THE ; OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLANDS SATURDAY- EVENING, ' JANUARY ' 1&7 1003. IGl'EIGHIIIG GETS ?-Y V t V rV '"- ', ' ' "i 1 f ir it r.,,;;t ' - v7 J I , --: h - ' i ""I SPORTING N0TES J ' Locl and OtherwlM. - f ' ''I ti.''ii Coast .Promoters Eef use to Proloni: Kufsan(--3os-r sir) of Squared Circle, ;,' San FrncUco, Cai. Jan. li. Whn " BuiJer Ktchl th Montana mll(H- - wlrht' tpi Int th rln on rDru i ary 23 to do battU with Mflta 'Twin v CuIUvan. It probably will b hU laat ap- paaranct aa a middleweight, bo rapidly , ) the younjater crown alnce ha made M Initial appearance In California rln. And, trancly nou-h, hla cp- ponent on that occaalon la in ue wene fix. f ' Leaa than a year ag-o Joa Thomaa and Krich! were riithtlng- in the welter J weight ranka and when they met at MarravllJe, ilUwrnla, en he afternoon ol July laat, they fouht for the ' world' welterweltht champlonahlp. Two month later they fought for the U aame title, but In reality they were . ; mlddlewelghta. In tnetr nira ' boch were heavier than when they had iner eerona meeting , . , Now Thomaa la flghUnr In the heavv- weight dlvlalon, while Ketch-! la ta t Ing on fleah at an alarralng rate nd ! i rore anoiner mix. hmhiuh , V joined the big fellows. It la even . doubtful that Tie will be able to make ' the weight tl84 four-houry before the fljrht, lor nia enifagennint wna c.""" Coaat fight promotara hava taken p In eameat the oampaign agalnat ring- Ktda weighing. The agitation agalnet the oraciioe, which la one of the blggeat rnUances In the boxing game, wag ' aiarted by none Uer thaa the redoupu .able BiUy Nolan, former manager for ,Uattllng Neiaon; tnai la, woian iu. H the agitation t be atarted when no lorced Joe uana to ge ..iki. Mi.hi nr tha nearo'a mem trnble battle with Nelson at Ooldfield. Nolan'a tactics caused auca disgust " among fight followers and promoters that a demand wae Immediately made . for a discontinuance or nninu Ing. ; Now cornea James Coffroth, the greatest of the fight promoters, with the ultimatum that never again will he handle a fight calling for rlngalde ' weighing, whether or not It le a cham pionship affair, and to make ma uiti i...m mnnA hit rufuaed to make an of fer for a return battle between Owen , Moran end -Abe Attell onlesa It U .'agreed between the. boys that they . weigh In not Jesa than two hours before In tills connection, the atand taken by IMnll.ln tha matter of weight for a second fight with Moran la acurloual. Manager Armour of Toledo will take . one, to ear the leaat. Attall refuses to I 4g players to Chattanooga for spring , . meet Aloraa ror ut cnaatpionauiy training, no say xoieao acrioes. - lesa the Englishman makes 122 ringside, I . but agrees ta ;''pt ;Moraa at eaten Tn p a M ieue has about decided , welghja 'without the tlU M i ona f the K cut,t,clrett,n0 ,u citlea. aa fol- ; HERE IS SIIOWff A p II A MP ION BOWLING TEAM,, FJIED' PUMP SR. AND FRED PUMP JIL, FATHER "AND SON. THEY or. a Tir rrnv. TiTflTTVnTTO OF BEING THE FATHER tynff Democrats BelleVe ivn cav nr a nrPTnvQ fWl oenaior uoum iteDUua ClBEHSOII FOR VENTIUTED CONCRETE BLOCK . . COil C Rf IE WD VICE-PRESIDEHT AND TIE INVENTED' IN-OREGON AMERICA AND ARE READY TO MEET ANY SIMILAR TEAM. Fences in South; Waited Press leased Wire.) Washington, ' 'D. " C., ; Jan..,JITha mention of Senator Culberson' bam In connection with tht nomination for vloe president . has . been a . subject of mora or lesa discussion In "Washington, this week. '' Tha majority .' opinion among leading Democrats Is that, tha party might ' go farther and fare worse. It is pointed out that tha nomination, of Senator Culberson for second placa on tha ticket, would eerve to gratify the growing demand of tha south for recog nition. -' V' But Senator Culberson's friends urge that there ara many other things to lecommend him beside, the mere geo- TO CIVIC DEM Proper Handling of Material ; Results In; Addition ; of i v Beauty to Residences. , ' COUNTRY- HOMES CAN USE WITH ADVANTAGE Agtonlahinjtl Beaatlfal Thing Can Ba Accomplished bj the Artistlo Vto of Cement and Gravel -Dlf. t . ... . . - - . .. . ... i ferent Front Stone. ,' . - ; mJ ' , In tha current number of the Municip al Engineering magaslna appeara aa ar ticle dj a. v.. riener, in wnica xne . claim la put forth thar beautiful, art- graphical location of his home state, if I Cement Block Mold Patented by A; 8. Iewls, Grant Paai Photographer i utio houses can be built of concrete. Slstingulshed ancestry counU for any. . n-;m. . , T " ' i .. v. ..Uk- '.T-u- . VL JllJ.Vl uiingthere are la pudiio iiiei v , . I r iu v& - w . m . nm, v.jv today who have anything on the Texas I Lewis, a O rants Pass photographer, rnator in that regard, lie la a airect i m.-.v .Mi .a . nt.nt lineal deacendant from . William H. . " Crawford, who was one of Oeorgia's "ay. ana aa Tiiveraion rrom BU atu- great men in the cays or (jainoun. ciay aio jaoora. nas penectea ana naa pat- W.ater Senator Culberson's ented a ventUated ooncreta block; and father, the late David B, Culberaon, .,K1 l v i.i. . 4v w... vi. 'waa a member of congress from Texas Which na claims Is tha best thing for 22 vesrs when he voluntarily retired of Its 'sort' aver devised. Thomaa Edl- from that body. I son's cement houses not excepted. Tha It may be added that Senator Cul-1 exoel lent features of this pew block, berson naa a remitatlon' aa an orator I aa claimed by the Inventor., ara that it of a very high order.. lie is not the de- I can ba manufactured at a saving, of 20 ciaimer mat Mr. Bryan ja, dui ne la a master of pure -English and a forceful speaker. Some of his short addrssses are rerarded aa models of their kind notably his "San Jacinto," -"Welcome to Confederate Veterans. "Charaoter of Oeneral Orant," and aeveral others. - Za Good Zaadex. But more than ' all else the Texas senator possesses the qualities of lead erahin. ' In this respect ha has no su perior pn . tha Democratic aid of the senate. Ha Is one of those men who leads .without making any unnecessary noise ADout.iu. lie l mistake bf the enem take advantage - of create antagonism and the galleries. The career which has won Senator Culberson the confidence and respect of his party haa been a dlatlnaulshed one. He la not of the "mushroom" variety, I but has worked and won his way step HEWS OF FORECAS be molded In any concrete bloc ma- buildlnga of, contrete construction ' In china with slight change, and .houselth. -.... built with the blocka requires po, lathi I tw.,TO!intrjr, r. "raUva, If not or rurrlng, - . , iwwmn ueij. ni Hini u uii rn These blocks also allow a deafl l ot llva son for i this, that they ara ImltaUoni air space oeiween wajja, mruuiu wu,- and aoor imitations at that v all wiring. Pipes and heatlngapparatus JJ! ,"0n", "fh" n is run. The tlea for the blocks are ho- . Th. article Ig.weU fotteft up and low, and tha Inventor claims they are shows that tha writer la thoroughly aosoiuteiy moisiure. iroij-w familiar with hla subject He aayat. .innka i. th. an hnif -mn manufaotura . There la undoubtedly a great them with eaaa aad rapidity. - ' I clnatlon In beinr able to mold as thor- auiuiy piaaiio maieriai aa cement nor tar Into any desirable form, or even shape It by hand before It seta up hard, and produce a creditable work of decorative eculpture. But ona In variably suffers a genuine shock upon, discovering that a thing is not what It seems, and that .baautifuL stately colonnades or arcades and porticoes, well ana in scyie, are not Duyt ot one naturally exnecta to find but that It la all a sham: that we are looking at a thin veneer of ce ment mortar, which at beat Is but a temporary device, a sort of makeshift. T JWILL BE LARGEST - , . . . . . .,.. ...... ..-.. cohigweek mmwm Y and "prVmSt tS Congress . Not Expected to Preparations Under Way for c0U,,0c?;Bdx ni nir4uaU,to Mako Any Better Speed. , ferectlon.of Brovn-Yale -it wouw difficult" to JSl Than Heretofore. ; Laundry Building. Zaflneaoa. estimate the power or extent of Ruakln'a Influence in bringing about a restoration of truth fulness In design. 'While It cannot ba said to have extenalvely effected Im mediate and tangible results. It did aet cone derations, '. Attell Inaists that tne I , uirMin.rt rharleroL Union- I flS.!? 151 AMERICAN GOLFERS TO mat a oaiue ior mo .. lUubenvllle. be fought at, that. weight He la right wD'TU at aA a V. m1m . rMmail hv rhfl I ' . ' according t. tha rules framed by the " Aiarquis . or , wueensoerrr ( aifo, but experience haa shown vi.lA wnlrlilnr has been tha more unsatisfactory fighta, than any mher rule aet down In the Queenaoerry Vrl Tennev haa not aimed with the O ante ret but expects tnat aatisrao- tory terms wui ha arrangeo in ma near luture. "KM" Herman,, tha Chicago llght- Waahtnsnn Tan It Tha KAliml. AmAn V,a InMrimt n hllllitlnff I men tO tblBklna and It la Only 111 FI .le'edu recefteT Ut "fhS" "ill .0 far this ae.slon ha. not enterprise, launched during the present t?0 rtha't0 tSs' WJBSSX glnla Military Institute and the Unlver- iv . r apeou, ana wir mvj weu is am oig orowu-im is sraauany asserting itaeir ana natur alty of Virginia, which was supple- pears to ba little prospect that any building on East Tenth .treet between J' bringing about a renewal I of real, abof wWstln greaW progress will b. mad. in regard Eaat MorrUon d Belmont Th. .true- olfamilVar1. h Senator Culberson began his publio t0 Important measure, during th. com- ture la to ba four stories high wiU become a veritable architectural alpha career at 25 years of age when he was Ing week than In the week. Just closed, be practically fireproof and will cost bBt !c! to most of us entire elected attorneygeneraf of Texas, sue- currency legislation and th. reorganise- between 2.0.000 and 1100.000. When y Mflclent for the expression of ou ceeding the redoubtable James Hogg. tion lV tha navv lnua tt.hiaf completed and In operaUon. this will We1- And now that we-have entered It waa while he held this office that he Voa ct tn nvy continue the chief u Urae,t Biant i, ... kind ln Port. upon an era of concrete construction, aDneared ln tha minrnme rmirt of tha tODica of discussion amona the members. I l&nii nri ana nf tha larraat in tha w. I ana that, too, with a suddenness and fiTWD PJTP Tft rNftLANT) Un'td State, and argued the celebrated but ther. appeara to b. no chance of Iclflo sutea The building will be com- determination that la thoroughly and D-blXUlslll 1U J!ilUUAill ce of Re.gan vs. the Farmers' In ,.,v. " u,n reaard to these or C bt four months, when a Wcal,y American, we cannol reason- mi I A Triiof AAmnanv tntrnlvl n tr iKa .n.i. I wuwi iv ui vi jh .nHinm..! .it .j. i,,j. i aoiy exnect dcBlKnera to throw Balds Chicago. 111.. Jan. 18 More than 100 tutlonallty of the Texas railroad com- anyother Important matter, ln the im- machinery, including mangles, centrif- " tradition and make for a new style. 7hTL.M ilZ i. ., m "talon. For his argument ln this caae mediate ieture. . , v..., I rigal washing-machines, drylng-ma- Nevertheless they are gradually coming ubs, a decided gain over last year, will he WM heartily commended by several , Rear Admiral Evanr fleet ef battle-I chines, etO.T wlU be Installed. The to recognise In concrete a material that clubs, have representatives at the annual I members r.f tha .iinm. hixh amnn I shlDa will leave Rio Janeiro Uonday fori tntai m.i ni. n t .v, A- .--a., I will afford abundant ODnortunltv i-ode. ' ' . (, ' ' '. .'lja I !o-ht iianlnrea ha has retired from the I i- .k. w... ni 1 thorn fhlof Juitlo Tnlar I the trio around the Horn. - I nnarattnn will h. timiil ?no Ann Tha I originality and Individuality. Altenr peculiar mua". ". Tlu rlna for good and all time. The "Kid" Z.V. " . JL'.LZ Z17'. In 1394 Culberson was rewarded with The president ha. deaignated .Major- Brown-Yale company oDerates laun- "In. looking about for Inaplratlon we xo i dI.a. In Minneapolis and Duluth. Mia.- "I"' luV,n 10 numoer or sources, put ceremony to I . 1. I above all. we can not resist the innnlra. Reagan. Two years later he be held at Guatemala City Monday to Mn. similar enteroriaea In other Pacific tlon of the charming Spanish missions was reelected. Hla two administrations celebrat. the compleUon ot the inter- COaat cities than Portland. . 01 .tne Paciric coast Here we find an as governor were eminently successful. Oceanic railroad, th. nr.t or u.?ainai The Columbia Milling ' company, Oni nt htm mmt nnl.hl. ai1il.v.m.nt. 1 1& Central America. 11 . vhiu. 1am An Ka U..W. mt whMe in office was hla successful fight I The birthday anniversary of General tween East Second and . East Third tnst resuitea in abolishing the prise woion ib muwimw. streets, was buut a year ao at a cost A tten'r peculiar aHtude ha. caoaea S-; T'icid" " . T?7rTZZ In "4 WlnVrMn rewarded with The 'president ha. d.algi IMrrrtnti,Ll2 "iethJ vStii.hmSn haa a flouriahlng cigar buainess In the t0 U nela 4 the Grand Paclfle hotel the governorship of Texas, winning out General George W. Davla ls P?L? Jifii niS whSf thiO HU Windy City. . tonight. Much Important buainess Is to In a warm fight against the veteran, the United States at the AhS hi! "i?ilBA-wtaV be transacted at tha meetlna. The John H. Reagan. Two year, later he be held 1 at Guatemala Cltj one of his fights. I What kind of a lop eared chance has aent 0( th.e Southern tiolf association, of Picking uo a a wreaUer got against a man who eats chosen vice-president and Ed- e had knocked him I cheese -between each beutT "Big Ed' ward A. Engler of Glen View will be mar. In .1- eVi'KJ "r -nro.. the water cava . ..Jbe transacted at the meeting. The him ln thefr recent 26-round draw. UekfhSS and TciSnv Murohv will not of officers decided upon by the TerrrM Trie Trapped, ; . come together very soon. Each time a nominating committee will go-through Another, inlqulton. practice that haa date haa been aet wmethina-1 has o- without opposition. - President Albert. R. workedto good advanug. by Terry Mc- , . . . Horace . F. Smith of Nashville, presi- (lovern in more thsn one of The trick consisted 1 ftUtm he Hn.-n .nt aiiHnr him an onDOTtunltv of I Dunkhorst uts that his eatlna a.obeese lai taking the reat allowed by the rules, sandwich during a contest ca.u.ea the! Thompson of Homewood, who ls slated nd at once nnocaui nuu 1 timer ujw w miu wuievu. u.vwu jor treasurer. Hie rule, say that when a boxer knocks I out the gaa I The meeting will award the'eham his man down he must at once retreat " . m pionahlp tournaments for 108. Most In- to his corner and remain there until his Assemblyman Thomas Geogheg an of lerest centers in the selection of a nclversary regains his feet . Brooklyn Is to Introduce a new Sunday course for the western championship, Time and again .McGovern'a of fens, baseball bill In the New Tork assembly, for which the Rock Island Arsenal Golf was overiooaea ana mer uuci o. ii 1 . 1 CiUD, tne OaKmont Country club of , Intr by ' the leniency ebown Mcwwrn, Jo- Kelly and jack Thoney, the two Pittsburg and the Kent Country club of nave piaywi mjw "v.u. V:..iM Toronto stars, wui piay in tsosion nexi. urana rtapias wl" P"t 'n applications. B 9 deliberate a .feul a. a lighter could sefton, but with different teams. Kelly A proposition will come before the commit . i - , v. via will manage the Nationals and Thoney meeting, made by the American eom- Uattlins; Nelsons i claim, fta.ed I on mi wU1 piay wltn Americans. mlttee of the Olympic games, to have aociaenia ""'"r,-"T: v VI , 'ne weaiern uoir association send the he is the same old Nelaon, Is not peinu , .t nf iy,m TTBiftn Olympic team championshio cud to league will go south this spring. The EnglaniTfor competition over the Royal latest outlaws win sian use a major 1 v " league organization, but whether they w,oh!h lr8t w.e'k n June-. The play win De aDie to piay tne siring out re- " . ""1? , upen 10 I mains to be seen. th world by the Western Golf assocla- I nun na i im Deiievea Dy American No doubt the veteran pitcher. Pink golfers that It would be appropriate to Hawley, will be retained as manager of n 11 piayea lor at the Olympic the La crosse, Wisconsin team. Wil liam Caret 11. who It is expected will be come owner of the club, ls a great ad- .mirer or tne rornaer pirate. (log Id, Texas. lenerauy ooscervea mrou.nou 0 . 175 nAft. haa tinder consideration th cnarming duuoi on Monday,, " i I plan to double the ale Of their Invest- parting from t the five governors elected last mnt. This company' has bulltrjp a "coanlse the ,WLU J"-!??: hre I'M both flour . and cereal fifjfe ? V. WB'oh 'L .iomorJw; .treets. was buUt a year ago at a fly obscerved throughout of , 78;0o, ' haa tinder consideration the south on Monday, Two of November They are J. FrankllB 1 Fort of New Jer-1 products, and In ordsr The West Vlralnla lealslature will meet in extra session to take up taxa tion mattera and other legislation of a to keep pace II B Ml p...t v.v. -' . - ' ..ira- .rimioiv h thnaa who have 10 1 lowed the career of the Hegewlsch Dene, - The teatlnif that Gans gave him undoubtedly set him back physically to ' a very great extent It waa contended, and this contention was borne out when Nelson blew up .0 quickly in his last fight with jimmy Brut. . The etudente dope It like thl.t Oana tient Nelson for 44 round.. Nelson. next contest 1. with Brttt who beat; him In 20. Brltt then meets Gans and is made to look like a sucker ln five rounas, never nsvini ntut w iuvt look If Britt can beat Nelson in SO and Gans can beat Brltt In five, where does Nelson get off? The Bat tler will have to do something better than whipping a third-rater before he can expect the publio to believe that he haa regained his old form. ' .-,' ai V Sign Tonr Name Here. ' : O, the time 1. drawing near ' When my contract will be here, Bo I'll practice now holding out my mitt Should my salary be the same, I will never sign my name; They will have to come across or X will . uit X am bound to have the stuff, ' " And to get It I WiB bluff: If the figures do not suit 111 quickly 'wire. I will also write a line Tn the boss a-azlnk of mine. And spring that musty four-flush, "111 : . retire." But when I'm asked to Join,' T'1lfftraret about the coin. And I'll journey to the south and meet tne ooys; " In the winter I feel sore, And I make a yell for more. vS7ust to liven np the tillage with some t noise. . . If the Denver convention should see fit to name Culberson for vice-president it ls the universal opinion here that he would receive the Ueeral support of the thESE;. H '.Th"r Z KSV J? '?.f" "S-. ?aS.K,:.5. ? . ?utbot: . The company 1. now engaged reared In Texas and received his educa- remedial character. On the aame day when T t his work la computed will tion in Virginia. During hi years In the general assembly of North Carolina ably take up the plan to 'double congresa he has fought with bulldog Wlll convene ln extra session to modify fh ,Se of the n" p an 10 a0UDle aeierminauon tor every measure tnat or' repeal the 2tt cent rate law passea ha - Vu. Ilnv.if wmiM Ita fn, tha ..ti.,,1 I - . . i. -s jxs! .1 : : : A?'jmsv home of Chinese . VHaHV.v.. . w .i.u u... ... .u I nna IWKUl IIV.11 LIID lU IIII. Illl,muiw architecture which, though not of con crete, strongly suggest, the same In It. almplo treatment of wall surface, and openings. The desia-ners of thess charming buildings were fearless In do- parting from traditions. They frankly limitations of available . working as they did. unacr tne greatest possioie aisaavant- with lta Increasing trade finds it neces- f u1S.cf1e)?ed b5cau"? ,tnJ todled ry to provide ror a largely increased : . ,f "r . . .7-r "- tput The company is now engaged 0.ih',al- ... , - ruriniou aa uier were wun ins xrue principles of art In which they were thoroughly grounded. thev produoed practloally a new atyle, which, however, sacrificed nothing of quiet dignity and repose, and avoided the pitfalls Of the new style of the present day. IArt Modem or Art Noveau. Such Is the politician and knows the game from tlves of the liquor Interests will meet In I PT?ni7T?T?SSTTl TTTNFT.V 8P,rU "h'ch should possess and guide aaw w v .avay-a a-tys -avo. s xyi m m a, 1 4k r every angle. He ls a strict party man Louisville Tuesday for a two days' con ana incunea to do conservative. He ference to discuss the question of a does not believe ln pyrotechnic. The model license law and other atep. cal- ryan supporters would find . no . ob- culated to weed out the disreputable aa- Work on the foundation of the Dam- he designer of concrete today." Owns On. Xlmself, Albert Moyer has- built a residence games. Members of the Multnomah club will attend Trinity church tomorrow to lis ten to the Sunday morning sermon of Rev. - A. A. Morrison, the rector. Dr. Morrison ls one of the most enthuslas- WHITMAN SAYS ICE B0UTE IS UNFEASIBLE (United Pretf Leaard Wirt.) Pasadena, CaL, Jan. 18 L. L. Whit- "THE PROOFS" ' What has!. Is jthere for the statement that there has been no real treatment tor kidney disease ? The medical term for kidney disease J 1 'NEPHRITIS, which mean. Inflam mation of the kidneys, and till recently ther was nothing that would allay kid? i ney Inflammation. . ; But there are many kidney medicines .o-ca iiea, ana many people wiut joa uev trouble get well. i , iiocausa It commonly get. - well , a( Erst. ' - Medical writer, now declare that kid ney, .disease develops so unconsciously that as a rule. It ls far advanced be fore it Is discovered . (se "Medical Urief," p, 802. They admit hat - tn the secondary stage they have no .peclflo for It, (see , same authority, aame page). - That this la true fs also' ahown- by the enormous . growth of the census deaths from kidney disorders now over ' 170 per day. - '.. -.u How then, can any of the old-time kidney medicine, he considered '"cures r After two years of quest and experl the late John J. Fulton was the : 1 it man in the world to discover a (Mnpound thatbr llrect action on the JiUinty tissue., allay, kidney Inflamma- 'Alton'.'' Renal Compound as It," is called, is controlling kidney disease, both in- the first and second stages, that were rever known before to respond to Literature mailed free. - . JOHN . iXXTON ax, ' . ' ' Oakland. CaL . T1ton's Renal Compound caa be had t il fiiat-claa drug atorea, 1 tio members of the club, and much of aumobSj.rT noerloSal'vnna?).'1 the club's tournament, have been due to a"iom?l!Li!-noL,IrloJ,"i? ?nsider: hi. effort.. Trinity church is at Nine- tomobUV raceT althoueh he at.nH. teenthand Everett atreets. IrXt nalICit ffL5e,'' a 1 1 - . . w iuiu. I nna Af tha hla Mlrl aprnoa th. TTl,l Regardless Of What has been said Of States. This mornlnar ha ntnicA to . uene ouuivan, in. jun.wur "y l Unitea tres reporter that he had not can not be denied that he Is willing to heard anything direct from the eastern ml things. Sullivan ls ambitious. This promoters regardi.g the race and knew Is easily eeen In his work with other the details of the hla- rare nnw boxer. He Is cautious, but not to such I through what he had read in magaslnes. an extent that he 1. afraid to bore ln. A.kiwt if ha thmia-hf t , Tj - -.1 j j I . " ". T ......v.ui. as a wxw no s u, 10 run up tne coast or Alaska and it waa nrohablv due to overzealnuaness th. Tiapia ... i.i 1. . that the Spokane nffair with Douglas replied that as far as he knew no pos- vwiuimv , 1 siuie course exiaiea in Aiaatta. rrntn r which the auto, might make their way WTTTT'irA"N',Rl f! APT A TV t0,n A ?ar a" th machines ficWxS nU'wa. SSy& -g: ra?Sre.nodf ?e0ther .7" g:Vn Fou'rth .crVet otweenTvt ihit h. ihi fA, ih. 1 1 1 - ... ' 7 " . I ttIa . Torablv. The bulldlna la to have a this house I. different from other v aa-w ' mmrw 'w vva-aw-H HUHV "W .VI IMS I (1111. inSB KtTI I IHII 91It LI1I VI 1ICA B, f SVIS.'B M I ' - ' ' mw . ! I. presidency. U. .-.11 ...1 111......... a .1 - ... 1 rUIl L.M M II I JUU Iflfll ,1111 JlDUriH T T MM T I luuru-,, JTlf, UODLIIU,. .IIU IUU.UW. Though there will undoubtedly Im 1,;?!,? MiMtma manufae- d 100 each on Everett and Flander.. the house in the January, number of other names mentioned for the vice-1 turera labor renresentotlves and other. I e.tlmated cost I. 180,000. Municipal engineering ana even goes presidency .between now and convention Seated in l . subject It IndMtrlaJ L The, building la to be occupied entire- into the details of o"trctIon, .howin time it is Deiievea cere mat t'uiDeraon nx.Hnn win ha held in Chlcaao tha IT oj mimn, jn me arouna noor t -""-";. will aUnd as good a chance as any if fast three day. of the week under the there will be. 14 storerooms, all to .'"yJh ii .i haViSs" 7,. 'i'P SJ. theNatlonal Society for JSLL l 'befnufn'lsd PwfS W UB UUL uu i . . r . I I .econd end third floors are to be cut up his claims. So far Senator Culberson th. dmiiim nt TnAuart-ial p-.diiratlnn. has not expressed any desire for the I nn. anA munh H. I Into small apartments. A losshousa and n. architecture or its own, ana so is honor, but liis friends declare that he choate will be the chief speakers at the oriental restaurant are provided In the jf. V2S?fJf rnTret?.r- n h. maril win tiii w rial L im ilmk siu lur hiih roan -MuiMa Tha Natv vnrir hip i UHimn or ini tnirn iionr " i the DemocraUo party. association to be held ln New Tork City It 1. expected, that this building will ot J0"8-,.. ir(,lm,n. I. that .... rrlday and Saturday. . P-oome tne center or a new norm ena .rnn ov roncre te let t look Ilk. con. The properties of the three companies Chinatown, a. a number of Second street cStl deSlS? f or concrete, rtlmlnats f all ..I,-,... tn PMum I Chlnaaa tnarehanta hava ala-nlfiaH th.i. I creie,aeaign ior concrete, eliminate oil WiU ilJ intentioofgeekingalocatlonthere:" USTSS tl a PK0SI1ECT0ES SWARM INTO LINN FOOTHILLS the renrranlzatlon of 'the companies. I. I. nu,tt .ha nrnnarilaa will ha (Specta! DUDtch to The 7onmaU I . k. C rMn..n tkilv ornn. rv .Ton 11 Tha l.ia I v'"- "r -:. . '" .. I" I -v"' w .? 1 oanv. me noiain. company oraunweu iu manw . r rn. rAAthi . i . - . . . . - making their way across the sea on ice ne naa n as feasible, TTATTliCf Tlf A KV TTAXTATJCS n!.,a.An" n" .na9..not considered the XLVAJAU , iIAXU.1 A xxvxt jaxj proposition (Special Dispatch to The Joaraal.) Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash.. Jan. J ..---Radford Elgeby. a member of th. senior claa. and one of the moat TIME IS THE TEST prominent athlete. In college, was chos- lisebtea'm ftnX: Tht Testimony of Portland Pco- ple Stands the Test. The test of time Is what tells the ann Tn football. DaseDaii. oasneiDaii anA iiahatma- Rinbv is Well known at whitman. He has been a member of tho 'varsity baseball team In freshman, aonhomore and Junior years. He has played at -various positions, but is beat nulled Whitman out of aeveral bad holes tale. The public soon finds out when in tt: jiiV-:';'Li",:- . " t misrepresentations are made, and merit . .V'r.frt-rth- whiten will stand the test of time. eleven -for- hi. four years at college; I rortiand people appreciate merit and also- in basketball. Last year he was j many month, ago local citisena publicly captain or tne varsity live, an oonor Dnan'a tridnav tiii.. .w " which was repeated thi. year. Accord- naoeaPn 8 Pill.; they do lngly he now has the rare honor of o still, would a citlien make the state holding two 'varsity captaincies at the I ment which follows nnlaaa ,v,vin "i?ih?i. a -trona .tudent a. wall. ttat the article was Juat as represented? He is president of his literary society, A cure that lasts ls the kind that every the rnrenoaosmiau, ana is meruDer or sunerer from kidney ills ls looking for ini.i.nll.vl.t AnYiBtinte team whlr-h I Is to meet Pacific nnlverslty next month Mr. A. M. Hollabaugh of 32$ Grant on the Japanese immigration question, "treet Portland, Oregon, says: "My .- Walter Brown, captatn-eleet from last faith in Doan s Kidney Pills ls stronger year, has decided not to return to col- today than when I gave a statement for lege, hence the .election of Rlgsby. publication a few years ago ln the city mil i y a. xnvj jtbotb uiai nave eiapsea POETLANDZACADEMY with graUf-reJulS halyin! r,,T .-n . w, -r -r tiit Tirn f. PPreoia.uon xor lc. l nave 111 H;iV Hb A'l' A IiIiFj Kllifl rouna w to De tnorougniy reliable ln , XXXJi.i wio twrjr way j had Buffered from kidney I aisoraer, Dacicache and severe pains In Portland academy defeated the Allen I my loins. Mr chief source' of trauMa preparatory school la a basketball game I was with my kidneys, which were very at tne acaaemy "gynt yeaieFaar oy tne I irreaun" in mcuoa. jlknui s n.ianey close .core of 19 to 18. As the score I Pills promptly , relieved me of all my iruuuiei, umimn.a ray pacxacne, cor Indicates. It was! a fast and excltin. fame, ln which the outcome was not nowrt up to the last minute. The line tip Was a. follows! Portland., Position. Allen Williams (C)..v,.F..(C.) Broughton Meyers ; . . .F, Taylir. Mcuanlels A, , , . , , , , C. , . , , . , . Bates Moore . .............. Dahis Holmes .... .'......O. ,. .. . Ackermeyer Referen . Himr Tvlnarstona. M. A. A. C.; timekeeper--Mr, Bluhm, .A, p. tC anaHurlburt P. A,,, .r- . , rected th. action of my kldneva and helped me In every way. I think Just as highly of this remedy today as when I gav. my former statement some years ago." For sale by all dealer. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New Tork, sole agents for tho United Statea Remember the nam. IRAN'S and take no other. , Eold is drawing many to the foothill, of inn on prospecting trips. - Within the past week aeveral parties have left Al bany for the country immediately sur roundlnr Foster and llDDer Soda. Ike Butler and Charles Creel have gone ln search of coal and other val uable mineral deposit, said to have been discovered near Foster. H. F. Me llwaln and James F. Powell are near Upper Soda prospecting a country that has indication, of platinum. Oate. and that country lying along the North San tlain are being prospected for copper ana goia. fine specimens or copper nave peen orou.nt into Aiotuiy irom tnose sections. The Ouartzvllle "mine, are belnr con. aldered quite favorably and with the opening ot spring great activity may he expeciea. This Day in Sport Annali. 1879 Edward Pavson Weston started from Windsor, England ln an attempt to walk 2,000 miles over country roads, resting- Sundays, in 1,000 -consecutive nours. Failed, accomplishing but 1,- vayi miies. 1886 At St. Joseph, Missouri, west ern baseball league organized. 1887 At Minneapolis. John ti. Hull!. van broke the radius of his left arm during a glove contest with Patsy warom. 1892 At Buffalo, ln wrestling match, catch as catch can, Dennis Gallagher aeieaioa jkb omitn. 189fr-At Coney Island, Tommy Ryan aeieatea uacic uempsey in three rounds, 1901 At Denver. "Youna Corbett" de feated Joe Bernstein in seven-rounds. 1906 At Kansas City, "Willie" Hoppe defeated Jacob Schaefer at billiards, 400 to 121. 1907 At Lo. Angeles. In fight for featherweight championship, Abe At tell defeated Harry Baker In elaht rounas. LINN'S DELINQUENT LIST IS VERY LOW ? a-SiaBW-a-aWJBM (Special Dispatch to Tb JorrrniL) I1ka it Ta Iff Til am tAtal Mm. AlUani va.f w. av us tv VJ, V" Unquent taxes for 1907 on real property In Linn county, exclusive of the amount due from th. Corvallls & Eastern, is $2,496.10. Inclusive of th. aheriffs as sessment, the total for collection ag gregated $234,197.66. In tha amount dellnnuent Is Included taxes on property as to which there ls a question .of assessment -or ownership and wnen tnese are atraigntenea out there will remain a very small amount unpaid. Linn 1. square with th. world and out of debt Thla 1. the first year tha oounty haa not been obliged to borrow money to tide Itself over r the time- Immediately before the eoUeetkw of taxe on tnflrfiew roll. fa Ira nvar tha franchises. Two Important conventions of the week that will attract publio Interest will be the meetings of the American National Livestock association in Den ver and the United Mlneworker. ot America In Indianapolis. THE VALUE OP CHARCOAL. Ssw People Know Bow Useful XI Za Za Preserving Health and Beauty. Cost Vothina- To Try. Noarly everdybody knows that char coal ls the safest and most efficient disinfectant and purifier tn nature, but few realise Its value when taken Into the human system for the aame cleans ing purpose. ha r coal is a remedy that the more you take or It tn. oetter; it is not a drug at all, but simply absorbs the gases and Impurities always present ln the stomach and intestines ana car ries them out of the system. Charcoal sweetens tne Dream arter . u. .. . i r . .... 1 1 .1 MJ fcU 111.7 VBBIi.l VUadlT,l A -III strong, suDstantiai, auraoie, oeautirut. ana am or concrete.' xnat wnicn iook. right to the practiced and trained ey Is riaht For country residences paa tlcularly, where there are winding roads, trees, a hillside and possibly rocks, concrete treated as concrete looks right. Convenience and . adapta bility seem to point to concrete as a material best suited to assist In de veloping, what I am pleased to call. American arcnitecture. Used in Country. IlCDTlDllCanS DO iVOt Think I deno 1 wlBh reader to eliminate iitiuuitwuw ;iu itui AXiutA. fro hl. roln(. all thought of concrete such as he sees about him ln retaining walls, bridge abutments, ana other work where concrete ha. been em ployed, but to try to picture a concrete made ox seiuctva iimiuriuia, me muiun or forms taken off as sdon as possible wu v.. race scrubbed witn a scruoDing orusn, or candidacy for the Republican nomine- if the concrete is too sun a wire orusn, tlon - for, dLtrict attorney, waa turned water belnfr spTftd 01l.7,lt.ut uZ'f. L1IUD I CUIUVllI Mil UiQ IUU1 KOkl Tf 11 IVII ia Attend Rosenthal, great clearance ale for fin. .ho. bargain.. - F.10SER HITS FIRST SNAG IN EIGHTH WARD Him Politically Quali- " aa m s -v am ilea ior umce. down by the Eighth Ward Republican central committeemen at' a meeting held by them last night The aotlon was taken after the adop tion of a platform of principles drafted by the committeemen which makes It come to the surface, and exposing the larger pieces of aggregates; In .fact throwing them slightly ln relief, giving a rough surface of accidentally distrib uted colored stones.", The structure, of the Walls is described as follow.: ' "The concrete wos carefully L.mixea smoking, drinking, or after eating on- r,.rt 0t the duties of the oraanization Ions and other odorous vegetables. i Investigate the .political standing of j by hand. As each shovelful waa turned. candidates and take action accordingly. I it was raked with an ordinary garden I Mr. Moser was aeciarea to oe unquau-1 rake. Charcoal effectually clears and im- ?iroves the complexion, it whitens , the eeth and further acts as a natural and eminently safe cathartla. It absorbs the injurious gases which collect ln the stomach and bowels: It disinfect, the mouth and throat from the poison of catarrh. All druggist, .ell Charcoal ln Otie I rnl.r. mtrnraXamm nt nnr narinn.1 , )ut ha ut at. & tlmo. and allowed form or another, but probably the best j rd and esteem for Mr.' Moser as a to set hard before the next course wa.H f" "" " ""Y"'' i private citisen, ana ior prompt ana put on top. is ln Stuart'. Charcoal Ienges; they forceful , exercise of our Re- I waita-eoloe affsci. willow charcoal, and - other Wles. Ke0 aS '-The selected - aggregates nsed com- nt(pntira ln tnbiat TOrm or rathar n I fi.:. ti.. .1 I nnri nil nf the conorete. . ineF were the foVm of large pleasant tasting loa- ioiftlon boFe he TlncuN expense with not put against the outside forms enges, the charcoal being mixed With SSy J exbSctatior T of o lndorsemVnt hand, but were "mixed all - through the lauall-1 rake. Thla was reneated until an in li fted politically for the support of the mate mixture resulted. Mixing was organisation. The text of the resolu-1 first done dry then wet, sufficient water tlons adopted against the candidacy Of beta, added to Droduce a medium wet Mr. Moser 1. as follows: - I concrete, which was thoroughly stamped - "Whereas, fiald olatform calla for fair I in tha formi In alx-lnch layers, each and square dealing- with candidates and course being carried to the height of noney. -. The dully use of these losenge. will soon tell in a much Improved condi- Hnn M 4lia. mn.Ml haalth hattaa m plexion, sweeter breatn and purer blood. ana tne oeauty or it is, tnat no possi' ble harm can result from their con- tlnued uae. but on the contrary. .Teat ndo bTBSffalo nhy.lclaa:ia meakl.lo 2!iil 21 521 SiWiiL S'.IM ?T ihbS?.!flt8- r&?9&.L,ZZl'i . B.m atlsfactory candidate. In the party who vise Stuart. Charcoal Loienges . to all J t'Aa time aek its nomTnatinn m .tomach i.,s t,ttlc - T any expectation of our Indorsement herearter; tnerexore ne it "Resolved, That the Eighth Ward Re publican central committee refuse to In dorse or recommend tq voters the can didacy of On. C. Moser for district at torney, noon t the around that hla publican, record is - unsatisfactory and natienta sufferina from a-as and bowels, and to clear th. complexion and - purify--the ; breath, mouth and throat; I also believe the liver 1. great iy nenenttea oy tne aauy use ox tnemt they cost bat twenty-five . cents a . box at drug store., and although In some anaa a nt.nt nnnantlnii Ml T ha. lieve I get more and better charcoal I Of all varieties permanetly -cured In a in Stuart's Charcoal Jjosengea than in J few days without a surgical . Operation any of the ordinary eharcoal tableta.flor detention from business. No pay eena your name ana. aaaress toaay I win oe acceptea until ins patieni is for a free trial package and we for I completely satisfied. Write or call on v yourself.. V. A.. Stuart Co, JOa Stnaxt I : XXDSUtT lOfTUU CUM, building Marihall., Mlohl.aA; y -."- - -S T14 wetland) aUdfl-- rortiand, Onu ennnrate. thua clvina an accidental dl tributlon ot white and dark particle, far more beautiful than if the arrangement of the particle, wa. deliberate. i? In describing the effect of this sur face to the eye, it 1. almost imposslbto to present tn. color effect produoed. even by mean, of a photograph. Before viewing the house some architects crit icised this method, -statlne- that It would give too rough an appearance, -others did net think it practicable from an economical standpoint; others; expected efflorescence, and all kinds of trouble, but after viewing the house their opin ions were changed,, and It Is now be-i iianl . Hit. anm of the beat archltnrtn ; and engineers In , New .Tork to ba the J COrreOt lUVlllvu Vl uraun uuuui Bi CUV nomtcaliy ana artistically. ; . .. - . t "The difference between stuoco finish and mortar face concrete and exposed selected larger aggregateH Is that the stucco finish even though scrubbed or! treated with acid would present to the! eye too fine a. grain for the large space . of wall and th,us become monotonous, (