THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. JANUARY 21, 1S03. 4 wo mrDrirri. o a a, vo cocaot ri - . i ABSOLUTELY NOTHING RESERVED ! " IN CAMBRIDGE CORRECT CLOTHES ,( If your luni bleed when you brush them, -you , have, '. pyorohoe. disease which, it let run. esuses recession and teeth tqjoosen, . . The best ready-to-wear clothing manufactured in the world to sell , quickly, every suit in fancy fabrics in the house, sizes 34 to 44 take ,v , your unlimited choice for , We positively eure the above disease. TEETH ' W : : ' ' - ' " 1 ' 1 , ' . Thl office fa equipped with all the I latest apptlsnces-and formulaa for doing big h-class work. -, i . f ' - OUR PRICES II-K Crown ..S5.00 Bridge "Work, per tooth ......... f 5.00 Logan Crown....... 3.50 to S5.00 Beat Rubber flate .-S8.00 Aluminum Lined Tlatea ...... v.lU,UO o ajxo.vv Sllrer nil Inge .S1.00 I Gold Fillings........ S2.00 to S5.00 hr(teblea Vapor Weed only by us for rainless wiricimi over CHICAGO Painless Dentists cob. cmiAjro wAaxrjraTO. Be eure vou era In the right office. Lay auenaant. Phonea Main HSO. A-SI40. TEACHER UNCLE SAM'Teddy, You Have Chosen a Good Student to Copy After.' FIVE BALTIMORE : FIREMEN KILLED Twenty-Two Injured in Fire Which Destroys Half Million in Property. '4 lt,y ; 'V' v';"X'Vi' -'(' p' '.Jjj' '"$' '. " (Cnlttd iriM leased Wirt.) Baltimore,' Md. Jan. -14. Later "de velopments' snow that five firemen aro dead, 22 , Others are seriously Injured and property valued at 1500,000 waa destroyed " early this morning as the result of the most disastrous firs that has visited that city since the great con flagratlon. -.- v'-i.. . .' .' The fire started In some brass works and spread to the city hall annex of the pidlty. Difficulty was experienced In saving the records of the department. health department with remarkable ra nt epi Two bodies are still In the ruins. three of them havine been recovered. George Horton, chief of the fire de partment; is among those thought to be fatally injured. The identified are: Lieutenant Frederick Herman and Fireman 'William B. rMigh. Starting shortly after midnight on the third floor of the building at the southeast corner or Hoiiaday ana Sara toga streets, the fire spread so rapidly that a general alarm was Immediately sent in. a gaie xrom tne normwesi spread the flames rapidly and this to gether with the very cold weather made the work of the firemen difficult. The fir was under control at S o'clock. BURN TEXT BOOKS TO STAMP OUT DISEASE MinneaDolte. Minn.. Jan. tL The school board has ordered the destruc tion of 760 text books In use In the Kenwood and Douarlas Schools. In the hope that It, will prevent the spread of scarlet fever, there now being 36 cases of the disease In the two schools. OVERWHELMED III ROGUE'S RAPIDS Boat of Two Over-Adventurous , Strangers Found Below Perilous Waters. (Special Dispatch te The Journal 4 Grants Pass, Or.. Jan. 84.4-Two men whose names could not be learned, but other public men of prominence. who were supposed to be miners on their way to the lower Bogus river a-old district. - loaded a rowboat with a supply of grub and a camping outfit and I tlnue to pour into the city, every train DRY FARMERS AT SAEIJI CITY Transmississippi Congress May Attack Public Land Policy of Country. (United Prees Leased Wire.) Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 1 4. With delegates present from eleven states west of the Mississippi river represent- j lng practically all of the great terri tory included in the seml-srld and arid . region of the country, and the state and territorial governments, the second an- i nu.l m.iln e9 , ti Trans.Xf l.antirl Ttrtf ' Farming Congress began its business sessions here yesterday. The sessions will continue through the remainder of the week, and during that time Important action is expected to be taken looking toward the reclamation of the vast un settled territory of the west that needs but a fully developed system of dry farming to make it blossom and bear fruit. Not since the bea-lnntns; of the dry- farming movement has so much inter est been taken In the subject, and dur ing the three days' session every phase of the problem will be discussed. Among tne spessers will oe governors ana other Dubllo men of prominence, s-ov- rn merit inr ta on lorestrr and Kin dred sublects. and reoresentatlves Of msny commercial organisations and colo- nisauon movements. jjeiegaies started down Rogue river from Grants j arriving this morning bringing In scores interested in tne wora oi iae congress. Papers bearing: on the various phases of dry farming and the tremendous p the boat, bottom Siae up. minus inn i or dry men and supplies, was picked up by field for its development in the arid re- miners at Gallce camp, 25 miles below a-lons of the west will be read by a Pass, intending to shoot the rapids. . Re- )Ort was receiveai nere yeruy wu he boat, bottom side up, minus the men and supp har. it ( lUDooaed the boat was i number of ' exDerts from tne unitea swamned in the terrible maelstrom and I Btates department of agriculture . and whirlpools of Hell Gate, between Grants by practical dry farmers from many Pass and Gallce. The rapids of Hell states. It is expected also that the Gate are considered far more treacher- administration's policy with regard to ui and difficult to run than the White forestry and public lands will be at- Horse of ths Tukon. Very few men tacked and an attempt made to have have shot them in safety, and then only adopted' resolutions criticising these in boats -built especially for Rogue policies. river A number of men have been Besides, the discussion of methods for drowned in tne attempt io run tieu i conserving in motomm nniumn, u congress will oeai wnn ing niw.ioa It is time for some slow movers to get up and act. Here is, an actual money-saying to you of from 25 to 50 per cent on men's wear, C' ' $H.8.5 ' For a choice of 200 Overcoats and .Raincoatsthis ' . season's $16.00;and $18.0o lines. , ;,-';!::";"''J $8.65 ' For a choice of 100 Overcoats and Raincoatsthis t season's $12.00 and $15.00 lines. ; .GuiJlfuhnProp? 166-168 THIRD STREET ' flu a. in a. boat. It is believed the men were "tender feet" newly arrived from the east, Their boat was light, shell-like affair, built for far less wicked waters than those of the Rogue. , M I years in the p Young Men Will Hold Eint fea while" Banquet on Lincoln's Birthday. of food plants best sdapted to the re gion of partial aridity. The depart ment of agriculture baa covered the earth with Us experts In a searoh of that character, and it has found some thing for almost every oondltlon within the wide range of the United States. The results of these researches will form a portion of the information given out by the congress. Shot Officer; Geta Five rears. ("nedM rirtcn to IThe Journal.) Grants Pass, Or.. Jari. 84. John Hen dricks was sentenced by Judge Hanna In the circuit court yesterday to five arm in the nenitentiarv. iie snot ro- eswearinger in ine leg resisting arrest, hi es caped but waa captured in Douglas county. - - ' Incendiary Fire at Roseburg. (Special Dispatch to The lovnial.) - Roseburg, Or., Jan. 24. A fire of In- Dispatch to The Journal.) j cendlary origin in tne Brnow tiouse, a That re- i?1 c,-r "V1" r... .Y. 7, Ited to Join he Garfield (Special Baker City. Or.. Jan. 24 cent developments In Oregon politics has not chilled the patriotism and en ergy of the young Republicans of Baker county was illustrated when Henry M. McKlnney, one of the native sons who was rocked in a Republican cradle and never strayed from his early teachings, circulated a paper among the young men of Baker for the purpose of start ing a roll of membera for the Republi can club now forming. February 12, Lincoln's birthday, is the date set for the club to have Its first meeting, at whicfr time a banquet and smoker will be embellished with speeches from Republican party .work ers ironr over tne county. SumDter will be lnvlt this ora-anlsation. as will the club of Hainea and Republicans from Eagle and Pine valleys.. . According to promoters oi ine ciuo it is to be free from factional strife, not holding- forth the old malices and feuds which are. said to, exist in the oounty. , , j . ' ' ' - Federation ot Laymen. - , (United Press Leased Wire.) New. York. Jan. 24.-A conference of fh. rntnrnh I ji vmi-n'M union of the Enls- copal Church began in this city today 1 and will continue over tomorrow. .n union was given birth at a meeting held at the Episcopal general convention In Richmond last fall, when a number f thm donutiea and visitors met and dis cussed the work which the men of the church might do for missions. 'As a re sult of this conference a xcoerauve movement was started and organisa tions of men in New York, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Buffalo, Providence and other cities were- formed. - Now representa tives from the various centers nave met for a two days conference to consider and coordinate the efforts of .the lay men everywhere to help the missionary Culver, caused several hundred dollars' loss, partly covereq py insurance. Cuba Eats Fruit New York cab meat, Canada cats pork and Iceland cat fat The colder the climate the fatter the food because fat heats the body and heat is life. The finest fat that grows makes Scott's Emulsion It Is the Norwegian Cod liver ' OIL SCOTTS EMULSION Is ( full of heat and nourishment. It has a power in it that gives vigor and new flesh to . those who suffer from consumption and other wasting diseases. v AO Drsgsietsl SOe. and $1X0. "Regular ' Prices $2(5.00 ; . to $40.00- Regular Prices $20.00 v to $40.00 . No extra charge for alterations-during this sale clearance sale of shirts ; . : Earl & Wilson, . Manhattan ' . Cluett, .Starr ; $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 at $1.15 .'V. CLEARANCE SALE on all WINTER UNDERWEAR 25 Off XJn Every Garment, Cart- ; wright & Warners , Excepted s BIG REDUCTION ON PARAGON TROUSERS Perkins Hotel Pcrklm Hotel: 289-291 WASHINGTON ST. 'At Our Great January Sale of Men's and Women's Wearing Apparel Men's Suits; Overcoats and iiaincoats CLEARING OUT AT 25 PER CENT OFF WOMEN'S SKIRTS, WAISTS, ; SUITS AND MILLINERY AT SLAUGHTER PRICES SKIRTS $10.00 TO $13.00 $12.00 TO $15.00 WOW $4.85 $6.85 ONLY 100 LEFT AT $185 AND 75 LEFT AT $8.85 Extra Special On fine Taffeta Silk Waists, black, white 'and colors.- Regular $8.00 and $10.00 values now... $3-85 YOUR "CREDIT IS GOOD Just a Little Down and Just a Little at a Time REMEMBER EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE IS REDUCED DURING JANUARY mm COTE ODD FELLOWS " V INSTALL OFFICERS (BpMtal Dispatch te The Journal.) Cove, Or.. Jan. J, Officers ot Cove lodge No. 62, I. a O. .F and Wild Rose Eebekah lodge have been installed as -follows:- . ' I' L0. O. F. Noble 'grand. Edwin Bis 1 well ; viee-g rand, Walter Pierce : secre tary, jonn Miicneii", treasurer,, wiu "Reynolds; R. S. N. O.. M. O. Lleurance; It. 8. N. O., J. M. Oassett; R. 8. V. O., gtory Morris; L. 8. V. O.. Q. 8. Slaide; chaplain, August Lorense. - . t - Rebekah Noble Grand, Marjr C, Mar- tin; vlce-rrand, Mary Sills; secretary 3, ' Mitchell; treasurer, Florence Anderson! TEA ' ' Not 1 in. 1,000 who buy Schilling's 'Best wants the money. -. '-- r, . . ' v - Tourgrscep returns your money If yeu don't like, flohUUna'a JBtst; . paf blm. warden, Myrtle Kail; conductor, Ma? Kelley; R. 8. N. O., D, Mcllroy. I 8. N. O , Mattle Comstock; R. 8. V. G., Lixat. Reynolds; I 8. V. G., H., Iiieurance; chaplain, Bertha Gassett. D. D. a. M. Ina Messenger waa install ing officer. . As invitation had been extended to the two lodgea at Union and a large number of visitors were present from that place. - . Immediately after the installation a banquet waa enjoyed. CARREN0 SEAT SALE ' . 0PEXS MONDAY WEEK Carreno, the undisputed queen of the Keyooara win give ner eageriy aniici- Sated recital at the Mnrquam theatre on Conday evening the Sd of February, and the seat sale for this event will open Friday morning, one week from today. Carreno has never played better than she has been playing at her feoent re citals in the . big eastern cities , and never has artist vindicated for herself the title of "great" . more emphatically than by her present work.- Out of town orders for this gtf ted woman's appear ance will be carefully attended to, and the recital, the third in the -series;' Is under the direction of Lois Steers-Wtfnn I Mexican I I Mustang I J liniment I The antiseptic healing agent for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Bruisei Sprain t, Frostbites, S o r tj Throat, Rheumatism,' Achec; ; and any ailment reached . rby, external application. J IThe standard household -remedy since 1846V, , For. Man and' Beast asc.soc and It a bottl. jit aU ArunrUta, ? V t')