THE i OREGlON ? DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, . JANUARY 20, 1008. LIFE ITSELF SIFT OF HIGHEST VALUE Christ Saw Priceless Treas ; ures, Eien in the Poor, :V the Sick and Sinful. MORTALITY WAS sniNiNG in all in Mm la Still Estimating Life throng Term Temporal Wealth f and Prizes Take Precedence Over -,5 Spiritual Matter and Soul Saving '-, "TJfa la Mor Than Meat" wh the T- text of Rev. Stanton C. Lapham in his '.sermon at tha Second Baptist church i yesterday 'ihe text la from Matthew ', !:, and from it tha speaker draw a '.' ,. strati eonoentlon of th divinity 01 t human life, urgicg that man ahould take -' time to live and not loa thamaelvaa la vha worries of bualneaa. Ha said. In "i ri rt ' "Jesus' iwn statement of hla mission among man la I am coma mat ye muni "' have life and that ye might have It mora abundantly.' In tha eatimate of 1 ChHat. Ufa la tha supremeat value and highest worth. Life must be conserved , and carried to Ha highest terms or Per fection and realisation, even If It de manded tha cutting off of an arm or tha plucking out of an eye; for what Is a aighUess aye to a blind life, loat In Its own Impenetrable . darkneas and right; what a maimed body to a mutl- lated and helDless Ufa. .Mirk. I .-1 f, r, 1 1 mrmm avar In him mind. Tha priceless treasures and val ues of tha universe were about him In Ine lives or nine cmiaren in wnora no on was concerned. The blind, me sick. the . poor that were endured and neglected tha common people who were enslaved and oyresseo; ana tne smrui and . erring who were loathed and shunned.- ' blind eyas and leprous bodies, palsied limbs, repulsive immorality, poverty, ig norance and sorrow ware lives; sparks or Immortality struck out or and rrom the divine; lives which he saw and priced and came to save, for life is tha crewnlnr act. tha Importation of Ood; the breathing into clay of tha divine ego and tha priceless pearl which Christ earns to discover and polish and make beautiful and reclaim from tha decay and waste, filth, defilement and debr! of the Bin ruin of the ages. atrst Uvs a Ufa, "Man's lova and passion for Ufa It but tha response of God's love and ap ; preclatlon of life. To save, conserve, . . t I ... . . - " power and love of the Almighty, the creation of worlds and the purpose of countless ages. "No mm Is placed here to make a lunujio, 10 iuowq in ounineHH, uj om great or honored or scholarly or power .' ful; but every man Is bound to make a Ufa, to live his life, to enter into the glory and nobility of living and being, for life alone is real, the true value in tlma and eternity. Life in its essence and quality tha intrinsic worth for which all mere things exist and that ' which fives value and sense to all cre ation. Tha world, heaven and Ood wait upon and attend the destiny of human : life, - - " We are still 'estimating life in terms of fooC . and - raiment position, goods and homes. Let us lift up our voices and protest against this degradation of Ufa. Things can never constitute a life. No circumstances or environment or bodily condition should affect or defeat the triumphs of life and being. "Jesus lived like Ood himself, al though a whole world waa arrayed . against him. To Christ the crime of "... wealth, the pity of poverty, the cruelty of power, the heartlessness of society . and the hypocrisy of religion is that men do not regard life and life is chesp to tnem and to be used for profit and gun. . Vanity of Kan. "The plaudits of men tingle In our , ears; nonor is a goodly prise, nut "Life Is more,' and honor a e-irse if it do not contribute to a better life. Possessions and gold have great possibility of good and lure us on with fair prospects, but Ufa Is more,' and riches the millstone : that drags the souls down to the nether world if gotten or hoarded at the price nia. ""Life fs more rhan knowledge, or beauty, or popularity, or years, or : genius, or amusement. "What will a man give m exchange for his lifer How waeterui we are of life.- We lock and tar and safeguard and save everything- . bui nre urn moral me, spiritual be ing, deathless character that which we are in tha dark and must be forever in ,the Uaht which fixes destiny, wa but rranmy ronsiaer; we give our souls but ui m cnance, ' - J eae Tims to Lire.' - "Tha-only things of this present o "i "17 vi vur uuiiBiaersuon and labor must go to make and build up a life. The only questions of trade, vo cation, business, home or society, litera ture, country or party, school or friends is how do these affect my life; what do they tend to make me and my life, I- plead with you that you shall make oom for your life: that you shall not permit business to- crowd out or throttle your lire; mat you anau not oina your Ufa to a dealt or imprison it m a Dana, or prostitute your lira la unrighteous naaa nf any character. , ' " Take time to live. Life in man and Ufa in Ood are to be one.' Nothing da. aiarvaa tha name or lira in ua wnicn cannot be affirmed or Ood. No man la to writhe and cringe in servile self- depreciation as an unworthy worm of tha duat In the presence of an exalted and unapproachable deity, but Is to live in tha aelf-conaclouanesa and God- consclousneaa of the divinity of life, re deemed and in fellowship with tha eternal. Thla is tha dlgnite of being. Ood haa created ua of himself that man ahould stand erect with his Head among the stars. XlgH Origin of Kan. "He again touches man and re eraataa him with a new aensa and re stored capacity of Ufa, mora abundant In Christ, can a man listen and accept and believe thla without feeling his life grow solemn snd sacred and grand? will be not walk noDiy ana speak ilka a king? Will he not scorn to live a life bounded by today? Can a man believe he came rrom God and goes to Ood that to htm la given to say, tha maker and father of me Is the eternal, and remain unimpressed by the consciousness of his high origin? "Can a roan be common and low and base. With a thought like this within 1:1a heart? Will he stumble or will ha walk up right. Will ha play a high or Ignoble part? If a man believe with his being's strength, Tha truth which I place before aoul and sense. And vilely acts; then law Is a Ua, And a myth la all cause and consequence. COLLEGE P TO UfJirE THE WORLD And Stanford Is to Hare a Chapter of the Interna tional Club. (Special Dlipatck te The Joeraal.) Stanford Unlveraity, Cal., Jan. JO. A chapter of what Is styled tha Interna tlonal club Is to be organised in Stan ford at the end of this month. It haa chapters in several of the large eastern universities and Its objects are "to unite for mutual benefit men of all national socially and Intellectually. Chap- UXIO.V OF CHURCHES. Die- First Christian Congregation cusses Feasibility of Idea. Rev. E. S Muckley. dlncusaed "Is a Cntbn of All Christian Denominations Deatrable?" with the congregation at the First Christian church last evening, nd the Idea waa received favorably. Rev. Muckley said In part with refer ence to unity: I apprehend tnat a union or tne dif ferent branches of the Protestant church will first be affected. The Cumberland Presbyterians and the Northern Presby terians have already united. It remains for the Methodists to unite and for the different branches of the Baptist church to enter upon unity of action, as well as the various branches of the Congregatlonalists. Thla union of the Christian denominations cannot be brought about under a human head. It must be brought about under Jesus Christ "A number of things make such a union desirable. Division has ever been a causa of ill will and bitterness. Read church history as far back as you like. and you will see the unscrupulous meth ods resorted to In order that some sect might bring its particular ecclesiastical notion of things Jflta prominence. A man may or may not believe many things, and yet be saved. I don't want you to exercise any authority as to what shall believe, net do I wish to bring thority to bear uoon you to eomnel youMo believe as t do. There are many member of the Baptist church whose ideas are- more nearly in accord with my own than are some of the members of my own church. We are all Christians." I tics ters have been formed at Buenos Ayrea, Mlrhlimn. Ohln anri Illlnnla within tha past month and others are In process of i forming at Indiana. Jowa. Minnesota and Princeton. Dr. Jordan s call for tha Initial meet- ng sava in part: "Stanford has at one time or another had students from all parts of the worio. it is true tnat the roreigners navo not availed themselves to the run of the many advantages to be gained tnrougn tne exchange or customs and Institutions peculiar to their representa tive countries. Nor has tha loss t been confined to them alone, for the great majority of American students have lost the best opportunity, next to vlaltlng the various countries themselves, to be come better aoqualnted with soma parts of the outside world, namely, by know ing those persons who have spent the greater part or their uvea there. Provision wiU bo made for the ad mission of a certain number of Amer lean students, such number not to ex ceed one third of the total membership. Members of the f acq It are also elig ible for membership. Tha prime movers in the matter here are T. Iohlhashl of Japsn, J. O. Bailey of Australia and P. Soo-Hoo of China. Neuralgia MANY FINE PIANOS AT A FRACTION OF ACTUAL WORTH humsnlty. snd at the same time give Ood all glory. I believe thla to be the r rolden mean occupied by Jesus Christ n his ministrations while In the flesh. and also that his church is appointed to occupy the same relation to morally and physically diseased humanity. In the context Jesus healed a man'a son. It was a supernatural work, a divine heal ing, but not without the cooperation of the natural man. the boy's father. So Jesus mingled tha supernatural and the natural to the saving of men's souls and the healing of their bodies." CHRIST-MINT) PURIFYING. Pains Are , the result of an abnormal condition' of the more pronunfint nerve branches, caused; by con gestion, irritation, or dis ease. If you want to re lieve the pain try Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills. They often relieve when every-, thing else fails. . They leave no disagreeable after-effects eJust a pleasurable sense of re lief. Try them. "I have neuralgia headache rigbt orer my eyes, and I am really afraid that my eyas will burst I eiso have neuralgia palri around my heart. I have bean taking Dr. Miles' Anti Pain PUla recently and And they re lieve these troubles qutakt. I aeldont find it necaaaary to take mere thaa two tablets for complete relief." MRS. KATHKKINR BARTON 1117 Valley . Carthage. Mo "I have awful spalla of neuralgia and have doctored a great deal wliii out getting much baiHint For tha last two years I have been taking Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills and they always relieve mo. I hava been so bad with neuralgia that I sometimea thought I would go crasy. Sometime it la necaaaary to take two of them, but never mora and they are sure to relieve mej' MUH. JTKRR'KR. J434 Lynn St, Lincoln. Neb. Veur drugglit sella Dr. .Miles' Antl Pain Pllla, and wa authorlra him to return tha price of first packs oe (only) If It falls to benefit you. Miles Medical Co Elkhart, Ind ' 4 a I BIG JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE OF SLIGtiTLY USED PIANOS, ORGANS . AND PIANO PLAYERS AT EILERS PIANO HOUSE-MOST . i ; -t . 4 - V ' IMPORTANT OFFERING IN MANY MONTHS : ' ; Scores of Well-Known Makes, Many of Them Almost ; Like New, at Prices So Mar- velously Low That Any S.enously Intending Seeker Will Find Purchasing Now a Matter of Tremendous Economy Sale '.Prices . Based on Cash Deals, But Terms Will Be Arranged When Desired Scan the List Carefully, and Inspect the Instru ments at Earliest Convenience.' L. a '":''':. ;";v"C'.' T."1.: r.'- 7 . With such a list of nnusuaUy desir able Instruments to choose from, as was published in yesterdays papers, and re produced below, It is not to be wondered that mere waa a canorous and immedi ate response from tha discriminating muslo-lovers of the city and from out or town as wen wnicn Kept our entire sales force busy this morning; from tha time of atora opening. It is easily understod by many people of good Judgment that a first-class up right or grand piano or a high-class organ tnat has bean used a utile la in variably better than a new one . of in tenor maaa. v. 5"v?Ja' tyP" in "ne eondttion Tft GENUINE PlXliOLA New but ; dl "o uuuvu . siyia 1TA GET Naturally, when the glorious dicker ing, Boston's best and America's oldest make, or tha hand-mads Art Haaelton. or the popular Kimball Chicago's best make or tha incomparable Weber, with us wonderful tone tha oiano or today- are desired, or la other words, when dls- WORK FOR ITS EMPLOYED. Walter Thomas Mills Says It Is the Great National Question. Walter Thomas Mills, editor of the Seattle Saturday Evening Tribune, and Socialist lecturer, spoke at the White Temple laat night on 'The Church and the Unemployed." The speaker said that the "employ ment of the unemployed Is of mora im portance than the building of the Panama canal, or the government own ership of railroads, or the prosecution of the grafters or the punishment of corporation heads. He praised Mayor Lane for having issued a call to the Pacific coast mayors to meet and for mulate a plan whereby another way of dealing with the Question of the unem ployed may be found than that of order ing tnem to move on. He also scored the Portland wood combine, and advo cated a public woodyard. "Drink is the one great enemy of the laDonng man," said he. "Drink goes to your head. Yours may be a very poor neao lor tne wora you nave to do, but my friends it is the only head you have. so it will nay you to take care of It." The speaker called attention to the re cent discharge by the steel trust of great numbers of men. "When the great monopolies discharge men, the unem ployed workers must beg or starve. When such a state of things exists it Is for the public to find work for the unemployed." WHEN ONE IS READY. Worry About This World, Not the One to Come. "Anythlnr that helns a man to rise higher, to give his life in Its fullness, is religion," aald Rev. Luther R. Dyott. pastor of the First Congregational church. In the course of his address be fore the men's meeting at the Y. M c. A. yesterday afternoon. He had chosen the topic. "When One Is Ready," and rave his attention particularly to the mportance of better llvlne In the mun dane world. It is not well to worry about the world to come, he said, but hlshlv imoortant to seek cin nnw in help to a better life. . Dr. Dyott said that he believed in the Ota saying tnat the world owes Lesson Drawn From Words of Sav iour to Paul. 'The Purifying and Perfecting Power of the Christ-Mind' was the theme of a sermon delivered to the congregation of the Divine Truth Center In the Alisky building yesterday morning by Rsv. P. J. Green. He took for hla text the words of Paul to the PhlUIplans: "Let this mind be in you which was also In Christ Jesus." He said: "In every soul there are the germs of real greatness and beauty. That this embryotlc greatness will only be brought to birth by the right kind of thinking and believing. "The word thought clears up the text much hotter than the word mind. Let this Christ-thought be in you and actu ate you. Thought is the Inspiration of all our doing. Man will never rise higher than his highest thought In order to be like Christ, wa must think and believe In our divinity, sonship and oneness with the Father. Otherwise we cannot 'Be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect' "As long as we accuse ourselves of being slnfujaj)d weak worms of the durt. Just so long, will we fall to be come perfect. or) Godlike. God Is strength, health and purity, and true children of GotLenould express and pos sess these qualities. When the oppo site qualities are expressed It Is be came we believe snd think these oppo sites. Jesus thought It not robbery to De equal witn uoi. yet ne waa not puffed up by this thought but emptied himself and became meek and lowly, the servant of all, which is real greatness and Godllkeness. "Having through faith and repentance cleansed our minds, let us go on to per fection by thinking and actlna- the Christ-thought Not imitating his thought but having the same character or thought, and we shall be like him. To do this tha selfish mind must be lr- JMESE WATCH UfUJfflffl Lieutenant James H. Walker Alleged to Have Import ant Papers. criminating buyers are seeking the very finest pianos to be found in all tha realm of the musical world, they soma to the Houae of Ellers the Housa of Highest quality, and often, vary often. relinquish tnair nianoa or previous choice at a considerable sacrifice, in order to satisfy their heart's dealrs to own instruments recognised as the I world a foremost Btlll again, other numerous tnsiru ments hava bean exchanged for the In comparable Pianola Planoa, the standard of the worlu, also controlled exclusively oy ine nouse or jLiiera. fOWM WIU MM aUnmtYXTt. All these exchanged planoa, taken in trade by ua, in addition to those re turned from rental use. and also a num ber which hava become slightly marred oy naving been used ror display pur poses, and others a little shopworn, are included in this special Clearance Bale But to fully appreciate this extra ordinary event, one must see the planoa inemssivas, ana note tneir excellent con dltlon and amallness of price. While some of the Instruments will naturally have been selected through the nay, we repupiisn tne list as it stood this morning, at the opening of the sale. The list, large aa it Is, Is but a partial one of the entire stock wa have on hand for this great January clearance, so that If the particular Instrument In which you may be Interested is sold, you will doubtless find another eqnally desirable in its place. SPX.X1TDED TAXUSB TJTJUtT On. WEBER Full slxe. perfect condition beautiful rosewood caae S3 18 DECKER BROS. Ebonlsed caae. action and tone as good aa ever S223 PEASE Fancy walnut case, fine old standard make S228 CAMPAIGN TO MAKE MARION COUNTY DRY (Calted Preta Letted wire.) Ban Francisco, CaL, Jan. 20. Japan ese spies have been dogging the move ments of Lieutenant James II. Walker ail tha way from Japan to America. Right here in San Francisco, during his brief stay before his departure for the east, this American officer haa been made the victim of Japanese espionage. The little brown men took" up the scent the moment the officer atepped outside his hotel and never flagged In their watchfulness throurh tha .inwi. and at last even to the railroad station from which he departed for Washington. In tha far east, too, notably In Che Foo and at other Chinese ports whre Japanese spies aoound, this American naval officer. In the performance of his official duty, has been followed about trailed and spied upon. . Lieutenant Walker was known to be in possession of certain secret Infomi. tlon concerning Japan's latest prepara tions for the possible coming wax that all Japan Is talking about, and he was also known to bear with him a secret uiiiciai reDori or janan a nrr in tir. rin,'5vap.therTru'.ce7t "nil-American (seling ion county, the united temperance and in China. This is the report which ?er- I t ,. , . . . tain high military and nival offlcera of Pronlwtlon organisations have mapped me Japanese war ornce would give a great deal to see. PBUflE Another one. a mora elaborate laEmTTNUJ PIANOLA Ebony easa in style, in perfect condition .....U272 rood condition ..T...... f aiftVi EVliRlTT-Largest alse, the most ax- I GENUINE PIANOLA Beautiful walnut new ,...,......$272 EVERETT Less expensive eaaa than ma auuvv, vut in pan act ronoi- tlon 212 LtlDWIO Largest alse, shows but Ut ile usags BORD Made KINGSBURY' aa flaw . . . . KIMBALL Beautiful quarter-sawed oit MASON ada In' France !"!' 552 RT Fancy walnut caae, good Wa will'lnelude a year's subscription Jo our circulating library with each t tha above Pianolas. OBovura axso mm oo A HAMLIN Chanel style. case onl ....ftltt 8TEINWAT The famous 1 VartegFand SMITH AMERICAN Chapel sTyli, for ........ . , , ... ... . .12 IN I only , itl2 Krt LESTER Beautiful mahoaanv eaaa. tha DANIEL F. BEATTT flolM iifi regular fsoo style ...285 caae with beautiful pipe top, this or- BCHUMANN Sold by us leas than two I? "ops and was originally years ago, snows hardly any . . I """n ioi now-.,,. 46 use .... . 1 tlf Att I BURDETT Chanel atrl nrtk Y7r DECKER A BON Fine ebonlsed cane, f0; '",. ..w.....22 shows but little wear 210BARHJTrn--SoH' walnut caae, H stop MARSHALL WENDELL A trood, re- !", condition .77T. , . . . 4 f liable maka i mi OH BRIDGEPORT 1 1 atona. MA- 7,1 BAUS Quarter-sawed oak case, fine .". .1 . . . . .fltf condition ,..195 BRIDGEPORT Another one. an eTjuVl H?WRD--0'k CM' nsj-dTybe VTb'pf'nT .. 28.F.O BINOER Fancy mahogany easa Il32 .di.V2,?,or Bow 74 SINGER Also mahoaanv. hut a TarfaT PACIFIC QUEEN Very el.hor.ta iC .TEi7JiU.' ' ti J...........silB. . v-t. wun large rrencn Develefl nni COnaillOn BI1KI vimiw uunruwr, originally Sola for 1150. BURDETT Fine 'walnut 'ca'aaV 'showa no wear, onainai nnat linn .to KIMBALL Plano-caee atria, fine ma- nus.ny xinisn, original cost I1T5. now mma KIM.BAL,L r,n ".uttered oak ?asS original coat $12R. now ij7 AEOLIAN SELF-PLATINQ ORGAN jne mat everyone can Dlay. oriainnllv sold for 1300, now ,..mts PELpL'BET REED PIPE ORGAN iu! einuT. case, i stops, just tha r your cnurcn 3tt LINUELL Oak caae, haa been thor- ouaniv overhaul ... m-t to STEAD MAN A good practice piano or my BTECK The t60 style, very fancy mottled mahogany case a rare bar gain ItlK CHICKERING Genuine rosewood case, used about 42 years S235 BQTAJUi CBAX. OXT SQTJrAJtZS. BRATLEY (not including ftellvery); DUBiun riAiu iu LINDEMAN STEINWAY In excellent eondl'tlnn ummwh htkcm. tieautirul rosewoo case. In fine shape tTK CHICKERING Genuine rosewood case, in thorough repair 895 KAYO FXATxrma XX cn. USED ABB AXSO MELVILLE CLARK APOLLO, with 87 rotis or music tins rausio alone is worth the price) ft; ANGELUS Orchestral type, with phrasing levers, good aa new toa ANGELUS Another one just Ilka the above tOH ANGELUS Mahogany, good playing or- aer ANGELUS The very latest condition an eluded SIMPLEX PIANISTA And scores of othar rare v.luaa vir tually every well known make of piano a rciimtnwa in in is saie at half and in aome caaes, less than half of original Dries. Tha imoortanca nt thla should Impress you that immediate ac tion is necessary in order to aaeura haat choloe. for such exceptional offerings mm mrm lotiurea m mis saas are bound to be snapped no quickly. If ton llva at a distance wire, telephone or write ai once, nememoer mat every instru ment will be found exactly as represent ed and aatisfactory in every respect or uiiMiey men, The extraordinary values and the un usual saving embraced In these offer ings are oasea in each case on a cash saie, oui ii you aesire payments we win arrange tnem to auit your conven ience, for the mere addition of the flno armful of muaio In- S 90 usual simple interest. Ellers Piano && House Blrrest. Rusiaat and Ra.t rtaai- CECILIAN PLATER Oak caae. good as era, S51 Washington street corner of new VlVV'r'11- Good Citizenship League and Mar shals All Temperance and Pro hibition Elements. (Special Dispatch to Tbe 7onrsal.) Salem, Or.. Jan. 20. Under the name of the Good Citizenship league of Mar- nored and the unselfish mind enthroned Such an .one will be kept in perfect peace." JOSEPHINE ANGORA RAISERS ORGANIZING (Special Dispttcb to Tbe Jonrn.l.) Grants Pass, Or., Jan. 20. Because of the rapid Increase In the number of Angora goats raised on the mountain ranges or Josephine county and tha ex cellent opportunities offered the indus try here, local growers hava planned a county organisation, which will be per il FINE POULTRY SHOW AT GRANTS PASS pvprv man a living, but he emphasized the point that every man also owes the world a life. JMnnv men whn r,,i ro under the garb of religion are hypo crites, and many others who are essen tially Christian, would answer, "No, I am not a Christian," if the question were put to mem. Readiness of the individual to meet the task he undertakes was also dwelt upon by the speaker, who called atten tion to the fact that most men who start in business fail at one point or another durlna- life. Finally, every man should live the Christ llf because It 1 ripht. i and not because of nny future reward i or punishment he may receive. . S h o e i are, ahead this : month in importance to your : health, and we're ahead in quality. This week the $100 kini special, ?2.85. All kinds of waterproof clothing at clearance sale prices. , . "r j CLOTHING CO , CaiKuhnProp" - :',:'ll!ILIt.TtlTDn PT GROWTH OF PUBLIC EVILS. Dummr Directors and the Dodging of Responsibility. "Slipshod Intellectual methods that overlook small responsibilities were de clared to have made possible the growth of great evils In public and business life by Rev. J. D. Corby in his sermon at the Universalis church of fjond Tidings yesterday morning. He drew Illustrations of this from the insurance investigations, the bank panic, the land fraud trials and ordinary corporation methods. Mr. Corby directed attention to the dummy directors in great corporations, eayln these officials lack faithfulness and are contented with the dividends, while allowing some other person to di rect the policy of the puBiness for which they are presumed to be resoon- alble. One man prominent. In press re ports is a director in 601corporations. The speaker urged , his hearers to search the records of prospective can didates at the coming primaries. He said that officials who have had to be urged to do their duty by delegations and push ciuos inouia oe jert at home Dodging of responsibility is a disease as contagious aa smallpox, and quickening of the conscience is needed In all branches of business, political and so cial life. HEALING THE MIND. ."" " The Golden Mean Occupied bj Christ , 4 in His Ministrations. "Moral and physical healing," was the ! subject taken by Rev. Gilman Parker I Cu,t!r,B.T .n9 u!?cr Pst church, ontavilla. He aald in part: , "I stand for the elevation of the nat ural -to Its highest plane of power to tha place , which God purposed it to do lta good work for hnm.nlt,,- i... , would taloo elevate the divine and the supernatural to its ni.ra in pose, and so having both, raised to the annnlntea ni. ll" fected in this city at an early date. will be similar to tha wool growers and fruit men's association. Its purpose will be to arrange for shipping direct to factories in carload lots Instead of through - commission men; also to co operate In buying and selling the best- l "iimais obtainable There are now about 6.000 goats in Josephine county, all Angoraa. with many fine registered bucks. A number of bands are ranged in the forest re serve at a small rental. Tha association expects to double the present number of Angoras In two years. OREGON AUTHORS ON THE PROGRAM (Special Dispatch to The 7ooroal.) Pendleton. Or.. Jan. 20. Pendleton academy will give next Friday after noon to the atudy of Oregon authors and Oresron books. Tha committee In charge has secured a number of letters from Oregon authors which will be read as part of the program.' Among the authors who will be discussed are Ed Tin Markhattf, Joaquin Miller. Eva Em ery .Dye, Ella Higrinson, Harvey W, ficott, Mrs. Carrie JBlake Morgan, Pro cessor j. u. i-iorner.- ueorge wagoner. Homer Davenport, Bert Huffman and others The program promises to be an interesting One. Stokers Way Down In the boiler-room of the steam ship shovel irfthe coal night nd day that jives her power to make a record. The best coal jives the best power.- That is why Scott's Emulsion produces flesh when other things fail It contains more power. It b truly a body fuel Many v a man, woman and child have broken their records for weight . by the pounds of flesh gained from SCOTT'S EMULSION. It Is a powerful flesh-producer. ., -.V--v---;-. -f . '' '-'', '' ..' ASDniggistst BO, and $109, , ' ' (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) Grants Pass., Or.. Jan. 20. Elaborate preparations are being made for the first annual Rogua River Valley Poultry show, to be held here under the au spices of tha Grants Pass Poultry asso ciation, January SO and SI and Febru ary l. Fancy poultry from all sections of southern Oregon will be exhibited and premiums given. The judge will be Elmer Dixon of Oregon City. The snow win do open only to rowis raised in Rogua River valley. out a campaign to contest every pre cinct in this county under the provi sions or the local option taw, A com- t . . . a o tit tr atlAl Rev. F. H. Neff and Oliver Jory will nrepare petitions for an election of the whole county, and will alao prepare petitions ror submitting certain pre cincts and groups of precincts to a vote at the June election. It is ex pected by thla plan to hold every dry precinct in the county, of which there are about. 10, and gain as many more as possible. The war cry will be to carry Marlon county dry. SETTLERS CAN NOW BEGIN TO SELECT zsxxxssxacsa H "l,'u" 1 I ilomeDecoraling Is not a difficult matter whan yoo use KOR-E-LAC THE ORIENTAL IT00B FINISH A combination of most Curable Var nish afcd Stains for Interior Wood Work, Floors, Furniture, eta THE BIG PAINT STORE Fisher, Thorsen & Co. FRONT AND MORRISON STS. u m&vsasEX2a&vsxxxmVXm DYSPEPSIA-PROOF. Sow Any Meal Can B Thoroughly Bn joyed by Any Stomach. Men, as a rule, are first discovered by, their enemies. Their antoganists turn on the searchlight, and the proof of merit will lie in being able to stand mo nasn, .It was only in this way that Mr, White ever Knew that dvsnenaia one of Mr. Black's worst enemies. Hit ting face to" face at a two-bv-four tohia he handed his afflicted friend the bill of fare: Oyster Cocktail. . '8tuffed Olives. Boston Clam Chowder. Strained Oumbo. Sirloin Steak with Mushrooms. Roast Beef Hash. Boiled Ox Tongue with Sauerkraut. Lobster a la Newburg. Baked Pork and Beana Combination Crab Salad. Hot Mince Pie. Pineapple Fritters. Mr. White ordered a "little of mxh Mr. DyspeDSia Black ordered i-nniun and a glass of milk. "I had such a Oil Plata of Farm Units of Completed Portion of Umatilla Project Are Now on Vfew. ig breakfast this morning," he said. uuii x u just xaae a Due to Keen vou company." But Mr. Whlfe could not be deceived: "I am afraid vou can't stand the gleam, Mr. Black. Why don't you say you have dyspepsia and be done With it? You'll always hava that hungry look anyhow as long as you have dyspepsia. Now listen. Mv itnm. ach waa in Just as bad condition as yours at one time. But now I can mat unyuung, at any time. For Instance, this clam chowder or sirloin t.ii n. even wi looster would be Just as wel come to my Stomach as vour craclrara and milk. You don't realize how this dyspepsia business is robbing you of your spirit, of your energy and ability iw iuiiik ttuiuKiy. x can i neip notice it. You -haven't the cheer end enr-lnhUltv you had three months ago. Now I'll tell you What to do." and thereat the cneeriui Mr. white took a vial from his pocjeet and extracted a wee tablet, "'i'here. there is a tablet that contains an ingredient, one grain of which di- gesta S.0OO grains Of food. For even tbe worst dyspeptic it's the only thing that really gives relief. The reason is it relieves the stomach of nearly all the work it has to do, digests every -i. inmg in ina siomacn ana, stimulates the gastric Juice. I can't get along without them. . They are Stuart's Dyspepsia xaoieis. xou can gei tnem anywhere on earth for EOc a package. - Yes. it is true, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tabfets absolutely stop heartburn, nau sea, indigestion, dyspepsia of the worst type, -sour stomach, bloaty feeling and all eructations and irritation, and freshen and invigorate the atomach. They cheer you up, and make you get all the good there is in your' food. You will forget you aver had a stomach to worry you. v,; Bona us your name ana address-to dayaind we will at once aend you by miff a sample package, free. Address FTi. Stuart. Co.. 160 Stuart v, Bid, ALlrahalL Mich. ,'V (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) Hermlston. Or., Jan. 20. The land of fice officials at the La Grande land' of fice have received publlo notice from Washington of the opening of the land under the Umatilla project at Hermls ton, Water rates and plats of the farm units under the project, with other information, can now be obtained. It is expected that much of the land in the Hermiston junit win do under ir rigation next season. Owing to the fact that the big dam on the project is nearlng completion, a reduction of the big force at the dam has been made necessary. When the ciam Is completed the work of construe tlon is practically done with the excep tion of connecting the pipe lines and some lateral repairing wiu pruoaoiy en larging. VICTIM OF HAZERS . DIES OF MENINGITIS (United Frew Leased Wire.) Chicago, Jan. 20. A victim of haiing, Raymond Taylor, 1 years old, and a pupil of the Eugene Field school, is dead, epinai meningitis was me im- marilata cause of death. Tavlor was hazed by two of his schoolmates 10 days ago and attended school until last Tuesday. The young man was seized by the neaa and reet and bumped on the brick paving of the school yard. It was not thought that Taylor had sustained any injuries until Tuesday, wnen symptoms or spina meringitis oeveiopea. DEATH OF UNION COUNTY PIONEER WASHED COAL Our fifth bargeload of coal from our mine Just unloaded. All washed. Ask us about it. Over 300 Tons Sold in December NO SOOT NO DIRT OR FINE COAL. Burns Well $7.00 PER TON Lasts Well F. B. JONES & CO. TSH.EPHOWIS PACmO, EAST 7 BOMS B-1771. WALDO CULTURE CLUB IS RAISING MONEY Woman's Building at O. A. C. Opened to Guests and Fund Is Given a Good Start. (Special" mi ten to The Jonrnal.) Corvallis. Or,, Jan. 20. tbe Waldo Culture club, consisting of 60 young women attending the Oregon Agricul tural college, has entered upon a cam paign to supplement the funds set apart Dy tne regents ror tne equipment or tne woman's bunding. Saturday evening the bullrllna was opened to guests, who ... . . - . . n . . . . . contnnutea izv, to oe usea in estaD lishlng the nucleus of a library. A number of prominent women over the state, such as Mrs. Clara H. Waldo. lecturer of the state grange, Mrs. Sarah Yocum. deputy food inspector at Marsh field, and Mrs. Joseph Alberts of Sa lem, have taken honorary membership in the culture club and made handsome contributions to the homelike appear ance of Waldo hall. The officers of the club are: Miss Kate Adams, president: Miss Georgia Ewing, vice-president: Miss Faye Roadnick. secretary; Mrs. Q. A. RIggs, treasurer. fSoeclal Dlsoatcn to Tbe Journal.) La Grande. Or- Jan. 20. The death nt H. W. Oliver, a well-known pioneer of Vnlon county occurred at his home north of summerviue Saturday. we was ua vears of age and had been a resident of this county since 1864. He had a large acquaintance throughout the country, i iie leaves a lamiiy. . Director of Union Bank. ' (Special Diapaten to The Ionrnl.) Unlcn. Or- Jan. 20. The stockholders of the First National bank hava elected the following directors: W. T. Wright, Jasper J. Stevens, B. M. Wright, Joseph Wright, Will Wright The stockhol ders of the Union National bank - have elected the following directors: 8. A. Pursel, J. P. Wilbur. William Kellblock, Thomas Brash ear, J. H. Hutchinson, la tf. aavio, ju. Avaster. Elks' Building at La Grande. La Grande. Or.. Jan. 20. La Grande is preparing to nave an aas building. 'one or tne oest in tne state. An option has been secured on a site oncost te tha Hotel Foley. The building will cost upwara oi tzu.uuu. it win do comnieted oeroro anotner year, according to pres ent plana ' naii ' - ' : Revival at Pendleton. (Special Dispatch te Tha Journal.) r V Pondleton, Or Jan. 20. A series of revival meetings will herin hra w.. nesday. . A program has bean arranged for ona of tha greatest revivals aver held : Jn eastern Oregon. Rev. - C. R Haudenachleid. a,' not ad avanaviiat win he here. The union meeting propel will begiiv Wednesday evening. January 22. All the churches . of ,th city .will Join 1a the meetings. 11 j , , SeedS PIANTS AND TREES For 2So we will mail you a packet of B0 Seeds of our sensational Sweet Pea noveuy, Florence Morse Spencer Send us your name and address and we will mail you rree a copy of our 1908 CATALOGUE xnis is tne handsomest book on Seeds and Plants ever issued on the Paclflo cc Morse & Co 61 Jackson St, Baa rran- --elseo. (Successors Cox-Seed Co.) Girl Forger in Jail Again. Boise, Ida., Jan, 20. Miss Florence Daly; the girl forger, has been held' to the district Court in the sum of $600, Which she was unable to furnish and was committed to the custody of the sheriff to await trial. She hones to aa. cure bonds within a. few days and be re- ieaaen. Dyspepsia is our national " a tin, a. Burdock Blood Blttera is the national cure ior iu it strena-tnens Am..k membranes. Promotes How of rfiroativa juices, purines the blood, builds you up.