THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 22, 1S03. I FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE 'Scattered Hemes, J r. : On Installment New 5-room modern cottage, Sunny-. Ida, 82,200, on very easy terms. A very element new 8-room modern Queen Anne house; full lot; at a aac sjrince price on account or owner leaving .,tne atate; at piedmont; only 6,oou, lur ilnltura lncludad. II 7-roora new modern houae, on Mount -1pa 1 1... I ,c ... I ...... -IHai. .mill wK't. la, 11, IV, 4V laiaJIUlva 1 IV.. 1 VJ" f... VV. . .- - 1 New t-room modern house on Prescott street with a, "4 block, at 84,000. ; I good 4-room houaea with a hi block at 8t. Johns, In the very heart of he city, at snap- price of $3,600. - . l-room small house with a full lot on'St, Johns car line, only 1700. I hi block with a good new houae In the very center of St Johns fine view ovef tha river-; only 33,000. ' 1 . 4-room new rood house. $ block! front ilia wt noma avenue, only ii.suu. - M II any 01 ineee nomea are iiu rw here you wlah to 1 oca to, you will And it to your interest to can on .uino a k.. room 32 Lumber Exchange. Heed River ADDie Land Apples sell as high aa $10 a Duanei Ihox. - We handle the land that is quail Ified to row tin apple which sella at top price. Larre 'or small tracts, tm roved or unimproved You will appro late our pnr-es. HOOD RIVER OREGOI IND. CO., B21 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark, f Main 6446. x Lttri " flALk-iN BiiAtTit-CL ckEd- ton. a 4-room house; price i,oo; 4Q0 bash, balance easy terms. I i-roona houae. 33.219; all modern; $201 bash, a . '.' - .. -. . t houses lor rant, no per montn, - fi!ot!' $5 down $5 par month. Bcott carline; get off at Powell Valley r-oad. ' - ' VOR SALE CORNER LOT. 85x100. 10th and ooing at, in vernon, 9700. M k. inn st. . l-ROO hOUSE, FURNISHED. SUIT- able or rooming or noaraing; corner -. . 1 IDA am .h WslAnAA AM Aim. ' Addrcn K-132, Joumsl. OR ' BALK CHEAP BIX LOTH IN 6 Marshfleld. Or., all In bearing arrle frees. Call 141 V Madison at, or phone T AND Bid ALL KOU6E. WEST side, welt located, at Immediate bar in. y-ll'i. journal. .OR . SALE TWO-ROOM HOUSE. i corner, 100x100, In Vernon, cheap If a ken quick, terms. Phone Wood lawn Wanton's iaroains. 8 P. C. Net Business property on ear line, corner luuxus, stores ana offices ail rented. Income, 1260 monthly. In location where ' valuea ara rapidly advancing, " Price, $21,800. Terms may be arranged, M$0 New 6-room bungalow cottage. one diock irom car, nemr union . , ave. 3v oaan, Daianoe rent. ; HO New 4-rootn cottage, full lot. owner leaving city, ssow caan. II monthly. US I .at isxioo. on East 16th st. near Clinton. Only a few days at this, nriaa. 1410 Cottage of 6 large rooms, nicely jocatea near gooa cnia,; oaan, isu May 1, ana eie monthly, 9 per cent Interest THH SPANTON COM PA NT. lf Stark street (ground floor.) FOR SALEREAL ESTATE EQUITT IN CHOICE 100100 FOR 60t on thesdollar. 141 Htark st.- K'EAk lim 1 iLTOr'crii(55L-6wELL' modern bungalow; fine aigntiy lot, 100 feet front. 6 large rooms and re. ceptlon hall, built-in seats fiber plns ter. best nlumblns-. norcalaln bath. lav atorv. Isrse Uantry. extra fine finish a very choice home, cement foundation, atreet graded; only $Z,400. or win sen with one lot. Terms. Portland Homes I'o,, 20 Morrison st. ' " CLOSE IN journal. A OOOD BUILDING LOT. for a tnoA rldno. O-1S0. $.000 ELEGANT NEW 8-ROOM RLT dence m bunnyside; moaern in every particular, price less than cost, mrrai right C. L. Parrlah c Co 111 Mai tfim Building. ' $oo eoxioo lot. Eaat Ollsan at: all Improvements paid- terms. . . 12.90010x100. fine room bungalow, Hawthorne Ave. district snap. 13.6607 room modern Home, rear JSth snd V.amt Rilmon: flno . surround lnga and a big bargain: terms arranged. ' ED. O, MAI UK, J , , , ( Room . 260H Aldernenr Third. lOIl SALE FARMS Wharfage and Townsite Acreaee X fine factory alt and acreage prop- altion; pest Dusiness investment, wiin 1 SO miles of Portland; rich garden nd adjacent; $20,000 to $$0,000 guar nteed profit la two years, and $6,000 anaies ic i Only those meaning business "shown Iddress R-lt. Journal. 3,800 IN EASY PAYMENTS WILL I buy a modern T-room bouse, bum 1 'toot ha; large living room, front an'l ar stairs, furnace and laundry tuba, to,; on Eaat lth and Everett, ii. r, aimer. 101 Rothchlld bldr. r ROOM MODERN BUNQALOW. FULL I plumbing, tinted, shades, fixtures, rge attie and ' basement; full lot; 2,460; $100 cash, balance terms. Phone oodlawn 17; owper. 3.600 FOR AN IDEAL FLAT OR I apartment house site, walking dls Vnce. M. EL Lee. Room 20, Raleigh Udg, $28 ft Washington st li ACRES. MILkES OUT ON CAR- line. $1,006. 4 and 12 acres for l00 per acre. Others equally good and tar terms. Room 10. 142H 3d st. OO BUTS A NICE LOT 180 FEET south of Hawthorne , ave., 'cash, uanca to suit M. E. Lee, Room 80, alelgh Bid., 823 H Washington st. kICTLY MODERN ft-ROOM HOUSE. corner, $4,600; (-room house, $3,500; ail caah paymont: oaiance monthly. ner. pnone t. TO 10-ROOM MODERN HOUSES, from: $1,000 up; eaay teuns; also mlng bouses, business chances, irms, and timber land; will trade, ythur 8. Draper St Co., rooms t and 48 H Washington st. corner 7th 1,800 FOR CHOICE INCOME PR6P erty, wst side. Pays over 12 per nt net. M. E. Lee. Room 20. Ralelah nig., waenington st. U Washington &v. Qtcgm ' : 10$ Second street :;. , .; ' 720 inrM.' nmtr Columbia river. miles from boat landing and growing town: 110 arrea ahlnale bolt cedar. 80 acres piling, balance atump land cleaned out and aesded to grass; thousands of cords cord wood timber; wen waierea by two streams and springs; easy grade to river for firming cordwood; nearly, all laval and fine soil: good chance for amall colony or for dairy farm: only 810 oer acre. . " x 81.10011 aerca. f miles from Van eouver. Waah.j part prairie and part ricn swale lana; lencea on s siaes; easy isrma. ; . tt JAA A m m m -,11.. yrnm ffnrtfi. ern Pacific railway and Columbia river, 10 miles from Vancouver; mostly levei, good soil, lot of good fir and cedar aaw timber, lot-gin road close by. lota of oorawooa iimDer: nan caan, or win take Portland property In exchange. 82.IC0 40 acres 1$ miles from Port land, 8 -miles from railroad stations 20 acrea in cultivation. 4 acres In hops, 1H acres In bearing orchard, mostly ap ples; several acres timoer: -room house, fair barn, hop houae, R. F. D., near school: fine aolL Terms. Vi cash. balance I years at per cans. $2,00020 acres. 12 H miles from Portland; 4 mllea from railroad sta tion; new ruatlo honae; all fenced with cedar poat and wire; II acrea In fine state of cultivation; all level land) on main county road, near school; R. F. D. and telephone; flue location; best of black sofi. 81.S00 41 acres. 13 mUes east of Vancouver, t miles from boat land ing and R. R.; 17 acres In cultivation, soma timber, balance very easily cleared; all level, sll fenced; 3H acres bearing orchard, mostly apples; on main county road; R. F. D near school, fine location: rood team, new wagon and hameaa, - 2 fine cows, fsrm Imple ments. 71 chickens, 8 head of hogs, li tons of bay. 200 sacks of spuds; good soil. t CnO K !- la miles east of Van- couvar II acres In fine state Of culti vation, several acrea of green timber, balance very eas!ly cleared; good B-room ruatlo house., new barn, family orchard, small creek, good well at house and Darn. mm or cauie. ere imiuu cowb, I horses. 1 colt o cnicaens, cream separator, wagon, top buggy, all crop and household furniture, 8s sheep; R. F. D., hi mile to school, level gravel wn A , Tin 1 m w A 1 1 flft rt h h&l- ance 3 H years. 6 per cent; fine soil, ash ana vine ma?ie awaie. TIMBER , Tmnirn t.ivm ' 1 , " ' call on us. ' "'; V ' COLUMBIA TRtJHT CO.. ' t Conch tildg. 10 4th. near Washington, RELINQUISHMENTS FOR SALE timDer farm Phone From 80-cre to J60-acre clahis, fruit and wheat Easy to net.-, CalL 424 8rd st Main lis. y HORSES, - VEHICLES. ' HARNESS HORSES AND BUOaiES FOR' RENT by day, week and month; special rates to Dusiness nouses, tin and uawinorne. Kaat 73. i OOOD WORK MARES FOR N. Toatea, Mllwaukle, Oregon. "IxiT FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FINE FRESH HOLSTEIN jersey cow at 34 rront St. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WHO'LL BUY MY' PIANO? 8PLEN- dia Kimball, large $560 style, good as new; need money; will sacrifice: half original coat takes It; big bargain for buyer, big help to ma Call or ad dress 622 H Marshall at. city. PARTY LBAVINO TOWN WILL SELL - .a spienaid uprignt piano, almost new: cost-$400 a year ago, for $8(0. Call 260 McMIUen St., afternoons. YORK BAND INSTRUMENT AND UU slo houtie; repairing. 227U Stark. A OOOD BUILDING LOT, CLOSE IN for a good piano. Cj-HO, journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS The Automatic Damcer Either lnyour stovepipe or IN YOUR FUKNACK rLUE. Save fuel and trouble. Eliminate daiv ger from overheated stoves. Let us In stall one ' for you. Satisfaction guar anteed or no pay. 161. Union ave. East io it now. BARGAINS 4122; B-im iN ' THk MlbST OF there ara atlU bargalna Bee us and be convinced. We co "ahow" you whether you ara from Missouri or not that we sell lowest Remember we wilt buy what you have to offer. Phone Pa cific 79$. W extern Salvage Co, Wash ington snd 70th sts. ONE GOOD LAUNCH HULL, $128. One 80-foot launch, 32,700. Wanted,- several launches to fill orders. Haves Eneine A Launch Co.. 171 -Madl- son st, phones Main 7408, Home A-3847, STOVK DOCTOR WE REPAIR. PUT In colls or-exchange, buy or sell stoves 123 1st The Dollar. Main 74 FOR SALE HIGH GRADE NEW AND second hand upright piano at greatly reduced prices. H. Slnshelmer. 72 3d st VEHICLES. FARM WAGONS. HORSES. mlloh cows, single and double harnes ses, heavy and light. 160 Flandera. LAYTON COOPERAGE CO. ALL kinds of barrels and bottles bought and sold. 43 N. Front Phone Main 3147. CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SAV- ae Pennell. 346-347 1st. rue. boo. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BUV furniture, stoves. The uouar. zti lat. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE HOUSE" buya and ' sella everything. Prices right. 213 Front st. Phone Main 420. WE ARE CLOSING OUT A LOT OF good sewing machines at Z, l ana i. six Main st. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR R08ES OR der dairy. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE .; FOR TIMBER OR GOOD FARM m acres of land with 8 good dwellings, centrally located on the St. Johna car line. Call at room , 321 Lumber Ex change. . .....J,-,-' ... .- EoptARO, neW 'UbPim&ii," iitt acres In hops, $3 acres all told. Price, $4,000. Exchange for city property. Alexander, $04 Ankeny, near th. FOU- SALE OR TRADE 840 ACRES! - soma timber, plenty of water, good fences, house, other buildings; about 80 acres In cultivation, orchard and ber ries; close to school; terms; reasonable w-uu, journal. WILL TRADE $1,400 EQUITY IN FINE ia i for good lots or other property; also bay equity $400 In fine lot on East tiusan at; wiu traae ror oiner Jots. ,,- ED. O. MAYOR. 'Room I. 250H Alder, near Third. THREE RESIDENCE LOTS WlTHIli l'i minutes or the center or town ror an -established .business, worth ' about $1,800. V-180. Journal. ' f, PERSONAL Lane Institute anil Sanltanum A. private" hospital for the treatment Of women's and children's dlseaaea ex clusively: women physicians In attend ance only: maternity caaes given spe cial attention; uptoaate maternity nos pita In connection; no charge for con sultation; ' correspondence solicited. Tne Lane Institute Rooms 5 to 14 Grand Theatre bldg. 8634 Washington st, cor. Park Main $128. Both Phones. A-607. Kidney-Cure Tea Not medicine. For sale by W. J. Van Damme. 188 liorrlson at, next to Pap'a coffee house. Cell and read the testimonials of those who have been cured of kidney troubles through the use of this tea I sell my kidney cure (Just tea, no medicine) on the condition of "No cure, money refunded." The tea r Is put up In 60e and $1.18 bottles. A trial will convince. PERSONAL: WEAK MEN REMARK- able new sclenlllic invention and ais- rovarv instantly restores comoieto. permanent sexual health. Inspires con venes ana spirit immediately. iNom nr In the world like it. No doubts, no waltinc: we Drove It free. Commended by highest European authorities. Full Information mailed you In confidence In plain sealed letter. The Gottschall Co., (Dept 109) 34 Mohawk St., Buffalo. N. Y. Not a C O. D. scheme; nothing misleading. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS ;;PR0F;JAliHEPT,; Ul -.Morrison fit'-vf;' ,(r ':.yivA WRITTEN GUARANTEE' 4 "to ALL TO ALL . 2Sc': vv 25c '.'-25c Tour only opportunity to consult hlra at this price. Bring this ad. The world s greatest clairvoyant and dead trance medium.-, t' . The future can ba told. A trus clalr. vovant Is born, not made. - - tha marvelous .tests ha - performa prove the magnitude of his strange and wonderful powera - Strangely fascInaUng arsths words that come from tha cultivated Hps of this most interesting man, wnu J""r' ney of life has already taken - him through all the renowned, peyculo schools of Egypt India snd Europe. It seems. Indeed, as If Henry's knowledge must come from that mysterious world which ws would all know., yet longing, cannot '"He'looka as for Taway Into 'tha dim mysterious future tha glreat beyond across the dark chasm which separates the human body from tha flitting soul and that which Is to be la told. . The separated are brought together, foes sre made friends, lost property is recovered, the mist ia brushed away from business ventures, tha hsnd la so guided that failures are averted, the earth s surrace la explored, us treasures laid bare to his mysteriously perceptive mind, ana wnue ue gives names, aates, facts and figures his visitors sit dum founded at the revelations he makes to them. If you sre In any kind of tronbls call and see this wonderful man and he guarantees to help you. Do not delay but call today. PROF. JAMES HENRY, THE GOLDEN GATE. 341 1-2 Morrison Street Opposite Tull Glhbs. REAL JESIAIE DIRECTORY REAL ESTATW ANT TIMBER DEALERS ALPItABETlCAl.t.T ARRANGED FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF JOURNAL KEAUIUU A piece of property an tgg that Induce you to feather your neit comfortably, , It is tl$o an incentive to further your realty holdings. " The day you uy real estate marks a' new era ia economy; for. you.. . S..,i'.V;:"-... .! ' x--V . NAME. 4 ; J - ADDRESS. , . 4' TELEPHONE. Adair, a. -D.U, ............... .... til Fenton Bldr.;....'..;..,.'... Pae. 1IJ3 Abraham A White $-8 Lab be Bldg , ....A-1141 M-TI34 Angeles Exchange ,818 Commonwealth Bldg., .... (i.M-UU Baker A. A or Kunta, J. J. ,. 311 Ablngtod Bldg...... ....M-8168 A-238T Bsrrett and MaeKae ,,,.,2 Chamber of Com,..j'.,,..,,.,..,M-Hi Bunker, C. F. Llnnton) (14 Chamber of Com........ .'i.M-CSSi Butterworth A Btephenaon Co, Ina..Acbeson i Bldg .......... .,.,ld-88$ A-2H11 Slark. G. K. and Cook. J. W.. ...... 533 Chamber of Com. ..;..,. 1I-840T A-S1B2 ookftCoB. B 261 Alder M-863 A-3963 Compton, J. F 104 Ablngton Bldg....... Pan. 143 Chspln A Herlow 425 Chamber of Com,.;... M-1451 Crosalev Co The 301 McKay Bldg .,,...U-?SS$ A-6721 Cobb Bros 413 8 wet land Bldg........ ........ M-321.1 Columbia Trust Company... 714 Couch Bldg......... . ..M-6MI A-1M3 Coast Realty Co 22V Morrison. .... ...,M-lli A-4160 Conklln Broa.... 303 Rotchchlld Bldg... T-808 B-3321 STRANGE S LADIES. $1,000 REWARD WE POSI tively guarantee Dr. Houthlngton's Ergo-Kolo "Monthly" Compound. Safe ly relievea some of the longest most obstinate abnormal cases In 3 to 8 daya; no barm, pain or Interference with work. Mall $1.60. Double strength $3.00. Buy of druggist or write Dr. Southtngton Remedy Co., Dept 17. Kan- aaa City, Mo, MelYin, Wonderful Palmist Greatest dead trance clairvoyant spirit ual life reader; oldest, moat reliable KDirltuallst buslnoss and test medium; deep psycho-palmo reading of the high est order; strange power to help you. Tells Just what you want to know; how many In family, with names, dates, facta, vocation; where to locals, when to go. About your farm, ranch, claim, rooming-house, business. Each hope, trouble, fear, wish In love, marriage, business, sickness, change, journey, friend, enemy) Investment; cauaea apeedy marriage, unites those separated; advlaes and aaslata you to good condi tions. Spiritual treatment for develop ment and wealth. Curca lost memory. Dunn-Lawrence Co. 348 Alder .,.M-fll A-2818 Davis A Co.. M. C 1 Hamilton Bldg M-441 Devlin A Flrebaugb r.. 808-0 Swetland Bldg. ...... ,,M-14S0 A-3344 Draper A Co.. Arthur 8 343H Washington ...... ....A-3410 M-8J70 Dean Land Imp. A Colonisation Co... 631 Chamber of Com ... ..... A A M-1370 Espey-Melna Realty Co 813 Commercial Bldg.., M-8" Eureka Land Co (07 Commercial Bldg ........ ' " A-3221 Ellis Tork A Co 264 Morrison ....M-4778 A-127I Fuehs. F , 221H Morrison .Jao. $518 A-4033 Frary A Belts 130 Fifth GoldscbmMt's Agency , 2R3H Washington ..... M A A-803K Qoddard. H. W. .110 Second A A M-1743 Holbrook Co., F. B. (Irvington Park). 1 Worcester Bldg 'J' M-SSM Hotchklss, C. R ..... 303 Chamber Com A-2809 M-108S Henry at son, U. K. 150 HtarK M-3818 A-6Z34 M-S00I nenry at eon, u w av omri Holmes A Menefee (Irvington) 80 Third Investment Co. (B. Quscksnbush)... 344 SUrk M-ST1 A-2873 Irvington Investment Co .3 Hamilton Bldg , . M-3177 International Investment Co ,.. 303-10-11 Macleay Bldg .. M-8351 A-455T Jackson A Deering Jacoba-Stine Co 248 Stark , M 34$ ii" ruin ... .ai-eses -ii 1 (Bella Crest Berkeley. Dover) r . M-455T rVl I 1 1IIHB W VI ,11, ... ........ . VI V.VIU rvnuciisr t m, ,.... ....... vtmuiuci uiui ,. m,j. Knapp A Mackey 7 Chamber of Commerce A A M-2010 Lamont A Harris , .308-7 Swetland Bldg..., MoCusker. Thomas ,.,.108 Coucb Bldg ...M-7848 Mall A Von Boratel 104 Second ..A A M-1438 Moore Investment Co 818U Washington A A M-2707 Mathews A Co.. A- B , 203-10 Couch Bldg .......... M-SUS Morehouse-Weist Co 420 Lumber Exchange M-8234 A-6048 McCallum A Gregg.... ..... 223 Chamber of Com... M-T020 Northwestern Investment Co 133 Fourth.. Oregon Real Estate Co., The S8M Third Palmer. II P 202 Rothchlld Bldg M-7214 . ,,:-1707 ...,..M-S61 at once manure from Smiths Phone Main 6683. FAtj our 1 ir,riM ns-w ititrni ture. and lease. Call after 11 a. m.. 2fr N. 2d St., upatalra FOR SALE FINE GREEN HART, English salmon rod. lock joint, three tips, bait, minnow, and ny; nan price lZS, Jaurnal. MUST SELL AT ONCE BT OWNER. (-room modern houae. full concrete basement lot 60x100, H block from oar. 15 minutes from city. 10-mlnute aervice, eaay terms. This is a snap If taken aoon. S-128, Journal WATER WORKS BONDS, A LIMITED BEST PRICES PAID FOR ture. Main S666. A-4121. FURNI- FOR SALE ANiy EXCHANGE 16 ACRES. 12 ACRES cleared, 4 acres timber, fenced, spring, fine soil, come beaverdam, near electrlo line, 8 mllea from Portland, on mac adamised road; price $178 per acre; aell or trade for Port land property. Angeles Ex change, 618 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. OR SALE MODERN COTTAGE AND I lot Flshlna.- loarlnr. sawmill and I'ngshora work. E. li. Lyon. Weatport, ' Tegon. i P. PALMER, 202" ROTHCHILD I'bldg.,' mskea a specialty of aelling luges in tne k. Burnsiae oistnct. C. R. BonneU & Co. eal Estate Room 12, 268 Stark jJCHTEL A KERNS MAKE A SPE I clalty pf east side realty. , rentals. ana, io, im tu. mornann iu I. etc ASd3e BUNGALOWS. HOUSES! (designed, built repaired. See Johnson; m MonawK mag. 450 FOR A VERY CHOICE BUILDING ijui near nswinuru. ivg wni vi aim , M. E. Lee, Room 20, Raleigh Bldg., $H Washington st. pR SALE BTN3WNER, TWO LOTS 148x100- each: 360 down and 310 a lonth at $176 a lot in Brentwood, on fount Scott carline. Inquire E. Smith, Vo blocks south of Flrland station. ,4o6-modern 6-ro6j muswm MoMillen st, 4 blocks from steel Id sre: easy walking- distance: terms. he Spantoa Co., 370 Stark st (ground por txnan .. it mtl.a from Port-I . 5"".n"' r . -- - - , vestment, v-au 1 10 p. m. unuy, m. u. ann n.w nniiM ,u anraa id una bio," n. . ... . , , ri-.Iu. -." .-V.r.-V Vi. tlwihBrt .'I unarer, zo x,umoer exenange. fenced with cedar poat and wire; R, F. D. and telephone; milk route past houae; near school; the very best Dlack soil; will gtvs good terms or will exchange for Portland city nrooertr: this is one of the best buys on the market 2S.000 to acrea. one mile ' from WaahougaL Clarke county, Waahlngton, all In fine state of cultivation. 11 acres In bearing fruit fine 8-story, 10-room hnnaa: cant 33.000: rood bam. fruit dryer; cost 31,000; windmill; fine loca tion; H mile to rauroaa station, anu boat landing: graded school; will ex change for Portland city property. 33.800 80 acrea. 5 miles from Wash- oural. Clarke county, 40 acres In fine state of cultivation: all level; fine spring; best of black soil. 33.200 (0 acres 1 miles from Port land, 1H mllea from Portland-Salem elec- mow. , 1 mi9m In 1nm a, at nt "-1 1 1 f 1- vatlon; 6 acres of green timber; 5 acrea hops; small creek : some rruit; 4-room house; small stable; 6 acres seeded to fall wheat: 1U acres in oats and vetch 7 acres fall plowed; best of soil; R. F. D. and telephone; fine location; ,An maw wo ir r .nil ham.aa farm Im. plements, cow, heifer. 4 bogs, weigh 125 pounds each; hay to winter stock; 160 bushels of grain. BOO aacka of spuds. Investigate this before buying; giyo terras. The above placea are all guaranteed aa advertised, IMPR.IVtn FARM: Al.fiO STOCK ranch, exchange for city property. Madame Luckey Gives electrlo batha and vibratory treat ments, also sclentiflc massage, scalp and face treatments, chiropody. 2034 4th St., near Salmon. Main 2011. Dr. T. J. Pierce All diseases and weaknesses of men cured quicker and cheaper than any where else Call or write. 181 Vb lat t, corner Yamhill. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES OF MEN. women, children; concers and female sickness permanently cured; sure cure for spinal meningitis. Dr. Paul Crom well sanitarium. 127 N. 12th. Main 5478. Dr. Philip T. Ball Paralysis, goitre, rheumatism, nervous, chronic, spinal and female dlseaaea 60S FIFTH STREET. COR. SHERMAN. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NOV els, etc.; German. English, French. Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all kinds. Bohmale Co., 229 1st st Dr. Mary Kramer Curea blood diseases; confinements a specialty. 861 Mississippi ave. East 664S. Freo examinations; patients at horn - " HHTillWl J v. v .n . ..... . . . . " lack of ambition all weaknesaes, re- jrBr"n.1;. trsranurst aaa nj. wmw jLxcnsng a-ui, ... .-. : farrisn. wstxins a La ......zoo Aiaer ...................... ...ih-iai. newa v i Lai i L y . niiiuvc, r v n iuiiurui;ri . , . - - - m . . . - --t.---- vn ll and atrona- ao-aln In nq us mess Agency lis r uin M-I79 ... . " -"T Pnrflanrt Ru Kara t a A r,nJT I HI Htarlr ..' 1.IUI ; , A A te-1625 ' ,. ..M. 1222; A 4658 South Portland Heights. ...M-71E8 M-2787 ............. i v-ommonweann niag. .......... tn-s'i.t 262 Russell. Alblna..... ... E-1337 C-1390 110 Second ...A A M-J5B0 253 H Washington A A M-8055 164 Stark - M.ant a.v.ta , Sixth and Washington... ... ..M-660 A-16S7 317 Chamber of Com .M.-681I A-3S83 (Coos Bay next) - 1031 Union Av.N.(Hlghl'd) Woodm 63 270 Stark , M-282S 211 Buchanan Blg M.1290 ...211 Commercial Bldg. ....... .M-1508 ' .M-eusi thought, purpose, feeling, energy. Low Fee, Low Fee, 50c 5c 50C Remember the Name , MELYIN THE BENSON. 291 H Morrison, .Corner Fifth. Portland Real Estate Agency. ..... .268 Stark Porter, 3. Frank... 607 Commercial Bldg. Parrish A Co.. C. L 311 Marquam Bldg., Ralston A Co Richardson. A. J Radium Realty Co Steele ft Co.. 8. N Bwenason A Co.. A. F... Schalk. George D Sharkey A Co.. John P. Schaefer, Qeorge J SDler. J. E Spanton Co., The Stevenson-Brown Co..., Stewart Waldo. F Sphinx Agency .. P8TCHIC METHODIST. Clairvoyant Medlum-Healer. $100 Forfeit Under the above guarantee Thaw will tell the name, age and occupation of ,... 308 Chamber of Com Turner, George W 303tt Washington ........'.Pae. 3567 Thompson A Swan (Vancouver. Wn.)... 806 Swetland Bldg...... ......,..,.M-3039 Wilbur. R. M ...110 Second A A M-2S50 Word. T. M 230 Stark , M-454t Wells A Co.. J. L 30 Chamber or Com.... ....A-2368 M-4564 Walling, G. E 243 Stark .' M A A-1976 ST. JOHNS. every visitor without asking a queation Downey A Co 108 Jersey DON"? be DULL and Inactive; Sexlne Pills cure all weakness; 31 a box. 6 for $6; full guarcntee. Address or call the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co., Portland, Or. LADIES DR. SANDERSONS SAVIN and cotton root pills- safe and sure remedy for delayed periods; $2 per box, or 8 boxes for 35. Dr. Pierce, 181 H 1st. PERSONS OF MARRIAGEABLE AGE. either sex, desiring acquaintance, send 10c for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau, room 3. 1F1H 1st st.. city. DR. B1NG CHOONG. IMPORTER CH1- nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea. : ;:.(.,,;.. n, v.,ntinf i:mewin cure for an diseases. xi xa sl. ' . -Ti;,; ,;. inr winirv mcrth between Yamhill and Taylor. house and lot; trade for grocery worth 51,200: pay difference. Tne uoast Ralty Co., ,226H Morrison st Above bargains are but a few of the farms on our list We have the largest list of farms of any firm in Portland or vicinity. frices range rrom aou to 830,000. Write or call if you are in the market ror a rarm. ' 'WasMigtoa & Oregon 108 2d at, Portland, Or And 300 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. Phone Main 2404. T ACRES 4 MILES' 6ut Otf CAR line, $1,000. 6 and 13H acres for 00 per acre. Others equally good, and sy terms. Room io, 142 M Second st ANTED To- LofiATfi Parses 6iJ kAMABtaflJ land rm aa tAmlna1 aa..Me IIVIJla'VU . a v eja, J lica WUIII) va several pieces to select from. Call address F. Wade, 381 Yamhill, at. IT 80x800. WITH 6-ROOM HOUSE. 3 large halls, first-class finish, electrlo htaamof .tiini! Iftt haal'llv- fa,. ;lied; 18 fruit trees. Just bearing: ses and flowers; near school, graded ireet good location; only $3,000. J20 Jersey st, Bt Jonns, new house; will sell for cash or rmsf lot 60x100, near carline, E. nith, two blocks south of Flrland sta n on Mount Soott carline. i.ICB1 Lots' Al? A bArgaW-see1 these lots and you will buy, If look ? for I good investment Turner, 3H- Washington st, room 4. xio6 LdtS In taborsIDB $ioo; $16 cash, balance $5 month in work. Ayls- irtn jEpton. Taoor-aiv. 5R SALE OR TRADE FOR TIMBER lor good farm, 1 H acres f land with 8 jod dwellings, centrally located on the i Johns carline. ' Call at room 229 imber Exchange. OR SALE BT OWNER, A NEW imodern 7 room house at a low price; ed money; wilt rent lor $25; come see j 859 Mallory ave,---- y--' ;:; Ibargain thaJ Can-V-be BEAT ;40 acres, 20 In ' cultivation; large use, barn, chicken-house, : roothouse, xidshed, good orchard, team, harness, igon, plows, harrow, cows, calf; 1.000. Call or address 671 Prescott at . Eastman, Portland, Or. ' - jreaGe "AcrES " flARbEN land, (o f are; cheapest in city;, call 4i atarg at.; 5i,3uu. r Farm 115 acres, all good land, 65 acres cul tivated, balance pasture and timber, es timated 6,000 cords of good wood on the land; watered by good wells and snrino-s: excellent roads on two sides of farm; nice schoolhouse ana beautiful churchhouse within half mile, good 7 room houae. fin new frame barn, all painted, good orchard and outbuildings. This is a beautifully located farm, 16 miles from Portland, 1H miles from boat landing on the Willamette river and half a mile from the new Salem electrlo line now building Into Portland; price $9,000: almost 'enough cordwood to pay for the farm In atumpage alone, -Heiklc -& Harrison . 217 Ablngtoh bldg. its' Acres ioo Acres cleared, black soil, water, buildings, fruit schooL store and P. O. close. -Worth $6,000, take $4,500; $1,000 cash, bal ance terms. -193 uourtn st, SWEET CHERRY LAND, NEAR EU- gene; plowed and ready for planting; $100 per acre. ' Geo. Melvin Miller. Eugene. Or. SNAP 64 ACRES, 15 CULTIVATED: house, barn, orchard; near Pprtland and Ry.; Bne for fruit or stock ranch; large ouf range; $2,000; easy terms; take city property for part. The Coast Realty Co., 2 H M Morrison at. - a" eLrod will sell. yqu. a wheat farm and ta&a- one half of the crop till the farm ia paid for. Swetland bldg. . BE INDEPENDENT ' '.- -- BUT A FARM. 4 40 acres, 1$ under cultivation, 7 acres beaverdam; living water; 140 fruit trees, 7 years old; 4-room house, barn 86x40; chicken-house, etc. r 18 miles to Portland; all rich land and a snap at the price $4,500." 'vA B. R. MARKHAM A CO., . y ? 309-10 ajommerclal Block. " ' -J1iea1p LAnds. : Unimproved land In tracts of 10 acres to 1.000 acres. $5 to 125 per acre: .rood Holl. smooth surface, living water, some imber, near transportation and town a Buy now while cheap and Improve at your leisure. ,, . : .' "--; ' ' ' . - - WHITTEN A BRTANTj ? ft 555 Chamber of Commerca. Main 1459. FOR SALE OR RENT OR WILL Ex change for real estate, hotel consist ing of 24 rooms, with well-established business; nicely furnished throughout For particulars address H. A. Collins, Oakland, Or. TO EXCHANGE SUBURBAN LOTS and acreage near Sell wood, for ex change for timber. In whole or part; will take or give difference. Box 7, city P. O. WANTED DIAMONDS. Will take diamonds as first Jiaymcnt on 2-room house and ot at $700. What have you? Aftgoles, Main 6818, room 618 Commonwealth bldg., 6 th and Ankeny. ALSO HAVE OTHERS. TO EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPER ty or merchandise, 1,700-acra farm In Morrow county. $50,000: 800-acre farm. Morrow county, $24,000; 640-acre farm eastern Washington, $12,000. A. J. Richardson. 418 Commonwealth bldg. 100 ACRES, NEAR BEAVERTON, ALL clear or incumbrance; would take good residence; nothing but something strict ly modern. J. O. El rod, 607-8 Swetland building. 1 400 ACRES. ALL SOWN TO WHEAT, rented for U of cron: would take small eaah or trade payment and sell on the crop payment plan. 407-8 Swet land building. . 240 ACRES "FlNB LAND, G60D ' 6- room House, barn, rood fence. Dlentv of water. Will trade for city property. as aa St., jrortiana, yrcgon. MADAM BRUCE, SCIENTIFIC MAS sage. Electric Treatments for stom ach trouble and Rheumatism. 260ft 7 th st. Phone A-3604. PERKINS NATIONAL HERBS AND Krotal are sold by a. B. Bloomer, 290 4th st hone Main xvw or make Absolutely No Charge He settles lovers' quarrels, reunites the separated. locates minerals, lost and stolen articles and buried treasure in from 1 to 11 days. (Jives reliable, accurate advice on all affairs of love, marriage, divorce, family affairs, busi ness, legal matters, speculations and In vestments. KPKCiAr. a DAT OFFER. Thaw'a charges vary from $3 to $10, according to circumstances, but as a matter of advertisement he will give all who present this notice a thorough ana exnaustive me reauing iur 50c and $1 flrfTI.RTPHa THAW. Residence and office, 308 3rd St Phone. A 3763. Hours 9 to 9. King A Glllmore. Rogers, D. C. . Smith. L. H.. Wolcott O. P. R-lta : .Jersey Union aft . . , . . 108 V4 Jersey .E-6188 Burlington . j : . 401 S. Jersey - - ' I BAXKS. T-IRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Oregon. 1 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $1,500,000. NO INTEREST PAID ON ACCOUNTS. NIXED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORT4 LAND. OREgDnTZ Northwest Corner Third and Oak Streets. ' Transacts a General Banking Buainesa DRAFTS ISSUED Avaflahta in Ft EE A GOOD-LOOKING YOUNG MAN. wealthy, unmarried, wishes to corre spond with a young lady; object matri mony. Address A. C. J., box 477, Forest Grove, Or. TURKISH BATHS, 200 OREGONIAN bldg.; ladles days, gentlemen nlgtus. Main 1968. 160 ACRES IN WHITE SALMON fruit District : arood house, barn, and other buildings; half fenced, 8 acres cleared; some fruit and berries, two streams and springs; 8,600.000 feet tim ber; fine fruit land; $2,600. By owner, 805 E. 12th st. city. I HAVE SOME GOOD PROPOSITIONS in farm land in eastern and western Oregon for sale or exchange. If inter ested In farm lands, call on or address Geo. w. Turner, room 4, 80r Wash- ingion at. MANICURING, FACIAL MASSAGE and scalp treatment Suite 12-14, 268 H Morrison St.. Hotel Cosmos. MRS. C CORNELIUS, SPIRITUAL ME dlum. Selllnfc-Hlnch bldg., 10th an 4 Washington. DAINTY PEOPLE USE EVERSWEET; it prevents odor from perspiration. 25e, Clemenson Drug Co., Portland, Or. MISS ETHEL WARD. MANICURIST and chiropodist, has removed from S51H Morrison st. to iiOlfr 3d st. FOR ONE WEEK MORE. BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE One of my CONSULTATION READINGS. Always Consult the Best PROFESSOR KHIMO. Greatest llvlna astral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; adviser on business and all ariairs or lire; tens your iuu name and what you called for, whom you will marry, how to control th one you love, even though miles away; re unites the separated; gives secret pow ers to control; does all others advertise to do. Houra 10 to 8. dally and Sunday. Office. Nos. 3 and 4, Grand theatre bldg., 862 H Wash, near Park at Phone Main 1Z87. All Cities of the United States and Europe, Hongkong and Manila. Collections made on ravoranie xerms. President J. C AIN8WORTH I Cashier R. W. SCHMEER Vice-President R. LEA BARNES Assistant Cashier ...W. A. HOLI Assistant Caahler A. M, WRIGHT ADD A TILTON, BACKERS Portland. Oregon. ' 'Established 16. W. M. LADD. C E. LADD. J. W. LADD. Transact a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Savings books Issued on savings deposit a Interest paid on tlm deposits. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA Established 1884. Mead Office, San Francisco. Capital paid up 84,000,000 I Surplus and undivided profits $10,162, 73 General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Interest on Tim Deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened of $10 and up ward. Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Building. WM. R. MACREA Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL. . . Aaa't Manager ERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK Portland, Oregon. ' J. FRANK WATSON... President I R L. DURHAM.. Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier J GEORGE W HOYT......Asa't Cashier H, C. CATCHING Second Assistant Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Buainesa. Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued. TRUST COMP AXLES. " C ECU KIT I bavuvuo 1 uv ' i ViJnS'fSa rorriana, Ureron. XreniaoiB a uvnerai wuiiia -a--- .....v., i,rAn l 1. est allowed on Time and Savings Accounts. TUB BATHS AND MASSAGE ROOM 16. 361 H Morrison, rormeriy zz$ Washington. MISS GRANT MANICURING AND facial massage parlors. Room 6, 145). 6 th sti DRS. ATWOOD. PRIVATE HOSPITAL. Home for unfortunate girls; good care at confinement. 806 Aiistty Diog. "THE SNOWDEN BATHS," 146 6TH st, rooms -4-26. vapor, sponge oatns, electric treatments. Lady, attendant MISS MARCEXLa LE R6T, 191 AL- der st. massage and magnetlo treat ment kft.' obroCk. Wasseuse.' Cabinet' bath, salt glow, cream massage; ref erences. 2s 2 hi ParK. Main A-Z7I4. StJiTs Pressed while Y6U WAIT: 50c. Ladles' skirts pressed, 60c. ' Gil bert 106 6th, next Quelle. Main 2088. BALM OF' FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases, 303 Fleldner bldg. Main 7721. 160 ACRES GOOD LAND IN LAKE county: 61.600 mortraa-e: 3500 will take rooming house or equity io house and lot call 87 N. 9th St. Til Acres, 9th Sf Sherman County; cash . Price. 322.50 ner acre, to ax, change for , grocery atore. Alexander, out Anaany. ROOMING - H6US13, .. 2? -ROOMS,' TO - exchange; what hava you? Alexander, ww xaitivii j iivar v til. b6TtiL. restACraN and C6nfe(J tlonery combined; price $2,760; west aide location, exchange for ranch, gro cery store or city . property. This is money-maker. Sea Alexander, JO 4 Ankeny,-near 6th. kOQti houses, . pLAsTered, i .4iao iwri grocery,; same value, v Alexander, 301., Ankeny, near 8th. - ; ' 43 ACRES BOTTOM LAND, MILE rrom railroad station; exchange for grocery ; cash value. $1,600. Alexander, 804 Ankeny, near 8th..- , CREAMERV CLOSE IN. mAChIn-ery- complete, 4 wagons, etc., to ex change. , Good proposition: what bava you to trxenanga ror it! . Cash value, $4,609. Alexander, 104 Ankeny, near ALL KINDS OF BATH. 26c: MASSAGE, 61.00; Q7 ara, near-xayior, bALm 6V fIGs foft ALL FEiytALB diseases, ezs to. neimont. r.ast ivii. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY STARS, hand and cards. 26c. Aroc. 303 3d. Vapor and TUb BAthst MASSAGE, lady attendants. LADIES' 110 k 4th. cor. Wash. BARBER SHOP MANlCUR ing. facial maasage. 64 4th st EOLES. WRINKLES, SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. Mrs. Hill. 830 Fleldner, ACCOUNTANTS B. W. GAGE. ROOM 30, RALEIGH i bldg.. 6th and Wash., general account ing, balances and statements furnished. CONSULT VIOLA MARSHFIELD Messages from Spirit Guides and Controls. Trance medium, clairvoyant, palmist; greatest adviser, past, present ana ru tura: marrlaare. love, business, health, Journeys, raining, land locations, law suits. - investments; tells everything, names, dates, Important Information; reunites the separated, restores lost love, renews lost vital force, removes evil influence. 268 Morrison st. The CoBmos. bet. 8d and 4th. MRS. STEVENS, 16 If EARS, PORT land's leadlnar Dalmiat and clairvoy- . --,- - 1 I ..V 1 ; A naa. am, fur a- nimuia icauiux via uaa.. present and future call on this gifted eeeress. 343 H Yamhill St.. cor. 7th. MRS. LINDSEY, CLAIRVOYANT; RE- llabie advice on Dusiness, aomesuo and love affairs: 2734 Salmon. MAY ANDREW8. CARD READER. Al" CL F. A. L. Acts as Trustee for Estates. ) wona. Vice-President ..... MArra,a v w GEO. E. RUSSELL .Assistant Secretary Drafta and Letters of Credit Aval able, on All Paru of the Wor '. ADAMS President Ul LEWIS First Vice- I MLLLa.... Second Vice-President It C. JUBITZ ,....,.,,.t BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Commerce Building. Municipal. Railroad and Publlo Service Corporation Bonda DOWNINO-HOPKINS COMPANV EsUbllahed 1892 BROKERS. ' ,. STOCKS. BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on liarrliv Private Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phona Main 37., Overbeck & Cooke Compan? ! SSSSSS GRAIN, PROVISIONS, COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDA r VE? DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSWESS. Contlnnous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. . , , k GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME! CARD, -"h..-v,-.; 126 Main St. 25c. Phone Main 7548. ART EXPERT MOULDING AND STATU- ary work, plaster casts and orna ments. Antique. Grecian,. Roman and Florentine. G. Adaml Co.. 249 Columbia. HAND CARVING TAUGHT, DEALER IN antique furniture repairing, nss wasn. LEAVING PORTLAND. Roseburg Passenger ...... a. m. Cottage urovt x , !T California Express 7:46 p. m. Ban Francisco Express. .. .13.00 night WEST mum. Corvallls Passenger i:qq a. m. Io.rorovt paeng;r:::n;5o vZlllt Grove Passenger... 6:40 p. ra. Southern Pacific v: AJUUVING PORTLAND. Oregon Expreta uregon inpraga f .Kg . Cottage Groy Passenger. ll.:30 t m. Roseburg Passenger nT Portland Express .UlilM . WEST SIDE. - r " . vorvaini passenger. i n ATTORNEYS oneciaan rassenger ...... 10:80 a. in. Forest Grova Passenger .1 8 00 ii, Forest Grova Passenger.;. 1 80 n Jefferson Street Depot,' f 7:40 a, m. pauaa to Portland . ' GILLIAM A GILLIAM. ATTORNEYS at law. 720 C, of C. bldg. Main 510t. ' Interstate adjustment co.. law collections.' 414 Buchanan bldg. M. 8130 A. H. TANNER. ATTY., 600 COMMER- clti block, Jl and wasn. Mam me. GREY A RICHARDSON. 618 CHAMBER of Commerce, .practice in an courts. Forest Grova Passenger. . .11.a. KruSnd to DallaS Ul ? H I?" orUand VT60 p" ori'Jr.r suburban Leaving Portland at 6:30 a m n..Z;7. J1' .nu during morning and afternoon. Last train laayea depot for Oawagq I it ilaS p. m. . ; Northern Pacific. ' -r.' Tanma and SeatUe Exp... 8:80 a.m. ft North Coast Limited 7-on . NoXcoast ft Chicago tlm.l:M p. m. Portland Express T... I. 4 ?.IX.A g..nress H:5 P- m. Overland Express " IM Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. BATHS BODLET'8 TURKISH BATHS, IMPB- riai hotel, open flay and mgnt. m ., a mi tan Pendleton passenger ... Ch?cago-PorUand Special.. 8:80 a.m. finnkana Flyer ........... :J p. BX. in. City & ChU -Exp... :utf p. au enoaana viva- . Chi, Kan. City A Port Exn l-ti f n" Chicago-Portland Special r u ? "' ., -..... B;la p )lu AUTOMOBILES OREGON MOTOR CAR CO AUTOMO biles and garage; absolutely fireproof building, 10th and Stark. Phona A-4550. ABSTRACTS " LAWYERS' ABSTRACT ft TRUST Ca Main $60. A-4222. 730 Cham, of Com, BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS & KILHAM, 101-111 2U at Blank books manufactured: agta. for. Jones' Improved .Loosa-Leaf ledg ers; see the new Eureka leaf, tha beat BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES S. BIRKENWALD ft CO., 804-306 EV arett st. largest butcher supply houae on the coast write ror catalogue. Astoria & Colombia River. Astoria and Seaslda Exp... 8:0? -.'.' I Astoria A Port Paasenger.l2:is Astoria Express e:uit p. m. n a-oruanq fcxpreaa t.lQ:oo BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Dekum. 131-183 1st St.. carries a full Una and complete assortment at lowest market prices. - - C Via Via Canadian Pacific. Rail way Co. p R. Short Line, via Spok.T:00 p, nu II C. p. R. Short I iseat. via Vancouver.2:00 p. m. Via VanM Vlo. a Sumas ............. ..lit P. m Via Sumas and CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS 3. J. RANKIN. CONTRACTOR 'AND BUILDER, JOBBING AND REMODELING A SPECIALTY. 287 FRONT ST. -PHONE MAIN 6528. E. -MELTON OFFICE, STORE FIX. turea: general Jobbing. . 47 1st : st Phont Itato .-is. M'M-h Line, via gpok. :oo "g w. and Seattla. t m r. ... and Seattle ....lorfcs p. 7. Portland By., Light & rowep-Co.---f- -- Cars Leava Ticket Of flea and Waiting. Room, jurat u owecia, ur 11 .ititi diiic ana wlfln-i - i c-io 8:45. 8:20. 8:65. 10:30. 11:06. 11:40 a. m.; 12:15, 12:50, 1:25, 8:00, 8:3o. 3:10, 8:45, 4:20, 4:55, A:80. 4:05. 8:40. 7:li. T:50, s:ia, a:uu, iu:uv, xiivv, p. m. . Oreaham, Boring, Eagle Creek, Esta ada, Caaadero, Fairvlew and Troutdale 7:80, 0:30, Il:J0 a, m.; 1:30, 3;40, 1:44, 1:1$. &, as. - -. - -i, -. - . - FOR VANCOtTVKT. Ticket office and wa!!lnt-i.. Ond and Waahlngton site a. A. M. :U4. 6:60, 7:ii, ,00, 8:10. 10:20. 11:10. 11:50. P. M. 13:30, 1:10,-1:5(1, 2 1. 8:60. 4:30. 6:10, 6:6', $ ?., 7;Uv, 8;15. 8:25. 10:25. li:4i. On third Mondfly iii . t lgst car leaves at 7:05 j ri , DaUy ax, Suu. . 3 r