THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. S MONDAY' EVENINO, . JANUARY 20. "1003. HEW flOPiy. WILL m PEflALTY HEEDED STEALING WIRES . AIM r.IBHTLY JDO '- '.. : . i ,.' . 1 ...... .' ' , TODAY'S Says Thomas 0. Farrell, of Everding Farrcll: "I Am in Favor of the Govern iment Taking: Control ; of Fishing" HE MHIIM TO CHECK 1111 .V MARKETS CIDES SPUD OUTLOOK . , , ir- . ...... ' IS HOT SO BAD Nvhile Coast Has More Ther? Is a Shortage in the Coun try This Year. . . , Jroduoe market features! , 'Potato outlook not so bad.", .Onion market remains high. " Salmon legislation to . be fought. Smelt supplies still heavy. : 1 i'.ftt market ia holding aam. A , Hop bualneae rmalna heavy. ; Heavy run of Chinook salmon. 'Wheat ia firm though unchanged. t I No oriental flour demand. Meats to ba influenced bf weather. Apple demand la much tba beat '; Car sweets and two cars orange ' rotate Outlook Vot Mo Bad. ' 'While frail in the cotato market re- fnalns aomewhat dull, there la atlU a air amount or. Business avauaoie in h anuth and southwest. It aeema after Ml that the great crops ao muoh talked about recently have been put out aa a iiug-aboo by some interests who want to lire potatoea aell very low. Final figures ,The government regarding the potato '1. 107. Buahela )regon 5,280,000 Vashington ..f.'.000,00 .'allfornla .880,000 CIIIN00K SALMON RUN ' ; ". HEAVY, IN COLUMBIA l,; ff (.,.'' 1 ;. i i .; '.,.) t - On ; of tha treatest winter runs of Chlnodk salmon ever e) ' seen here; has appeared In the ' Columbia liver. ' Receipts dur- s) s In tha peat 41 hours show a lib- e t eral , increase, and. f lshman say 4 they never heard of such a "big e , movement of Chlnooks for tha 4) a winter aa .'at ; this time. This forced tha wholesale price down to XJH V;';-;-.;,. ,;- wood. C0eOl each long wool, Too II. t each. i " TALLOW Prima.' per lb, ' lcJ4c; no. ana grease, igvxftq, ,. . ' CHITTlM.J3AKk.--to. 7; - rruits, and vegetables, . ' POTATOES Fancy. 80078c sell eastern Multnomah and Clackamaa, CO jsdc per cwi; sweets, so per 10. ONIONS Jobblnc price 12.2502.(0: buying, spot. 1202,06; garlic, To lb. APPLES-HBeleot. 8 1.70 82 00: fancy 11.60; choice, 11 1.26; ordinary, 11.00. FRCEH JTKUIT8 Orangea. new up 12.76) bananas, Co lb; lemons, ft 04.(0; box: llm.a. Mexican ( ) car 100: blneaDDles. 24Q4.60 .dosent oeara. fan cy, ll.60Ol.7t; ordinary, 21 a box; tan- Eerinea, ii.oo a box; jap orangea, ooo a or: persimmons, $1.76. VEGETABLES Turnips, new. 10 O lOo, aack: carrots. 60o per sack: heats. 88 0 760 per aack; parsnips. I6c0tl;cab- 1808. I bam. I6O0S1: i tomatoes. California. Bushels. 1 12.26; beans, 15c: cauliflower, f 1.100 4.048.I81I11.1O doc; ncaa. 10c: horsaradlah. la lb: 4,441.871 artichokes, 2101.10 doa; green onions, 1,2(8,171 1 llo dosen; peppers, 17c: hothouse let- ' I luca. ii.ooitii.71 box: cucumber, not- 14.776,421 1 house, . $1.60 . box; radishes, 16c doa. nuncnes: eggplant, itc id; celery, 7dc& 16c; cranberries, eastern, $10911.60; sprouts, so per id. Qrooerles, jTats. STta. SUGAR California and Hawaiian- Cuba, 16.16; powdered. 15.00: berry, tt.OO; dry aranulated. S6.0rXXX aran. ulated, 15.40; onf. A.. $6.10: extra U, $6.10; golden $6.00; D. yellow, $4.90; beet granulated, $6.40; bar rels. 10c; half barrela, 25c; boxes, 60o advance on aack basis (Above prices are $0 daya net cash quotation.; HONEY $2.10 per crate. COFFEE Package branda. $lt.t$0 11.68. SALT Coarse Half ground, 100a, $11.(0 ner ton: 60a. 114.00: tnhla. dalrv katement that atlll lower figures may f,I2,0Vi.Ji,linf ; ib,. hV fe expected before tha new crop is iTi?. WS5?. "' 1,2f Mi. I m.v, iro. una oarraia, tm, J 11 . . , . ... es anq lua. 4.BOp.eo; Liverpool lums I frodnction of tha United $TUtea. rock, I20.6O per to; 60-lb rock. $1$.60; f The production of potatoea throughout 100a, $12.00. fie United States In 1007 reached a , (Above prlcea apply to aalea of lees btal of 297,942,000 bushela oompared than car lota. Car lota at special prices rlth 105.018,181 the previoue season. I auDjeci 10 iiuriuauonaj Ihia ahowa a net loaa of 96,000 buahela. I KICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, c; No. ;he principal losses were shown in tno '.. enDc; nw uneana. kiddle atatee. The government report I jax,ec, creoie. a c.. liowa the following staiea as growing- amauer amount, witn ma loiai pro- Total coat 16.210,000 lnoreaaa ..... 1,432,672 Zneraaaa UmtUm Thaa Sxpeoted. While ' it ia not believed that there vlU be any short axe of potatoea on ha ,Palflc eoaat the present season, he crops aa given by the government's Inal ffgurea, are not nearly so great a expectea.- va we- enure ooaai-ina itriajia nvar tha abort Droductlon of a ear ago amounta to but 2.422.627 bush-j ,1a. a fraction over a intra more man ho preceedlng crop. Dealers senerally ad talked about twice aa many ousneis f potatoea grown on the coaat thla jeaaon ao the rovernment'a flgnrea are ( relief to some extent to the producers. Present 'prices on potatoes are about ihat the crop .aeema to demand, but Vme dealera have recently made the DID SENDS i v WH EAT HIGHER I. 111. PAYS PER CENT U Chicago v Market EecoTers Three tPer Cent Oiren in Early.Loss When ; For ; cigers Buy Cash Stuff. . May July CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. Open. ' Close. Jan. 1$, Gain. V Cash and 1 Per Cent in i V Stock During Day. STOCK MARKET LOBSE8. Chicago, Jan. 10. -Foreign wheat maraeta seem to have suddenly devel oped a spirit of beariahneaa that cannot na eraaicatea, aa far aa futures are con. cerned. but for apot delivery foreigners are atlll liberal buyers In American marKeta. Liverpool oDened and cloaed today at 7a "ad. a net loss from Sat urday's final fl cures of Thla waa me influence under which Chicaao openea tnia morninr. May naa a range at tha atart from 11.01 to $1.02. It weakened fractionally In the early trad- w. toaina o irom me ooenina rianiraa. but an actual demand for wheat forced Amala-amated -.1 A. Bugar .....1 St. Paul li A. smelter, , &. do pfd. .....2 Anaconda ....... Atohlaon . ,,,,.1 n jk ci Brooklyn Ponne. . Keaaing l Rock Island . . . 8. P. ......... 8. Railway .... - STOCK MARKET OAINS, I N.: ......A H I People's Ot. C. at O. 1 Canadian . St. Paul , Colo, Fuel Erie Locomotive . Miasouri Pac N. T. Central N. Pacific .. O. A W N. Pacific . U. S. Steel . do efd. a. n. pfd. . si. prlcea back over tha top opening fir- are or c. ana cioaea within a Traction of that May closed Uo advance over Baturday, and in tha July a profit of ko waa anown. One of the oueer turns tha wheat mar. ket has taken ia that Europeana are buylnjr larger auppllea of eaah wheat New Tork. Jan. 20. -After an oDenina which, waa full of hopefulneaa for the bull aide, tha atock market sold off rapidly1 on forced liquidation and proflt- taKina- ana wim me exception or a raw enarea me market cioaea aevereiy lower. Oreat pressure appeared in American Smelting common at tha atart, thla be ing one of tha few to open weak. Smelt er waa offered on all aides; everyone In America than ever before the present j seemed to be selling at once and pricea season, ana yet wniie nign prices are I urujjpn rauuuy n ini-uun ina uuj, luctlon for the two years: 1807. 1906. Buahela. Bushels. 17,110,000 I2,988,3fi0 $60,000 686,880 41.748,000 44,142.630 22,961,000 23,866,918 .630,000 748,380 11.982,000 17.277.920 13.898,000 14.611.884 26,910,000 27,076,000 22,760,000 23,766,000 11,986,000 18,800,000 7,124,000 7,169,000 2,403,000 , ' 1,468,768 2.276.000 3.642.200 6,424,000 7,864,200 6.656.000 6.715.000 100,000 172,640 1,200,000 1,977,855 2.030.000 2.032.500 j - (Minos Zi escalation to Ba Jfongttt. I Salmon dealera are againat the pro nged bill of the upper river fishermen k cloae tha season for aalmon during ke months of October, November and amber. Thev claim that la the best for the catching of ateelheada for bid Storage purposes ana to close me bason during these months would ruin a business. On the other hand they re Hi favor of the provision that night- ahlng be prohibited. They are like Ilea opposed to the bill of tha lower jver fishermen to stop all fishing above ke mouth of the Sandy aa they aay laine hode Island .. ew Tork . . . . lennaylvanla . . ruth Carolina. IhlO . .linols ......... Ilchlxan rlaconain ilasouri forth Dakota juth Dakota Jebraaka . . fanaas lew Mexico tah laho lecer iwe river la already fully ahut out head. 7c; BRIANS Small white. 34.26: larae white. $4.10; pink. $4.10: bayou. $3.(0; LimnH. so.ou; aiexican reaa, io. nui-peanuts, jumoo. iuc per id: Viralnia, ' Ic per lb; roasted, 8o per lb; Japannae, 6(c; roasted. 7Q9o per id; wainuta, California, loo per id; bine nut, 16o per lb; hickory nuts, 10c Der lb: brasil nuts. 16a. Der lb: fil berts. 18c per lb; fancy pecana. 16 020c per id; aimonaa. lea Meats. Ilsh and 2rovlslona. FTtKSH MEATS Front atreat Hoti. rancy, 70 per id; large, 70 per lb; veal, extra, (o per lb; ordinary, mo per id; neavy, etto per id; mutton, fancy. c per lb. IIAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack (local) hams, 10 to 12 lbs., 12Hc per lb; 14 to 16 lba.. 12Uc per lb; 18 to 20 lbs.. liftc; breakfast bacon, -16022Uo pr lb; picnics, 9c per lb: cottage roll. 100 per id; regular snort clears, smoked. ilo per id; unamoKea. JUo per :b; clear backs, unsmoked, 10 c; amoked, 11 c: union butts. 10 to 13c lba. un smoked. 12o Der lb: smoked. 12o Der lb: ciear Deiuea, unamoaea, izhc per d; ainoKoa, it no per id; snouiaers. iwc; per lb; pickled ton rues, 7bc each. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. 12Ue per lb;' 6a. UHc per lb; 60-lb. tins, 12c per lb, steam rendered, 10s, 11 Uo per lb: 6a. 11 So Der lb: eomnound. 10a. $ He per lb. FISH Kock cod, J2Ho lb: floundera, so per lb; halibut, 9o per lb; atriped bass, 16c per lb; catfish, lie per lb; aal mon, chlnook. 12 He; ordinary fresh, lOtfllo per lb: frosen. 9o; nerripgs, 6c lb; soles. To lb; shrimps. 19o per lb: perch, 6o per lb; torn cod, llo per lb; lobsters. 26o Der lb. : fresh mackerel. 8o per lb: crawfish, 25c per doaen; atur geon, 12Ho per lb; black bua. 20o per lb; silver smelt, 7o per lb; Columbia smelt, 2H3e; black cod, 7Ho lb; cmba, $1.00i91.59 doaen. OYSTERS Shoalwater bav. ner nl. Ion. $2.60i per 100-lb aack, $5.00; Olym pla. per gallon. $2.40; per 100-lb aack, $. 00O6.60: Eacla. canned. 60o can: 37 docen; eastern in shell. $1.76 per hun dred. ' - CLAM 8 Hardshell. W box, $2.40; raaor claraa, $2.00 per box: lOo per doa. ralntSi Coal Oil. Eta. ROPE Pura manila. 14c: standard. 12fcc; sisal, lOUc wax, on water white, tanks, lZHc; jbvio; neadiignt. cases, xoc; kat the lower aked with fishermen and to her. portions would be discrimination. 25gg Market Is Just Holding. All aorta of valuea seem to ba ruling the local egg market at this time. pmo dealers assert that they would h aulte wlllina to aell all their auo- ,Ies at 27ft while othera aay that toy are. not sellra below 28 and 2(o i dozen. Some have very liberal ar- jvais wnue otnera nave dui zew. Chicken . market ia still very slow tith arrivals hard to move above the Hco printed. Turkeys can scarcely jnd a demand at all. Creamery butter market la mixed aa 1 tone. Dealera seem to agree that ta lata boost to 37HC waa a mistake k supplies were too liberal. Several tr creameries still Quoting at 860. nwavat rintaM hranita nt mt I case. lBVfcc: haadllrht. caaaa. ime price. I Elane, caaea, S80; Eocene, cases, 21H InhMu marlrat la fraptloiml v better I gallon. 3tti. aulte liberal buying by California OASOLXNE 88 deg' cases. 240 per iriies aunng me past raw aaya. Brief JTotes of tha Trade. Two oars of oranges arrived In this ornlncr. Demand aood at former price. iir sweet potatoea also unloaded. Price ilea Between so ana ia . Bmelt suPDlies are still neavy with ado, filled. Price remalna between '4 c knd 3c. (Wheat market is firm, though un ianaed in nrlce. appis oemand is aDout me neat aion e street , Prices holding somewhat if fer as "a. result. Front street sells at tha following ioea. Prioea paid produoera are Ices guiar commissions; ,. Grain, 2?loWer and Taed. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, 9c; large ta; sman iota, iko. WHEAT- Traca; prices ciuD. . 8Be: d Russian. (So; blueatem. 87c: val- - . ... . '- ... . CtJKW-r-wnoie. s; cracaaa, ibi ton. BARIKT NOW reed. IK belns; paid hers the quotations at Liver pool, j'arie ana Benin are Sliding down ward very fast A decreaae of (66,000 bushels In tha American visible supply and liberal world'a shipments for tha week were reaturea that were favorable to tha bull side or the wheat today. t orn, oats ana pork pits showed a At tha cloalng the common shares wero w IDI Preferred hoarlnf a nnt rfMIIna nf SIX nnlnta compared with the closing; of Baturday. close following after the wheat aplrlt I nt 01 me aay, ana suDsianuai rains were maae in racn line. Range by Downlng-Hopklns company: WHEAT. , , Open. High. "til CORN. lost 214 pointa during the day. Call loan a were again favorable to the bull side, the market opening at 3 per cent and Belling down aa low aa 2 per cent. Tha cloae waa at 2ft per May July Low. 101 9714 Cloae, 91 May July May . Jan, May II 60 H 69 U OATS. 684 MESS PORK. .1820 1342 Kg HI 1281 Louisville A Nashville waa one of the few to hold ita early gain. Besides the regular dividend of 2 per cent the di rectors today announced an additional payment of 1 per cent In stock. This kept the market afloat while the reat of the shares were going over their head and ware sinking. For the day Louis ville showed an advance of 1U points. Chesapeake aV Ohio gained 1 pointa. Range by Downlng-Hopklns Co. DESCRIPTION. 1220 1337 O 9 ft tr 4 Q World's Wheat Shipment. New Tork. Jan. 20. World'a wticaJ shipments last week 8,896.000 bushels. - . 1 American Grain Visible) Supply. Chicago, Jan. 20, American vialble apply: wheat Decreased 666,000 buahela. Cora Increased 162,000 buahela. , m Liverpool Wheat Lower. Liverpool. Jan. 20. Mar wheat ocened at 00. ana ciosea at vs 80. la unaer tsaturaay. ANOTHER LOS8 IX EAST. Am. .CoDDer . Am. Sugar, c Am. Smelter A. Cotton Oil Anaconda M. Co.. Atchison, c Bait Ohio. .. Brooklyn R. T.. . Canadian Pac, c. Central Leather. C M. & St. P. . . Ches. A Ohio . . . Colo. Fuel, o. . . . Erie, a Am. Locomotive. L. A Nashville . Missouri Pac. . . N. Y. Central... N. Pacific, o Ont A Weat... Penn. Ry People's Gas . . . Hogs Drop 5c Today With Receipts J Reading, c Very Heavy in the Yards. (United Press Leased Wire.) Chicago. Jan. 20. Hogs. 66.000: cat tie. 87,000; sheep, 23,000. Hoga are 60 lower; mixed. 4.I64.46: heavy. 34.28 04. oa; rough ana heavy, $4.1004.16; ngni. .iu!0' Cattle Ten cents lower. Sheep Steady. Kansas City. Mo.. Jan. 20. Hon. 13.- 000; cattle, 11,000; sheep, 8.000. Omaha. Neb.. Jan. 20. Hoe-a Re ceipts, 6,200; cattle, 4.500; aheep, 4,000. Rock Island, c. , do pfd , S. Pacific, c. So. Railway, c . U. Pacific, c . . . U. S. Steel, c.. do Dfd Wabash, pfd. . . . Am. Smelter, p.. O. N. pfd 117 1 I110H 111 I 11 1 78 10 127 81 96 16 91 114 Call loana opened at and closed at 2; ruling rate 3. Total saiea 814,100 snares. Chesapeake A Ohio, ex-divldend per cent Louisville Nashville, ex-dividend 3 per cent In cash and 1 per cent in atock. feopio a uaa, ex-aiviaena m per cent 63tt 61U Sift 114 118 113 70 66 66 '34" ir" 88 74 78 73 89 89 89 47 46 46 161 160 160. 12 117 116 116 31 si m 22 21 21 16 16. 16 89 101 100 100 45 43 48 102 100 100 128 127 127 84 117 116 116 87 8644 86 108 108 118 13 27 76 74H 10 10 128 126 80 10 93 93 16 16 89 90 123 low3" 1 Nelsbi! Hughes Company Files Articles With the County Clerk.: - Four naw Incorporations filed papers with tha . county clerk' this) morning. Nelson Hughes, O: J. Wright and Rob- art T. Hobson are named as Incorpora tors of tha-Nelson Hughas Manufaotur OX IZU.UU0. it WUI manufacture.' 1 . Th v.i nmi nnra esnnanr. di ... - 1 . - . taliaad for 8100.00Q. has three Baser City people behind It They are Harry Bingham, Vivian Moore and William 8, BPn'l!l Mnffmnn. L. c VanetU and Charles Roberta have incorporated tha Coaat Concession company, wnioa pro poses to deal In and conduct - fruit stands, lunch counters, curio stores, pe riodicals and sideshow and other amuse ments. The capital atock ia $3,600. . S. B. Klahn Co. haa been Incorpor ated by J. D. M. Abbott. 8. B. Klahn and William Davis. It will engage In tha printing, stationery and aupply bus iness, and haa a capital atock of $8,000. NEW BOOKS FOR THE LIBlUfiY 1 78 10 128 31 96 16 81 3. high 3, CREAMERIES TO MAKE THREE GRADES BUTTER CHEAP PRICE ADDS TO CALL FOR COWS gar, Iron bbla. 18o Der gaL jBuiN4iiNJs bo aeg., caaea, zoo per gai; Iron bbla. 2So per gaL TTJRPENTINJ& In eases. 96c per gal; irera uoib, 11s par ni, - - " WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 1Kb nar lb: svv-10 101s, so per 10; less iota, Bttc. WIRE KAILS Present baala at $3.20, . FARMERS ORGANIZING A NEW GRAIN COMPANY (Special Dispatch to Xfct Journal.) Lacross. Wash.. Jan. St). J. 8. Shreck. M. M. Johnson. O. W. Pollard, E, E. 347 & 827. EO I Pointed a committee bv the farmers of r ton: rolled. 3306831: brewmar. 229. i the district to organize the Lacross RYB $1.66 per cwt. ' I tram company, have drawn up articles oatb wew roaucarr price pro. 1 or incorporation witn a capital or whita 827 Der ton:, arrav. t26i2.Kn. 1 000. divided into 260 shares of tha mir FLOUR Eastern Oregon oatents. I value of $100 each, and are now sollclt- .96; straights, $4.60: exports, $3.90; I lng subscriptions to tha stock. They Iley. noia $4.804.60; graham, s, $4.60; I are meeting with excellent success, wheat. .70; rye. sua. 35.60: es.- 13. MILL STUFFS Nominal Bran. 324 ttii middiinaa. szb: snorts, oouniry. 127: ty, izo; cnop, sivgyzz. hay producers- price Timothy. lllamette valley, rancy si; ordin- y, $11; eastern Oregon, 17; mixed. oaiJlfl.BO; clover, ivwis; grain. o 12: cheat. $io(ffiz. b Butter, gg and Poultry. BUTTER FAT F. a b. Portland veet cream, 36c; sour, 34a ' huttek Kxtra rancy creamery tsnc: rancy. oc: praga, soo; store, aua KGUS Extra rancy, candied. 179290; stern storage. 1920o doaen. wii-B..oc txww iuu crvajsi, uaui, wemra ureson occasional rain to-o-per lb; Toung Americana, 17o per I night and Tuesday; - southwesterly POULTRY w- Mixed ; chickens, 18o Westarn Washington Rain tonight r puna; mncy nens i:uiini per 1 cooler, iueaaay occasional rain. South' ittO io; Onions Cheap at Union. Union. Or- Jan. 20. Wolfe A Mor ton of Union, have lust shipped to Port land a car or BraxUlan. red onlona that cannot be excelled in the northwest From a trifle less than an aora and a half these men harvested 60,000 pounds of prima marketable onions, to aay nothing of the sales of bunch and dried onlona that were made during the sea son. These onions net tha growers 21 per. 100 pounds at Union a low enough mice whea one considera tha hls-h -.inn. second, S2c;of tha onions. ; Northwest Crop Weather. ease, ; roosters, old. lie: fryers,'! oilers. 1 z o id: duoks. 1 to a- id, llo per lbi turkeys, alive, 16b lb; essea, 18019c; id; aquaoa, iz.eo aos; geons. $1.26 doa: dressed poultry, ltd) ,o per lb higher; wild geesa, $4Q6 doa 1 ' " Hope Wool and Sides. westerly winds, diminishlna tonight Eastern - Oregon, eastern Washington and Idaho Rain or snow tonight or Tuesday, cooler. The agitation am on a- creamerv men for a better grade of cream than fa ordi narily received, la having an affect upon shippers and soma have already started to take systematlo cars of their product. Oregon creameries, too, have atarted to grade their product mora carefully. instead 01 one, or at we moat two, grades of fresh butter, tha creameries are planning to make thr-- grades. One city Institution haa already adopted this method and la putting out what it calls a premium or first grade. Only about 100 pounda of thla 'quality la now made daily, dui tna makers claim there la a legitimate demand for something better than haa been turned out heretofore. The price of the premium butter la 40 cents a pouna in tne wnoiesaie markets or 46 cents retail. This is 80 cents a square. . Tha word premium applies hare on butter because dreameries now pay 1 cents a pound premium for cream that is first class over tha ordinary run. SPOKANE MINING EXCHANGE. . (Furnished by Downlng-Hopklns Co., members Spokane Mining Exchange.) Spokane, Wash., Jan. 20 Official prices: - , Bid. Receipts Are Small and This, Too, Is Causing Demand to Increase. Aiax Alameda . Alhambra Alberta Coal & Coka Bell Bullion Charles Dickens Canadian Cons. Smelters.. Copper King Dominion Copper involution 6 4 4 26 8 4 8 70 8 180 IK Echo 1 Oalbralth Coal 24 uertie . . . .......... 8 Hecla ' . 250 Happy Day ...... 1 Holden O. A C. 3 Humming Bird 3 Hypotheek ...... 1 Idaho Oiant 6 Intl. Coal ft Coke 80 Kendall 85 Lucky Calumet J... lsu MiBsouia copper........ Mineral Farm Moonlight Nabob N ne Mile O. K. Cons. Oom Paul Today 1007 . , 1006 . , 1005 Hogs. . 100 285 . 180 106 Cattle. 76 40 160 240 Sheep. - 800 213 476 5 1 Panhandle 8melt 4 Park Copper 1 KamDier uanooo ....... Reindeer Rex 18 to 1 Snowahoe . . . , Snowstorm . .. Sullivan 23 z 17 7 1x1 Hold Fourth of Wheat. TT11 m d-arl 11a ' tir--U AA . . 1 Vmp10nt -wrn. flrat nrlma, IU M7- .Mm?"?7tJ at early Hmo, 60 medium to prime. 6 Hp: s e0ld in this Immediate Ticinitv the naat um, iwso id; ivub crop, ivo ao. - daya-the price paid being 75 cents a I WOOL 107 clin Valley. Htf l$c: I hnahV tt BaaM Kie hJf. J -T.i . ,MOHAIR-i22iaa :.-.v v , i HIDES Dry hides, 11918a lb; Wraen. i6o; calves, green, 67c; klpa, - so :.nuiis, green salt, o ID -SHEKPSklNS Chwlna. JBcOJOo chi ahw."1 wsoL 6c04oc; meaium. have in their i sseaalnn nn -f mirth nt the 1807 crop. .-, ,. , . - aJ"aaBBBsSjBaBBBWBaBB ' ; ' . . .New York. Eichanite'lJ' .iV , ' Chicago, Jan. ip.-New Tork exchange (0 per cent preml Sullivan Bonds ........... $0 Stewart .................. 66 1 Tamarack ft Ches. . . 60 Wonder ...... . . .......... 1 ' . Sales 1.000 Chas. Dickens at 3a. Northwest Bank Statement. -. PORTLAND," . Clearings , today '.........$ 954,156.92 1,360,188.44 93,034.60 93,242.64 Year aaro Balances Joday X ear ago . ..,.,. SEATTLE. Clearings ............... k .. . $1.2(4.278 Balances 122,271 s t ' . TACOMA. Clearings Balances . , fc. v1. .... BOt B.SOf 60,196 Tacoraa Wheat Slarket. ... r -Tacoma, Jan. to Wheat export: Club, $3c; bluastem, SSa .. v r Portland Union Stockyards. Jan. 20. Receipta In the local yarda were email during tha past 48 houra and totaled 100 hoga and 75 cattle, no sheep arriv ing. The market remalna very atlS for cows because of the low price, but steers ara dull though at former prlcea. Hogs ara still dulL but beyond con siderable pressure being played against tha market, values are holding fair at last week's figures. Sheep ara very firm. A year ago today all lines were quot et firm at unchanged valuea. Official yard prices: Hogs Best eastern Oregon,; $5.25; China fata, $6.00. Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers, $4ft;4.25; best cows and heifers, $3.26; bulls. 1.76 2.00. .Sheep Best wethers, $5.268.60; mixed and best ewes, $4.00 4.60; lambs, Jo.26Ci6.60. " 1 m Goldfleld Mining Stocks. San Francisco, Jan. 30 Ooldfield sharea: Ooldfield Consolidated $6.05; Florence, $4.86; Atlanta, sac' SUM ALLOWED WIDOW OF LATE C. C. BARKER Judge Webster la the county court this morning approved an order to pay Mrs. Rose A. Barker, widow of the late Columous C. Barker, $2,000 for the month of January and $1,000 per month hereafter for her support The estate Is valuod at more than $600,000 and there is $40,000 in cash on hand. It la stated that the debts of tha estate amount to about $110,000. Plans Public Ownership. London, Jan. 10. Public ownership and control of all the means of life occupies tha foremost place in tha list of tonics scheduled for discussion at the eighth annual conference of the Britiah Labor party, which be ran at Hull today, to continue until Thursday The Amalgamated Society of Engineer!, probably the largest and wealthiest labor body in the world, will introduce one or me most aennite ana zar reaon ing propositions lookina- to oublio own ership. It has been framed In tha fol lowing; terms: "That in tne opinion or tnis confer ence, the time haa arrived when the Labor party ahould have as a definite object the socialization of the means of production, distribution and ex change, to ba controlled by a democratic state in tha interest of the entire com munity, and tha complete ' emancipation of labor from the dominion of capitalism ana janaioraism,- witn tne estaDiisn ment of aocial and economic enualltv between- tha sexes." : . . BIOORAPHT. Blake William Blake, by Arthur By. mona. 1907. Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Long fellow; a Sketch of Hla Life by C. E. Norton. 1907. Nugent Jamaica One Hundred Tears Ago; Reprinted From a Journal Kept by Maria, Lady Nugent, From 1801 to 1815. 1907. Ploasl Mrs. Tbrale, Afterwards Mra Pioizl; a Sketch of Her Life and Pas-saa-ea From Her Dlarlea, Letters and Other Writings; ed. by L. B. Beeley. 1891. DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL. Conway No Man's Land; a History of Spitsbergen, From Its Discovery in 1596 to tha Besinning or the scientific Exploration or tna country. io. Dunn Tba Shameless Diary of an Ex plorer. 1907. neaaiam story or uxrora. hot. Pares Ruasta and Reform. 1907. Portland City Directory. 1907-8. Thompson Nlmrod's Wife. 1807. Thwaltes Early Western Travels. $l-$2. 1907. ' FICTION. Buffum Smith of Bear City, and Other Frontier Sketches. Cabell Gallantry: an Eighteenth Cerv tury Dlxaln -n Ten Comedlea. With an Arterpiece. Hardy juae tne UDsoure. Harker A Romance of tha Nursery. Harrison The Far Hoiison: by Lucas Maiet. pseuo. Jacobs snort cruises. James Bachelor Betty. Kelly Wards of Liberty. Martin Let It la; Nursery Corps, V. B A. Montresor The Burnlnr Torch. Moody The Pickwick Ladle and Other Collectors Stories. Pare Under the Cruat Wallace Ungava Bob, a Winter's Tale. White Arlaona Nlghta. Wlster Mother. FICTION IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Berah Matka Maallman Loddouil Lewald Jenny; Roman Von der Ver- faaserin von "Clementine." FINE ARTS. Barber Artificial Soft Paate Porce lain ; Franca, Italy, Spain and England. IDA? if U I, many, Flanders, England and tha United Dimes, itui. Barber Tin Enamelled Pottery Ma jolica, Delft and Other Stanniferous Faience. 1907. Binstead Useful Details fn Several Styles. 1107. Kellaway How to Lay Out Suburban Home urounas. liui. Macklin Brasses of England. 1107, HISTORY. Grlffls The Japaneaa Nation fn Evo lution; Stepa In tha Progress of a Great reopie. ivoi Haydon Tha Book of tha V. C.: Record of the Deeds of Heroism for Which the Victoria Cross Haa Been Be stowed. From its institution In 1857 to tna present Time. 1907. LITERATURE. tr. by Wfl Jersey's Electrocutloner of Opinion That Death Sen tences Are Sad Failure. (seeUl Dts Batch ta Ike JearsaL) Trenton. N. Jan. 10. Headkeepef Oeorge Osborne of tha New Jersey stats prison. In hla annual report to Governor Stokes, makes a plea for the abolition of. capital punlahment Inn this stata With tha now law. nasaed laat winter. substituting electrocution for hanging as tha means of inflicting the death penalty, Oahorna haa been charged with tha duties of electrocutioner. Ha doesn't like tha Job, and aaya: "No one could ba mora reluctant than I to assume thla grave responsibility, know that it la the beat and most pal leas means . of carrying out tha death sentence, but I hope the day la not dis tant when society davlsea other means than caDltal punishment that will suc cessfully abate capital crimes. 1 have tha power, by legislative enactment to deputise othera to perform electrocu tion, dui ma responsiDitity remains, and any thought given this grave matter py tne legislature win oa aeepiy appre- aiaiea A atartung feature or tha report ia a statement of the constantly increasing percentage - of - convlets sentenced for murder and manslaughter, that of the last year -Doing 11. 7ft per cent or tne prison population. Tha increasa In the homicide class is shown by the follow in figures: In 1902 there were 97 out of a prison population of 1,021; in 1908 there wero 103 out of 1.167; In 1904. 112 out or 1,17; m 106. 111 out or 1,10s; in 1906, 144 out. of i.219; in 1.907, . 167 out of 1.251. Keeper Osborne's report forms a part of the report of tha board of prison In spectors, and tha latter ahowa that tba total expenditures ror ail purposes con nected with tha stats prison during tha fiscal year 1907 amounted to 8222.662.63. The revenue of the prison for the aame rerlod was $109.886189, an increase of 13,640.18. The total net cost of the institution to tha stata for tha year was $114,266.74. EVERYBODY IS BUSY ON LINE TO KLAMATH Attend Rosenthal's treat sals for fins shoe bargains.. clearance Caesar Commentaries; 11am uuncan. ioj. Corson Voice and Spiritual Educa tion, 1BV1. Nepos Twenty Lives; ed; by J. E. Baraa; new ed.. 1907. Scott Tha Philosophy of Public speaicing, 1907. Tolstoi Qn 8hakespeara; a Critical uesay, 107. PHILOSOPHY. Abbott Pehlnd the Soenes With the Mediums. 1907. Hilty Tha Steps of Life; Further Es says on Happiness, i07. RELIGION. Reianer Workable Plans for Wlde- Awake Churches, 1906. SCIENCE. Agassis Three Cruises of tha United States Coast ' and Geodetic Survey Steamer Blake, in the Gulf of Mexioo, Caribbean Sea and Along the Atlantic Coaat of tha United States. 2 v., 1888. Bullen Our Heritage of the Sea, 1907. Hann Handbook of Cllmatoloky; tr. by R. D. Ward, 1903. New Jersey Geological Survey Gla cial Ueology of New Jersey; by R. D. Salisbury, 1902. Stillman Engineering Chemistry; A Manual nf Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Ed. 2, 1906. Wallace Island Life; or tha Phenom ena and Causes of Insular Faunae and Floras, Ed. 3, rev. 1902. SOCIOLOGY. , Direct Legislation Record, v. 6-10, 1898-1903. - Forney Proportional Representation; A Means for the Improvement of Mu nicipal Government 1900. HowardV-The Cause and Extent of the Recent Industrial Progress of Ger many, 1907. pranaergast credit ana its uses, 1906. , Pyle The Story of Sir Launcelot and Hla Companions, 1907. USEFUL ARTS. Blackall Up--to-Date Airbrake Cate chism; A Complete Study of the Air brake and Signal Equipment Including the Very Latest Devices, Ed. 21, 1907.' Brunner Manufacture of Lubricants, Shea Polishes and Leather Dressings, Ed. , enl., 1906. Gerhardl Electricity Meters; Their Construction and Management; A Prao- 1 tlcal Manual for Central station Engi neers, Distribution Engineers, and Stu dents, 190J. Orlfflln An Elementary Text-Book on Machine Dealgn, 1904. Hasen Clean Water and How to Get It 1907. Maxrotto rWireless Telegraphy; tr. br,-Rf Bottone, 1906. ' eoutnwortn, comp. uno nunurta ana One Candles; Rev. ed., 1906. Talbot Tests of Reenforced Concreta Beams, 1907. ' Northwestern Bonspiel Opens. (United Prew Leased Wire.) Duiuth. Minn., Jan. 20. The fifteenth bonspiel. under tha auspices of the Northwestern Curling association, which opened here today, promises to ba the most interesting event of the kind the northwest has seen in years, if ever equaled before. Several hundred purl ers ara taking part including a good sized delegation from Canada. Tea rinks are belns; utilised for the events, which will QoaUnua until the and of the weak. , ' ' ' , Sf Important Construction Undertakings in Progress at Many Places. Simultaneously. (Special Dispatch te Tba Journal.) Klamath Falla, Or., Jan. 20. Con struction Engineer Hoey of tha Cali fornia Northeastern railway, states that the railroad will be completed to Dorrls, not later thaa May 1. Ericson ft Peterson, contractors, are atlll on heavy cuta between, Bray and Mount Hebron, but as soon aa they can ahow a clear right of way, track laying win Dcgin. lunougn material is at tsray to complete the road to Dorrls. Ericson ft Peterson are preparing for work on the "Shoo Fly" line over the hill this side of Dorrls. The hill la to be tunneled, but a temporary line will be built now. The contractora in Klamath Falla are draining the low placea cloae to the canal, preparatory to changing the course of the canal where the railroad grade crosses It SUSPECT GIRL WAS YICTDI OF MURDERER (ratted Prase Leased Wire.) Portland, Me., Jan. 20. Dispatches from Leeds, 60 miles from hers, to night describe the finding of the body of a woman, . young and well-dressed. hanging m a cloaet in a summer cottage at Androscoggin pond.- Tha body was suspended from a beam by a scarf. In her dying struggles the young women had thrust out one hand, ouahed the cloaet door ajar, and in death, the hand protruded tn rough tne door. Suicide was the first explanation of the trareov. but tna ract mat a onair on which the rlrl had stood had been kicked or removed indicated a more sin later as Dec t of the case. Tha explana tlon is that tha chair was moved by soma one else, furnishing a murder theory. Tha girl's name is unknown. Half Mile of Telephone Lino Near Mount Royal Is the - . . Latestto ?oV ' . (Special Dtapatrfe la The Jearaal) Woodbury, N. J Jan. , to. Twenty two hundred feet of wire on the lines of the Delaware, ft. Atlantic Telephone oompany 'between this" city and. Mount Royal was stolen some time during tha night . The wire' was 'taken near tna bridge at Mount Royal. . 4 R - - . . . The theft was similar m svery way to tha recant haul made at National Park and near Mount -Ephraim. - X company detective was hare today and made an inspection, but could not get any clue. Linesmen were put at work at once, and the wire waa. quickly replaced. This thieving ia -worrying tne com panies to a great extent.' An official stated that If it were not for tha wire stealing there would be little Interrup tion In the working of tha lines. lis further said that there ara many thefts which ars not mad public. 11 - ' 1 1 1 T 1 T-v--Y TT-aTrt I.WIIf HT UAj UUVjX VHi MUX A UMJ , ABOUT PAT CALHOUrr (UnlM PrM Leaatd Wire.) Ban Franclaco, Cat, Jan. 20 Attorney A. A. Moore, representing the United Railroad defendants, this morning made, another effort to have tha district at torney give him a definite announce ment In regard to when Patrick Caa- V. 1 . . 1 A 1 , , n iiuuu nuuiu uj ufvii jbuvi declared that Calhoun was engaged In very Important business affairs In tha east and that if it was not the Intention of the prosecution to placa him on trial February 1 that he desired to remain there. However. Langdon refused to give him any definite answer at this time. . ..'. Arranging for Denver Convention. (United Preaa 'Leased Wire.) subcommittee's of the Democratic nay tional committee arrived In Denver to day to look over the arrangements re lng made for the national convention to be held here In' July. Tha seating arrangements and decorations 01 . ina convention hall, facllltlea for tha con venience of the newspaper and telegraph men and tne notel accommodations ara among mattera to be looked over by the committeemen. Wisconsin Poultry Show. (United Press Leased Wire.) ' Milwaukee. Wla. Jan. 20. Prlss win ning birds from several states ars In cluded among tha exhibits at tha sev enth annual show of tha Wisconsin Feathered hiock association, in snow. opened today, and will continue tb rough, the week. Fancy bred turkeys, chick ens and ducks are numerous, and tha display of plgeona Is also notable. UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING BIJOU ' UPHOLSTER T - MI8SION rockers, leather chalra. couches, din lng-room chairs, mattresses, 8-piece sets at cost, in ntn, near waanington. TRANSPORTATION Columbia Diver Scenery uarxjaTOB un te sunns. Dally service between Portland and Tha Dallas, except Sunday, leaving &. m carrying freight and paasengera Dlandld acoommodatlona for outdts and livestock. Dpck foot of Alder at, Portland; foot of Court at. Tha Dallas. Phone Mais 914. Portland. COOS BAY LINE The steamship-BREAKWATER leave Portland Wednesday it 1 p. a, from Oak street dock, for Xorth Bend. Marsh Held and Coos Bay points. Freight re ceived till 4 p. m. on day of sailing. Paaaenger fare, first class, 110; second class, 17, including berth and meala Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washington streets, or Oak atreet dock (fOBTat FACOTO STEAMSHIP CO-TI Roanoke and Geo. W.Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at 8 p. ta. Ticket office 122 Third .near Alder. "Open All the Time" ABSOLUTE SAFETY OFFERED DEPOSITORS No interest paid on commercial accounts or daily balances. . . ' AS u INTEREST Paid on Term Savings ' . Accounts. By the old gold tried and tested German-Americsn Bank V Corner Sixth ..and - Alder : Sts. , Opposite OresonJan - SXBS rOB BUTBEBU oa OATAxoatna Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Etc Address - , - J. J. BUTZER.-SEEDS : - Dept. A, . . ' ' lea bojtt srr. . . Merchants Trust Comp Sayings & any CAPITAL $150,000.00 i. . '.'.,v ' 'i K . , j. Acts as Trustee in all legitimate relations requiring such service, as o real and personal estates and in bond issues. Does a general banking business. ; -'' ' " ' Solicits patronage of those requiring service of a vell equipped and conservative Trust Company. Has funds for first class improved property mortgage loar.3. r . vr, . J. 'ran Watson.. , , . '. , . . .pros. ,'VT. IL Fear. ..'.. ror. R I Durham. Vlce-Prea & a Catching; Ass't i ( V O. W. T. Musnhaupt,.f.Caahle o