT Know sometninr ahnnt
raising. An exhibit of the actual prod
ucts convinces -them In a few moments
mat tney nave come to tne right place
for information, and that the county
producing that exhibit la the place for
mem o seme. ' - i - ,
t .'
Great Sale of Remnants at
McAllen & McDonnell's.
Remnants of dress roods, silks, fahi.
laat days of th Mk hi J! it, linens, crashes, curtain materials, drao-
average to - , - ral",d eries, wash goods. oddu pairs ourtalns.
- Democrats are becomloff nrnrm patterns, odd lots of hosiery, corsets,
ately. morV'nuerJMmV 4?S
Republicans led 11:77...... . . ' , V. ter
IVnm b w n , vii swiv ne UUDI SXIIU JvBB.
we are. busy
many First
do honest work
. .a which will
keep any concern
Then our
goods are really new,
not old stuff warmed
over, it pays you 10
hate your eyes tested
and glasses fitted by our
optometrist (a man of
years experience ana
one'that knows how.)
Dr. Diemel's Unen-isb
Abdominal Supporter
The most satisfactory supporter on the market at the price
Light, cool, can be washed, agreeable to the skin. It is
woven in a way that it cannot unravel. Its wearing quali
ties are superior to muslin, flannel, silk or similar fabrics.
Sold in all sizes at our Surgical Department.
Price $2.25
Seal Boheiian Glass
Colorings of rich green, lined around top, center and base ;
with gold. Patterns, a variety in Fleur de Lis and Ferns.
Many are te optic-blown effects.
Two lots oh sale Monday ;
Value to $1.75, each
Values to 75c, each
Turkish Towel
Sale afthe Rub-
ber Counter
We make a specialty
of all kinds of . high-
grade Bath J. owe Is;
Nothing here ;only the
finest; large-sizes and
superb qualities.
If you want !a Wood
Towel now is the oppor-
luniiy. -.;-r.- w;
Large - size,1, bleached;
reg. 60c 35c
Unbleached, re?, value
ooc, special 53e
Extra value I dark : col
or;? rej75c7;.;' ..42c
Re'laluet$i.50 dark
coior ) j . . , , ; .gee
. special, reenlar !
liatge size.resrukr v '
, -.-if - 3.i - , - ...a .v-.' '
P yy 'i1 i:'iVi .83c ')
special, regular;
$2.50 .v
, s , - 'v v..-
hava worked wonders within the last
few flayar- for heretofore this season an
average of 300 per day was considered
uuiuuir aua. ine rusn aurina the
f.h,l-'0-mtlme.tJ1..feePUDllcais led all
uAAhl5prep?nderanca ha oeen ham
mered -down, to about SH to 1. The
fiaures at the close . yesterday were as
crats, l,0S0:vlndeiendenta mnt
Of minor nartloa stti n.7v. .":!'! mik tha necessarv
who registered yesterday 876 described the elct,0n- Of delegates
suaalona of iToIitWi i".Vvvur .Wl
Don't neglect this great money savins,
chance. Corner Third and Morrison.
The Democratio state central com
mittee of Oregon meets this week to
make-., the necessary arrangements for
to the Den
i MeUger, jtwelar, opUclaa, U Waah.
WOODARD, CLARKE & C0.1 Pure Drugs aMlCliciicals
Whole Population of Village
: Pelts the Burning
Johnstown, Pa.. Jan. 14. Probably
the most remarkable manner of extin
guishing fire occurred today at Boswell,
a mining town near nere, waen , nuu-
Ireds of men, f women, boys and girls
avert the town from destruction . by
throwing snowballs.
. The town- haa no fire department and
water U scarce. The Xlames bad gained
much headway, and a building in which
was stored sufficient powder to blow up
the village was threatened.
As a last Tesort virtually the entire
population began throwing thousands
of snowballs, made from soft, wet snow,
and after a time prevented the explos
ion and confined the flames to a half
dozen buildings.
Recital Hall tot Sent.
Ellers Recital hall, seating capacity
130, perfectly ventilated, comfortable,
free from street noises, superbly
equipped with highest class musical In
struments of all kinds, available for a
few more dates for high class musical
functions and meetlnga Day or evening.
For terms, apply Dooly & Co.. 88 4
Third street, or advertising department
Ellers Piano house.
Depositors, Attention.
- The depositors of the Title Guarantee
& Trust Co. will -meet at Eagles' hall,
at 3:30 p. m. today.' important Come.
- v V- r- 8. eVBABBBB, President.
Frantic Search of "Haunted"
Lounge Eeveals Sleep
ing ? Pet iiunial. ,-'
Cumberland, Md.. Jan, StI Foe some
days something seemed to be wrong
witn a coucn in the noma -of William A.
Dalbaugh. When any member of the
family lay upon It the wires were forced
Out Inflicting painful jabs. . -
The children soon gave the couch a
wida bar th, and stories were soon cir
culated; that tha, couch was haunted.
Dalbaugh. -decided to make an investlgd
Mon. - . . ;r . - . ,
i??bufh'.av Pt Possum.
These Jittle auTiualS take long naps dur.
ng the cold , winter months. The pet
disappeared and could not be found.
Vv henH Dalbaugh 'examined the conc ii
he found that the possum had mitaki
it for a hollow tree, and hud burrowid
into it to take Its dose of v ral in.
r wnen aisturbecl the pet showed tight.
Dalbaugh bad difficulty in subduing It.
. . ..- i I II - ; '
Clearance Sale of Remnant ?
. v -Odd Lots.
, Stock , taking has brought in v, t
many remnants, odd lots and (r ,
lines. We won't have there in
and are willing to sell them t
any price.. Included are iioe eurfi'
table linens, crashes, l!nn g-nA,
underwear, hosiery, enr s, v, f
etc., Iiw fprinic
McAllen ' Le
a. t .
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