The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 25, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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r V r .
at' the '.''.
m m : .
iniVn IfiHliS' ; Tiivlor Street Ilsthoilit
l v , at w uavw . ,:. a I j w
11.:;.: -riy,m H Episcopal Church
;."Dvtra Auction
Raker Th Mtlla of tha Gods" I
-,..-riaw 11141 wr M1UH V4 -ow v.,
Slaf Kidnap.'
'',, The nest rehearsal ; of the D'TJrbano
; concert to be given at the Marquam
Grand '6n or . about February I J,' will
jtake plaoe at Eilers , recital hall next
Monday evening, January 27. at 7:10
1 aharp. - The lad lea who have already of
; fered their aervloea are requested to be
.present with Instruments ana music
stands... Other ladlea playing any kind
' of orchestral Instruments and desiring
to take part in thla benefit concern un
der D'Urbano'a direction, are asked to
'y,':,. Zt 'Vlil preach n V-tv;
Mr. Rose Block-Bauer , will sing
'when thou COMF.8T'; unriamatus)
irom etabai Mater tnoesinij.
rlson streets. - where meetings will be
held the first and third Wednesdays of
each month. "The ladlea of the camp
will rive a card party at thla hall the
evening of January 19, and Bt Johna
Modern Woodmen band will render a
concert program. Modern- wooamen
will on February . I. hold elections of
send their names and addresses or call I delecatea to the county camp for 108.
- int oiuca, svt m mamr vuuums,.
order to take cart in - thla rehearsal.
I Thla concert promises to be a very ar
tiatio event in mis season. , t
Shippers who bill -. an article under
one classification and when damage In
'transit results attempt to collect from
me rauroaa company a larger vaiue are
amenaDie to criminal prosecution, ac
cord ing to an opinion delivered by E.
H. Clark. Interstate commerce commis
sioner. It has frequently occurred that
the shipper whoae croods were damaged
on tna road has tried to raise tne vaiue
; of the shipment to a higher figure thaa
inai wmcn-ne naa jisiea it. ine ipwer
valued commodltlea take a lower freight
rate, hence the tendency to snip them
under , tna. lowest, possible - classifies-
Tha government pure food labora
tory that i was ta have been ready for
occupation January 1. la not yet fur
nlahed with all tha necessary appa Di
ms. . is. uooiitiia woo naa neen wors
Ing here Installing the paraphernalia, is
in eeaiue. , , tie . wm return in a wees;
or so to resume tha work.' Professor
A. It Knlsely of tha Oregon Agrlcul-
trtral college, how in Washington pre-
Dannar tor tna wor. win nave cnara-a
of tha laboratory. The business of the
laDoraiory win do mat or examining
food stuffs and products in Interstate
Members of tha city executive board
'seriously considered tha repeal of the
rule requiring contractors ta make bids
on city contracts within 10 per cent of
the city engineer's estimate at their
meeting yesterday afternoon, although
no decisive action waa taken., city En-
?lneer D. W. Taylor and R. I Babln
avor tha abolition of the 10 per cent
, ruie ana Jur. eaoin spose at tengin
agalnat the - provision at yesterdays
meeting, it is urged mat tne rule naa
only been successful in delaying Im
provement wora.
Mayor Lane yesterday signed tha or
dinance revoking tha franchise of the
Cascade Power company. The company
' J - At-- . LI . ...
was Riven mo irancniH mura uiun
vear aao with the urderltandins? that it
waa to erect its Dower Diant ana oe in
operation In leas than a year. Failure
of the company to live up to Its agree
ment causea ue revocation or tne xran-
chlse. Mayor Lane a1 so signed tha or
dinance appropriating $5,600 for the
purchase of -mooring buoya and dolphins
to De placed in tne Willamette river.
The art department of tha Woman's
club will meet next Tuesday at 1 o'clock
aharn. In art room of tho public library.
Subject. "Light the Great Unifying Ele
ment In a Picture" with illustrations V ?hi'hl t"" -frr2f PortUnS .
from the worke of feembrandt, Leonardl Ahuh trn?it t.p?r"an X n-
H VlnniL Homnln t. 1rm tw.l.'er uln"r cr 11 " aseerxeo inai ine oan-
.i.n wi.7... n h.t .h. w, I anaa were chilled and ruined.
after the art. at 1730 o'clock. This Is I Aw n togetner ZI years
dona at the request of members lrtfng 1 Thomas H Clark charges his Wife de-
at a distance ana wno attena Dotn ue- i sorted him. After his wtfo wm r
jwrinignu. , , i ciara, lert mm, wniie they were Ilvlm
. . v. " 1 . ' " , I at Hood River, aa he alleges, he waite
J. W. MOJNamara. wno lor many years over seven veam hofnrn hrlno-lno- ..!
was engaged la the transfer business, for divorce. They were married in Med
icmu jjoae, ivansae, in in in, and nla
suit for divorce has Just been filed in
A . musical program described as
baaket of fragments' waa given by tha
Women'a ' club . vesterdar afternooa
Mra. C. E. Jtunyon waa in charge or
the program. Mra. Mime 4erkina aang
and gave-a reading; Miss Charlotte
Munroe read a Daner entitled A De
tense or Present imv literature : Mrs,
O. K. Pettinger of Oswego gave a reel
tatlon; Mrs. Millie Trumbull spoke o!
tha - visiting nurse association and ol
tha need for provision for tubercular
patients In tha city, - Mra. Byron E.
Miller aanar and Mra. M. Baruh gave
a monologue. Introducing the namea of
i many club women. Refreshments were
served and a social hour followed.
An interesting exhibit of etchings by
Glambatlit PiraaeaL 'an eighteenth
century architect and engraver, will be
opened at the arc museum, jrutn and
Taylor Btneeta, trhla afternoon. These
ara views of Tl volt, Paestrum and
Rome, and ara particularly interesting
to students, aa tha vlewa ahow the
ruins before tha axcavatlona were made
which brought to light recent dlscov
e'ries. - There are mora than 100 of
these etchings. The' new 910 and 120
gold Pieces deaignedvey St Gaudens
are also shown. . Tha museum is open
dally from I to 6. On Saturday and
Thursday afternoona admission ia free
la connection with the cartoon dis
play on tha landing at tha publlo li
brary may ba found In tha reference
room tho fine Illustrated volumea of
cartoons by Gil ray. Rowlandson ana
John Doylea -"Political Sketches of
H. B." A bulletin that la attracting
much attention is posted in the circu
lating room a .list of 100 "best nov
els." This list is the result of the
collation of eleven different lists com
piled toy varloua authora and libraries.
An action has been brought in Jus
tice Reld'a court agalnat the trustees
of the Mount Olivet, Baptist church for
Ml by W. Gddfrey, contractor. God
frey alleges that material belonging to
bim waa appropriated by the trustees
in ouuding their new church for which
he has been unable to secure payment.
The trustees named In the complaint
are Elige Fry, Ruben Crawford, Henry
Lawrence and Rev. B. B. B. Johnson, all
: I.
,7 X
rletaf Rev. E. A. Smith. . Bervleea,
11 a. m. and I p. ta.; Bunday aohooi, 10
a. m.. a. x. f. u. p. tn.
Third Vancouver avenue' and Knott
Streets; - Rsv. R. Schwedler, pastor,
Services 11 a. m. and 7:( p. m.i Bun
day school, id a. m.: B. X. P. U
Highland Alberta and Sixth Streets.
Rev. I. jr. Heaoock, pastor. Sunday
school. 10 a, m.! services at 11 a. aa. and
t:av p. m.; B. y. p.-U.. i:S0 p. m. -i
. Sell wood . Tacoma and , JL.erentn
streets; . Rev. John ,UenUin. Services:
11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.t Bunday aohooi,
10 a. m. B. jr. p. if; t:il p. m. , , ,-,
. . Calvary East Eigbta and Grant
streets. Rev. I. N. Monroe. Services, 11
a. m. and 7:J0 p. m.; topioa, "Great or
First Which V rand "Tha Passing of
Prison"; Sunday school at 10 a. m.; B.
i. . u., ;au p. m. v
Immanuel Second and Meade streets)
Rev. A. B. Mlnaker. Servloea at 10:10
a. m. and 7:J0 n. m. : sermon bv Kev,
F. U uark! Bunday school, a; m.
Cirtk n. Unnl.vlll. Maw nilinin VsT,
Ixar. Sarvleaa at 11 a. tn. and 7:10
. m.; topics, morning, "Divide possi.
Illtles in tha Human": evening. "Tha
End of Hsif." :
Central Eaat Twentieth and Aniteny
streeu; Rav. w. T. Jordan. Services a
10:10 a. m and 7:30 p. tn.; topics,
The Arrest of a Runaway preacner'
and "The Old Woman and the 'New"J
Sunday school, 1- ia.; X. p. meeting,
a:ie p. m. . i , ,
University Park Rav. A. B. Walts.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.: aervloea. 11a.
m. , and 7:80 n. m.: sermons by Rev.
F. E. Dark: B. T. P. U., 6:41 p. m.t
topics, "A New Testament psaim ; ana
"Enviable Bible Characters An Army
First Tha White Tatnpia, i'
and Taylor streets: Rev. J. Whltcomtt
Brougher, 13. IK "una accora prayer
meetlnr. la a. in.! services 10:10 a. m.
and 7:80 p. m.; morning eermon, "Moth
er. Son, Friend or Love Having Ita Own
Way"; evening sermon on Lr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde or the Moral Man ana
the Hypocrite." Specutl muslo for the
day: Morning, organ voluntary, "First
Movement" from fThird Sonata (Gun
man!); anthem, "Art Thou Weary"
(ChadWIcKj; aoio oy air. uejicaer,
jeaus uniy ittoiou;. ruveninar or
gan voluntary. "Prieeta' Marcn irom
' Rev. John Bentilen, tha Baptist uper.
Intendent of City missions. In Portland,
is a native of New Tork State. After
graduating from -lha State Normal
nonooi at oawvgo. New Tork, he was
for a time principal of the publlo achool
ai twueans. u, 1 which has since been
Included within the limlta of Greater
New York. .-. ..,..;..,
Impressed that he should enter the
fcoepel ministry, he took his , college
vyurso mi novnesier university, paying
Rev. John Bentzlen.
hia wav In part as a tutor In Greek, and
in part as a traveling salesman lor. a
Rochester wholesale bouse, during the
vacation months. , lie graduated wun
honors, taking one of the prises for the
best essay on a selected theme. 'On ao
count of being the- third man In tha
class of 40. In scholarship,, be waa elect
ed to the Phi Betta. Kappa, fraternity.
.. During the greater part of his three
years' course . which tie took In the
theological seminary, also In Rochester,
ne was pastor or tne Meiga oireci xup
tlst church of that city,
Afur his graduation he became the
assistant pastor of Kev, J. Wbltcomb
B rougher, at Peterson. , Nsw Jersey,
which position . he held for five years
until upon Dr. Brougher'a resignation
he beoame tha actlns Das tor of tha
church.'' , . v ..! -'...v.
Seven years ara he came to tha west
Since that time hn has served aa pastor
two years at HDOKane. two yeara ai
Coeur d'Alene, where he led tha church
In erecting, a beautiful house of wor
ship. What has been, without doubt.
nia largest rield of activity, la bis pres
ent position of superintendent of mis
sions In Portland and vicinity. HIS du
ties oombine the work in turn of a pas
tor, evangelist, organiser, church builder
and general auperlntendent of the mis-1
slon Interests and the extenalon work
in tne city. Under his leadership. the
eaousis or fortland have had m. neri.xl
of unprecedented activity and expansion.
Seven new churches organised, alx mis
sionary DHfltora secured three comnleted
church edifices, and four other building
enterprises under way, are some of the
things worthy of mention. 20,00
nan, ueen raised ror tnese purposes, be
side 15,000 ln subscriptions not yet col
lected, 'i nis does not include money
raised for Dastor'a aalarlcs and other
current expenses.
In addition to his regular duties. Mr.
Ben Is! en is at Present carrvlns- a larva
part of the responsibility of the mission
enterprises of the State of Oregon, while
the general missionary, W, B. Pope, is
taking an" extended rest On account of a
serious railroad accident
Athalla" (Mendelssohn); chorus,
Father Keen Us in Tny care
(Sullivan-Hodges); anthem, "Jesua the
Very Thought Is Sweet" (Hosmer);
postlude, "Melody In C" (Silas); -Miss
Kathleen Lawler, soprano MIsa Ethel
Shea, contralto; R. N. Hockenberry, bar-
tone: J. W. tseicner, tenor ana airecior;
Miss Grace E. Kemp, organist.
fiunnvslde (Uermani jrorty-nrst
street and Hawthorne avenue; Rev. C
Feldmeth. Preaching, 11 a. m.; Sunday
school, : a. m.
St. Johna (German) Rev. C Feld
meth, Preaching 8 p. m. Sunday aohooi
i a n.
Second Seventh and Eaat Ankeny
streets: Rav. Stanton C. Laoham. Serv
ices at 10:80 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Bible
Because a shipment of bananas had
chills on tha way from Portland to
Vancouver, B. C Oscar Brown A Co.,
fruit dealers of the last mentioned city.
have brought -suit in the circuit court
against the Southern Pacific to recover
damages of over 1300. Tt Is stated' that
tne car was broken on its Journey and
me irun was exposed to xne weather.
died yesterday at St Vincent's hospital
of valvular disease of the heart. Fu
neral will be conducted under the aua
plcea of the Ancient Order of Hiber
nians, tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock
from the undertaking chapel of Dunning,
McEntee A Gllbaugh and later from
St: Marys cathedral. Interment will
be In Mount Calvary cemetery.
The- charge of attempted larceny
against A. Anderson waa dismissed ln
the circuit court yesterday by Deputy
District Attorney HaneV. who atatad to
judge meiana mat upon cioae investiga
tion of the case there was a strong
aouDi in nis raina or tne defendants
guilt Anderson waa alleged to have
Broken down a door at the home of W.
U Dal ton with the purpose of looting
tne piace.
The Montavllla tree reading room
and ' library will be moved across the
Baee Line road from where it now
atauda February .1. That date will also
be the anniversary of the establish
ment of the library and it Is planned
properly to celebrate the event A re
ception will accordingly be held in the
new quarters on - the evening of Sat
urday, February 1.
the circuit court.
William C. Jackson, a hardware and
implement dealer at Shedda, filed a pe
tition ln the United States district
court yesterday requesting that he be
adjudged a bankrupt He gives his
liabilities as $4,216 and his assets at
Work on : the sidewalk contract on
KllUngsworth avenue Is progressing tn
satisfactory manner, three crews of
men have been' put on the Job and the
urorK is being rushed along a block at
i a time. It is a huge contract but will
be finished within several weeks If
the pace now set is maintained.
siiiiaiaa n in.
.The fourth monthly smoker of the
Unloiy Republican club will be held at
Belllng-Hlrsch hall on the evening of
January z, McKiniey a oirtnday. mm
have been made for an interesting; pro
gram and It is expected that a large
f athering or politicians .will be- in at
A civil service examination is an
nounced for February 26 to secure ell-
glbles for the position- of testing as
Blatant ln the forestry service at $800
per annum. Application should be made
to Z, A. Leigh, at the postofflce.
Articles found on streetcars yester
day as follows: 1 thimble; 1 purse, 1
package hose; 1 file; 1 book; 1 basket
fruit jars; 1 umbrellas. Call lost ar
ticle department O. W. P. building,
First andtAlder streets.
school, noon; Young People's union. 6:80
ti m , rrinm A I Minn Worn ntlirM'
and 'TThe Problem of Ood,"
Savler-Street Between Twenty-first
and Twenty-aecond streets. Sunday
school. 2:30 p. m.
fit. Johna A A. Leonard. Services,
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.f Sunday school,
10 a- m.; B. T. P. U, 6:80 p. .m.
Chinese Mission 362 W 6ak atreet
Bunday school, 7 p. m.i preaching ln
Chinese, p. m.
First German Fourth and Mill
etreeta; Rev. J. Kratt bervleea, 11 a.
m. and .7:10 p. nx; Sunday . school, :&
a. m.
Second German Morris atreet end
Rodney avenue; Rey.,F. Buepnann.
Services, 11 a in. and 7:80 p. m.; Sun
day achool, 1:46 a. m.
East. Forty-fourth Street Corner
Eaat Main; Rev. B. C Cook. Services,
11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Bible school, 10
a, m.; B. Y. P. U 6:46 p. m.
Lents First aenue and Foster road.
Rev. J. F. Heacock, pastor. Sunday
school, 10 a. m.; services, 11 a. m. and
v:au p. m. oy ttev. J. u. wnirry.
Mount Olive Seventn and Everett:
Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. Services at 11
a. m. and 8 p. m.
Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth: Rev.
Erlck Scheratrom. Services. 10:46 a.
m. and 7:46 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.;
B. Y. P. 17, 6:30 P. m.
Union Avenue Mission (Swedish)
Corner E kid more. Sunday achooL 10
Norwegian-Danish Services ln hall
corner MIsslsslDnl and Shaver streets
Sunday school; 12 m.; Industrial school
Saturday aiternoon, i oclock.
Gresnam Sunday school. 10 a. m.
Services 11 a, tn. and 7:30 p. tn. by Rev.
x. j, jsiiKins.
Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p, m.;
ounuay.aciiuui, iv a. m.
Millard Avenue Rev. A. D. Honart
. . . L , .a - . - .
ououar kouui, in a. Hi., services, 11 a.
m. and I d. m.
Annabel Services at 11 a. m. and 711
p. m-
Kenilworth East Thirty-ninth street
anf Gladstone avenue: preaching at 11
a. Vn. by Rev. J. 8. Dunning, ph. D.;
Sunday school at 12 m.
Piedmont Cleveland avenue and Jar
rett atreetsj -Rev. N. 8. Reeves, B. D..
pastor. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:46 p.
m.; 8unday school, 12:16 and Y. P. C.
E 6:46 p. m.
Trinity Fulton; Sunday achool at 11
a, m.i Christian Endeavor; 6:46 p. no,
preaching and infant baptism by Rev.
J. R. Wilson, 7:30 p. m.
Mount Scott cars will not stop on
Hawthorne avenue during the rush
hours of morning and evening between
Grand avenue and Forty-eighth street
after the new schedule goes Into effect
.Abstracts and certificates of title Is
sued on abort notice. R. S. Howard Jr.,
receiver of the Title Guarantee & Trust
company. 240-244 Washington at mat
corner Second. ,
The atreet oar company has not only
recently put new and large.- cars on the
Montgomery line, but yesterday a nlat
form was put in at the terminal, Six
teenth and Montgomery streets, ao that
passengers win be able to leave and
board cars without getting in the mud.
"Not guilty" waa tha plea, entered
yesterday afternoon by John Wynne,
who la accused of the murder of W. IT
Du Puis on the night of December
11. The date for trlai has been fixed
for March 6. Du Puis waa shot during
a Drawi in a norm ena saioon.
Real estate Agents and others please
take notice, that the abstract depart
ment of the Title Guarantee & Trust
company ia open for business. Abstracts
may be obtained aa formerly. . R. S.
Howard Jr., receiver..
Oregon Rose camp, Royal Neighbors
lof America, has nhangd its meeting
place to Alisky hall, at Third and Mor-
Whither Are W Drifting?
Those blessed days of graxtin' ara
. a-goin ter decay
aeom to be a-walkin' downward every
nour or tne aav
An' a feller isn't glttln any more a
" half a chance
Mot,- ter ante fer the fiddler yet en-
' I ' 'V Jy the f estiva dance. -
.in-irs also glttln' stylish fer a. feller
f ' in the irame. t
Jest aa aoon as he sees Heney ter begin
a-waiitin' lame,
W then ter git aa sick as Uncle Bacon's
- L - Dlsened nun.
:A-ter look like ins year's punklns an
.begin to ."oough ,'er up ,a,
Jhere'a ho iecurttyt xcep, ln honesty
I alone, ,:'i-k -. 5 - -A
proposltloh makln' a! whole multitude
l ..' j i ter arroan. .'-j., v. .--" (,v. V: i v. 1
An beller like an Infan' an' ter curl the
". raca an' weep, ,. "-.V'- .,
Fergittin' that we're here ter merely
I ' . lar an' eat an' aleep. - - .
Happy and honest in everything wa do.
. . .- '-Tels. A-1233.'MXln $S. : ' " V
I : Second and Columbia. ' "
Steamer Jesse HarlAna. for rnmn.
Washougal and way landinaa. dallv ex.
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
uuu h.1 t v. ra.
DU11 vaiue lor Title Guarantee ae.
counta ln furniture, carpets, etc. Cash
ir prexerrea. conn Bros., 180-182 First
Portland Acaderrtv ' next term win
open Druary 4. catalogue sent on ap
plication. ......
Woman's Exchange, 133 Tenth street,
luncn ii:dv to i; business men's lunch
Acme Oil Co. sell safety coal oil and
line gasonne. .rnone East 789; B-1007.
Dr. toward, Chronic Diseases. Com
monwealth building, Sixth and Pine,
D. Chambers, optician, 129 Seventh.
Journal want ada, lc a word.
Prisoner Betrs to Be Excused
From Answering Lead
ing Questions.
"I beg to be excused I have noth
ing at all to say," " declared George
Brown yesterday afternoon when he
was before Judge Bronaugh in the
circuit court - for sentence. Deputy
District Attorney Hanev had asked him
whether he had served a term in the
penitentiary at Walla, Walia for rob
bery, tha same crime of which he was
convicted here. Brown shifted uneasily
from one foot to the other and "begged
to be excused." 1
Mr. -Haney did not press' the Ques
tion further, but stated that he was
, t'n -,nat ' -"rpwn ' servetf time at
Walla. -. Walla. M ao
J,urr-laat weak' of robbing J. Wilbur
while the fatter was too , Intoxicated
to resist - ... ,- -.
Judge Bronaugh sentenced 'Brown to
three years ; in the, penitentiary. This
was th,e first case la which sentence
haa been passed . by Judge Bronaugh.
"."7 ."Where to Dine. V ?
Mrchantslunch daily, 6o; Sunday
dinner, 60b. Kruse a, Park and Morrison.
First Twelfth and Alder streets:
Rev. William Hiram Foulkes. Services
at 10:30 a. m. and 7:80 o. m.: preaching
dv tne minister, "rninas nw and Old":
Sunday school, 12 tn.; special service at
?:su p. m.
Mlipah East Thirteenth and Powell
streets; Rev. Jerome H. McGlade. D. D
services 10:80 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sun
day school. 12 m.: christian Endeavor,
6:30 p. m.; Sunday school at Midway at
v.ia a. m. ,
Calvary Eleventh and Clay ttreeta;
Rev. Ben-Esra Stiles Ely Jr., D. D.
Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.;
Sunday school after morning service.
Fourth First and Qlbbs streets; Rev.
Joha R. Welch. Serylces at 10:30 a. m.
and 7:80 p. tn.; Sunday school, 12 m.; Y.
P. S. C. E.. 6:60 p. m.
Hawthorne Park Twelfth and East
Taylor atreets; Rev. E. Nelaon Allen.
Services at 10:30 s m. and 7:30 p. no.;
Sunday school, 12 m.; Y. P. S. C. E.,
6:30 p. m.
Forbes Rer. Harry IL Pratt Build
ing burned. Services at Woodmen'a hall,
Russell atreet, near Rodney avenue, 11
a. ra. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 10
a. m.; C. E.. 6:80 p. ro.
Chinese 145 H First street; services,
7:46 p. m.: Sunday school, 6:46 p. m.;
young people's meeting, 8:45 p. m.
Piedmont Cleveland avenue and Jar
rette street .-.'.
Westminster East Tenth and Weid
ler streets, Rev. Henry Marcotte. Serv
ices, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday!
scnooi,.!! m.; .. Dij p. m.
Marshall-Street Marshall and North
seventeentn atreets; Kev. J. w. Hays.
Sunday school, 10 a. m.: preaching at
11 a m, and 7:30 n. m.: T. P. a C. m
at 6:45 p. m.
Mount Taoor Belmont street and
Prettvman avenue: Rev. Edward M.
Sharp, pastor. . Services at 11 a. ro. and
I p,n.; Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Bell wood Corner East Seventeenth
and Spokane avenue. Rev. D. A. Thomp
son. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.;
Sunday school. 10 a. tn.; Christian En
deavor, 6 p. m.
Third East Thirteenth and Ptnn
streets: Rev. Andrew J. Vontmmw,.
Services at 10:80 a, m. and 7:45 p. tn,
Vernon East Twentieth and Wygant
streets. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30
pa m. .by Rev. A. A. Blair; Sunday
school 12 m.
ope ontaviiia; Kev. s. B. White.
Taylor-Street Rev. Benjamin Young.
D. D- pastor.' Sermon, 10:30 a. m. and
7:20 p. m.; topics. "The Theme of
Hoodels Messiah' and "The Hand and
the Loaf"; classes, 9:30 a. m.; Sunday
school, 12:16 p.' m.; Epworth league,
6:80 p. m.
Sunnyaide East Yamhill street be
tween East Thirty-fifth and Thirty-
sixth streets: T. B. Ford. Services 11
a. m.; Junior League, 3 p. m.; Senior
Lieague, 6:16.
Bt Johns F. L. Young. Services 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. tn.; Sunday school,
10 a. m.
Epworth Rev. Charles T. Mcpher
son. Service ln Oregon building at
fair grounds, 11 a. ra. and 7:30 p. ru.
Topics, "How We Are Saved and
"Jesus Paid It All"; Sunday achool, 10
a. m.; Epworth league, 6:30 p. m.
. Centenary East Pine and East Ninth
streets. Rev. Clarence True Wilson,
D. D., pastor. Class meeting, 9:30 a.
m. ; aervices. 10:30 a. ro. and 7:30 p.
m.: topics, "The Spirit Filled Life" and
"What Ia the Unpardonable SinT" Sun
day school, 12:15 p. m.; Epworth league,
6:30 p. m. Professor Clayton Went
will Interpret the 'sermon for the deaf.
Trinity Corner of East' Tenth antf
East Grant; Lewis F. Smith. Services at
H a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school,
10 a. m. ; class meeting. 12:16 p. tn.; Ep
worth league, 6:30 p. m. Morning ser
mon by Rev. W. B. Holltngshead. Even-ina-
sermon by the pastor on "Am I Mv
Brother's Keeper?"
Central Kusseii ana Kerby streets; J,
T. Abbett Service at 10:30 a. m,
and 7:30 p. tn.; Sunday school at 12
Chinese Mission Chan 81ns Kai.
Services 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.
Mount Tabor Services at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 D. m.
Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen
ter, H. t. wire, tervices at 11 a.
and 7:30 d. m.
Vancouver Avenue Bervleea at 11 a.
m. and 7:30 D. m.
Woodstock Rev. H. P. Blake. Ser
vices at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. ra.
Norweglan-Danlah Thirteenth and
Davis; C J. Nelsen. Services at 11
m. and 7:80 p. m.
Swedish fiorthwlck and Beach: Rev,
John Ovall. Services, 11 a. ra. and
8 p. m. ; Sunday achool 10 a. m.; Ep
worth league, 7 p. m.
First German Fifteenth and Hoyt O
A. Waasa. Services at 11 a. m. and
7:80 d. m.
Second German Stanton and Rodney.
Kev. k. , ueruier. services at n a,
m. and 8 p. tn.; Sunday school, 9:4b
m.t EDWortU leaarue. 7 :30 p. m.
Japanese Mission 121 -North Flf
teenth. Rev. Ellsen Rtbara. Servioes
9:80 a. m. and 8:80 d. tn.. Sunday
school. 8:30 p. m.
University Parle Kev. William it.
Jeffrey Jr. pastor. Services at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 d. m.
urace uorner or Tweirtn ana xayior
streets; Kev. William ti. ueppa, pastor,
Services at 10:30 and 7:30 p. m.
Topics, "Growing Stalwart Christian
Lives and Present Day Conditions" and
"TJe Genius of Doubt ; morning classes,
:30 a. m,; Bunday school, iz;& p. m.;
t. Paul mission. 3:30; Epworth league.
6:30 p. m.; special music.
Sellwood Corner East firteentn and
Tacoma avenue: Rev. A. Preston Boyd.
services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Junior
Eoworth leaaue. 2:30 p. m.; senior En
worth leasrue. fi:30 r. m.
irree first aat xxintn ana miil ksv.
W, J. Johnston. Services 11 a. m 7:30
d. m.. Thursday 7:80.
The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thirty-
ninth and Powell streets, Rev. S. J.
Kester. pastor, services at n a. m.
and 7:30 d. m. : Sunday school 10 a.
ni.: CEpworth league, 6:30 p. m.
Woodlawn William J. Douglass, pas
tor, services at 11 a. m, ana t:su p. m.;
Sunday school 10 a. tn.; Epworth league,
6:80 p. m. ,
University Park Corner Dawson and
Flske streets. Rev. William R. Jeffrey
Jr., pastor. Class meeting, 12:15
p. m. ; Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.;
hipwortn league, s:sv; senior league,
6:30: topics. "In the Power of the
Spirit" and "God's Method of Satisfying
ine tioaesi uouDier.
Holy communion, 7:80 a. m.; Sunday
school, 10 a, m.; services and sermon,
11 a. m.
Pro-Cathedral of Bt Stephen the Mar
tyrThirteenth and Clay atreets; Rev.
ty. M. Ramsay. Communion, 7:30 a. ra.;
services 11 a, m. and 7:30 p. m.j Bunday
school. 8:45 a. m.
All Saints Twenty-second and Reed
streets. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; bap
tism and sermon, 7:30 p. ra., by Bishop
Bt. Andrews University Park: Rev.
W. R. Powell. Bervioea 11 a. m.; Bun
day school, 10 a. ta.
Bt Paul's Woodmere; C L. Parker,
lay reader. Bervleea at 11 a, m.; Sun
day achool, 6:46 a. m.
The. Church of Our Savior Wood
stock. Bervleea, 11 a. m.; Bunday
school 10 a. ra.
Bt Mark's Corner of Nineteenth and
Qulmby streets; Rev. J. E. H. Simpson,
Hoiy communion, s a. m.; matins and
litany. 11 a. m. : evenaonr and sermon.
7:80 p. m.; Sunday school 10 a. m.
St John's Memorial sellwood; Rev.
H. D. Chambers. Services and sermon,
11 a. ra; Sunday school, 10 a. m.
Good Shenherd Sellwood atreet anil
Vancouver avenue. Alblna. Rev. John
Dawson, rector. Sunday school, 9:45 a.
in.; morning service, ii a. ra.; event
service, 7:80 p. m. Holy communl
- a. m. Morning sermon by Bishop
Bt David's East Twelfth and Bel
mont, Kev. oeorge B. van Watera. D,
l). Holy communion, 8 a. m.; rector's
Kibie class ln chapel, 10 a. m.; morn
ing service and sermon, 11 a. m.; eve
ning service, v:so; Sunday achool. 9:45
a. m.
- A Cons0roatltnt Cmttodlan"
'?iJ,': :'-:PAYSKV';lF'' :
4 Per Cent
For the convenience of
Its customers on Satur
day evenings from 6 to 8
114 Second St.
' Corner Washington
'-v 141 and WashlttgWa
i ' Phones Main 1 and A-11S3.
n xxQwn, Mounrara nn
) Special Price Matins Tuesday.
.'.The Mualcal-Coinedy Suocean.
'"rn onraxuxiiAX, maw.- '
Evenings, 1.60 to 6fte.- Mat.,-it i T.
Wednesday, ' January 19
' Bong Recital Famousi Basso'
yaatBT winaBuroo-r ."
' Mail Orders, Reeelved Now.
' Address letters-and checks to W. T.
Pangle Lower floor. $ J. and 11.60: bal-
Vldrci uam; O rand
rnom nam . :. .
Portland's Famous Theatre,
Last Time Tonight ' '
tn sarxx.'B ATJCTZQ. ,- .si
Elaborate, magnificent new songs, hits
and specialties, everything-entlrely new.
evenings Z5Cy oo. lie. 81V Matinees
5C, PC, ltd.
streets; Theodora Bchauer. pastor; ser
mon at 10:46 a. ni. and 7:46 p. m. Bun
day achool 9:80 a. m.
aiamoriai lotst snteentn '-na iid
ttatta i n. Hoovei. oastor. Preachlnc
at 11 a. m. and 7:10 p. m.; Sunday
school, 10 a. m.i morning sermon by
Rev. E- F. Zimmerman,
Christ! jgolenea.
First Church of Christ Scientist-
Scottish Rite cathedral. Morrison and
Lownadala streets. Services at 11 a. m.
and 6 d. m.i Bunday aohooi at close or
morning service: Wednesday meeting,
m.i auniector lesson, -irum.
Second Kilts' UmMe. Stark, between
Sixth and Seventh streets. Services at
11 a. tn. and n. m.. sublect "irutn :
Sunday school at close of rooming serv
ice; Wednesday meeting, 8 p. m. "
traited Brethren ia Christ.
First East Fifteenth and Morrisos
streets; Rev. H. C Shaffer. ; Services
at 11 a, m. and 7:30 p. m. Bunday
school at le a. m
Second East Twenty-seventh and
Mildred avenuet B. E. Emericb. pastor.
Radical sixth and Mechanic streets:
Rev. T. J. Cocking. Services, 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday achool, 10 a. m.;
P. S. C ., o:o p m.
First Madison and Park. Rev. Lu
ther R. Dyott. D. D., paator. Services
10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. topics.
xne Altruism 01 jesus ana Love.
Sunday school, 12:13 p. m.; Y. P. 8. C
r.., o:ju p. m.
University Park 1613 Haven avenue;
Kev. ta. i ii. van -.uDKen, pastor,
Preachlnar. 11 a. m. and 7:80 d. m. Ton.
ics, "The Grounds of Our Love for the
cnurT-n and "The Sunny Side of Temp
tation"; Sunday school, 10 a. m.; x,
P. S. C. E.. 6:80 p. m.
Laurelwood Rev. W. H. Mwn
oervice, 11 a. m eunaay scnooi. 10 a.
m.: Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:30 o. m.: mornlno-
sermon by Rev. D. B. Gray; evening oy
the pastor
Mississippi Avenue Mississippi ave
nue and Fremont; Rev. Daniel T. Thomas.
Slrvlces, ll a. ro. and 7:80 p. m.
Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Christian En
deavor. 6:30 p. m.
Sunnyaide Corner of East Taylor and
East Thirty-fourth street; Rev. J. J.
Staub. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m.; topics, "The Discovery of Life"'
and "Asking for the Old Paths": Sun
day school, 10 a. m.; Junior C. E., 3 p.
m. ; Senior C. -.., 6:30 p. m.
Hassalo Street East Seventh and
Hnasalo; Rev. Paul Rader. Sermon,
10:30 a. m. and 7:30 d. m.: Sunday
school, 12 m.: Y. P. B. C. E, 6:30 p. m. i
Highland jsast eixtn street north and
Prescott; Rev. E S. Bolllnser. Serv
ices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; topics,
"A Un,t TTnnnmilAt ThAm n ,1
vols of An Old Hymn Book"; Sun
day school, 10 a, m.; Y. P. a G. E.. 6:30
p. ra. epeciai music ai evening service,
St Johna Rev. G. W. Nelson. Serv.
Ices. 11 a. m. and 8 n. m.: Snndav
scnooi. iv . ta.
First German East Seventh and
Stanton streets: Kev. John H. Hoon.
Services. 10:30 a, m. and 7:30 n. m
Sunday school, 9:15; Christian En
deavor, 6:30 p. m.
Traited Xresbyterla.
Chnrch of tha Strangerr. Waseo
street and Grand avenue: Key. o, rl
DuBoIs. Services at 10:45 a.' m. and
30 p. m.; sermon translated for the
denf each Sunday morning; Sunday
school, 12 m.
First -sixth and Montgomery streets;
Rev. A. W. Wilson, pastor. Bervleea at
10:80 a. m. end 7:80 p. m.; Italian serv
ices at 4 p. m.
Church of Our Father Corner of
Yamhill and Seventh atreets; Rev. W.
O. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T. L. Eliot D. D
minister emeritus. Services, 11 a. m.;
topic, The Preaent Moral Value of a
Faith ln the Personal Immortality of the
Soul," with special music; Sunday
school, 9:46 a. m.; adult class, 12:30
p. m.; Y. P. F. 6:30.
Spiritualist Society.
First Abington building. Third street
between Stark and Washington. Ser
vices ll a. m.. 3 and ym& p. m.
Church Of the First Born, 86 Fifth
street Lecture at 8 p. m. by Rev. R. E.
coon, spirit messages by Mrs. I W.
Coon and Professor Frame
Ministers and mediums meeting, room
zoi Alisky building. Address by Rev.
j ll. ,ucas, at :o p. m.
- X. XL Churoh Bout.,
17m Second street; Rev. E. F. Mowre.
Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.: Sun
day school. 10 a. m.; Epworth league.
o.iv p. m.
First German Tenth and Stark
streets; G. Hefner, services at 19:46
a. m. and 8 p. m.
Marquam Qrand
Phone Main 6. .. "... .. v
Portland's Famous Theatre. " 1
Matlneo and Nights.
The Greatest Picture Exhibition aver
"the omsAT trjtstot TiO-rr.''
Thousands of . the London Athletlo
clubs and spectators In full evening
dress at tho arena. Prices, 25c, 35c, 60ft.
DAKHR Thentre PfeoseMaJutt
The Famous Baker Stock Company All
lt Tlm Tonight
-rva -iui or ra oobb.1
By George Broadhurs author of Tha
Man of the Hour,", a powerful modern
play full of intense scenes and situa
tions. First time In Portland. '-, Mati
nee Saturday.
Evenings, 25c, 85c, 60c. Mat lie, I5c
jfezt Week, Statilnar Tomorrow Katlaee,
oyt's "A mik White rug." -
CHPIRE Theatre l:
Milton W. Seaman, Manager. .
Last Time Tonight The great melo
dramatic sensation of the age,- Theodore
Founded on the life of tha notorious
Piddle brothers during the Pittsburg
tragedy. ,
Nights 15c, I5e, 85c, 60c; Mats. 10c, tOo.
jrszt - Attraotle, gtartlng . Tomorrow
Matinee "ilg-HearUd 3im." ...
AU this week tha R. E. French Stock Co,
fasnta the nreat iMaw
aaa,Li duiiuk, nuvi auui,ui
and Saturday at 2:30: prices lOo and 30a.
Every evening at 8:15; prlcea 16o, I5a
and 860. Phone for reserved seats, "
TandevtUe eta X-za.
' Headed by t ' -
And Her Lion Troupe -
Absolutely the Premier Attraction- la
vauaevuie. - -
"The Rickelodlob Theatre"
Opposite Oregonian Bids. , , , s '
jxuxotts) win ,
And ... VV4'V:''''
KX8. B. at. CXAsT, tha
only Chinese woman
doctor In this city. She
has cured many af
flicted sufferers. Cured
private and female dis
eases, also throat and
lung troubles: stomach,
bladder and kidney a
and . diseases - of all
kinds that thai human
flesh Is heir to. Cured
by Chinese herbs and
roots. Remedies harm
less. No operations.
Honest treatment Ex
amination free. 263 Clay at, cor. Third.
Preaches Sunday, Both- Servioes.
Twelfth and Taylor Streets.
Mother, Son, Friend
or toys Having Its Own Way.
Third la Series on "Seven Words."
, ,7:30 . K.
Dr. Jekyll and
; . Mr, Hyde
Tha Moral Man., and Xypoerit.
Fine Music by Tempi Quartet
. - and Chorus. .-.'..
Sveryhodr Welooaaa. iV,;
. Centrals-East Twentieth and Eaat
Salmon streets: Rev. J. F. Ghormley, D.
D. Services, 10:46 a, m. and 7:45 n. m.:
topics, "The Word ln Prophecy," "Pilate
Berore ennst"; sunoay school, 12 m.;
C. E.. 6:30 p. m. Special music by male
Rodney-Avenue Rodney avenue and
Knott street; Rev. F. Elmo Robinson.
Services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.;
Sunday school. 9:45 a. tn.; Y. P. S. C.
2-. 6:30 p. m.
Kern Park- Re. E. M. Patterson:
services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. nu; Bible
Bchool, 10 a. m.; C. E.. 6:30 .p. m., topics,
"Christ and the Church" and "The Res
toration of Apostolic Benevolence."
Woodlawn Services at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. by pastor, Clark W. Com
stock: topics, "What We Like in Chris
tians" and "How I May Know That I
Am Saved"; Sunday school, 10 a. m.;
Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:30 p. m.
First-J-Corner Park and Columbia
streets; Rev. m. o. Muciuey. services,
11 a. m. and 7:30 P. m.-topics. "How the
Savior Knows You"; and "The Man
Who Wins"; Bible school, girls' day, 10
a. m:; O. E., 6:80 p. m.
Advent Second street, between Hall
and Lincoln. Services at 11:30 a. ro.
and 7:80 p. tn.: Young People's .So
ciety of Loyal Workers. 6:80 p. ra.
- Trinity - Nineteenth and Everett
streets; Dr. A. A. Morrison. Bervleea,
t a. m 11 a. n and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday
school. 4:46 a. m. . .
St Matthews First and Caruthers
street; Bey. .W. A. M. Brack ln charge.
Swedish Immarfuel Nineteenth and
Irving streets. Services, 11 a. ra. and I
p. m.; Sunday school, 0:45 a. m.
Norwegian synod East Tenth and
East Grant streets; Kev. O. Ha goes.
Sunday school, 6:80; services, 11 a. in.
and 7:30 p. m.; Y. P. Society, Thursday,
sue p. m.
Betania Danish union avenue and
Morris street; Rev. J. Scott. Services
11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school. 10
m.; Y. P. 8;, Tuesday, 8 p. m.
St James' English West Park and
Jefferson streets; J. Allen Leas. Serv
ices, ll a. m. and 8 o. ni.: Sunday
school, 10 a, m.; Luther league, 7 p. m.;
topics, "Higher Ideals" and "How We
Got Our Bible."
Norwegian 45 North Fourteenth
street: Rev. J. M. Nerving. Services at ll
a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday school. 0:45
a. m.
St Paul's German East Twelfth and
Clinton streets: Rev. A. Krause. Serv
ices, 10:80 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday
scnooi, v:sv a. m.; ttiDie class and
Young People's meeting, Thursday, 8
p. m.
Trinity German (Missouri Synod)
corner Williams avenue and Sellwood
atreet: J. A. Rirnbach. Services at 10
a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, tilfi
Zion's German (Missouri Synod)
Chapman and Salmon streets: W. H.
Bebrens, pastor; services, 10:15 and
In English lirst and third Sundays.
Bweaisn Augusiana noaney avenue
and Stanton street; Rev. c A. Tolln:
services 10:45 a. m. and 7:45-n. tn.: Sun.
day school. 8:30 a. tn.
Tnlted Evangelical.
First Corner East Tenth and Sher
man streets. Rev. A. A, Winter. 10 a,
tn., Sunday achool: services 11 a. m.
and 7:80 p. m.; i or u. js., s:3v p. m.
Second Fargo and Kerby atreets:
Rev. B. 8. Hughes, pastor.- Sunday
achool 10 a. tn.; services 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m.
St John'sIvanhoe and John streets;
Rev. Chester Paul Gates. Preaching 11
a. m.; Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Ocklev Green Gay street and Wil
lamette boulevard; Rev. J. Bowersox,
pastor. Services, n a. ro. and 7:15 p.
m.: bunuay sciioui, iv a, m.; jv. i-c.
E-, 6;15 P. m.
Swedenborslan - New Church Society
Knights of Pythias hall. Eleventh and
Alder streets, services ll a. m.
Millennial Dawn G. A. R. HalL cor
ner secona ana aiornson streets, serv
ices. 2:30 p. m. '
Divine Truth Center Alisky build
ing. Third and Morrtaon streets. Serv
ices, 11 a. m. Thaddeua M. Mlnard. paa
tor. xopics, ine spiritual Advance
ment of Man. ...
Y. M. C, A. Association auditorium.
Fourth and Yamhill streets, Sunday at
3 o'clock p. m., the quartet from tho
Second Baptist church of this city wl'.l
sing and M. Monroe will speak. His
subject is 'C Plus C," illustrated with
stereopticon pictures. Arte- the ad
dress there will be a discussion' grcup. a
men s cnorus, xeiiowsnip luncn ana a I . - as " a a f t
"ued'to'bf prtenten COTiully ' Sewing Machines at Low Prices
Diamond Roof Stains
-, -: -'Aia rjUB;v4p
Gal. LbU 75c Per' QI.
Portend Sash' & Door Co.
3o rorr bt. . toxtxamt, ob.
Volunteers of America Hall. Fourtn
ahd Ankeny streets. Services Sunday
at 3:80 and 8 p. m. Regular nightly
services every night but Monday at a
p.- m.
Salvation Army Cor.-s No. 4 Services
at 249 Madison street at il a. m. and 3
and 8 p. m. Regular nightly dervicea
every night out wedneaaav.
Rlngler's hall Grand acnue and
East Morrison. 7:46 P. m. Dr. J. P.
Green will speak on "An Old-New View
of the Atonement
General Sucerlntendent A. Price, of
the central division of the Canadian Pa
cific railway, departed in his private
car last night for Hpoitane. arter loom
ing aver the railroad situation In Port
land7 and taking an automobile trip
about the cltv.
It Is intended by the Canadian Pacific I
management to inaugurate a direct
transportation service into Portland
ahmit March 1. via. Snokftne and the O.
R. & N. main line. Freight trains han
dling Canadian Pacific shipments will
be operated with O. R. & N. motive pow
er, funman car ana possiDiy oDserva
tion car accommodations will be fur
nished by the Canadian Pacifio in and
out or .roriiana, tneir cars oeing at
tached to the Spokane Flyer, so tnat a
Portland passenger may go direct with
out cnange or cara oeiween romana
and Montreal or Quebec.
Fifty slightly' damaged Vwtng ma
chines. Including , Singers, Wheeler
Wilson, Domestics, Whites, Household,
Davis and others,- for sale very cheap
to make room for new stock.
SCt CIFI'. 335 Konlsoa '
. J. JIULL Men-am felt
Qregon Mala 6115. ; Horn. A-3047. '
rrxarcH r ajtot oabmz-tt cioba-T-
nra coiciirr ? .,.
Successors t6 the" Portland Dfra Works.
ail kinds of sarments Suoceasfullv
cleaned, dyed, pressed and repaired.
Practical hatter. i - - -
ui roTrsxac bt pobtiuutd, ob.
Tall the Grocer to Orief
' 'fiiaori .
, King of CcITccj
1 lb. 40c, 2 lbs. 75c
. irnlyersalUrt
Church of tha Good Tidings Eaat
Couch and East Eighth streeu; Rev.
J. D. Corby. Services, 10;45 a, m. and
-7:30 p. tn.: Bible school, 12 m., topics,
"Unappreciated Effort" and "Shall Our
Children Work, and How?"
SvangeUcaJ,, Association.
- First English East Sixth and Mar
ket atreets; S. ' A. Slower t. pastor. Serv
tcss 11 a, m. and 8 p. m,; Young People's
alliance, 1 p. m.; Sunday school. 10 a. tn.
- First German Corner Tenth and Clay
Chronio Cstarrh Cured ly
DmcglHt. refnnd money If DR. PORTER'S
Building Permits.
M. E. Thompson, erect store, Missis
sippi, between Shaver and Failing, $10.
000; H. Nelson, erect dwelling. Going,
corner East Thirty-second, $1,700; W.
H. Helserueter. erect dwelling. East
Twenty-ninth, between Surman and
KllUngsworth, $1,600; William Beckett
erect dwelling. East Twentieth, between
Wygant and Going 3 1,000.;' & , ..
PAZO OINTMENT to guaranteed to ears an
ens. of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protrndlna
flic, ln 0 to 14 days or Doner refunded, 60.
Inspect Rosenthal's , shoe store
dow and get busy, - . 5 t
Of all varieties permanetly cured in a
few days without a surgical operation
or detention from business. . No pay
will be accepted until the patient is
soDirwrny Bsnsnen. write or rail on
Tli Swetiand JBldg- PortUnd, ur.
cbwdb Printing Co.
tttr iror. nxjttoHJBtK riticts
Mattresses M 1 'XJpclzizilr.z
Made Over and Made td Order. : Carper 1
Sewed and Laid. Phona Main. iili.
MAHBET si MASSXT, C09 TevrtM r -i
J. Sfeenssslty. Yilzli C!;:: j
Promptly attended to In any part of the
cityi' Doors and windows bought and sol,t
884 Beoond, seat Jeff. J?boae Pao. 037.
' wot xar Txaa tsxtst -'
At tha MODESX PRlsrxEJKY, fot C-eaa
- . . Prlnunsr. ,
Sa Sussat aiaT. . 4i.J and KartUou.
Vebloot Oil !::' "
Makes Bhoes Waterproof f
Xeather Not a Bhine at a'l ;
.- I-.-
1 '